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LASPRIT Human Education Christian Education

- Education that helps

- Education that helps
WEEKS 1-2 students discover
students realize
and develop their
(experience) their
New Mission – Vision Statement God-given talents,
True Identity (True
to be able to use
Self) as God’s
Inspired by our faith in God, by our Catholic them for the good of
Beloved Children
traditions, and by the charism of St. John Baptist all, and thus, make
and live accordingly
the world a better
De La Salle, educational innovator par to this identity
place to live in.
excellence, we, together and by association, are
- Education that helps
committed to give quality human and Christian
- Education that helps students make a life
education to all, building a society founded on students earn a living (have a meaningful &
equity and justice and on sustainable & inclusive purposeful life.
Human Education
 (Inspiration: remembering: richness
Goal: develop among students their full potential
(treasured) heritage)
through critical and creative thinking, self-
Inspired by our faith in God,
knowledge and self-mastery in:
- Holy Trinity, model of
community: (Father as Creator,  Communication (both oral &
Son as Perfect Steward, Holy written)
Spirit as Perfect Sustainer)  Analysis (See & Synthesize)
- In the Triune God, we find our  Teaching (Lead & Guide)
true self (as “image & likeness”)  Management & Organization
and mission in life (true meaning
 Research (Objective Data)
and purpose in participating in
 Logical & Scientific Thinking
integral salvation)
This goal can be achieved through an
by our Catholic traditions,
“Excellent Educational (not just Academic)
- teachings derived from the
revelations of the Triune God
Christian Education
and by the charism of St. John Baptist
Goal: to lead students to:
de La Salle, educational innovator par
excellence 1. experience the Love of God,
2. appreciate & take care of God’s
3. acquire Gospel values, and
4. live as beloved children of God.

- In short, to bring Christian perspectives and

values to bear on human knowledge and culture.
- To reconnect who they are (True Self) to what
they do, be in Politics, Medicine, Education,
Military, Religious, Economic.

 (Vision: constant awareness: dream for

the world)
 (Mission: remembering: constant Building a society founded on equity
commitment) and justice and on sustainable and
We, together and by association, are inclusive development
committed to give quality human and
Christian education to all Equity – Equality
Justice – Right Relationship
Sustainable – able to last without  Explores alternative schemes and
destroying or depleting the earth resources solutions to address various needs and
Inclusive – you are included, participation problems of the society
 Interprets and evaluates information
Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILO)
using reflective and rational thinking
 Practices creativity, imagination
1. Christ-Centered Individual
resourcefulness and innovativeness in
 Acts in accordance with and guided by developing ideas and their
Christian and moral principles and implementation
Catholic social teachings 5. Life-Long Learner
 Lives and exemplifies the Lasallian core
values of faith, service and communion.  Engages in various forms of learning for
 Demonstrates honesty and fairness in professional growth
the practice of profession  Seeks growth in moral, spiritual, socio-
 Exemplifies sensitivity in fostering civic and physical aspects of one’s life
equity, peace, and democracy  Adapts to the changing times and
dynamics trends in the profession and
2. Socially Responsible Citizens its environment
 Supports and engages in advocacies  Undertakes research to provide
concerning the marginalized sector of solutions to issues and challenges in
society society
 Explores and utilizes sustainable WEEKS 3-4
strategies to address socio-cultural,
environmental and economic issues for 5 Lasallian Core Principles and FSC
the improvement of the quality of life
 Develops and practices intra and
interpersonal skills in promoting
inclusion (race, gender and ethnicity)
 Engages in the preservation,
enrichment, and promotion of Batangas
culture and tradition

3. Competent Professional

 Shares professional expertise with the

local, national, and international
 Adheres to and practices the ethical Faith:
standard of the profession
 Communicates effectively and  Faith in God’s presence leads to the
confidently using any form of medium belief that God is present in our very
across culture own persons (as His “image & likeness)
 Collaborates with other disciplines to Service:
implement solutions to real world
problems for the upliftment of the  Our respect for God & our own humanity
society requires us to better ourselves through
quality education
4. Critical and Innovative Thinker
 Faith in God’s presence, respect for our
 Applies concepts, theories, methods humanity, inclusion & quality education
and processes appropriate to real life leads us towards a concern for the poor
& social justice—a commitment in teachers, and parents chronically oppressed
building God’s Kingdom here on earth by poverty.

