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Primary Behaviour Policy Revised and Updated September 2018: Rationale

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Primary Behaviour Policy

Revised and updated September 2018

At Endaze British International School we believe that good behaviour is the key to a good
education. We work to create a learning environment where everyone feels valued, secure
and motivated to learn. We firmly believe that every member of our school community has
a responsibility to teach children socially acceptable behaviour.

Our aims
At Endaze British International School, we see good behaviour as an essential element in
quality teaching and learning.
We consistently encourage good behaviour through a range of means within the school and
this is seen as a major factor which enables each individual student to take his/her rightful
place within the community and global environment.

Rights and Responsibilities

Everyone within our school community has rights and responsibilities to ensure that Endaze
British International School is a safe place in which to learn, work and play.
● Children have the right to learn, work and play in a friendly, safe and helpful school.
● Teachers and staff have the right to teach and work in a friendly, safe and satisfying
school, which is supported by the community.
● Parents and Carers have the right to feel welcome and to know that our children
learn, work and play in a friendly, safe and helpful school.

Code of Conduct
The school environment plays a central role in the children’s social and emotional
Adults encountered by the children at school have an important responsibility to model high
standards of behaviour at all times.
At Endaze British International School we have adopted a behaviour programme called ‘The
Golden Ticket’ reward system.
We work towards standards of behaviour that are based on the basic principles of honesty,
respect, a positive attitude, compassion, and responsibility.

Why Positive Behaviour Management?

In the world around them children see many different examples of how people behave. We
have a responsibility to help children understand that they have choices about how to
behave and help them develop the strategies to make appropriate choices.
Our aim within the school is to create an environment where children feel valued, safe and
motivated to learn. We believe that good behaviour and discipline are the

foundation of all learning, and without a calm, orderly atmosphere effective teaching and
learning cannot take place.
We believe that children respond best to praise and encouragement. We must try to find
every opportunity to praise children when they are showing appropriate behaviour.
Children learn by example. Teachers and parents have a responsibility in setting a good
example as well as ensuring that the rules are followed.

Golden Rules
A set of ‘Golden Rules’ has been developed by the teaching staff, in the form of expectations
and are worded positively to remind children what is expected of them.
A competition was held among the students to create a poster that depicted what our
expectations for everyone within our school community ‘looked like’ and the winning poster
was copied and placed in all classrooms and key areas of the school and referred to when
necessary. A number of assemblies are devoted to reminding children what is expected of


Some examples of these rules in action:

We use our outside voices in the playground and inside the school we use our talking
Voices as others may be working

We look after our school and classrooms by caring for equipment, using the areas as
directed and putting things away after we have used them.

Always listen to the teacher and others by:
● Putting your hand up when you want to speak.
● Looking at the person who is speaking.
Always explain how a situation really happened.

• We treat others, as we would like to be treated ourselves.
• We are careful not to hurt others physically.
• We will keep unkind words to ourselves.

It is expected that:

● Children will line up quietly, walk to the assembly room quietly and in an orderly manner
and sit in assembly silently
● Classrooms will have a calm, quiet and purposeful working environment with no low
level disruption
● Children will work/play purposefully engaged with a clear understanding of what they
are doing
● Children will be taught to tidy away equipment, resources, toys and leave the classroom
as they found it
● Children will not call out in class or interrupt adults or their peers
● Transitions will be carefully managed to ensure children move around the school calmly
and quietly
● Adults will always remain calm and will not shout or raise their voice

Positive Behaviour Procedures - How We Will Achieve This [guidance for adults]

● At all times notice and praise the good

● Model all expected behaviour, repeat until you have the desired outcome and never
allow behaviour to slip, be insistent. Praise every time children achieve what you expect.
● Use non-verbal signals to stop the class e.g. a clapped rhythm, give me 5 hand in air
● Tell children you will ignore all calling out. Ignore anyone who calls out with an
outstretched palm, take response and praise those with their hands up
● Model transitions around the classroom; line children up one at a time, send groups to
work one group at a time, tables/groups to tidy away one group at a time
● Model how to tidy away, share, play, settle to work in terms of expectations and physical
boundaries within the classroom

