Ecology & Environment: Self Assessment Test - 1
Ecology & Environment: Self Assessment Test - 1
Ecology & Environment: Self Assessment Test - 1
habitat, such as from a lava flow or a severe
Exp: Prairies are mostly devoid of trees and landslide, or by some form of disturbance
shrubs; High altitude mountain vegetation
consists of treeless alpine vegetation.
OR of a community. The state of equilibrium,
called the climax community, is thought to
result when the web of biotic interactions
becomes so intricate that no other species
Exp: Amensalism: One is inhibited or destroyed can be admitted. The newer species are
and other is unaffected. Example - A large superseded, in turn, by still newer species.
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where the aphids trade sugar-rich • Energy flow web - quantified fluxes of
honeydew (a byproduct of their mode of energy between nodes along links between
feeding on plant sap) in return for defense a resource and a consumer.
against predators such as ladybugs.
Zoochory is an example where animals • Paleoecological web - a web that
disperse the seeds of plants. This is similar reconstructs ecosystems from the fossil
to pollination in that the plant produces record.
food resources (for example, fleshy fruit, • Functional web - emphasizes the functional
overabundance of seeds) for animals that significance of certain connections having
disperse the seeds (service). The bacteria strong interaction strength and greater
and the human. A certain kind of bacteria bearing on community organization, more
lives in the intestines of humans and many so than energy flow pathways.
other animals. The human cannot digest all
of the food that it eats. The bacteria eat the 9. (a)
food that the human cannot digest and
partially digest it, allowing the human to Exp: A large gene pool indicates extensive
finish the job. The bacteria benefit by getting genetic diversity, which is associated with
robust populations that can survive bouts
food, and the human benefits by being able
to digest the food it eats of intense selection. Genetic drift that may
cause an increase in the fitness of
7. (c) organisms, are more likely to fix in the
population from extinction if it is rather
Exp: It is also called double channel model, given
small. Genetic drift is a random,
by H. T. Odum. In nature, both grazing and
directionless process; it acts to eliminates
detritus food chains operate in the same
genetic variation over time.
ecosystem. However, sometimes grazing
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and are distributed throughout both soils 14. (b)
and water. Plants take up the phosphate
ions from the soil. The phosphates then Exp: The edge effects are changes in population
moves from plants to animals when or community structures that occur at the
herbivores eat plants and carnivores eat boundary of two habitats.Areas with small
plants or herbivores. The phosphates habitat fragments exhibit especially
absorbed by animal tissue through pronounced edge effects that may extend
consumption eventually returns to the soil throughout the range. As the edge effects
through the excretion of urine and feces, increase, the boundary habitat allows for
as well as from the final decomposition of greater biodiversity. It is not related to the
plants and animals after death. territorial size.
biogeochemical cycles. by plants during photosynthesis. It is
11. (c) expressed in terms of weight (g -2 ) or
12. (b)
16. (c)
Exp: The element involved in the sedimentary
Exp: The energy always flow from lower to
cycle normally does not follow through
higher trophic levels.
atmosphere but follows a basic pattern flow
through erosion, sedimentation, mountain In an ecosystem there is always a very low
building, volcanic activity and biological chance of having more than six trophic
transport through the excreta of marine levels as hardly any energy is left to support
birds. Phosphorus,Sulphur, calcium and the number of organism.
magnesium circulate by means of the
sedimentary cycle. 17. (c)
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communities namely the plant community 23. (b)
(the plant population of the forest), the
animal community (the animal population Exp: Emigration and Mortality will decrease the
of the forest) and the microbial community population. Rest will increase.
(bacteria and fungi population). 24. (a)
18. (b) Exp: Supporting Services: nutrient recycling.
Exp: In this type of food chain either the Regulating Services: carbon sequestration.
producer or the consumer is parasitized and
therefore the food passes to the smaller
organism. The energy transfer through this
kind of food chain is not significant.
Example: Trees Fruit eating birds Lice
and bugs Bacteria and fungi.
Zebra - Nematode - Filamentous bacteri.
Radiant energy of the sun Green Plants
Sheep Liver fluke.
