Detecting Stress Based On Social Interactions in Social Networks
Detecting Stress Based On Social Interactions in Social Networks
Detecting Stress Based On Social Interactions in Social Networks
In this project, we presented a framework for detecting users’ psychological stress states
from users’ weekly social media data, leveraging tweets’ content as well as users’ social
interactions. Employing real-world social media data as the basis, we studied the correlation
between user’ psychological stress states and their social interaction behaviors. To fully leverage
both content and social interaction information of users’ tweets, we proposed a hybrid model
which combines the factor graph model (FGM) with a convolutional neural network (CNN).
In this work, we also discovered several intriguing phenomena of stress. We found that the
number of social structures of sparse connection (i.e., with no delta connections) of stressed
users is around 14 percent higher than that of non-stressed users, indicating that the social
structure of stressed users’ friends tend to be less connected and less complicated than that of
non-stressed users. These phenomena could be useful references for future related studies.