Sun 2015
Sun 2015
Sun 2015
SUN Bing1, YIN Xiu’e1, ZHANG Jin2, HUANG Jian1,2, XU Yue1, ZHANG Furong1,
WANG Jinhui1,2, WANG Guoqing1 and HU Chun1*
1. Key Laboratory of Structure-based Drug Design & Discovery, Ministry of Education,
School of Pharmaceutical Engineering, 2. School of Traditional Chinese Materia Medica,
Shenyang Pharmaceutical University, Shenyang 110016, P. R. China
Abstract Based on the molecular docking studies, which were performed to position Erlotinib and the target com-
pounds into the active site of the epidermal growth factor receptor(EGFR) to determine the probable binding model, a
novel series of 5,6,7,8-tetrahydrobenzo[4,5]thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidine derivatives as the novel potential EGFR kinase
inhibitors was designed and synthesized. The antitumor activity of all the target compounds against human pulmonary
carcinoma cell line A549 has been screened. Of all the target compounds, 4-[2-(1-piperidyl)carbonylmethoxyl-
phenthio]-5,6,7,8-tetrahydrobenzo[4,5]thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidine(7j) demonstrated the most potent antitumor activity.
Several of the target compounds exhibited moderate antitumor activity. The preliminary structure-activity relation-
ships of some target compounds were summarized.
Keywords Antitumor activity; Docking; Epidermal growth factor receptor(EGFR)
5a: 4-OCH3; 5b: 2-OCH3; 6a: 4-OH; 6b: 2-OH; R: 7a: 4-(4-morpholinylcarbonylmethoxyl); 7b: 4-(1-piperidylcarbonylmethoxyl); 7c: 4-(diethylaminocarbonyl-
methoxyl); 7d: 4-(1-pyrrolidylcarbonylmethoxyl); 7e: 4-(anilinocarbonylmethoxyl); 7f: 4-(4-fluoroanilinocarbonylmethoxyl); 7g: 4-(4-chloroanilinocarbonyl-
methoxyl); 7h: 4-(4-bromoanilinocarbonylmethoxyl); 7i: 2-(4-morpholinylcarbonylmethoxyl); 7j: 2-(1-piperidylcarbonylmethoxyl); 7k: 2-(diethylaminocar-
bonylmethoxyl); 7l: 2-(1-pyrrolidylcarbonylmethoxyl); 7m: 2-(anilinocarbonylmethoxyl); 7n: 2-(4-fluoroanilinocarbonylmethoxyl).
Scheme 1Synthetic route of 5,6,7,8-tetrahydrobenzo[4,5]thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidine derivatives
In general, except for compound 7j, the target compounds
2.2 Biological Evaluation having substitutions of side chains at the para position in the
phenyl ring(7a—7h) result in a better antitumor activity com-
The antitumor activities of the target compounds were
pared with those at the ortho position(7i, 7k—7n).
evaluated against the human pulmonary carcinoma cell line
Among the target compounds 7a—7h, compound 7f with
A549, which has abundant expression of EGFR using
4-[(4-fluoroanilino)formylmethoxyl] side chain exhibits the
3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide
most potent antitumor activity. The additional data show that
(MTT) colorimetric assay[18―20]. The results are summarized in
the target compounds with p-halo substituent in anilino group
Table 1.
Table 1 Inhibitory ratio and IC50 of the target compounds
Compound Inhibitory ratio(%) IC50/(μmol·L–1) Compound Inhibitory ratio(%) IC50/(μmol·L–1)
a a
7a 27.1 37.0 7i 21.2 89.4
7b 52.9b 47.2 7j 74.0b 33.8
7c 37.0b 67.6 7k 15.6b >100.0
7d 10.9b >100.0 7l 4.0b >100.0
7e 10.2b >100.0 7m 4.7b >100.0
7f 69.5b 36.0 7n 38.3b 65.4
7g 24.3a 41.2 Erlotinib 74.6a 13.4
7h 23.0a 43.5
a. Inhibitory ratio(%) measured at 20 μmol/L; b. inhibitory ratio(%) measured at 50 μmol/L.
SUN Bing et al. 3
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