Matecam Functions
Matecam Functions
Matecam Functions
Thank you for using our product! Please read this manual in detail before using this device.
1. this product is a precision device, please do not drop it, break, splash with liquid, or disassemble without permission.
2. if camera will overheat, smoke or peculiar smell during the process of charging, stop charging immediately and disconnect the camera.
3. please avoid contact with the product for very young children in order to avoid eating or other hazards.
4. use well known branded Micro SD cards, no-name brand cards will not guarantee the normal usage.
5. if not using anymore this device, select a waste collection point to recycle this product or its batteries, do not discard in household garbage.
Product overview
The MateCam X1 is using latest technology available to offer features like video recording up to 4K-HI resolution, up to 60FPS for FullHD, gyro
stabilization, 16MP photo shooting, Wi-Fi and remote control and can be perfectly used in all kinds of outdoor sports video or driving recordings.
(Note: The camera can be used while charging but is better to turn it off while charging in order to extend battery life.)
3. Turn on camera
Press Power button for 3-5 seconds. (This will turn off the camera if you take this action when camera is on). The camera does a quick self-check, the
LED lights will light up in turn to make sure everything is operational, then run back to the default state 2K LED and entering into the stand-by mode.
Function selection
Turn the camera on (2K default) and press the Mode button if you want to change the Video Mode. 7 modes are cyclic switched by the blue LED light
as: 2K --》1080p --》720p --》VGA --》Photo --》Motion Detection --》4K --》2.7K. When the desired resolution is selected you can press the Shutter
button to start recording. Motion detection function will start automatically.
Camera features
Action camera
When using it outdoor please use the accessories which came with the package to fix the camera safety on the helmet or on other sport equipment.
Connect the phone APP to set your preferences then you can use just the camera for video recording or taking photos, for FPV by using its video out
feature or installed inside waterproof case when diving or snorkeling and so on.
Dash camera
Auto start & stop: camera automatically records at default 2K@30fps when power is detected while connecting to the car charger.
Parking monitoring function: connect the phone APP and enter into advanced settings Menu, and enable parking monitoring function.
When camera is turned off but is detecting a shock or vibration it will automatically turn on and record for 1 minute, then it will automatic shutdown
if no more shocks are detected (Power Safe Mode).
Live video mode
1. Web Cam mode: turn off camera, press and keep pressed the Mode button and connect the camera to PC by USB cable. The camera will
enter in Webcam mode when all LEDs from bottom of the camera are on. No driver is needed.
2. TV Out mode: connect camera to TV or other monitor display by using the RCA cable, turn on the camera.
1) Connect the AV cable between the MateCam Micro USB port and your TV or monitor AV In connectors.
2) Recording: press Mode button to switch between 2K --》1080p --》720p --》VGA --》Photo --》Motion Detection --》4K --》2.7K.
The corresponding indicator LED will light on. Frame rates and other parameters can be set by the APP. Press the Shutter button to start recording /
stop recording / photo operation and all action captured by the camera is available on your TV screen.
3) Playback: press Mode button to switch between 2K --》1080p --》720p --》VGA --》Photo --》Motion Detection --》4K --》Playback.
When reaching the Playback mode the camera will display Video and Photo folder on TV. Press the Shutter button to select the folder.
Press the Power button to enter the folder. You can play the videos one by one, press the Shutter button to play next file, press the Mode button to
exit. (When in playback mode, the LED light blinks slowly.)
- When the modification is complete, confirmations are displayed.
3. HDMI mode: connect camera to TV or other monitor display by using a Micro HDMI (HDMI-D) cable, turn on the camera.
1) Connect the Micro HDMI-D cable between the MateCam micro HDMI port and your TV or monitor HDMI connector.
2) Preview: choose 2K resolution for focus and monitor. Pressing Mode button will switch between Preview and Playback
3) Playback: when you press the MODE button to switch to the playback state, it will display video and photo folder on TV. Press the shutter button
to select the folder.
Press the Power button to enter the folder. You can play the videos one by one, press the Shutter button to play next file, press the Mode button to
exit. (When in playback mode, the LED light blinks slowly.)
- When the modification is complete, confirmations are displayed. Use APP for other settings.
Note: Set the camera in video or photo mode. Depending on the current selected mode resolution you can capture pictures within a range
of :10M.
Wi-Fi Connection
1. Download and install the “MateCam” APP for Android or iOS. The android APP can be downloaded from Google Play and iOS APP can be
downloaded from App Store. Or scan the QR code from the manual or gift box to download.
2. Press Mode button for 3 seconds to turn Wi-Fi ON/OFF. Wi-Fi blue light on will show you the Wi-Fi camera state.
Wi-Fi Name:MateCam_X1_
Default Password: 88888888
3. After connecting the Wi-Fi successfully you can enter to advanced settings Menu to reset the Wi-Fi password and the Wi-Fi name.
4. After entering into the APP interface, swipe up and down the screen to adjust display brightness.
5. Function buttons as below photo show: Advanced settings, Motion detecting, Video, Photo, Playback.
For example, the below screenshot is for the video mode and when pressing the bottom left button is possible to setup the recording properties. The
next screenshot is showing the pictures setup.
6. Enter into the preview mode you can view photos, videos. You can download, edit, and share pictures and videos to Facebook, WeChat. etc.
7. More detailed functions for the APP can be found on the website, just download the APP online manual.
Product specifications may be changed according to the product upgrading or improving, please look online for the actual product specifications.
6. 本产品为精密仪器,请勿摔砸、碰撞,或私自拆卸本产品。
7. 如在充电过程中出现产品过热、冒烟或产生异味,请立即拔出充电装置,停止充电。
8. 请避免让幼儿接触本产品,以免发生误食或其它危险。
10. 请选择正式回收点回收本产品或其电池,切勿弃置于生活垃圾中。
芯片 NOVATEK96660
视频帧率 10/15/20/24/25/30/48/50/60/120/240fps
视角 宽 / 中 / 窄
额外的功能 Wi-Fi,陀螺仪,移动侦测, 重力感应器,遥控 (可选)
内存 External: MicroSD card up to 128GB
系统 WinXP,Win7,Win10,Mac OS
充电时,电量指示灯为红色长亮,充满后熄灭。使用时,电量指示灯根据电量多少呈现不同颜色,绿色表示电量充足,蓝色表示电量剩余 50%,红色慢闪表
2、插入 Micro SD 卡。
4、格式化 Micro SD 卡
(一)运动 dv
连接车载充电器后,汽车启动时机器会自动开机录像,默认录像分辨率是 2K@30fps。
TV 模式:
---修改完成,请确认 UI 显示。
HDMI 模式:
四、WiFi 连接
Wi-Fi 连接:
1、安装 APP 软件 MateCam 到安卓或者苹果系统设备中,安卓 APP 可以在 Google Play 下载,苹果 APP 可以在 App store 下载,或者直接扫描说明书上的二