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Managing Director Contacts

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Company First NameLast NameE-Mail AddAddress 1 Address 2 City State Code Country
American NChristina LaRubbio LaRubbioC@ 600-A Forest Point CirCharlotte NC 28273 United Sta
American NMichael Schillinger Michael.sch7119 Rhygate Circle Charlotte NC 28226 United Sta
Animal & PRamon Benavides ramon.ben22675 N.Mo Moore Air Edinburg TX 78541 United Sta
Animal & PJose Cerda jose.r.cer Moore Air 22675 N. MEdinburg TX 78541 United Sta
Animal & PSiobhan Cerda jose.r.cer 307 S. Dallas Alton TX 78573 United Sta
University Donnie Davis donnie.dav2275 Turner Place Lexington KY 40511 United Sta
Animal & PAracely de Galan Aracely.de Unit 3190, Box 299 DPO AA 34024 United Sta
AgricultureJannel DeMars Jannel.De 6230 Madeleine DriveSan AntoniTX 78229 United Sta
AgriculturaKaren Gardner karen.gardBldg 3702 Curtin RoaUniversity PA 16802 United Sta
AgriculturaDonita Gibboney donita.gib USDA-ARSCurtin RoaUniversity PA 16802-370United Sta
Animal & PDawn Griffin dawn.x.gri 920 Main Campus DrivRaleigh NC 27606 United Sta
AgriculturaMaureen Harris maureen.ha 5601 Sunnyside AvenBeltsville MD 20705 United Sta
AgriculturaBrenda Katulski brenda.kat5601 Sunnyside AvenBeltsville MD 20705 United Sta
Missouri AgBrent Mahoney Mahoneypb3600 New Haven RoaColumbia MO 65201-960United Sta
OPPM Linda Mesaros ***** 361 Reporte300 7th St.WashingtoDC 20024 United Sta
Missouri AgJohn PoehlmannPoehlmann3600 New Haven RoaColumbia MO 65201-960United Sta
Other AgricCarolyn RichardsonCarolyn_R 2501 Founders Drive Raleigh NC 27695 United Sta
AgriculturaTawanna Ross Johnstawanna.ro1515 College Avenue ManhattanKS 66502 United Sta
University Jesse Smith jesse.smit 1995 Research Farm Lexington KY 40511 United Sta
UK CollegeScott Wells scottw@ema 252 C.E. Barnhart BuiLexington KY 40546-027United Sta
Animal & PRosa LindaBenavidez rosalinda. 5730 NorthSuite 700 San AntoniTX 78249-337United Sta
Forest ServRoger Boggs rboggs@fs.6518 St. Rt. 93 Pedro OH 45659 United Sta
Other AgricMartha Bollinger bollinger. 1680 Madison AvenueWooster OH 44691 United Sta
Department ChristopheCorder christophe 300 7th St Suite 33 WashingtoDC 20024 United Sta
FSIS Jaime Correa jaime.corr 5835 Calla Suite # 10San AntoniTX 78228 United Sta
Animal & PJustin Cruz justin.r.c 5730 Northwest Parkw San AntoniTX 78249 United Sta
Animal & PRene Cruz rene.b.cru 5730 Northwest Parkw San AntoniTX 78249 United Sta
Animal & PRonnie de los San ronnie.del 5730 Northwest Park San AntoniTX 78249 United Sta
OARDC Karen Fedevich fedevich.1 1680 Madison Ave Wooster OH 44691 United Sta
Forest ServMichael Gilmore mgilmore@f USDA FORE11 CampusNewtown SPA 19073 United Sta
Animal & PKerri Goust Kerri.Gous 920 Main CSuite 200 Raleigh NC 27606 United Sta
Forest ServNathaniel Grant nathanielb 11 CampusSte 200 New Town PA 19073 United Sta
Foreign AgrDelphine Hamlin Delphine.H14th & IndependenceWashingtoDC 20250 United Sta
Forest ServCynthia Hendersonchenderson6518 St. Rt. 93 Pedro OH 45659 United Sta
