Hansraj Suman: Nitso Technology Pvt. Ltd. Is A Client Base Company in Gurgaon
Hansraj Suman: Nitso Technology Pvt. Ltd. Is A Client Base Company in Gurgaon
Hansraj Suman: Nitso Technology Pvt. Ltd. Is A Client Base Company in Gurgaon
To work in a firm with a professional work driven environment where I can utilize and apply my
knowledge, skills which enable me to grow while fulfilling organizational goals and provide me a healthy
environment to work.
Work Experience
1. Nitso Technology Pvt. Ltd. :-Work on 17-Oct 2018 to Present
2. Anand Rathi IT Pvt. Ltd. :-Work on 2-May 2017 to 05-Oct.2018
3. Delta E Solution Pvt. Ltd:-Work on 05-May2016 to 25-April 2017
Period :
Period :
Description This Web application is used for account opening with Anand Rathi Shares and Stock Broker for
Responsibilities : Design and Developed UCC Services and Account Closing Process with Asp.Net
Design and Developed Application,CLR,Demat,PAN INDIA,ROBO,CKYC,CDSL Batch
Process with Asp.Net
Written backend View,Store Procedure(SP) for data calculation
Technology Stack : Asp.Net with C#, MSSQL,HTML,CSS,JavaScript, JQuery, Bootstrap
Period :
Description This Web application is used for Risk Management Of Anand Rathi Shares and Stock Broker.
Period :
Description This Web application is used for generation of Limit and Holding process Of Anand Rathi Shares
and Stock Broker.
Responsibilities : Design UI and Developed Limit and Holding Process Using Asp.Net
Written backend Store Procedure(SP), Functions, triggers, Jobs for data calculation
Maintenance and support for various modules
Wrote Test Cases using unit testing
Technology Stack : Asp.Net with C#, MSSQL,HTML,CSS,JavaScript, JQuery, Bootstrap
Delta-E-Solution Pvt. Ltd. is a IT company in Jaipur. It has development centers in Jaipur
Period :
Description This Web application is used for Audits based on the audit purpose in Veethree Pvt. Ltd,Faridabad
Responsibilities : Design and Developed and Audit Process With Asp.Net
Written backend Store Procedure(SP) for data calculation
Technology Stack : Asp.Net with C#, MSSQL,HTML,CSS,JavaScript, JQuery, Bootstrap
Period :
This Web application is used for Fixet Asset are initially recorded as assets with Veethree
Description Pvt Ltd, Faridabad
Period :
Description This Web application is used for Payroll and Management with Veethree Pvt Ltd, Faridabad
Period :
This Web application is used Toolroom is a room where tools are stored or, in a factory, a
space where tools are made and repaired for use throughout the rest of the factory with
Description Veethree Pvt Ltd, Faridabad
Responsibilities : Design and Developed ToolRoom with Asp.Net
Written backend Store Procedure(SP) for data calculation
Application programs
Language C#,Asp.net,Api,n-tier Architecture
Web Technology Html5,Css,Jquery,JavaScript,Ajax
Database SQL,SqlServer
Frame work 3.0,3.5,4.0,.4.5
Ability to rapidly build relationship and setup trust.
Confident and determine.
Ability to cope up with different situation.
I do hereby that the above information is true to the best of my knowledge.