Research Design and Methodology: A Study On Retail Marketing at Reliance Digital
Research Design and Methodology: A Study On Retail Marketing at Reliance Digital
Research Design and Methodology: A Study On Retail Marketing at Reliance Digital
A systematic study
Defining a problem
Formulating a Hypothesis
Collecting and Analyzing data
Deductions and Conclusions
Objectives of Research
Types of Research
Research methods are all those methods and techniques that are used for conduction of
research. It refers to the methods the researchers use in performing research operations. It
can be put under three groups –
researchers go about their work of describing, evaluating and predicting phenomenon. It aims
to give the work plan of research. It provides training in choosing methods materials,
scientific tools and techniques relevant for the solution of the problem.
Research Process
It consists a logical sequence of steps or actions that are necessary to effectively solve a
research problem.
(I) Formulating the Research Problem – The researcher must choose the problem he wants
to study and decide the area of interest and subject matter he would inquire about.
(ii) Extensive Literature Survey – After choosing the research problem an extensive literature
survey is done and a brief summary of the problem is written down.
(iii) Development of working hypothesis – A working hypothesis must be stated in clear terms.
It can be developed through the following approaches:-
Finding about the origin of the problem and studying its objectives
(iv) Preparing the research design – The research is designed depending upon its utility and
appropriateness for a particular research problem. It involves consideration of the following:-
The time available for research and the costs related to the research
(v) Determining the sample design – Sampling can either be probability sampling or non-
probability sampling. The researcher must carefully choose the sampling procedure and
sample size and must also look out for sampling errors.
(vi) Collecting the Data – There is a need for reliable and accurate data to carry out an
effective research. Data collection may be done by any of the following methods:-
Telephonic Interviews
Other Methods
(vii) Execution of research – The research must be systematically executed in order to collect
correct and accurate data.
(viii) Analysis of Data – Analysis of data involves the application of many tools and techniques
to the raw data to make meaningful and useful interpretations. The main task includes
establishment of categories, tabulation of data and drawing out statistical inferences.
(ix) Hypothesis testing – After analyzing the data the researcher tests the hypothesis
formulated by him in the earlier stages.
(xi) Preparation of the research report – The layout for a research report should be in the
Preliminary Pages – The research report must contain the full title, foreword and
acknowledgement in the preliminary pages.
Main body or text – The main text must contain an introduction, summary of findings, main
report and conclusion.
End Matter – The end matter of the report must contain appendices in respect of all technical
terms and data used in the report and must end with a bibliography.
♦ It should be Logical – A research must be guided by logic reasoning and the logical process
of induction and deduction.
♦ It should be Empirical – The research must be related to one or more aspects of real life
♦ It should be Replicable – Other people must be able to verify and replicate the original
research report.
♦ The purpose of the research should be clearly defined and common concepts used.
♦ The analysis of data must be adequate and the method of analysis should be appropriate.
♦ Conclusions must be confined to those justified by the data and limited to those for which
data is not adequate.
♦ Research inculcates scientific and inductive thinking and promotes development of logical
habits of thinking and organization.
♦ Research plays a dynamic role in several fields and it has increased significance in recent
times, it can be related to a small business and also to the economy as a whole.
♦ Most of the Government Regulations and Policies are based on and are a result of
intensive research.
♦ It involves the study of cause and effect relationships between various variables and
helps to identify behavior/patterns/trends in certain variables.
Retailing is an upcoming area in the field of management research. Though retailing is a concept which is
existing during the existence of the mankind, but the concept of unorganized retailing turning to organized
one is not that older a concept. Indian retailing has gone through a drastic change late nineties after
liberalization. The advent of retailing as a more organized form has given way to a lot of research avenues
and off course the human behavior at the pivotal of this. It is the main area which is on focus for every
researcher. Consumer has been the most important factor for any retailing activity. In other words, retailing
is always consumer centric and studying the consumer behavior is of utmost importance for the retailers,
marketers and the researchers.
Retailing has offered the researchers with a lot of key areas to study right from the behavioral aspects of the
customer including consumer expectations, perception, personality, attitude, lifestyle, preferences,
patronage behavior, shopping motives, shopping experience and entertainment aspect of shopping to the
retailers functional attributes like retail store attributes, store formats, merchandise management,
assortments, variety, vendor management, display and visual merchandising, ambience and atmospherics,
service quality, store layout and location, store image, branding and promotion, private labels, retail market