Climate Change IGCSE Sample
Climate Change IGCSE Sample
Climate Change IGCSE Sample
Human activities are responsible for many of the climate problems we are
facing. People made road transport necessary for daily life and movement
around the city. “The most polluting activity that a human can make is to drive a
car.”5 Usually the emissions from one car do not pollute a lot, but when we are
talking of countries, with cities where a lot of people live, the gas emissions are
very high. The pollution caused by car’s exhaust leads to bigger problems than
just pollution, it isn’t healthy for any living beings, so many plant and animal
species get extinct or threatened and humans can develop serious diseases.
Climate change is due to the Greenhouse effect (See Appendix 2, image 0.4),
which is a natural phenomenon, when there are “greenhouse effect gases” 6,
the reflection of sun light (infrared radiation) is transformed into heat, so the
greenhouse gases do not allow heat to return to the space, absorbing it, and
this generates more heat on Earth, causing Global Warming. The Greenhouse
Effect is used to warm the earth, but humans have been inducing this effect
to be stronger and to generate more greenhouse effect gases, making the
earth’s temperature hotter.
Global warming has raised the average temperature of the world, because of
this; glaciers are melting, so the sea level will increase, because ice bodies are
melting and because the sea absorbs heat, so water expands. Global warming
has also been caused because of the evaporation of superficial water bodies
(also increasing temperature), the increase of the amount and frequency of
precipitation, hurricanes and storms; evaporation will also cause a decrease in
the soil’s humidity and nutrients are lost (See Appendix 2, images 0.5 and 0.6).
If the Earth is warmed up, the glaciers of mountains and the caps of the ice
of the North Pole and the Antarctic would be fused and increase the sea level
by 30 cm. Scientists predict that for the year 2050, all the glaciers will be
U.S. Environmentyal Protection Agency Office of Mobile Sources. Available in :
otaq/consumer/05-autos.pdf. (Retrieved on 3-Feb-09 )
CO2,CH4,H20,03 and CFC’s
Scientists have been responsible for the technology, including great things,
facilities and helpful developments, but they are also responsible for discoveries
that are overused, or used for bad means, for example, the Atomic bomb.
Society also overuses materials and machines that affect our surroundings,
so the entire world is responsible for pollution, but we are going to focus
on greenhouse gases emissions. We need to know more about different
perspectives to reach a balanced approach of the situation.
Global Perspective
In 1997 after the second publication of the Report, a decision was made – The
Kyoto Protocol. The last one is the biggest instrument to face Global Warming.
Kyoto Protocol’s aim is to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gasses by 5%
of the one in 1990 in a time from 2005 to 2012 by developed countries.
I think that the Kyoto’s Protocol is a good idea. It is the biggest movement to
reduce greenhouse gases’ emissions. But I see one problem. Article 17 allows
countries to make emissions trading, this means that if some countries have
emissions units to spare, they can sell them to other countries that are over
their targets, but I think that with this article the aim of the Kyoto’s Protocol,
is being forgotten. So all the countries should not get over their targets, and
countries that do not produce the Greenhouse gases allowed, should not sell
their excess capacity. If this happened the results would be better.
This protocol has 182 Parties (countries). México entered in February 2005,
IPCC - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Available at:
(Retrieved on: 1-february-09).
G8 was formed in 1973, and it comprises France, Italy, Germany Great Britain,
Canada, USA, Japan and Russia and they have 5 guest countries – Mexico,
Brasil, South Africa, China and India. The purpose of this group is to foster
consensus on global issues among the leading industrial democracies and
they have recognised that Climate change is one of the widest problems,
which needs more action from society and negotiation with the United Nations.
The leaders of these countries which are part of the G8 meet each year to find
solutions to the Global Warming Problem, through the exhorting of the use of
clean technologies as fuels. Other issues are discussed e.g. hunger, poverty,
and peace in the Middle West.
The USA’s actions to decrease Greenhouse gasses have not been the needed
ones. If this leading industrialised nation produces the most CO 2 emissions,
the US government should make wiser decisions to prevent future generations
suffering. If the US leaders are really concerned about the reduction of carbon
dioxide emissions, they will reconsider the Kyoto Protocol and accept to join it
to diminish the abuse of natural resources.
National Perspective
“Mexico is the 14th country which produces more emissions of carbon dioxide.”10
Since 1970 the carbon dioxide emissions grew 70 percent in only 29 years.
Energía y Calentamiento Global. Available at:
fro_fos_fue_200-carbon-dioxide-fossil-fuels-2000. (Retrieved on: 10-February-09)
9 Available at:
fue_200-carbon-dioxide-fossil-fuels-2000. (Retrieved on: 31-january-09)
The “Plan Verde Ciudad de México” says that “The Federal District Government’s
climate change policy is to establish an institutional framework that promotes
mitigation and the capture of greenhouse gases by implementing the regulation
of the use of natural resources and the efficient use of equipments, replacement
and endorsement of alternative fuels, use of new technologies and renewable
sources of energy, actions by the forestry sector to capture carbon and preserve
the reservoirs.”13
non-Annex I parties do not need decrease their emissions of Greenhouse gases, they need to
develop inventories of Greenhouse gasses and to publicize National Communications.
Petroleos Mexicanos is the greater company of Mexico and Latin America, and the greater fiscal
contributor of Mexico.
