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Interpretation of Statutes

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It gives me immense pleasure and gratitude to thank my IOS teacher, Enam Firdos sir, who
gave me opportunity to do this wonderful project which helped me in doing a lot of research
and I came to know about so many new things. I am thankful to him.

Secondly, I would like to give thanks to all my seniors who have guided throughout the research

Lastly, I feel that my project would not have been completed without the help of my parents
and friends.




1. Introduction 3

2. Objectives of Statutory Interpretation 4

3. Literal Rule of Interpretation 5

4. Golden Rule of Interpretation 5

5. Mischief Rule of Interpretation 6

6. Harmonious Rule of Interpretation 7

7. Conclusion 8

8. Bibliography 9

A ‘Statute’ is the will of the Sovereign Legislature according to which the Government
functions. The executive must act and the judiciary in the course of administration of justices
must apply the law as laid down by the said legislative will. Very often occasions will arise
where the courts will be called upon to interpret the words, phrases and expressions used in the
statute. In the course of such interpretation, the courts have, over the centuries, laid down
certain guidelines which have come to be known as “Rules of Interpretation of Statutes”.

Statutes are embodiments of authoritative formulae and the very words which are used
constituted part of law.1 The interpretation or construction means the process by which the
courts seek to ascertain the intent of the legislature through the medium of the authoritative
form in which it is expressed.2 The law is deemed to be what the courts interpret it to be. The
very concept of interpretation connotes the introduction of elements which are necessarily
extrinsic to the words in the statute.3 Though the words ‘interpretation’ and ‘construction’ are
used interchangeably, the idea is somewhat different.

Interpretation is the method by which the true sense or the meaning of the word is understood.
The meaning of an ordinary word of the English Language is not a question of law. According
to Gray,4the process by which a judge constructs from the words of a statute book, a meaning
which he either believes to be that of the legislature, or which, he proposes to attribute to it is
interpretation. Salmond describes interpretation or construction as the process by which courts
seek to ascertain the meaning of the legislature through the meaning of authoritative forms in
which it is expressed.5

The term construction has been explained in CWT vs. Hashmatunissa Begum6 to mean that
something more is being got out in the elucidation of the subject matter than can be got by strict
interpretation of the words used. Judges have set themselves in this branch of the law to try to
frame the law as they would like tom to have it. The intention of the legislature is primarily to
be gathered from the language used which means that attention should be paid to what has been

AIYER, P. RAMNATHAN, LAW LEXICON 1134(2 nd ed., Wadhwa and Co.,2002).
DEEPAK JAIN, Interpretation of Statutes: A Treatise
Justice G.P SINGH, PRINCIPLES OF STATUTORY INTERPREATION 53(11 th ed Wadhwa Nagpur 2008).
P J FITZGERALD, SALMOND ON JURISPRUDENCE 152 (12th ed., Universal Law Publishing Co. Pvt.
[1989] 176 ITR 98 (SC).

said. As a consequence, a construction which requires for its support addition or substitution
of words or which results in rejection of words as meaningless has to be avoided.7

Interpretation of statutes is of two types – they can be distinguished as “literal” and

“functional”. The courts have laid down that the interpretation of the Statutes must be in
accordance with the literal meaning of the words and expressions read in the light of the
“Statement of Objects and Reasons and the Preamble” of the Act.


Before considering further the attacks on the rules of statutory interpretation, attention should
be given to the basic aims of such interpretation. What principles should control the courts in
deciding questions of interpretation? What should the courts try to accomplish in the
interpretation of statutes that come before them? The following are objectives which it is
submitted are desirable, and with which, when stated abstractly, most present-day lawyers and
judges would agree:

1. Distribution of power between the legislature and the courts. -The courts should
recognize limitations on their powers in interpreting statutes. They should recognize that the
legislature is supreme and must be followed to the extent that it has passed laws which are clear
and constitutiona1. The courts do not have the right to say: "This is what the statute states, but
we do not like it and hence will not follow it." But as to constitutional questions, the courts are
supreme over the legislature, and may hold to be invalid legislative enactments which are
unconstitutiona1. The courts should be controlled by these principles of power distribution and
seek to perpetuate them.

2. Distribution of responsibility between the legislature and the courts. -The courts should
recognize that the legislature has become the most important lawmaker on major policy
questions, except as to constitutional matters. The courts should realize that the legislature is
often better equipped than the courts to gather data and hear conflicting arguments on policy
matters, especially when the rules that are being advocated involve persons quite differently
situated from the litigants before the courts. Courts should encourage the legislature to assume

Shyam Kishori Devi v. Patna Municipal Corporation, AIR 1966 SC 1678.

its law-making functions and should discourage at least some legislative efforts to pass these
functions on to the courts.

