Work Methodology For Fire System Dolmen Shopping Mall, Clifton, Karachi
Work Methodology For Fire System Dolmen Shopping Mall, Clifton, Karachi
Work Methodology For Fire System Dolmen Shopping Mall, Clifton, Karachi
We have deployed 8-9 piping and 1 electric Teams since 13-07-11 for completion of fire
suppression system who will complete Mall Area by 21ST August & Basements by 31ST August
2011 as per following methodology:
We have deployed 3 Ducting Teams, 2 Insulation, 2 Cladding, 3 Piping and 2 Grilles Fixing Teams
for completing the Mall by September 15, 2011 as per following methodology:
Mezzanine AHU-1
Condensate Drain - Floor Cutting ICPL to resolve
Ducting / Insulation - - Completed
Piping Insulation - - Completed
Cladding Naeem Team 2 - 14-17 / 08 /11
Mezzanine AHU-2
Condensate Drain - - Completed
Ducting / Insulation - - Completed
Piping Insulation - - Completed
Cladding Naeem Team 2 - 18-21 / 08 /11
By Mr. Nasim /
Flushing & Water Filling Guidelines