Binary Trees
Binary Trees
Binary Trees
10 Iterative Method to find Height of Binary Tree 50
Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
13 Tree Traversals 64
Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
22 Level Order Tree Traversal 108
Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
29 If you are given two traversal sequences, can you construct the
binary tree? 147
Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
33 Construct Full Binary Tree from given preorder and postorder
traversals 161
Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
36 Given a binary tree, print out all of its root-to-leaf paths one
per line. 177
Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
40 Find the maximum sum leaf to root path in a Binary Tree 193
Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
41 Sum of all the numbers that are formed from root to leaf paths197
Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
44 Difference between sums of odd level and even level nodes of a
Binary Tree 209
Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
56 Check whether a binary tree is a full binary tree or not 261
Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
67 Convert a given Binary Tree to Doubly Linked List | Set 1 326
Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329
79 Find next right node of a given key 384
Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387
84 Given a binary tree, how do you remove all the half nodes? 409
Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412
90 Minimum no. of iterations to pass information to all nodes in
the tree 444
Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 452
94 Print all nodes that are at distance k from a leaf node 468
Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 471
97 Print nodes between two given level numbers of a binary tree 478
Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 482
98 Remove all nodes which don’t lie in any path with sum>= k 483
Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 489
102Serialize and Deserialize a Binary Tree 511
Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 517
Chapter 1
L = (k - 1)*I + 1
Where L = Number of leaf nodes
I = Number of internal nodes
Proof can be divided in two cases.
Case 1 (Root is Leaf):There is only one node in tree. The above formula is
true for single node as L = 1, I = 0.
Case 2 (Root is Internal Node): For trees with more than 1 nodes, root is
always internal node. The above formula can be proved using Handshaking
Lemma for this case. A tree is an undirected acyclic graph.
Total number of edges in Tree is number of nodes minus 1, i.e., |E| = L + I – 1.
All internal nodes except root in the given type of tree have degree k + 1. Root
has degree k. All leaves have degree 1. Applying the Handshaking lemma to
such trees, we get following relation.
So the above property is proved using Handshaking Lemma, let us discuss one
more interesting property.
L = T + 1
Where L = Number of leaf nodes
T = Number of internal nodes with two children
Let number of nodes with 2 children be T. Proof can be divided in three cases.
Sum of degrees of nodes with two children except root +
Sum of degrees of nodes with one child +
Sum of degrees of leaves + Root's degree = 2 * (No. of Nodes - 1)
Chapter 2
2) If we organize keys in form of a tree (with some ordering e.g., BST), we can search for a giv
3) We can insert/delete keys in moderate time (quicker than Arrays and slower than Unordered L
4) Like Linked Lists and unlike Arrays, Pointer implementation of trees don’t have an upper li
As per Wikipedia, following are the common uses of tree.
5. Router algorithms
Please write comments if you find anything incorrect, or you want to share more information abou
Category: Trees
Chapter 3
Write a C program to
Calculate Size of a tree
Size of a tree is the number of elements present in the tree. Size of the below
tree is 5.
Example Tree
Size() function recursively calculates the size of a tree. It works as follows:
Size of a tree = Size of left subtree + 1 + Size of right subtree
1. If tree is empty then return 0
2. Else
(a) Get the size of left subtree recursively i.e., call
size( tree->left-subtree)
(a) Get the size of right subtree recursively i.e., call
size( tree->right-subtree)
(c) Calculate size of the tree as following:
tree_size = size(left-subtree) + size(right-
subtree) + 1
(d) Return tree_size
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
/* Driver program to test size function*/
int main()
struct node *root = newNode(1);
root->left = newNode(2);
root->right = newNode(3);
root->left->left = newNode(4);
root->left->right = newNode(5);
Category: Trees Tags: Size of a Tree, Tree Size, TreeSize
Chapter 4
The diameter of a tree (sometimes called the width) is the number of nodes on
the longest path between two leaves in the tree. The diagram below shows two
trees each with diameter nine, the leaves that form the ends of a longest path
are shaded (note that there is more than one path in each tree of length nine,
but no path longer than nine nodes).
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
/* A binary tree node has data, pointer to left child
and a pointer to right child */
struct node
int data;
struct node* left;
struct node* right;
/* base case tree is empty */
if(node == NULL)
return 0;
printf("Diameter of the given binary tree is %d\n", diameter(root));
return 0;
int height = 0;
struct node *root = SomeFunctionToMakeTree();
int diameter = diameterOpt(root, &height); */
int diameterOpt(struct node *root, int* height)
/* lh --> Height of left subtree
rh --> Height of right subtree */
int lh = 0, rh = 0;
if(root == NULL)
*height = 0;
return 0; /* diameter is also 0 */
*height = max(lh, rh) + 1;
Please write comments if you find any of the above codes/algorithms incorrect,
or find other ways to solve the same problem.
Category: Trees
Chapter 5
Given a binary tree, write a function to get the maximum width of the given
tree. Width of a tree is maximum of widths of all levels.
Let us consider the below example tree.
/ \
2 3
/ \ \
4 5 8
/ \
6 7
/*Function to print level order traversal of tree*/
maxWdth = 0
for i = 1 to height(tree)
width = getWidth(tree, i);
if(width > maxWdth)
maxWdth = width
return width
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
/*Function protoypes*/
int getWidth(struct node* root, int level);
int height(struct node* node);
struct node* newNode(int data);
int width;
int h = height(root);
int i;
return maxWidth;
if(root == NULL)
return 0;
if(level == 1)
return 1;
/* Compute the "height" of a tree -- the number of
nodes along the longest path from the root node
down to the farthest leaf node.*/
int height(struct node* node)
if (node==NULL)
return 0;
/* compute the height of each subtree */
int lHeight = height(node->left);
int rHeight = height(node->right);
/* use the larger one */
return (lHeight > rHeight)? (lHeight+1): (rHeight+1);
/* Helper function that allocates a new node with the
given data and NULL left and right pointers. */
struct node* newNode(int data)
struct node* node = (struct node*)
malloc(sizeof(struct node));
node->data = data;
node->left = NULL;
node->right = NULL;
/* Driver program to test above functions*/
int main()
struct node *root = newNode(1);
root->left = newNode(2);
root->right = newNode(3);
root->left->left = newNode(4);
root->left->right = newNode(5);
root->right->right = newNode(8);
root->right->right->left = newNode(6);
root->right->right->right = newNode(7);
Constructed bunary tree is:
/ \
2 3
/ \ \
4 5 8
/ \
6 7
printf("Maximum width is %d \n", getMaxWidth(root));
return 0;
We can use Queue based level order traversal to optimize the time complexity
of this method. The Queue based level order traversal will take O(n) time in
worst case. Thanks to Nitish, DivyaCand tech.login.id2 for suggesting this opti-
mization. See their comments for implementation using queue based traversal.
Method 2 (Using Preorder Traversal)
In this method we create a temporary array count[] of size equal to the height of
tree. We initialize all values in count as 0. We traverse the tree using preorder
traversal and fill the entries in count so that the count array contains count of
nodes at each level in Binary Tree.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int level = 0;
/* Compute the "height" of a tree -- the number of
nodes along the longest path from the root node
down to the farthest leaf node.*/
int height(struct node* node)
if (node==NULL)
return 0;
/* compute the height of each subtree */
int lHeight = height(node->left);
int rHeight = height(node->right);
/* use the larger one */
malloc(sizeof(struct node));
node->data = data;
node->left = NULL;
node->right = NULL;
Constructed bunary tree is:
/ \
2 3
/ \ \
4 5 8
/ \
6 7
printf("Maximum width is %d \n", getMaxWidth(root));
return 0;
Thanks to Rajaand jagdishfor suggesting this method.
Time Complexity: O(n)
Please write comments if you find the above code/algorithm incorrect, or find
better ways to solve the same problem.
Category: Trees
Post navigation
← Run Length Encoding Intersection of two Sorted Linked Lists →
Writing code in comment? Please use, generate link and
share the link here.
Chapter 6
A given array represents a tree in such a way that the array value gives the
parent node of that particular index. The value of the root node index would
always be -1. Find the height of the tree.
Height of a Binary Tree is number of nodes on the path from root to the deepest
leaf node, the number includes both root and leaf.
Input: parent[] = {1 5 5 2 2 -1 3}
Output: 4
The given array represents following Binary Tree
/ \
1 2
/ / \
0 3 4
depth[i] = 1;
int n = sizeof(parent)/sizeof(parent[0]);
cout << "Height is " << findHeight(parent, n);
return 0;
Height is 5
Note that the time complexity of this programs seems more than O(n). If we
take a closer look, we can observe that depth of every node is evaluated only
This article is contributed by Siddharth. Please write comments if you find
anything incorrect, or you want to share more information about the topic
discussed above
Chapter 7
Example Tree
Recursively calculate height of left and right subtrees of a node and assign height
to the node as max of the heights of two children plus 1. See below pseudo code
and program for details.
1. If tree is empty then return 0
2. Else
(a) Get the max depth of left subtree recursively i.e.,
call maxDepth( tree->left-subtree)
(a) Get the max depth of right subtree recursively i.e.,
call maxDepth( tree->right-subtree)
(c) Get the max of max depths of left and right
subtrees and add 1 to it for the current node.
max_depth = max(max dept of left subtree,
max depth of right subtree)
+ 1
(d) Return max_depth
See the below diagram for more clarity about execution of the recur-
sive function maxDepth() for above example tree.
/* A binary tree node has data, pointer to left child
and a pointer to right child */
struct node
int data;
struct node* left;
struct node* right;
int main()
struct node *root = newNode(1);
root->left = newNode(2);
root->right = newNode(3);
root->left->left = newNode(4);
root->left->right = newNode(5);
return 0;
Time Complexity: O(n) (Please see our post Tree Traversalfor details)
Category: Trees Tags: Height of a Tree, Tree Traveral, Trees
Chapter 8
Given a binary tree, find its minimum depth. The minimum depth is the number
of nodes along the shortest path from root node down to the nearest leaf node.
For example, minimum height of below Binary Tree is 2.
Note that the path must end on a leaf node. For example, minimum height of
below Binary Tree is also 2.
We strongly recommend you to minimize your browser and try this
yourself first.
The idea is to traverse the given Binary Tree. For every node, check if it is a
leaf node. If yes, then return 1. If not leaf node then if left subtree is NULL,
then recur for right subtree. And if right subtree is NULL, then recur for left
subtree. If both left and right subtrees are NULL, then take the minimum of
two heights.
Below is C++ implementation of the above idea.
// A BT Node
struct Node
int data;
struct Node* left, *right;
Node *temp = new Node;
temp->data = data;
temp->left = temp->right = NULL;
return (temp);
// Driver program
int main()
// Let us construct the Tree shown in the above figure
Node *root = newNode(1);
root->left = newNode(2);
root->right = newNode(3);
root->left->left = newNode(4);
root->left->right = newNode(5);
cout << minDepth(root);
return 0;
Time complexity of above solution is O(n) as it traverses the tree only once.
Thanks to Gaurav Ahirwar for providing above solution.
The above method may end up with complete traversal of Binary Tree even
when the topmost leaf is close to root. A Better Solution is to do Level Order
Traversal. While doing traversal, returns depth of the first encountered leaf
node. Below is C++ implementation of this solution.
// If right subtree is not NULL, add it to queue
if (node->right != NULL)
qi.node = node->right;
qi.depth = depth+1;
return 0;
Thanks to Manish Chauhan for suggesting above idea and Ravi for providing
Please write comments if you find anything incorrect, or you want to share more
information about the topic discussed above
Category: Trees
Chapter 9
Write a C code to get the depth of the deepest odd level leaf node in a binary
tree. Consider that level starts with 1. Depth of a leaf node is number of nodes
on the path from root to leaf (including both leaf and root).
For example, consider the following tree. The deepest odd level node is the node
with value 9 and depth of this node is 5.
/ \
2 3
/ / \
4 5 6
\ \
7 8
/ \
9 10
We strongly recommend you to minimize the browser and try this yourself first.
The idea is to recursively traverse the given binary tree and while traversing,
maintain a variable “level” which will store the current node’s level in the tree.
If current node is leaf then check “level” is odd or not. If level is odd then return
it. If current node is not leaf, then recursively find maximum depth in left and
right subtrees, and return maximum of the two depths.
// C program to find depth of the deepest odd level leaf node
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// If this node is a leaf and its level is odd, return its level
if (root->left==NULL && root->right==NULL && level&1)
return level;
// If not leaf, return the maximum value from left and right subtrees
return max(depthOfOddLeafUtil(root->left, level+1),
depthOfOddLeafUtil(root->right, level+1));
/* Main function which calculates the depth of deepest odd level leaf.
This function mainly uses depthOfOddLeafUtil() */
int depthOfOddLeaf(struct Node *root)
int level = 1, depth = 0;
return depthOfOddLeafUtil(root, level);
Time Complexity: The function does a simple traversal of the tree, so the
complexity is O(n).
This article is contributed by Chandra Prakash. Please write comments if
you find anything incorrect, or you want to share more information about the
topic discussed above.
Category: Trees
Chapter 10
Example Tree
Recursive method to find height of Binary Tree is discussed here. How to find
height without recursion? We can use level order traversal to find height without
recursion. The idea is to traverse level by level. Whenever move down to a level,
increment height by 1 (height is initialized as 0). Count number of nodes at each
level, stop traversing when count of nodes at next level is 0.
Following is detailed algorithm to find level order traversal using queue.
Create a queue.
Push root into the queue.
height = 0
nodeCount = size of queue
// Base Case
if (root == NULL)
return 0;
while (1)
// nodeCount (queue size) indicates number of nodes
// at current lelvel.
int nodeCount = q.size();
if (nodeCount == 0)
return height;
// Driver program to test above functions
int main()
// Let us create binary tree shown in above diagram
node *root = newNode(1);
root->left = newNode(2);
root->right = newNode(3);
root->left->left = newNode(4);
root->left->right = newNode(5);
Height of tree is 3
Category: Trees
Chapter 11
How to determine if a
binary tree is
A tree where no leaf is much farther away from the root than any other leaf.
Different balancing schemes allow different definitions of “much farther” and
different amounts of work to keep them balanced.
Consider a height-balancing scheme where following conditions should be
checked to determine if a binary tree is balanced.
An empty tree is height-balanced. A non-empty binary tree T is balanced if:
1) Left subtree of T is balanced
2) Right subtree of T is balanced
3) The difference between heights of left subtree and right subtree is not more
than 1.
The above height-balancing scheme is used in AVL trees. The diagram below
shows two trees, one of them is height-balanced and other is not. The second
tree is not height-balanced because height of left subtree is 2 more than height
of right subtree.
To check if a tree is height-balanced, get the height of left and right subtrees.
