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Advanced Electronic Voting Machine: Mathew Abraham

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Advanced Electronic Voting Machine

Mathew Abraham

UG Student, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, St. Joseph's College of Engineering and
Technology, Palai, Choondacherry P.O., Bharananganam, Kottayam, Kerala 686579

Akhil Babu

UG Student, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, St. Joseph's College of Engineering and
Technology, Palai, Choondacherry P.O., Bharananganam, Kottayam, Kerala 686579

Amal Johan

UG Student, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, St. Joseph's College of Engineering and
Technology, Palai, Choondacherry P.O., Bharananganam, Kottayam, Kerala 686579

Poly Ben Antony

UG Student, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, St. Joseph's College of Engineering and
Technology, Palai, Choondacherry P.O., Bharananganam, Kottayam, Kerala 686579

ABSTRACT country, a government of that democracy is

Electronic voting machine are getting popular selected by voting in an election, a way for an
day by day to conduct election in today’s electorate to elect, that is to choose, among from
modern era. Our country has lot of voters, several candidates for rule. Modern technology is
therefore the information for voting also being used more and more as a tool and a medium
becomes typically vast. To make proper use of for assisting voters to cast their votes for
corresponding candidates whom they support.
this information in election for faster and
The two types of systems which are implemented
transparent election process, more advanced
for voting in current election system are:
electronic voting machine has become a necessity.
Currently available electronic voting machine 1. Ballot box.
have some issue with their security, 2. Electronic Voting Machine (EVM).
vulnerability and power backup. This paper is
about the design and construction of an advanced Disadvantages of current voting systems:
electronic voting machine (AVEM) with greater  Overall cost is high.
security and power backup compared to the  Physical tampering could be possible.
existing electronic voting machine (EVM). The  More chances of unauthorized use or
machine is integrated with finger print and various access.
steps of hardware security layers. The process of  Burden of carrying id cards.
casting vote includes the identification of user
 More time consuming for counting.
within stored database by comparing their
corresponding biometrics. Therefore the proposed  More chances of invalid votes.
design ensures accuracy, transparency, security and
faster result processing in election comparing to In all the countries the votes were the deciding
existing voting system. factors in selecting government for managing the
nation. For that, we were introducing the new
Keywords: Voting, Electronic Voting Machine, method of voting system to increase the reliability
Arduino, Finger Print Scanner, Biometric, in election, thereby increasing the standard of
Fingerprint, Secure Voting. living. In the current system, the votes are been
counted manually so that there is more chances for
errors, such as duplicates counting. In some cases
The objective of voting is to allow the citizens of a the votes were even manipulated by the political
country to exercise their right to express their parties which lead to inaccurate vote or duplicate
choices regarding the selection of the governing vote and it will distort the results of an election in
authority which seems suitable for them. In a
favour of certain candidates representing the this system uses fingerprint for verifying the
corresponding parties. identity of the voters and provide an interface to
The Advanced Electronic Voting Machine is an vote and display confirming status of the voting.
electronic voting machine using human biometric
This research was implemented with the help of
system for voting purposes. It helps in reducing the Arduino systems. The system reads the input data
staff and polling time from other type of voting of user provided from the fingerprint module and
systems. This device can be very useful in election verifies the input data with the already stored data
processes since it is reliable, accurate and easy to and takes the next action based on the matching
use. Since the key component of the system is result. The system is totally designed using
national identity data such as in Aadhar which will Arduino, Fingerprint module, Keypad, LCD
make the system more secure because of that display and power supply.
making use of the biometrics such as fingerprint
The Arduino is controlled by program using C
which is unique for each person so that there will
which allows the interfacing with the fingerprint
be no possibility of duplicate voting.
sensor module, the Arduino controller verifies this
data with the already existing data in the memory
OBJECTIVES of module and then implements the commands
The advanced electronic voting system demands directed by the controller section.
the user to submit fingerprint at the polling booth.
The main aim of this project is to design a voting
system which asks the user to show his/her
fingerprint as an identity proof in voting process.
The system reads the data of user from the
corresponding fingerprint and verifies the data with
the data which is already stored in the database. If
the input data matches with the stored data, the
voting system should allow the user to cast his/her
vote. If the input fingerprint data does not match
with the data which is stored, the system should not
allow the user to do further voting and also alert the
security authorities so that they can come and take
the further action. This project uses the fingerprint
technology and Arduino System for applying the Fig. 1: Block diagram of proposed system
above processes into the design model.
Advantages of Fingerprint Based Voting
System:  Arduino
 Prevents invalid votes.
 Helps in easy and accurate counting of
 Time conscious, as less time required for
voting and counting.
 Convenient on the part of voter.
 Saves transportation cost due to its
compact size.
Fig 2: Arduino Mega 2560
 Reduce the number of officers required in
polling booth. Arduino is the main component used in this voting
 Low power consumption. system which governs and controls all other
 It is economical. components connected to it. It takes action based
on the command given to the Arduino. The
Arduino we used here is Arduino Mega 2560. The
PROPOSED SYSTEM Arduino Mega 2560 is a microcontroller board
The proposed system is an advanced version of the based on the ATmega2560. It has 54 digital
electronic voting machine. The project uses input/output pins, 16 analog inputs, a 16 MHz
fingerprint based voting system using Arduino. In crystal oscillator, a USB connection, a power jack,
and a reset button. It contains everything needed to Controller. Here a 16x2 display is used, each
support the microcontroller; simply connect it to a character is made of ‘5x7’ dot matrix. Displays
computer with a USB cable or power it with a AC- have built in backlight (blue or green).
to-DC adapter or battery to get started.

