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Testing Transformer

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High a.c. voltages are required to be generated in the laboratory for testing and
research purposes. Major equipments that are used for generation of high a.c. voltage are

i) Testing Transformer
ii) Series Resonance Circuit.

A) Testing Transformer:

The power frequency single-phase transformer is the most common form of AC HV

testing apparatus. It is designed for operation at the same frequency as the normal
working frequency of the test object, i.e. 50 or 60 Hz. From the consideration of
thermal rating, the kVA output and the fundamental design, a single-phase testing
transformer may be compared to a single-phase power transformer as detailed

 Power Transformer vs. Testing Transformer:

i) Power transformers deal with bulk power, whereas the power rating of
testing transformers is comparatively low, e.g. power rating of testing
transformer is of the order of a few hundred kVA, while that for power
transformers is of the order of several MVA.

ii) Voltage rating of testing transformer is normally very high but the
current rating is low. On the other hand, the voltage rating of power
transformers may or may not be very high but the current rating is
generally very high.

iii) Power transformers are normally of continuous rating, although some

may have intermediate ratings such as 60 min, 30 min etc. Usually a
testing transformer has a rating of 30 min. But, if used for much shorter
period of time, say for 1 min, then currents much larger than the rated
value can be drawn.

iv) The short circuit impedance of power transformers is kept within 4-5%,
while that for testing transformers is kept within 14-20%.

v) Unlike a power transformer a testing transformer is subjected to regular

switching on and off operations, which results in transients and hence
over voltages in the windings. These over voltages develop stresses that
may result in breakdown of winding insulation. Thus testing
transformers necessitate more reinforcement of insulation compared to
power transformers.

vi) For power transformers, voltage regulation is generally positive. On the
other hand, a testing transformer is generally subjected to capacitive
load, which results in a negative voltage regulation, i.e. output voltage
becomes greater than the input voltage. As a result, it becomes very
difficult to measure the output terminal voltage with the help of a
voltmeter connected to the primary side, but calibrated in terms of the

 Voltage Regulation of a Testing Transformer:

It is important to note here that most of the loads of a testing transformer are
capacitive in nature as shown in Fig.1.

where, CSh = Equivalent shunt capacitance of the transformer.

CL = Load capacitance.

Approximate Equivalent Circuit referred to hv side is shown in Fig.2.

where, Req = Equivalent resistance

Leq = Equivalent leakage inductance
Ceq = CSh + CL = Equivalent capacitance
V1 = Input voltage referred to hv side
V2 = Output terminal voltage.

Normally in the case of testing transformers, short circuit impedance is made
very high, so that

Leq  Req  V1  V2 + j I Leq


I  jC eq V2
jC eq

V1  V2   2 Leq CeqV2

V1  V2
or, Voltage Regulation    2 Leq C eq

I Z eq C eqV2  Leq
Again, p.u. impedance (Z)  
V2 V2
  2 Leq C eq

Thus, if a testing transformer has a p.u. impedance of 0.2, then the output
terminal voltage is given as follows

V1  V2
Voltage Regulation   Z
or , V1  1  Z V2

or , V 2   1.25V1
1  0. 2

Prob. A 500V/250kV testing transformer is required to test a cable. The test voltage
level is 150kV and the short-circuit impedance of the transformer is 16%.
Calculate the voltage to be applied to the primary to conduct the test.

Slon. Given V2 = 150kV and Z = 0.16

V1 = 150 ( 1 – 0.16) = 126kV.

(primary voltage referred to secondary)
So, the actual voltage that is to be applied to the primary  126   252V .

 Potential Distribution along Transformer Winding:

In power transformer, the effect of winding capacitance is normally neglected

because of two reasons, viz. (a) the winding capacitances are low and (b) power
frequency is low. Hence, the capacitive reactances are very high. But, under
transient voltages, frequency becomes very high. As frequency increases,
capacitive reactance decreases and inductive reactance increases. Hence,
currents drawn by the capacitances become comparable to that drawn by other
In a transformer winding there are mainly two types of capacitances, viz. i)
inter-turn capacitance (CS) and ii) capacitance between hv and lv windings.
When one particular winding is considered, then the capacitances are arranged in
the manner shown in Fig.4.

From the above circuit it is obvious that the current through CS1 is more than
that through CS2,, because of the current drawn by Cg. Similarly, the current
through CS2 will be more than that through CS3 and so on. So, current through
CS1 is maximum and hence voltage drop across it is also maximum.

For high frequency equivalent circuit, series R & L are often neglected in
comparison to CS and Cg. Hence, the potential distribution is governed by a
capacitive ladder circuit as shown in Fig.5. Then following the discussion
mentioned above, it becomes clear that the potential distribution along a
transformer winding will be non-linear.

