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Thank to Almighty God, Ida Sang Hyang Widi Wasa who has given his
favor to the writer for completing a thesis of Class Action Research entitled
English Education Program. This thesis contains some data about the basic and also
I would like to present my thanks for everyone who has contributed and
helped me during my research process and arrangement by sharing their ideas and
sacrificed their worth time in giving advice and suggestions to complete this
1. Dr. H. Wildan, M.Pd., The Dean of Faculty of Teacher Traning and Education
2. Dra. Siti Rohana Hariana Intiana, M.Pd., The Head of Language and Art
of Mataram.
4. Drs. I Made Sujana, MA. as my first consultant. Big thanks for all your times,
5. Kurniawan Apgrianto, S.Pd., M.Pd. as my second consultant. Big thanks for
my thesis arrangement.
6. Arafiq, S.Pd., M. Hum., as my thesis examiner. Big thanks for your time,
7. Edy Syahrial, S.Pd., MA. as my academic consultant. Big thanks for you.
8. My beloved parents, I Gede Sujana and Ni Wayan Lendri. Big thanks for
everything that could not I mentioned one by one. May God always blessing
9. My sisters, Ni Luh Wardhani and Ni Made Maya Adi. Big thanks for your
10. Drs. I Nyoman Karma, M.Si and I Made Sentosa, S.Pd., M.Pd. family. Big
11. Ni Putu Krisna Pratami Putri, S.Pd. Big thanks for your support,
12. Big thanks for all my lectures and teachers who have gave me everything
13. Thanks for Hj. Zulfawati, S.Pd, the English teacher in SMKN 1 Mataram, and
Anak Agung Ketut Tiens Kusuma Dewi, the English Department Student of
process of research.
14. Big thanks for Sang Putu Paramanandi Artha, Sang Made Purwanadi Artha, I
Made Budiarta, Putu Giri Indrawan, I Gede Karunia Soenarko, Sang Putu
Bayu Diana and all of NICETOMEETYOU family for all your supports for
15. Thanks to all of my friends from B Morning Class Year 2013, students of XI
And finally, there are lots of name or figure that I cannot mention on this
page, but everything you gave to me, I deliver my big thanks for you. I hope this
thesis can be useful, not only for the researcher, but also for the readers or next
researchers who want to use my thesis as their reference. I believe that my thesis is
not the perfect one, so that I need critics and suggestions to make this thesis be
And my parents
This research is a classroom action research that aimed to improve students’ reading
ability by using Cooperative Learning Type Jigsaw Reading Technique. The subject
of this research was 38 students of eleventh (XI) Banking Program. In collecting
the qualitative and quantitative data after implementing treatment, observation
sheets and Reading comprehension tests were used. There were 2 cycles in this
research which consisted of 2 meetings each. Each cycle was conducted by
following the procedures of classroom action research: planning, action,
observation, and reflection. The improvement of students’ Reading ability could be
seen after applying Jigsaw Reading Technique which was following some steps
such as; 1) Teacher explained the topics of materials, giving motivation and
conveying the aims of learning, 2) Dividing students into small groups of 3-5
students heterogenically, then the group named as Jigsaw Groups, 3) Students
discussed the materials given and each member of group asked to answer different
question or sub material, 4) Breaking students in Jigsaw Groups into some groups
of students who have same number of question and the group named as Expert
Groups, 5) After discussion in Expert Groups, the students asked to move back into
their first Jigsaw Groups and they share the result of Expert Groups discussion, 6)
Teacher appointed students from different Jigsaw Groups to present their result of
discussion, 7) Students submitted their result, and 8) In order to measure students’
improvement in Reading ability, the teacher gave evaluation test (posttest) at the
end of second meeting in each cycle. By applying these steps, students have some
positive aspects reached such as; 1) Students were able to work together and believe
to seek and share information with other students, 2) Students could solve the
problems in Reading and also, they could get higher academic results than taught
by usual technique used by the English teacher, and 3) Students could improve their
self-confident in answering the questions and also improve their interpersonal skill
between one student to others. It was proved by the result in 2 cycles that 28
students (68%) passed the Minimum Mastery Criteria (75) with the average was
77.42 in cycle 1, then increased into 33 students (80%) passed the MMC with the
average 82.55 in cycle 2. Furthermore, the result indicated that the indicator of
performance (75%) could be fulfilled in cycle 2 then, by fulfilling the indicator of
performance, the research was considered finished successfully. Furthermore, it
could be concluded that by applying Jigsaw Reading Technique, students of XI PB
in SMKN 1 Mataram in Academic Year 2017/2018 could improve their Reading
TITLE PAGE ............................................................................................... i
THESIS APPROVAL .................................................................................. ii
RATIFICATION .......................................................................................... iii
PERNYATAAN KEASLIAN SKRIPSI ........................................................ iv
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ......................................................................... v
MOTTO AND DEDICATION .................................................................... viii
ABSTRACT .................................................................................................. ix
TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................. xi
LISTS OF TABLES AND CHART ............................................................ xiii
LIST OF APPENDICES ............................................................................. xiv
1.1 Background of Study ................................................................... 1
1.2 Statement of Problems and Solutions .......................................... 5
1.2.1 Statement of Problem .......................................................... 5
1.2.2 Solution ............................................................................... 5
1.3 Purposes of Study......................................................................... 7
1.4 Significance of Study ................................................................... 8
1.5 Scope of Study ............................................................................. 8
1.6 Definition of Key Terms .............................................................. 9
2.1.8 Cooperative Learning .......................................................... 23
2.1.9 Cooperative Learning – Jigsaw Model ............................... 25
2.1.10 Procedures of Doing Jigsaw ............................................. 29
2.1.11 Teaching Reading by Using Jigsaw ................................. 30
2.2 Previous Study ............................................................................. 31
2.3 Theoretical Framework ................................................................ 35
2.4 Hypothesis .................................................................................... 36
Cycle 1 Post-Test
Text 1
Text 2
Cycle 2 Post-Test
Text 3
Text 4
Appendix 5 Letters
Appendix 6 Documentation
of study, the significance of study, scope of the study, and definition of key terms.
Indonesian education. It has been taught from elementary until the university level
curriculum, four skills of English; listening, writing, reading, and speaking, has
Indonesia, Curriculum 2013 (K13) for senior high school students level states that
Reading has become one of the main objectives of teaching English in order to
the syllabus. The students of the Senior High school are expected to have some
the form of recount, narrative, procedure, descriptive, factual report text, and news
item. It means that in the English teaching and learning process, students need to
become big issue because most Indonesian students still not proper reading as a
primary need in their life. For Indonesian students, they think that reading is a
boring subject because it’s too hard to understand. They only do reading when
A few factors which causing low reading skill in Indonesian students such
as the low availability of reading infrastructure in the school, among these are the
high price books and other library materials that people cannot access them easily,
the minimum support and inculcate to children to read books by parents and/or
teachers, and the dominant of the use of internet for online gaming in their daily
activity. In addition to, several students feel that reading is a boring subject. David
Keating states that students become passive learners who always expecting to
absorb information from their teacher because they think that their teacher is the
center of a class, an authority figure, and someone who must not be questioned.
The students just silent in the class, listen to their teacher and some time, they do
of the students hate reading because they felt that reading wasting their time and
they argue that reading is a boring lesson in English. Most students become
passive learners because they think that English is difficult for them and they felt
Reading because they argued the text is too many contents and it’s too hard for
them to understand the text. The students didn’t realize that English Reading also
important for them, not only in academic but also for their daily environment. But
on the other hand, they wish they get high scores in every evaluation process
Dealing with the students’ language skills, it was found that most of the
answering questions related to the text. This situation might happen because some
factors such as the lack of technique or strategy used by their teacher during
teaching and learning process, the lack of facility provided to support the learners
to improve their skill in learning English, students’ low ability in English Reading
and low interest of students in learning English. This condition might show that
aspects (manual and physical skills) of students. This condition can be concluded
The English teacher only focuses on the knowledge. She also prefers
lecturing, giving instructions, and giving tasks to the students in front of the class
asked the students to do the tasks in groups or in pairs which consist of four or
five students, she only asks students to do the task in pairs consist of two students.
It makes the students spend most of their time on their friend chairs and never
want to work together with other students who are not their company or close
knowledge and skill in learning English also influenced. From four classes that
have been taught during teacher training process, the students only use one source
book that borrowed from the school library. One source book is not enough to be
In addition to factors above, the other factor caused this problem is that the
negative impact of internet might lead the students to ignore printed or online
reading. Mustafa (2012) states that television, video games and the internet may
have led the students away from reading printed books. It is the role of the parents
foreign language, most students who came from low ability in English felt that
English is unfamiliar language and difficult subject. This case also followed by
the use of online gaming which have influenced the students’ mindset might lead
From the explanation above, it can be concluded that those factors might
technique or methodsolve the problem existed by using teaching strategy that has
been not used by the English teachers in SMKN 1 Mataram. One teaching
technique or strategy that have been proven for many years in every sector of
The jigsaw technique was first developed in the early 1970s by Aronson
and his students at the University of Texas and the University of California. Since
then, hundreds of schools have used the jigsaw classroom with great success.
Kusriani (2013) proves that the benefit of the jigsaw approach is that it could be
integrated into a number of classroom activities that are structured. She also
critical thinking and also Jigsaw can make the students want to participate more
Based on the background of study that has been mentioned above, this
in SMKN 1 Mataram?
1.2.2 Solution
Technique, especially Jigsaw Reading Technique was used as the solution for
this problem.
with each other in order to master an area of knowledge. This technique was
introduced and developed by Aronson in early of the 1970s in the USA with
in group working.
1. The passages are chosen with the same topic and same length before
2. The students are divided into Jigsaw groups which consist of 4-person -
5-person each group. Then, the leader of each group will be decided by
the teacher or researcher and each student in each group will be given
different part or paragraph and ask them to master and answer the
3. The students in Jigsaw groups will be broken down into expert groups.
Students in expert groups will discuss the same paragraph from the
passages given.
4. After discussing in expert groups, then students are asked to move into
5. One student from each group will be asked to retell the information.
6. Evaluation process.
research question that has been mentioned above, the purpose of this research was
aimed. This research was a class action research that aimed to solve the problems
This research hopefully can give some benefits for students, teachers, and
also for the next researchers who want to use this result of a study with some
description as follows:
comprehension tests. The English study in this research relies on factual texts that
There were four definitions of key terms which become the keywords in
this research. The definition of key terms could be divided into the definition of
Reading is a process that is carried and used by readers who want to get the
that implicitly existed in the text. The goal is to gain an overall understanding
involves cognitive knowledge and process that might lead the reader confused
learning methods, students are asked to work together with other students in
four teams and they have to master materials given by their teacher.
each other in order to master the materials and obtain scores maximally. This
needed in this model because they will be asked to work in small groups
consist of 3-5 students which divided into Jigsaw groups and Expert groups.
