Contactless Debit Card PDF
Contactless Debit Card PDF
Contactless Debit Card PDF
Contactless Card is a fast and convenient way to pay for every day purchases. It is a secure,
contactless chip technology designed to help you spend less time at the cash register and give
you the freedom to do the things that matter most to you.
Please note that in India, payment through contactless mode is allowed for a maximum of
Rs.2000/- for a single transaction where you are not asked to input your Debit Card PIN.
Contactless payment functionality is specially designed for you for speed, convenience and
Ideal for places like fast-food joints, petrol stations, movie theatre & for low ticket size
transactions as it requires no dipping, swiping, entering PIN or fumbling for cash. You’re ready
to go in just a few seconds.
More Security as during a contactless transaction the card is always with you which greatly
reduces the risk of card loss and fraud through counterfeit/skimming.
A contactless card has its own, unique, built-in, secret key, which is used to generate a unique
code for every contactless transaction, thus making it more secure.
No need of cash/coins for small ticket everyday purchases.
Easy tracking of expenses.
Is there a limit for a contactless transaction amount? Can I set my own Limit?
Payment through the contactless mode is allowed for a limit of maximum Rs.2000/- for a single
transaction in India. For any transaction amount more than Rs.2000/- you will be asked to provide
your Debit Card PIN. This limit is common for all customers and setting up of individual limit is not
Can I use my contactless Card at other merchants who are not enabled for contactless payment
acceptance as well?
Yes, for the merchants not enabled for contactless payment acceptance, you can use this card
for a normal dip or swipe transaction.
Is there any difference in the process for ATM and Internet transactions for this contactless Card?
There is no difference in transaction process for ATM or any Card not Present Transactions including
Internet transactions. For ATM transactions you need to enter the PIN and for Internet transaction
you need to enter your 3D secure PIN or OTP.
Can I use my contactless debit card if the purchase amount is more than Rs.2000?
Yes, based on the amount of transaction you will be asked to input your Debit Card PIN. If your
transaction size is more than Rs.2000, you will be asked to Input your Debit Card PIN and if the
amount size is less than Rs.2000, you need not input you Debit Card PIN.
Incase of card is lost, hotlist the card immediately either through Netbanking, Mobile Banking,
Phone Banking or any branch. HDFC Bank Debit Card comes with the benefit of Zero Liability cover
to secure any fraud transaction. If you observe any fraudulent transactions on your debit card
report to HDFC Bank immediately.