Doing - Focus On Form PDF
Doing - Focus On Form PDF
Doing - Focus On Form PDF
Doing focus-on-form
Rod Ellis*, Helen Basturkmen, Shawn Loewen
Department of Applied Language Studies and Linguistics, University of Auckland, Private Bag 92019,
Auckland, New Zealand
Received 17 April 2002; received in revised form 14 June 2002; accepted 17 June 2002
‘Focus-on-form’ refers to a particular type of form-focused instruction - the treatment of
linguistic form in the context of performing a communicative task. This article considers the
rationale for this approach to teaching form as opposed to the more traditional ‘focus-on-forms’
approach where linguistic features are treated sequentially. It describes some of the main metho-
dological options for attending to form in communication. These are considered under two main
headings; ‘reactive focus-on-form’ and ‘pre-emptive focus-on-form’. The advantages and dis-
advantages of the various options are also discussed. Finally, some general questions relating to
the practice of focus-on-form are identified as a basis for further discussion and research.
# 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Language instruction; Communicative tasks; Focus-on-form
1. Introduction
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (R. Ellis), (H. Basturkmen), (S. Loewen).
The term ‘form’ is often used to refer exclusively to ‘grammar’. However, in this article it is used
more generally to refer to any aspect of linguistic form—phonological, graphological, lexical or gram-
matical. It should also be noted that the term ‘form’ does not exclude considerations of meaning. While it
is possible to attend solely to form, as for example when the pronunciation of an isolated word becomes
the focus, in many cases attention to form involves consideration of the meaning (function) that a parti-
cular form conveys.
0346-251X/02/$ - see front matter # 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S0346-251X(02)00047-7
420 R. Ellis et al. / System 30 (2002) 419–432
form in the course of their actual teaching (but see Borg, 1998). Given the growing
importance that is being attached to teaching form in the context of communicative
activity (see the articles in Doughty and Williams, 1998), the procedures for achieving
this deserve careful consideration. Arguably, initial training courses for teachers
need to ensure that teachers are equipped with the skills needed to focus students’
attention on form and that they have an understanding of the potential advantages
and disadvantages of the different procedures involved.
The purpose of this article is to first define what is meant by ‘focus on form’ and
to provide a brief rationale for this approach to teaching form. Second, it is to offer
a description of some of the key procedures for dealing with form by drawing on
actual examples of the procedures used by experienced teachers. A third purpose is
to point out some of the issues that are problematic to provide a basis for discussion
and research.
2. Some definitions
Table 1
Types of form-based instruction
present pairs of pictures which would necessitate learners using ‘at’ and ‘in’ (the
target forms) in order to determine whether the pictures are the same or different.
This type of focus-on-form instruction is similar to focus-on-forms instruction in
that a specific form is pre-selected for treatment but it differs from it in two key
respects. First, the attention to form occurs in interaction where the primary focus is
on meaning. Second, the learners are not made aware that a specific form is being
targeted and thus are expected to function primarily as ‘language users’ rather than
as ‘learners’ when they perform the task.
Incidental focus-on-form involves the use of unfocused tasks, i.e. communicative
tasks designed to elicit general samples of the language rather than specific forms.
Such tasks can be performed without any attention to form whatsoever. However, it
is also possible that the students and teacher will elect to incidentally attend to various
forms while performing the task. In this case, of course, attention to form will be
extensive rather than intensive—that is, many different forms are likely to be treated
briefly rather than a single form addressed many times. For example, while per-
forming an opinion-gap task, students might make a number of different errors
which the teacher corrects or students might feel the need to ask the teacher about a
particular form, such as the meaning of a key word they do not know.
It should be noted that whether focus on form is planned or incidental is not so
much a matter of the task that is used as the teacher’s orientation to the task. Both
types of focus on form require the use of a communicative task. In the case of
planned focus-on-form, the teacher elects to use a task to target a specific linguistic
feature and this then influences how the task is performed in the classroom. In the
case of incidental focus on form, the forms attended to are not pre-determined but
arise naturally out of the performance of the task. Even when the focus on form is
planned, incidental attention to a range of forms in addition to the targeted form
can occur.
Whereas learners are able to acquire linguistic forms without any instructional
intervention, they typically do not achieve very high levels of linguistic competence
from entirely meaning-centred instruction. For example, students in immersion
programmes in Canada fail to acquire such features as verb tense markings even
after many years of study. This had led second language acquisition researchers such
as Swain (1995) to propose that learners need to do more than to simply engage in
communicative language use; they also need to attend to form.
The question then arises as to how best to induce this attention to form. While
there is substantial evidence that focus-on-forms instruction results in learning as
measured by discrete-point language tests (e.g. the grammar test in the TOEFL),
there is much less evidence to show that it leads to the kind of learning that enables
learners to perform the targeted form in free oral production (e.g. in a communicative
task). Norris and Ortega (2000) reviewed 49 studies, mainly of the focus-on-forms
kind, and found that the effectiveness of the instruction was markedly reduced when
422 R. Ellis et al. / System 30 (2002) 419–432
this was measured in terms of learners’ ability to use the targeted structure sponta-
neously in communication.