This chapter presented review of related literature used in this study. The
reviews of related literature have goals of providing previous studies which related to
this research purpose and information concerned with the research problems. This
chapter consisted of some description of related theories which were supporting this
Various experts and psychology such as Piaget, Kohlberg, and Ericson try
to define the theory of learning in different ways in order to help the adherents of
the learning theory (Jufri, 2013:9). Generally, theories of learning can be classified
stimulus and responds from the learners. On the other hand, learning is a
assessed from the respond of the learners’ behavior after learning process.
Jufri (2013:10) states there are some experts such as Edward Thorndike,
and punishment. The reinforcement that can be used like gifts or high
activity but it can decrease the learners respond. It also can be named as
negative reinforcement.
as a facilitator in the classroom and let the learners act actively and develop
Jufri (2013:33), there are four phases of learning which arranged from the
constructivist point of view such as; (a) apperception, (b) exploration, (c)
percentage, students have 75% activeness and teacher has 25% activeness
emphasized on the learning process. Jufri (2013) states that some experts
motoric sensoria (0,0 – 2,0 years), (b) pre-operational (2,0 – 7,0 years), (c)
concrete operational (7,0 – 11,0), and (d) operational (11,0 – to the top).
at the highest level and they also can improve their ability by using their
cognitive. The learners are required to be able to use their own knowledge
in searching and processing the materials while the teacher will guide them
process will be running well if the teacher gives the learners chances to find
out the concept, theory, or definitions about the materials by using their
concept where the teacher acts as a facilitator and learning sources for the
students and give chances for the students to solve the problems existed
outcome which obtained by the learners. In this case, the teacher will act as
seems suitable with cognitivist learning theory. It can be seen from the
because the process of learning never stops. Students and teacher are two common
things which have a big contribution in doing learning process. Weil (1980) as
process as follows:
cognitive development and it can give new experiences for the learners in
2. There are three types of knowledge which have to be learned such as physics,
social, and logical knowledge. That three knowledge are related each other
process. It means that social environment takes a part in the learning process
because the learners will learn fast and effective through the relation between
Learning is not all about mastering every competency given in the school
or other education institute and get the score, but it also about how the learners
are able to cover every problem in their life by using the competency obtained
guide the learners to be able to comprehend and find any solutions in solving
and of the conditions that need to be met in order for these processes to take place.
and process-oriented. Each one emphasizes a different set of factors that play a
A. Process-Oriented Theory
This theory focuses on the learning process rather than the conditions
that make it able to use. The process-oriented theory concerns on the process
have experience learning process if they are able to behave in new habit
B. Condition-Oriented Theory
the nature of the human and physical context in which language takes place,
attention to the condition where the learning preparation is prepared and also
aims. Tarigan (1990:7) in Jaenal (2010) argues that reading is a process that is
carried and used by readers who want to get the message delivered by the author
skill beside listening which used by people to extract meaning from the discourse
Dian (2013:25) describes that reading is one of four main skills in learning
reading also related to create attitudes of mind which may improve others
That reading is not a passive, but rather an active, and in fact, an interactive,
process has been recognized for some time in native language reading but it is
only recently that second/foreign language reading has been viewed as an active
rather than a passive process. Reading is one of the pillars of language learning
context, reading aids learners to learn, acquire knowledge and experience world.
factors affecting the comprehension process. This theory was the most prominent
background knowledge into units. This theory also emphasizes how the units of
knowledge that have been organized can be used. Schemata represent knowledge
about concepts: objects and the relationships they have with other objects,
The importance of schemata theory also focuses on how the reader uses
meaning on the texts based on their knowledge. Treiman (2001) states that
efficient and effective reading process for L1 or L2 learner requires two models
of reading approaches reading which are related to schemata theory and operating
symbols information from the page (a bottom-up process), and the second one is
The bottom-up approach emphasizes the ability to decode or put into sound
what is seen in a text. In this model, readers begin with the lowest level, from
which the symbols are identified. Therefore, from the point of view of the bottom-
model emphasizes readers to use their memory skill to help them focus on what
they read in helping to make sense of what will be written by the reader after
getting meaning or information. During this model reading process, readers take
in larger units of the meaning of the text at a time, match what they already know
develop into fluent and flexible readers. To become effective and professional
readers, they have to develop the basics of readers’ role. According to Luke and
Freebody (1990) as cited in Simandan (2012), there are four roles of the reader:
1. Constructing meaning
In this role, the readers use their prior knowledge of the topic. It means
that they will understand a text better if they are aware of the topic and most of
meaning of the text, this is referred to as literal meaning. They can enhance
their reading ability with the text by connecting questions given or exist in their
mind with their experience and book or they can explore their literal
2. Codebreaker
script technology. In this role, they use their understanding about systems
to help them to decode the text meaning which is hidden in the text or passage.
3. Text user
This role is used after the reader read the text overall. In this role, they
focus on the way how to use text to achieve certain goals. The reader has
already understood the text written completely and they can decide what genre
4. Text critic
As a text critic, the reader must do more to find the truth or accuracy of
the text. As a critical reader, they will explore the construction of the text in
recognizing opinions, bias, points of view, and missing points of view in the
text; understanding that texts are written according to the views and interests
of the author, identifying the ways in which the readers, viewers, or listeners
The four roles of readers which advocated by Luke and Freebody are
helpful in order to assist the readers to develop and explore their literal
beyond breaking the code and making meaning to evaluating how well the author
overall and can interpret the meaning and gain information from the text that has
been read (Ziadi, 2016: 10). Reading comprehension is a process in which the
reader constructs meaning using their prior knowledge based on the materials they
have been built in their head to gain any information on the printed page.
A. Levels of Reading
comprehension skill. The purposes of reading are depending on how the reader
manner in reading. According to Adler and Van Doren (1972) as cited in Santoso
and Ajeng (2007:19-23), there are four levels of reading which are related each
other in order to increase or improve readers’ ability from lowest into highest
1. Elementary Reading
In this level, the readers learn the basics of reading and get any skills
of basic reading. The main problem in this level faced by the learner is the
already mastering this level, it means that they have improved their reading
2. Inspectional Reading
this level usually called as “systematic skimming”. Using this method will
help eliminate useful books from books that will not be useful for your
3. Analytical Reading
critically, and deeply while reading. Analytical reading is used to help the
readers to understand the task of reading a book which involves more than
simply decoding words but also understanding what is being read. Quotation
marks or block quotes, brackets and bolds, or italics are commonly used in
4. Syntopical Reading
will read multiple books on a single subject and form a thesis or original
Reading is not just being able to read every single word in texts, but also
understanding what you are reading about. In order to increase or improve the
ability of reading, the reader have to master the levels of reading from the lowest
into the highest level. The four levels of reading must be mastered by the readers
in a small group consist of 4-5 students and they are chosen by their teacher in
and help each other with other students. The term refers to classroom techniques
in which students work in small groups and receive rewards or recognition based
by making small groups of learners in the learning process which make students
braveness to explore their knowledge deeper and give their opinions confidently,
respect to others opinions and sharing ideas. According Isjoni (2011: 14), in
sex, and gen. This is aimed to train students to work together with others from
four basic principles that being positive impacts of cooperative learning which
a. The first step, teacher arranges lesson plans. In this step, the teacher prepares
anything needed before teaching and learning process is held. Materials and
tasks are prepared based on the syllabus and curriculum rules existed. The
understand and they know what they have to do during the learning process.
will be divided become some small groups and materials that given by
teacher will be discussed. Then, the teacher will monitor and observe
students’ activity based on the observation sheets that have been planned.
c. In the third step, the teacher will give rewards or score are important to build
individually or classically.
d. At the last step, students from each group will present their work. In this
phase, the teacher will act as a moderator who directing and correcting
the end of the presentation, the teacher will invite students to do self-
Giving rewards
Group discussion Teacher’s observation field note and comments
presentation about students’ activity
Reflection and
internalization (David Hornsby: 1981)
which emphasize students’ activeness in group-work and help each other in order
to master the materials and obtain scores maximally. This model of learning was
that enables children to cooperate with one another to attain their educational
appreciation mutually so that the students can create an exciting atmosphere and
Studies showed that it was only under certain conditions that cooperative
individualistic efforts. Johnson, Johnson, and Holubec (1993) put forward five
1. Positive interdependence
Each group member’s efforts are required and indispensable for the
group success. Each group member has to make unique contributions to the
joint effort.
learned and associate the present learning with the past one.
The size of the group should be kept small, for the smaller the size of
the group is, the greater the individual accountability may be the teacher is
students by asking one student to present his or her group’s work orally to
the teacher (in the presence of the group) or to the entire class, observe each
group and record the frequency with which each member contributes to the
group’s work, appoint one student in each group as the leader, who is
underlying the group answers, and check students to teach what they’ve
4. Interpersonal skills
Social skills are a necessity for the success of jigsaw learning in class.
5. Group processing
Group members discuss how well they are achieving their goals and
are helpful and what are not, and make decisions about what behaviors to
continue or change.
B. Advantages of Jigsaw
Model has some advantages. There are some advantages of using cooperative
idea and share it with his/her friends in order to solve the problems.
higher academic results and also it can help them to improve their
student to others.
4. Jigsaw can help teachers to easy their duty in teaching and learning process
because they are helped by expert groups who will explain the materials to
other friends.
6. Students will be trained by this model of learning to measure that they are
C. Disadvantages of Jigsaw
In addition to advantages of jigsaw, there are also some problems with this
1. The group discussion will be dominated by the active students and sometimes
it can be a problem for other students because they feel that the active student
will control the discussion without giving other students chance to express
2. Students who have low ability in reading and thinking logically will be
3. Students who are not familiar with group discussion method will be difficult
few steps that should be followed by the teacher who wants to use Jigsaw as
1. The teacher explains the topics of materials, giving motivation to the students
2. Students are divided into small groups of 3-5 students. Students will be
3. Students discuss the materials given and each student will be asked to answer
4. Students in Jigsaw groups break down into some groups that called Expert
groups. Students in expert groups will discuss same questions or materials that
their own Jigsaw groups. Students will discuss what they have discussed in
Expert groups.
6. The teacher appoints some students from different Jigsaw groups to present
7. Students get awards from their teachers such as individual or group score.
that have been given, the teacher gives the individual test as evaluation at the
occurs if it involves the reader to find the meaning in order to achieve the aims
read actively. In another word, they have to match and connect new information
achieved easily without any efforts from the readers or students. They have to
of reading itself. One of the techniques that can be used is Cooperative Learning-
Jigsaw Model which has developed by Aaronson (1978) with his students.
order to implement Jigsaw in reading, a text must first be broken down into
distinct, smaller parts. Students who already divided into small groups are given
a graphic organizer which is derived from sections from each part of the text.