Planverde. Available at : (Retrieved on: 15-January-09)
From a personal perspective I can say that me and the persons in the world
are polluting and producing emissions of Greenhouse gasses. From my
perspective I use my car and the college bus to go to school. This bus is old,
and many pollutants are thrown into the air through the exhaust.
In Mexico City car traffic is a real problem, if there were no traffic I would
spend 15 minutes to go the Gym instead of 45 minutes; the problem is not
that I am not doing anything productive, it is that all the time I am in the car,
gasoline is burning and Greenhouse gasses are emitted. At home, I use the
Computer all day and I turn on the lights and when it is cold I turn on a lamp.
After starting to research the problems that cars cause I realize there will be
long-term effects that the emission of Greenhouse gasses will produce (plants
of electrical energy emit greenhouse gasses) like Global Warming, which is
going to increase the Earth’s temperature. So I stopped turning on the lamps,
and I use a blanket.
Global Warming, an effect of the air pollution, also leads to the melting of ice
caps, which leads to the rise of sea levels and this rise could reach some rivers
or lakes, so the fresh water will turn salty. The heat will evaporate water, and
the soil will be drier, and this will have big repercussions for humans.
Possible scenarios
Predictions say that because of the rise of the sea level, many beaches or cities
will be under the sea level. Some of these are Miami, New York, Baltimore,
Florida and Boston, New Orleans and Washington in USA. In Mexico states will
be affected too, like Quintana Roo, Mérida, Campeche, Tabasco, Chiapas, some
parts of Oaxaca and Veracruz.
As many people live in coastal zones, they will want to be protected from
Climate change, so there will be a migration boom. Other problems will be
lack of fresh water, so agriculture will be affected, all these possible outcomes
can also cause poverty and hunger. All this will have as a consequence of the
growth in criminality and social chaos.
Even though both countries have been trying to solve this problem, both need
to get better in some areas. In the United States, the best thing to do is to
join the Kyoto´s Protocol. This will bring benefits to US and the World future
generations. From a national perspective, México should start promoting
the Global Warming effects and possible courses of action to fight against
this problem. This will help the Mexican citizens to start using their cars less,
use more bicycles and public transport. We need to remember that fighting
against Global Warming is a challenge, we need to give more of ourselves and
government is the one who needs to start and then society will follow.
Personal Response
I conclude that it is quite urgent to change our way of living, starting from laws
and policies, then education and finally with our daily actions. Even though the
Greenhouse gasses’ emissions get controlled they are going to stay a long
time on Earth and all predictions happen, this will result in an unrecognizable
Around 2050 there will be more poverty, hunger migration and more criminality.
Most of the severe changes are predicted for the same year, but if the power
“Natural Disasters”, The History Channel.
I need to take responsibility – use public transport, and use less electricity.
If I don’t want to suffer, when I am 57, I need to change my habits for future
• Organization of the Petroleum exporting countries. Available at : http:// (Retrieved on
• Planverde. Available in:
(Retrieved on: 15-January-09)
• Available at:
(Retrieved on: 10-february-09).
• International Energy Agency. Available at:
nppdf/free/1990/autofuel99.pdf. (Retrieved on: 1-February-09).
• Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries. Available at: http:// (Retrieved on: 1-february-09).
• The green Motorist. Available at:
index.php/new-fuel-cell-from-toyota/. (Retrieved on: 25-february-09).
• La Crónica de Hoy. Available at:
php?idc=220962. (Retrieved on: 10.January.09).
• Fuels and Fuel activities. Available at:
fuels/diesel/diesel.htm. (Retrieved on: 5.february.2009).
• DEVELOPMENT: Climate Change Deepening World Water Crisis.
Available at: (Retrieved
on: 5-february-09).
• In dead water - climate change, pollution, over-harvest, and invasive
species in the world’s fishing grounds. Available at: http://maps.grida.
and-invasive-species-in-the-world-s-fishing-grounds. (Retrieved on:
• Alternative Fuels and advanced Vehicles Data Centre: Alternative and
Advanced V. Available at:
index.html. (Retrieved on:7-february.09)
• Biofuel Could Eat Brazil’s Savannas & Deforest the Amazon. Available
brazil_b_64466.html. (Retrieved on:2-february-09).
o Limón Saúl and Mejía Jesús, Educación Ambiental, Mexico City,
Edición Castillo, 2007. Pages:67,68, 72-76, 78, 80, 85, 86, 94 and 95.
o Margenau Henry and Bergamini David. The Scientist, 2nd ed., Mexico
City, Ediciones Culturales Internacionales, 1983. Pages: 144-146 and
o Enciclopedia Integral para el Estudiante Enciclopedia Temática,
Spain,Editorial Grupo Sur. Vol. 7, pages: 780-783 and 788-793.
1. You control climate change. Available at:
watch?v=UB1OUtt0DoE. Retrieved on: 24-February-09
2. A new chapter on Climate Change. Available at:
com/watch?v=hvG2XptIEJk. Retrieved on: 24-february-09
3. Climate Change. Available at:
watch?v=zzjOcOcQ90U. Retrieved on: 24-february-09
“Natural Disasters”, The History Channel. February 2009.
Image 03. The Use of Metrobus helps to the decrease of air pollution.
Image 0.10. Oil pours are very dangerous for animals and plants.