Community v. Reid
Community v. Reid
Community v. Reid
730 (1989) "Snyder and fellow CCNV members conceived the idea for the nature of the
display: a sculpture of a modern Nativity scene in which, in lieu of the traditional
COMMUNITY FOR CREATIVE NON-VIOLENCE ET AL. Holy Family, the two adult figures and the infant would appear as
v. contemporary homeless people huddled on a streetside steam grate. The
REID family was to be black (most of the homeless in Washington being black); the
figures were to be life-sized, and the steam grate would be positioned atop a
No. 88-293. platform `pedestal,' or base, within which special-effects equipment would be
enclosed to emit simulated `steam' through the grid to swirl about the figures.
Supreme Court of United States. They also settled upon a title for the work — `Third World America' — and a
legend for the pedestal: `and still there is no room at the inn.' " 652 F. Supp.
1453, 1454 (DC 1987).
Argued March 29, 1989
Decided June 5, 1989
CERTIORARI TO THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE Snyder made inquiries to locate an artist to produce the sculpture. He was
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA CIRCUIT referred to respondent James Earl Reid, a Baltimore, Maryland, sculptor. In
the course of two telephone calls, Reid agreed to sculpt the three human
figures. CCNV agreed to make the steam grate and pedestal for the statue.
732*732 Robert Alan Garrett argued the cause for petitioners. With him on the
Reid proposed that the work be cast in bronze, at a total cost of approximately
briefs were Terri A. Southwick and L. Barrett Boss.
$100,000 and taking six to eight months to complete. Snyder rejected that
proposal because CCNV did not have sufficient funds, and because the statue
Joshua Kaufman argued the cause for respondent. With him on the brief had to be completed by December 12 to be included in the pageant. Reid then
was Jeffrey B. O'Toole. suggested, and Snyder agreed, that the 734*734 sculpture would be made of
a material known as "Design Cast 62," a synthetic substance that could meet
Lawrence S. Robbins argued the cause for the Register of Copyrights CCNV's monetary and time constraints, could be tinted to resemble bronze,
as amicus curiaeurging affirmance. With him on the brief were Acting Solicitor and could withstand the elements. The parties agreed that the project would
General Bryson, Deputy Solicitor General Merrill, and Ralph Oman.[*] cost no more than $15,000, not including Reid's services, which he offered to
donate. The parties did not sign a written agreement. Neither party mentioned
JUSTICE MARSHALL delivered the opinion of the Court. copyright.
In this case, an artist and the organization that hired him to produce a sculpture After Reid received an advance of $3,000, he made several sketches of figures
contest the ownership of the copyright in that work. To resolve this dispute, we in various poses. At Snyder's request, Reid sent CCNV a sketch of a proposed
must construe the "work made for hire" provisions of the Copyright Act of 1976 sculpture showing the family in a crechelike setting: the mother seated,
(Act or 1976 Act), 17 U. S. C. §§ 101 and 201(b), and in particular, the provision cradling a baby in her lap; the father standing behind her, bending over her
in § 101, which defines as a "work made for hire" a "work prepared by an shoulder to touch the baby's foot. Reid testified that Snyder asked for the
employee within the scope of his or her employment" (hereinafter § 101(1)). sketch to use in raising funds for the sculpture. Snyder testified that it was also
for his approval. Reid sought a black family to serve as a model for the
733*733 I sculpture. Upon Snyder's suggestion, Reid visited a family living at CCNV's
Washington shelter but decided that only their newly born child was a suitable
model. While Reid was in Washington, Snyder took him to see homeless
Petitioners are the Community for Creative Non-Violence (CCNV), a nonprofit people living on the streets. Snyder pointed out that they tended to recline on
unincorporated association dedicated to eliminating homelessness in America, steam grates, rather than sit or stand, in order to warm their bodies. From that
and Mitch Snyder, a member and trustee of CCNV. In the fall of 1985, CCNV time on, Reid's sketches contained only reclining figures.
