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Second Part

Graduation Ceremony
April 5, 2019
Ladies and gentlemen, we are pleased to present to you the graduates for the school year
Let us all rise for the entrance of colors.
Ladies and gentlemen, the Philippine National Anthem.

'e*ore +e 'egin this ceremony, may I request everyone to kindly turn off your cellphones to silent mode
and 'e courteous around you 'y re*raining *rom tal ing aloud# -uring the)resentation o* graduates, +e
encourage you to e&)ress your )ride 'y a))lauding and cheering#

Graduation day is always a day of rejoicing of an educational journey and the commencement of
another milestone of a student life. Truly, today signi es the culmination of many years of hardwork and
the relentless pursuit of knowledge. no+ledge that +ill ena'le a )erson to em'race o))ortunities and ta e
on challenges +ith clear3ision and )ur)ose# 4riends, +elcome to the 1
Commencement %&ercises o* San Agustin National High School#
National Anthem
Welcome to the second part of our 17th Commencement Exercises and Recognition Day.
May I request everyone to please stand for the singing of our Philippine National Anthem
to be led by the selected grade 8 students, followed by the doxology, Regional Hymn,
Lanao del Norte Hymn and tubod Hymn to be led by the selected secondary students.
Please be seated…
Words of Welcome
To formally welcome us, may I call in Kristy S. Villafranca, a grade10 deserving student.
This time, let us hear a message by our School Principal, Mr. Norman E. Angay.
Thank you so much Sir!
Presentation of Graduates
And now, to do the honors of presenting this year’s candidates for completion, may I call
in our School Principal, Mr. Norman E. Angay and to be
followed by the confirmation and acceptance of the candidates for completion by the
Schools Division Superintendent, Mr. Roy Angelo E. Gazo.
Distribution of Diplomas and Certificates
Ladies and gentlemen, the distribution of certificates and Recognition of Achievements by
our school principal, Mr. Norman E. Angay, and to be assisted by the DepEd Officials,
Guests, and PTCA Officials
* Congratulations Completers of batch 2018-2019!
Introduction of Guest Speaker
At this juncture, to introduce to us our guest speaker for today’s occasion, May I call in
Ma’am Michelle E. Morales.

Thank you Ma’am!
Moving Up Song
This time ladies and gentlemen, let us hear the moving up song of the kindergarten
Today’s affair is being graced by a special woman who will in a minute deliver her speech
of tribute to our young graduates and to the proud parents as well.
Everyone, put your hands together to one of our supportive kindergarten Parents, put your
hands together to Maria Francheska S. Palahang.
Farewell Song
And now ladies and gentlemen, may we have again on the stage the kindergarten
completers with their farewell song.
Parents and Guardians, you may now go back to you respective seats.
At this point, for the acknowledgment, let us hear Mrs. Remedios P. Velez.
Recessional March
Ladies and gentlemen the Recessional March (Teachers, guests, parents and Completers)
***That concludes our Kindergarten Moving Up Ceremony. Congratulations RCIS
Kindergarten Completers.

And now, may we call the graduates of batch for their graduation song.

Let us now come to the awarding of medals and ribbons to the pupils who carved a
name for themselves…none other than our Batch Top 10 pupils this 2014 Closing
Exercises by their respective parents and at the same time the awarding of certificate of
recognition to the parents of the Batch 1 st and 2 nd Honors.

Today’s affair is being graced by a special woman who will in a minute deliver her words
of wisdom to our young graduates and to their parents as well. To get to know more of
her, may we call on the stage our very own Teacher III, in the person of Mrs. Dionisia
Erestingcol Imbuido to do the honors in introducing our 2014 Closing Exercises Guest
of Honor and Speaker.
SPEECH of the Guest of Honor and Speaker
May we have on the stage once more our PSDS, Dr. Clarita Legazpina Somintac, our
Principal IV, Mdm. Ma. Rowena Alhambra Nicer, our FPTA President. Mr. Tirso H.
Harabata, our municipal mayor, Hon. Constante Batrina Agbayani, our Chairman on the
Committee on Education, Mdm. Marinor Baltazar de Guzman, our Chairman of this
year’s Closing Exercises, Mrs. Jinky Bautista Manipon and all the Grade VI teachers for
the awarding of the Plaque of Appreciation to our Guest of Honor and Speaker.
We will be witnessing a video clip presentation of the unforgettable moments of the
Grade VI pupils and teachers it highlights the awards, achievements, and everything
that took place the whole school year 2013 – 2014 which was painstakingly and
passionately arranged by Mr. Dexter Narvas Fabia, Teacher II.
Since our PGO President is about to leave the school, it is his responsibility to turn over
the responsibility to the newly elected PGO President. With that, may we have,
Jonathan Mark F. Somera, outgoing PGO President, and Rachel Ann P. Tamayo,
incoming PGO President for the turn over and acceptance of responsibility.

At this moment, we will now have the pinning of ribbons to our deserving, behavioral
and academic graduate-awardees by their parents. May we have their own class
adviser to do the honors.

To pay tribute to the parents and teachers, may we have again on the stage the
graduates of Batch 2014 for their song rendition of “ In This Moment” to be conducted
by Mrs. Arcela Fabia Cao, Master Teacher II. This is to be followed by their farewell
song entitled, “ Thank You Once Again” which will be conducted by Mrs. Josefina
Ramos Purilan, Master Teacher I.
To end this memorable occasion, may we have the woman behind this year’s Closing
Exercise…the Over-All Chair…who have done a great job and able to deliver the best of
what we have seen, none other than Mrs. Jinky Bautista Manipon.

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