Ball Levitation
Ball Levitation
Ball Levitation
&%&)In this paper, low cost air levitation project is presented as a teaching tool for control
engineering. Air levitation control system is built as a classroom demonstration device and laboratory
stand. The laboratory stand provides a new plant to control for students of control engineering.
It is comprised of Arduino Mega 2560, plexiglass, metal elements and 3D printed parts.
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1. Introduction
Student access to laboratory experiments is critical in educa- system. The air levitation control system is considered as an
tion because engineering is a practical discipline. Universities interesting and impressive device for educational purpose.
give huge financial support in providing traditional laboratory These projects are appropriate for lab stations, but they requ-
stands for physics, mathematics, robotics and other fields ire custom construction of the stand and dissipate considera-
of science. Advanced learning technologies have emerged to ble power. This kind of projects are good teaching tools and
enhance learning, support new inventions and improve inte- help to teach control theory. In addition, the system is simple
rest in engineering studies. Laboratories are a common part and small that is very convenient to be carried from class to
of engineering education, therefore more and more universi- class. Moreover, it requires a little space and little amount
ties began to build more low-cost laboratory stands. Research of power. This kind of laboratory stand can be an environ-
shows that hands-on laboratory experiments help students ment for implementing a variety of controllers, for instance:
understand and apply course material [1, 2]. A classroom proportional-integral-derivative controller, hybrid controller,
demonstration device is always very helpful in teaching engi- predictive controller, fuzzy logic controller and others which
neering courses particularly for control engineering and robo- are used for nonlinear systems.
tics. With the rise in popularity of using low-cost hardware In this paper, portable and affordable laboratory stand is
there are new alternatives to teach control engineering in designed to support the accompanying curriculum for the
practice. Some affordable laboratory devices for engineering introductory controls course in control engineering at the
education have already been developed [3–11], such as the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at West Pomeranian Uni-
Mobile Studio IOBoard used in introductory circuits courses versity of Technology in Szczecin. In particular, a descrip-
[6]. One of the devices which are able to teach a wide range tion of the air levitation laboratory stand is presented and
of algorithms used in control engineering are levitation labo- some example with identification, optimization and propor-
ratory stands. Levitation project systems have long been used tional-integral-derivative controller. The objective is to design
in control system laboratories [12–14]. Levitation is a process low-cost stand with educational functionality. The laboratory
in which an object is suspended against gravity by a physical stand uses new technology tools: Arduino Mega 2560 and
force. Many methods can be used as the levitating medium, MATLAB/Simulink. This stand increases the accessibility of
including magnetic repulsion, viscous liquids, sound waves the controls laboratory experience for students, can result in
and air currents. Interesting example of levitation is based on improvement of the level of teaching and is a good teaching
air flow. Air levitation uses an air stream provided by a fan tool for general engineering students. The stand design con-
to obtain the levitating force on a ping-pong ball. This phe- sists of Arduino Mega 2560, an axial box fan usually used
nomenon stems from Bernoulli principle [15]. Controlling the for cooling electrical equipment, sonar sensor and the various
ping-pong ball is a challenging task and it requires a control circuits to drive the motor, to measure speed, and perform
identification. The objective of this system is to enable end-
to-end student implementation of a variety of control sys-
# &
tems. This includes implementation of sophisticated system
% )*"%
" identification, design of control algorithms, and experimental
verification. One of the primary objectives in designing the
air levitation lab stand was to ensure that it could be easily
+,%+,%,&+-% adopted by any student, regardless of how they want to learn.
A primary objective of the air levitation stand is to provide
students with a testbed on which they can develop and empir-
$%& ically verify control algorithms.
Low-cost air levitation laboratory stand using MATLAB/Simulink and Arduino
Fig. 1. Scheme of air levitation laboratory stand Fig. 2. An assembled air levitation system. The controller senses the
Rys. 1. Schemat stanowiska laboratoryjnego do realizacji zadania lewitacji position of the object with ultrasonic sensor and drives the current in
powietrznej the fan to maintain levitation
Rys. 2. Zbudowane stanowisko laboratoryjne do lewitacji powietrznej.
Sterownik wyznacza położenie obiektu za pomocą czujnika
ultradźwiękowego i wypracowuje sygnał sterujący do wentylatora, tak aby
obiekt lewitował w powietrzu
The air levitation laboratory stand presented in this paper has Diagram of the air levitation system is shown in fig. 3. In
a minimalist design in order to be cheap and easy to replicate, this system, the position of the levitated object is measured
rebuild and repair. The system has been built using the follo- by a ultrasonic sensor. The output voltage of the motor drives
wing components presented in fig.1: 1) an ultrasonic sensor, the input of a low-cost motor drive, which produces a pulse-
2) a plexiglass tube, 3) a ping-pong ball, 4) a wooden plate width modulated signal for fan control. This PWM signal
with a hole 5) a 3D printed cylinder, 6) plexiglass plates, 7) controls air flow in the pipe.
a fan, 8) a control unit and 9) threaded rods.