Natural ReDavid Hester David.Hest101 South Main St Temple TX 76501 United Sta
AgriculturaMichael Moses michael.mo22675 N. Moorefield Edinburg TX 78541 United Sta
North DakoPaul Nyren p.nyren@n4824 48th Streeter, Streeter ND 58483 United Sta
AgriculturaLana Podielsky lana.podie george was5601 sunnybeltsville MD 20705 United Sta
Forest ServJeffrey Salyers jrsalyers@f984 Denton Valley RoBristol TN 37620 United Sta
AgriculturaWilliam Salzer wsalzer@ag LSU AG Cen 2310 Ben Baton Rou LA 70820 United Sta
AgriculturaCarlos Solis Carlos.Sol 2413 E. HwBldg# 200 Weslaco TX 78596 United Sta
Forest ServDonna Stephenso dstephenso6518 St. Rt. 93 Pedro OH 45659 United Sta
AgriculturaCraig Thompson craig.tho P.O. Box 265 Kaysville UT 84037 United Sta
AgriculturaDebbie Thompson debra.tho P.O. Box 265 Kaysville UT 84037 United Sta
Other AgricEd Vendrell eduardo.ve5835 Callaghan Rd. San AntoniTX 78228 United Sta
Food SafetJames Coulter james.coul5835 Callaghan Rd StSan AntoniTX 78228 United Sta
Other Agrictina henarie tina.henar 5835 Callaghad Road,San AntoniTX 78228 United Sta
WCTS Bryan Mulvenna bmulvenna1400 Independence WashingtoDC 20250 United Sta
North DakotAnne Nyren anne.nyre 7276 14th St. NW Garrison ND 58540 United Sta
Forest ServAnita Phillips akphillips@10315 Oak Forest WaNew BraunfTX 78132 United Sta
Other AgricOlaya Valadez olaya.vala 6835 Callaghan Rd San AntoniTX 78228 United Sta
NOAA Linda Curtis linda.j.cur 120 David Suite 120 Norman OK 73072 United Sta
NOAA Sheri Farrell sheri.farre 2234 S Hobson Aven CharlestonSC 29405 United Sta
NOAA Beechie Freeman beechie.f 2234 South Hobson ACharlestonSC 29405 United Sta
NOAA Lisa Holmes-Lanlisa.holme 2234 South Hobson ACharlestonSC 29405 United Sta
NOAA Teressa Spencer teressa.sp 8800 Greenbelt RD Greenbelt MD 20771 United Sta
NOAA Samuel Thomas Sam.Thoma 737 BishopSuite 1550Honolulu HI 96813 United Sta
NOAA Mary Adams Mary.AdamNSOF 4231 Suitl Suitland MD 20746 United Sta
NOAA Robin Burns Robin.Bur NOAA/GCSC Building 1 Stennis SpMS 39529 United Sta
NOAA Randy Miller randy.mill 125 South State Stre Salt Lake CUT 84138 United Sta
NOAA Catherine Ossi catherine. 1315 East Room 1010Silver Spri MD 20910 United Sta
Gulf of Me Kathy Pereira Kathy.Pere2203 N. LoSuite 1100Tampa FL 33607 United Sta
NOAA Walter Schleicher Walt.Schle 4231 Suitl Room 1520Suitland MD 20746 United Sta
NOAA ChristopheWhite Christophe1325 East-Rm 5347 Silver Spri MD 20910 United Sta
NOAA Barbara Comstock barbara.c P.O. Drawe3209 Freder PascagoulaMS 39567 United Sta
NOAA LaShonda Finch lashonda.f P.O. Drawe3209 Freder PascagoulaMS 39567 United Sta
NOAA Donna Pettit donna.pettP.O. Drawe3209 Freder PascagoulaMS 39567 United Sta
Department Joaquin DeleonGuerjoaquing@P.O. Box 501250 Saipan HI 96950 Northern M
Department Leigh Humphries***** 3144 Webb School RoOxford NC 27565 United Sta
Department Harrison Plummer hplummer@ Post Office Box 321 Tohatchi NM 87325 United Sta
Department Johnsell Christian johnsell.chSavannah R P.O. Box AAiken SC 29802-090United Sta
Department Bruce Curtis bcurtis@paU. S. Dept P.O. Box 3Amarillo TX 79120 United Sta
