Loadcepc - Exe Boot Loader Usage: Windows CE 5.0
Loadcepc - Exe Boot Loader Usage: Windows CE 5.0
Loadcepc - Exe Boot Loader Usage: Windows CE 5.0
For the parallel and serial methods, Loadcepc.exe monitors the available memory space
and returns an error if the amount of memory space is exceeded as the run-time image is
transferred to the target device.
For the Ethernet connection, Loadcepc.exe specifies the debug Ethernet port that is used
to transfer the Ethernet debugging services.
Loadcepc [/B:Baud] [/C:Port] [/D:Display}
[/E:IO:IRQ: [DottedDecimalNotation]]
[/H] [/L:DXxDYxBPPP[:PXxPY] [/K] [/N] [/P] [/Q] [/V] [InputFile]
Specifies the baud for the communications link. Baud can be 9,600; 19,200;
38,400; 57,600; or 115,200.
Using the /b option to specify a different baud rate for downloading a run-time
image has no effect, because loadcepc.exe ignores this value until downloading
is complete. When downloading is complete, serial communication continues at
the line rate specified in the /b option.
Specifies the communications port that is used by Loadcepc.exe. Port can be
either 1 for COM1: or 2 for COM2:.
Specifies the display resolution. Display can be 0 for 320 x 200, 1 for 480 x 240,
2 for 640 x 480, 3 for 800 x 600, 4 for 1024 x 768, or 5 for 240 x 320.
The default value for Display is dependent on the display driver. Most drivers
implement a default value of 0 (320 x 200). See the display driver source code
for its default mode.
IO and IRQ should be listed in hexadecimal digits.
The Loadcepc.exe and Eboot.bin files allow you to use the static IP address to
boot a CEPC when the DHCP server is not supported; when it is available, this
server automatically provides an IP address.
Displays a Help message.
Support for an RNDIS download.
Causes Loadcepc.exe to skip VESA mode settings and pass command-line
parameters in the BOOTARGS structure.
Parameter Description
DX Sets the displayable area width. X can be any value. Required.
DY Sets the displayable area height. Y can be any value. Required.
BPP Sets the color depth in bits per pixel (BPP).
The default is the next closest value greater than or equal to DX.
PY Sets the physical screen height. Y can be any value.
The default is the next closest value greater than or equal to DY.
The following example shows how to specify a 768 x 576 displayable area with
8bpp color and a 1024 x 768 physical display mode.
loadcepc /b:38400 /v /e:300:5 /l:768x576x8:1024x768 eboot.bin
Allows a "boot me" network name seed to be specified. This name is passed to
the OS, where it is used to establish a KITL connection.
Uses the parallel port to download the run-time image from the development
Uses the serial port to download the run-time image from the development
Displays additional status information while Loadcepc.exe boots.
Specifies the file to download from the development workstation.
Error Messages
Unrecognized option
This message appears when you incorrectly type an option for the /B, /C, /D,
and /E parameters.
The following code example shows how to use Loadcepc.exe to open a debug Ethernet
connection for Ethernet services communication by using the NE2000-compatible
Ethernet network card at I/O port 0x320 and interrupt request (IRQ) line 5.
loadcepc /e:320:5
The kernel must not be corrupted. If the kernel is corrupted, the run-time image does not
See Also
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