Syllabus For Comprehensive Exam
Syllabus For Comprehensive Exam
Syllabus For Comprehensive Exam
Fluid Mechanics
Control volume analysis, Conservation (mass, momentum and energy) equations, Reynolds’
Transport Theorem (RTT), Incompressible and irrotational flow, Stream function, Velocity
potential, Euler’s equation, Bernoulli’s Equation. Dimensional Analysis, Boundary layer theory,
Couette and Poiseuille flows, Flow in circular pipes.
Gas Dynamics
Basic thermodynamics relations, Conservation equations for inviscid flows, One dimensional
flow, Speed of sound and Mach number, Static and Stagnation properties, Quasi-1-D flow,
Rankine-Hugoniot Equation, Normal Shock, Oblique shock and Expansion waves, 1-D flow with
heat addition (Rayleigh-flow), 1-D flow with friction (Fanno-flow), One dimensional unsteady
flow, Shock tubes, Method of Characteristics (MOC).
Thermodynamic Properties, First and second law of thermodynamic, Ideal gas, properties of pure
substances, entropy, Vapor power systems (Rankine Cycle), Vapor compression and Ejector
refrigeration systems, Refrigerants and its properties.
Numerical Methods
Determinant of a matrix, Simultaneous equations: Exact and iterative methods, Eigenvalues and
eigenvectors, Bisection and Newton-Raphson methods, Newton forward and backward
interpolation, Numerical differentiation, Numerical Integration (Trapezoidal and Simpson’s Rule),
Ordinary Differential Equation- Initial and boundary value problem.