Formulation and Evaluation of Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride and Ibuprofen Soft Gelatin Capsules
Formulation and Evaluation of Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride and Ibuprofen Soft Gelatin Capsules
Formulation and Evaluation of Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride and Ibuprofen Soft Gelatin Capsules
ISSN: 2231-3354
Received: 11-05-2011 Formulation and evaluation of Diphenhydramine
Revised on: 13-05-2011
Accepted: 16-05-2011 hydrochloride and Ibuprofen soft gelatin capsules
The present invention provides a new composition for treating pain-associated sleep
disturbances, especially shortened sleep duration, comprising ibuprofen and diphenhydramine
Shyamala Bhaskaran hydrochloride. In the present work the soft gelatin capsules were formulated comprising 25 mg
Department of Pharmaceutics diphenhydramine hydrochloride and 200 mg ibuprofen using polyethylene glycol 400, propylene
Agnihotri College of Pharmacy glycol, potassium hydroxide and purified water. The prepared soft gelatin capsules were evaluated
Wardha, India. for weight variation test, assay, dissolution and disintegration. The capsules had a fill weight of
550 ± 5%, Disintegration time of 5-6 minutes and showed 97.00% to 99.50% of labeled amount of
ibuprofen and diphenhydramine hydrochloride indicating uniformity in drug contents. The
Pradeep. GC capsules containing 75 mg/capsule of propylene glycol released 99.40% of diphenhydramine
Departmant of Pharmacuetics, hydrochloride and 99.70% of ibuprofen at the end of 60 minutes. Thus, it may be concluded that
Al- Ameen College of Pharmacy, soft gelatin capsules of diphenhydramine hydrochloride and ibuprofen could be successfully
Bangalore prepared with existing technology and machinery which have a commercial viability and enhance
patient compliance with improved bioavailability.
Lakshmi PK
Key words: Capsule, soft gelatin, diphenhydramine hydrochloride, ibuprofen
Department of Pharmaceutics
G. Pulla Reddy College of Pharmacy,
Hyderabad, India.
Soft gelatin capsules are the formulations which are formed, filled and sealed in one
continuous operation. Softgels offer several advantages like versatile size, shape and elegance,
tamper proof, content uniformity etc. Several advantages of soft gelatin capsules derive from the
fact that these contain the active ingredient in solution, suspension or emulsion. This will
inherently lead to better absorption of the active ingredient as compared with delivery of a tablet or
a powder and patients find it easier to swallow capsules than tablets (Leon Lachman 1991). This
preference has promoted pharmaceutical manufactures to market the product in capsule form
(Gilbert S Banker etal 1995). The present invention provides a new composition for treating pain-
associated sleep disturbances, especially shortened sleep duration, comprising ibuprofen and
diphenhydramine hydrochloride (Cook GD etal 2002). Soft gelatin capsules shell was prepared
using gelatin and glycerin as plasticizer. Capsules fill solution was prepared by using
antihistaminic drug diphenhydramine hydrochloride and analgesic drug ibuprofen and was
dissolved in hydrophilic solvent PEG 400. The capsules were evaluated for their ability to release
drugs with in 60 minutes.
*For Correspondence:
Dr. Shyamala Bhaskaran, MATERIALS AND METHODS
Department of Pharmaceutics,
Agnihotri College of Pharmacy, Ibuprofen USP, Diphenhydramine hydrochloride USP, polyethylene glycol (PEG) 400,
Wardha, Maharashtra propylene glycol, potassium hydroxide were obtained as gift sample from Strides Arcolab Ltd,
E-mail: Bangalore. All the chemicals and reagents used in the study were of analytical grade.
Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 01 (05); 2011: 188-190
Preparation of Fill Solution using HPLC (Agilent Technologies) at 220 nm (Mobile phase: 600
Drug fill solution was prepared by accurately weighing ml pH 7.2 phosphate buffer and 400 ml Acetonitrile, Column:
required quantities of ibuprofen and diphenhydramine Inertsil pH-3, Flow rate: 1 ml/minute, Injection volume: 5 µL,
hydrochloride along with various excipients as shown in Table 1. Column oven temperature: 250C and Runtime: 14 minutes) ( USP
PEG 400 was collected into a stainless steel vessel. Potassium 2007).
hydroxide was dissolved in purified water and transferred into PEG
400 portion. Ibuprofen was dissolved into PEG 400 and potassium Disintegration Test
hydroxide mix under continues stirring till clear solution was Disintegration test was performed by placing six capsules
obtained. Diphenhydramine hydrochloride in small quantities was into the basket-rack assembly of the apparatus and discs were
added under continuous stirring to above mixture and continued placed in each tube. The temperature of water inside the beaker
the stirring until the solution becomes clear (Gabriele R 2003). was maintained at 37±5°C. Time in minutes was recorded at
which last capsule of 6 capsules; disintegrate completely except
Table 1: Composition of Soft Gelatin Capsules (Quantities/capsules in mg) fragments from the capsule shell.
