Subnetting Tricks Subnetting Made Easy With Examples
Subnetting Tricks Subnetting Made Easy With Examples
Subnetting Tricks Subnetting Made Easy With Examples
Subnetting is one of the most complex and highly tested topics in any Cisco entry level exam and interview. In other situation, you
may use any regular method of Subnetting. But in exam and interview, where time and accuracy matter, you should always use the
easiest and the fastest methods of Subnetting such as explained in this tutorial.
This tutorial is the fourth part of the article “IP Subnetting in Computer Network Step by Step Explained with Examples”.
Other parts of this article are following.
Network Address Broadcast Address and IP Address Explained
This tutorial is the first part of the article. It explains IP addressing and network addressing such as IP address, subnet mask, IP address types and IP classes in detail.
Before we start working with Subnetting examples, let’s have a quick recap of important Subnetting concepts and terms from
previous parts of this tutorial.
An IP address is the combination of two addresses; network address and host address. Network address is always written first in
sequence. While reading an IP address how much portion should be treated as network address and how much portion should be
treated as host address is decided by an another address known as Subnet mask.
An IP address is always used with Subnet mask. Without subnet mask an IP address is an ambiguous address and vice versa.
Both IP address and Subnet mask consists 32 bits. These bits are divided in four octets. Octets are separated by periods and written
in a sequence.
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Subnetting Tricks Subnetting Made Easy with Examples
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