Primary School Rewards:

In Primary school we use ‘the Golden Ticket system’ to promote good behaviour. This
system is used as a whole school incentive and students can earn golden tickets for
behaviour that shows an awareness of the school expectations: helping to tidy up, sharing
playground equipment, being polite etc. Over time all classes work towards filling our school
golden chest and when the chest is full the whole of the Early Years and Primary school earn
a half day of activities and a special lunch to celebrate everyone's participation.

Additionally, each class has its own class rules, which are agreed at the beginning of each
academic year by the class and their teacher. The content will enhance the principles above.
Teachers have different ways of doing this, according to the age of the children:

● coloured stickers
● star of the day/week
● certificates
● collecting ‘marbles in a jar

● verbal praise for individuals
● verbal praise in front of large groups
● special privileges or responsibilities within the classroom depending on age and
ability of a child or group
● Friday assemblies are used to spotlight good behaviour
● Whole class rewards may be given such as a craft afternoon, a picnic on the field.
The use of DVD’s for rewards is discouraged.

Rewards given should not be taken away. Whatever might happen later, the child earned
the praise with an act of cooperative behaviour.

When a member of staff feels that a child’s effort should be acknowledged outside the
classroom they send the child to the Head teacher for additional recognition. Effort is also
acknowledged at assembly time and golden time.

Procedures for dealing with unacceptable behaviour

Whilst we aim to always reward positive behaviour, we acknowledge that there will be
times when we must deal with behaviour that is unacceptable. As with rewards for positive
behaviour, it is vitally important that we deal with any unacceptable behaviour in an agreed
and consistent way.

When children misbehave the adult responsible at the time should deal with it.

A sanction is designed to discourage inappropriate behaviour. To be effective however, it

must also protect the teacher’s relationship with the child and protect the child’s self

● It is important to take time to find out exactly what has happened

● Staff will deal with poor behaviour calmly and never shout.
● The Child will be asked ‘What did you do?’ so the child will have chance to have their say
e.g. ‘is there anything you want to say about this behaviour or the incident?’ and then
should be asked ‘What should you have done? What will you do in future?’
● Staff may ‘mirror’ child’s behaviour to show them what it looks like, with their
● It is important to only refer to the original problem rather to get into an argument over
for example how the child is standing.
● Calm down time is important. Problems can only be dealt with once the student is calm.

Disruptive Behaviour in Class

Early Years
In Early Years behaviour is to be referred to as good/great or sad behaviour and children
need to have their behaviour managed at the time of the incident as for our young students
it becomes abstract if left.
A quiet area should be set up in the classroom for some time to think and review their
behaviour if it becomes needed however role modelling and redirecting should be

attempted first. Time out is managed in accordance with age therefore a child of 3 will
spend a maximum of 3 minutes in a ‘time out’ situation.
Children who need time to think about their behaviour will never be left unattended

From Year 1 to year 6

The child is warned about their unacceptable behaviour in a way that does not disrupt the
lesson. Teacher has ownership of behaviour and will talk to children after class and apply
consequences where necessary.
Consequences may be:

● Appropriate eye contact/non-verbal gesture

● Verbal reminder
● Verbal reprimand
● Isolation within class for a short period of time
● Banishment to a certain area of the playground if during playtime or lunchtime
● Withdrawal of certain privileges
● Head teacher to be informed
● Head teacher to talk to individual
● Parents informed

● Meeting with parents to agree a suitable course of action

● In extreme cases the Headteacher and Administrative body reserve the right to
exclude a child from school, either on a temporary or permanent basis. This action
would only be taken after consultation with parents and after all other measures
have failed.