Communion: 4. In addition to helping the Brothers where he

could, even doing classroom teaching at the
 Belief in God’s presence in each person school in Grenoble, he spent a good deal of
leads us to respect one another personal time in retreat at monasteries.
 Out of respect for each other, we neither
discriminate nor exclude anyone but WEEKS 5-6
rather include them in our
Faith in the Living Presence of God

Lasallian Spirituality The Israelites begin to look at the Exodus

event with the eyes of faith. They sense God’s
Spirituality presence in their lives.

Traditional: 10 Plagues:
…spirituality refers to a religious process of re-
formation which "aims to recover the original
shape of man", oriented at "the image of God“

…spirituality is centered on the “deepest values
and meanings by which people live”
manifested in/refers to:
- a person’s attitudes & behavior
with regard to being Lasallian, means:
acting as an authentic Lasallian

Manifests Spirituality

1. JBDLS could choose to ignore the man or

Events that showed De la Salle’s faith in the
pass him off with some appropriate words of
Presence of God
advice and a kind smile. But he doesn’t. Instead,
he pays attention to how God might be 1. Near Death Experience
working through this stranger & responds as - Returning from the country in the winter, he
generously as his breeding, his disposition, & was caught by nightfall. As there had been a
his faith would allow him to do, little knowing heavy snowfall he lost the path and fell into a
what it would all lead to deep trench. He was able to save himself only
by great effort and only at the cost of injury to
2. Winter of 1683-1684:
himself. After recovering from the shock of this
JBDLS used the bulk of his family inheritance
accident he reflected in the protection of God
to feed the poor. He gave away his entire
had afforded him in this danger and on his
fortune and kept just enough not to be burden
mercy in having preserved his life. He was so
on the Brothers when it came to his priestly
penetrated with this thought that he could never
responsibilities. Thus he quickly and irrevocably
speak of this event except with lively sentiments
joined his Brothers in real poverty. Now, they
of appreciation and thanksgiving
would all be fully dependent on God alone.
2. Many Teachers deserted him after training
3. out of charity and necessity he began to
them to be Religious Educators
become more involved with the teachers.
Gradually, and without really being aware of it, - “They found the spiritual exercises too boring,
he found himself becoming drawn into a very their food too simple and their freedom limited.
different world, the world of the poor—a world They abandoned their resolution they had taken
of disadvantaged students, uncultured
of consecrating themselves in the teaching of WEEKS 7-8
the youth. But he did not abandon his work”
Respect for all Persons
God’s Providence: But soon men of better
quality took their places and became successful Article 1: Universal Declaration of Human
under John’s training. Rights
- All human beings are born free and equal in
3. Restlessness of his teachers (Worry About dignity and rights. They are endowed with
the Future) reason and conscience and should act towards
- Since they had embraced a lowly profession, one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
they worried occasionally about their prospects. Personalism - Personhood carries with it an
They thought of what their situation would be inviolable dignity that merits unconditional
should de la Salle ever fail them. They were respect.
unhappy at the prospect of devoting the days of
their youth and strength in the service of others Personalistic Norm
without any assurance that when age or - In its negative form, the person is the kind of
sickness made it impossible to carry on, there good which does not admit of use and cannot
would be anyone to take care of them.” be treated as an object of use and as such the
means to an end.
God’s Providence: Although two years of - In its positive form the personalistic norm
famine had gone by and although a number of confirms this: the person is a good towards
other people had lacked the necessities of life, which the only proper and adequate attitude
his community though without income nor is love
money had always been provided for by the
hand of their heavenly Father. Catechism of the Catholic Church
- Respect for the human person entails respect
4. Heroic Vow (Nov. 21, 1691 – Vaugirard) for the rights that flow from his dignity as a
- We promised to do all we could to maintain the creature. These rights are prior to society and
existence of the Society of the Christian Schools must be recognized by it.
“even if there remained only 3 of us in the said What is respect for persons in the eyes of a
society, and we were obligated to beg and live Lasallian?
on bread and water alone.” - The Lasallian school engages in a concerted
 John Baptist de la Salle effort to respect the dignity of all persons.
 Gabriel Drolin - Respect-filled relationships are at the heart of
Lasallian education and are a key expression of
 Nicolas Vuyart
the acknowledgement of each other’s identity as
Faith children of God.