This has led some researchers (e.g. Long, 1991; Doughty, 2001) to suggest that an
approach based on focus-on-form would work better. The argument they advance
rests on the following premises:
4. Reactive focus-on-form
The linguistic errors that students make during a communicative activity may or
may not result in a communication problem. In Example 1 the student’s error
clearly does cause a communicative problem, resulting in the teacher addressing this
by negotiating meaning. Student 1, whose name is Bess, wants to tell the teacher that
her group has given itself the name ‘Best Group’. However, the teacher mishears and
thinks the name is ‘Bess’ Group’. This results in student 1 paying closer attention to her
pronunciation in order to clarify the name. In Example 2, two students are performing
a role play with student 1 acting as a guest and student 2 as a hotel receptionist. The
teacher fails to understand Student’s 2 utterance and consequently requests clar-
ification (‘What?’) causing the student to reformulate it using a contraction (I’ll) in
place of the original full form (will). It was conversational focus-on-form of the kind
illustrated in Examples 1 and 2 that Long (1991) originally had in mind. Long
All the options we describe are found in ‘Focus-on-form’ instruction. It should be noted, however,
that several of the reactive and pre-emptive focus-on-form options also occur in instruction of the ‘focus-
on-forms’ kind.
424 R. Ellis et al. / System 30 (2002) 419–432
argued that the attention to form that arises as a result of a communication problem
is likely to be particularly salient to learners because it helps them to make their
meaning clear. Salience and communicative need, both evident in conversational
focus-on-form, constitute the ideal conditions for noticing and acquisition to take
Teachers can negotiate meaning conversationally using either requests for con-
firmation or requests for clarification. A request for confirmation typically involves
the teacher repeating the problematic utterance with or without reformulating it. In
Example 1, the teacher asks the student to confirm that she has heard the name of
the group correctly. A request for clarification is typically used when the teacher
does not have a clear idea of what the student has said. It is performed formulaically
by means of expressions such as ‘Sorry?’ and ‘Could you say that again?’ There is a
major difference between these two ways of accomplishing meaning negotiation. In
the case of a request for confirmation, students only need to reformulate their own
utterances if it is clear that the teacher has not understood correctly. This is the case
in Example 1, where the student repeats ‘best’, improving her pronunciation. How-
ever, in many instances, the teacher’s confirmation is correct and the communication
proceeds without students needing to adjust the utterance that caused the problem.
In contrast, a request for clarification places the onus on the student for dealing with
the problem and is more likely to lead to a reformulation of the problem utterance
as in Example 2.
Often, however, a student error does not cause any communication problem but
the teacher still elects to correct it. In Example 3, the student leaves out the definite
article ‘the’. The teacher has no difficulty in understanding him but focuses attention
on the error by correcting the utterance. The focus-on-form episode that results
from this type of error treatment constitutes a kind of pedagogic ‘time-out’ from
R. Ellis et al. / System 30 (2002) 419–432 425
S: I was in pub
S: I was in pub
T: in the pub?
S: yeah and I was drinking beer
Corrective feedback can be implicit or explicit. The most common way of per-
forming implicit feedback is by means of a recast. This consists of a reformulation of
either the whole or part of the student’s utterance containing an error in such a way
as to maintain the student’s intended meaning. Often, but not always, a recast per-
forms the function of requesting confirmation. For example, the teacher uses a
recast in Example 3. One problem with recasts, as may be the case in this example, is
that the student may fail to notice the difference between his/her own utterance and
the recast. This is because the corrective function of a recast is not always apparent.
Teachers often repeat all or part of a student utterance to show they are following
and to encourage the student to continue. To ensure attention to form it may be
necessary to make the feedback less implicit. Doughty and Varela (1998) suggest
how this might be done in the context of planned focus-on-form where students are
receiving feedback on oral reports of science experiments they have carried out.
They required the teacher first to repeat the student utterance highlighting the error
through stress and rising intonation. Then, if the student fails to respond with a self-
correction, the teacher followed up with a recast. Example 4 illustrates this proce-
dure. One disadvantage is that the resulting feedback is much more intrusive,
potentially distracting from the communicative flow. The interaction in Example 4
sounds much more ‘pedagogic’ than that in Example 3.
It is clear from this account of implicit and explicit corrective feedback that the
distinction represents a continuum rather than a dichotomy. That is, reactive focus-
on-form can be more or less implicit/explicit. It is possible that teachers vary their
choice of feedback option depending on their assessment of the student’s ability to
attend to the form being corrected. If they think that the student already knows
what the correct form is and is capable of identifying the error for him/herself they
may opt for a very implicit form of feedback (e.g. a recast) but if they think that the
student does not know the form or will have difficulty in identifying what the error is
they are more likely to choose an explicit form of feedback (e.g. a metalingual
explanation). Aljaafreh and Lantolf (1994) illustrate this process of varying corrective
R. Ellis et al. / System 30 (2002) 419–432 427
feedback in the context of writing conferences where a tutor goes over students’
written compositions with them.