The students are then asked to read their assigned part and to take brief notes in
several times to read and use their knowledge to interpret or think about the
answer of their graphic organizer. Students who already take their assignment,
move into the experts’ groups and discuss their own topic of the graphic
Jigsaw gives the students the advantages of being able to improve their
passage or developing their ability. Besides that, Jigsaw also helps the teacher in
This study will be provided and compared with results of the previous
study from others researchers. In this chapter, there are three results of the
conducted by the reference of the observation which were conducted on the 22nd
and 27th of January 2011, many students of SMAN I Parakan still had difficulties
in understanding English texts because of some causes. One of them is that the
teaching strategy focused only on the cognitive aspects without considering the
In addition, there were also other causes that made the students difficult
to understand English text such as the materials, the teaching media, the students’
involvement, peer cooperation, the teacher, and the students’ language skills. To
achieve the objective, she was collaborating her research with the English teacher
and the students of class X-2. The main subjects of this study were 31 students
of class X-2 in the academic year 2010/2011. The research was conducted by
following the school’s academic calendar w the English class was taught twice a
and it consisted of three meetings each cycle. The data of the study were gathered
notes, observation’s rating scale, interviews, and tests. The collected data
included opinions, feelings, preferences and the reading tests’ result. The
analysis of the data was done by using qualitatively and quantitatively data.
The results have shown that the improvement can be seen from the
increase of the students’ average reading test scores from 58.45 in the pre-test
and 66.90 in the cycle I post-test to 75.69 in the cycle II post-test. The more
significant improvement can be seen from the following t-test result. The first t-
test (pretest paired with the cycle I post-test) showed that the t-test (5.376) was
higher than t-table (2.048). The second t-test (pre-test paired with cycle II
posttest) showed that the t-test (9.769) was also higher than the t-table (2.048).
interaction, and cooperation. It was also effective to reduce the gap between the
the group leaders, giving time limitation to each activity and asking the students
to bring a dictionary.
school level. There is a little bit difference of students’ knowledge and cognitive
between students in senior high school and junior high school based on their
During conducting research, she involves the English teacher, her friends
from English Department and also students from VIIIB as the participants and
were used in this research. Qualitative data was obtained by doing observation
and interviewing students, and quantitative data was obtained by giving students
reading class. They were more active in every activity, they were willing to
participate in the group discussion, and they were more serious to finish the tasks
in groups. They were also motivated to work in groups and they were motivated
SMAN 6 Mataram Academic Year 2015/2016. This thesis was proposed by Ziadi
(2016). This research was done in 2 cycles where in the cycle 1, there were 7
students who passed KKM (75). The percentage of students who passing the
KKM increased from 2.38% in pretest into 16.6% in the Cycle 1. The mean score
In Cycle 2, the students who passed the KKM were 35 from 42 students
in Cycle 1 and there were 7 students who haven’t passed the KKM. In the end of
Cycle 2, the result of students who passed the KKM increased into 85.71%. The
result shown that the students have improved their reading comprehension by
using hortatory exposition text and they were able to answer the questions after
technique in order to solve the problems and also to improve students reading
ability. However, each previous study that had been mentioned above used
different materials, setting, subject, and also the problems that became the
background of their study. For example, Rahajeng (2013) used Narrative text as
the material during the research. Kusriani (2013) used Narrative and Recount
texts as the materials, and Ziadi (2016) used hortatory text as the material. The
teaching and learning process in order to improve students’ reading ability. The
The data from those previous studies such as the formula to obtain the
data, example of observation forms, and ways to analyze and process the data
support this research in obtaining the result optimally. The difference between
this research with the previous studies could be seen from the materials used,
setting and subject of research, and also the result of the research that explained
Current Problems:
1. Most students argue that
reading is a boring lesson in
Factors caused:
2. Most students become
passive learners because 1. The lack of technique or
they think that English is strategy used by their teacher
difficult for them and they during teaching and learning
felt reluctant to learn process,
English. 2. The lack of facility provided
3. Students in class XI PB had to support the learners to
difficulties in understanding improve their skill in
English text and answering learning English,
questions related to the text. 3. Students’ low ability in
English Reading and low
interest of students in
learning English,
4. The use of online gaming
which have influenced the
Solving the problems by using students’ mindset might lead
Cooperative Learning Technique, in them to hate English
this case using Jigsaw Reading
2.4 Hypothesis
proposed as follows;
This chapter provided research design, setting of the research, subject of the
specific class which is aimed to improve or increase learning quality. Class action
research is used to solve the problem occurs in the process of teaching and
used in order to improve students’ reading ability. This research was conducted
observed the actions, and reflected on the outcome of the action were planned.
on the edge of Mataram city. This school consists of 20 classes where each class
reasons. The first one, the main problem in this research was happened here, in
XI PB class. The second one, this school is one of favorite school in this city. The
last, during the teacher training experience, the English teacher in this school has
Banking Program (PB) in SMKN 1 Mataram. They were 38 students. The students
were fifteen to sixteen years old. Most of them came from a middle-class
Experience (PPL) from August to December 2016 and also the result of discussion
In this research, there were two variables used; (a) variable of expectation,
and (b) variable of action. Variable of expectation in this research was that the
research can help the students to improve their ability in reading. In this research,
students’ reading ability and also hopefully can solve their problem in learning
four steps or procedures of study in class action research model which are called
1. Planning
research was conducted. There were three things needed during the research
things were created based on the syllabus of English course for eleventh
based on the variable of expectation, some topics which are suitable for the
The last was planning some interesting activities that can encourage
2. Action
This stage applied the plans that had been planned in the previous
stage. Everything which had been determined in the planning stage was
done as a scenario. Firstly, the discussion was conducted with the English
teachers about the use of Jigsaw Reading Technique and explained how this
apply this technique so that they could use this technique in the other context
applied after discussing and got the permission with the English teachers in
SMKN 1 Mataram in the teaching and learning process. Thirdly, in the first
meeting, students were asked by the teacher about reading and their
3. Observation
implementation of action that has been applied in the action stage by using
Some activities that have been observed and evaluated such as students’
and cycle 2.
results from all the actions that have been done in the previous stages were
new consideration to plan next action for the next cycle by modifying the
prepare what should be planned to make cycle 2 running well. The cycle
students successfully.
The data that collected were about to know the improvement of the
students’ reading ability by using Cooperative Learning Model Jigsaw. The data
1. Observation
condition and situation of the class that becomes the setting of this research.
this research. The observers sat at the back of the class while the teaching
and learning process. This phase was conducted in every meeting in two
Field notes and observation sheets were used to record or collect the data.
Score Category
3.5 – 4.0 Excellent
3 – 3.4 Good
2.5 – 2.9 Fair
1 – 2.4 Poor
Table 3.1 Orientation of Observation Result Categorization
2. Interview
students’ reading ability. This phase was held by interviewing the English
stage, questionnaire form was used to make the process of data collection
easier to be done. The questionnaire was related to the class activities, class
conditions, and also kinds of technique used by the English teacher in the
actions as planned before. The test was conducted at the end of second
meeting in every cycle. This test was aimed to measure students’ reading
comprehension after using Jigsaw. The form of the test was multiple choice
the test were collected by using scoring formula. The tests were conducted at
In analyzing data, there were two techniques used. Those techniques were
the test, the qualitative data was analyzed from their results and students who get
more than 75 points would be nominated that they have improved their reading
students’ reading ability. The test consisted of 15 questions where the score was
ranging between 0-100 and the formula that was used to calculate the score could
be visualized as follow:
Correct answer
Score = X 100
The results of the tests were used to know the difference before and after cycle.
and after the treatment, the formula that was used as follow:
y1 – y
P= X 100%
data. This research was successfully done where 75% of students passed the KKM 75
points (B+) and this research was done successfully where 85% of students who
following the instructions and join the activity. In every cycle, to calculate the
percentage of students who passed KKM, the formula that was used can be described
as follow:
P= X 100%
P = percentage, f = students get passed KKM, n = the sum of students in the class
This chapter discusses the results of the research. The research was conducted
reading ability by using Jigsaw Reading Technique. The data were obtained from the
evaluation process in every cycle which were using the instruments provided. This
research was started from July 19th until August 22nd, 2017. The results will be
described in this chapter as detail as the real data and it will be used as the answer of
In the first meeting, the students were assigned to answer the pretest. The
pretest was conducted before the Classroom Action Research cycles were
implemented. It was conducted on Wednesday, July 19th, 2017 and it was started from
7.15 AM until 8.20 AM. The result of pretest overall can be visualized in summary as
Highest score 93
Lowest score 20
Number of students who participated in pretest 38
Average 54.36
Number of students who passed KKM 11 (28.9%)
Number of students who fail 27 (71.1%)
Based on the result of pretest, the number of students who participated the
pretest who were not passed the Minimum Mastery Criteria (KKM) are 27 students
(71.1%). The percentage of students who passed the Minimum Mastery Criteria
(KKM) is 28.9% (11 students). It can be assumed that students in XI PB have problems
in Reading. This data is suitable related to the problems that become as the background
of this study. After the process of pretest score analyzed the cycle 1 was conducted by
following the procedure of Classroom Action Research. The process of cycle 1 was
started on Sunday, July 22nd, 2017 by planning step firstly then followed by action on
4.1.1 Cycle 1
a. Planning
July 22nd, 2017. Learning equipment were prepared such as Lesson Plan,
sheets, determining the topics of texts to be taught which are suitable for the
level of students will be chosen and also some interesting activities that can
In the planning step, there are some learning equipment (See Appendix
1) Lesson Plan for cycle 1 using Jigsaw Reading Technique which was
2) Students’ worksheets
6) Cycle 1 Posttest
9) Ice Breaking
b. Action
In this step, everything that have been planned in the planning step was
1) First meeting
In the first meeting, the process of teaching and learning was divided
into three parts such as Introduction, Main Activity, and Closure. This activity
was conducted on Wednesday, July 26th, 2017 started from 7.15 to 8.35 AM.
In the first meeting, the students were introduced to Jigsaw Reading Technique
in detail by the teacher. Two collaborators were invited in order to help the
process by using Jigsaw Reading Technique, the teacher and students prayed
together. Then, the teacher called out students’ name in order to measure the
braveness and motivation in learning English so that they would enjoy and
The ice breaking was a game where it was related to the previous
expressions as many as they could in 5 minutes. Before the game, they were
divided into four big groups based on their seat position. The groups were
the game, but some students were feeling ashamed. Then the teacher motivated
them helped by the English teacher they wanted to join the game.
