Claim Application From Nominee: DD - Mm.Yyyy
Claim Application From Nominee: DD - Mm.Yyyy
Claim Application From Nominee: DD - Mm.Yyyy
To From
The Branch Manager ______________________ (Name of requestor)
Paytm Payments Bank Limited _________________ (Email id & Phone number)
____________________ (Address of requestor)
Dear Sir/Madam,
I/We would like to inform that Shri/Smt _________________ <Name of deceased account
holder> died on ___________________ <Date of death as per death certificate> at
_______________< City>. He/She operates an account(s) in your bank. Particulars of the
account are as follows:
The following documents (photocopy & Original) are provided for due verification. Please
return original documents to us in due course.
Death certificate _______________ (Registered Number)
Nominee Id proof ________________ (ID proof Number)
Nominee Address proof _______________ (Document name)
Bank statement of nominee or Cancelled Cheque __________________________________
(Bank name and Statement month)
I hereby declare that the above information furnished is all true, correct and full and that I
have not omitted or suppressed any information called for under any of the above columns.
For Official Use of the Bank
After proper scrutiny of the claim application, personal interview with the claimant (Nominee)
and verification of the death certificate and declaration, I sanction the above claim as
recommended by the Personal Banker.
Name, Designation, & Signature (Control authority)
2. Claim Application from Legal Heirs
To From
The Branch Manager ______________________ (Name of requestor)
Paytm Payments Bank Limited _________________ (Email id & Phone number)
____________________ (Address of requestor)
Dear Sir/Madam,
I/We would like to inform that Shri/Smt _________________ <Name of deceased account
holder> died on ___________________ at _______________<City>. He/She operates an
account(s) in your bank. I/We, the undersigned, hereby declare that I/We am/are the rightful
legal heir(s) of the deceased ______________________________________, entitled to
receive the amount due on the deposit(s).
I/We request the Branch Manager, Paytm Payments Bank Limited, _____________________
branch, to pay the proceeds of the deposits mentioned above to me/us as legal heir of
________________________________________ (deceased constituent).
The following documents (photocopy & Original) are provided for due verification. Please
return original documents to us in due course.
Death certificate _________________________________ (Registered Number)
Legal heir Id proof & ______________________________ (ID proof Number)
Legal heir Address proof ___________________________ (Document name)
Succession certificate or certificate of probate issued by ____________________________
Indemnity bond submitted _______________________ (Yes |No)
Letter of disclaimer signed by _________________________________________________
Bank statement of claimant or Cancelled Cheque __________________________________
(Bank name and Statement Month)
I/we hereby declare that the above information furnished is all true, correct and full and that
I/we have not omitted or suppressed any information called for.
For Official Use of the Bank
After proper scrutiny of the claim application, personal interview with the claimant and
verification of the death certificate and declaration, I sanction the above claim as
recommended by the Personal Banker.
Name & Signature of the Branch Manager/Grievance Officer
Name, Designation, & Signature (Control authority)
3. Form 'A’ Letter of Disclaimer
(Needed when all legal heirs submit claim form and nominate only one person to receive
Dear Sir,
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Name Age Signature
________________________ _______ ______________________
4. Letter of Indemnity [ To be stamped as per applicable stamp duty of the state ]
____________________ Date:-
IN CONSIDERATION OF your paying or agreeing to pay us, the balances in the name of
__________________, the deceased as mentioned hereunder:
being the guarantor(s) for the claimant(s) of the Ist Part, do hereby, for ourselves and our heirs,
legal representatives, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, UNDERTAKE AND AGREE
to indemnify you and your successors and assigns against all claims, demands, proceedings, losses,
damages, charges and expenses which may be raised against or incurred by you by reason or in
consequence of your having agreed to pay/or paying the said sum as aforesaid, having delivered
or agreed to deliver the above mentioned assets to the claimant(s) of Ist Part. Signed, sealed and
delivered by the above named on this ___________ day of __________ Two thousand
____________ at _________________.
Signed and Delivered
1. _______________________
2. _______________________
3. _______________________
4. _______________________
5. _______________________
2. _______________________
5. Receipt
In response to our request to settle funds and producing required documents, Rs.
__________________ is received from Paytm Payments Bank LTD, _____________________
branch a sum of Rupees _____________________________________________________
only standing to the credit of the deceased depositor of the bank. I/We understand that this
payment made to me/us is made only as a trustee of the legal heirs of the deceased Late
________________________________/Survivor. I/We do not have any other claim from the
Bank henceforth.
_______________________ ______________________
Name of the Nominee & Signature
1. Signature 2. Signature
Name Name
_________________________ __________________________
__ _
Occupation Occupation
_________________________ __________________________
Address Address