Department Larry King ldking@bp2700 Overland AvenuBurley ID 83318 United Sta
Department Steven Phillips steven.phi P.O. Box 79 West Miffli PA 15122 United Sta
Department Todd Tetrault tetrault@w12155 W. Alameda P Lakewood CO 80228 United Sta
Department Melodie WashingtoMelodie.W 1000 Inde Room 7G-0WashingtoDC 20585 United Sta
Department Edward Bauser edward.baP.O. Box A Aiken SC 29802 United Sta
Department Leslie Bourgeois Leslie.Bou 900 Commerce Road New Orlea LA 70123-340United Sta
Department Trinette Boyd trinette.b 19901 Ger C-264 GermantowMD 20874 United Sta
Department Marcia Fultz marcia.ful PO Box A Aiken SC 29802 United Sta
Department Sanjit Kundu skkundu@b905 E.11th Ave. Portland OR 97232 United Sta
Department Stephanie Pullen stephanie 1166 Athens Tech RoElberton GA 30635 United Sta
Department Cassandra Stuart mcgeecm@o 1060 Commerce ParkOak Ridge TN 37830 United Sta
Department Umeki Thorne umeki.tho 1000 Inde GermantowWashingtoDC 20520 United Sta
Department Vera Dunmore vera.dunm1000 Independence AWashingtoDC 20020 United Sta
Housing & Janice Besselentej_besselen#01 Twin BP.O. Box 7Zuni NM 87327 United Sta
Housing & Hope Brooks hope.a.br 451 7th St Room 5256WashingtoDC 20410 United Sta
Housing & Joy Fryer-ScottJoy.V.Frye 40 Marietta14th Floor Atlanta GA 30303 United Sta
Housing & john Gurrola ***** 115b concop.o. box 6 Covelo CA 95428 United Sta
Housing & Nicole Hunt Nicole.T.H 451 7th St Room 5276WashingtoDC 20410 United Sta
Housing & LaDonna Leonard lleonard@hPO Box 4980 Window RoAZ 86515 United Sta
Housing & Tabitha Painson-M Tabitha.P Office of t 451 7th St WashingtoDC 20410 United Sta
Housing & Brian Sonnier brian.e.so 801 CherryUnit 45 Su Fort WorthTX 76102 United Sta
Housing & Jerl Traylor Jerl.S.Tra 451 7th Street SW, WashingtoDC 20410 United Sta
US Fish & W ReymundoAragon rey_arago P.O. Box 1306 Albuquerq NM 87103 United Sta
OST Taylor Bowman taylor_bow4400 Masthead St NeAlbuquerq NM 87120 United Sta
Office of t Mary Jo Catalano Mary_Catal1849 C Street, NW WashingtoDC 20240 United Sta
Quapaw TrSean Corbit ***** 10 Jackson Street Quapaw OK 74363 United Sta
Other DepaErin Corbit ecorbit@wy64700 E Hwy 60 WyandotteOK 74370 United Sta
National PaDon Durbin don_durbi 2698 S 500 E Vernal UT 84078 United Sta
National PaJoel Fellows joel_fello National Pa240 W 5 AAnchorageAK 99501 United Sta
Office of t Holly Fertig holly_ferti DOI OS/OCI 12201 SunrReston VA 20192 United Sta
US GeologiDavina Hyers dhyers@us12201 SunrMS 911 Reston VA 20192 United Sta
Bureau of IDonna Johnson donna.joh Post Office Box 307 Many FarmAZ 86538 United Sta
National B George Kelley George_A_PO Box 25165 Denver CO 80225 United Sta
Bureau Of Christy King cking@usbr1359 Hansen AvenueBurley ID 83318 United Sta
US Fish & W Tanya Molina Tanya_mol10711 BurnSuite 200 Austin TX 78758 United Sta
US GeologiSheryl Parker sparker@u1400 Independence Rolla MO 65401 United Sta
Bureau Of Paul Richards prichards@PO Box 25007 Denver CO 80225-000United Sta
Bureau Of Rosini Russell rrussell@uPO Box 25007 Denver CO 80225-000United Sta