The ice breaking was held for 5 minutes and at the end of the game,
students from Group D came out as the first winner and followed by Group B,
C, and A in the next place. The teacher gave them awards based on the winner
After the introduction part, the process of teaching and learning started
confused about Jigsaw Group and Expert Group, but it could be handled as
well. Then, students were divided into some heterogeneous groups. The groups
were named as Jigsaw Groups. There are 8 Jigsaw Groups were divided into 7
E, F, G, and H.
Jakarta” to the students. The text was a report text which followed by 5
questions. Students were asked to read the text and answer the following five
questions where each student got a different question in one group. Especially
for Jigsaw Group H, they were allowed to answer 3 questions based on the total
After that, they were asked to discuss in each Jigsaw Group for 10 minutes.
according to the text. Students seemed understood very fast and they were
already to work then. Some students asked the teacher because they could not
understand the aim of the questions. They could not determine the answer
to move into Expert Group. In this group, students who got the same question
were discussing the answer. This step took 10 minutes duration. Before the
a place for discussion because some students won’t move from their seat.
Some students asked the teacher because they still not understood the question
about. The teacher helped them by explaining the meaning of unfamiliar words
for them.
When the discussion in Expert Groups was done, then the students were
asked to move back into their Jigsaw Groups. The problem occurred here was
that some students did not understand about their duties. The students argued
that they were unable to explain what they have discussed in Expert Groups to
their friends in Jigsaw Groups. Meanwhile, some students in the back talked
when the teacher explained about the instructions that they should do. Thus,
the teacher came closer and warned them to focus on their duty and finish it in
the remaining times. The teacher walked around for checking students’ work.
Furthermore, after the duration of discussion was over, the teacher led
the students into presentation phase. In this phase, the students were pointed
randomly and they have to explain the answer to the question in the front of
the class. Group A, C, E, F, and G were chosen and each group should explain
the answer from a different question. The presentation took 10 minutes. When
the bell of lesson substitution rang, all groups have completed the presentation.
At the end of the first meeting, the students were asked to submit their work
results and the teacher explained about the next important thing that would be
2) Second meeting
The second meeting in the Cycle 1 was held on Wednesday, August 2nd,
2017. The class was started at 7.15 AM as usual and ended at 8.40 AM. In the
second meeting, the teacher taught by using Jigsaw Reading Technique and at
the end of the meeting, students were asked to assign the Posttest as the
evaluation of Cycle 1.
process started, the students were asked to pray together. After that, the teacher
checked out the students’ attendance to measure that how many students that
Before conducting the Main Activity part, the teacher conducted an ice
their memory about previous material given. Ice breaking took 8 minutes and
sentences given by the teacher in the group. They were divided into 4 big
enthusiastic about joining the game and from 25 sentences that were given,
Group A and C were the winner in this game. The teacher gave them rewards.
Furthermore, the students were prepared for Main Activity part. They
were divided into 7 Jigsaw Groups where there were 4 groups consisted of 5
Group process, because the students already understood about the procedure of
Jigsaw. Then, the teacher gave texts entitled Panda which consisted of 6
questions related. The teacher explained the instruction about the procedure in
questions related to the text in their Jigsaw Group. This process took 10
minutes length. Some students seemed confused and asked the teacher about
the meaning of questions. The teacher came closer and re-explained about the
purpose of the text. Most groups seemed able to coordinate their group member
to work in pair correctly. The teacher walked around to checked for students’
work. Commonly, there were some students who were talked each other with
other students from different group, in this meeting, it has been reduced. The
problem could be handled after the teacher explained about the purpose of text
to move into Expert Group. In this group, students who got same question were
discussing the answer. This step took 10 minutes duration. Before the
permission for continuing her duty in Mini Bank. It could make the process of
teacher when she asked the Mini Bank organizer to give permission for
When the discussion in Expert Groups was done, then the students were
asked to move back into their Jigsaw Groups. The problem was happened here
when some students still did not understand about their duty. Meanwhile, some
students in the back talked when the teacher explained about the instructions
that they should do. Thus, the teacher came closer and warned them to focus
on their duty and continue the explanation. This process took 10 minutes
duration. The teacher walked around to check and measure students work in
Jigsaw Groups discussion. Sometimes, some students seemed make a joke with
their friends and talk each other with the students from different group. The
present their discussion result. They seemed ashamed because other friends
were laughing when they presented the result. They were not confident because
they felt that they couldn’t read in English language. To solve the problems,
the teacher gave a warning for them who were laughing during the presentation
and gave motivation for the students who would do the presentation. This
back into their actual position as well as in the Introduction Part. They were
asked to assign Posttest as their evaluation process during the Cycle 1. It was
after threated by using Jigsaw Reading Technique in the Cycle 1. The Posttest
was multiple choice which was consisted of 15 questions and it took 45 minutes
duration before the Closure part. The teacher was helped by the collaborators
in order to control the students during evaluation process. Some students still
confused about the purposed of the questions and they tried to cheat. After
evaluation, the students were asked to submit their work and before the class
dismissed, the teacher conveying next planning in the next meeting. When the
c. Observation
students’ learning activity observation in first meeting was 3.46 from range of
score was about 0 to 4. The result was classified as Good. The result could be
obtained from the observation forms that have been checked by two observers
(See Appendix 2). From the indicators served in the observation form, students’
activity was classified as active because they could follow the rules and
from the previous meeting in Cycle 1. The improvement could be seen from
the students who have familiar with the Jigsaw Reading Technique in learning
The result of Cycle 1 observation could be seen in the table 4.2 below.
The contents were obtained from the data given by two observers who have
observation form which has cross-checked by two observers (See Appendix 2).
According to the observation form of Learning Activity, the result in the first
meeting in Cycle 1 was 3.45 in score range between 0 to 4. The result in second
from the first meeting to the second meeting in Cycle 1. The improvement
happened significantly because in the second meeting, the students and teacher
The result of Learning Activity Observation could be seen from the table
4.3 below.
1 PB – 01 53 FAIL
2 PB – 02 60 FAIL
3 PB – 03 80 PASSED
4 PB – 04 87 PASSED
5 PB – 05 80 PASSED
6 PB – 06 80 PASSED
7 PB – 07 80 PASSED
8 PB – 08 80 PASSED
9 PB – 09 80 PASSED
10 PB – 10 73 FAIL
11 PB – 11 60 FAIL
12 PB – 12 60 FAIL
13 PB – 13 87 PASSED
14 PB – 14 87 PASSED
15 PB – 15 93 PASSED
16 PB – 16 87 PASSED
17 PB – 17 67 FAIL
18 PB – 18 87 PASSED
19 PB – 19 60 FAIL
20 PB – 20 67 FAIL
21 PB – 21 80 PASSED
22 PB – 22 80 PASSED
23 PB – 23 93 PASSED
24 PB – 24 67 FAIL
25 PB – 25 80 PASSED
26 PB – 26 87 PASSED
27 PB – 27 80 FAIL
28 PB – 28 80 PASSED
29 PB – 29 53 FAIL
30 PB – 30 87 PASSED
31 PB – 31 80 PASSED
32 PB – 32 80 PASSED
33 PB – 33 80 PASSED
34 PB – 34 80 PASSED
35 PB – 35 80 PASSED
36 PB – 36 87 PASSED
37 PB – 37 80 PASSED
38 PB – 38 80 PASSED
From the data above, the result of posttest overall can be visualized in
summary as follow:
Highest score 93
Lowest score 53
Number of students who participated in 38
Average 77.4
Number of students who passed KKM 28 (68%)
Number of students who fail 10 (32%)
completeness was 68% which mean it was not qualified as the standard of
attention during teacher’s explaining the materials about reading, students who
seemed reluctant to discuss the material given, and some students still
unfamiliar with the use of Jigsaw Reading Technique and language used
The problems were analyzed and reflected in the reflection step. It would
students in understanding and improving their Reading ability and also to make
d. Reflection
After conducting the action process, the teacher did a discussion about
the reflection for Cycle 1 together with two collaborators. The discussion was
focused on the action process during two meetings in the Cycle 1. The
and learning activity observation forms and also comments and opinions from
two collaborators who were became observers and also from students during
the action process. From two meetings, there were some aspects that have been
1) Several students were able to achieve the learning achievement that had
been proposed in the lesson plan. They could analyze the main idea and
implied meaning of the text given as the basic competency in lesson plan.
2) Several students were able to use scanning technique in looking for the
means that students could achieve part of basic competency and also the
started from their activity in answering the worksheets and the posttest.
there were some aspects that could not be reached by students and its became
some students who could not interpret the implied meaning correctly
2) Some students also could not use skimming technique properly in order
to help them in finding the answer from the text for their question.
to the level of students. They could not interpret the meaning of the text.
5) Some students still talking each other during the discussion process even
second meeting.
7) Time for ice breaking was too much so that students could not maximize
After analyzing some aspects haven’t been reached by students and also
the problems during Cycle 1 action process, some solutions were planned in
order to repair the problems. Some solutions that used to make Cycle 2 running
students could improve their reading ability dealing with Jigsaw Reading
from the texts. This also used to improve students reading ability besides
analyzing and responding for the main idea and implied meaning.
4) The use of time for ice breaking had been reduced 3 minutes so that it
5) The teacher had to warn the students explicitly if they still not paying
attention during the explanation about the materials and also during the
4.1.2 Cycle 2
a. Planning
not happen in Cycle 2. The first step in Cycle 2 was conducted on Saturday,
August 11th, 2017. In the planning step, learning equipment were prepared such
posttest sheets, determining the topics of texts to be taught which are suitable
for the level of students will be chosen and also some interesting activities that
In the planning step, there are some learning equipment (See Appendix
1) Lesson Plan for Cycle 2 using Jigsaw Reading Technique which was
consisted of two meetings with new materials used and also basic
6) Cycle 2 Posttest
9) Ice Breaking
b. Action
1) First Meeting
2017. The class was started at 7.15 AM as usual and ended at 8.35 AM. As
same as the meetings in Cycle 1, the first meeting in Cycle 2 was divided into
three parts such as Introduction, Main Activity, and Closure. The teacher taught
after greeting. The captain of the class was pointed to lead his friends to pray.
After that, the teacher called out students’ names to measure the number of
students who already appeared in the class to follow the learning process.
Luckily, there was no students who was absent or came late so that the time
and also to make them confident before continue into the Main Activity. The
Ice Breaking was called as Whispering Game, where the students were divided
into four big groups and every student who was standing as leader, he or she
sentence to the group members. There were four groups divided and named as
process of Ice Breaking took 5 minutes duration. Group A was out as a winner.
The activity was continued by Main Activity, where the teacher taught
memory about Jigsaw Reading Technique, the teacher was explained in short
Then, the teacher gave Text 1 entitled “Panda” to the students. The text
was a report text which followed by 6 questions. Students were asked to read
the text and answer the following questions where each student got different
question in one group. Before answering the questions, the teacher explained
After that, they were asked to continue the discussion in each Jigsaw Group for
questions according to the text. Students seemed understood very fast about the
instruction and they were already to work then. Some students asked the
teacher because they could not understand the aim of the questions. Then, the
the students.