From the potential distribution shown in Fig.6, it may be seen that the part of the
winding near to hv terminal is stressed most. It had been observed that only
2.5% of the winding is sometimes made to support 80% of the total voltage

Had there been no shunt capacitor the potential distribution would have been
linear as in the case of only resistances or capacitances in series shown in Fig.7.

Let, Cg = Equivalent shunt capacitance.

CS = Equivalent series capacitance.

Potential distribution depends upon , where  is defined as (Cg/CS). As 

decreases, potential distribution approaches linear distribution. In other words,

the higher the value of , the more non-uniform is the potential distribution as
shown in Fig.8

Fig. 9 Single–Unit Testing Transformer.

1. Iron Core 5. Grounded Tank or Base

2. Primary LV or exciting winding 6. HV Bushing
3. Secondary HV winding 7. HV Electrodes with Corona Shield
4. Field Grading Shield

Linearisation of Potential Distribution:

The following techniques are commonly adopted to linearise the potential


A) Use of Trapezoidal Windings:

Trapezoidal winding is a special form of helical winding. The inter-layer

capacitances (series capacitances) between different layers of winding are formed
by the layers acting as electrodes and the insulation between them as the

r o A
Now, it is well known that C 

Relative permittivity of winding insulation and the distance between two

successive layers (d) are same for all the different layers. But, the overlapping
area (A) for the outer layers is more than the inner layers. Hence, capacitances are
higher for the outer layers than the inner layers.
In order to keep the interlayer capacitance constant, the condition that is needed to
be satisfied is given by

 .2r1l1  .2r2 l 2  .2rn l n

 ......................... 
d d d
where, rn = radius of the nth layer
and ln = axial length of the nth layer.
So, the necessary condition is r1l1 = r2l2 = …………….. = rnln

If the above condition is satisfied as shown in Fig.10, then inter layer or series
capacitance becomes constant and the potential distribution becomes less non-

B) Use of Static Shield:

It has already been discussed that the non-linearity of potential distribution

decreases as  decreases. Now, increase of CS will lower  and will result in
better potential distribution.

For this purpose, a static shield made of copper sheet is placed at the top of the
windings and electrically connected to the HV terminal as shown in Fig.11. In this
way capacitances will be formed between the shield and the different turns. The
capacitive network then looks like what is shown in the figure. Since, the
capacitances CSa, CSb, CSc etc. come in parallel to series capacitances, the
effective series capacitances of the turns located near the hv terminal are
increased. This results in improved potential distribution along the transformer

C) Use of Inter-leaved Winding:

Consider, ten sections of a transformer winding connected in continuous manner

as shown in Fig.12.

In this continuous connection, since all the nine series capacitances are connected
in series, hence the equivalent series capacitance

C eq1 

The connection of the same winding in interleaved manner is shown in Fig.13.

From the connection diagram shown in Fig.13, it may be seen that the capacitors
can be divided into two groups. Capacitors in Group – I have a potential
difference of 5V across each of them and the capacitors in Group – II have a
potential difference of 4V across each of them. In Group – I, there are 5
capacitors and in Group – II, there are 4 capacitors. The potential difference
between turns 1 and 10 is 9V. So, the total energy stored in all the capacitors

1 1
C 5V   5  C 4V   4
2 2

2 2

  189  CV 2

Let, the equivalent capacitance be Ceq2.


1 1
C eq 2 9V    189  CV 2

2 2

or C eq 2  C

Comparison of Ceq2 with Ceq1 gives

C eq 2 C
 3  21
C eq1 C

or, C eq 2  21 C eq1

Thus the series capacitance increases by 21 items when interleaved winding is

used as compared to continuous disc winding. This enhancement of equivalent
series capacitance lowers the magnitude of  and linearises the potential
distribution along the winding.

In practice interleaving of discs is not carried out over the entire length of the
winding, as it is very expensive. Normally interleaving is done only at the line
ends where the stresses are very high and need to be controlled.


Bushings are used for making connection of the transformer winding with the
external objects. The transformer tank is normally earthed. So when the connection from
the transformer winding is taken out of the tank, then flashover may occur between the
windings and the tank. Bushings are used to insulate the tank from the live conductor to
prevent only flashover.

Sometimes instead of bushings, insulated tanks are used, where the tanks are
insulated from the ground at appropriate voltage level. But this design is not common in

Cascade Connection of Testing Transformers:

Cascade connection of testing transformers is advantageous for voltages higher

than 500kV, as the weight of a whole testing set can be subdivided into separate units and
therefore transport and erection becomes easier. A prerequisite of cascade connection is a
tertiary winding within each testing transformer unit as shown.