Ingredients (mg) Formulations Code
Fn-1 Fn-2 Fn-3 Fn-4
Dissolution Study
Ibuprofen USP 200 200 200 200
Diphenhydramine hydrochloride 25 25 25 25 Drug release study was carried out using USP dissolution
PEG 400 290 275 225 200 rate test apparatus-I (Electrolab). The study was carried out at
Potassium hydroxide pellets 20 25 25 25 37±5°C and 100 rpm for 60 minutes in 900 ml of pH 7.2 phosphate
Propylene Glycol - - 50 75
buffer after placing one capsule in each basket. After specified
Purified water 15 25 25 25
time interval, 10 ml of sample was withdrawn from midway
Preparation of Gelatin Shell between surfaces of the media and top of the rotating paddle. The
Gelatin shell was prepared using glycerin (25%), gelatin sample was filtered through 0.45 µm filter and the drug contents
(35%) and purified water (40%). Glycerin along with purified were estimated using HPLC (Agilent Technologies) at 220 nm
water was mixed in shell preparation vessel by vacuum and the (Mobile phase: 600 ml of pH 7.2 phosphate buffer and 400 ml
mixture was then heated to a temperature of 80°C. Once Acetonitrile, Column: Inertsil pH-3, Flow rate: 1ml/minute,
temperature was achieved, gelatin loaded into the shell preparation Injection volume: 5 µL, Column oven temperature: 250C and
vessel by vacuum and completely mixed to get a uniform mixture. Runtime: 14 minutes).
Vacuum was applied to remove air bubbles from the gelatin paste.
Gelatin paste was then unloaded into preheated gelatin tanks RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
maintained at 57°C to 60°C during the encapsulation process
(Gabriele R, 2003). Table 2 shows the data obtained from the evaluation of
soft gelatin capsules. The fill weight was found to be 550± 5%,
Encapsulation Disintegration time was 5-6 minutes and showed 97.00% to
Encapsulation of fill solution into gelatin paste was done 99.50% of labeled amount of ibuprofen and diphenhydramine
using rotary die machine (Arbes tools, Mumbai). Light mineral oil hydrochloride indicating uniformity in drug contents. Drug releases
was used for machine lubrication. Capsules were dried for 48 hours from Fn-1 were 56% for ibuprofen and 46% for diphenhydramine
at 30°C and 18% relative humidity. Wiping of capsules was done hydrochloride at the end of 60 minutes. This was due to improper
using Kimberly clothes to remove the adhering oil on to the solubilization of ibuprofen in PEG 400 and diphenhydramine
capsules used for the purpose of lubrication during encapsulation. hydrochloride in purified water (Drs Ervin Douwes 2003).
Wiped capsules were then subjected to inspection manually for Potassium hydroxide and purified water were increased to 25
removal of physical rejects like damaged or improperly filled mg/capsule each in Fn-2, showed drug releases of 92% for
capsules (Aulton MV 2004 and Drs Ervin Douwes 2003). ibuprofen and 54.30% for diphenhydramine at the end of 60
minutes (Kato et al 2003). This showed potassium hydroxide, an
EVALUATION OF SOFT GELATIN CAPSULES alkali in higher concentration was required to solubilize ibuprofen
in PEG 400 but purified water slightly increased the release of
Drug Content diphenhydramine hydrochloride. Since both Fn-1 and Fn-2 showed
Drug content was determined by opening ten capsules and less release of diphenhydramine, propylene glycol as a cosolvent
the fill solution equivalent to 12.5 mg of diphenhydramine for diphenhydramine was incorporated in Fn-3 and Fn-4 as further
hydrochloride and 100 mg of ibuprofen were weighed and increase in purified water caused leakage of capsules. Formulation-
transferred into 50 ml volumetric flask. 25 ml of pH 7.2 phosphate 3 (Fn-3) showed better release of diphenhydramine hydrochloride
buffer (200 mM) was added into above volumetric flask. Sonicated but was less than 90%. So propylene glycol concentration was
and diluted to the volume with pH 7.2 phosphate buffer. Further 5 further increased in Fn-4 to 75 mg/capsule to completely solubilize
ml of the above solution was diluted to 25 ml with pH 7.2 diphenhydramine hydrochloride. Fn-4 showed 99.70% of
phosphate buffer (200 mM). Finally drug content was estimated Ibuprofen and 99.40% of diphenhydramine hydrochloride release
Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 01 (05); 2011: 188-190
Capsules Fill weight(mg) Disintegration Drug content (%) Drug release at end of 60
minutes (%)
Ibuprofen Diphen- Ibuprofen Diphen-
hydramine hydramine
Fn-1 550± 5% 5minutes 15 sec 98.00 99.50 56.00 46.00
Fn-2 550± 3% 5minutes 35 sec 97.00 97.90 92.00 54.30
Fn-3 550± 1% 5minutes 30 sec 98.40 97.00 93.20 76.80
Fn-4 550± 5% 5minutes 25 sec 99.50 98.70 99.70 99.40