When the first 10 minutes in Jigsaw Group has been done, the teacher
continued the lesson by asking the students to move into Expert Groups based
on the number of question they got. The process of changing group was running
well, because the students already understood about the system or procedure in
asked to discuss about the question based on the text delivered. Students who
got same question were focused on the one same question and this step took 18
activity in Expert Group discussion and helped them when they had problems
in discussing the question. It seemed that some students still talked with their
friends from other Expert Group and the teacher warned them to focus on their
After discussion in Expert Groups was done, the students were asked to
move back into their first Jigsaw Groups. As the previous meetings, they were
asked to discuss and explain about the answer or solution that they’ve got after
discussion in Expert Group. Each student in every Jigsaw Group will explain
the answer to her/his friends as well. This step was conducted in 18 minutes.
Some students still ashamed in explaining their answer to their friends because
they felt nervous and they argued that they could not explain it in English. The
teacher walked around and help them how to explain their answer simpler.
Some students also seemed still talking each other out of the context. The
teacher warned them again and told them to continue their discussion on their
work. The students were selected randomly from different Jigsaw Groups and
they were asked to present their discussion result in the front of the class. The
teacher gave 8 minutes for students to explain their answer. Luckily, the
2) Second Meeting
16th, 2017. The class was started at 7.15 AM as usual and ended at 8.40 AM.
As the second meeting in the Cycle 1, the teacher also did an evaluation process
by asking the students to assign Posttest at the end of meeting after learning by
Jigsaw Reading Technique. The process of learning also divided into three
process started, the students were asked to pray together. The captain of the
class was asked to lead his friends to pray together and greeting. After that, the
teacher checked out the students’ attendance to measure that how many
students that already came in the class. One student was coming late because
he asked to clean the toilet by the duty teacher as his punishment for coming
Before conducting the Main Activity part, the teacher conducted an ice
breaking named Whispering Game where it the rules were same as previous
the ice breaking. For this time, the winner of the game who has nominated by
the highest score got an award that delivered by the teacher in next meeting.
Furthermore, the students were prepared for Main Activity part. They
were divided into 7 Jigsaw Groups where there were 4 groups consisted of 5
Group process, because the students already understood about the procedure of
Jigsaw. Then, the teacher gave text entitled Cats which consisted of 6 questions
related. Before discussing the text, the teacher explained about the instruction
in answering the questions following to the text. The content of text was shorter
than before because the teacher needed few times at the end for conducting
evaluation process.
After that, students who already sat on their Jigsaw Group were asked
to discuss about the questions related to the text in their Jigsaw Group. This
process took 10 minutes length. Some students seemed confused about the text
because they were not familiar with some words in the text, and they also not
understood about the purpose of questions. The problem could be handled after
the teacher explained about the purpose of text and the questions served in the
front of class.
to move into Expert Group. In this group, students who got same question were
discussing the answer. This step took 10 minutes duration. In this part, some
students who got question number 4 were complained because there were two
students who talked each other without discussing the question. They seemed
reluctant to join the discussion. The teacher came closer and warned them to
help other friends in their Expert Group in order to find the solution or answer
about the question. Then, the teacher walked around to measure students’ work.
The process of discussion was interrupted for a while because there were some
students from students’ school organization who collected money for Qurban
students were asked to move back into their own Jigsaw Group. As previous
meetings, in this part, students were asked to share what they have discussed
in Expert Group to the members of Jigsaw Group. They seemed enjoy and there
was no problem in this part because they have familiar with the rules or
walked around to check students’ work and there was no problem founded
during the discussion. This part was done in 8 minutes, 2 minutes faster than
the previous meetings. Then, after the process of discussion was done, the
teacher prepared the students for presentation part. The students were selected
randomly and they presented the result of the discussion. Presentation was
This part was done in 10 minutes and after it, the teacher gave 2 minutes for
students to break and prepare their selves for evaluation test of Cycle 2.
The students were asked to back into their first seat position as well as
in the Introduction Part. The teacher shared the Posttest where it consisted of
15 multiple choice questions which were delivered from some texts. It was
has been increased after treated by Jigsaw Reading Technique during teaching
and learning process. The Posttest took 45 minutes duration before the bell was
ringing. In order to measure the authentic answer from students, the teacher
was helped by the observers to control the evaluation test. After evaluation, the
students were asked to submit their work and before the class dismissed, the
teacher conveying next planning in the next meeting. When the bell was
c. Observation
students’ learning activity observation in first meeting was 3.80 from range of
score was about 0 to 4. The result was classified as Excellent. The result could
be obtained from the observation form that have been checked by two
activity was classified as active because they could follow the rules and
from the previous meeting in Cycle 2. The improvement could be seen from
the students who have familiar with the Jigsaw Reading Technique in learning
The result of Cycle 2 observation could be seen in the table 4.6 below.
The contents were obtained from the data given by two observers who have
observation form of Learning Activity, the result in the first meeting in Cycle
2 was 3.85 in score range between 0 to 4. The result in second meeting was
3.95 in score range between 0 to 4. There was an improvement from the first
significantly because in the second meeting, the students and teacher had no
The result of Learning Activity Observation could be seen from the table
4.7 below.
1 PB – 01 80 PASSED
2 PB – 02 60 FAIL
3 PB – 03 87 PASSED
4 PB – 04 87 PASSED
5 PB – 05 80 PASSED
6 PB – 06 80 PASSED
7 PB – 07 80 PASSED
8 PB – 08 80 PASSED
9 PB – 09 80 PASSED
10 PB – 10 73 FAIL
11 PB – 11 87 PASSED
12 PB – 12 80 PASSED
13 PB – 13 87 PASSED
14 PB – 14 87 PASSED
15 PB – 15 100 PASSED
16 PB – 16 87 PASSED
17 PB – 17 67 FAIL
18 PB – 18 87 PASSED
19 PB – 19 80 PASSED
20 PB – 20 67 FAIL
21 PB – 21 80 PASSED
22 PB – 22 80 PASSED
23 PB – 23 93 PASSED
24 PB – 24 80 PASSED
25 PB – 25 80 PASSED
26 PB – 26 87 PASSED
27 PB – 27 80 PASSED
28 PB – 28 87 PASSED
29 PB – 29 67 FAIL
30 PB – 30 93 PASSED
31 PB – 31 87 PASSED
32 PB – 32 87 PASSED
33 PB – 33 80 PASSED
34 PB – 34 80 PASSED
35 PB – 35 93 PASSED
36 PB – 36 93 PASSED
37 PB – 37 87 PASSED
38 PB – 38 87 PASSED
From the data above, the result of posttest overall can be visualized in
summary as follow:
completeness reached 80%. Most students were able to improve their reading
ability. It could be seen from their activeness during discussion process and
their result of evaluation test. They seemed enjoy with the Jigsaw Reading
activeness of students in discussion was seen from the second meeting in Cycle
1, but it has been improved in 2 meeting in Cycle 2. Most students obtain score
d. Reflection
After conducting the action process, the teacher did a discussion about the
reflection for Cycle 2 together with two collaborators. The discussion was focused
on the action process during two meetings in the Cycle 2. The reflection was
activity observation forms and also comments and opinions from two collaborators
who were became observers and also from students during the action process.
After reflecting the process and result of Cycle 2, there were some
1) Most students could interpret the implied meaning, main idea, and specific
2) Most students also able to use skimming and scanning technique. It could
3) The result of Cycle 2 posttest indicated that most students were able to
weren’t impacted significantly to the students’ learning activity and result. From
1) Some students still talking each other during the discussion process even
in Jigsaw or Expert Groups. This problem was happened in the first and
second meeting.
2) Some students still complained about the contents of texts because they
After analyzing the problems during Cycle 2 action process, some solutions
were obtained in order to repair the problems. The solutions obtained would be
used for the next researcher to anticipate and solve the problems. Some solutions
1) The teacher had to warn the students explicitly if they still not paying
attention during the explanation about the materials and during the Jigsaw
Groups’ presentation.
2) The teacher had to warn the students explicitly in Jigsaw and Expert Groups
discussion so that they wouldn’t disturb or play or talk each other during
The research was ended here because the indicators of performance, basic
competency, and also the indicator of learning achievement had been achieved
after the process of evaluation and analysis of Cycle 2. From the result in Table
4.9, the percentage of students’ completeness in learning (80%) has been passed
the indicator of performance 75%. It meant that the research could be ended
because the percentage of students who passed KKM was 5% higher than the
indicator of performance.
observation, and reflection, the result of this research could be concluded generally
that this research has made some improvement for the learning process especially
Reading Technique. This research was done by conducting 2 cycles where each
cycle consisted of 2 meetings including the evaluation process (posttest) at the end
of each second meeting. The material chosen was focused on the reading. The
result of students’ score in this research could be seen as the table 4.10 below.
