Figure:1 History of Wind Turbines
Figure:1 History of Wind Turbines
Figure:1 History of Wind Turbines
The wind turbine has had a singular history among prime movers. Its
genesis is lost in antiquity, but its existence as a provider of useful mechanical
power for the last thousand years been authoritatively established, the wind
mill. Which once flourished along with the water wheel as one of the two prime
movers based on the kinetic energy of natural sources, reached its apogee of
utility in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Its use then began to decline,
as prime movers based on thermal from the combustion of fuel took precedence.
They first wind machines are used to grinding of grain and the pumping of the
A wind turbine is a device that converts the winds kinetic energy into
electrical energy. The wind turbine has add a provider of useful mechanical
power for the last thousand years has been authoritatively established. Wind
machines however where revived by the emergence and proliferation of two
major technologies. The rapid spread of electricity as a versatile transducer of
energy between the prime mover and the job, and the burgeoning of the
engineering science of the aerodynamics, which was occasioned by the
development of the airplane. The wind turbine is also describe as a wind energy
conversation system (WECS) or, if used to produce electric power, as a wind
turbine generator (WTG).
1.2 Types of wind turbine
1.2.1 Horizontal axis wind turbine
1.2.2 Vertical axis wind turbine
This project deals with small horizontal axis wind turbine.
Figure: 2 HAWT
The supporting framework is constructed with a plurality of triangular
sub-units. The rotor has a plurality of vanes projecting therefrom. The vanes
have adjustable pitch and are encircled by a rim having a plurality of magnets.
Wind induces rotation of the rim.
The stator is essentially stationary and is mounted on the framework
opposite the rim. As magnets on the rotating rim pass by the stator, electricity is
generated. The stator uses the pull of the magnets to automatically adjust itself
to align with the rotating rim.
The framework is mounted on the rotation track so that the framework
can continually be adjusted to maximize wind-induced rotation of the rotor.
Horizontal axis means the rotating axis of the wind turbine is horizontal, or
parallel with the ground.
The disadvantage of horizontal axis however is that it is generally
heavier and it does not produce well in turbulent winds. Horizontal-axis wind
turbines (HAWT) have the main rotor shaft and electrical generator at the top of
a tower, and may be pointed into or out of the wind. Small turbines are pointed
by a simple wind vane, while large turbines generally use a wind sensor coupled
with a servo motor. Most have a gearbox, which turns the slow rotation of the
blades into a quicker rotation that is more suitable to drive an electrical
Figure: 3 VAWT
projects and residential applications. Vertical-Axis-Wind-Turbine this niche
comes from the OEM’s claims of a vertical axis turbines ability to produce well
in tumultuous wind conditions. Vertical axis turbines are powered by wind
coming from all 360 degrees, and even some turbines are powered when the
wind blows from top to bottom. Because of this versatility, vertical axis wind
turbines are thought to be ideal for installations where wind conditions are not
consistent, or due to public ordinances the turbine cannot be placed high enough
to benefit from steady wind.
1.3 Parts of Wind Turbine
Blade: The lifting style wind turbine blade are the most efficiently
designed, especially for capturing energy of strong, fast winds. The blade acts
as barrier to the wind. When the wind forces the blade to move, some of the
wind energy is transferred to the rotor.
Figure: 4 parts of wind turbine
small horizontal axis wind turbine of modern design for providing
electricity in remote homes and isolated community “off-grid”.
1. The boundary layers around the airfoils,
2. The production of power,
3. The flow field around the wind turbine necessitate the use of
computer codes for blade design.
The computer codes may calculate some or all of the following: overall
steady state rotor performance (energy yield), fluctuating aerodynamic loads
along the blade, the flow field around the wind turbine, and noise emissions
generated by aerodynamic effects.
Codes which calculate the fluctuating loads along the blade are referred
to as aero elastic codes, as they must model not only the aerodynamics of the
rotor, but also the motions of the elastically deforming blades and the
interactions between these blade motions and the flow. The aero elastic codes
must model the vibration of wind turbine blades under the fluctuating air loads.
There are a variety of aero elastic codes used in the industry and the
research field to analyze wind turbine rotor behavior. These models are based
on Blade Element Momentum (BEM) theory, which describes the steady state
behavior of a wind turbine rotor, with extensions to address unsteady operation.
BEM models have significant limitations and there are numerous more
complicated modelling tools that are being developed to more accurately model
the rotor aerodynamics.
