RicochetWebRules PDF
RicochetWebRules PDF
RicochetWebRules PDF
terms of “chips,” not money. You can assign any value you
like to the basic betting unit of the game, even zero. We’ll
leave that up to you!
Basic Rules
The lowest card will act first, with ties being broken by suit.
Welcome! (Suits are ranked in alphabetical order, with Clubs lowest,
then Diamonds, Hearts, and Spades.)
Introducing Ricochet Poker, a streamlined card game that is
basically poker without the bluffing. In Ricochet Poker, the focus After every turn, the action moves to the lowest hand.
is on calculating odds and pressing your luck.
On Your Turn: You may either fold or buy cards.
Ricochet Poker has both a standard game and a casino version.
In the standard game, each player has the same odds. In the Folding: If you fold, you’re out. Throw away your cards and
casino version, there is a dealer who plays by different rules. The wait for the next hand.
dealer pays jackpots and enjoys a slight mathematical edge.
Buying Cards: To buy cards, first declare how many cards
Summary of Play you are asking for, and then put that many chips into the
pot. Note that you won’t always get all the cards you paid
All players ante, and receive a portion of their poker hand. for, and your hand can never be more than five cards.
Going in order by the lowest hand, players may either buy
more cards, or fold. At the end, the player with the best The dealer will give you cards faceup, stopping when your
hand wins. Each hand takes about 5 minutes. hand is no longer the lowest hand. Even if you paid for more
cards than you got, you don’t get any chips back.
The name “Ricochet” comes from the speed of the game,
as well as the way the action bounces to the lowest hand, If you get all the cards you paid for, and your hand is still
rather than always moving to the left. This makes all table beaten, then you’re out.
positions equally fair, so you can never be in a “bad spot” in
relation to another player. Breaking Ties: When deciding whose hand is best, a hand
with a kicker beats the same hand without a kicker (so for
Setting Up example an Ace-8 is higher than Ace alone), and suit is
used to break ties between identical hands until the end, at
Ricochet Poker is a table game similar to any other variety which point identical winning hands split the pot.
of poker. Everyone starts with their own chips, and players
try to win pots by getting the best poker hands. Ricochet The action always passes to the lowest hand, until there is
just happens to be played entirely faceup. only one player left (or more than one if there is a tie for
best hand). Note that the action might return to the same
Players: 2 to 8 player several times, as shown in the example on page 2.
Equipment: A poker deck and chips for betting
Variations: You can play with or without Jokers, or you
Just like poker, you can play one game or a hundred. If can play with hand limits of six or seven cards.
you’re not playing for money (or even if you are), the goal is
to finish with more than you started with! In a seven-card game, it is best to start with a hand of two, to
reduce the length of play and the size of the pots.
The Role of Dealer: In the basic game, it doesn’t matter if
one player deals all the time, or if the role of dealer passes If you play with Jokers, use them as bugs, which can only be
around the table. The order of play is random, so it doesn’t Aces, or to complete a straight or flush. If you use the Joker
matter where anyone sits. as a pure wild card, it becomes way too strong.
An Example of Play Casino Rules
There are four players. Their starting hands are K[, J], Ricochet Poker can be played as a traditional casino game,
8{, and 7}. The starting pot contains 4 ante chips. with the dealer acting as the “house” and banking all bets.
There is still a shared pot, contested by everyone including the
Player 1 2 3 4 Pot dealer, but the dealer plays by different rules, and players can
Hand K[ J] 8{ 7} 4 win bonus payouts with high hands.
The casino version is played without Jokers.
Player 4 is lowest with the 7}, and he buys three cards. He
pays three chips into the pot, and receives a 2{ and a 9], The Deal: Everyone, including the dealer, antes one chip.
at which point the dealer stops, because Player 4’s hand is Players get two cards faceup, and the dealer gets five.
no longer the lowest. The action moves to Player 3.
Dealer Kickout: If the dealer’s hand is too high, she folds.
Player 1 2 3 4 Pot This is strictly a benefit for the players; the dealer’s ante
Hand K[ J] 8{ 9]7}2{ 7 stays in the pot. The dealer’s minimum “kickout” hand
varies depending on the number of players, as follows:
Player 3 is now lowest with the 8{. She folds. This puts
the action back on Player 4, who must now beat a J]. He 1 Player: KKQ A pair of Kings with a Queen
buys two cards (the maximum, because he already has 2 Players: AAQ A pair of Aces with a Queen
three). The first card is a 2[, which gives him a pair. 3 Players: TTxx Two pair, tens up
4 Players: AAxx Two pair, Aces up
Player 1 2 4 Pot 5 Players: 222 Any three of a kind
Hand K[ J] 2{2[9]7} 9 6 Players: QQQ Three Queens
7 Players: A2345 Any straight
The action moves to Player 2, whose J] is now the low
hand. He may buy up to four cards, or fold. He buys two The Play: Action begins on the lowest player hand.
cards, receiving the 9{ and Q[. This is not enough to beat Players do not buy individual cards. Instead, they
the next-lowest hand, the K[, so Player 2 is out. have just one chance to act, and they may either fold or
spend one chip to receive exactly three more cards.
Player 1 is up next, and buys four cards trying to beat the
pair of 2s. She gets three cards, drawing 5{-8[-8}. When a five-card hand is losing to another five-card hand,
the lower hand is out. Play continues until just one hand
Player 1 4 Pot remains, and that hand takes the pot.
Hand 8}8[K[5{ 2{2[9]7} 15
Bonus Hands: If a player’s five-card hand is high enough,
It is Player 4’s turn once again, and he can now buy one the dealer pays a bonus to that player, whether or not they
more card, trying to catch either a 2, 9, or 7. But even if he win the pot. These bonuses are as follows:
does, the hand is not quite over....
Straight: 2 chips
More Games for This Deck Flush: 5
Full House: 10
James Ernest can’t stop designing card games! He Four of a Kind: 25
posts many of these fine games for free at Cheapass Straight Flush: 100
Games, cheapass.com. Look for the Poker Suite, a Royal Flush: 1000
collection of mostly non-poker games that you can play
with a standard poker deck, here: Note: If all other hands have folded, a player who wins with
cheapass.com/free-games/poker-suite/ two cards automatically receives the rest of her cards, to see if
she qualifies for a Bonus Hand payout.
Ricochet Poker was designed by James Ernest, with help from The dealer has a slight edge over the players, but takes a
Paul Peterson, Joshua Howard and Joe Kisenwether. This deck significant risk because of the high hand bonuses. If you
illustrated by Cheyenne Wright. Rules edited by Carol Monahan, play at home, you can keep the game fair and low-risk by
Cathy Saxton, Cassidy Werner, and Mike Selinker.
capping the bonuses at 10 chips and rotating the role of dealer.
Casino rules for use under U.S. Patent 10,029,170. To learn
more about the game, including side bets and options for the casino We certainly hope you will find Ricochet Poker in a real
game, visit jamesernest.com/ricochet
casino someday. Let us know if you see it!