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JS Part1

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Introduction to JavaScript

Chapter 4
Overview of JavaScript
JavaScript basics
JavaScript Primitives
JavaScript Objects
Control statements
Object Creation and modification
Regular Expressions
Client-side scripting
Why use client-side programming?
usability: can modify a security: has access
page without having to to server's private data;
post back to the server client can't see source
(faster UI) code
efficiency: can make compatibility: not
small, quick changes to subject to browser
page without waiting compatibility issues
for server power: can write files,
event-driven: can open connections to
respond to user actions servers, connect to
like clicks and key databases, ...
What is JavaScript?
a lightweight programming language (scripting)

used to make web pages interactive

a web standard (but not supported identically by all


NOT related to Java other than by name and some

syntactic similarities

Originally developed by Netscape (named

Differences between JavaScript and
interpreted, not compiled
more relaxed syntax and rules
fewer and "looser" data types
variables don't need to be declared
errors often silent (few exceptions)
key construct is the function rather than the
(more procedural less object-oriented)
contained within a web page and integrates
with its XHTML/CSS content
Event-Driven Computation
Linking to a JavaScript file
JavaScript can be embedded or linked to an
XHTML document.
Two locations for JavaScript embedding depends
on the purposes (head/body)
JavaScript in the head element will react to user
input and be called from other locations
JavaScript in the body element will be executed
once as the page is loaded
JavaScript code can be enclosed in XHTML
Linking to a JavaScript file
<script src="filename" type="text/javascript"
<script src="example.js" type="text/javascript"
should be placed in XHTML page's head
script code is stored in a separate .js file
JavaScript embedding in XHTML
Directly embedded
<script type=“text/javascript”>
…Javascript here…
Overview of JavaScript
JavaScript basics
JavaScript Primitives
JavaScript Objects
Control statements
Object Creation and modification
Regular Expressions
General Syntactic Characteristics
Start with $, _, letter
Case sensitive
Statements can be terminated with a
Reserved words (25 words)
Comments (same as Java)
/* … */
Object Orientation and JavaScript
JavaScript is not an object-oriented
programming language, but an object-based
JavaScript defines objects that encapsulate both
properties and methods
However, JavaScript does not have true inheritance
nor subtyping
JavaScript provides prototype-based inheritance
JavaScript Objects
Objects are collections of properties
Properties are either data properties or method
Data properties are either primitive values or
references to other objects
The object is the root of all objects
Object has no data properties, but several method
JavaScript Object Hierarchy
Window Object
The Window object represents the window in which the
document containing the script is being displayed
Window has two properties
window refers to the Window object itself
document refers to the Document object
The Window object is the default object for JavaScript,
so properties and methods of the Window object may
be used without qualifying with the class name
Window includes three methods for dialog boxes.
The alert Method
The alert method opens a dialog box with a
The output of the alert is not XHTML, so use
new lines rather than <br/>

alert("The sum is:" + sum + "\n");

The confirm Method
The confirm methods displays a message provided as
a parameter
The confirm dialog has two buttons: OK and Cancel
If the user presses OK, true is returned by the method
If the user presses Cancel, false is returned

var question =
confirm("Do you want to continue this download?");
The prompt Method
This method displays its string argument in a dialog box
A second argument provides a default content for the user entry area
The dialog box has an area for the user to enter text
The method returns a String with the text entered by the user

name = prompt("What is your name?", "");

