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Paper/ Subject Code: 53208 / Instrument and System

B'L Crns\'u) serv\-3tf cBtus rr\t4t e-
(3 Houn) Total Marks:80
1. Question No.l is compulsory
2. Solve any THREE questions out of remaining FIVE questiors.
3. Figure to right indicate full marks.
4. Assume suitable data if required.

Ql. Solve anv 4
a) Explain Aerodynamic end Hydrodynamic valve noise.
b) Define control valve coefficient. Give the factors that affect this coefficient.
c) Discuss the following terms related to reliability: MTTR and MTBF
d) What is ergonomics?Give example of ergonomics applied to a product.
e) What are the design qorsiderations of an RTD?


Explain phases of Electrorfi,c product design.

") [10marks]
an I''

A 3" Sutrerfly valve is to operate at the fotlowing conditions-

Fluid- Water at flow rate 330gpm
P":0.4 psia" P,: 24psia, Pr= l5psia d:3.068"
) ..,
state whether the valve will cavitate or nct, and if it cavitates, to what extent?


a) water at 15' c is flowing through 12 inch standard weight pipe (D: 12) at arate 1lOmarksl
that will not exceed 2800gpm. It is proposed Lhat a standard 60" opening
Buttefly valve be used for control. Find size required, if p, is computed to be
72.2psiaand pz is 64.lpsia.

b) What is absolute calibration? Explair Thermocouple calibration using absolute method [10marksJ

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Paperl Subject Code: 53208 / Instrument and System Design

B'L t-ln.n\'u) semro CBft\ tt\tz[


a) Explain choked flow condition and expansion factor for gases.

b) Find valve size for the following conditions
Fluid - Benze;r5r with fine non abrasive solids
G = 0.88
q:450 gpm

Pr = 80 Psia
P, = 7l Psia
Tr = 528'R
D = 6 inch schedrrle 40
Valve is characterized ball.with Ca=25.

Q5. Write short note on

,' a) Conhol room design layout

b) Protection standards for electrical enclosures.
'o [10marks]

Q6. 'l
a) Explain ttre gtlierat selection criteria for transducers.
b) Explain with diagram methods of contror valve noise reduction.

i,, END

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