3. A simple ‘optimum’ blade design including wake rotation and a finite
number of blades. This blade design can be used as the start for a general
blade design analysis.
2 3
Where, is the increase in angular velocity of the air across the disc,
relative to the blade.
A Flow Induction Factors
a& b
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
r/R ratio
In analyzing the forces on the blade section, it is to be noted that the
lift and drag forces are perpendicular and parallel, respectively, to an effective,
or relative, wind. The relative wind is the vector sum of the wind velocity at the
rotor, and the wind velocity due to rotation of the blade.
The wind velocity due to rotation of the blade is the vector sum of the blade
section velocity, and the induced angular velocity at the blades from
conservation of angular momentum,
The overall flow situation is shown in Figure and the relationships of the
various forces, angles, and velocities at the blade, looking down from the blade
If the rotor has blades, the total normal force on the section at a
distance, from the center
Where, and is the lift coefficient and drag coefficient of the airfoil
respectively, is the chord length of the airfoil.
The differential torque due to the tangential force operating at a distance, r,
from the center is given by:
From the above Equations, the effect of drag is to decrease torque and hence
power, but to increase the thrust loading.
Thus, blade element theory, also results in two equations that define the
normal force (thrust) and tangential force (torque) on the annular rotor section
as a function of the flow angles at the blades and airfoil characteristics.
Chord line
In this case,
These relations can be used to find the chord and twist distribution of the Betz
optimum blade.
It can be seen that blades designed for optimum power production have an
increasingly large chord and twist angle as one gets closer to the blade root.
Control volume
Figure 11: Stream tube model of flow behind rotating wind turbine blade
One can perform the optimization by taking the partial derivative of that
part of the integral for which is a function of the angle of the relative wind,
and setting it equal to zero, i.e.,
This yields:
From the above equations, the optimum values for and including wake
rotation, are often similar to, but could be significantly different from, those
obtained without assuming wake rotation. Also, as before, select where is
1.7 Airfoils for Wind Turbines
Modern HAWT blades have been designed using airfoil ‘families’
(Hansen and Butterfield, 1993). The blade tip is designed using a thin airfoil,
for high lift to drag ratio, and the root region is designed using a thick version
of the same airfoil for structural support.
Generally, in the 1970’s and early 1980’s, wind turbine designers felt
that minor differences in airfoil performance characteristics were far less
important than optimizing blade twist and taper. For this reason, little attention
was paid to the task of airfoil selection. Thus, airfoils that were in use by the
aircraft industry were chosen because aircraft were viewed as similar
applications. Aviation airfoils such as the NACA 44xx and NACA 230xx
(Abbott and von Doenhoff, 1959) were popular airfoil choices because they had
high maximum lift coefficients, low pitching moment, and minimum drag.
In the early 1980’s, wind turbine designers became aware of airfoils such
as the NASA LS(1)MOD, and this airfoil was chosen by US and British
designers for its reduced sensitivity to leading edge roughness, compared to the
NACA 44xx and NACA 230xx series airfoils (Tangle et al., 1990). Danish
wind turbine designers began to use the NACA 63(2) xx instead of the NACA
44xx airfoils for the same reasons.
1.8 Design of Small Wind Turbines
Smaller scale turbines for residential scale use are available. Their
blades are usually 1.5 to 3.5 m in diameters and produce 1 to 10 kW of
electricity at their optimal wind speed. Some units have been designed to be in
very light weight in their construction. The majority of small wind turbines are
traditional horizontal axis wind turbine but vertical axis wind turbine or a
growing type of wind turbine in the small wind market.
The generators for small wind turbines usually are 3 Phases alternating
current generators and the trend is to use the induction type. They are options
for direct current output for battery charging and power invertors to convert the
power back to AC but at constant frequency for grid connectivity. Some models
utilize single phase generators. Some small wind turbines can be designed to
work at low wind speed but in general small wind turbines requires a minimum
wind speed of 3m/s.
A = D2
D – rotor diameter
ρ – air density
u – wind velocity
U -(cubic) and D (square) are the dominant factor
Cp-performance of the wind turbine
Literature Review
Large wind turbines are installed at places where there are favorable wind
condition, wind turbines such as turbine attain power coefficients of 0.45 where
as small wind turbines have power coefficient of around 0.25 -0.35 and are
generally installed any places irrespective of wind turbines. These turbines are it
is classified into three types namely,
Micro (1kW and >1.5m),
Midrange (5 kW and > 2.5m)
Mini (20+, > 5m) based on the power and rotor radius.