Figure 2 shows an assembled air levitation system. In order
to achieve an air stream capable of levitating a ping pong ball, {.
a fan with high air volume and static pressure was required.
Several fan styles were considered for this project including The dynamic equation for air levitation system is obtained on
a centrifugal and a axial fan. The final source of air is an DC the basis of the Newton’s second law of motion. The aerody-
axial fan with radius of 4.5 cm. It is inserted into a hole in namic lift has been studied in [16–18]. Air levitation is system
a horizontal sheet of plexiglass, blowing upwards. 3D printed
element in the shape of roller and cone (black element in the
bottom of the pipe) is to concentrate the air flow directly from
the fan in the bottom. The fan is controlled by Pulse-Width
Modulation (PWM) signal. The Low-Voltage H-Bridge Dri-
ver DRV883x can supply up to 1.8 A of output current. It
operates on a motor power supply voltage from 0 V to 11 V.
Once the fan is chosen, a proper outlet port and connector
is needed. In particular, the system is designed with Ardu-
ino self-designed shield. The main controller of the system is
Arduino Mega 2560.
To measure the distance of the ping-pong ball from the
device, both sonar and infrared sensors were tested. Tested
Infra-Red (IR) Sharp distance sensors. have inadequate detec-
Fig. 3. Diagram of air levitation system. The position of the levitated
tion ranges for the ball levitation task, with a deadband of object is sensed by the ultrasonic sensor: HC-SR04. The output
about 10–20 cm for measurement up to 100 cm, while sonar voltage of the sensor drives the input of the fan. The controller
offered detection at distances from 2 cm to 200 cm with produces a PWM signal to the fan which controls the air flow
a ranging accuracy that can reach up to 3 mm. Other com- Rys. 3. Schemat systemu lewitacji powietrznej. Pozycja obiektu
lewitującego jest mierzona przez czujnik ultradźwiękowy: HC-SR04.
ponents of the system are plexiglass, metal bars, leds, buttons Napięcie wyjściowe czujnika wpływa na wartość sygnału sterującego
and metal holder for sensor, which provides stable position wentylatorem. Sterownik wytwarza sygnał PWM dla wentylatora, który
over the pipe to allow air flow. z kolei steruje przepływem powietrza
34 P O M I A R Y • A U T O M A T Y K A • R O B O T Y K A N R 4 /201 7
consists of a ping-pong ball of mass m, which is placed under- results for the designed control system. Due to the comple-
neath the fan at distance x in plexiglass. The current flowing xity of the system, linear model is obtained. Determining the
into the fan will generate air flow force to attract the ball response of a system at an operating point is a critical step
bearing. The net force between the air flow force and grav- in system and controller design. To find a linear model of the
itational force will induce an up or down motion of the ball designed system, linearization of air levitation is calculated.
bearing. The ultrasonic sensor measures the distance between The operating point has the following values:
the bottom of the pipe and the ball. In this way, sensor pro-
vides the information about position of the ball. The system’s x0 = 45 cm
dynamic equations can be obtained as: (3)
u0 = 230
where u0 is a PWM output signal, which ranges from 0 to 255
where: Fw – air flow force (function), w – speed of the fan, t – and represents the value of the PWM duty cycle. The point
delay associated with the moment of inertia of a fan, c – fan (3) is chosen because it provides stable behavior of the sys-
coefficient (shape, number of blades and radius), m – mass of tem: the ball is able to float slightly in the center of the pipe
the ball, g – gravitational acceleration, x – distance between for a few seconds. In fact, operating points with a strongly
ultrasonic sensor and ball. nonlinear character are not suitable for linearization. Next, an
offset in model output and model input have to be included:
The air levitation system is an unstable nonlinear system.
The air flow force is a function of three parameters: speed of
the fan, fan coefficient (shapes, blades and radius) and delay (4)
associated with the moment of inertia. As control systems
are concerned, this system is with one input and one output
(SISO). The input signal is the air flow force generated by Input-output data from real-time experiment is used to
fan and output is the distance between the sensor and the apply least-squares method to the process of identification.
top of the ball. The system dynamic equations are nonlinear. First, the input signal in fig. 4 is generated.
This is due to nonlinear description of the air stream, which In the next step of identification process, having input and
subjects to the Bernoulli’s equation [19]. This equation makes output data from the same experiment allows conducting
an interesting prediction about the relationship between the model identification. However, before that, the proper model
pressure and the speed of a moving ideal fluid: structure is selected. For discrete-time model estimation,
transfer function with one pole and without zeros is chosen.