Return true if difference between heights is not more than 1 and left and right
subtrees are balanced, otherwise return false.
rh = height(root->right);
int main()
struct node *root = newNode(1);
root->left = newNode(2);
root->right = newNode(3);
root->left->left = newNode(4);
root->left->right = newNode(5);
root->left->left->left = newNode(8);
printf("Tree is balanced");
printf("Tree is not balanced");
return 0;
bool isBalanced(struct node *root, int* height)
/* lh --> Height of left subtree
rh --> Height of right subtree */
int lh = 0, rh = 0;
if(root == NULL)
*height = 0;
return 1;
node->left = NULL;
node->right = NULL;
int main()
int height = 0;
if(isBalanced(root, &height))
printf("Tree is balanced");
printf("Tree is not balanced");
return 0;
Category: Trees
Chapter 12
Two trees are identical when they have same data and arrangement of data is
also same.
To identify if two trees are identical, we need to traverse both trees simultane-
ously, and while traversing we need to compare data and children of the trees.
sameTree(tree1, tree2)
1. If both trees are empty then return 1.
2. Else If both trees are non -empty
(a) Check data of the root nodes (tree1->data == tree2->data)
(b) Check left subtrees recursively i.e., call sameTree(
tree1->left_subtree, tree2->left_subtree)
(c) Check right subtrees recursively i.e., call sameTree(
tree1->right_subtree, tree2->right_subtree)
(d) If a,b and c are true then return 1.
3 Else return 0 (one is empty and other is not)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
and a pointer to right child */
struct node
int data;
struct node* left;
struct node* right;
struct node *root1 = newNode(1);
struct node *root2 = newNode(1);
root1->left = newNode(2);
root1->right = newNode(3);
root1->left->left = newNode(4);
root1->left->right = newNode(5);
root2->left = newNode(2);
root2->right = newNode(3);
root2->left->left = newNode(4);
root2->left->right = newNode(5);
if(identicalTrees(root1, root2))
printf("Both tree are identical.");
printf("Trees are not identical.");
return 0;
Time Complexity:
Complexity of the identicalTree() will be according to the tree with lesser
number of nodes. Let number of nodes in two trees be m and n then complexity
of sameTree() is O(m) where m
Category: Trees Tags: Tree Traveral, Trees
Chapter 13
Tree Traversals
Unlike linear data structures (Array, Linked List, Queues, Stacks, etc) which
have only one logical way to traverse them, trees can be traversed in different
ways. Following are the generally used ways for traversing trees.
Example Tree
Depth First Traversals:
(a) Inorder
(b) Preorder
(c) Postorder
Breadth First or Level Order Traversal
Please see thispost for Breadth First Traversal.
Inorder Traversal:
Algorithm Inorder(tree)
1. Traverse the left subtree, i.e., call Inorder(left-subtree)
2. Visit the root.
3. Traverse the right subtree, i.e., call Inorder(right-subtree)
Uses of Inorder
In case of binary search trees (BST), Inorder traversal gives nodes in non-
decreasing order. To get nodes of BST in non-increasing order, a variation of
Inorder traversal where Inorder itraversal s reversed, can be used.
Example: Inorder traversal for the above given figure is 4 2 5 1 3.
Preorder Traversal:
Algorithm Preorder(tree)
1. Visit the root.
2. Traverse the left subtree, i.e., call Preorder(left-subtree)
3. Traverse the right subtree, i.e., call Preorder(right-subtree)
Uses of Preorder
Preorder traversal is used to create a copy of the tree. Preorder traversal
is also used to get prefix expression on of an expression tree. Please see to know why prefix expressions
are useful.
Example: Preorder traversal for the above given figure is 1 2 4 5 3.
Postorder Traversal:
Algorithm Postorder(tree)
1. Traverse the left subtree, i.e., call Postorder(left-subtree)
2. Traverse the right subtree, i.e., call Postorder(right-subtree)
3. Visit the root.
Uses of Postorder
Postorder traversal is used to delete the tree. Please see the question for deletion
of tree for details. Postorder traversal is also useful to get the postfix expression
of an expression tree. Please see
notation to for the usage of postfix expression.
Example: Postorder traversal for the above given figure is 4 5 2 3 1.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void printInorder(struct node* node)
if (node == NULL)
printf("\n Postorder traversal of binary tree is \n");
return 0;
T(n) = (n-1)T(0) + T(1) + (n-1)c
T(n) = nT(0) + (n)c
Value of T(0) will be some constant say d. (traversing a empty tree will take
some constants time)
T(n) = n(c+d)
T(n) = (-)(n) (Theta of n)
Case 2: Both left and right subtrees have equal number of nodes.
T(n) = 2T(|_n/2_|) + c
This recursive function is in the standard form (T(n) = aT(n/b) + (-)(n) ) for
master method If we solve it
by master method we get (-)(n)
Auxiliary Space : If we don’t consider size of stack for function calls then
O(1) otherwise O(n).
Chapter 14
A node is a leaf node if both left and right child nodes of it are NULL.
Here is an algorithm to get the leaf node count.
1) If node is NULL then return 0.
2) Else If left and right child nodes are NULL return 1.
3) Else recursively calculate leaf count of the tree using below formula.
Leaf count of a tree = Leaf count of left subtree +
Leaf count of right subtree
Example Tree
Leaf count for the above tree is 3.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
/*create a tree*/
struct node *root = newNode(1);
root->left = newNode(2);
root->right = newNode(3);
root->left->left = newNode(4);
root->left->right = newNode(5);
return 0;
Category: Trees
Chapter 15
Write a C program to
Delete a Tree.
To delete a tree we must traverse all the nodes of the tree and delete them one
by one. So which traversal we should use – Inorder or Preorder or Postorder.
Answer is simple – Postorder, because before deleting the parent node we should
delete its children nodes first
We can delete tree with other traversals also with extra space complexity but
why should we go for other traversals if we have Postorder available which does
the work without storing anything in same time complexity.
For the following tree nodes are deleted in order – 4, 5, 2, 3, 1
Example Tree
node->data = data;
node->left = NULL;
node->right = NULL;
root->right = newNode(3);
root->left->left = newNode(4);
root->left->right = newNode(5);
root = NULL;
return 0;
The above deleteTree() function deletes the tree, but doesn’t change root to
NULL which may cause problems if the user of deleteTree() doesn’t change root
to NULL and tires to access values using root pointer. We can modify the
deleteTree() function to take reference to the root node so that this problem
doesn’t occur. See the following code.
node->data = data;
node->left = NULL;
node->right = NULL;
return 0;
Category: Trees Tags: Delete Tree, Tree Traveral, Trees
Chapter 16
Using Stackis the obvious way to traverse tree without recursion. Below is an
algorithm for traversing binary tree using stack. See this for step wise step
execution of the algorithm.
/ \
2 3
/ \
4 5
Step 2 sets current as address of root: current -> 1
Step 3 Pushes the current node and set current = current->left until current is NULL
current -> 1
push 1: Stack S -> 1
current -> 2
push 2: Stack S -> 2, 1
current -> 4
push 4: Stack S -> 4, 2, 1
current = NULL
Traversal is done now as stack S is empty and current is NULL.
#define bool int
while (!done)
/* Reach the left most tNode of the current tNode */
if(current != NULL)
/* place pointer to a tree node on the stack before traversing
the node's left subtree */
push(&s, current);
current = current->left;
/* Function to push an item to sNode*/
void push(struct sNode** top_ref, struct tNode *t)
/* allocate tNode */
struct sNode* new_tNode =
(struct sNode*) malloc(sizeof(struct sNode));
if(new_tNode == NULL)
printf("Stack Overflow \n");
/* link the old list off the new tNode */
new_tNode->next = (*top_ref);
return 0;
See this post for another approach of Inorder Tree Traversal without recursion
and without stack!
Please write comments if you find any bug in above code/algorithm, or want to
share more information about stack based Inorder Tree Traversal.
Category: Trees Tags: Tree Traveral
Chapter 17
Using Morris Traversal, we can traverse the tree without using stack and re-
cursion. The idea of Morris Traversal is based on Threaded Binary Tree. In
this traversal, we first create links to Inorder successor and print the data using
these links, and finally revert the changes to restore original tree.
Although the tree is modified through the traversal, it is reverted back to its
original shape after the completion. Unlike Stack based traversal, no extra space
is required for this traversal.
/* A binary tree tNode has data, pointer to left child
and a pointer to right child */
struct tNode
int data;
struct tNode* left;
struct tNode* right;
if(root == NULL)
current = root;
while(current != NULL)
if(current->left == NULL)
printf(" %d ", current->data);
current = current->right;
/* Find the inorder predecessor of current */
pre = current->left;
while(pre->right != NULL && pre->right != current)
pre = pre->right;
printf(" %d ",current->data);
current = current->right;
} /* End of if condition pre->right == NULL */
} /* End of if condition current->left == NULL*/
} /* End of while */
/* Helper function that allocates a new tNode with the
given data and NULL left and right pointers. */
struct tNode* newtNode(int data)
struct tNode* tNode = (struct tNode*)
malloc(sizeof(struct tNode));
tNode->data = data;
tNode->left = NULL;
tNode->right = NULL;
return 0;
Please write comments if you find any bug in above code/algorithm, or want to
share more information about stack Morris Inorder Tree Traversal.
Category: Trees Tags: Tree Traveral
Chapter 18
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <stack>
/* A binary tree node has data, left child and right child */
struct node
int data;
struct node* left;
struct node* right;
/* Helper function that allocates a new node with the given data and
NULL left and right pointers.*/
struct node* newNode(int data)
struct node* node = new struct node;
node->data = data;
node->left = NULL;
node->right = NULL;
/* Pop all items one by one. Do following for every popped item
a) print it
b) push its right child
c) push its left child
Note that right child is pushed first so that left is processed first */
while (nodeStack.empty() == false)
// Pop the top item from stack and print it
struct node *node =;
printf ("%d ", node->data);
/* Constructed binary tree is
/ \
8 2
/ \ /
3 5 2
struct node *root = newNode(10);
root->left = newNode(8);
root->right = newNode(2);
root->left->left = newNode(3);
root->left->right = newNode(5);
root->right->left = newNode(2);
return 0;
10 8 3 5 2 2
Category: Trees
Chapter 19
Using Morris Traversal, we can traverse the tree without using stack and re-
cursion. The algorithm for Preorder is almost similar to Morris traversal for
1...If left child is null, print the current node data. Move to right child.
….Else, Make the right child of the inorder predecessor point to the current
node. Two cases arise:
………a) The right child of the inorder predecessor already points to the current
node. Set right child to NULL. Move to right child of current node.
………b) The right child is NULL. Set it to current node. Print current node’s
data and move to left child of current node.
2...Iterate until current node is not NULL.
Following is C implementation of the above algorithm.
struct node
int data;
struct node *left, *right;
struct node* newNode(int data)
struct node* temp = (struct node*) malloc(sizeof(struct node));
temp->data = data;
temp->left = temp->right = NULL;
return temp;
// Function for sStandard preorder traversal
void preorder(struct node* root)
if (root)
printf( "%d ", root->data);
root = newNode(1);
root->left = newNode(2);
root->right = newNode(3);
root->left->left = newNode(4);
root->left->right = newNode(5);
root->right->left = newNode(6);
root->right->right = newNode(7);
root->left->left->left = newNode(8);
root->left->left->right = newNode(9);
root->left->right->left = newNode(10);
root->left->right->right = newNode(11);
return 0;
1 2 4 8 9 5 10 11 3 6 7
1 2 4 8 9 5 10 11 3 6 7
Morris traversal modifies the tree during the process. It establishes the right
links while moving down the tree and resets the right links while moving up the
tree. So the algorithm cannot be applied if write operations are not allowed.
This article is compiled by Aashish Barnwal and reviewed by GeeksforGeeks
team. Please write comments if you find anything incorrect, or you want to
share more information about the topic discussed above.
Category: Trees
Chapter 20
Iterative Postorder
Traversal | Set 1 (Using
Two Stacks)
2.2 Push left and right children of the popped node to first stack
3. Print contents of second stack
Following are the steps to print postorder traversal of the above tree using two
First stack: 2
Second stack:1, 3, 7, 6
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// A tree node
struct Node
int data;
struct Node *left, *right;
// Stack type
struct Stack
int size;
int top;
struct Node* *array;
struct Node* newNode(int data)
struct Node* node = (struct Node*) malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
node->data = data;
node->left = node->right = NULL;
return node;
struct Stack* s2 = createStack(MAX_SIZE);
return 0;
4 5 2 6 7 3 1
Category: Trees Tags: stack
Post navigation
← Flatten a multilevel linked list Iterative Postorder Traversal | Set 2 (Using
One Stack) →
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Chapter 21
Iterative Postorder
Traversal | Set 2 (Using
One Stack)
We have discussed a simple iterative postorder traversal using two stacks in the
previous post. In this post, an approach with only one stack is discussed.
The idea is to move down to leftmost node using left pointer. While moving
down, push root and root’s right child to stack. Once we reach leftmost node,
print it if it doesn’t have a right child. If it has a right child, then change root
so that the right child is processed before.
Following is detailed algorithm.
Following are the steps to print postorder traversal of the above tree using one
7. Current node is NULL. Pop 5 from stack. Right child of 5 doesn't exist.
Print 5. Set current node to NULL.
Stack: 3, 1, 2
// A tree node
struct Node
int data;
struct Node *left, *right;
// Stack type
struct Stack
int size;
int top;
struct Node* *array;
node->data = data;
node->left = node->right = NULL;
return node;
// Check for empty tree
if (root == NULL)
// If the popped item has a right child and the right child is not
// processed yet, then make sure right child is processed before root
if (root->right && peek(stack) == root->right)
pop(stack); // remove right child from stack
push(stack, root); // push root back to stack
root = root->right; // change root so that the right
// child is processed next
else // Else print root's data and set root as NULL
printf("%d ", root->data);
root = NULL;
} while (!isEmpty(stack));
root->right = newNode(3);
root->left->left = newNode(4);
root->left->right = newNode(5);
root->right->left = newNode(6);
root->right->right = newNode(7);
return 0;
4 5 2 6 7 3 1
This article is compiled byAashish Barnwal. Please write comments if you find
anything incorrect, or you want to share more information about the topic
discussed above
Category: Trees Tags: stack
Post navigation
← Iterative Postorder Traversal | Set 1 (Using Two Stacks) Generate n-bit Gray
Codes →
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Chapter 22
Level order traversal of a tree is breadth first traversal for the tree.
Example Tree
Level order traversal of the above tree is 1 2 3 4 5
METHOD 1 (Use function to print a given level)
There are basically two functions in this method. One is to print all nodes at a
given level (printGivenLevel), and other is to print level order traversal of the
tree (printLevelorder). printLevelorder makes use of printGivenLevel to print
nodes at all levels one by one starting from root.