decided to participate in the annual Christmastime Pageant of Peace in
Washington, D. C., by sponsoring a display to dramatize the plight of the
homeless. As the District Court recounted: Throughout November and the first two weeks of December 1985, Reid
worked exclusively on the statue, assisted at various times by a dozen different
people who were paid with funds provided in installments by CCNV. On a
number of occasions, CCNV members visited Reid to check on his progress
and to coordinate CCNV's construction of the base. CCNV rejected Reid's 270 U. S. App. D. C., at 33, 846 F. 2d, at 1492. Because, under agency law,
proposal to use suitcases or shopping bags to hold the family's personal Reid was an independent contractor, the court concluded that the work was
belongings, insisting instead on a shopping cart. Reid and CCNV members did not "prepared by an employee" under § 101(1). Id., at 35, 846 F. 2d, at 1494.
not discuss copyright ownership on any of these visits. Nor was the sculpture a "work made for hire" under the second subsection of
§ 101 (hereinafter § 101(2)): sculpture is not one of the nine categories of
735*735 On December 24, 1985, 12 days after the agreed-upon date, Reid works enumerated in that subsection, and the parties had not agreed in writing
delivered the completed statue to Washington. There it was joined to the steam that the sculpture would be a work for hire. Ibid. The court suggested that the
grate and pedestal prepared by CCNV and placed on display near the site of sculpture nevertheless may have been jointly authored by CCNV and
the pageant. Snyder paid Reid the final installment of the $15,000. The statue Reid, id., at 36, 846 F. 2d, at 1495, and remanded for a determination whether
remained on display for a month. In late January 1986, CCNV members the sculpture is indeed a joint work under the Act, id., at 39-40, 846 F. 2d, at
returned it to Reid's studio in Baltimore for minor repairs. Several weeks later, 1498-1499.
Snyder began making plans to take the statue on a tour of several cities to
raise money for the homeless. Reid objected, contending that the Design Cast We granted certiorari to resolve a conflict among the Courts of Appeals over
62 material was not strong enough to withstand the ambitious itinerary. He the proper construction of the "work made for hire" provisions of the Act.[2] 488
urged CCNV to cast the statue in bronze at a cost of $35,000, or to create a U. S. 940 (1988). We now affirm.
master mold at a cost of $5,000. Snyder declined to spend more of CCNV's
money on the project. 737*737 IIA
In March 1986, Snyder asked Reid to return the sculpture. Reid refused. He The Copyright Act of 1976 provides that copyright ownership "vests initially in
then filed a certificate of copyright registration for "Third World America" in his the author or authors of the work." 17 U. S. C. § 201(a). As a general rule, the
name and announced plans to take the sculpture on a more modest tour than author is the party who actually creates the work, that is, the person who
the one CCNV had proposed. Snyder, acting in his capacity as CCNV's translates an idea into a fixed, tangible expression entitled to copyright
trustee, immediately filed a competing certificate of copyright registration. protection. § 102. The Act carves out an important exception, however, for
"works made for hire."[3] If the work is for hire, "the employer or other person
Snyder and CCNV then commenced this action against Reid and his for whom the work was prepared is considered the author" and owns the
photographer, Ronald Purtee,[1] seeking return of the sculpture and a copyright, unless there is a written agreement to the contrary. § 201(b).
