I. Transfers of Land: A. The Land Transaction: Contracts of Sale, Deeds, Mortgages, and Financing
I. Transfers of Land: A. The Land Transaction: Contracts of Sale, Deeds, Mortgages, and Financing
I. Transfers of Land: A. The Land Transaction: Contracts of Sale, Deeds, Mortgages, and Financing
I. Transfers of Land
A. The Land Transaction: Contracts of Sale, Deeds, Mortgages, and Financing
1. The Contract of Sale
a. The Statute of Frauds (Hickey)
b. Marketable (or Default) Title (Lohmeyer)
c. The Duty to Disclose Defects (Stambovsky, Johnson)
d. Breach of the Sales Contract
2. The Deed
a. Warranties of Title (Rockafellor)
b. Delivery (Rosengrant)
3. Mortgages (Murphy)
B. Land Transactions: Title Assurance
1. The Recording System
a. Types of Indexes (Luthi, Orr)
b. Types of Recording Acts (Messersmith)
c. Chain of Title Problems (Hughes)
d. Inquiry Notice (Harper, Waldorff)
d. Variances (Commons)
e. Conditional Use Permits (or Special Exceptions) (Cope)
2. Eminent Domain
a. The Power of Eminent Domain
b. Public Use (Kelo)
c. Just Compensation
3. Inverse Condemnation
a. Categorical Rules
(1) Permanent Physical Occupation (Loretto)
(2) Nuisance Control? (Hadacheck)
b. Balancing Rules
(1) Diminution in Value (Penn. Coal, Penn Central)
(2) Reciprocity of Advantage
(3) Investment-Backed Expectations
c. Modification of Earlier Rules
d. Remedies
e. Rules for Exactions (Koontz)