/*Function to print all nodes at a given level*/
printGivenLevel(tree, level)
if tree is NULL then return;
if level is 1, then
else if level greater than 1, then
printGivenLevel(tree->left, level-1);
printGivenLevel(tree->right, level-1);
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
/*Function protoypes*/
void printGivenLevel(struct node* root, int level);
int height(struct node* node);
struct node* newNode(int data);
if(level == 1)
printf("%d ", root->data);
else if (level > 1)
printGivenLevel(root->left, level-1);
printGivenLevel(root->right, level-1);
struct node *root = newNode(1);
root->left = newNode(2);
root->right = newNode(3);
root->left->left = newNode(4);
root->left->right = newNode(5);
return 0;
1) Create an empty queue q
2) temp_node = root /*start from root*/
3) Loop while temp_node is not NULL
a) print temp_node->data.
b) Enqueue temp_node’s children (first left then right children) to q
c) Dequeue a node from q and assign it’s value to temp_node
Here is a simple implementation of the above algorithm. Queue is implemented
using an array with maximum size of 500. We can implement queue as linked
list also.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define MAX_Q_SIZE 500
/* A binary tree node has data, pointer to left child
and a pointer to right child */
struct node
int data;
struct node* left;
struct node* right;
/* frunction prototypes */
struct node** createQueue(int *, int *);
void enQueue(struct node **, int *, struct node *);
struct node *deQueue(struct node **, int *);
printf("%d ", temp_node->data);
struct node** createQueue(int *front, int *rear)
struct node **queue =
(struct node **)malloc(sizeof(struct node*)*MAX_Q_SIZE);
*front = *rear = 0;
return queue;
return 0;
Time Complexity: O(n) where n is number of nodes in the binary tree
Please write comments if you find any bug in the above programs/algorithms
or other ways to solve the same problem.
Category: Trees
Post navigation
← Compute the minimum or maximum of two integers without branching Pro-
gram to count leaf nodes in a binary tree →
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Chapter 23
Write a function to print spiral order traversal of a tree. For below tree, function
should print 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
Method 1 (Recursive)
This problem can bee seen as an extension of the level order traversal post.
To print the nodes in spiral order, nodes at different levels should be printed in
alternating order. An additional Boolean variable ltr is used to change printing
order of levels. If ltr is 1 then printGivenLevel() prints nodes from left to right
else from right to left. Value of ltr is flipped in each iteration to change the
Function to print level order traversal of tree
bool ltr = 0;
for d = 1 to height(tree)
printGivenLevel(tree, d, ltr);
ltr ~= ltr /*flip ltr*/
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
/* Function protoypes */
void printGivenLevel(struct node* root, int level, int ltr);
int height(struct node* node);
struct node* newNode(int data);
/* Function to print spiral traversal of a tree*/
void printSpiral(struct node* root)
int h = height(root);
int i;
if (node==NULL)
return 0;
/* compute the height of each subtree */
int lheight = height(node->left);
int rheight = height(node->right);
return 0;
struct node *temp =;
cout << temp->data << " ";
int main()
struct node *root = newNode(1);
root->left = newNode(2);
root->right = newNode(3);
root->left->left = newNode(7);
root->left->right = newNode(6);
root->right->left = newNode(5);
root->right->right = newNode(4);
cout << "Spiral Order traversal of binary tree is \n";
return 0;
Please write comments if you find any bug in the above program/algorithm; or
if you want to share more information about spiral traversal.
Category: Trees
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Chapter 24
1 2 3 4 7 5 6 8 15 9 14 10 13 11 12 16 31 17 30 18 29 19 28 20 27 21 26 22 25 23 24
i.e. print nodes in level order but nodes should be from left and right side
alternatively. Here 1st and 2nd levels are trivial.
While 3rd level: 4(left), 7(right), 5(left), 6(right) are printed.
While 4th level: 8(left), 15(right), 9(left), 14(right), .. are printed.
While 5th level: 16(left), 31(right), 17(left), 30(right), .. are printed.
We strongly recommend to minimize your browser and try this your-
self first.
In standard Level Order Traversal, we enqueue root into a queue 1st , then we
dequeue ONE node from queue, process (print) it, enqueue its children into
queue. We keep doing this until queue is empty.
Approach 1:
We can do standard level order traversal here too but instead of printing nodes
directly, we have to store nodes in current level in a temporary array or list 1st
and then take nodes from alternate ends (left and right) and print nodes. Keep
repeating this for all levels.
This approach takes more memory than standard traversal.
Approach 2:
The standard level order traversal idea will slightly change here. Instead of
processing ONE node at a time, we will process TWO nodes at a time. And
while pushing children into queue, the enqueue order will be: 1st node’s left
child, 2nd node’s right child, 1st node’s right child and 2nd node’s left child.
if (root->left != NULL)
cout << " " << root->left->data << " " << root->right->data;
// traversal loop
while (!q.empty())
// Pop two items from queue
first = q.front();
second = q.front();
Node *root = newNode(1);
root->left = newNode(2);
root->right = newNode(3);
root->left->left = newNode(4);
root->left->right = newNode(5);
root->right->left = newNode(6);
root->right->right = newNode(7);
root->left->left->left = newNode(8);
root->left->left->right = newNode(9);
root->left->right->left = newNode(10);
root->left->right->right = newNode(11);
root->right->left->left = newNode(12);
root->right->left->right = newNode(13);
root->right->right->left = newNode(14);
root->right->right->right = newNode(15);
root->left->left->left->left = newNode(16);
root->left->left->left->right = newNode(17);
root->left->left->right->left = newNode(18);
root->left->left->right->right = newNode(19);
root->left->right->left->left = newNode(20);
root->left->right->left->right = newNode(21);
root->left->right->right->left = newNode(22);
root->left->right->right->right = newNode(23);
root->right->left->left->left = newNode(24);
root->right->left->left->right = newNode(25);
root->right->left->right->left = newNode(26);
root->right->left->right->right = newNode(27);
root->right->right->left->left = newNode(28);
root->right->right->left->right = newNode(29);
root->right->right->right->left = newNode(30);
root->right->right->right->right = newNode(31);
return 0;
1 2 3 4 7 5 6 8 15 9 14 10 13 11 12 16 31 17 30 18 29 19 28 20 27 21 26 22 25 23 24
Followup Questions:
1. The above code prints specific level order from TOP to BOTTOM. How
will you do specific level order traversal from BOTTOM to TOP (Amazon
Interview | Set 120 – Round 1 Last Problem)
2. What if tree is not perfect, but complete.
3. What if tree is neither perfect, nor complete. It can be any general binary
Chapter 25
We have discussed level order traversal of a post in previous post. The idea is to
print last level first, then second last level, and so on. Like Level order traversal,
every level is printed from left to right.
Example Tree
Reverse Level order traversal of the above tree is “4 5 2 3 1�.
Both methods for normal level order traversal can be easily modified to do
reverse level order traversal.
METHOD 1 (Recursive function to print a given level)
We can easily modify the method 1 of the normal level order traversal. In
method 1, we have a method printGivenLevel() which prints a given level num-
ber. The only thing we need to change is, instead of calling printGivenLevel()
from first level to last level, we call it from last level to first level.
// A recursive C program to print REVERSE level order traversal
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
/* A binary tree node has data, pointer to left and right child */
struct node
int data;
struct node* left;
struct node* right;
/*Function protoypes*/
void printGivenLevel(struct node* root, int level);
int height(struct node* node);
struct node* newNode(int data);
if (node==NULL)
return 0;
/* compute the height of each subtree */
int lheight = height(node->left);
int rheight = height(node->right);
return 0;
Level Order traversal of binary tree is
4 5 2 3 1
Time Complexity: The worst case time complexity of this method is O(nˆ2).
For a skewed tree, printGivenLevel() takes O(n) time where n is the number of
nodes in the skewed tree. So time complexity of printLevelOrder() is O(n) +
O(n-1) + O(n-2) + .. + O(1) which is O(nˆ2).
METHOD 2 (Using Queue and Stack)
The method 2 of normal level order traversal can also be easily modified to
print level order traversal in reverse order. The idea is to use a stack to get the
reverse level order. If we do normal level order traversal and instead of printing
a node, push the node to a stack and then print contents of stack, we get “5 4
3 2 1� for above example tree, but output should be “4 5 2 3 1�. So to get the
correct sequence (left to right at every level), we process children of a node in
reverse order, we first push the right subtree to stack, then left subtree.
// A C++ program to print REVERSE level order traversal using stack and queue
// This approach is adopted from following link
#include <iostream>
#include <stack>
#include <queue>
using namespace std;
/* A binary tree node has data, pointer to left and right children */
struct node
int data;
struct node* left;
struct node* right;
// Do something like normal level order traversal order. Following are the
// differences with normal level order traversal
// 1) Instead of printing a node, we push the node to stack
// 2) Right subtree is visited before left subtree
while (Q.empty() == false)
/* Dequeue node and make it root */
root = Q.front();
// Now pop all items from stack one by one and print them
while (S.empty() == false)
root =;
cout << root->data << " ";
return (temp);
root->right->right = newNode(7);
return 0;
Chapter 26
Given a binary tree, print it vertically. The following example illustrates vertical
order traversal.
/ \
2 3
/ \ / \
4 5 6 7
\ \
8 9
is -2 (for node with value 4) and maximum distance is 3 (For node with value
Once we have maximum and minimum distances from root, we iterate for each
vertical line at distance minimum to maximum from root, and for each vertical
line traverse the tree and print the nodes which lie on that vertical line.
Following is C++ implementation of above algorithm.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// A utility function to create a new Binary Tree node
Node* newNode(int data)
Node *temp = new Node;
temp->data = data;
temp->left = temp->right = NULL;
return temp;
// Find min and max distances with resepect to root
int min = 0, max = 0;
findMinMax(root, &min, &max, 0);
return 0;
Time Complexity: Time complexity of above algorithm is O(w*n) where w
is width of Binary Tree and n is number of nodes in Binary Tree. In worst case,
the value of w can be O(n) (consider a complete tree for example) and time
complexity can become O(n2 ).
This problem can be solved more efficiently using the technique discussed in
thispost. We will soon be discussing complete algorithm and implementation of
more efficient method.
This article is contributed by Shalki Agarwal. Please write comments if you
find anything incorrect, or you want to share more information about the topic
discussed above
Category: Trees
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← Interval Tree Integer Promotions in C →
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Chapter 27
Given a binary tree, print it vertically. The following example illustrates vertical
order traversal.
/ \
2 3
/ \ / \
4 5 6 7
\ \
8 9
We have discussed a O(n2 ) solution in the previous post. In this post, an effi-
cient solution based on hash map is discussed. We need to check the Horizontal
Distances from root for all nodes. If two nodes have the same Horizontal Dis-
tance (HD), then they are on same vertical line. The idea of HD is simple. HD
for root is 0, a right edge (edge connecting to right subtree) is considered as +1
horizontal distance and a left edge is considered as -1 horizontal distance. For
example, in the above tree, HD for Node 4 is at -2, HD for Node 2 is -1, HD for
5 and 6 is 0 and HD for node 7 is +2.
We can do inorder traversal of the given Binary Tree. While traversing the
tree, we can recursively calculate HDs. We initially pass the horizontal distance
as 0 for root. For left subtree, we pass the Horizontal Distance as Horizontal
distance of root minus 1. For right subtree, we pass the Horizontal Distance as
Horizontal Distance of root plus 1. For every HD value, we maintain a list of
nodes in a hasp map. Whenever we see a node in traversal, we go to the hash
map entry and add the node to the hash map using HD as a key in map.
Following is C++ implementation of the above method. Thanks to Chirag for
providing the below C++ implementation.
// Base case
if (root == NULL)
root->right->left->right = newNode(8);
root->right->right->right = newNode(9);
cout << "Vertical order traversal is \n";
return 0;
Category: Hash Trees
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← Suffix Array | Set 2 (nLogn Algorithm) Convert a floating point number to
string in C →
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Chapter 28
Boundary Traversal of
binary tree
Given a binary tree, print boundary nodes of the binary tree Anti-Clockwise
starting from the root. For example, boundary traversal of the following tree is
“20 8 4 10 14 25 22�
We need to take care of one thing that nodes are not printed again. e.g. The
left most node is also the leaf node of the tree.
Based on the above cases, below is the implementation:
else if( root->right )
printf("%d ", root->data);
// do nothing if it is a leaf node, this way we avoid
// duplicates in output
temp->data = data;
temp->left = temp->right = NULL;
return temp;
printBoundary( root );
return 0;
20 8 4 10 14 25 22
Category: Trees
Chapter 29
Postorder and Preorder.
Preorder and Level-order.
Postorder and Level-order.
For example, Preorder, Level-order and Postorder traversals are same for the
trees given in above diagram.
Preorder Traversal = AB
Postorder Traversal = BA
Level-Order Traversal = AB
So, even if three of them (Pre, Post and Level) are given, the tree can not be
Category: Trees Tags: Binary Tree, Tree Traveral
Chapter 30
Given Inorder and Preorder traversals of a binary tree, print Postorder traversal.
Inorder traversal in[] = {4, 2, 5, 1, 3, 6}
Preorder traversal pre[] = {1, 2, 4, 5, 3, 6}
Postorder traversal is {4, 5, 2, 6, 3, 1}
/ \
2 3
/ \ \
4 5 6
A naive method is to first construct the tree, then use simple recursive method
to print postorder traversal of the constructed tree.
We can print postorder traversal without constructing the tree. The
idea is, root is always the first item in preorder traversal and it must be the
last item in postorder traversal. We first recursively print left subtree, then
recursively print right subtree. Finally, print root. To find boundaries of left
and right subtrees in pre[] and in[], we search root in in[], all elements before
root in in[] are elements of left subtree and all elements after root are elements
of right subtree. In pre[], all elements after index of root in in[] are elements of
right subtree. And elements before index (including the element at index and
excluding the first element) are elements of left subtree.
// C++ program to print postorder traversal from preorder and inorder traversals
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// Print root
cout << pre[0] << " ";
// Driver program to test above functions
int main()
int in[] = {4, 2, 5, 1, 3, 6};
int pre[] = {1, 2, 4, 5, 3, 6};
int n = sizeof(in)/sizeof(in[0]);
cout << "Postorder traversal " << endl;
printPostOrder(in, pre, n);
return 0;
Postorder traversal
4 5 2 6 3 1
Time Complexity: The above function visits every node in array. For every
visit, it calls search which takes O(n) time. Therefore, overall time complexity
of the function is O(n2 )
Please write comments if you find anything incorrect, or you want to share more
information about the topic discussed above
Category: Trees
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← NP-Completeness | Set 1 (Introduction) Morgan Stanley Interview | Set 3 →
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Chapter 31
Given Inorder Traversal of a Special Binary Tree in which key of every node
is greater than keys in left and right children, construct the Binary Tree and
return root.