determination of copyright ownership. The District Court granted a preliminary Classifying a work as "made for hire" determines not only the initial ownership
injunction, ordering the sculpture's return. After a 2-day bench trial, the District of its copyright, but also the copyright's duration, § 302(c), and the owners'
Court declared that "Third World America" was a "work made for hire" under § renewal rights, § 304(a), termination rights, § 203(a), and right to import certain
101 of the Copyright Act and that Snyder, as trustee for CCNV, was the goods bearing the copyright, § 601(b)(1). See 1 M. Nimmer & D. Nimmer,
exclusive owner of the copyright in the sculpture. 652 F. Supp., at 1457. The Nimmer on Copyright § 5.03 [A], pp. 5-10 (1988). The contours of the work for
court reasoned that Reid had been an "employee" of CCNV within the meaning hire doctrine therefore carry profound significance for freelance creators —
of § 101(1) because CCNV was the motivating force in the statue's production. including artists, writers, photographers, designers, composers, and computer
Snyder and 736*736 other CCNV members, the court explained, "conceived programmers — and for the publishing, advertising, music, and other
the idea of a contemporary Nativity scene to contrast with the national industries which commission their works.[4]
celebration of the season," and "directed enough of [Reid's] effort to assure
that, in the end, he had produced what they, not he, wanted." Id., at 1456. 738*738 Section 101 of the 1976 Act provides that a work is "for hire" under
two sets of circumstances:
The Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit reversed and
remanded, holding that Reid owned the copyright because "Third World "(1) a work prepared by an employee within the scope of his or her
America" was not a work for hire. 270 U. S. App. D. C. 26, 35, 846 F. 2d 1485, employment; or
1494 (1988). Adopting what it termed the "literal interpretation" of the Act as (2) a work specially ordered or commissioned for use as a contribution to a
articulated by the Fifth Circuit in Easter Seal Society for Crippled Children & collective work, as a part of a motion picture or other audiovisual work, as a
Adults of Louisiana, Inc. v. Playboy Enterprises, 815 F. 2d 323, 329 translation, as a supplementary work, as a compilation, as an instructional text,
(1987), cert. denied, 485 U. S. 981 (1988), the court read § 101 as creating "a as a test, as answer material for a test, or as an atlas, if the parties expressly
simple dichotomy in fact between employees and independent contractors."
agree in a written instrument signed by them that the work shall be considered the conventional master-servant relationship as understood by common-law
a work made for hire."[5] agency doctrine. See, e. g., Kelley v. Southern Pacific Co., 419 U. S. 318, 322-
323 (1974); Baker v. Texas & Pacific R. Co.,359 U. S. 227, 228 (1959) (per
Petitioners do not claim that the statue satisfies the terms of § 101(2). Quite curiam); Robinson v. Baltimore & Ohio R. Co., 237 U. S. 84, 94 (1915).
clearly, it does not. Sculpture does not fit within any of the nine categories of Nothing in the text of the work for hire provisions indicates that Congress used
"specially ordered or commissioned" works enumerated in that subsection, the words "employee" and "employment" to describe anything other than " `the
and no written agreement between the parties establishes "Third World conventional relation of employer and employe.' " Kelley, supra, at 323,
America" as a work for hire. quoting Robinson, supra, at 94; cf. NLRB v. Hearst Publications, Inc., 322 U.
S. 111, 124-132 (1944) (rejecting agency law conception of employee for
purposes of the National Labor Relations Act where structure and context of
The dispositive inquiry in this case therefore is whether "Third World America"
statute indicated broader definition). On the contrary, Congress' intent to
is "a work prepared by an employee within the scope of his or her employment"
incorporate the agency law definition is suggested by § 101(1)'s use of the
under § 101(1). The Act does not define these terms. In the absence of such
term, "scope of employment," a widely used term of art in agency law. See
guidance, four interpretations have emerged. The first holds that a work is
prepared by an employee whenever the hiring party[6] retains the right to Restatement (Second) of Agency § 228 (1958) (hereinafter Restatement).