3. Creation of certainty in the law. -Certainty in the law enables planning of human affairs
in reliance on the law, and the realization of expectations based on such planning. It makes for
uniformity in the administration of justice and prevents the unbridled discretion of the
judiciary. It makes available the tested legal experience of the past.

4. To change and adapt the law to new and unforeseen conditions. -Law must change
because social institutions change. And in applying generalized legal doctrine, such as statutes,
to the facts of specific cases, uncertainties and unforeseen problems arise. As. conditions
change with the passage of time, some established legal solutions become outmoded. The
courts should resolve these uncertainties and assist in adapting the law to new conditions.

5. To decide the controversies of litigants before the courts- This is the most obvious
function of courts whether the statutory interpretation is involved or not. There are dangers that
courts run if they stress too greatly the making of general rules of law and slight the issues
between the litigants before them. Either of two results is then likely: undesirable general rules
of law or undesirable judgments so far as the particular litigants are concerned.8

6. Judges should make law when necessary to the ends of justice. -This is still a shocking
idea in some quarters but is something that has been going on since our legal system began.
And the Anglo-American judiciary has a distinguished record of effective law-making. Our
legal system could not operate without a great amount of judicial law-making in all fields of
law: constitutional law, common law, and statutory interpretation.

7. To the extent that judges make laws, they should do so with wisdom and understanding.
Judges should be informed on the relevant factual data necessary to good policy making. This
includes not only the facts peculiar to the controversy between the litigants before them, but
also enough of an understanding of how our society works so that they can gauge the effect of
the various alternative legal solutions available in deciding a case. Judges also should realize
what their powers, duties, and limitations are, as well as those of the legislature. They should
know how extensive judicial law-making is in this country despite the myth that judges do not
make law. Judges should have an understanding of the basic moral issues of the times and hold
convictions concerning them. In a democratic society, these convictions should reflect those

Frank, J., concurring in Aero Spark Plug Co. v. B. G. Corporation, 130 F.2d 290 (1942).

held by various segments of contemporary society. This carries the representative nature of
government over into the judiciary. In making law, judges should honestly apply their moral
convictions.9 Some writers have added that judges should decide cases in accord with the
general welfare, or to further the achievement of basic democratic values.

8. When judges make law, they should clearly and honestly set· forth what the law is that
they are developing and the reasons for it. -Courts should fairly and accurately present the
real reasons for their decisions. This makes their opinions more useful as precedent, gives a
better basis for healthy and effective criticism, and increases the likelihood that the courts will
carefully think through their decisions. The above objectives and principles are ambiguous, as
all generalized statements must be. In addition, some of them conflict with others. This leaves
room for considerable variation and controversy in application and in the balancing of those
that conflict.


In construing Statutes, the cardinal rule is to construe its provisions literally and grammatically
giving the words their ordinary and natural meaning. This rule is also known as the Plain
meaning rule. The first and foremost step in the course of interpretation is to examine the
language and the literal meaning of the statute. The words in an enactment have their own
natural effect and the construction of an act depends on its wording. There should be no
additions or substitution of words in the construction of statutes and in its interpretation. The
primary rule is to interpret words as they are. It should be taken into note that the rule can be
applied only when the meanings of the words are clear i.e. words should be simple so that the
language is plain and only one meaning can be derived out of the statute.

In Municipal board v. State transport authority, Rajasthan, the location of a bus stand was
changed by the Regional Transport Authority. An application could be moved within 30 days
of receipt of order of regional transport authority according to section 64 A of the Motor
vehicles Act, 1939. The application was moved after 30 days on the contention that statute

Cf. C.l. RDOZO, op. cit. supra notes 56, at pp. 107·109.

must be read as “30 days from the knowledge of the order”. The Supreme Court held that literal
interpretation must be made and hence rejected the application as invalid.

Lord Atkinson stated, ‘In the construction of statutes their words must be interpreted in their
ordinary grammatical sense unless there be something in the context or in the object of the
statute in which they occur or in the circumstances in which they are used, to show that they
were used in a special sense different from their ordinary grammatical sense.’


To avoid ambiguity, legislatures often include “definitions” sections within a statute, which
explicitly define the most important terms used in that statute. But some statutes omit a
definitions section entirely, or (more commonly) fail to define a particular term. The plain
meaning rule attempts to guide courts faced with litigation that turns on the meaning of a term
not defined by the statute, or on that of a word found within a definition itself.