Bureau Of Thomas Tolness ttolness@u1359 Hansen Ave Burley ID 83318 United Sta
National PaDavid Vekasy david_vek 2202 Roosevelt Aven San AntoniTX 78210 United Sta
WyandotteDanny West jwest@wyan 64700 E Hwy 60 WyandotteOK 74370 United Sta
WyandotteJulie West jwest@wyan 64700 E Hwy 60 WyandotteOK 74370 United Sta
Bureau Of Crystal White CDwhite@uPO Box 60400 Boulder CitNV 89006 United Sta
OS/NATION MELISSA WILKERSOmelissa_g_1849 C ST MS-1540 WASHINGTDC 20240 United Sta
Bureau of ILorene Williams lorene.wil Post Office Box 307 Many FarmAZ 86538 United Sta
Bureau of IJoanne Ahill joanne.ahi HC 01 BoxFederal Rt.Sells AZ 85634 United Sta
Office of I Abel DominguezAbel_Domi12030 SunrSuite 350 Reston VA 20191 United Sta
National PaLeonard Fletcher leonard_fl 2202 Roosevelt Ave San AntoniTX 78210 United Sta
Bureau of ISteve Flores Steve.Flor 222 Code Talker StreeCrownpointNM 87313 United Sta
OIG Marshall Jackson marshall_j 12030 SunrSuite 350 Reston VA 20191 United Sta
Main NumbFax NumbeAgency Region
704 451 6469 American NSoutheast Sunbelt
980-875-7606 American NSoutheast Sunbelt
956-205-7 956-20576Dept of AgrGreater Southwest
956-205-7 956-205-7 Dept of AgrGreater Southwest
956-205-7606 Dept of AgrGreater Southwest
859 797-7282 Dept of AgrSoutheast Sunbelt
919-855-7472 Dept of AgrGreater Southwest
2108548252 Dept of AgrGreater Southwest
8148630928 Dept of AgrMid Atlantic
814-863-0 814-863-0 Dept of AgrMid Atlantic
919-855-7248 Dept of AgrSoutheast Sunbelt
301-504-1 301-504-1 Dept of AgrNational Capital
301-504-1100 Dept of AgrNational Capital
573-882-4 573-884-5 Dept of AgrHeartland
(843) 768-339 Dept of AgrNational Capital
573-882-4450 Dept of AgrHeartland
919-515-6378 Dept of AgrSoutheast Sunbelt
785-776-2757 Dept of AgrHeartland
606560377859255317Dept of AgrSoutheast Sunbelt
859-257-2073 Dept of AgrSoutheast Sunbelt
2104725471 Dept of AgrGreater Southwest
740-534-6 740-534-0 Dept of AgrGreat Lakes
330-263-3915 Dept of AgrGreat Lakes
202-720-3671 Dept of AgrNational Capital
210-347-2 210-347-2 Dept of AgrGreater Southwest
210-472-5 210-561-3 Dept of AgrGreater Southwest
210-47254210-561-3 Dept of AgrGreater Southwest
210-472-5 210-561-3 Dept of AgrGreater Southwest
330-263-3 330-263-3 Dept of AgrGreat Lakes
610-557-4 610-557-4 Dept of AgrMid Atlantic
919-855-7 919-855-7 Dept of AgrSoutheast Sunbelt
610557420610557415Dept of AgrMid Atlantic
202-720-4 202-720-0 Dept of AgrNational Capital
740-534-6 740-534-0 Dept of AgrGreat Lakes
254-742-9922 Dept of AgrGreater Southwest
956-205-7625 Dept of AgrGreater Southwest
701-424-3 701-424-3 Dept of AgrRocky Mtn.
301-504-1 301-504-1 Dept of AgrNational Capital
423-878-4021 Dept of AgrSoutheast Sunbelt
225-765-2 225-763-5 Dept of AgrGreater Southwest
956-447-6305 Dept of AgrGreater Southwest
740-534-6 740-534-0 Dept of AgrGreat Lakes
801-589-3935 Dept of AgrRocky Mtn.
801-544-3089 Dept of AgrRocky Mtn.
210-684-7868 Dept of AgrGreater Southwest
210-684-7868 Dept of AgrGreater Southwest
210684-7868 Dept of AgrGreater Southwest
3012706200 Dept of AgrNational Capital
701-320-5 701-424-3 Dept of AgrRocky Mtn.