control the product. See Peregrine v. Lauren Corp., 601 F. Supp. 828, 829
(Colo. 1985); Clarkstown v. Reeder, 566 F. Supp. 137, 142 In past cases of statutory interpretation, when we have concluded that
(SDNY 739*739 1983). Petitioners take this view. Brief for Petitioners 15; Tr. Congress intended terms such as "employee," "employer," and "scope of
of Oral Arg. 12. A second, and closely related, view is that a work is prepared employment" to be understood in light of agency law, we have relied on the
by an employee under § 101(1) when the hiring party has actually wielded general common law of agency, rather than on the law of any particular State,
control with respect to the creation of a particular work. This approach was to give meaning to these terms. See, e. g., Kelley, 419 U. S., at 323-324, and
formulated by the Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, Aldon Accessories n. 5; id., at 332 (Stewart, J., concurring in judgment); Ward v. Atlantic Coast
Ltd. v. Spiegel, Inc., 738 F. 2d 548, cert. denied, 469 U. S. 982 (1984), and Line R. Co., 362 U. S. 396, 400 (1960); Baker, supra, at 228. This practice
adopted by the Fourth Circuit, Brunswick Beacon, Inc. v.Schock-Hopchas reflects the fact that "federal statutes are generally intended to have uniform
Publishing Co., 810 F. 2d 410 (1987), the Seventh Circuit, Evans Newton, nationwide application." Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians v. Holyfield,
Inc. v. Chicago Systems Software, 793 F. 2d 889, cert. denied, 479 U. S. 949 ante, at 43. Establishment of a federal rule of agency, rather than reliance on
(1986), and, at times, by petitioners, Brief for Petitioners 17. A third view is that state agency law, is particularly appropriate here given the Act's express
the term "employee" within § 101(1) carries its common-law agency law objective of creating national, uniform copyright law by broadly pre-empting
meaning. This view was endorsed by the Fifth Circuit in Easter Seal Society state statutory and common-law copyright regulation. See 17 U. S. C. § 301(a).
for Crippled Children & Adults of Louisiana, Inc. v. Playboy Enterprises, 815 F. We thus 741*741 agree with the Court of Appeals that the term "employee"
2d 323 (1987), and by the Court of Appeals below. Finally, respondent and should be understood in light of the general common law of agency.
numerous amici curiae contend that the term "employee" only refers to
"formal, salaried" employees. See, e. g., Brief for Respondent 23-24; Brief for In contrast, neither test proposed by petitioners is consistent with the text of
Register of Copyrights as Amicus Curiae 7. The Court of Appeals for the Ninth the Act. The exclusive focus of the right to control the product test on the
Circuit recently adopted this view. See Dumas v. Gommerman, 865 F. 2d relationship between the hiring party and the product clashes with the
1093 (1989). language of § 101(1), which focuses on the relationship between the hired and
hiring parties. The right to control the product test also would distort the
The starting point for our interpretation of a statute is always its meaning of the ensuing subsection, § 101(2). Section 101 plainly creates two
language. Consumer Product Safety Comm'n v. GTE Sylvania, Inc., 447 U. S. distinct ways in which a work can be deemed for hire: one for works prepared
102, 108 (1980). The Act nowhere defines the terms "employee" or "scope of by employees, the other for those specially ordered or commissioned works
employment." It is, however, well established that "[w]here Congress uses which fall within one of the nine enumerated categories and are the subject of
terms that have accumulated settled meaning under . . . the common law, a a written agreement. The right to control the product test ignores this
court must infer, unless the statute otherwise dictates, that Congress means dichotomy by transforming into a work for hire under § 101(1) any "specially
to incorporate the established meaning of these terms." NLRB v. Amax Coal ordered or commissioned" work that is subject to the supervision and control
Co., 453 U. S. 322, 329 (1981); see also Perrin v. United States, 444 U. S. 37, of the hiring party. Because a party who hires a "specially ordered or
42 (1979). In the past, when Congress has used the term "employee" without commissioned" work by definition has a right to specify the characteristics of
defining it, 740*740 we have concluded that Congress intended to describe the product desired, at the time the commission is accepted, and frequently
until it is completed, the right to control the product test would mean that many First, interested parties and Congress at all times viewed works by employees
works that could satisfy § 101(2) would already have been deemed works for and commissioned works by independent contractors as separate entities.
hire under § 101(1). Petitioners' interpretation is particularly hard to square Second, in using the term "employee," the parties and Congress meant to refer
with § 101(2)'s enumeration of the nine specific categories of specially ordered to a hired party in a conventional employment relationship. These factors
or commissioned works eligible to be works for hire, e. g., "a contribution to a militate in favor of the reading we have found appropriate.
collective work," "a part of a motion picture," and "answer material for a test."