2.2 Small Horizontal-Axis Wind Turbine Blade for Low Wind Speed
At low wind speed, modern commercial wind turbines have low
efficiency for electricity generation. This aims to design a new small wind
turbine blade that is suitable for practical applications. Higher torque has to be
obtained properly to generate electricity. Optimized blade shape with the rotor
diameter of the wind turbine no higher than 3 m, a design wind velocity of 6
m/s, using12 V and 24 V battery chargers. The new wind turbine blade has been
manually made from fiberglass (GRP) with safety factors of 4 (for 12 V battery)
and 2.8 (for 24 V battery). Experimental study is conducted by testing both the
commercial blade and our new blade with a specific wind turbine set. It is found
that, at designed wind velocity, the efficiency of the novel wind turbine blade of
27% is obtained while that of the commercial wind turbine is only 16%.
2.3 Analysis of a Wind Turbine Blade Profile for Tapping Wind Power at
the Regions of Low Wind speed
The project is aimed at designing a wind turbine for tapping the low
speed wind in urban locations. Our study focuses primarily on designing the
blade for tapping power in the regions of low wind power density. The
aerodynamic profiles of wind turbine blades have crucial influence on
aerodynamic efficiency of wind turbine. The NACA 63 series is chosen as the
basic group for investigation because they have good low speed characteristics
and the power curve is better in the low and medium wind speed ranges. In this
paper NACA 63-415 airfoil profile is considered for analysis of wind turbine
blade. The coefficient of lift and drag values are calculated for low Reynolds
number and the pressure distributions are also plotted.
Design Concept
3.2.2 NACA 63415
NACA series airfoils are used the wind and they have a more lift performances
with compared to the other airfoils.
Cut In Speed
The cut-in speed is the wind speed required for a particular wind turbine
to begin to generate electric power. The start-up speed is the wind speed at
which the wind turbine blades will begin to rotate.
The cut-in speed is always greater than the start-up speed. If a
manufacturer is promoting a low start-up speed for a wind turbine then the
buyer should be skeptical. A low start-up speed does very little to enhance the
overall electric production of a wind turbine.
Cutout Speed
There is a risk of damage to the rotor. It’s defined as the achieved the
efficient power and apply the breaking system of the wind turbine generator.
The speed not to be controlled and based on the incoming wind speed.
Angle Of Attack
In aerodynamic, angle of attack specifies the angle between the chord line
of the wing of affixed wing aircraft and the vector representing the relative
motion between the aircraft and atmosphere.
Blade Number
The determination of the number of blades involves design considerations
of aerodynamic efficiency, component costs, system reliability, and aesthetics.
Aerodynamic efficiency increases with the number of blades but with
diminishing return. Increasing the number of blades from one to two yields a
6% increase in efficiency, whereas increasing the blade count from two to three
yields only an additional 3% in efficiency. In this project choosing on the three
bladed wind turbine due to the high efficiency and the balancing the wind
Blade Twist
Rotor blades for wind turbines are always twisted. Seen from the rotor
blade, the wind will be coming from a much steeper angle (more from the
general wind direction in the landscape), as you move towards the root of the
blade, and the center of the rotor. A rotor blade will stop giving lift (stall), if the
blade is hit at an angle of attack which is too steep. Therefore, the rotor blade
has to be twisted, so as to achieve an optimal angle of attack throughout the
length of the blade.
Even or Odd Number of Blade
A rotor with an even number of blades will cause stability problems for a
wind turbine. The reason is that at the very moment when the uppermost blade
bends backwards, because it gets the maximum power from the wind, the lower
most blade passes into the wind shade in front of the tower. This produces
uneven forces on the rotor shaft and rotor blade.
The tip-speed ratio is the ratio of the rotational speed of the blade to the
wind speed.
The optimum tip speed ratio depends on the number of blades in the wind
turbine rotor.
Where the reference of Germany research journal,
Two bladed rotor=6
Three bladed rotor=5
Four bladed rotor=3
=2450 watts
Finally we are getting the average power of 2.5kw on this project.
4.1 CATIA V5
4.2 Chord Length
In aeronautics, chord refers to the imaginary straight line joining the
leading and trailing edges of an aero foil. The chord length is the distance
between the trailing edge and the point on the leading edge where the chord
intersects the leading edge.