Early Years and Primary

On some occasions it might be felt necessary to remove a child from the immediate
situation. At this time the psychologist will be requested to take the child from the
classroom and spend a little time discussing the behaviour with the child and how to
positively move forward.
When an incident is reported to a member of staff, but has not been witnessed, it is vital
that the adult listens to all sides of the story.

Classes should not be punished because of the actions of one or two children.
When a child has been in trouble it is important to try to rebuild the relationship as soon as

Children should be given the opportunity to put things right, with the help of an adult e.g.
‘cleaning scribble from a wall’ ‘apologising when they have been rude or have upset
someone’ such gestures should receive a warm response.

Where a child is deemed a danger to themselves or others the class teacher should move
the class to a safe place and call for the psychologist.

Unacceptable behaviour:

"Schools which put too much faith in punishment to deter bad behaviour are likely to be
disappointed…. This does not mean that punishments are not necessary. Schools need to
establish a balance between rewards and sanctions.”
The Elton Report

For the vast majority of children, the above strategies are effective and result in good
behaviour across the school. However, we acknowledge that there may be one or two
children may display completely unacceptable behaviour such as:

● Physical violence
● Discrimination of any kind e.g. racial, gender
● Deliberate disobedience, including rudeness or disrespect
● Threatening or aggressive behaviour, including bullying
● Disregard for the school environment and property
● Refusing to comply

There are various reasons why children experience behaviour difficulties, but mostly they
fall into two categories.
1. Specific issues in children’s lives e.g. particular medical needs, problems with other
children, bereavement, illness, and family problems.
2. Children’s needs not being met e.g. failure to reward appropriate behaviour, lack of
support for learning, social, emotional difficulties, inconsistency between home and school.

These issues require a clear supportive response from the school and should be reported
first to the psychologist, then to the Head teacher or Director of Secondary to ensure that
specific support is available for staff and children.

Self Esteem
We recognise the impact of a child’s self-esteem on their behaviour and take steps to
promote the development of positive esteem in the children. Along with general strategies
employed by teachers to value the individual, e.g. positive reinforcement of good behaviour,
we use other school-wide strategies:

Circle time activities

Development of a sense of identity through class names
Use of individual’s digital photographs
Giving children an opportunity to share experiences from home and school
Giving children an opportunity to perform in plays and events such as Endaze has got talent.

Playtime and lunchtime rules
Playtime buddies: A buddy system has been introduced for playtimes and lunchtimes
between the older students and the younger students. Younger children who have nobody
to play with or talk to at lunch time can approach a buddy who will teach them some
playground games along with asking others to join in and therefore assisting the child in
making friends. Buddies are easily recognisable by their high visibility vests and have spent
time going into the younger classes to allow the children to begin to build relationships with
them prior to playground time.

Children can:

a) play on the top playground

b) play football on the lower playground
c) play in the sandpit following the rules of 4 students at one time
d) sit on the benches/at the tables

Toilets - be sensible - children should go to the toilet before they go out to play, and/or after
play before returning to their classroom.

Children who would like a ball, which has gone “out of bounds”, need to politely ask an
adult if they can get the ball back

Primary breaks: all students to play with playground resources responsibility and to put
them away carefully at the end of playtime and lunchtime.
Three teachers are allocated duty for each Primary playtime and also for lunchtime duty.

Teachers should situate themselves in each play area and monitor play and activity.

During the morning snack time it is important that once the majority of children are finished
that children who are left are also sent outside as monitoring at this time needs two adults.

Those whose behaviour at lunchtimes repeatedly falls below the acceptable standards and
who cause problems for other pupils will either not be allowed to play at lunchtimes and
will spend sessions with the school psychologist in support of changing the inappropriate
behaviour. Parents will be requested to attend a meeting to look at strategies to support
those individuals in making changes to the behaviour.

Swearing-Any child swearing at playtime will miss break time.