The idea used in Construction of Tree from given Inorder and Preorder traversals
can be used here. Let the given array is {1, 5, 10, 40, 30, 15, 28, 20}. The
maximum element in given array must be root. The elements on left side of
the maximum element are in left subtree and elements on right side are in right
/ \
{1,5,10} {30,15,28,20}
We recursively follow above step for left and right subtrees, and finally get the
following tree.
/ \
10 30
/ \
5 28
/ / \
1 15 20
Algorithm: buildTree()
1) Find index of the maximum element in array. The maximum element must
be root of Binary Tree.
2) Create a new tree node ‘root’ with the data as the maximum value found in
step 1.
3) Call buildTree for elements before the maximum element and make the built
tree as left subtree of ‘root’.
5) Call buildTree for elements after the maximum element and make the built
tree as right subtree of ‘root’.
6) return ‘root’.
Implementation: Following is C/C++ implementation of the above algo-
struct node* right;
return root;
/* Function to find index of the maximum value in arr[start...end] */
int max (int arr[], int strt, int end)
int i, max = arr[strt], maxind = strt;
for(i = strt+1; i <= end; i++)
if(arr[i] > max)
max = arr[i];
maxind = i;
return maxind;
return node;
int len = sizeof(inorder)/sizeof(inorder[0]);
struct node *root = buildTree(inorder, 0, len - 1);
Category: Trees
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Chapter 32
Input: pre[] = {10, 30, 20, 5, 15}, preLN[] = {'N', 'N', 'L', 'L', 'L'}
Output: Root of following tree
/ \
30 15
/ \
20 5
The first element in pre[] will always be root. So we can easily figure out root.
If left subtree is empty, the right subtree must also be empty and preLN[] entry
for root must be ‘L’. We can simply create a node and return it. If left and right
subtrees are not empty, then recursively call for left and right subtrees and link
the returned nodes to root.
// If this is an internal node, construct left and right subtrees and link the subtrees
if (preLN[index] == 'N')
temp->left = constructTreeUtil(pre, preLN, index_ptr, n);
temp->right = constructTreeUtil(pre, preLN, index_ptr, n);
return temp;
int n = sizeof(pre)/sizeof(pre[0]);
return 0;
Category: Trees
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Chapter 33
Given two arrays that represent preorder and postorder traversals of a full binary
tree, construct the binary tree.
A Full Binary Tree is a binary tree where every node has either 0 or 2 children
Following are examples of Full Trees.
/ \
2 3
/ \ / \
4 5 6 7
/ \
2 3
/ \
4 5
/ \
6 7
/ \
2 3
/ \ / \
4 5 6 7
/ \
8 9
It is not possible to construct a general Binary Tree from preorder and postorder
traversals (See this). But if know that the Binary Tree is Full, we can construct
the tree without ambiguity. Let us understand this with the help of following
Let us consider the two given arrays as pre[] = {1, 2, 4, 8, 9, 5, 3, 6, 7} and
post[] = {8, 9, 4, 5, 2, 6, 7, 3, 1};
In pre[], the leftmost element is root of tree. Since the tree is full and array size
is more than 1. The value next to 1 in pre[], must be left child of root. So we
know 1 is root and 2 is left child. How to find the all nodes in left subtree? We
know 2 is root of all nodes in left subtree. All nodes before 2 in post[] must
be in left subtree. Now we know 1 is root, elements {8, 9, 4, 5, 2} are in left
subtree, and the elements {6, 7, 3} are in right subtree.
\ /
/ \
{8, 9, 4, 5, 2} {6, 7, 3}
We recursively follow the above approach and get the following tree.
/ \
2 3
/ \ / \
4 5 6 7
/ \
8 9
/* program for construction of full binary tree */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
temp->data = data;
temp->left = temp->right = NULL;
return temp;
for (i = l; i <= h; ++i)
if (pre[*preIndex] == post[i])
return root;
// The main function to construct Full Binary Tree from given preorder and
// postorder traversals. This function mainly uses constructTreeUtil()
struct node *constructTree (int pre[], int post[], int size)
int preIndex = 0;
return constructTreeUtil (pre, post, &preIndex, 0, size - 1, size);
return 0;
Please write comments if you find anything incorrect, or you want to share more
information about the topic discussed above.
Category: Trees
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← Adobe Interview | Set 2 Lexicographic rank of a string →
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Chapter 34
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \ /
/ \ /
Algorithm: buildTree()
1) Pick an element from Preorder. Increment a Preorder Index Variable (preIn-
dex in below code) to pick next element in next recursive call.
2) Create a new tree node tNode with the data as picked element.
3) Find the picked element’s index in Inorder. Let the index be inIndex.
4) Call buildTree for elements before inIndex and make the built tree as left
subtree of tNode.
5) Call buildTree for elements after inIndex and make the built tree as right
subtree of tNode.
6) return tNode.
Thanks to Rohini and Tushar for suggesting the code.
if(inStrt > inEnd)
return NULL;
return tNode;
/* Function to find index of value in arr[start...end]
The function assumes that value is present in in[] */
int search(char arr[], int strt, int end, char value)
int i;
for(i = strt; i <= end; i++)
if(arr[i] == value)
return i;
/* This funtcion is here just to test buildTree() */
void printInorder(struct node* node)
if (node == NULL)
Time Complexity: O(nˆ2). Worst case occurs when tree is left skewed. Example
Preorder and Inorder traversals for worst case are {A, B, C, D} and {D, C, B,
Please write comments if you find any bug in above codes/algorithms, or find
other ways to solve the same problem.
Category: Trees Tags: Inorder Traversal, Preorder Traversal, Tree Traveral
Post navigation
← Do not use sizeof for array parameters Given a binary tree, print all root-to-
leaf paths →
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Chapter 35
Given inorder and level-order traversals of a Binary Tree, construct the Binary
Tree. Following is an example to illustrate the problem.
Input: Two arrays that represent Inorder
and level order traversals of a
Binary Tree
in[] = {4, 8, 10, 12, 14, 20, 22};
level[] = {20, 8, 22, 4, 12, 10, 14};
Let us consider the above example.
in[] = {4, 8, 10, 12, 14, 20, 22};
level[] = {20, 8, 22, 4, 12, 10, 14};
In a Levelorder sequence, the first element is the root of the tree. So we know
’20’ is root for given sequences. By searching ’20’ in Inorder sequence, we can
find out all elements on left side of ‘20’ are in left subtree and elements on right
are in right subtree. So we know below structure now.
/ \
/ \
{4,8,10,12,14} {22}
Let us call {4,8,10,12,14} as left subarray in Inorder traversal and {22} as right
subarray in Inorder traversal.
In level order traversal, keys of left and right subtrees are not consecutive. So we
extract all nodes from level order traversal which are in left subarray of Inorder
traversal. To construct the left subtree of root, we recur for the extracted
elements from level order traversal and left subarray of inorder traversal. In the
above example, we recur for following two arrays.
Similarly, we recur for following two arrays and construct the right subtree.
using namespace std;
return root;
int in[] = {4, 8, 10, 12, 14, 20, 22};
int level[] = {20, 8, 22, 4, 12, 10, 14};
int n = sizeof(in)/sizeof(in[0]);
Node *root = buildTree(in, level, 0, n - 1, n);
return 0;
Category: Trees
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← Amazon Interview | Set 75 (For SDE-1) Red-Black Tree | Set 3 (Delete) →
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Chapter 36
Example Tree
Output for the above example will be
1 2 4
1 2 5
1 3
struct node* newNode(int );
void printPaths(struct node*);
return 0;
Category: Trees
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← Write a program to add two numbers in base 14 Lowest Common Ancestor
in a Binary Search Tree. →
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Chapter 37
Use a path array path[] to store current root to leaf path. Traverse from root
to all leaves in top-down fashion. While traversing, store data of all nodes in
current path in array path[]. When we reach a leaf node, print the path array.
/* A binary tree node has data, pointer to left child
and a pointer to right child */
struct node
int data;
struct node* left;
struct node* right;
/* Utility that prints out an array on a line. */
void printArray(int ints[], int len)
int i;
for (i=0; i<len; i++)
printf("%d ", ints[i]);
return 0;
Category: Trees
Chapter 38
Given a binary tree and a number, return true if the tree has a root-to-leaf
path such that adding up all the values along the path equals the given number.
Return false if no such path can be found.
For example, in the above tree root to leaf paths exist with following sums.
21 –> 10 – 8 – 3
23 –> 10 – 8 – 5
14 –> 10 – 2 – 2
So the returned value should be true only for numbers 21, 23 and 14. For any
other number, returned value should be false.
Recursively check if left or right child has path sum equal to ( number – value
at current node)
#define bool int
Given a tree and a sum, return true if there is a path from the root
down to a leaf, such that adding up all the values along the path
equals the given sum.
Strategy: subtract the node value from the sum when recurring down,
and check to see if the sum is 0 when you run out of tree.
bool hasPathSum(struct node* node, int sum)
/* return true if we run out of tree and sum==0 */
if (node == NULL)
return (sum == 0);
bool ans = 0;
ans = ans || hasPathSum(node->left, subSum);
ans = ans || hasPathSum(node->right, subSum);
return ans;
/* Helper function that allocates a new node with the
given data and NULL left and right pointers. */
struct node* newnode(int data)
struct node* node = (struct node*)
malloc(sizeof(struct node));
node->data = data;
node->left = NULL;
node->right = NULL;
if(hasPathSum(root, sum))
printf("There is a root-to-leaf path with sum %d", sum);
printf("There is no root-to-leaf path with sum %d", sum);
return 0;
Category: Trees
Chapter 39
Given a binary tree, find the maximum path sum. The path may start and end
at any node in the tree.
We strongly recommend you to minimize your browser and try this
yourself first.
For each node there can be four ways that the max path goes through the node:
1. Node only
2. Max path through Left Child + Node
3. Max path through Right Child + Node
4. Max path through Left Child + Node + Max path through Right Child
The idea is to keep trace of four paths and pick up the max one in the end. An
important thing to note is, root of every subtree need to return maximum path
sum such that at most one child of root is involved. This is needed for parent
function call. In below code, this sum is stored in ‘max_single’ and returned
by the recursive function.
int data;
struct Node* left, *right;
return max_single;
// Compute and return result
findMaxUtil(root, res);
return res;
// Driver program
int main(void)
struct Node *root = newNode(10);
root->left = newNode(2);
root->right = newNode(10);
root->left->left = newNode(20);
root->left->right = newNode(1);
root->right->right = newNode(-25);
root->right->right->left = newNode(3);
root->right->right->right = newNode(4);
cout << "Max path sum is " << findMaxSum(root);
return 0;
Category: Trees
Chapter 40
Given a Binary Tree, find the maximum sum path from a leaf to root. For
example, in the following tree, there are three leaf to root paths 8->-2->10, -4-
>-2->10 and 7->10. The sums of these three paths are 16, 4 and 17 respectively.
The maximum of them is 17 and the path for maximum is 7->10.
/ \
-2 7
/ \
8 -4
1) First find the leaf node that is on the maximum sum path. In the following
code getTargetLeaf() does this by assigning the result to *target_leaf_ref.
2) Once we have the target leaf node, we can print the maximum sum path by
traversing the tree. In the following code, printPath() does this.
The main function is maxSumPath() that uses above two functions to get the
complete solution.
// A utility function that prints all nodes on the path from root to target_leaf
bool printPath (struct node *root, struct node *target_leaf)
// base case
if (root == NULL)
return false;
return false;
// This function Sets the target_leaf_ref to refer the leaf node of the maximum
// path sum. Also, returns the max_sum using max_sum_ref
void getTargetLeaf (struct node *node, int *max_sum_ref, int curr_sum,
struct node **target_leaf_ref)
if (node == NULL)
// Update current sum to hold sum of nodes on path from root to this node
curr_sum = curr_sum + node->data;
// If this is a leaf node and path to this node has maximum sum so far,
// then make this node target_leaf
if (node->left == NULL && node->right == NULL)
if (curr_sum > *max_sum_ref)
*max_sum_ref = curr_sum;
*target_leaf_ref = node;
// If this is not a leaf node, then recur down to find the target_leaf
getTargetLeaf (node->left, max_sum_ref, curr_sum, target_leaf_ref);
getTargetLeaf (node->right, max_sum_ref, curr_sum, target_leaf_ref);
// Returns the maximum sum and prints the nodes on max sum path
int maxSumPath (struct node *node)
// base case
if (node == NULL)
return 0;
root = newNode(10);
root->left = newNode(-2);
root->right = newNode(7);
root->left->left = newNode(8);
root->left->right = newNode(-4);
printf ("Following are the nodes on the maximum sum path \n");
int sum = maxSumPath(root);
printf ("\nSum of the nodes is %d ", sum);
return 0;
Category: Trees
Chapter 41
Given a binary tree, where every node value is a Digit from 1-9 .Find the sum
of all the numbers which are formed from root to leaf paths.
For example consider the following Binary Tree.
/ \
3 5
/ \ \
2 5 4
/ \
7 4
There are 4 leaves, hence 4 root to leaf paths:
Path Number
6->3->2 632
6->3->5->7 6357
6->3->5->4 6354
6->5>4 654
Answer = 632 + 6357 + 6354 + 654 = 13997
The idea is to do a preorder traversal of the tree. In the preorder traversal, keep
track of the value calculated till the current node, let this value be val. For
every node, we update the val as val*10 plus node’s data.
struct node
int data;
struct node *left, *right;
// Returns sum of all root to leaf paths. The first parameter is root
// of current subtree, the second parameter is value of the number formed
// by nodes from root to this node
int treePathsSumUtil(struct node *root, int val)
// Base case
if (root == NULL) return 0;
// Update val
val = (val*10 + root->data);
// Pass the initial value as 0 as there is nothing above root
return treePathsSumUtil(root, 0);
Time Complexity: The above code is a simple preorder traversal code which
visits every exactly once. Therefore, the time complexity is O(n) where n is the
number of nodes in the given binary tree.
This article is contributed by Ramchand R. Please write comments if you
find anything incorrect, or you want to share more information about the topic
discussed above
Category: Trees
Chapter 42
Consider lines of slope -1 passing between nodes (dotted lines in below diagram).
Diagonal sum in a binary tree is sum of all node’s data lying between these lines.
Given a Binary Tree, print all diagonal sums.
For the following input tree, output should be 9, 19, 42.
9 is sum of 1, 3 and 5.
19 is sum of 2, 6, 4 and 7.
42 is sum of 9, 10, 11 and 12.
We strongly recommend to minimize your browser and try this yourself first
The idea is to keep track of vertical distance from top diagonal passing through
root. We increment the vertical distance we go down to next diagonal.
1. Add root with vertical distance as 0 to the queue.
2. Process the sum of all right child and right of right child and so on.
3. Add left child current node into the queue for later processing. The vertical
distance of left child is vertical distance of current node plus 1.
4. Keep doing 2nd, 3rd and 4th step till the queue is empty.
Following is Java implementation of above idea.