The unifying feature of these works is that they are usually prepared at the In 1955, when Congress decided to overhaul copyright law, the existing work
instance, direction, and risk of a publisher or producer. [7] By their very nature, for hire provision was § 62 of the 1909 Copyright Act, 17 U. S. C. § 26 (1976
therefore, these types of 742*742 works would be works by an employee ed.) (1909 Act). It provided that "the word `author' shall include an employer
under petitioners' right to control the product test. in 744*744 the case of works made for hire."[9] Because the 1909 Act did not
define "employer" or "works made for hire," the task of shaping these terms fell
The actual control test, articulated by the Second Circuit in Aldon to the courts. They concluded that the work for hire doctrine codified in § 62
Accessories, fares only marginally better when measured against the referred only to works made by employees in the regular course of their
language and structure of § 101. Under this test, independent contractors who employment. As for commissioned works, the courts generally presumed that
are so controlled and supervised in the creation of a particular work are the commissioned party had impliedly agreed to convey the copyright, along
deemed "employees" under § 101(1). Thus work for hire status under § 101(1) with the work itself, to the hiring party. See, e. g., Shapiro, Bernstein &
depends on a hiring party's actual control of, rather than right to control, the Co. v. Jerry Vogel Music Co., 221 F. 2d 569, 570, rev'd, 223 F. 2d 252 (CA2
product. Aldon Accessories, 738 F. 2d, at 552. Under the actual control test, a 1955); Yardley v. Houghton Mifflin Co., 108 F. 2d 28, 31 (CA2 1939), cert.
work for hire could arise under § 101(2), but not under § 101(1), where a party denied, 309 U. S. 686 (1940).[10]
commissions, but does not actually control, a product which falls into one of
the nine enumerated categories. Nonetheless, we agree with the Court of In 1961, the Copyright Office's first legislative proposal retained the distinction
Appeals for the Fifth Circuit that "[t]here is simply no way to milk the `actual between works by employees and works by independent contractors. See
control' test of Aldon Accessories from the language of the statute." Easter Report of the Register of Copyrights on the General Revision of the U. S.
Seal Society, 815 F. 2d, at 334. Section 101 clearly delineates between works Copyright Law, 87th Cong., 1st Sess., Copyright Law Revision 86-87 (H. R.
prepared by an employee and commissioned works. Sound though other Judiciary Comm. Print 1961). After numerous meetings with representatives of
distinctions might be as a matter of copyright policy, there is no statutory the affected parties, the Copyright Office issued a preliminary draft bill in 1963.
support for an additional dichotomy between commissioned works that are Adopting the Register's recommendation, it defined "work 745*745 made for
actually controlled and supervised by the hiring party and those that are not. hire" as "a work prepared by an employee within the scope of the duties of his
employment, but not including a work made on special order or commission."
We therefore conclude that the language and structure of § 101 of the Act do Preliminary Draft for Revised U. S. Copyright Law and Discussions and
not support either the right to control the product or the actual control Comments on the Draft, 88th Cong., 2d Sess., Copyright Law Revision, Part
approaches.[8] The structure of 743*743 § 101 indicates that a work for hire 3, p. 15, n. 11 (H. R. Judiciary Comm. Print 1964) (hereinafter Preliminary
can arise through one of two mutually exclusive means, one for employees Draft).