830-980-5630 Dept of AgrGreater Southwest
2106847868 Dept of AgrGreater Southwest
405-325-3 405-325-3 Dept of C Greater Southwest
843-740-1303 Dept of C Southeast Sunbelt
843740129843750129Dept of C Southeast Sunbelt
843-740-1256 Dept of C Southeast Sunbelt
240-684-0 240-684-0 Dept of C National Capital
808-532-3960 Dept of C Pacific Rim
2406767091 Dept of C National Capital
2286882086 Dept of C Southeast Sunbelt
801-524-5 801-524-6 Dept of C Rocky Mtn.
301-628-5758 Dept of C National Capital
813-348-1630 Dept of C Southeast Sunbelt
301-817-4138 Dept of C National Capital
301-713-1891 Dept of C National Capital
228-769-8 228-762-2 Dept of C Southeast Sunbelt
228-769-8 228-762-2 Dept of C Southeast Sunbelt
228-769-8 228-762-2 Dept of C Southeast Sunbelt
670-234-5498 Dept of EdPacific Rim
9196906404 Dept of EdSoutheast Sunbelt
505733270505733273Dept of EdGreater Southwest
803-952-7 803-953-9 Dept of EnSoutheast Sunbelt
806-477-5 806 477-7 Dept of EnGreater Southwest
208-677-6 208-678-4 Dept of EnNorthwest/Arctic
412-476-5 412-464-3 Dept of EnMid Atlantic
720-962-7154 Dept of EnRocky Mtn.
202-586-6 202-586-0 Dept of EnNational Capital
803-952-6 803-952-8 Dept of EnSoutheast Sunbelt
504-734-4 504-818-5 Dept of EnGreater Southwest
301-903-5625 Dept of EnNational Capital
8039527207 Dept of EnSoutheast Sunbelt
503-230-3518 Dept of EnNorthwest/Arctic
706-213-3 706-213-3 Dept of EnSoutheast Sunbelt
865-576-3 865-576-0 Dept of EnSoutheast Sunbelt
301-903-4597 Dept of EnNational Capital
2025864047 Dept of EnNational Capital
505-782-4 505-782-5 Dept of HoGreater Southwest
202-402-2033 Dept of HoNational Capital
678-732-2902 Dept of HoSoutheast Sunbelt
707983618707983683Dept of HoPacific Rim
202-402-3 202-708-8 Dept of HoNational Capital
928729630928729630Dept of HoPacific Rim
202-402-7132 Dept of HoNational Capital
817-978-5407 Dept of HoGreater Southwest
202-402-6131 Dept of HoNational Capital
505-248-6792 Dept of IntGreater Southwest
505-816-1 505-816-1 Dept of IntGreater Southwest
202-208-3 202-208-5 Dept of IntNational Capital
918-533-3571 Dept of IntGreater Southwest
918-678-2297 Dept of IntGreater Southwest
435-790-6058 Dept of IntRocky Mtn.
907-644-3 907-644-3 Dept of IntNorthwest/Arctic
703-648-5535 Dept of IntNational Capital
2022083412 Dept of IntNational Capital
202-354-1 202-371-1 Dept of IntNational Capital
703-648-6634 Dept of IntNational Capital
928-781-6 928-781-4 Dept of IntPacific Rim
303-231-3931 Dept of IntRocky Mtn.
208-678-0461 Dept of IntNorthwest/Arctic
702-293-8 702-293-8 Dept of IntPacific Rim
512-334-8400 Dept of IntGreater Southwest
573-308-3 573-308-3 Dept of IntHeartland
303-445-2084 Dept of IntRocky Mtn.
303-445-3347 Dept of IntRocky Mtn.
208-678-0461 Dept of IntNorthwest/Arctic
210-534-8833 Dept of IntGreater Southwest
918-678-2297 Dept of IntGreater Southwest
918-678-2297 Dept of IntGreater Southwest
702-494-2 702-494-2 Dept of IntPacific Rim
202-208-3 202-208-4 Dept of IntNational Capital
928-781-6 928-781-4 Dept of IntPacific Rim
520-361-2 520-361-3 Dept of IntPacific Rim
703-487-5459 Dept of IntNational Capital
210-534-8875 Dept of IntGreater Southwest
505-786-6 505-786-6 Dept of IntGreater Southwest
703-487-5444 Dept of IntNational Capital

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