If the words are clear, they must be applied, even though the intention of the legislator may
have been different, or the result is harsh or undesirable. The literal rule is what the law says
instead of what the law means.

A literal construction would not be denied only because the consequences to comply with the
same may lead to a penalty. The courts should not be overzealous in searching for ambiguities
or obscurities in words which are plain. (Tata Consultancy Services v. State of A.P)10

The literal rule may be understood subject to the following conditions –

• Statute may itself provide a special meaning for a term, which is usually to be found in
the interpretation section.
• Technical words are given ordinary technical meaning if the statute has not specified
any other.
• Words will not be inserted by implication.
• Words undergo shifts in meaning in course of time.
• It should always be remembered that words acquire significance from their context.

(2005) 1 SCC 308.

When it is said that words are to be understood first in their natural ordinary and popular sense,
it is meant that words must be ascribed that natural, ordinary or popular meaning which they
have in relation to the subject matter with reference to which and the context in which they
have been used in the Statute. In the statement of the rule, the epithets ‘natural, “ordinary”,
“literal”, “grammatical” and “popular” are employed almost interchangeably to convey the
same idea.

For determination of the meaning of any word or phrase in a statute, the first question is what
is the natural and ordinary meaning of that word or phrase in its context in the statute but when
that natural or ordinary meaning indicates such result which cannot be opposed to having been
the intention of the legislature, then to look for other meaning of the word or phrase which may
then convey the true intention of the legislature.

Another important point regarding the rule of literal construction is that exact meaning is
preferred to lose meaning in an Act of Parliament. In the case of Pritipal Singh v. Union of
India 11, it was held that there is a presumption that the words are used in an Act of Parliament
correctly and exactly and not loosely and inexactly.

Rationale for this Rule

Proponents of the plain meaning rule claim that it prevents courts from taking sides in
legislative or political issues. They also point out that ordinary people and lawyers do not have
extensive access to secondary sources. In probate law the rule is also favoured because the
testator is typically not around to indicate what interpretation of a will is appropriate. Therefore,
it is argued, extrinsic evidence should not be allowed to vary the words used by the testator or
their meaning. It can help to provide for consistency in interpretation.

Criticism of this rule

Opponents of the plain meaning rule claim that the rule rests on the erroneous assumption that
words have a fixed meaning. In fact, words are imprecise, leading justices to impose their own

AIR 1982 SC 1413, P. 1419

prejudices to determine the meaning of a statute. However, since little else is offered as an
alternative discretion-confining theory, plain meaning survives.

This is the oldest of the rules of construction and is still used today, primarily because judges
may not legislate. As there is always the danger that a particular interpretation may be the
equivalent of making law, some judges prefer to adhere to the law’s literal wording.


The mischief rule is a rule of statutory interpretation that attempts to determine the legislator’s
intention. Originating from a 16th-century case (Heydon’s case) in the United Kingdom, its
main aim is to determine the “mischief and defect” that the statute in question has set out to
remedy, and what ruling would effectively implement this remedy. When the material words
are capable of bearing two or more constructions the most firmly established rule or
construction of such words “of all statutes, in general, be they penal or beneficial, restrictive
or enlarging of the common law is the rule of Heydon’s case. The rules laid down, in this case,
are also known as Purposive Construction or Mischief Rule.

The mischief rule is a certain rule that judges can apply in statutory interpretation in order to
discover Parliament’s intention. It essentially asks the question: By creating an Act of
Parliament what was the “mischief” that the previous law did not cover?

Heydon’s case- This was set out in Heydon’s Case12 where it was stated that there were four
points to be taken into consideration when interpreting a statute:

1) What was the common law before the making of the act?
2) What was the “mischief and defect” for which the common law did not provide?
3) What remedy the Parliament had resolved and appointed to cure the disease of the
4) What is the true reason for the remedy?

The office of all the judges is always to make such construction as shall suppress the mischief,
and advance the remedy, and to suppress subtle inventions and evasions for continuance of the

[1584] 3 CO REP 7.

10 | P a g e
mischief, and pro privato commodo, and to add force and life to the cure and remedy, according
to the true intent of the makers of the Act, pro bono publico.

The application of this rule gives the judge more discretion than the literal and the golden rule
as it allows him to effectively decide on Parliament’s intent. It can be argued that this
undermines Parliament’s supremacy and is undemocratic as it takes law making decisions away
from the legislature.

Use of this Rule

This rule of construction is of narrower application than the golden rule or the plain meaning
rule, in that it can only be used to interpret a statute and, strictly speaking, only when the statute
was passed to remedy a defect in the common law. Legislative intent is determined by
examining secondary sources, such as committee reports, treatises, law review articles and
corresponding statutes. This rule has often been used to resolve ambiguities in cases in which
the literal rule cannot be applied.