5. Pre-emptive focus-on-form
One of the reviewers of a draft of this article suggests that pre-emptive focus-on-form is very close to
focus-on-forms instruction. This misses the point, however, that pre-emptive focus-on-form, by definition,
occurs in activities where there is a primary focus on meaning. Of course, there can also be pre-emptive
focus-on-form directed at the pre-targeted form of the lesson in focus-on-forms instruction. The crucial
difference is the context of the pre-emptive attention to form.
428 R. Ellis et al. / System 30 (2002) 419–432
Teachers also interrupt the flow of a communicative activity to raise a specific form to
attention. In so doing they are electing to disrupt the meaning-centredness of an activity,
presumably because they calculate that this is justified on the grounds that the form in
question will be problematic to the students in some way. Teacher-initiated focus-on-
form is initiated either by a query directed at the students or by an advisory statement.
Example 7 illustrates the former. Here the teacher is setting up a communicative
activity where the students have to construct an alibi for a crime. She begins by
checking to see if they know the meaning of alibi. Teacher queries are often directed at
the meaning of lexical items that crop up in an activity. The use of an advisory state-
ment is illustrated in Example 8. Here the teacher is drawing the students’ attention to
the need to use going to in their written compositions An advisory statement, therefore,
sensitizes learners to pay attention to forms that are potentially problematic when
they produce them in their own output or encounter them in input. In Ellis et al.
(1999) advisory statements were generally directed at grammatical forms.
Teachers probably vary enormously in the extent to which they engage in teacher-
initiated focus-on-form, reflecting their orientation to a communicative task. In
some cases they hardly interject at all, preferring to maintain the communicative
flow of the task. Other teachers intervene frequently, presumably because they feel
the need to manufacture explicit learning opportunities out of the communication
that evolves from a task. One problem with this is that they cannot know for sure
whether the gaps they assume to exist in the students’ knowledge are actual gaps. If
learners already know the forms the teacher raises to attention little is gained. In this
respect, student-initiated preemptive focus-on-form is to be preferred. It might be
argued, then, that teachers would do better to limit themselves to providing corrective
feedback (i.e. to reactive focus-on-form), where the need for their assistance is clear.
T: what’s an alibi?
R. Ellis et al. / System 30 (2002) 419–432 429
T: M has an alibi
T: another name for girlfriend?
T: an alibi is a reason you have for not being at
the bank robbery (.) okay (.) not being at the
bank robbery
T: okay, now remember this is your plan, so ‘I’m going to, I’m
going to..’
6. Summary
Table 2
Principal focus-on-form options
Options Description
A. Reactive focus-on-form The teacher or another student responds to an error that a student
makes in the context of a communicative activity.
B. Pre-emptive focus-on-form The teacher or a student makes a linguistic form the topic of the
discourse even though no error has been committed.
may involve several or all of these options. It is our experience that teachers are
often not aware of the extent to which they draw attention to form during a com-
municative activity, possibly because the focus-on-form episodes are typically very
7. Conclusion
There are now strong theoretical reasons for claiming that the teacher’s role in a
communicative task should not be limited to that of communicative partner. The
teacher also needs to pay attention to form. This article has suggested a number of
ways in which this can be accomplished. Teachers in training need to develop a
repertoire of options for addressing form in the context of communicative
There are, however, many questions for which clear answers are not yet available.
These include:
Teacher pre-emption of form is probably the option most likely to disrupt the
communicative flow. It tells the students that the teacher is really concerned
about form rather than meaning. Also, the forms teachers pre-empt may not
constitute actual gaps in the students’ L2 knowledge. Nevertheless, there may
be occasions when the teacher pre-empting form is useful (e.g. when students
are planning a communicative activity).
5. What role is there for student-initiated attention to form?
Students, especially motivated adult students, are likely to ask questions about
form during the course of a communicative activity. How should the teacher
deal with them? There are three possibilities—answer them immediately, ignore
them, or deflect them (i.e. until later). Clearly, the strategy a teacher adopts
needs to be informed by social as well as psycholinguistic considerations. Teachers
cannot afford to antagonize their students by refusing to address their questions
but equally whatever they do must be motivated by a concern for what will
aid learning.
This article has addressed the teacher’s role in focusing on form during commu-
nicative language lessons. It might be argued that this is of limited importance given
that communicative tasks are typically performed by students working in groups.
There are, however, doubts about whether communicative group work produces
much attention to form as discussed in this article. Williams (1999) found little evi-
dence of it in elementary and intermediate level learners, except when the teacher
joined a group. If focus-on-form is as important as has been claimed, then, it would
seem to require the interventions of the teacher.
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