The point on the leading edge that is used to define the chord can be
defined as either the surface point of minimum radius, or the surface point that
will yield maximum chord length.
In this project choosing the chord length =200mm
Wind turbine parameters:-
Given data:-
To find:-
The rotational speed of the wind turbine =71.4285rad/sec.
4.7 Blade 3D Model
Design Analysis
Ansys develops and markets finite element analysis software used to
simulate engineering problems. The software creates simulated computer
models of structures, electronics, or machine components to simulate strength,
toughness, elasticity, temperature distribution, electromagnetism, fluid flow,
and other attributes. Ansys is used to determine how a product will function
with different specifications, without building test products or conducting crash
tests. For example, Ansys software may simulate how a bridge will hold up
after years of traffic, how to best process salmon in a cannery to reduce waste,
or how to design a slide that uses less material without sacrificing safety.
Most Ansys simulations are performed using the Ansys Workbench
software, which is one of the company's main products. Typically Ansys users
break down larger structures into small components that are each modeled and
tested individually. A user may start by defining the dimensions of an
object, and then adding weight, pressure, temperature and other physical
properties. Finally, the Ansys software simulates and analyzes movement,
fatigue, fractures, fluid flow, temperature distribution, electromagnetic
efficiency and other effects over time.
Ansys also develops software for data management and backup, academic
research and teaching.
5.3 Blade model
Figure: 18
Figure: 19
Figure: 20
5.6 Outer domain with blade
Figure: 21
Step 3: Meshing the Geometry in the ANSYS Meshing Application
Mesh Generation:-
Mesh generation is the practice of generating
a polygonal or polyhedral mesh that approximates a geometric domain. The
term "grid generation" is often used interchangeably. Typical uses are for
rendering to a computer screen or for physical simulation such as finite element
analysis or computational fluid dynamics. The input model form can vary
greatly but common sources are CAD, NURBS, B-rep, STL or a point cloud.
The field is highly interdisciplinary, with contributions found
in mathematics, computer science, and engineering.
Three-dimensional meshes created for finite element analysis need to
consist of tetrahedral, pyramids, prisms or hexahedra. Those used for the finite
volume method can consist of arbitrary polyhedral. Those used for finite
difference methods usually need to consist of piecewise structured arrays
of hexahedra known as multi-block structured meshes.
Based on the skewness, smoothness, and aspect ratio, the suitability of the
mesh can be decided.
5.7 Meshing diagrams of model:-
Figure: 22
Rotating frame:-
Figure: 23
Outer domain with blade and rotating frame:-
Outer wall
Figure: 24
Now that you have created a computational mesh for the elbow geometry, you
can proceed to setting up a CFD analysis using ANSYS FLUENT.
Figure: 25
Figure: 26
4. Set up your materials for the CFD simulation.
Figure: 27
Figure: 28
Figure: 30
Operating Conditions:-
1 3 137
2 6 273
3 9 410
4 12 546
5 15 683
Figure: 31
273 rpm, 6m/s
Figure: 32
410 rpm, 9 m/s
Figure: 33
546 rpm, 12 m/s
Figure: 34
683 rpm, 15m/s
Power =2*3.14*N*T/60
Velocity Flow Diagrams:-
Figure: 36
6.2 Result:-
The 2.5kw small horizontal axis wind turbine is analyzed successfully at
different level of RPMs with in the different velocities.
In this project we are analyzed the mechanical power generated by the
wind turbine design. And that result will be represented by the graphical term.
This result will be compared successfully by DIXON BOOK, both the result are
Velocity(m/s) Velocity(rad/sec) rpm torque power(mech)
3 14.28571429 137 1.091871 15.59815714
6 28.57142857 273 6.970573 199.1592286
9 42.85714286 410 13.43324 575.7104143
12 57.14285714 546 24.06234 1374.990857
15 71.42857143 683 35.52212 2537.294429
Power Curve
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Future Scope
For this project future work is to analyze wind turbine blade for find out
graphical representation of wind turbine performance due to different tip speed
Fabricate our designed wind turbine and analyze to find the experimental
results with the help of wind tunnels.
Also can analyze to find out the structural performance results of our
designed wind turbine.
An optimaldesignofthewindturbineBladegeometryadaptedtoaspecificSite
Using Algerian Wind Data., Zine Labidine Mahri, Said Zid, Rouabah
Mohamed Salah, University Constantine.