1 PB-01 53 53 80
2 PB-02 40 60 60
3 PB-03 40 80 87
4 PB-04 53 87 87
5 PB-05 47 80 80
6 PB-06 40 80 80
7 PB-07 80 80 80
8 PB-08 60 80 80
9 PB-09 47 80 80
10 PB-10 47 73 73
11 PB-11 33 60 87
12 PB-12 33 60 80
13 PB-13 47 87 87
14 PB-14 80 87 87
15 PB-15 87 93 100
16 PB-16 87 87 87
17 PB-17 33 67 67
18 PB-18 53 87 87
19 PB-19 27 60 80
20 PB-20 53 67 67
21 PB-21 80 80 80
22 PB-22 40 80 80
23 PB-23 80 93 93
24 PB-24 53 67 80
25 PB-25 40 80 80
26 PB-26 80 87 87
27 PB-27 60 80 80
28 PB-28 80 80 87
29 PB-29 33 53 67
30 PB-30 40 87 93
31 PB-31 93 80 87
32 PB-32 20 80 87
33 PB-33 40 80 80
34 PB-34 40 80 80
35 PB-35 40 80 93
36 PB-36 80 87 93
37 PB-37 40 80 87
38 PB-38 87 80 87
Average 54.36842105 77.42105263 82.55263158
Total Score 2066 2942 3137
Highest Score 93 93 100
Lowest Score 20 53 60
11 28 33
students/28.9% students/68% students/80%
passed passed passed
27 10 5
students/71.1% students/32% students/20%
failed failed failed
Table 4.10 Students’ Improvement of Reading Ability
In Cycle 1, the treatment of Jigsaw Reading Technique was used from the
first to the second meeting. The technique used was proposed to help the students
to improve their Reading ability. Many of students who were not familiar with this
technique trying to adapt their selves to the technique. The first time of using
Jigsaw Reading Technique was running well even there were some weaknesses
The result of Cycle 1 evaluation based on the Table 4.10 above, the data
shows that the percentage of students who passed KKM was 68% where 28
students were passed it in Cycle 1 with the average 54.36. The highest score was
93 and the lowest score was 53. However, the percentage of completeness in Cycle
1 was not qualified to reach the standard of the indicator of performance, where
the percentage of completeness should be 75%. It means there was something that
From the result of Cycle 1 action and reflection process, there were some
improved because there were some students who could not interpret the implied
meaning correctly according to the text given, 2) Some students also could not use
skimming technique properly in order to help them in finding the answer from the
text for their question, 3) The materials used were containing of unfamiliar
language use according to the level of students. They could not interpret the
meaning of the text, 4) Some students came late from the schedule time 7.15, 5)
Some students still talking each other during the discussion process even in Jigsaw
or Expert Groups and also when the teacher giving an explanation of material. This
problem was happened in the first and second meeting, 6) Some students were
asked permission to do their daily practice in Bank Mini even the class hasn’t been
over yet, and 7) Time for ice breaking was too much so that students could not
in Cycle 1. Hence, after reflecting and analyzing the weaknesses, the teacher found
some solutions to reduce the weaknesses to make the Cycle 2 ran well. The
solutions were considered from the weaknesses in order to obtain the maximum
implemented the solution for the problems occurred in Cycle 1. Some solutions
considered such as; 1) Teacher choose different kind of texts compared to texts
make sure students could improve their reading ability dealing with Jigsaw
emphasized and improved intensively in order to help the students able to improve
Cycle 2, in basic competency, students were hopefully able to analyze and respond
specific information from the texts. This also used to improve students reading
ability besides analyzing and responding for the main idea and implied meaning,
4) The use of time for ice breaking had been reduced 3 minutes so that it could be
used by students to maximize their group discussion process, 5) The teacher had
to warn the students explicitly if they still not paying attention during the
explanation about the materials and also during the Jigsaw and Expert groups
discussion and presentation, and 6) Before conducting the learning process, the
students’ reading ability. From the result of Cycle 2 in the Table 4.10, the
percentage of students who passed the KKM increased from 68% in Cycle 1 into
80% in Cycle 2. 33 students were completely passed the KKM. The average was
82.55 where the highest score was 100 and the lowest score was 60. The score was
collected from Cycle 2 Posttest which was used as the evaluation of Cycle 2.
Based on the data presented above, it shows that there was an improvement
in terms of students’ achievement in comprehending the reading text and they were
able to answer the questions in better than the previous meeting evaluation. After
reflecting and analyzing the Cycle 2 overall, the teacher found some problems such
as; 1) Some students still talking each other during the discussion process even in
Jigsaw or Expert Groups. This problem was happened in the first and second
meeting, and 2) Some students still complained about the contents of texts because
evaluation and observation in Cycle 2, the data needed has been qualified to
that the classroom action research is finish at least in 2 cycles and it should be
appropriated with the indicator of performance that have been decided. Where the
percentage of students’ completeness in cycle 2 was 80% which means that the
result has passed the indicator of performance 75%. The resume of students’ score
improvement and percentage before and after taught by using Jigsaw Reading
Pretest Posttest 1 Posttest 2
Passed (%) Failed (%) Average
During this research, the percentage of students’ attendance who joining this
research was never less than 85%. After using Jigsaw Reading Technique as the
model of learning, it could help the students became more active and able to
maximally and improve their Reading ability. It suitable with Aronson (1978) who
stated that in Jigsaw, students are assigned to enable themselves to cooperate with
other students and increase their activeness to develop their interpersonal skills and
activity in the discussion and evaluation in Cycle 1 and Cycle 2. Even in first
meeting in Cycle 1, students seemed nervous and still talked each other with their
friends, but it could be covered by their activeness in discussion after being warned
by the teacher. The students learned to believe in their own ability to find the
solution for the problems founded. In Cycle 2, they were more active in expressing
and sharing ideas to others in order to solve the problems and they have no doubt
to express their ideas in a presentation. These evidences were appropriate with the
The students also able to use Skimming and Scanning in their reading
taught in Cycle 1 and 2 before the process of discussion begun. The improvement
of students’ reading ability could be seen from the result of evaluation which was
However, the process of teaching and learning by using new technique was
not easy. Some problems that became the weaknesses in this research could be a
challenge for the researcher or teacher to explore more the ability to find new
solutions that considered from the problems happened. Despite that, the use of
Jigsaw Reading Technique in this research has become a solution for the teacher
and students of XI PB in solving the problems existed and improve the students’
Reading ability and also their activeness in class participation. Thus, according to
the findings and discussion above, it could be concluded that Jigsaw Reading
This chapter presents the conclusion and suggestions of the research. The
which was applying the procedures such as; 1) Teacher explained the topics of
ability, sex, or social background then the group named as Jigsaw Groups, 3)
Students discussed the materials given and each member of group asked to answer
different question or sub material, 4) Breaking students in Jigsaw Groups into some
groups of students who have same number of question and the group named as
Expert Groups, 5) After discussion in Expert Groups, the students asked to move
back into their first Jigsaw Groups and they share the result of Expert Groups
measure students’ improvement in Reading ability, the teacher gave evaluation test
(posttest) at the end of second meeting in each cycle. The result of students’
Reading ability improvement could be seen from the result of 2 cycles. By applying
Cycle 1 was 68% and increased into 80% in Cycle 2. In terms of quantitative data,
the average of students’ score in Cycle 1 was 77.42. The average in Cycle 2 was
by students which is become the advantages during teaching and learning process
such as; 1) Students were able to work together and believe to seek and share
information with other students, 2) Students could solve the problems in Reading
and also they could get higher academic results than taught by usual technique used
answering the questions and also improve their interpersonal skill between one
student to others.
directed toward the students, the English teacher, and other researchers. The
1) For students
Reading skill, they have to practice more and apply the technique correctly
topics by sharing and discussing about the answer with the teacher or mates
in group-working. By this way, it believed that the students can help other
especially in reading so that they can obtain high academic result as wished.
order to help the students become more active in learning English and teach
them to be brave in sharing opinion about some topics with other friends.
and solutions for repairing the problems in this research hopefully can help
the next researcher to prepare their research maximally so that there will be
no failure in the future. This technique also can be used for other field of
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A. Kompetensi Inti
3. Memahami, menerapkan, dan menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual,
procedural, dan metakognitif berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu
pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dalam wawasan
kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena
dan kejadian dalam bidang kerja yang spesifik untuk memecahkan masalah.
4. Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait
dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri, bertindak
secara efektif dan kreatif, dan mampu melaksanakan tugas spesifik di bawah
pengawasan langsung.
B. Kompetensi Dasar
1. Merespon berbagai informasi yang terdapat dalam berbagai jenis teks bacaan
seperti menganalisis dan menyatakan ide pokok (main idea) dan makna tersirat.
D. Tujuan Pembelajaran
KD. 1.1
▪ Dengan mengamati dan mempelajari berbagai teks bacaan yang diberikan oleh
guru, siswa dapat menganalisa dan merespon ide pokok (main idea) yang
terdapat pada teks sesuai dengan konteks.
▪ Dengan mengamati dan mempelajari berbagai teks bacaan yang diberikan oleh
guru, siswa dapat menganalisa dan merespon makna tersirat (implied meaning)
yang terdapat pada teks sesuai dengan konteks.
KD. 2.1
▪ Dengan menggunakan teknik skimming atau scanning, siswa dapat menganalisa
dan menemukan berbagai informasi penting yang berkaitan dengan teks yang
E. Materi Pembelajaran
A. Teks yang berjudul “Garbage and Flooding in Jakarta”
B. Teks yang berjudul “Ways Kids Can Help Save Trees”
H. Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Pertemuan I
Kegiatan Interaksi Deskripsi Kegiatan Media Tujuan Kegiatan
1’ T SS 1. Melakukan pembukaan - Untuk menciptakan suasana
dengan salam pembuka kelas yang nyaman dan
dan berdoa untuk kondusif untuk belajar.
memulai pembelajaran.
melaksanakan ice disampaikan di pertemuan
breaking yaitu “Board sebelumnya, sekaligus
Race” agar siswa lebih meningkatkan semangat siswa
bersemangat dan aktif dalam belajar.
dalam belajar di kelas.
4’ T SS 2. Setiap kelompok - Untuk mempersiapkan topik
diberikan teks bacaan yang akan didiskusikan oleh
yang berjudul “Garbage siswa, serta memberikan siswa
and Flooding in Jakarta” pengetahuan akan teknik-teknik
untuk didiskusikan. membaca (reading) teks dalam
Setiap siswa dalam setiap Bahasa Inggris.
kelompok akan
menjawab soal-soal yang
diberikan. Sebelum
memulai diskusi, guru
akan memberikan
penjelasan teknik
skimming and scanning
reading dalam membaca
teks Bahasa Inggris.
menyimpulkan hasil yang
- Untuk proses penilaian hasil
1’ T SS 7. Setelah presentasi, siswa kerja siswa.
diminta untuk
mengumpulkan tugas
hasil diskusi mereka.
Selama pembelajaran
berlangsung, guru mengamati
sikap siswa dalam
pembelajaran yang meliputi
sikap: aktif, tekun, dan
Pertemuan II
Kegiatan Interaksi Deskripsi Kegiatan Media Tujuan Kegiatan
1’ T SS 1. Melakukan pembukaan - Untuk menciptakan suasana
dengan salam pembuka kelas yang nyaman dan
dan berdoa untuk kondusif untuk belajar.
memulai pembelajaran.
1’ T SS 2. Memeriksa kehadiran PPT - Untuk mengetahui jumlah siswa
siswa dan memastikan SLIDE yang ada di dalam kelas untuk
kesiapan siswa dalam belajar.
kegiatan pembelajaran,
Pendahuluan serta memberikan
feedback diskusi
pertemuan sebelumnya.
yang diberikan. Dalam
diskusi ini, tiap-tiap siswa
diminta untuk
menganalisa ungkapan
tawaran (offer) dan saran
(suggestion) beserta ide
pokok (main idea) dalam
1 paragraf.
kesimpulan tentang
kegiatan belajar yang
telah dilakukan.
2. Keterampilan
a. Menulis kalimat ungkapan tawaran (offer) dan saran Penugasan
2. Penilaian Pengetahuan
Bentuk Tes : Menjawab pertanyaan
Soal merupakan pilihan ganda yang berjumlah 15 soal. Nilai dihitung menggunakan
Jawaban benar
Nilai = X 100
Kepala SMKN 1 Mataram
WAKTU : 40 Menit
Read carefully and choose A, B, C, D, or E for the correct answer!
Read the passage below to answer number 1-5!
Text 1.