//Tree node
class TreeNode
int data; //node data
int vd; //vertical distance diagonally
TreeNode left, right; //left and right child's reference
// Tree class
class Tree
TreeNode root;//Tree root
// Tree constructor
public Tree(TreeNode root) { this.root = root; }
// Sum over this node's right-child, right-of-right-child
// and so on
while (curr != null)
int prevSum = (map.get(vd) == null)? 0: map.get(vd);
map.put(vd, prevSum +;
// Make an iterator
Iterator<Entry<Integer, Integer>> iterator = set.iterator();
//Driver class
public class DiagonalSum
public static void main(String[] args)
TreeNode root = new TreeNode(1);
root.left = new TreeNode(2);
root.right = new TreeNode(3);
root.left.left = new TreeNode(9);
root.left.right = new TreeNode(6);
root.right.left = new TreeNode(4);
root.right.right = new TreeNode(5);
root.right.left.left = new TreeNode(12);
root.right.left.right = new TreeNode(7);
root.left.right.left = new TreeNode(11);
root.left.left.right = new TreeNode(10);
Tree tree = new Tree(root);
9, 19, 42
This problem was for diagonals from top to bottom and slope -1. Try the same
problem for slope +1.
This article is contributed by Kumar Gautam. Please write comments if you
find anything incorrect, or you want to share more information about the topic
discussed above.
Category: Trees
Chapter 43
Given a Binary Tree, find vertical sum of the nodes that are in same vertical
line. Print all sums through different vertical lines.
/ \
2 3
/ \ / \
4 5 6 7
subtree) is considered as +1 horizontal distance and a left edge is considered as
-1 horizontal distance. For example, in the above tree, HD for Node 4 is at -2,
HD for Node 2 is -1, HD for 5 and 6 is 0 and HD for node 7 is +2.
We can do inorder traversal of the given Binary Tree. While traversing the
tree, we can recursively calculate HDs. We initially pass the horizontal distance
as 0 for root. For left subtree, we pass the Horizontal Distance as Horizontal
distance of root minus 1. For right subtree, we pass the Horizontal Distance as
Horizontal Distance of root plus 1.
Following is Java implementation for the same. HashMap is used to store the
vertical sums for different horizontal distances. Thanks to Nages for suggesting
this method.
import java.util.HashMap;
// data members
private int key;
private TreeNode left;
private TreeNode right;
// Accessor methods
public int key() { return key; }
public TreeNode left() { return left; }
public TreeNode right() { return right; }
// Constructor
public TreeNode(int key) { this.key = key; left = null; right = null; }
// Constructors
public Tree() { root = null; }
public Tree(TreeNode n) { root = n; }
// Method to be called by the consumer classes like Main class
public void VerticalSumMain() { VerticalSum(root); }
// base case
if (root == null) { return; }
// base case
if (root == null) { return; }
/ \
2 3
/ \ / \
4 5 6 7
TreeNode root = new TreeNode(1);
root.setLeft(new TreeNode(2));
root.setRight(new TreeNode(3));
root.left().setLeft(new TreeNode(4));
root.left().setRight(new TreeNode(5));
root.right().setLeft(new TreeNode(6));
root.right().setRight(new TreeNode(7));
Tree t = new Tree(root);
Chapter 44
Given a a Binary Tree, find the difference between the sum of nodes at odd
level and the sum of nodes at even level. Consider root as level 1, left and right
children of root as level 2 and so on.
For example, in the following tree, sum of nodes at odd level is (5 + 1 + 4 + 8)
which is 18. And sum of nodes at even level is (2 + 6 + 3 + 7 + 9) which is 27.
The output for following tree should be 18 – 27 which is -9.
/ \
2 6
/ \ \
1 4 8
/ / \
3 7 9
The problem can also be solved using simple recursive traversal. We can
recursively calculate the required difference as, value of root’s data subtracted
by the difference for subtree under left child and the difference for subtree under
right child. Following is C implementation of this approach.
// The main function that return difference between odd and even level
// nodes
int getLevelDiff(struct node *root)
// Base case
if (root == NULL)
return 0;
root->left->left = newNode(1);
root->left->right = newNode(4);
root->left->right->left = newNode(3);
root->right->right = newNode(8);
root->right->right->right = newNode(9);
root->right->right->left = newNode(7);
printf("%d is the required difference\n", getLevelDiff(root));
return 0;
Time complexity of both methods is O(n), but the second method is simple and
easy to implement.
This article is contributed by Chandra Prakash. Please write comments if
you find anything incorrect, or you want to share more information about the
topic discussed above.
Category: Trees
Chapter 45
Top view of a binary tree is the set of nodes visible when the tree is viewed from
the top. Given a binary tree, print the top view of it. The output nodes can be
printed in any order. Expected time complexity is O(n)
A node x is there in output if x is the topmost node at its horizontal distance.
Horizontal distance of left child of a node x is equal to horizontal distance of x
minus 1, and that of right child is horizontal distance of x plus 1.
/ \
2 3
/ \ / \
4 5 6 7
Top view of the above binary tree is
4 2 1 3 7
/ \
2 3
Top view of the above binary tree is
2 1 3 6
// Constructor
public TreeNode(int key)
this.key = key;
left = right = null;
class Tree
TreeNode root;
// Constructors
public Tree() { root = null; }
public Tree(TreeNode n) { root = n; }
// Driver class to test above methods
public class Main
public static void main(String[] args)
/* Create following Binary Tree
/ \
2 3
TreeNode root = new TreeNode(1);
root.left = new TreeNode(2);
root.right = new TreeNode(3);
root.left.right = new TreeNode(4);
root.left.right.right = new TreeNode(5);
root.left.right.right.right = new TreeNode(6);
Tree t = new Tree(root);
System.out.println("Following are nodes in top view of Binary Tree");
Category: Trees
Chapter 46
Given a Binary Tree, we need to print the bottom view from left to right. A
node x is there in output if x is the bottommost node at its horizontal distance.
Horizontal distance of left child of a node x is equal to horizontal distance of x
minus 1, and that of right child is horizontal distance of x plus 1.
/ \
8 22
/ \ \
5 3 25
/ \
10 14
For the above tree the output should be 5, 10, 3, 14, 25.
If there are multiple bottom-most nodes for a horizontal distance from root,
then print the later one in level traversal. For example, in the below diagram,
3 and 4 are both the bottom-most nodes at horizontal distance 0, we need to
print 4.
/ \
8 22
/ \ / \
5 3 4 25
/ \
10 14
For the above tree the output should be 5, 10, 4, 14, 25.
We strongly recommend to minimize your browser and try this your-
self first.
The following are steps to print Bottom View of Bianry Tree.
1. We put tree nodes in a queue for the level order traversal.
2. Start with the horizontal distance(hd) 0 of the root node, keep on adding
left child to queue along with the horizontal distance as hd-1 and right child as
3. Also, use a TreeMap which stores key value pair sorted on key.
4. Every time, we encounter a new horizontal distance or an existing horizontal
distance put the node data for the horizontal distance as key. For the first time
it will add to the map, next time it will replace the value. This will make sure
that the bottom most element for that horizontal distance is present in the map
and if you see the tree from beneath that you will see that element.
A Java based implementation is below :
//Tree class
class Tree
TreeNode root; //root node of tree
// Default constructor
public Tree() {}
// Put the dequeued tree node to TreeMap having key
// as horizontal distance. Every time we find a node
// having same horizontal distance we need to replace
// the data in the map.
// Make an iterator
Iterator<Entry<Integer, Integer>> iterator = set.iterator();
root.left.left = new TreeNode(5);
root.left.right = new TreeNode(3);
root.right.left = new TreeNode(4);
root.right.right = new TreeNode(25);
root.left.right.left = new TreeNode(10);
root.left.right.right = new TreeNode(14);
Tree tree = new Tree(root);
System.out.println("Bottom view of the given binary tree:");
Exercise: Extend the above solution to print all bottommost nodes at a hori-
zontal distance if there are multiple bottommost nodes. For the above second
example, the output should be 5 10 3 4 14 25.
This article is contributed by Kumar Gautam. Please write comments if you
find anything incorrect, or you want to share more information about the topic
discussed above.
Chapter 47
Given a Binary Tree, print left view of it. Left view of a Binary Tree is set of
nodes visible when tree is visited from left side. Left view of following tree is
12, 10, 25.
/ \
10 30
/ \
25 40
The left view contains all nodes that are first nodes in their levels. A simple
solution is to do level order traversal and print the first node in every level.
The problem can also be solved using simple recursive traversal. We can
keep track of level of a node by passing a parameter to all recursive calls. The
idea is to keep track of maximum level also. Whenever we see a node whose level
is more than maximum level so far, we print the node because this is the first
node in its level (Note that we traverse the left subtree before right subtree).
Following is C implementation of this approach.
struct node
int data;
struct node *left, *right;
root->right->left = newNode(25);
root->right->right = newNode(40);
return 0;
12 10 25
Time Complexity: The function does a simple traversal of the tree, so the
complexity is O(n).
This article is contributed by Ramsai Chinthamani. Please write comments if
you find anything incorrect, or you want to share more information about the
topic discussed above
Category: Trees
Chapter 48
Given a Binary Tree, print Right view of it. Right view of a Binary Tree is set
of nodes visible when tree is visited from Right side.
/ \
2 3
/ \ / \
4 5 6 7
// C program to print right view of Binary Tree
struct Node
int data;
struct Node *left, *right;
int main()
struct Node *root = newNode(1);
root->left = newNode(2);
root->right = newNode(3);
root->left->left = newNode(4);
root->left->right = newNode(5);
root->right->left = newNode(6);
root->right->right = newNode(7);
root->right->left->right = newNode(8);
return 0;
1 3 7 8
Time Complexity: The function does a simple traversal of the tree, so the
complexity is O(n).
This article is contributed by Shalki Agarwal. Please write comments if you
find anything incorrect, or you want to share more information about the topic
discussed above
Category: Trees
Chapter 49
Given a binary tree, write a function that returns true if the tree satisfies below
For every node, data value must be equal to sum of data values in left and right
children. Consider data value as 0 for NULL children. Below tree is an example
Traverse the given binary tree. For each node check (recursively) if the node
and both its children satisfy the Children Sum Property, if so then return true
else return false.
/* Program to check children sum property */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
/* A binary tree node has data, left child and right child */
struct node
int data;
struct node* left;
struct node* right;
Helper function that allocates a new node
with the given data and NULL left and right
struct node* newNode(int data)
struct node* node =
(struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
node->data = data;
node->left = NULL;
node->right = NULL;
return 0;
Category: Trees
Chapter 50
Given two binary trees, check if the first tree is subtree of the second one. A
subtree of a tree T is a tree S consisting of a node in T and all of its descendants
in T. The subtree corresponding to the root node is the entire tree; the subtree
corresponding to any other node is called a proper subtree.
For example, in the following case, tree S is a subtree of tree T.
Tree S
/ \
4 6
Tree T
/ \
10 3
/ \ \
4 6 3
Solution: Traverse the tree T in preorder fashion. For every visited node in
the traversal, see if the subtree rooted with this node is identical to S.
Following is C implementation for this.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
/* A binary tree node has data, left child and right child */
struct node
int data;
struct node* left;
struct node* right;
/* Check if the data of both roots is same and data of left and right
subtrees are also same */
return (root1->data == root2->data &&
areIdentical(root1->left, root2->left) &&
areIdentical(root1->right, root2->right) );
/* base cases */
if (S == NULL)
return true;
if (T == NULL)
return false;
/* Helper function that allocates a new node with the given data
and NULL left and right pointers. */
struct node* newNode(int data)
struct node* node =
(struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
node->data = data;
node->left = NULL;
node->right = NULL;
T->left->left = newNode(4);
T->left->left->right = newNode(30);
T->left->right = newNode(6);
if (isSubtree(T, S))
printf("Tree S is subtree of tree T");
printf("Tree S is not a subtree of tree T");
return 0;
Time Complexity: Time worst case complexity of above solution is O(mn) where
m and n are number of nodes in given two trees.
We can solve the above problem in O(n) time. Please refer Check if a binary
tree is subtree of another binary tree | Set 2 for O(n) solution.
Please write comments if you find anything incorrect, or you want to share more
information about the topic discussed above.
Category: Trees
Chapter 51
Given two binary trees, check if the first tree is subtree of the second one. A
subtree of a tree T is a tree S consisting of a node in T and all of its descendants
in T.
The subtree corresponding to the root node is the entire tree; the subtree cor-
responding to any other node is called a proper subtree.
For example, in the following case, Tree1 is a subtree of Tree2.
/ \
a b
/ \
x e
/ \ \
a b k
We have discussed a O(n2 ) solution for this problem. In this post a O(n) solution
is discussed. The idea is based on the fact that inorder and preorder/postorder
uniquely identify a binary tree. Tree S is a subtree of T if both inorder and
preorder traversals of S arew substrings of inorder and preorder traversals of T
Following are detailed steps.
1) Find inorder and preorder traversals of T, store them in two auxiliary arrays
inT[] and preT[].
2) Find inorder and preorder traversals of S, store them in two auxiliary arrays
inS[] and preS[].
3) If inS[] is a subarray of inT[] and preS[] is a subarray preT[], then S is a
subtree of T. Else not.
We can also use postorder traversal in place of preorder in the above algorithm.
Let us consider the above example
The above algorithm doesn't work for cases where a tree is present
in another tree, but not as a subtree. Consider the following example.
/ \
a b
/ \
a b
/ \
c d
The Tree2 is not a subtree of Tree1, but inS[] and preS[] are
subarrays of inT[] and preT[] respectively.
The above algorithm can be extended to handle such cases by adding a spe-
cial character whenever we encounter NULL in inorder and preorder traversals.
Thanks to Shivam Goel for suggesting this extension.
Following is C++ implementation of above algorithm.
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
#define MAX 100
if (strstr(inT, inS) == NULL)
return false;
Node *S = newNode('a');
S->left = newNode('b');
S->left->left = newNode('c');
S->right = newNode('d');
if (isSubtree(T, S))
cout << "Yes: S is a subtree of T";
cout << "No: S is NOT a subtree of T";
return 0;
Time Complexity: Inorder and Preorder traversals of Binary Tree take O(n)
time. The function strstr() can also be implemented in O(n) time using KMP
string matching algorithm.
Auxiliary Space: O(n)
Thanks to Ashwini Singh for suggesting this method. Please write comments
if you find anything incorrect, or you want to share more information about the
topic discussed above
Category: Trees
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Chapter 52
Write a function that returns true if the given Binary Tree is SumTree else false.
A SumTree is a Binary Tree where the value of a node is equal to sum of the
nodes present in its left subtree and right subtree. An empty tree is SumTree
and sum of an empty tree can be considered as 0. A leaf node is also considered
as SumTree.
Following is an example of SumTree.