Document Object
The Document object has several properties
and methods, e.g. write()
The write method of the Document object write
its parameters to the browser window
The output is interpreted as XHTML by the
If a line break is needed in the output,
interpolate <br /> into the output
Overview of JavaScript
JavaScript basics
JavaScript Primitives
JavaScript Objects
Control statements
Object Creation and modification
Regular Expressions
Primitive Types
Five primitive types
There are five objects corresponding to the five
primitive types
These are called Wrapper objects for primitive values
Primitive values are coerced to the wrapper class as
necessary, and vice-versa
Numeric Literals (or type)
Number values are represented internally as
double-precision floating-point values
integers and real numbers are the same type (no
int vs. double)
Float values may have a decimal and/or exponent
same operators: + - * / % ++ -- = += -= *= /= %=
similar precedence to Java
String Literals (or type)
A String literal is delimited by either single or
double quotes
There is no difference between single and double
Certain characters may be escaped in strings
\’ or \” to use a quote in a string delimited by the same
\\ to use a literal backspace
Other Primitive Types
A single value, null
null is a reserved word
an assignment value, It can be assigned to a variable as a
representation of no value.
Using a null value usually causes an error
A single value, undefined
However, undefined is not, itself, a reserved word
The value of a variable that is declared but not assigned a value
Two values: true and false
Declaring variables
var name = expression ;
var clientName = “abc xyz";
var age = 32;
var weight = 45;
declaring variables:
explicitly, by var keyword (case sensitive)
implicitly, by assignment (give it a value, and it exists!)
types: not specified, but JS does have types ("loosely
common types: Number, Boolean, String, Null, Undefined
can find out a variable's type by calling typeof
Overview of JavaScript
JavaScript basics
JavaScript Primitives
JavaScript Objects
Control statements
Object Creation and modification
Regular Expressions
The Math Object
Provides a collection of properties and
methods useful for Number values
This includes the trigonometric functions such
as sin and cos
methods: abs, ceil, cos, floor, log, max, min,
pow, random, round, sin, sqrt, tan
properties: E, PI
The Number Object
Operations resulting in errors return NaN
Use isNaN(a) to test if a is NaN
toString method converts a number to string
The String Object
var s = "Connie Client";
var fName = s.substring(0, s.indexOf(" ")); // “Connie"
var len = s.length; // 13