and one for independent contractors, and ordinary cannons of statutory
interpretation indicate that the classification of a particular hired party should In response to objections by book publishers that the preliminary draft bill
be made with reference to agency law. limited the work for hire doctrine to "employees,"[11] the 1964 revision bill
expanded the scope of the work for hire classification to reach, for the first
This reading of the undefined statutory terms finds considerable support in the time, commissioned works. The bill's language, proposed initially by
Act's legislative history. Cf. Diamond v. Chakrabarty, 447 U. S. 303, 315 representatives of the publishing industry, retained the definition of work for
(1980). The Act, which almost completely revised existing copyright law, was hire insofar as it referred to "employees," but added a separate clause covering
the product of two decades of negotiation by representatives of creators and commissioned works, without regard to the subject matter, "if the parties so
copyright-using industries, supervised by the Copyright Office and, to a lesser agree in writing." S. 3008, H. R. 11947, H. R. 12354, 88th Cong., 2d Sess., §
extent, by Congress. See Mills Music, Inc. v. Snyder, 469 U. S. 153, 159 54 (1964), reproduced in 1964 Revision Bill with Discussions and Comments,
(1985); Litman, Copyright, Compromise, and Legislative History, 72 Cornell L. 89th Cong., 1st Sess., Copyright Law Revision, pt. 5, p. 31 (H. R. Judiciary
Rev. 857, 862 (1987). Despite the lengthy history of negotiation and Comm. Print 1965). Those representing authors objected that the added
compromise which ultimately produced the Act, two things remained constant. provision would allow publishers to use their superior bargaining position to
force authors to sign work for hire agreements, 746*746 thereby relinquishing for works to acquire work for hire status: one for employees and 748*748 the
all copyright rights as a condition of getting their books published. See other for independent contractors. Second, the legislative history underscores
Supplementary Report, at 67. the clear import of the statutory language: only enumerated categories of
commissioned works may be accorded work for hire status. The hiring party's
In 1965, the competing interests reached a historic compromise, which was right to control the product simply is not determinative. See Note, The Creative
embodied in a joint memorandum submitted to Congress and the Copyright Commissioner: Commissioned Works Under the Copyright Act of 1976, 62 N.
Office,[12] incorporated into the 1965 revision bill, and ultimately enacted in the Y. U. L. Rev. 373, 388 (1987). Indeed, importing a test based on a hiring party's
same form and nearly the same terms 11 years later, as § 101 of the 1976 Act. right to control, or actual control of, a product would unravel the " `carefully
The compromise retained as subsection (1) the language referring to "a work worked out compromise aimed at balancing legitimate interests on both sides.'
prepared by an employee within the scope of his employment." However, in " H. R. Rep. No. 2237, supra, at 114, quoting Supplemental Report, at 66.[14]
exchange for concessions from publishers on provisions relating to the
termination of transfer rights, the authors consented to a second subsection We do not find convincing petitioners' contrary interpretation of the history of
which classified four categories of commissioned works as works for hire if the the Act. They contend that Congress, in enacting the Act, meant to incorporate
parties expressly so agreed in writing: works for use "as a contribution to a a line of cases decided under the 1909 Act holding that an employment
collective work, as a part of a motion picture, as a translation, or as relationship exists sufficient to give the hiring party copyright ownership
supplementary work." S. 1006, H. R. 4347, H. R. 5680, H. R. 6835, 89th Cong., whenever that party has the right to control or supervise the artist's work.
1st Sess., § 101 (1965). The interested parties selected these categories See, e. g., Siegel v. National Periodical Publications, Inc.,508 F. 2d 909, 914
because they concluded that these commissioned works, although not (CA2 1974); Picture Music, Inc. v. Bourne, Inc., 457 F. 2d 1213, 1216
prepared by employees and thus not covered by the first subsection, (CA2), cert. denied, 409 U. S. 997 (1972); Scherr v. Universal Match
nevertheless should be treated as works for hire because they were ordinarily Corp., 417 F. 2d 497, 500 (CA2 1969), cert. denied, 397 U. S. 936
prepared "at the instance, direction, and risk of a publisher or producer." (1970); Brattleboro Publishing Co. v. Winmill Publishing Corp., 369 F. 2d 565,
Supplementary Report, at 67. The Supplementary Report emphasized that 567-568 (CA2 1966). In support of this position, petitioners note: "Nowhere in
only the "four special cases specifically mentioned" could qualify as works the 1976 Act or in the Act's legislative history does Congress state that it
made for hire; "[o]ther works made on special order or commission would not intended to jettison the control standard or otherwise to reject the pre-Act
come within the definition." Id., at 67-68. judicial approach to identifying a 749*749 work for hire employment
relationship." Brief for Petitioners 20, citing Aldon Accessories, 738 F. 2d, at
747*747 In 1966, the House Committee on the Judiciary endorsed this 552.
compromise in the first legislative Report on the revision bills. See H. R. Rep.