/ \
10 3
/ \ \
4 6 3
Method 1 ( Simple )
Get the sum of nodes in left subtree and right subtree. Check if the sum
calculated is equal to root’s data. Also, recursively check if the left and right
subtrees are SumTrees.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
/* A binary tree node has data, left child and right child */
struct node
int data;
struct node* left;
struct node* right;
return 0;
Helper function that allocates a new node
with the given data and NULL left and right
struct node* newNode(int data)
struct node* node =
(struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
node->data = data;
node->left = NULL;
node->right = NULL;
return 0;
Time Complexity: O(nˆ2) in worst case. Worst case occurs for a skewed tree.
Method 2 ( Tricky )
The Method 1 uses sum() to get the sum of nodes in left and right subtrees.
The method 2 uses following rules to get the sum directly.
1) If the node is a leaf node then sum of subtree rooted with this node is equal
to value of this node.
2) If the node is not a leaf node then sum of subtree rooted with this node is
twice the value of this node (Assuming that the tree rooted with this node is
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
/* A binary tree node has data, left child and right child */
struct node
int data;
struct node* left;
struct node* right;
/* If root's data is equal to sum of nodes in left
and right subtrees then return 1 else return 0*/
return(node->data == ls + rs);
return 0;
return 0;
other ways to solve the same problem.
Category: Trees
Chapter 53
In a Red-Black Tree, the maximum height of a node is at most twice the min-
imum height (The four Red-Black tree properties make sure this is always fol-
lowed). Given a Binary Search Tree, we need to check for following property.
For every node, length of the longest leaf to node path has not more than twice
the nodes on shortest path from node to leaf.
12 40
\ / \
14 10 100
\ / \
16 60 150
Cannot be a Red-Black Tree It can be Red-Black Tree
with any color assignment
Max height of 12 is 1
Min height of 12 is 3
/ \
5 100
/ \
50 150
It can also be Red-Black Tree
Expected time complexity is O(n). The tree should be traversed at-most once
in the solution.
We strongly recommend to minimize the browser and try this yourself
For every node, we need to get the maximum and minimum heights and compare
them. The idea is to traverse the tree and for every node check if it’s balanced.
We need to write a recursive function that returns three things, a boolean value
to indicate the tree is balanced or not, minimum height and maximum height.
To return multiple values, we can either use a structure or pass variables by
reference. We have passed maxh and minh by reference so that the values can
be used in parent calls.
struct Node
int key;
Node *left, *right;
maxh = minh = 0;
return true;
int lmxh, lmnh; // To store max and min heights of left subtree
int rmxh, rmnh; // To store max and min heights of right subtree
// Set the max and min heights of this node for the parent call
maxh = max(lmxh, rmxh) + 1;
minh = min(lmnh, rmnh) + 1;
return false;
return 0;
Time Complexity: Time Complexity of above code is O(n) as the code does a
simple tree traversal.
Please write comments if you find anything incorrect, or you want to share more
information about the topic discussed above
Category: Trees
Chapter 54
Given a Binary Tree, check if all leaves are at same level or not.
/ \
5 7
/ \
3 1
Leaves are at same level
/ \
5 7
Leaves are Not at same level
/ \
3 9
/ /
1 2
Leaves are at same level
We strongly recommend you to minimize the browser and try this yourself first.
The idea is to first find level of the leftmost leaf and store it in a variable
leafLevel. Then compare level of all other leaves with leafLevel, if same, return
true, else return false. We traverse the given Binary Tree in Preorder fashion.
An argument leaflevel is passed to all calls. The value of leafLevel is initialized
as 0 to indicate that the first leaf is not yet seen yet. The value is updated
when we find first leaf. Level of subsequent leaves (in preorder) is compared
with leafLevel.
/* Recursive function which checks whether all leaves are at same level */
bool checkUtil(struct Node *root, int level, int *leafLevel)
// Base case
if (root == NULL) return true;
return true;
// If this node is not leaf, recursively check left and right subtrees
return checkUtil(root->left, level+1, leafLevel) &&
checkUtil(root->right, level+1, leafLevel);
Time Complexity: The function does a simple traversal of the tree, so the
complexity is O(n).
This article is contributed by Chandra Prakash. Please write comments if
you find anything incorrect, or you want to share more information about the
topic discussed above.
Category: Trees
Chapter 55
Given the binary Tree and the two nodes say ‘a’ and ‘b’, determine whether the
two nodes are cousins of each other or not.
Two nodes are cousins of each other if they are at same level and have different
/ \
3 5
/ \ / \
7 8 1 3
Say two node be 7 and 1, result is TRUE.
Say two nodes are 3 and 5, result is FALSE.
Say two nodes are 7 and 5, result is FALSE.
// C program to check if two Nodes in a binary tree are cousins
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
return 0;
Time Complexity of the above solution is O(n) as it does at most three traversals
of binary tree.
This article is contributed by Ayush Srivastava. Please write comments if you
find anything incorrect, or you want to share more information about the topic
discussed above
Category: Trees
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Chapter 56
A full binary tree is defined as a binary tree in which all nodes have either zero
or two child nodes. Conversely, there is no node in a full binary tree, which has
one child node. More information about full binary trees can be found here.
For Example:
We strongly recommend to minimize your browser and try this your-
self first.
To check whether a binary tree is a full binary tree we need to test the following
1) If a binary tree node is NULL then it is a full binary tree.
2) If a binary tree node does have empty left and right sub-trees, then it is a
full binary tree by definition
3) If a binary tree node has left and right sub-trees, then it is a part of a full
binary tree by definition. In this case recursively check if the left and right
sub-trees are also binary trees themselves.
4) In all other combinations of right and left sub-trees, the binary tree is not a
full binary tree.
Following is the C code for checking if a binary tree is a full binary tree.
// If leaf node
if (root->left == NULL && root->right == NULL)
return true;
// If both left and right are not NULL, and left & right subtrees
// are full
if ((root->left) && (root->right))
return (isFullTree(root->left) && isFullTree(root->right));
// Driver Program
int main()
struct Node* root = NULL;
root = newNode(10);
root->left = newNode(20);
root->right = newNode(30);
root->left->right = newNode(40);
root->left->left = newNode(50);
root->right->left = newNode(60);
root->right->right = newNode(70);
root->left->left->left = newNode(80);
root->left->left->right = newNode(90);
root->left->right->left = newNode(80);
root->left->right->right = newNode(90);
root->right->left->left = newNode(80);
root->right->left->right = newNode(90);
root->right->right->left = newNode(80);
root->right->right->right = newNode(90);
if (isFullTree(root))
printf("The Binary Tree is full\n");
printf("The Binary Tree is not full\n");
The Binary Tree is full
Time complexity of the above code is O(n) where n is number of nodes in given
binary tree.
This article is contributed by Gaurav Gupta. Please write comments if you
find anything incorrect, or you want to share more information about the topic
discussed above
Category: Trees
Chapter 57
Given a Binary Tree, write a function to check whether the given Binary Tree
is Complete Binary Tree or not.
A complete binary tree is a binary tree in which every level, except possibly the
last, is completely filled, and all nodes are as far left as possible. See following
/ \
2 3
/ \
2 3
/ \ /
4 5 6
/ \
2 3
\ / \
4 5 6
/ \
2 3
/ \
4 5
/ \
2 3
Thanks to Guddu Sharma for suggesting this simple and efficient approach.
// A program to check if a given binary tree is complete or not
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#define MAX_Q_SIZE 500
// If we have seen a non full node, and we see a node
// with non-empty left child, then the given tree is not
// a complete Binary Tree
if (flag == true)
return false;
struct node** createQueue(int *front, int *rear)
struct node **queue =
(struct node **)malloc(sizeof(struct node*)*MAX_Q_SIZE);
*front = *rear = 0;
return queue;
if ( isCompleteBT(root) == true )
printf ("Complete Binary Tree");
printf ("NOT Complete Binary Tree");
return 0;
Time Complexity: O(n) where n is the number of nodes in given Binary Tree
Auxiliary Space: O(n) for queue.
Please write comments if you find any of the above codes/algorithms incorrect,
or find other ways to solve the same problem.
Category: Trees
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Chapter 58
A complete binary tree is a binary tree whose all levels except the last level are
completely filled and all the leaves in the last level are all to the left side. More
information about complete binary trees can be found here.
For Example:-
Below tree is a Complete Binary Tree (All nodes till the second last nodes are
filled and all leaves are to the left side)
Below tree is not a Complete Binary Tree (The second level is not completely
Below tree is not a Complete Binary Tree (All the leaves are not aligned to
the left. The left child node of node with data 3 is empty while the right child
node is non-empty).
An iterative solution for this problem is discussed in below post.
Check whether a given Binary Tree is Complete or not | Set 1 (Using Level
Order Traversal)
In this post a recursive solution is discussed.
In the array representation of a binary tree, if the parent node is assigned an
index of ‘i’ and left child gets assigned an index of ‘2*i + 1’ while the right
child is assigned an index of ‘2*i + 2’. If we represent the binary tree below as
an array with the respective indices assigned to the different nodes of the tree
below are shown below:-
As can be seen from the above figure, the assigned indices in case of a complete
binary tree will strictly less be than the number of nodes in the complete binary
tree. Below is the example of non-complete binary tree with the assigned array
indices. As can be seen the assigned indices are equal to the number of nodes
in the binary tree. Hence this tree is not a complete binary tree.
Hence we proceed in the following manner in order to check if the binary tree
is complete binary tree.
The time complexity of the above algorithm is O(n). Following is C code for
checking if a binary tree is a complete binary tree.
return (0);
return (1 + countNodes(root->left) + countNodes(root->right));
// Driver program
int main()
// Le us create tree in the last diagram above
struct Node* root = NULL;
root = newNode(1);
root->left = newNode(2);
root->right = newNode(3);
root->left->left = newNode(4);
root->left->right = newNode(5);
root->right->right = newNode(6);
The Binary Tree is not complete
Chapter 59
struct node {
int key;
struct node *left,*right,*random;
The random pointer points to any random node of the binary tree and can even
point to NULL, clone the given binary tree.
Method 1 (Use Hashing)
The idea is to store mapping from given tree nodes to clone tre node in hashtable.
Following are detailed steps.
1) Recursively traverse the given Binary and copy key value, left pointer and
right pointer to clone tree. While copying, store the mapping from given tree
node to clone tree node in a hashtable. In the following pseudo code, ‘cloneNode’
is currently visited node of clone tree and ‘treeNode’ is currently visited node
of given tree.
cloneNode->key = treeNode->key
cloneNode->left = treeNode->left
cloneNode->right = treeNode->right
map[treeNode] = cloneNode
2) Recursively traverse both trees and set random pointers using entries from
hash table.
cloneNode->random = map[treeNode->random]
// A hashmap based C++ program to clone a binary tree with random pointers
using namespace std;
/* A binary tree node has data, pointer to left child, a pointer to right
child and a pointer to random node*/
struct Node
int key;
struct Node* left, *right, *random;
cout << "[" << node->key << " ";
if (node->random == NULL)
cout << "NULL], ";
cout << node->random->key << "], ";
// This function creates clone by copying key and left and right pointers
// This function also stores mapping from given tree node to clone.
Node* copyLeftRightNode(Node* treeNode, map<Node *, Node *> *mymap)
if (treeNode == NULL)
return NULL;
Node* cloneNode = newNode(treeNode->key);
(*mymap)[treeNode] = cloneNode;
cloneNode->left = copyLeftRightNode(treeNode->left, mymap);
cloneNode->right = copyLeftRightNode(treeNode->right, mymap);
return cloneNode;
/* Driver program to test above functions*/
int main()
//Test No 1
Node *tree = newNode(1);
tree->left = newNode(2);
tree->right = newNode(3);
tree->left->left = newNode(4);
tree->left->right = newNode(5);
tree->random = tree->left->right;
tree->left->left->random = tree;
tree->left->right->random = tree->right;
// Test No 2
// tree = NULL;
// Test No 3
// tree = newNode(1);
// Test No 4
/* tree = newNode(1);
tree->left = newNode(2);
tree->right = newNode(3);
tree->random = tree->right;
tree->left->random = tree;
return 0;
Inorder traversal of cloned binary tree is:
[4 1], [2 NULL], [5 3], [1 5], [3 NULL],
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
/* A binary tree node has data, pointer to left child, a pointer to right
child and a pointer to random node*/
struct Node
int key;
struct Node* left, *right, *random;
// This function creates new nodes cloned tree and puts new cloned node
// in between current node and it's left child
// i.e. if current node is A and it's left child is B ( A --- >> B ),
// then new cloned node with key A wil be created (say cA) and
// it will be put as
// A --- >> cA --- >> B
// Here B can be a NULL or a non-NULL left child
// Right child pointer will be set correctly
// i.e. if for current node A, right child is C in original tree
// (A --- >> C) then corresponding cloned nodes cA and cC will like
// cA ---- >> cC
Node* copyLeftRightNode(Node* treeNode)
if (treeNode == NULL)
return NULL;
treeNode->left->right = copyLeftRightNode(treeNode->right);
return treeNode->left;
// This function sets random pointer in cloned tree as per original tree
// i.e. if node A's random pointer points to node B, then
// in cloned tree, cA wil point to cB (cA and cB are new node in cloned
// tree corresponding to node A and B in original tree)
void copyRandomNode(Node* treeNode, Node* cloneNode)
if (treeNode == NULL)
if(treeNode->random != NULL)
cloneNode->random = treeNode->random->left;
cloneNode->random = NULL;
treeNode->left = NULL;
restoreTreeLeftNode(treeNode->left, cloneNode->left);
restoreTreeLeftNode(treeNode->right, cloneNode->right);
// Test No 2
// Node *tree = NULL;
// Test No 3
Node *tree = newNode(1);
// Test No 4
Node *tree = newNode(1);
tree->left = newNode(2);
tree->right = newNode(3);
tree->random = tree->right;
tree->left->random = tree;
Test No 5
Node *tree = newNode(1);
tree->left = newNode(2);
tree->right = newNode(3);
tree->left->left = newNode(4);
tree->left->right = newNode(5);
tree->right->left = newNode(6);
tree->right->right = newNode(7);
tree->random = tree->left;
// Test No 6
Node *tree = newNode(10);
Node *n2 = newNode(6);
Node *n3 = newNode(12);
Node *n4 = newNode(5);
Node *n5 = newNode(8);
Node *n6 = newNode(11);
Node *n7 = newNode(13);
Node *n8 = newNode(7);
Node *n9 = newNode(9);
tree->left = n2;
tree->right = n3;
tree->random = n2;
n2->left = n4;
n2->right = n5;
n2->random = n8;
n3->left = n6;
n3->right = n7;
n3->random = n5;
n4->random = n9;
n5->left = n8;
n5->right = n9;
n5->random = tree;
n6->random = n9;
n9->random = n8;
/* Test No 7
Node *tree = newNode(1);
tree->left = newNode(2);
tree->right = newNode(3);
tree->left->random = tree;
tree->right->random = tree->left;
cout << "Inorder traversal of original binary tree is: \n";
Node *clone = cloneTree(tree);
return 0;
Category: Trees Tags: Hashing
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Chapter 60
Given a Binary Tree and a key ‘k’, find distance of the closest leaf from ‘k’.