methods: charAt, indexOf, lastIndexOf, replace, split,

substring, toLowerCase, toUpperCase
charAt returns a one-letter String (there is no char type)
length property (not a method as in Java)
Character positions in strings begin at index 0
String Catenation
The operation + is the string catenation
In many cases, other types are automatically
converted to string
Implicit Type Conversion
JavaScript attempts to convert values in order
to be able to perform operations
“August “ + 1977 causes the number to be
converted to string and a concatenation to be
7 * “3” causes the string to be converted to a
number and a multiplication to be performed
null is converted to 0 in a numeric context,
undefined to NaN
0 is interpreted as a Boolean false, all other
numbers are interpreted a true
Explicit Type Conversion
Explicit conversion of string to number
aString – 0
Number must begin the string and be followed by
parseInt and parseFloat convert the beginning
of a string but do not cause an error if a non-
space follows the numeric part
Explicit Type Conversion
converting a String into a Number
var name = parseInt( "String") ;
var name = parseFloat( "String") ;
parseInt("123hello") returns 123
parseInt(“abcds") returns NaN (not a
The Date Object
A Date object represents a time stamp , that is, a
point in time
A Date object is created with the new operator
var now= new Date();
This creates a Date object for the time at which it was
Date methods: toLocaleString, getDate, getMonth,
getDay, getFullYear, getTime, getHours,
getMinutes, getSeconds, getMilliseconds
Overview of JavaScript
JavaScript basics
JavaScript Primitives
JavaScript Objects
Control statements
Object Creation and modification
Regular Expressions
If/Else Statement
if (condition)
{ statements; }
else if (condition)
{ statements; }
else { statements; }
identical structure to Java's if/else statement
JavaScript allows almost anything as a
switch Statement Syntax
switch (expression) {
case value_1:
// statement(s)
case value_2:
// statement(s)
// statement(s)]
Loop Statements
Loop statements in JavaScript are similar to those in
while (control expression )
statement or compound statement
for (initial expression; control expression; increment
expression )
statement or compound statement
do statement or compound statement
while (control expression )
Overview of JavaScript
JavaScript basics
JavaScript Primitives
JavaScript Objects
Control statements
Object Creation and modification
Regular Expressions
Object Creation and Modification
The new expression is used to create an object
This includes a call to a constructor
The new operator creates a blank object, the constructor
creates and initializes all properties of the object
Properties of an object are accessed using a dot
notation: object .property
Properties are not variables, so they are not
The number of properties of an object may vary
dynamically in JavaScript
Dynamic Properties
Create my_car and add some properties
// Create an Object object
var my_car = new Object();
// Create and initialize the make property
my_car.make = "Ford";
// Create and initialize model
my_car.model = "Contour SVT";
The delete operator can be used to delete a
property from an object
delete my_car.model
The for-in Loop
for (identifier in object )
statement or compound statement
The loop lets the identifier take on each property in
turn in the object
Printing the properties in my_car:
for (var prop in my_car)
document.write("Name: ", prop, "; Value: ",
my_car[prop], "<br />");
Name: make; Value: Ford
Name: model; Value: Contour SVT
Overview of JavaScript
JavaScript basics
JavaScript Primitives
JavaScript Objects
Control statements
Object Creation and modification
Regular Expressions
Array Object
new Array(10)
var name = []; // empty array
var name = [value, value, ..., value]; // pre-filled
name[index] = value; // store element
var ducks = ["Huey", "Dewey", "Louie"];
var stooges = []; // stooges.length is 0
stooges[0] = "Larry"; // stooges.length is 1
stooges[1] = "Moe"; // stooges.length is 2
stooges[9] = "Curly"; // stooges.length is 10
two ways to initialize an array
length property (grows as needed when elements
Elements of an array do not have to be of the same
Characteristics of Array Objects
The length of an array is one more than the
highest index to which a value has been
assigned or the initial size (using Array with
one argument), whichever is larger
Assignment to an index greater than or equal to
the current length simply increases the length
of the array
Only assigned elements of an array occupy
Array Methods
var a = ["Stef", "Amit"]; // Stef, Amit a.push ("Brian"); // Stef, Amit, Brian
a.unshift ("Kenneth"); // Kenneth, Stef, Amit, Brian
a.pop (); // Kenneth, Stef, Amit
a.shift (); // Stef, Amit
a.sort (); // Amit, Stef
methods: concat, join, pop, push, reverse, shift, slice,
sort, splice, toString, unshift
push and pop add / remove from back
unshift and shift add / remove from front
shift and pop return the element that is removed
Overview of JavaScript
JavaScript basics
JavaScript Primitives
JavaScript Objects
Control statements
Object Creation and modification
Regular Expressions
function name(parameterName, ..., parameterName)
{statements; }
function quadratic(a, b, c)
{ return -b + Math.sqrt(b * b - 4 * a * c) / (2 * a); }
parameter/return types are not written
var is not written on parameter declarations
functions with no return statement return an undefined value
any variables declared in the function are local (exist
only in that function)
Functions must defined before use in the page header
Calling Functions (same as Java)
name(parameterValue, ..., parameterValue);
var root = quadratic(1, -3, 2) ;
if the wrong number of parameters are passed:
too many: extra ones are ignored
too few: remaining ones get an undefined value
Functions are Objects
Functions are objects in JavaScript
Functions may, therefore, be assigned to variables and
to object properties
Object properties that have function values are methods of
the object
function fun()
{document.write("This surely is fun! <br/>");}
ref_fun = fun; //Now, ref_fun refers to the fun object
fun(); // A call to fun
ref_fun(); // Also a call to fun
Global and Local Variables
var count = 1;
function f1() { var x = 999; count *= 10; }
function f2() { count++; }
variable count above is global (can be seen by
all functions)
variable x above is local (can be seen by only
both f1 and f2 can use and modify count.
Global and Local Variables
A variable not declared using var has global
scope, visible throughout the page, even if
used inside a function definition
A variable declared with var outside a function
definition has global scope
A variable declared with var inside a function
definition has local scope, visible only inside
the function definition
Parameters named in a function header are
called formal parameters
Parameters used in a function call are called
actual parameters
Parameters are passed by value
Overview of JavaScript
JavaScript basics
JavaScript Primitives
JavaScript Objects
Control statements
Object Creation and modification
Regular Expressions
Using Regular Expressions
Regular expressions are used to specify patterns in
strings. We use regular expressions to search for
matches on particular text.
JavaScript provides two methods to use regular
expressions in pattern matching
String methods
RegExp objects (not covered in the text)
A literal regular expression pattern is indicated by
enclosing the pattern in slashes (/ /)
The search method returns the position of a match, if
found, or -1 if no match was found
Example Using search
var str = "Rabbits are furry";
var position = str.search(/bits/);
if (position > 0)
document.write("'bits' appears in position",
position, "<br />");
"'bits' does not appear in str <br />");

