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automations needs to improve productivity, quality, reliability,
Production Systems]
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No. 2A, Jalan Kebun Nenas, 3N/KS08, Bandar putera 2,
Phone: +6016-6011075
No. 2A, Jalan Kebun Nenas, 3N/KS08, Bandar putera 2,
41200, Klang, Selangor , Malaysia
Mechatronic Industrial
Production Systems
Modular Production Systems (MPS) the global technological industry
today is on the threshold of a new manufacturing paradigm. A IPS Stations and Training Kits available :
production line in a factory can be made up of individual production
cells. Each cell has a specific function in the process such as distributing, Distribution station (IPSDS001)
testing, processing, handling, assembly, storage etc. Depending on the Processing station (IPSPS002)
requirements, one application or a process can be selected from the Handling stations (IPSHS003)
many individual stations. By effectively combining individual stations,
Sorting station (IPSSS004)
you can assemble your production system.
Training Kits
“Share your skills, inspire a change”
Pneumatic (SKBP001)
Electro Pneumatic (SKBEP001)
Mechatronics is the synergistic combination of mechanical engineering, Programmable Logic Controller (KNPLC001)
electrical engineering, electronics, information technology and systems Industrial (SKBI001)
thinking, utilized in the design of products and automation processes. Stepper motor (SKBSM001)
The MPS provide the ideal environment for Mechatronics training. Hydraulic (SKBH001)
The Feed Magazine Module separates work pieces from the magazine. A
double acting cylinder pushes out the bottom work piece from the
gravity feed magazine. End position sensing is effected by means of
sensors. The filling level of the magazine is monitored. The magazine
might be fed with work pieces in any order.
The Rotary Indexing Table Module transfers the work piece between the
modules. It can absorb 4 pieces. In position 1 the work piece is
committed by the Slide Module belonging to the Testing Station. Position
2 is located at Drilling Module and the Drilled Hole Checking Module is
to be found on position 3. In position 4 the work piece is transferred to
the subsequent module of the following station. The rotary indexing
table is driven via a DC gear motor. The rotating plate positions are set
on the rotary module by an adequate number of sensing elements which
are detected via an inductive sensor. A hole has been drilled in the
middle of each work piece in order that the availability of the work piece
might be detected by an optical proximity sensor.
Rodless cylinder
Rodless cylinder worth about 1.5m long was used, and the handling
station is a process that connects processing to conveyor process. In
case of defective in the middle of process, the faulty units should be
discarded at extraction slider and is moved to its initial position
Main Components
Rodless cylinder
Proximity sensor
5/3-way (All block) double solenoid valve
Cylinder speed controller (flow control valve)
Slider of profile structure
Guide cover
Multi bracket for fixing
Slider full sensor for mounted
Vaccum module
The Handling station consists of the following:
Vacuum module is used to clamp work pieces. Here, the Vacuum module Rodless Cylinder
will clamp the work piece on the indexing table and to unclamp Sensors
conveyor station
Guide rails
Compact Cylinder
Vacuum Cup
Sorting Station
User can decide each slider by them.
The Sorting station sorts work pieces onto three slides. Work pieces For example, No. 1 slider stores Black plastic work piece, No. 2 slider
placed on the start of the conveyor are detected by a diffuse sensor. blue plastic, and No. 3 slider Aluminum work piece.
Sensors upstream of the stopper detect the work piece features (black,
red, metal). Sorting gates actuated by short-stroke cylinders via a
Buffer Module
deflector allow sorting of work pieces onto the appropriate slides. A
It prevents work piece from working improperly and controls operation
retro-reflective sensor monitors the level of the slides.
Main Components
Profile slider
Guide cover
Main Components
Optical sensor (Mirror reflection type)
Mirror for sensor reflection
Bracket for sensor fixture
Profile bar for sensor fixture
Multi base
The Sorting station consists of the following:
Sorting gates with short-stroke cylinder
Guide rails
Conveyor motor