 Fingerprint scanner

Fig 3: Fingerprint Sensor Module

Finger Print Scanner or Fingerprint Sensor is a

module which captures finger’s print image of a
person and then process it into the equivalent
template format and saves them into its memory on Fig 6: Design model of voting machine
selected location with the help of Arduino.

 Keypad

Fig 7: Flowchart of voting system

Fig 4: Keypad

The keypad allows the voter to poll his vote by WORKING & RESULTS
selecting a party of his choice from the options Working of this Advanced Electronic Voting
provided. Here we have used the Keypad with System for Election is divided into fingerprint
8pins, each pin corresponding to a row or column enrolling, fingerprint matching, casting vote and
of the keypad. checking result. First of all, the user needs to enrol
the fingerprint of voters with the help of
 LCD Display Fingerprint module and Keypad. To do this user
need to press number corresponding to ENROLL
which is displayed in the LCD Display and then
LCD shows the location where fingerprint will be a
stored. Now Display will ask for placing finger
over the finger print scanner. Now user needs to
put his finger over fingerprint scanner. Then LCD
will ask to remove the finger from finger print
scanner and again ask for placing the finger. Now
Fig 5: LCD Display
user needs to put his finger again over finger print
The LCD display is used to display the messages module. The finger print module takes an image of
during the action which is provided by the the user’s fingerprint and converts it into templates
and stores it in a location into the memory. After REFERENCES
enrolling the fingerprint data to a location in [1] Andrew Ackerman, Professor Rafail
memory, user needs to press the corresponding key Ostrovsky, 2002. “FINGERPRINT
for terminating the enrolling process. By same RECOGNITION”.
method all the voter can be registered into the [2] Virendra Kumar Yadav, SaumyaBatham,
system. For voting the user need to select the Mradul Jain, Shivani Sharma, 2014. An
corresponding key as displayed in the LCD Approach to Electronic Voting System
Display. After that the user is asked to scan their using UIDAI, 2014 International
fingerprint in the fingerprint module. If the scanned Conference on Electronics and
fingerprint matches with the stored fingerprint of Communication Systems.
the voter, the user can cast their vote for their [3] Meng, T. Y. (2008). Electronic Voting
supporting candidates with the help of the Keypad Systems: Security Implications of the
and the Display displays the selected candidate for Administrative Workflow. University of
confirmation, then the vote is casted. If the the Aegean, Samosl Greece.
fingerprint does not match with the stored [4] Vishal Vilas Natu,2014. Smart-Voting
fingerprint of the voters or the fingerprint used for using Biometric, International Journal of
voting is already used for voting before, the voting Emerging Technology and Advanced
process is terminated and the authorities are alerted Engineering, 4(6).
with alarm. Checking result can be done with help [5] https://circuitdigest.com/microcontroller-
of corresponding pushbutton in the machine which projects/fingerprint-based-biometric-
can operated by corresponding authorities. voting-machine-arduino
[6] Ashok, Kumar D. and T. Ummal Begum,
Thereby the fingerprint voting system is 2011. A Novel design of Electronic
implemented and evaluated successfully. Voting System Using Fingerprint.
CONCLUSION [7] https://www.arduino.cc/en/Guide/Arduino
Fingerprints considered as one of the most popular
[8] https://hacktronics.co.in/finger-print-
biometric methods used for human recognition.
Every person in the globe is born with unique
fingerprint even twins born with totally different [9] www.engineergarage.com
fingerprints and fingerprint is naturally [10] www.scribd.com
unchangeable throughout life. Therefore this [11] en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/voting
fingerprint voting system has been made and the
person ID has been replaced with his fingerprint.
In this paper, the proposed Fingerprint based voting
system which is better and faster than previous
existing systems. The fingerprint voting system
prevents illegal votes, provides ease handling,
transparency, reliability and maintains integrity of
the voting process. The system also prevents
multiple votes by the same person and checks
eligibility of the voter. The main feature of
Fingerprint voting system is that it allows a person
to vote from anywhere in the country provided that
the voter is within electoral limits. Fingerprint
based voting system has provided chance to avoid
invalid votes, it reduce the polling time, easy
transportation of machine to polling centre from
the polling box, it reduce the executives required at
polling booth, it provide easy and accurate counting
without any troubles, Provisioning of voting
preventive measures. Therefore the proposed
project can be used for voting since it overcomes
all the draw backs of ordinary voting machine.

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