No. 2237, 89th Cong., 2d Sess., 114, 116 (1966). Retaining the distinction We are unpersuaded. Ordinarily, "Congress' silence is just that —
between works by employees and commissioned works, the House Committee silence." Alaska Airlines, Inc. v. Brock, 480 U. S. 678, 686 (1987). Petitioners'
focused instead on "how to draw a statutory line between those works written reliance on legislative silence is particularly misplaced here because the text
on special order or commission that should be considered as works made for and structure of § 101 counsel otherwise. See Bourjaily v. United States, 483
hire, and those that should not." Id., at 115. The House Committee added four U. S. 171, 178 (1987); Harrison v. PPG Industries, Inc., 446 U. S. 578, 592
other enumerated categories of commissioned works that could be treated as (1980).[15] Furthermore, the structure of the work for hire provisions was fully
works for hire: compilations, instructional texts, tests, and atlases. Id., at 116. developed in 1965, and the text was agreed upon in essentially final form by
With the single addition of "answer material for a test," the 1976 Act, as 1966. At that time, however, the courts had applied the work for hire doctrine
enacted, contained the same definition of works made for hire as did the 1966 under the 1909 Act exclusively to traditional employees. Indeed, it was not until
revision bill, and had the same structure and nearly the same terms as the after the 1965 compromise was forged and adopted by Congress [16] that a
1966 bill.[13] Indeed, much of the language of the 1976 House and Senate federal court for the first time applied the work for hire doctrine to
Reports was borrowed from the Reports accompanying the earlier drafts. commissioned works. See, e. g., Brattleboro Publishing Co., supra, at 567-
See, e. g., H. R. Rep. No. 94-1476, p. 121 (1976); S. Rep. No. 94-473, p. 105 568. Congress certainly could not have "jettisoned" a line of cases that had not
(1975). yet been decided.
Thus, the legislative history of the Act is significant for several reasons. First, Finally, petitioners' construction of the work for hire provisions would impede
the enactment of the 1965 compromise with only minor modifications Congress' paramount goal in revising the 1976 Act of enhancing predictability
demonstrates that Congress intended to provide two mutually exclusive ways and certainty of copyright ownership. See H. R. Rep. No. 94-1476, supra, at
129. In a "copyright marketplace," the parties negotiate with an expectation hired party's role in hiring and 752*752 paying assistants;[26] whether the work
that one of them will own the copyright in the completed work. Dumas, 865 F. is part of the regular business of the hiring party;[27] whether the hiring party is
2d, at 1104-1105, 750*750 n. 18. With that expectation, the parties at the in business;[28] the provision of employee benefits;[29] and the tax treatment of
outset can settle on relevant contractual terms, such as the price for the work the hired party.[30] See Restatement § 220(2) (setting forth a nonexhaustive list
and the ownership of reproduction rights. of factors relevant to determining whether a hired party is an employee).[31] No
one of these factors is determinative. See Ward, 362 U. S., at 400; Hilton Int'l
To the extent that petitioners endorse an actual control test, [17] CCNV's Co. v. NLRB, 690 F. 2d 318, 321 (CA2 1982).
