Idbi BK
Idbi BK
Idbi BK
EQUITY RESEARCH August 25, 2010
Please see the end of the report for disclaimer and disclosures. -1-
EQUITY RESEARCH August 25, 2010
Result Highlights
• For the quarter ended 30 June 2010, IDBI reported a net profit of Rs.
2.5 bn, indicating a healthy growth of 45.9% yoy. This is attributable to
the robust growth in its Net Interest Income, which grew 171% yoy to
Rs. 8.5 bn.
• The Bank's other income declined sharply by 38.5% yoy to Rs. 4.7 bn
in Q1'11. This was due to a sharp fall in profit on the sale of
investments, which declined 97.8% yoy to Rs. 0.1 bn. However, there
was healthy growth in fee-based income, which increased 52.8% yoy
to Rs. 3.9 bn. The major component of fee-based income was
commission, exchange and brokerage income, which comprised
83.1% of the Bank's fee based income in Q1'11. Commission,
exchange and brokerage income increased by 50.2% yoy to Rs. 3.2 bn
in Q'11.
Please see the end of the report for disclaimer and disclosures. -2-
EQUITY RESEARCH August 25, 2010
• The basic and diluted EPS for Q1'11 increased to Rs. 3.5, up
marginally from Rs. 2.4 in Q1'10.
Cost of equity
Terminal growth
Please see the end of the report for disclaimer and disclosures. -3-
EQUITY RESEARCH August 25, 2010
Income Statement FY09 FY10 FY11E FY12E Key Ratios FY09 FY10 FY11E FY12E
Interest Income 115,410 152,610 188,687 231,666 Per share data (Rs.)
Interest Expense 103,057 130,047 153,308 185,912 Shares outstanding (mn) 725 725 725 725
Net Interest Income 12,353 22,564 35,379 45,754 Basic EPS 11.8 14.2 17.5 21.8
YoY Growth (%) 82.6% 82.7% 56.8% 29.3% Diluted EPS 11.8 14.2 17.5 21.8
Other Income 14,810 23,020 26,232 28,673 Book value per share 102.3 113.1 147.3 158.1
Net Operating Income 27,163 45,584 61,611 74,427 Adj. book value per share 102.3 113.1 126.8 141.7
Pre-Provisioning Profit 13,784 27,272 35,110 44,874 P/PPP 6.6x 3.3x 2.6x 2.0x
Provisions and Contingencies 3,923 16,823 17,703 23,178 P/E 10.6x 8.8x 7.2x 5.8x
Profit Before Tax 9,861 10,449 17,407 21,696 P/B 1.2x 1.1x 0.9x 0.8x
Tax 1,271 138 4,709 5,870 P/ABV 1.2x 1.1x 1.0x 0.9x
YoY Growth (%) 17.8% 20.0% 23.1% 24.6% Performance ratio (%)
Balance Sheet FY09 FY10 FY11E FY12E Return on avg. net worth 12.1% 13.1% 12.2% 14.3%
Cash and balances with RBI 112,200 145,820 120,694 143,779 Balance Sheet ratios (%)
Investments 500,480 733,450 908,554 1,099,621 Advances to deposits 92.0% 82.4% 83.6% 82.6%
YoY Growth (%) 52.6% 46.5% 23.9% 21.0% Borrowings to advances 42.9% 34.5% 32.9% 32.1%
Advances 1,034,440 1,382,020 1,737,689 2,112,087 Investments to assets 29.0% 31.4% 31.9% 31.9%
YoY Growth (%) 25.8% 33.6% 25.7% 21.5% Investments to deposits 44.5% 43.7% 43.7% 43.0%
Fixed Assets (Net) 28,240 29,970 23,726 21,894 Tier I capital adequacy 6.8% 6.2% 6.3% 5.8%
Total Assets 1,724,025 2,335,720 2,846,833 3,446,470 Productivity ratio (Rs. mn)
Deposits 1,124,010 1,676,670 2,079,071 2,557,257 Net profit per employee 0.8 0.7 0.8 0.8
YoY Growth (%) 54.0% 49.2% 24.0% 23.0% Asset per employee 169.0 161.9 174.3 180.7
YoY Growth (%) 15.0% 7.4% 19.8% 18.5% Operating ratios (%)
Other Liabilities & Provisions 61,608 80,330 89,214 96,947 Operating cost to net income 49.3% 40.2% 43.0% 39.7%
Total Liabilities 1,629,788 2,234,090 2,740,029 3,331,877 Operating cost to avg. assets 0.9% 0.9% 1.0% 0.9%
Share Capital 7,250 7,250 7,250 7,250 Source: Bank data, Indiabulls research
Reserves & Surplus 86,987 94,380 99,554 107,343 Note: Some ratios are as per Indiabulls definitions and may not match figures
Total Equity & Liabilities 1,724,025 2,335,720 2,846,833 3,446,470 declared by the Bank
Note: Standalone IDBI numbers
Indiabulls (H.O.), Plot No- 448-451, Udyog Vihar, Phase - V, Gurgaon - 122 001, Haryana. Ph: (0124) 3989555, 3989666 -4-
EQUITY RESEARCH August 25, 2010
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Indiabulls (H.O.), Plot No- 448-451, Udyog Vihar, Phase - V, Gurgaon - 122 001, Haryana. Ph: (0124) 3989555, 3989666 -5-