In the case of Thomson v. Lord Clan Morris, Lord Lindley M.R. stated that in interpreting any
statutory enactment regard should not only be paid to the words used, but also to the history of
the Act and the reasons which lead to its being passed.

In the case of CIT v. Sundaradevi13, it was held by the Apex Court that unless there is an
ambiguity, it would not be open to the Court to depart from the normal rule of construction
which is that the intention of the legislature should be primarily to gather from the words which
are used. It is only when the words used are ambiguous that they would stand to be examined
and considered on surrounding circumstances and constitutionally proposed practices.

The Supreme Court in Bengal Immunity Co. v. State of Bihar14, applied the mischief rule in
construction of Article 286 of the Constitution of India. After referring to the state of law
prevailing in the province prior to the constitution as also to the chaos and confusion that was
brought about in inter-state trade and commerce by indiscriminate exercise of taxing powers
by the different Provincial Legislatures founded on the theory of territorial nexus, Chief Justice
S.R. Das, stated “It was to cure this mischief of multiple taxation and to preserve the free flow

(1957) (32 ITR 615) (SC).
AIR 1995 SC 661.

11 | P a g e
of interstate trade or commerce in the Union of India regarded as one economic unit without
any provincial barrier that the constitution maker adopted Article 286 in the constitution”.

A principle to be valued must be capable of wider application than the mischief which gave it
existence. These are designed to approach immortality as nearly as human institutions can
approach it’. Mischief Rule is applicable where language is capable of more than one meaning.
It is the duty of the Court to make such construction of a statue which shall suppress the
mischief and advance the remedy.


• The Law Commission sees it as a far more satisfactory way of interpreting acts as
opposed to the Golden or Literal rules.
• It usually avoids unjust or absurd results in sentencing.


• It is considered to be out of date as it has been in use since the 16th century, when
common law was the primary source of law and parliamentary supremacy was not
• It gives too much power to the unelected judiciary which is argued to be undemocratic.
• In the 16th century, the judiciary would often draft acts on behalf of the king and were
therefore well qualified in what mischief the act was meant to remedy.
• It can make the law uncertain.


The Golden rule, or British rule, is a form of statutory interpretation that allows a judge to
depart from a word’s normal meaning in order to avoid an absurd result.

It is a compromise between the plain meaning (or literal) rule and the mischief rule. Like the
plain meaning rule, it gives the words of a statute their plain, ordinary meaning. However,
when this may lead to an irrational result that is unlikely to be the legislature’s intention, the
judge can depart from this meaning. In the case of homographs, where a word can have more

12 | P a g e
than one meaning, the judge can choose the preferred meaning; if the word only has one
meaning, but applying this would lead to a bad decision, the judge can apply a completely
different meaning.

This rule may be used in two ways. It is applied most frequently in a narrow sense where there
is some ambiguity or absurdity in the words themselves.

For example, imagine there may be a sign saying, “Do not use lifts in case of fire.” Under the
literal interpretation of this sign, people must never use the lifts, in case there is a fire. However,
this would be an absurd result, as the intention of the person who made the sign is obviously
to prevent people from using the lifts only if there is currently a fire nearby.

The second use of the golden rule is in a wider sense, to avoid a result that is obnoxious to
principles of public policy, even where words have only one meaning. Example: The facts of
a case are; a son murdered his mother and committed suicide. The courts were required to rule
on who then inherited the estate, the mother’s family, or the son’s descendants. There was
never a question of the son profiting from his crime, but as the outcome would have been
binding on lower courts in the future, the court found in favour of the mother’s family.


When there is a conflict between two or more statues or two or more parts of a statute then the
rule of harmonious construction needs to be adopted. The rule follows a very simple premise
that every statute has a purpose and intent as per law and should be read as a whole. The
interpretation consistent of all the provisions of the statute should be adopted. In the case in
which it shall be impossible to harmonize both the provisions, the court’s decision regarding
the provision shall prevail.

The rule of harmonious construction is the thumb rule to the interpretation of any statute. An
interpretation which makes the enactment a consistent whole should be the aim of the Courts
and a construction which avoids inconsistency or repugnancy between the various sections or
parts of the statute should be adopted. The Courts should avoid “a head on clash”, in the words
of the Apex Court, between the different parts of an enactment and conflict between the various
provisions should be sought to be harmonized. The normal presumption should be consistency
and it should not be assumed that what is given with one hand by the legislature is sought to
be taken away by the other. The rule of harmonious construction has been tersely explained by
13 | P a g e
the Supreme Court thus, “When there are, in an enactment two provisions which cannot be
reconciled with each other, they should be so interpreted, that if possible, the effect should be
given to both”. A construction which makes one portion of the enactment a dead letter should
be avoided since harmonization is not equivalent to destruction.