In the Fig.14 shown, three identical testing transformers are connected in cascade.
All three units have the same voltage ratio, i.e. V1:V2. The units in stage – I and II are
provided with a tertiary winding of required kVA rating.

Primary Voltage of Testing Transformer

The primary voltage of a testing transformer is generally rated at 300V to 500V

(continuously variable). As per specifications, the output voltage of a testing transformer
must have a peak factor of 2  5%, i.e. the output should contain as low harmonics as
possible. To assure this the input voltage should also be free from harmonics. For this
purpose often wave generators are employed to feed the primary of stage – I with
sinusoidal input voltage. Such generators have their pitch factor and distribution factor
suitably designed to eliminate harmonics. However, in modern times the feeding
technique is to use buck-boost transformers as voltage regulators.

Operation of Cascaded Units:

The output of the stage – I unit is V2 kV wrt earth at the secondary while the
tertiary winding develops a voltage of V1 volts to feed the primary of stage – II. As
shown in the figure, the lowermost terminals of primary and secondary of stage – I unit
are earthed. It is necessary because otherwise a capacitance will be formed between the
secondary that is at a potential of V2 kV wrt earth and the grounded tank. As a result a
potential difference of 5–10 kV may develop between the terminal A and earth as shown
in Fig.15. Thus the terminal A becomes floating which in turn will make the output
voltage floating wrt earth.

Now the primary winding of stage – II that is fed from the tertiary of stage – I will
develop a potential difference of V2 kV between the secondary terminals of stage – II
unit. To avoid any stray capacitance between the secondary and tank of stage – II unit,
the lowermost terminal of stage – II secondary is connected to its tank. Thus the tank of
stage – II is at V2 kV wrt earth and needs be insulated for V2 kV by designing suitable
insulating support. Hence, the output of stage – II secondary is at 2V2 kV wrt earth.

The tertiary of stage – II develops a potential difference of V1 volts and feeds the
primary of stage – III. This produces a potential difference of V2 kV between the
secondary terminals of stage – III unit. Since the lowermost secondary terminal of stage –
III is connected to its tank, the tank of stage – III is at 2V2 kV wrt earth and is placed over
a support designed to withstand 2V2 kV. The output of stage – III secondary is thus at
3V2 kV wrt earth.

It is to be noted here that V2 for practical testing transformer units is in the range
of 250kV to 300kV. It should also be mentioned here that in cascade connection of
testing transformers, the secondary windings of all the units are connected in series.

KVA Grading of Cascaded Testing Transformer Units:

A major disadvantage of cascading of testing transformers is the heavy loading of

primary windings for the lower stages.

Let, the output current of the cascaded transformer units be I amperes at a voltage
of 3V2 kV.

So, kVA supplied to the load = 3V2 I

This current I flows through the secondary of the stage – III unit, the potential
difference across which is V2 kV.

So, kVA rating of the secondary of stage – III = P = V2 I

It receives this power from its primary winding.

So, the kVA rating of the primary of stage – III = P.

The tertiary of stage – II supplies this power to the primary of stage – III.

So, the kVA rating of the tertiary of stage – II = P.

Now, the secondary of stage – II carries the output load current I and the potential
difference between the secondary terminals of stage–II is V2 kV.

So, the kVA rating of secondary of stage – II = V2 I = P.

The primary of stage – II supplies the power to its secondary as well as its tertiary.

So, the kVA rating of primary of stage – II = P + P = 2P.

Following the same logic as discussed for stage – II,

The kVA rating of tertiary of stage – I = 2P

& the kVA rating of secondary of stage – I = V2 I = P

So, the kVA rating of primary of stage – I = P + 2P = 3P.

So, total installed capacity for the three units

= 3P + 2P + P = 6P kVA

whereas the output to load is 3P kVA.

Hence, utilisatio n of installed capacity   100  50%.

3 Cascaded Testing Transformer Units
Output = 3P kVA, 3V2 kV

Stage Insulation level Primary winding Tertiary winding Secondary winding

No. of tank wrt earth rating rating rating

I 0 V1, V1, V2 kV
3P kVA 2P kVA P kVA

II V2 kV V1, V1, V2 kV
2P kVA P kVA P kVA

III 2V2 kV V1, -- V2 kV


Increase in the number of stages is not advisable because of the following reasons:

i) Inept utilization of installed capacity.

ii) Overloading of the lower stage transformers.
iii) Relatively high internal impedances of the whole cascaded circuit that causes
poor voltage regulation.


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