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \ /
in an array. When we reach the given key, we evaluate distance of the closest
leaf in subtree rooted with given key. We also traverse all ancestors one by one
and find distance of the closest leaf in the subtree rooted with ancestor. We
compare all distances and return minimum.
// A C++ program to find the closesr leaf of a given key in Binary Tree
#include <iostream>
#include <climits>
using namespace std;
/* A binary tree Node has key, pocharer to left and right children */
struct Node
char key;
struct Node* left, *right;
// Returns distance of the cloest leaf to a given key 'k'. The array
// ancestors is used to keep track of ancestors of current node and
// 'index' is used to keep track of curremt index in 'ancestors[]'
int findClosestUtil(struct Node *root, char k, struct Node *ancestors[],
int index)
// Base case
if (root == NULL)
return INT_MAX;
// If key found
if (root->key == k)
// Find the cloest leaf under the subtree rooted with given key
int res = closestDown(root);
// If key node found, store current node and recur for left and
// right childrens
ancestors[index] = root;
return getMin(findClosestUtil(root->left, k, ancestors, index+1),
findClosestUtil(root->right, k, ancestors, index+1));
// The main function that returns distance of the closest key to 'k'. It
// mainly uses recursive function findClosestUtil() to find the closes
// distance.
int findClosest(struct Node *root, char k)
// Create an array to store ancestors
// Assumptiom: Maximum height of tree is 100
struct Node *ancestors[100];
int main()
// Let us construct the BST shown in the above figure
struct Node *root = newNode('A');
root->left = newNode('B');
root->right = newNode('C');
root->right->left = newNode('E');
root->right->right = newNode('F');
root->right->left->left = newNode('G');
root->right->left->left->left = newNode('I');
root->right->left->left->right = newNode('J');
root->right->right->right = newNode('H');
root->right->right->right->left = newNode('K');
char k = 'H';
cout << "Distace of the closest key from " << k << " is "
<< findClosest(root, k) << endl;
k = 'C';
cout << "Distace of the closest key from " << k << " is "
<< findClosest(root, k) << endl;
k = 'E';
cout << "Distace of the closest key from " << k << " is "
<< findClosest(root, k) << endl;
k = 'B';
cout << "Distace of the closest key from " << k << " is "
<< findClosest(root, k) << endl;
return 0;
The above code can be optimized by storing the left/right information also
in ancestor array. The idea is, if given key is in left subtree of an ancestors,
then there is no point to call closestDown(). Also, the loop can that traverses
ancestors array can be optimized to not traverse ancestors which are at more
distance than current result.
Extend the above solution to print not only distance, but the key of closest leaf
This article is contributed by Shubham. Please write comments if you find
anything incorrect, or you want to share more information about the topic
discussed above
Category: Trees
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Chapter 61
Write a function to connect all the adjacent nodes at the same level in a binary
tree. Structure of the given Binary Tree node is like following.
struct node{
int data;
struct node* left;
struct node* right;
struct node* nextRight;
Initially, all the nextRight pointers point to garbage values. Your function
should set these pointers to point next right for each node.
Input Tree
/ \
/ \ \
Output Tree
/ \
/ \ \
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct node
int data;
struct node *left;
struct node *right;
struct node *nextRight;
// Sets the nextRight of root and calls connectRecur() for other nodes
void connect (struct node *p)
// Set the nextRight for root
p->nextRight = NULL;
// Set the next right for rest of the nodes (other than root)
/* Helper function that allocates a new node with the
given data and NULL left and right pointers. */
struct node* newnode(int data)
struct node* node = (struct node*)
malloc(sizeof(struct node));
node->data = data;
node->left = NULL;
node->right = NULL;
node->nextRight = NULL;
return 0;
its children which are 8 and 9 (the nextRight of 4 is already set as node 5).
nextRight of 8 will simply be set as 9, but nextRight of 9 will be set as NULL
which is incorrect. We can’t set the correct nextRight, because when we set
nextRight of 9, we only have nextRight of node 4 and ancestors of node 4, we
don’t have nextRight of nodes in right subtree of root.
/ \
2 3
/ \ / \
4 5 6 7
/ \ / \
8 9 10 11
Chapter 62
Write a function to connect all the adjacent nodes at the same level in a binary
tree. Structure of the given Binary Tree node is like following.
struct node {
int data;
struct node* left;
struct node* right;
struct node* nextRight;
Initially, all the nextRight pointers point to garbage values. Your function
should set these pointers to point next right for each node. You can use only
constant extra space.
Input Tree
/ \
/ \ \
Output Tree
/ \
/ \ \
1 -------------- Level 0
/ \
2 3 -------------- Level 1
/ \ / \
4 5 6 7 -------------- Level 2
/ \ / \
8 9 10 11 -------------- Level 3
// Sets the nextRight of root and calls connectRecur() for other nodes
void connect (struct node *p)
// Set the nextRight for root
p->nextRight = NULL;
// Set the next right for rest of the nodes (other than root)
/* Set next right of all descendents of p. This function makes sure that
nextRight of nodes ar level i is set before level i+1 nodes. */
void connectRecur(struct node* p)
// Base case
if (!p)
/* Recursively call for next level nodes. Note that we call only
for left child. The call for left child will call for right child */
/* If left child is NULL then first node of next level will either be
p->right or getNextRight(p) */
else if (p->right)
p->right->nextRight = getNextRight(p);
/* This function returns the leftmost child of nodes at the same level as p.
This function is used to getNExt right of p's right child
If right child of p is NULL then this can also be used for the left child */
struct node *getNextRight(struct node *p)
struct node *temp = p->nextRight;
// If all the nodes at p's level are leaf nodes then return NULL
return NULL;
An Iterative Solution
The recursive approach discussed above can be easily converted to iterative. In
the iterative version, we use nested loop. The outer loop, goes through all the
levels and the inner loop goes through all the nodes at every level. This solution
uses constant space.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct node
int data;
struct node *left;
struct node *right;
struct node *nextRight;
/* This function returns the leftmost child of nodes at the same level as p.
This function is used to getNExt right of p's right child
If right child of is NULL then this can also be sued for the left child */
struct node *getNextRight(struct node *p)
struct node *temp = p->nextRight;
// If all the nodes at p's level are leaf nodes then return NULL
return NULL;
if (!p)
/* Connect all childrem nodes of p and children nodes of all other nodes
at same level as p */
while (q != NULL)
// Set the nextRight pointer for p's left child
if (q->left)
// If q has right child, then right child is nextRight of
// p and we also need to set nextRight of right child
if (q->right)
q->left->nextRight = q->right;
q->left->nextRight = getNextRight(q);
if (q->right)
q->right->nextRight = getNextRight(q);
/* Helper function that allocates a new node with the
given data and NULL left and right pointers. */
struct node* newnode(int data)
struct node* node = (struct node*)
malloc(sizeof(struct node));
node->data = data;
node->left = NULL;
node->right = NULL;
node->nextRight = NULL;
8 2
/ \
3 90
struct node *root = newnode(10);
root->left = newnode(8);
root->right = newnode(2);
root->left->left = newnode(3);
root->right->right = newnode(90);
return 0;
Please write comments if you find anything incorrect, or you want to share more
information about the topic discussed above.
Category: Trees
Post navigation
← Connect nodes at same level Find the maximum element in an array which
is first increasing and then decreasing →
Writing code in comment? Please use, generate link and
share the link here.
Chapter 63
Given an array that represents a tree in such a way array indexes are values in
tree nodes array values give the parent node of that particular index (or node).
The value of the root node index would always be -1 as there is no parent for
root. Construct the standard linked representation of given Binary Tree from
this given representation.
Input: parent[] = {-1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 3, 5};
Output: root of below tree
/ \
1 2
/ \
3 4
createNode(parent[], i, crated[])
Following is C++ implementation of above idea.
// A tree node
struct Node
int key;
struct Node *left, *right;
Node *p = created[parent[i]];
// Creates tree from parent[0..n-1] and returns root of the created tree
Node *createTree(int parent[], int n)
// Create an array created[] to keep track
// of created nodes, initialize all entries
// as NULL
Node *created[n];
for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
created[i] = NULL;
return root;
// Driver method
int main()
int parent[] = {-1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 3, 5};
int n = sizeof parent / sizeof parent[0];
Node *root = createTree(parent, n);
return 0;
6 5 3 1 4 0 2
Category: Trees
Post navigation
← India moving ‘The Entrepreneur Way’ Quikr Interview Experience | Set 4 →
Writing code in comment? Please use, generate link and
share the link here.
Chapter 64
Given Linked List Representation of Complete Binary Tree, construct the Bi-
nary tree. A complete binary tree can be represented in an array in the following
If root node is stored at index i, its left, and right children are stored at indices
2*i+1, 2*i+2 respectively.
Suppose tree is represented by a linked list in same way, how do we convert this
into normal linked representation of binary tree where every node has data, left
and right pointers? In the linked list representation, we cannot directly access
the children of the current node unless we traverse the list.
We are mainly given level order traversal in sequential access form. We know
head of linked list is always is root of the tree. We take the first node as root
and we also know that the next two nodes are left and right children of root.
So we know partial Binary Tree. The idea is to do Level order traversal of the
partially built Binary Tree using queue and traverse the linked list at the same
time. At every step, we take the parent node from queue, make next two nodes
of linked list as children of the parent node, and enqueue the next two nodes to
1. Create an empty queue.
2. Make the first node of the list as root, and enqueue it to the queue.
3. Until we reach the end of the list, do the following.
………a. Dequeue one node from the queue. This is the current parent.
………b. Traverse two nodes in the list, add them as children of the current
………c. Enqueue the two nodes into the queue.
Below is the code which implements the same in C++.
// C++ program to create a Complete Binary tree from its Linked List
// Representation
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <queue>
using namespace std;
// link the old list off the new node
new_node->next = (*head_ref);
// method to create a new binary tree node from the given data
BinaryTreeNode* newBinaryTreeNode(int data)
BinaryTreeNode *temp = new BinaryTreeNode;
temp->data = data;
temp->left = temp->right = NULL;
return temp;
// converts a given linked list representing a complete binary tree into the
// linked representation of binary tree.
void convertList2Binary(ListNode *head, BinaryTreeNode* &root)
// queue to store the parent nodes
queue<BinaryTreeNode *> q;
// Base Case
if (head == NULL)
root = NULL; // Note that root is passed by reference
// 1.) The first node is always the root node, and add it to the queue
root = newBinaryTreeNode(head->data);
// 2.c) take next two nodes from the linked list. We will add
// them as children of the current parent node in step 2.b. Push them
// into the queue so that they will be parents to the future nodes
BinaryTreeNode *leftChild = NULL, *rightChild = NULL;
leftChild = newBinaryTreeNode(head->data);
head = head->next;
if (head)
rightChild = newBinaryTreeNode(head->data);
head = head->next;
BinaryTreeNode *root;
convertList2Binary(head, root);
cout << "Inorder Traversal of the constructed Binary Tree is: \n";
return 0;
Category: Trees Tags: Queue
Chapter 65
Write an Efficient C
Function to Convert a
Binary Tree into its Mirror
Mirror of a Tree: Mirror of a Binary Tree T is another Binary Tree M(T) with
left and right children of all non-leaf nodes interchanged.
Algorithm – Mirror(tree):
(1) Call Mirror for left-subtree i.e., Mirror(left-subtree)
(2) Call Mirror for right-subtree i.e., Mirror(right-subtree)
(3) Swap left and right subtrees.
temp = left-subtree
left-subtree = right-subtree
right-subtree = temp
struct node* node = (struct node*)
malloc(sizeof(struct node));
node->data = data;
node->left = NULL;
node->right = NULL;
So the tree...
/ \
2 5
/ \
1 3
is changed to...
/ \
5 2
/ \
3 1
void mirror(struct node* node)
if (node==NULL)
struct node* temp;
/* do the subtrees */
printf("%d ", node->data);
/* Driver program to test mirror() */
int main()
struct node *root = newNode(1);
root->left = newNode(2);
root->right = newNode(3);
root->left->left = newNode(4);
root->left->right = newNode(5);
return 0;
Category: Trees Tags: Convert to Mirror, Get the Mirror, Mirror Tree, Tree
Traveral, Trees
Chapter 66
We have discussed Threaded Binary Tree. The idea of threaded binary trees is
to make inorder traversal faster and do it without stack and without recursion.
In a simple threaded binary tree, the NULL right pointers are used to store
inorder successor. Where-ever a right pointer is NULL, it is used to store inorder
Following diagram shows an example Single Threaded Binary Tree. The dotted
lines represent threads.
struct Node
int key;
Node *left, *right;
if (root->right)
populateQueue(root->right, q);
if (root->left)
createThreadedUtil(root->left, q);
if (root->right)
createThreadedUtil(root->right, q);
return root;
root->left->right = newNode(5);
root->right->left = newNode(6);
root->right->right = newNode(7);
Category: Trees
Chapter 67
Given a Binary Tree (Bt), convert it to a Doubly Linked List(DLL). The left and
right pointers in nodes are to be used as previous and next pointers respectively
in converted DLL. The order of nodes in DLL must be same as Inorder of the
given Binary Tree. The first node of Inorder traversal (left most node in BT)
must be head node of the DLL.
I came across this interview during one of my interviews. A similar problem is
discussed in this post. The problem here is simpler as we don’t need to create
circular DLL, but a simple DLL. The idea behind its solution is quite simple
and straight.
1. If left subtree exists, process the left subtree
…..1.a) Recursively convert the left subtree to DLL.
…..1.b) Then find inorder predecessor of root in left subtree (inorder predecessor
is rightmost node in left subtree).
…..1.c) Make inorder predecessor as previous of root and root as next of inorder
2. If right subtree exists, process the right subtree (Below 3 steps are similar to
left subtree).
…..2.a) Recursively convert the right subtree to DLL.
…..2.b) Then find inorder successor of root in right subtree (inorder successor
is leftmost node in right subtree).
…..2.c) Make inorder successor as next of root and root as previous of inorder
3. Find the leftmost node and return it (the leftmost node is always head of
converted DLL).
Below is the source code for above algorithm.