Withdrawing, refusal to talk. -The psychologist will be called if any child refuses to talk.
Incident Book-Incident forms are available on the board next to the dining room. Staff on
duty are expected to use these to record any incidents that occur whilst on duty and to
inform the relevant class teacher of what happened to ensure good communication
between staff for primary incidents.
In Secondary incidents are logged in the Google Drive ‘Incidents’ sheet.

Attendance and Punctuality

Good behaviour is associated with high levels of attendance and punctuality. Both are
recognised to be indicators of effective schooling. Children and staff are expected to be
punctual in the school.

Aspects for Primary children to consider are: arrive at school before the bell is due at 8.45
am, registration 8.45 – 8.50 am lessons to start promptly by 8.50 am playtimes 09.50 -
10.10 a.m. for all children and 2.35 – 2.50 p.m. for KS 1 pm playtimes, lunchtimes are 12.35
– 1.35 for FS, KS1 and KS2, – FS and Year 1, 2 and 3 have first sitting from 12.30-12.55, year
4, 5 and 6 have the second sitting at 12.55-13.35 (buddies eat with the first sitting).
In hearing the bell, children should immediately make their way to their appointed lining up
place where teachers will collect them and lead them back to class.

In order to establish and maintain high standards of behaviour and good relationships in the
school parental support is essential.
a) EBIS welcomes parents into school and shows gratitude for their support in school events
b) parents are invited to school to celebrate their children’s achievements or work
c) appointments may be made to see teachers at suitable times to discuss concerns above
and beyond parents evening
d) a programme of induction for parents of new children is operated and a booklet about
promoting good behaviour is issued to parents of all new starters

The children’s involvement in the community provides great opportunities for the
promotion of good behaviour.
a) teachers organise several local visits to enhance the classroom curriculum. The children
are made aware of the fact that the school’s reputation depends on the way they behave.
b) EBIS is continually creating links to foster community relations.

Role of the psychologist

The psychologist’s role is primarily pastoral care; to provide early intervention support for
vulnerable children, to enable them to enjoy and be successful in school. The psychologist
works with, parents and staff to provide pastoral support and care for individual children.
On occasions children may need personalised support and strategies to support their

The psychologist should be involved where a child persistently displays low level disruption
in the classroom or on the playground, or for children who are displaying higher level

The psychologist will liaise with class teachers and parents to devise personalised targets
and strategies to support the child.

Bullying [see separate protocol]
Bullying is a persistent, deliberate attempt to hurt or humiliate someone, physically or
psychologically, over a period of time. We consider bullying unacceptable and we will also
take racial harassment very seriously. Our personal, social and health education programme
includes work on self-esteem, assertiveness, respect for self and others, and teaches that
differences should be accepted. We have trained staff who can help children with low self-
esteem who may be more likely to be bullied than other children.

We encourage children to tell someone if they are being bullied – psychologist, a friend, a
class friend, a teacher or other staff members, a parent or other adults – so that
intervention can take place. Each class has a worry box so that children can report any
issues. There is a school anti-bullying protocol available.

Good behaviour in school, like so many other things, is not automatic and has to be worked
at by all staff in school. We appreciate the good support that we receive in this respect
from parents. We believe that positive behaviour is best achieved when parents and staff
work closely together.

Racial Incidents [see separate protocol]

Any racial incidents are automatically recorded by the Head teacher and/or Director of
Secondary. The perpetrator and victim have incidents recorded on file. The first incident is
classed as an opportunity to educate the child about how their behaviour is unacceptable
and affects the victim. If there is a second incident the parents are involved and if there is a
third incident, there would be a temporary exclusion.

Staff behaviour:
We recognise the implications of this policy for our own attitude and behaviour in school.
There must always be consistency and continuity in our expectations and in the way we
praise and support children.

We recognise that in expecting high standards from children we must also expect them of
ourselves and that we share the responsibility of being a member of a caring and
hardworking community.

Date created: February 2014 Review date: February 2015

Reviewed with no changes: February 2015 Review date: February 2016
Updated: February 2016 Review date: February 2017
Updated: September 2018 Review date: February 2019

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