Blong Type Question
Blong Type Question
Blong Type Question
1. Derive the relation between object distance and focal length for a thin concave lens. Find the
linear magnification.
1. Describe the construction and working of an astronomical telescope by drawing a neat ray
diagram. Find its magnifying power
2. Deduce an expression for the refractive index of the material of prism in terms of minimum
deviation Dm and along the prism.
3. Describe the construction and working of a compound microscope by drawing a neat ray
diagram. Find the expression for its magnification power.
1 1 1
4. Derive the lens maker formula f = (μ − 1)(R − R )
1 2
1. Describe young’s double slit experiment and establish the condition for maxima and minima
and hence find fringe width.
2. What is interference? Derive the condition for consecutive interference and destructive
3. What is wave front? Describe the construction of wave front using Huygen’s principle.
1. State Einstein’s equation for photoelectric effect and discuss its charecterstic feature. Write
about use of photo cell.
3. Write the postulate of Bohr’s theory of hydrogen atom. Derive expression for orbital velocity,
radius of stationary orbit energy of electron and wave number of energy radiation. Explain
Balmer series of hydrogen spectrum. Calculate the energy of 4th Bohr orbit.
4. What is the photoelectric effect. Derive Einstein’s photoelectric equation. Write four use of
photo cell and one historical significance.
1. State radiography decay laws. Define decay constant average life and half life. Derive relation
between them.
3. Describe the principle, construction and working principle of a cyclotron with necessary
theory. What its limitations?
7. What is binding energy? Obtained relation between binding energy atomic number and mass