(2) This model is selected by an empirical method – it shows
relatively good fit to the process at the smallest possible
where: p1, p2 – static pressure of air at the cross section (pres- order of the model. Nonetheless, higher-order models has been
sure energy), r – density of the flowing air, h1, h2 – distance also tested. In this way, the discrete-time transfer function is
between ultrasonic sensor and ball, v1, v2 – mean velocity of obtained in the following form:
fluid flow at the cross section
In this section the results of the real-time research are presen-
ted. The objective of the experiment is to levitate a ping pong
ball in a transparent tube. An aerodynamic force is produced
by an axial fan and applied to a ping pong ball in a plexi-
glass tube. The ball position in the tube is measured with
a distance sensor. A proportional-integral-derivative controller
(PID) is designed in Simulink and implemented on Arduino
Mega 2560. System identification and optimization techniques Fig. 4. Input signal for the identification experiment
are used to control this nonlinear system. The main purpose of Rys. 4. Zadany sygnał wejściowy na potrzeby eksperymentu
this section is to show the identification and the optimization identyfikacyjnego
Low-cost air levitation laboratory stand using MATLAB/Simulink and Arduino
e~ = x~ref − x~ (6)
where ~xref is the set point and is an actual reading from the
sensor and ~ x is the process value (current position of the ball).
[ ]
Fig. 5. Model output and plant output – identification
Rys. 5. Sygnał wyjściowy modelu i obiektu rzeczywistego – identyfikacja J = ∑ x~ref (k ) − x~ (k ) 2 (7)
36 P O M I A R Y • A U T O M A T Y K A • R O B O T Y K A N R 4 /201 7
for Simulink package tools provides communications blocks. before verifying its performance in real time system. All of the
These libraries are very helpful in setting up built in func- models are run in Simulink’s external mode or are deployed to
tions. There are also several predefined functions in MATLAB hardware via USB connection and work standalone. External
and Simulink that make it easier for students to develop code. mode allows the data to be viewed while the simulation is run-
Students can manually tune a PID controller in simulation ning. When the Simulink model is run in External mode, data
can collected and viewed as the code runs via scopes or other
sinks provided in Simulink. The models were built and tested
in MATLAB Release 2014b. An S-function builder block is
used to generate the signal from ultrasonic sensor. Commu-
nication blocks from Arduino Support package for Simulink
are used for manual interface and fan control. The real-time
closed loop control system is presented in fig. 9.
The designed control system uses PID to keep the ball in
the reference position. To observe the performance on a physi-
cal air levitation stand, the obtained coefficients (10) are used.
The reference value and output of the air levitation real-time
system are shown in fig. 10.
It can be seen in fig. 10 that, values from the sonar sen-
sor are with some noise. Despite of this, the ping-pong ball
reaches the reference position with small oscillations. The
input signal of the air levitation system is presented in fig. 11.
Output of the PID controller is limited: from 212 to 255
because for this values of speed, ping-pong ball is able to
achieve different positions. The value of 229.5 corresponds to
Fig. 9. Control loop of air levitation control in Simulink
position in which the ball is in the center of the tube.
Rys. 9. Pętla sterowania obiektem lewitacji powietrznej w programie
An intuitive interface and easy programming environment in
Simulink is proper for control engineer who do not have an
advanced knowledge in programming but in control theory.
This low-cost air suspension stand provides students with
a plant for implementing control algorithms. Moreover, the
ultrasonic sensor and a PC fan is an inexpensive and ade-
quate solution to make the laboratory stand replicable and
mobile. The total cost of the laboratory stand provided to
the students is under $80. Meeting these goal made it possi-
ble to let the students deeper their knowledge about control
systems using real-time hardware and software. These com-
ponents enabled students to work providing all the capabili-
ties of a traditional laboratory. The results of the work can
be seen in the video [20]. The great success of this stand has
trigger improvements in other laboratories. In addition, there
are also plans to use the designed laboratory stand as low-cost
Fig. 10. Reference value of height and real-time air levitation system
response platform for research.
Rys. 10. Wartość referencyjna wysokości i odpowiedź systemu lewitacji
w czasie rzeczywistym
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0&%)W pracy przedstawiono projekt stanowiska laboratoryjnego do lewitacji powietrznej.
Obiekt został zaprojektowany oraz zbudowany dla celów edukacyjnych oraz naukowych w dziedzinie
szeroko pojętej automatyki oraz teorii sterowania. Ukazane w pracy stanowisko wykorzystuje
nowoczesne narzędzia inżynierskie: Arduino Mega 2560 oraz MATLAB/Simulink. Celem tego projektu
jest umożliwienie studentom wdrażania różnych systemów sterowania. Obejmuję to implementację
identyfikacji systemu, opracowanie algorytmów sterowania oraz przeprowadzenie weryfikacji
& X
38 P O M I A R Y • A U T O M A T Y K A • R O B O T Y K A N R 4 /201 7
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