construction of the work for hire provisions prevents such planning. Because
that test turns on whether the hiring party has closely monitored the production Examining the circumstances of this case in light of these factors, we agree
process, the parties would not know until late in the process, if not until the with the Court of Appeals that Reid was not an employee of CCNV but an
work is completed, whether a work will ultimately fall within § 101(1). Under independent contractor. 270 U. S. App. D. C., at 35, n. 11, 846 F. 2d, at 1494,
petitioners' approach, therefore, parties would have to predict in advance n. 11. True, CCNV members directed enough of Reid's work to ensure that he
whether the hiring party will sufficiently control a given work to make it the produced a sculpture that met their specifications. 652 F. Supp., at 1456. But
author. "If they guess incorrectly, their reliance on `work for hire' or an the extent of control the hiring party exercises over the details of the product
assignment may give them a copyright interest that they did not bargain is not dispositive. Indeed, all the other circumstances weigh heavily against
for." Easter Seal Society, 815 F. 2d, at 333; accord, Dumas, supra, at 1103. finding an employment relationship. Reid is a sculptor, a skilled occupation.
This understanding of the work for hire provisions clearly thwarts Congress' Reid supplied his own tools. He worked in his own studio in Baltimore, making
goal of ensuring predictability through advance planning. Moreover, daily supervision of his activities from Washington practicably impossible. Reid
petitioners' interpretation "leaves the door open for hiring parties, who have was retained for less than two months, a relatively 753*753 short period of
failed to get a full assignment of copyright rights from independent contractors time. During and after this time, CCNV had no right to assign additional
falling outside the subdivision (2) guidelines, to unilaterally obtain work-made- projects to Reid. Apart from the deadline for completing the sculpture, Reid
for-hire rights years after the work has been completed as long as they directed had absolute freedom to decide when and how long to work. CCNV paid Reid
or supervised the work, a standard that is hard not to meet when one is a hiring $15,000, a sum dependent on "completion of a specific job, a method by which
party." Hamilton, Commissioned Works as Works Made for Hire Under the independent contractors are often compensated." Holt v. Winpisinger, 258 U.
1976 Copyright Act: Misinterpretation and Injustice, 135 U. Pa. L. Rev. 1281, S. App. D. C. 343, 351, 811 F. 2d 1532, 1540 (1987). Reid had total discretion
1304 (1987). in hiring and paying assistants. "Creating sculptures was hardly `regular
business' for CCNV." 270 U. S. App. D. C., at 35, n. 11, 846 F. 2d, at 1494, n.
In sum, we must reject petitioners' argument. Transforming a commissioned 11. Indeed, CCNV is not a business at all. Finally, CCNV did not pay payroll or
work into a work by an employee on the basis of the hiring party's right to Social Security taxes, provide any employee benefits, or contribute to
control, or actual control of, the work is inconsistent with the language, unemployment insurance or workers' compensation funds.
structure, and legislative history of the work for hire provisions.
To 751*751 determine whether a work is for hire under the Act, a court first Because Reid was an independent contractor, whether "Third World America"
should ascertain, using principles of general common law of agency, whether is a work for hire depends on whether it satisfies the terms of § 101(2). This
the work was prepared by an employee or an independent contractor. After petitioners concede it cannot do. Thus, CCNV is not the author of "Third World
making this determination, the court can apply the appropriate subsection of § America" by virtue of the work for hire provisions of the Act. However, as the
101. Court of Appeals made clear, CCNV nevertheless may be a joint author of the
sculpture if, on remand, the District Court determines that CCNV and Reid
We turn, finally, to an application of § 101 to Reid's production of "Third World prepared the work "with the intention that their contributions be merged into
America." In determining whether a hired party is an employee under the inseparable or interdependent parts of a unitary whole." 17 U. S. C. § 101.[32] In
general common law of agency, we consider the hiring party's right to control that case, CCNV and Reid would be co-owners of the copyright in the work.
the manner and means by which the product is accomplished. [18] Among the See § 201(a).
other factors relevant to this inquiry are the skill required; [19] the source of the
instrumentalities and tools;[20] the location of the work;[21] the duration of the For the aforestated reasons, we affirm the judgment of the Court of Appeals
relationship between the parties;[22] whether the hiring party has the right to for the District of Columbia Circuit.
assign additional projects to the hired party; [23] the extent of the hired party's
discretion over when and how long to work;[24] the method of payment;[25] the It is so ordered.