It is a settled rule that an interpretation which results in hardship, injustice, inconvenience or

anomaly should be avoided and that which supports the sense of justice should be adopted. The
Court leans in favour of an interpretation which conforms to justice and fair play and prevents

When there are two provisions in a statute, which are in apparent conflict with each other, they
should be interpreted such that effect can be given to both and that construction which renders
either of them inoperative or useless should not be adopted except in the last resort.

This principle is illustrated in the case of Raj Krishna v. Binod 16. In this case, two provisions
of Representation of People Act, 1951, which were in apparent conflict, were brought forth.
Section 33 (2) says that a Government Servant can nominate or second a person in election but
section 123(8) says that a Government Servant cannot assist any candidate in election except
by casting his vote. The Supreme Court observed that both these provisions should be
harmoniously interpreted and held that a Government Servant was entitled to nominate or
second a candidate seeking election in State Legislative assembly. This harmony can only be
achieved if Section 123(8) is interpreted as giving the govt. servant the right to vote as well as
to nominate or second a candidate and forbidding him to assist the candidate in any other

The important aspects of this principle are –

• The courts must avoid a head on clash of seemingly contradicting provisions, and they
must construe the contradictory provisions so as to harmonize them.
• The provision of one section cannot be used to defeat the provision contained in another
unless the court, despite all its effort, is unable to find a way to reconcile their

Union of India v. B.S. Aggarwal, AIR 1998 S.C. 1537.
AIR 1954 SC 243.

14 | P a g e
• When it is impossible to completely reconcile the differences in contradictory
provisions, the courts must interpret them in such as way so that effect is given to both
the provisions as much as possible.
• Courts must also keep in mind that interpretation that reduces one provision to a useless
number or a dead lumbar, is not harmonious construction.
• To harmonize is not to destroy any statutory provision or to render it loose.

15 | P a g e
The law of statutory construction can never operate with mathematical precision. One of the
difficulties in this field has been that the rules and principles of statutory interpretation have
been phrased too exactly and have been expected to operate too precisely. The inevitable result
has been confusion and uncertainty. The application of statutes to cases in litigation involves
an arena in which there are so many conditions operating and so many power and judgment
conflicts to be resolved and compromised that close adherence to verbal formulas as to
interpretation cannot be expected. In addition, the inherently ambiguous nature of language
greatly restricts the amount of precision possible.

Although statutory interpretation can never become a simple, easy art, there are changes that
can be made in the rules of law and the practices of legal institutions to more fully carry out its
basic objectives. It is suggested that the following changes will have that effect.

(1) When interpreting statutes, the courts should be far more cognizant of the basic
objectives in statutory interpretation. Judicial discretion and rules of interpretation in
statutory cases should always be applied with such objectives in mind as those set forth
above in part III of this article.
(2) Efforts should be made to develop greater understanding by the bench and bar of the
interpretative process. In particular the profession should realize the extent to which the
courts must be lawmakers, and how this law-making is now so frequently shrouded in
arbitrarily applied rules that hide the law-making nature of judicial action.
(3) A revision should be made of the law of statutory interpretation. A statutory or
restatement revision would have the best chance of acceptance by the courts.
(4) Courts should consider themselves absolutely bound by some kinds of precedents and
authorities whether they like the results or not.
(5) If the courts believe that the legislature can do a better job of law-making than the
courts, the courts should decide their cases on the narrowest possible grounds, thereby
reducing to a minimum the authoritative scope of their decisions.
(6) There is still room for better law-making by legislatures so as to reduce the number of
interpretive problems. Skilled drafting can eliminate much ambiguity.
(7) Judges should be selected with greater care. They should not only be good lawyers, but
also persons whose value judgments fairly reflect contemporary opinion.

16 | P a g e

• Avtar Singh & Harpreet Kaur: Introduction to Interpretation of Statutes, LexisNexis

India, Gurgaon.
• P.M Bakshi: Statutory Interpretation of Statutes, Orient Publishing Company.
• Justice G.P Singh; Principles of Statutory Interpretation, LexisNexis India, Gurgaon.


• https://www.translegal.com/lesson/statutory-interpretation-2
• https://www.legalbites.in/law-notes-interpretation-rules-of-interpretation/.
• https://blog.ipleaders.in/rules-of-statutory-interpretation/.

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