What are some important considerations when you look for a new job? According to
experts, you ought to think about these things:
First, know yourself! You should ask yourself exactly what you want from a job. Is it
money, interesting work, nice co-workers, or something else? Different people want different
things from a job. Assess yourself. Where are you now and where do you want to be?
You also might want to think about your personal relationships. Consider which
relationships are going well, which ones are not, and, most importantly, why. This will help you
understand how you relate to people you work with.
Make changes! If you had problems with another job, then you should make changes
before you take a new job. It is too late when you are in the job.
Decide what you don’t want! If you want a nine-to-five job, you had better not work for
a company that expects you to be on call 24 hours in 7 days.
If you have an interview, prepare! You should find out about an employer’s business
before your interview. Study the company’s website. You could also call the company. Ask to
speak with someone about the job.
Of course, many of these ideas are common sense, but a lot of people just don’t think
about them. As a result, they are very unhappy in their jobs.
1. What is the passage about?
A. Advice for people looking for jobs
B. Successful strategies in winning the jobs
C. Job opportunity and career
D. Preparing oneself to have a right job
E. Requirements for an appropriate job
2. How many suggestions about finding a job can you identify from the passage?
A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7
E. 8
3. Assess yourself. Where are you now and where do you want to be? (paragraph 2)
What does the underlined words mean?
A. Evaluating whether the job is good for you
B. Identifying different things from a job
C. Positioning yourself for advancement
D. Knowing yourself
E. Exploring if the job offers interesting salary
Rainy season is nemesis of any Jakarta governor. In the early 1970s, the governor Ali Sadikin
always urged regents, district heads, community unit heads and neighborhood unit heads in
Jakarta as well as all residents to clean their drainage systems. Gutters and drainage canals
should be free from plastic garbage, the evil stuff that clogs drainage systems, in order to
avoid heavy flooding. He even talked to his citizens on TV a few months before the rainy
season started. He personally went to the most outlying areas in Greater Jakarta to help clear
gutters and drainage systems and he checked on whether officials were doing their jobs.
Citizens of Jakarta constantly need education and warnings with regard to plastic garbage.
Since Jakarta constantly grows with many people arriving to find jobs, Jakarta has grown out
of proportion. Fauzi Bowo succeeded in building two flood canals and was about to build a
third to alleviate heavy flooding. But even he had to admit that it is a king-size job to free
Jakarta from flooding. He built the elevated road to Soekarno-Hatta International Airport in
record time to at least help travelers be on time for their flights. Canals and rivers should be
cleared of garbage and dredged before the rainy season begins in earnest. Jokowi should use
the media to constantly educate his citizens.
Garbage is piled high in the vicinity of any market in Jakarta; plastic garbage is everywhere
near restaurants and shopping malls. It is a thorn in the eye. Garbage collectors are working
their fingers to the bone. Drainage canals are used as garbage dumps by ignorant Jakarta
citizens. Rivers are full of plastic garbage with an occasional corpse floating amid all this junk.
If Jakarta citizens continue to be ignorant, they should not blame the city’s authorities for their
flooded city and flooded underpasses.
14. Who did build the elevated road to Soekarno-Hatta International Airport? And what
does the function of elevated road?
A. Jokowi. To help the citizens of Jakarta to be on time for their flights.
B. Ali Sadikin. To educate the citizens of Jakarta about the plastic garbage.
C. Fauzi Bowo. To avoid the flooding caused by plastic garbage.
D. Fauzi Bowo. To help the travelers be on time for their flights.
E. Jokowi. To help the travelers be on time for their flights.
Good Luck
Text 1
Rainy season is nemesis of any Jakarta governor. In the early 1970s, the governor Ali
Sadikin always urged regents, district heads, community unit heads and neighborhood unit
heads in Jakarta as well as all residents to clean their drainage systems. Gutters and
drainage canals should be free from plastic garbage, the evil stuff that clogs drainage
systems, in order to avoid heavy flooding. He even talked to his citizens on TV a few months
before the rainy season started. He personally went to the most outlying areas in Greater
Jakarta to help clear gutters and drainage systems and he checked on whether officials were
doing their jobs.
Citizens of Jakarta constantly need education and warnings with regard to plastic garbage.
Since Jakarta constantly grows with many people arriving to find jobs, Jakarta has grown out
of proportion. Fauzi Bowo succeeded in building two flood canals and was about to build a
third to alleviate heavy flooding. But even he had to admit that it is a king-size job to free
Jakarta from flooding. He built the elevated road to Soekarno-Hatta International Airport in
record time to at least help travelers be on time for their flights. Canals and rivers should be
cleared of garbage and dredged before the rainy season begins in earnest. Jokowi should
use the media to constantly educate his citizens.
Garbage is piled high in the vicinity of any market in Jakarta; plastic garbage is everywhere
near restaurants and shopping malls. It is a thorn in the eye. Garbage collectors are working
their fingers to the bone. Drainage canals are used as garbage dumps by ignorant Jakarta
citizens. Rivers are full of plastic garbage with an occasional corpse floating amid all this
junk. If Jakarta citizens continue to be ignorant, they should not blame the city’s authorities
for their flooded city and flooded underpasses.
3. Canals and rivers should be cleared… Jokowi should use the media… (paragraph 2).
What does the purpose of word “should” in the passage above?
4. In the early 1970s, the governor Ali Sadikin always urged regents, district heads…
(paragraph 1). What does the underlined words mean?
5. What is the implied meaning in the text above?
Text 2
by Debi Huang
If you’re a fan of nature and the environment, you’re probably already doing things to take
care of the planet – on Earth Day and every day. This month, I’ve shared ways kids (and
families) can help protect wildlife and oceans. Today I’m focusing on ways kids can help
save trees.
Forests cover almost a third of the Earth’s surface, including some 700+ million acres in the
U.S. alone. They’re home to a huge variety of plants and animals, provide people all over the
world with food, fuel, medicine and more. But perhaps most important, forests provide us
with oxygen and ensure that the Earth’s temperature is livable. What can we do to return the
favor? Here are some simple ways kids can help save trees.
First, we can save trees from being cut down by using less paper. How can kids help? Make
a space for reusable paper. Dedicate a spot in your home for paper that’s blank on one side.
Then reuse it before you recycle it. Put the kids in charge! Kids can use scrap paper
(preferably recycled, too) for coloring, drawing, sketching, etc.
Second, choose a reusable lunchbox instead of a paper bag, complete with reusable
containers, metal utensils, a cloth napkin and a reusable water bottle.
Then, plant a tree and visit the forest. Although planting trees is a popular Earth Day activity,
fall is the season to plant trees and shrubs. Do your homework to make sure you pick the
right tree for your space. Our favorite way to pay homage to trees and forests is to spend
time with them. Visit a local state or national park – many of which feature protected forest
lands. During National Park week, admission to all 401 national parks is free.
There are many ways can we do to protect the trees and forest in our world. We cannot live
without trees because we need oxygen to breathe and all creatures need it too. Trees can
ensure the Earth’s temperature stable and ignore the issue of global warming. Kids are
important generations who will continue our struggle to save this world. Save the trees by
some positive activities can teach them to respect to the nature as their environment.
3. From the text above, what kind of activities that can help the kids to save the trees?
4. What is the implied meaning that can you identify from the text above?
6. Why does the kids have to save the trees and forests?
A. Kompetensi Inti
3. Memahami, menerapkan, dan menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual,
procedural, dan metakognitif berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu
pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dalam wawasan
kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena
dan kejadian dalam bidang kerja yang spesifik untuk memecahkan masalah.
4. Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait
dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri, bertindak
secara efektif dan kreatif, dan mampu melaksanakan tugas spesifik di bawah
pengawasan langsung.
B. Kompetensi Dasar
1. Merespon berbagai informasi yang terdapat dalam berbagai jenis teks bacaan
seperti menganalisis dan menyatakan makna tersirat (implied meaning), dan
informasi khusus (specific information).
D. Tujuan Pembelajaran
KD. 1.1
▪ Dengan mengamati dan mempelajari berbagai teks bacaan yang diberikan oleh
guru, siswa dapat menganalisa dan merespon makna tersirat (implied meaning)
yang terdapat pada teks sesuai dengan konteks.
▪ Dengan mengamati dan mempelajari berbagai teks bacaan yang diberikan oleh
guru, siswa dapat menganalisa dan merespon informasi khusus (specific
information) yang terdapat pada teks sesuai dengan konteks.
KD. 2.1
▪ Dengan menggunakan teknik skimming atau scanning, siswa dapat menganalisa
dan menemukan berbagai informasi penting yang berkaitan dengan teks yang
E. Materi Pembelajaran
A. Report Text entitled “Cats”
B. Report Text entitled “Panda”
H. Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Pertemuan I
Kegiatan Interaksi Deskripsi Kegiatan Media Tujuan Kegiatan
1’ T SS 1. Melakukan pembukaan - Untuk menciptakan suasana
dengan salam pembuka kelas yang nyaman dan
dan berdoa untuk kondusif untuk belajar.
memulai pembelajaran.
kelompok. Dalam hal ini,
kelompok pertama
dinamakan Jigsaw
10’ T SS 6. Siswa diminta untuk - Untuk mempresentasikan hasil
SS SS mempresentasikan hasil diskusi kelompok Jigsaw
diskusi di depan kelas dan masing-masing.
menyimpulkan hasil yang
Selama pembelajaran
berlangsung, guru mengamati
sikap siswa dalam
pembelajaran yang meliputi
sikap: aktif, tekun, dan
Pertemuan II
Kegiatan Interaksi Deskripsi Kegiatan Media Tujuan Kegiatan
1’ T SS 1. Melakukan pembukaan - Untuk menciptakan suasana
dengan salam pembuka kelas yang nyaman dan
dan berdoa untuk kondusif untuk belajar.
memulai pembelajaran.
tentang materi di dan meningkatkan motivasi
pertemuan sebelumnya siswa dalam belajar.
dengan mengadakan
Guessing Game.
12’ T SS 4. Setelah diskusi dengan - Untuk memberikan kesempatan
SS SS temannya di Jigsaw kepada siswa untuk
Groups, siswa diminta mendiskusikan topik atau soal
untuk berkumpul dan yang sama dengan kelompok
berdiskusi dengan teman- para ahli.
temannya di kelompok
para ahli atau Expert
Groups. Expert Groups
akan mendiskusikan
Inti topik mereka masing-
- Untuk mengetahui
7. Siswa akan diberikan perkembangan kognitif dan
42’ T SS evaluasi berupa soal motorik siswa dalam siklus 1
posttest untuk siklus 1. dengan materi ungkapan
(soal posttest; 15 MC) tawaran (offer) dan saran
Selama pembelajaran
berlangsung, guru mengamati
sikap siswa dalam
pembelajaran yang meliputi
sikap: aktif, tekun, dan
1’ T SS 3. Salam penutup. - Untuk menutup kegiatan pada
pertemuan III
2. Keterampilan
a. Menulis kalimat ungkapan tawaran (offer) dan saran Penugasan
2. Penilaian Pengetahuan
Bentuk Tes : Menjawab pertanyaan
Soal merupakan pilihan ganda yang berjumlah 15 soal. Nilai dihitung menggunakan
Jawaban benar
Nilai = X 100
Kepala SMKN 1 Mataram
WAKTU : 45 Menit
Read carefully and choose A, B, C, D, or E for the correct answer!