- “Your students are living images of Jesus.”

- Faith as a personal decision is the person’s
(Med 80.3 - feast of St Nicholas)
total “YES” to God’s total gift of Self in Christ.
- “To deal with young people very harshly is to
The 3 Dimensions of Faith forego all hope of bringing about any good.”
(Med 114.2 - on St Leo)
1. Believing – Head
(Doctrine) (Isip) Respect for persons is seen in the Lasallian
2. Doing – Hands
(Morals) (Kilos) 1. To Provide ‘Human & Christian Education’…
2. A ‘Shared Mission’ by men & women who will
3. Trusting – Heart carry this mission in Witness, Service, &
(Worship) (Puso) Communion…
3. Is offered for all with special preference for
the Poor…
Lasallian Mission He could. Instead, He wishes to see her flourish
and sin no more. This means to be brought back
- Human Dignity into relationship with God.
- Respect for all persons
Genesis 1:26
Why preference for the poor? - Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our
Vulnerable and marginalized sectors image, in our likeness, so that they may rule
- economically poor and to all those deprived of over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky,
the means to realize their dignity as persons. over the livestock and all the wild animals, [a]
and over all the creatures that move along the
As Christians ground.”

 Respect for the human person What does the Catholic Church say
considers the other "another self." regarding Respect for Persons?
 It presupposes respect for the
fundamental rights that flow from the  The person represents the
dignity intrinsic of the person. ultimate end of society
 Social justice can be obtained
As Lasallians only in respecting the
The spirit of faith invites us to look at life, events, transcendent dignity of man.
history, as places where God is made manifest;  Respect for the human person
in the Gospel, in nature, in myself……… entails respect for the rights that
flow from his dignity as a
In HUMAN PERSONS made in the image of
God and the revelation of his mysteries.
 These rights are prior to society
In the POOR. If everyone is a reflection of the and must be recognized by it.
face of God, it is especially in the poor where his
Human persons are willed by God; they are
manifestation is greater.
imprinted with God's image. Their dignity does
The Founder invites us to “recognize Jesus not come from the work they do, but from the
beneath the poor rags of the children” persons they are. – St. John Paul II
(Meditation 96.3). (Centesimus Annus)

Being sensitive to, and defending human rights, The duty of making oneself a neighbor to
especially those of children, is part of our others and actively serving them becomes even
Lasallian vocation. more urgent when it involves the disadvantaged,
in whatever area this may be. "As you did it to
Br. Alvaro Rodriguez Echevarria FSC-Superior one of the least of these my brethren, you did it
General, July2002 to me.
The more we have this attitude, the more we will “Our duty as children of God and our duty as
be attentive and sensitive to all forms that are Lasallian”
opposed to the dignity of every person.

John 8:1-11 (A Woman Caught in Adultery)

What does the Gospel say?

- It is the encounter between weakness and
strength, humanity and Divinity, this woman
experiences true love and forgiveness, and a
call to more. She finds that Jesus, regardless
of her guilt, sees her with great dignity. He
still sees her as valuable, precious, and
worthy of love, and does not condemn her as jhelane cyra g. carpio

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