This uses a pattern that matches the string ‘bits’

The output of this code is as follows:
'bits' appears in position 3
Characters and Character-Classes
Metacharacters are characters used to represent special patterns that
don’t necessarily fit in the range of standard letters and numbers (A-
Z; a-z; 0-9, etc.).
Metacharacters have special meaning in regular expressions
These characters may be used literally by escaping them with \
A period matches any single character
/f.r/ matches for and far and fir but not fr
A character class matches one of a specified set of characters
[character set ]
List characters individually: [abcdef]
Give a range of characters: [a-z]
Beware of [A-z]
^ at the beginning negates the class
Predefined character classes

Name Equivalent Matches

\d [0-9] A digit
\D [^0-9] Not a digit
\w [A-Za-z_0-9] A word character
\W [^A-Za-z_0-9] Not a word character
\s [ \r\t\n\f] A whitespace character
\S [^ \r\t\n\f] Not a whitespace character
Repeated Matches
A pattern can be repeated a fixed number of times by
following it with a pair of curly braces enclosing a count
A pattern can be repeated by following it with one of
the following special characters
* indicates zero or more repetitions of the previous pattern
+ indicates one or more of the previous pattern
? indicates zero or one of the previous pattern
/\(\d{3}\)\d{3}-\d{4}/ might represent a telephone number
Pattern Modifiers
Pattern modifiers are specified by characters that follow
the closing / of a pattern
Modifiers modify the way a pattern is interpreted or
Ex. /Apple/i, matches APPLE, apple, APple
Character Modification
g g lobal search for all matches
i i nsensitive case searches
m m ultiple line searches
Other Pattern Matching Methods
The replace method takes a pattern parameter and a string
The method replaces a match of the pattern in the target string with
the second parameter
A g modifier on the pattern causes multiple replacements
Parentheses can be used in patterns to mark sub-patterns
The pattern matching machinery will remember the parts of a
matched string that correspond to sub-patterns
The match method takes one pattern parameter
Without a g modifier, the return is an array of the match and
parameterized sub-matches
With a g modifier, the return is an array of all matches
The split method splits the object string using the pattern to
specify the split points
JS Errors
Common JavaScript errors
most common student errors:
My program does nothing. (most errors produce no output)
It just prints undefined. (many typos lead to undefined variables)
quick debugging tips:
Are you sure the browser is even loading your JS file at all?
Put an alert at the top of it and make sure it appears.
When you change your code, do a full browser refresh (Shift-
Check the bottom-right corner of Firefox for syntax errors.
Paste your code into JSLint tool to find problems.
Type some test code into Firebug's console or use a breakpoint.
Debugging JS code in Firebug
Firebug JS debugger
can set breakpoints,
step through code,
examine values
(Script tab)
interaction pane for
typing in arbitrary JS
expressions (Console
tab; Watch tab within
Script tab)
(/JSLint (http://www.jslint.com
JSLint: an analyzer
that checks your JS
code, much like a
compiler, and points
out common errors
when your JS code
doesn't work, paste
it into JSLint first to
find many common

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