Read the passage below to answer number 1-5!
Text 1.
What are some important considerations when you look for a new job? According to
experts, you ought to think about these things:
First, know yourself! You should ask yourself exactly what you want from a job. Is it
money, interesting work, nice co-workers, or something else? Different people want different
things from a job. Assess yourself. Where are you now and where do you want to be?
You also might want to think about your personal relationships. Consider which
relationships are going well, which ones are not, and, most importantly, why. This will help you
understand how you relate to people you work with.
Make changes! If you had problems with another job, then you should make changes
before you take a new job. It is too late when you are in the job.
Decide what you don’t want! If you want a nine-to-five job, you had better not work for
a company that expects you to be on call 24 hours in 7 days.
If you have an interview, prepare! You should find out about an employer’s business
before your interview. Study the company’s website. You could also call the company. Ask to
speak with someone about the job.
Of course, many of these ideas are common sense, but a lot of people just don’t think
about them. As a result, they are very unhappy in their jobs.
1. What is the passage about?
A. Advice for people looking for jobs
B. Successful strategies in winning the jobs
C. Job opportunity and career
D. Preparing oneself to have a right job
E. Requirements for an appropriate job
2. How many suggestions about finding a job can you identify from the passage?
A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7
E. 8
3. Assess yourself. Where are you now and where do you want to be? (paragraph 2)
What does the underlined words mean?
A. Evaluating whether the job is good for you
B. Identifying different things from a job
C. Positioning yourself for advancement
D. Knowing yourself
E. Exploring if the job offers interesting salary
The first thing I saw was the Oceanarium where you can watch all sorts of sea fish and
animal under water. There were huge turtles, sharks, and a beautiful tropical sea fish. The
most exciting thing was watching a man feeding the sharks. He wore a special diving suit.
Then I watched the performance of sea animals. The saw was in a big outdoor swimming pool.
There were killer whales, dolphins and sea lions, and they did all sort of fantastic things in the
water. One of the girls in the show rode around the pool on the back of killing whale, and
another girl rode underwater on the back of a big turtle. After the saw I had lunch. There were
several big restaurants at the park and I had lunch in a restaurant that was shape like a ship!
Then I watched a wonderful water-ski show which was held on a lake.
There were lots of other things to do at the park. There was lake cruising, a train ride,
a big water slide, swimming pools, and an incredible roller coaster called the ‘corkscrew’-
because it goes three loops upside down. But I wish I had gone on the roller coaster ride
before lunch rather than after it!
6. Which of the following sea animals is known as ‘killer’?
A. Sea lions
B. Dolphins
C. Seals
D. Turtles
E. Whale
9. “There were huge turtles, sharks, and a beautiful tropical sea fish.” (Paragraph 2)
The antonym of the underlined word is …………
A. Tiny D. Massive
B. Enormous E. Wide
C. Heavy
Good Luck
Cats also called the domestic cat or house cat (with its scientific name: Felis silvestris
catus or Felis catus) is a type of carnivorous mammal of the family Felidae. The word "cat"
generally refers to a "cat" that has been tamed, but can also refer to the "big cats" such as
lions and tigers.
Cats are considered as "perfect carnivore" with teeth and particular digestive tract. The
first premolar and molar teeth form a pair of fangs on each side of the mouth that works
effectively as a pair of scissors to tear the meat. Although these features also exist in the
Canidae or dog, but these traits are better developed in cats. Unlike other carnivores, cats eat
almost non-vegetable substance. Bears and dogs sometimes eat berries, roots, or honey as
a supplement, while cats only eat meat, usually freshly killed prey. In captivity, cats cannot
adapt to a vegetarian diet because they cannot synthesize all the amino acids they need from
plant material; it is in contrast with domesticated dogs, which commonly are fed a mixture of
meat and vegetables and sometimes it can adapt to a completely vegetarian meal.
Cats have mingled with human life since at least 6000 BC, from the skeleton of the cat
found on the island of Cyprus. The ancient Egyptians of 3500 BC have used cats to keep away
the rats or other rodents from the barn where the crops were saved. Currently, the cat is one
of the most popular pet in the world. Cats that his lines are recorded officially as a cat breeds
or pure breed are Persian, Siamese, Manx, and the sphinx. These kinds of cat are usually
bred in official captivity animal. The number of purebred cat is only 1% of all cats in the world;
the rest is a cat with mixed ancestry such as wild cats or domestic cats.
1) Find the stated idea of paragraph 1!
2) What is the main idea of paragraph 3?
3) Why does cat could not adapt to a vegetarian diet? (paragraph 2)
4) How many kinds of cat breeds?
5) Why did the ancient Egyptians used cats in their life?
6) What is the paragraph 2 mostly about?
The Panda is a species of bear that is found in the mountains of central and western
China. One of the most famous and easily identifiable animals in the world, the Panda is also
considered as one of the rarest animal and is under immense threat in its natural environment,
primarily from habitat loss. Here is a description about the Panda.
The Panda is a medium to large sized bear that like other species has a large head,
short tail and a long muzzle with a large nose, which gives them an excellent sense of smell.
The thick fur of the Panda is creamy-white in color with large patches of black on the limbs,
shoulders, ears and nose, and distinctive black patches around their small eyes.
The Panda eats almost only bamboo and so has a number of physical adaptations to
help with its consumption including an extension of their wrist bone which acts a bit like a
thumb, allowing the Panda to grip onto bamboo stems. They also have large jaws with strong
jaw muscles that along with their flat molars, allow the Panda to crush bamboo stems and
leaves in order to extract the nutrients.
The Giant Panda is a solitary animal that occupies a territory marked with secretions
from scent glands and scratch marks on trees. Male Giant Pandas roam home ranges more
than double the size of a female's, with his territory overlapping those of several female Giant
Pandas with which he holds breeding rights. Giant Pandas breed between March and May.
After a gestation period that lasts for around five months, the female Giant Panda gives birth
to one or two cubs in the base of a hollow tree or cave. Panda Bear cubs are very
underdeveloped at birth measuring as little as 15cm and weighing only 100g.
Due to the large size and unique habitat of the Panda, adults have no natural predators
within their cool, bamboo-filled world. Humans however are the biggest threat to Pandas in
the Chinese mountains as they have hunted these remarkable animals for their unique fur.
Although harsh punishments for poaching have now slowed hunting down, Pandas are under
extreme threat from habitat loss in the form of deforestation for agricultures and residences.
Today, the Giant Panda is listed by the IUCN as being an animal species that is
endangered in its natural environment and faces extinction in wild in the near future if more is
not done to protect it. Although the Chinese government has created 33 Giant Panda reserves
and more than 50% of its natural habitat is now protected by law, less than 1,500 individuals
are thought to remain in the wild. Extensive research continues to go into preventing the Giant
Panda from becoming extinct but it simply cannot survive without its unique bamboo forests.
1) What is the passage mostly about?
2) What is the main idea of paragraph 6?
3) From the passage above, we can assume that Panda is an original animal from?
Explain your answer briefly!
4) Why humans could be called as the biggest threat to Panda?
5) From the passage above, what is the solution to prevent Panda’s extinction?
6) Find the stated idea in the paragraph 5!
1 PB-01 53 53 80
2 PB-02 40 60 60
3 PB-03 40 80 87
4 PB-04 53 87 87
5 PB-05 47 80 80
6 PB-06 40 80 80
7 PB-07 80 80 80
8 PB-08 60 80 80
9 PB-09 47 80 80
10 PB-10 47 73 73
11 PB-11 33 60 87
12 PB-12 33 60 80
13 PB-13 47 87 87
14 PB-14 80 87 87
15 PB-15 87 93 100
16 PB-16 87 87 87
17 PB-17 33 67 67
18 PB-18 53 87 87
19 PB-19 27 60 80
20 PB-20 53 67 67
21 PB-21 80 80 80
22 PB-22 40 80 80
23 PB-23 80 93 93
24 PB-24 53 67 80
25 PB-25 40 80 80
26 PB-26 80 87 87
27 PB-27 60 80 80
28 PB-28 80 80 87
No. Students Pretest Score Cycle 1 Cycle 2
Code Posttest Score Posttest Score
29 PB-29 33 53 67
30 PB-30 40 87 93
31 PB-31 93 80 87
32 PB-32 20 80 87
33 PB-33 40 80 80
34 PB-34 40 80 80
35 PB-35 40 80 93
36 PB-36 80 87 93
37 PB-37 40 80 87
38 PB-38 87 80 87
Average 54.36842105 77.42105263 82.55263158
Total Score 2066 2942 3137
Highest Score 93 93 100
Lowest Score 20 53 60
11 28 33
students/28.9% students/68% students/80%
passed passed passed
27 10 5
students/71.1% students/32% students/20%
failed failed failed
Curriculum Vitae
A. Data Pribadi
Nama : I Nyoman Pasek Darmawan
Tempat/Tanggal Lahir : Sijuk, 7 Februari 1996
Jenis Kelamin : Laki - laki
Agama : Hindu
Status : Lajang
Kewarnegaraan : Indonesia
Alamat : Jl. Pagesangan Indah VIII No. 6, Mataram
No. HP : 082 236 430 431 / 081 949 465 235
Email :
C. Pengalaman Organisasi
Nama Organisasi Tempat Jabatan Tahun
Airawata (Sispala)
SMAN 1 Sijuk - 2010 - Sekarang
Keluarga Mahasiswa
Hindu Dharma Mataram CO Bidang Kaderisasi 2015- Sekarang
Indonesia (KMHDI)
HMPS Pendidikan
Bahasa Inggris FKIP - UNRAM - 2013- 2016
D. Sertifikat/Piagam Penghargaan
Tipe Sertifikat Nomor Sertifikat Tanggal
012/PAN-OMT/STATEMENT/FKIP/UM/e/X/2015 18 Oktober 2015
Penghargaan - 29 Oktober 2016
E. Kemampuan
Microsoft Office ( Word, Excel, Powerpoint )
Adobe ( Photoshop, Premiere )
Demikian Curriculum Vitae ini saya buat dengan sebenar-benarnya dan jika di kemudian hari
ditemukan kesalahan, maka saya siap dituntut sesuai hukum yang berlaku.