19. (d)
20. (b)
Exp: In biomagnification, there is an increase in
concentration of a pollutant from one link
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Biomes are refers to the large regional and Threshold effect is the harmful effect on
sub continental ecosystem characterized by organism even due to small change which
the similarity in vegetation and climate. exceeds the limit of tolerance.
Energy cycles through the abiotic and biotic Organism with wide range of tolerance is
organisms to maintain balance within the called Eurytopic while the one with narrow
ecosystem. The abiotic parts of an ecosystem range of tolerance are called Stenotopic.
include the non-living components, such as
air, water and the basic compounds of the 31. (d)
environment. Climatic and edaphic factors Exp: An increase in Phosphorous due to waste
are several abiotic components of an disposal rerouting affect the trophic food
ecosystem. web of a lake as:
27. (b) • Cause an algal bloom,
Exp: Characteristics of human modified • Cause increase in biomass and possible
ecosystems (1) Highly simplified. (2) Species shading. That could either cause decrease
diversity is very low. (3) Food chains are in phyto or possible increase due to added
simple and small. (4) Depend on human nutrient
(anthropogenic) support for survival; need
for fossil fuel energy, fertilizers, irrigation
etc. (5) Attract large number of weeds. (6)
More susceptible to epidemic diseases. (7)
• If assume shading does not affect biomass,
the increase in turbidity and loss of water
clarity makes is hard for visual hunting
Suffer from soil erosion. (8) Highly unstable. predatory piscivorous fish to catch food, so
they would decrease.
28. (c)
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chemicals foreign to the organism. For fish The humus is further degraded by some
and other aquatic animals, microbes and release of inorganic nutrients
bioconcentration after uptake through the occurs by the process known as
gills (or sometimes the skin) is usually the mineralization.
most important bioaccumulation process.
Humification and mineralization occur
33. (a) during decomposition in the soil.
Exp: Difference between food chain and food Bio-magnification is the process by which
web: substance become more concentrated in the
• A food web indicates all possible transfer bodies of consumers as one moves up the
of energy and nutrients among the food chain . when chemicals or pesticide
organisms in an ecosystem whereas a food are let into rivers or lakes they are
chain traces only one pathway of the food. consumed by aquatic organism like fish,
which in turn are consumed by large birds,
• Food web increases the stability of the animals and humans.
ecosystem where as separate food chain
increases the instability of the ecosystem. 36. (c)
• Food chain does not have any effect on Exp: Allogenic succession is succession driven by
improving the adaptability and the Abiotic (Non living) components of an
competitiveness of the organism but food ecosystem. In contrast, autogenic succession
web has an effect on improving the is driven by the biotic components of the
adaptability and competitiveness of the ecosystem. An allogenic succession can be
organism. brought about in a number of ways which
can include v, Meteor or comet strike,
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39. (a) oceans were about 122 m (400 ft) lower than
40. (c)
Ocean waters and waters trapped in the
Exp: Water undergoes a cycle from the ocean to pore spaces of sediments make up most of
land and land to ocean. The hydrological the present-day hydrosphere. The total mass
cycle describes the movement of water on, of water in the oceans equals about 50
in, and above the earth. The distribution of percent of the mass of sedimentary rocks
water on earth is quite uneven. Many now in existence and about 5 percent of
locations have plenty of water while others the mass of Earth's crust as a whole. Deep
have very limited quantity. The and shallow groundwaters constitute a
hydrological cycle is the circulation of water small percentage of the total water locked
within the earth's hydrosphere in different in the pores of sedimentary rocks-on the
forms i.e. the liquid, solid and the gaseous order of 3 to 15 percent.
phases. During colder climatic periods more
ice caps and glaciers form, and enough of Human activity such as the burning of fossil
the global water supply accumulates as ice fuels has an effect on the overall increase
to lessen the amounts in other parts of the of the Earth's temperature. Raising the
water cycle. The reverse is true during Earth's temperature may mean that there
warm periods. During the last ice age
glaciers covered almost one-third of Earth's
land mass, with the result being that the
is an increase of evaporation, melting of ice
or other processes of the water cycle that
adversely affect the climate on Earth.
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