/* A binary tree node has data, and left and right pointers */
struct node
int data;
node* left;
node* right;
/* This is the core function to convert Tree to list. This function follows
steps 1 and 2 of the above algorithm */
node* bintree2listUtil(node* root)
// Base case
if (root == NULL)
return root;
// Find inorder successor. After this loop, right
// will point to the inorder successor
for (; right->left!=NULL; right = right->left);
return root;
// The main function that first calls bintree2listUtil(), then follows step 3
// of the above algorithm
node* bintree2list(node *root)
// Base case
if (root == NULL)
return root;
return (root);
void printList(node *node)
while (node!=NULL)
printf("%d ", node->data);
node = node->right;
// Convert to DLL
node *head = bintree2list(root);
return 0;
25 12 30 10 36 15
Category: Trees
Chapter 68
Given a Binary Tree (BT), convert it to a Doubly Linked List(DLL). The left and
right pointers in nodes are to be used as previous and next pointers respectively
in converted DLL. The order of nodes in DLL must be same as Inorder of the
given Binary Tree. The first node of Inorder traversal (left most node in BT)
must be head node of the DLL.
A solution to this problem is discussed in this post.
In this post, another simple and efficient solution is discussed. The solution
discussed here has two simple steps.
1) Fix Left Pointers: In this step, we change left pointers to point to previous
nodes in DLL. The idea is simple, we do inorder traversal of tree. In inorder
traversal, we keep track of previous visited node and change left pointer to the
previous node. See fixPrevPtr() in below implementation.
2) Fix Right Pointers: The above is intuitive and simple. How to change
right pointers to point to next node in DLL? The idea is to use left pointers
fixed in step 1. We start from the rightmost node in Binary Tree (BT). The
rightmost node is the last node in DLL. Since left pointers are changed to point
to previous node in DLL, we can linearly traverse the complete DLL using these
pointers. The traversal would be from last to first node. While traversing the
DLL, we keep track of the previously visited node and change the right pointer
to the previous node. See fixNextPtr() in below implementation.
// A tree node
struct node
int data;
struct node *left, *right;
if (root != NULL)
root->left = pre;
pre = root;
// Changes right pointers to work as next pointers in converted DLL
struct node *fixNextPtr(struct node *root)
struct node *prev = NULL;
// Start from the rightmost node, traverse back using left pointers.
// While traversing, change right pointer of nodes.
while (root && root->left != NULL)
prev = root;
root = root->left;
root->right = prev;
// The main function that converts BST to DLL and returns head of DLL
struct node *BTToDLL(struct node *root)
// Set the previous pointer
struct node *root = newNode(10);
root->left = newNode(12);
root->right = newNode(15);
root->left->left = newNode(25);
root->left->right = newNode(30);
root->right->left = newNode(36);
printf("\n\n\t\tDLL Traversal\n\n");
return 0;
25 12 30 10 36 15
DLL Traversal
25 12 30 10 36 15
Time Complexity: O(n) where n is the number of nodes in given Binary Tree.
The solution simply does two traversals of all Binary Tree nodes.
This article is contributed by Bala. Please write comments if you find anything
incorrect, or you want to share more information about the topic discussed
Category: Trees
Chapter 69
using namespace std;
/* A binary tree node has data, and left and right pointers */
struct node
int data;
node* left;
node* right;
new_node->data = data;
new_node->left = new_node->right = NULL;
return (new_node);
// Convert to DLL
node *head = NULL;
BinaryTree2DoubleLinkedList(root, &head);
return 0;
25 12 30 10 36 15
Note that use of static variables like above is not a recommended practice (we
have used static for simplicity). Imagine a situation where same function is
called for two or more trees, the old value of prev would be used in next call for
a different tree. To avoid such problems, we can use double pointer or reference
to a pointer.
Time Complexity: The above program does a simple inorder traversal, so time
complexity is O(n) where n is the number of nodes in given binary tree.
Please write comments if you find anything incorrect, or you want to share more
information about the topic discussed above
Chapter 70
Given a Binary Tree where each node has positive and negative values. Convert
this to a tree where each node contains the sum of the left and right sub trees
in the original tree. The values of leaf nodes are changed to 0.
For example, the following tree
/ \
-2 6
/ \ / \
8 -4 7 5
should be changed to
/ \
4(8-4) 12(7+5)
/ \ / \
0 0 0 0
Do a traversal of the given tree. In the traversal, store the old value of the
current node, recursively call for left and right subtrees and change the value of
current node as sum of the values returned by the recursive calls. Finally return
the sum of new value and value (which is sum of values in the subtree rooted
with this node).
// Convert a given tree to a tree where every node contains sum of values of
// nodes in left and right subtrees in the original tree
int toSumTree(struct node *node)
// Base case
if(node == NULL)
return 0;
// Recursively call for left and right subtrees and store the sum as
// new value of this node
node->data = toSumTree(node->left) + toSumTree(node->right);
// Return the sum of values of nodes in left and right subtrees and
// old_value of this node
return node->data + old_val;
return temp;
return 0;
Time Complexity: The solution involves a simple traversal of the given tree. So
the time complexity is O(n) where n is the number of nodes in the given Binary
See thisforum thread for the original question. Please write comments if you
find anything incorrect, or you want to share more information about the topic
discussed above.
Category: Trees
Chapter 71
Convert an arbitrary
Binary Tree to a tree that
holds Children Sum
Question: Given an arbitrary binary tree, convert it to a binary tree that holds
Children Sum Property. You can only increment data values in any node (You
cannot change structure of tree and cannot decrement value of any node).
For example, the below tree doesn’t hold the children sum property, convert it
to a tree that holds the property.
/ \
/ \
7 2
/ \ /\
/ \ / \
3 5 1 30
Traverse given tree in post order to convert it, i.e., first change left and right
children to hold the children sum property then change the parent node.
Let difference between node’s data and children sum be diff.
diff = node’s children sum - node’s data
/ \
/ \
8 31
/ \ / \
/ \ / \
3 5 1 30
Now convert the root, we have to increment left subtree for converting the root.
/ \
/ \
19 31
/ \ / \
/ \ / \
14 5 1 30
Please note the last step – we have incremented 8 to 19, and to fix the subtree
we have incremented 3 to 14.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct node
int data;
struct node* left;
struct node* right;
/* get the diff of node's data and children sum */
diff = left_data + right_data - node->data;
/* now recur on right child */
return 0;
Time Complexity: O(nˆ2), Worst case complexity is for a skewed tree such
that nodes are in decreasing order from root to leaf.
Please write comments if you find any bug in the above algorithm or a better
way to solve the same problem.
Chapter 72
a ---> b
b ---> c
b ---> d
a ---> e
Print the tree that would form when each pair of these links that has the same
character as start and end point is joined together. You have to maintain fidelity
w.r.t. the height of nodes, i.e. nodes at height n from root should be printed at
same row or column. For set of links given above, tree printed should be –
| |-->c
| |-->d
Note that these links need not form a single tree; they could form, ahem, a
forest. Consider the following links
a ---> b
a ---> g
b ---> c
c ---> d
d ---> e
c ---> f
z ---> y
y ---> x
x ---> w
| |-->c
| | |-->d
| | | |-->e
| | |-->f
| |-->x
| | |-->w
You can assume that given links can form a tree or forest of trees only, and
there are no duplicates among links.
Solution: The idea is to maintain two arrays, one array for tree nodes and
other for trees themselves (we call this array forest). An element of the node
array contains the TreeNode object that corresponds to respective character. An
element of the forest array contains Tree object that corresponds to respective
root of tree.
It should be obvious that the crucial part is creating the forest here, once it
is created, printing it out in required format is straightforward. To create the
forest, following procedure is used –
If end of link is present in forest array, then remove it
from there.
4. Add an edge (in tree) between start and end nodes of link.
It should be clear that this procedure runs in linear time in number of nodes as
well as of links – it makes only one pass over the links. It also requires linear
space in terms of alphabet size.
Following is Java implementation of above algorithm. In the following imple-
mentation characters are assumed to be only lower case characters from ‘a’ to
// The main class that represents tree and has main method
public class Tree {
// Note that it may be removed later when this character is
// last character of a link. For example, let we first see
// a--->b, then c--->a. We first add 'a' to array of trees
// and when we see link c--->a, we remove it from trees array.
forest[start] = new Tree(nodes[start]);
// Constructor
public Tree(TreeNode root) { this.root = root; }
String [] links2 = {"a b", "a g", "b c", "c d", "d e", "c f",
"z y", "y x", "x w"};
System.out.println("------------ Forest 2 ----------------");
// Constructor
public TreeNode(char c) { this.c = c; this.children = new TreeNode[26];}
| |-->x
| | |-->w
In the above implementation, endpoints of input links are assumed to be from set
of only 26 characters. Extend the implementation where endpoints are strings
of any length.
This article is contributed by Ciphe. Please write comments if you find anything
incorrect, or you want to share more information about the topic discussed above
Chapter 73
Given a Binary Tree, find the deepest leaf node that is left child of its parent.
For example, consider the following tree. The deepest left leaf node is the node
with value 9.
/ \
2 3
/ / \
4 5 6
\ \
7 8
/ \
9 10
We strongly recommend you to minimize the browser and try this yourself first.
The idea is to recursively traverse the given binary tree and while traversing,
maintain “level” which will store the current node’s level in the tree. If current
node is left leaf, then check if its level is more than the level of deepest left
leaf seen so far. If level is more then update the result. If current node is not
leaf, then recursively find maximum depth in left and right subtrees, and return
maximum of the two depths. Thanks to Coder011for suggesting this approach.
// A C++ program to find the deepest left leaf in a given binary tree
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct Node
int val;
struct Node *left, *right;
// Update result if this node is left leaf and its level is more
// than the maxl level of the current result
if (isLeft && !root->left && !root->right && lvl > *maxlvl)
*resPtr = root;
*maxlvl = lvl;
int maxlevel = 0;
Node *result = NULL;
deepestLeftLeafUtil(root, 0, &maxlevel, false, &result);
return result;
return 0;
Time Complexity: The function does a simple traversal of the tree, so the
complexity is O(n).
This article is contributed by Abhay Rathi. Please write comments if you
find anything incorrect, or you want to share more information about the topic
discussed above
Category: Trees
Chapter 74
Double Tree
Write a program that converts a given tree to its Double tree. To create Double
tree of the given tree, create a new duplicate for each node, and insert the
duplicate as the left child of the original node.
So the tree…
/ \
1 3
is changed to…
/ \
2 3
/ /
1 3
/ \
2 3
/ \
4 5
is changed to
/ \
1 3
/ /
2 3
/ \
2 5
/ /
4 5
Recursively convert the tree to double tree in postorder fashion. For each node,
first convert the left subtree of the node, then right subtree, finally create a
duplicate node of the node and fix the left child of the node and left child of left
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct node* newNode(int data);
if (node==NULL) return;
/* do the subtrees */
/* Driver program to test above functions*/
int main()
return 0;
Category: Trees
Chapter 75
Expression Tree
Inorder traversal of expression tree produces infix version of given postfix ex-
pression (same with preorder traversal it gives prefix expression)
Evaluating the expression represented by expression tree:
c == '^')
return true;
return false;
// Pop two top nodes
t1 =; // Store top
st.pop(); // Remove top
t2 =;
return t;
infix expression is
a + b - e * f * g
Category: Trees
Chapter 76
Given a Binary Tree, extract all leaves of it in a Doubly Linked List (DLL).
Note that the DLL need to be created in-place. Assume that the node structure
of DLL and Binary Tree is same, only the meaning of left and right pointers are
different. In DLL, left means previous pointer and right means next pointer.
Doubly Linked List
Modified Tree:
/ \
2 3
/ \
4 6
We strongly recommend you to minimize the browser and try this yourself first.
We need to traverse all leaves and connect them by changing their left and right
pointers. We also need to remove them from Binary Tree by changing left or
right pointers in parent nodes. There can be many ways to solve this. In the
following implementation, we add leaves at the beginning of current linked list
and update head of the list using pointer to head pointer. Since we insert at
the beginning, we need to process leaves in reverse order. For reverse order, we
first traverse the right subtree then the left subtree. We use return values to
update left or right pointers in parent nodes.
// Main function which extracts all leaves from given Binary Tree.
// The function returns new root of Binary Tree (Note that root may change
// if Binary Tree has only one node). The function also sets *head_ref as
// head of doubly linked list. left pointer of tree is used as prev in DLL
// and right pointer is used as next
struct Node* extractLeafList(struct Node *root, struct Node **head_ref)
// Base cases
if (root == NULL) return NULL;
if (*head_ref != NULL) (*head_ref)->left = root;
return root;
int main()
struct Node *head = NULL;
struct Node *root = newNode(1);
root->left = newNode(2);
root->right = newNode(3);
root->left->left = newNode(4);
root->left->right = newNode(5);
root->right->right = newNode(6);
root->left->left->left = newNode(7);
root->left->left->right = newNode(8);
root->right->right->left = newNode(9);
root->right->right->right = newNode(10);
Time Complexity: O(n), the solution does a single traversal of given Binary
This article is contributed by Chandra Prakash. Please write comments if
you find anything incorrect, or you want to share more information about the
topic discussed above.
Category: Trees
Chapter 77
Input: {1, 1}
Output: ("aa", 'k")
[2 interpretations: aa(1, 1), k(11)]
Input: {1, 2, 1}
Output: ("aba", "au", "la")
[3 interpretations: aba(1,2,1), au(1,21), la(12,1)]
Input: {9, 1, 8}
Output: {"iah", "ir"}
[2 interpretations: iah(9,1,8), ir(9,18)]
Please note we cannot change order of array. That means {1,2,1} cannot become
On first look it looks like a problem of permutation/combination. But on closer
look you will figure out that this is an interesting tree problem.
The idea here is string can take at-most two paths:
1. Proces single digit
2. Process two digits
That means we can use binary tree here. Processing with single digit will be
left child and two digits will be right child. If value two digits is greater than
26 then our right child will be null as we don’t have alphabet for greater than
Let’s understand with an example .Array a = {1,2,1}. Below diagram shows
that how our tree grows.
Braces {} contain array still pending for processing. Note that with every level,
our array size decreases. If you will see carefully, it is not hard to find that tree
height is always n (array size)
How to print all strings (interpretations)? Output strings are leaf node of tree.
i.e for {1,2,1}, output is {aba au la}.
We can conclude that there are mainly two steps to print all interpretations of
given integer array.
Step 1: Create a binary tree with all possible interpretations in leaf nodes.
Step 2: Print all leaf nodes from the binary tree created in step 1.
Following is Java implementation of above algorithm.
String dataString;
Node left;
Node right;
Node(String dataString) {
this.dataString = dataString;
//Be default left and right child are null.
// left child
root.left = createTree(data, dataToStr, newArr);
root.right = createTree(data, dataToStr, newArr);
return root;
// For simplicity I am taking it as string array. Char Array will save space
private static final String[] alphabet = {"", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e",
"f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r",
"s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "v", "z"};
int[] arr2 = {1, 1, 1};
// bf(2,6) z(26)
int[] arr3 = {2, 6};
// ab(1,2), l(12)
int[] arr4 = {1, 2};
// a(1,0} j(10)
int[] arr5 = {1, 0};
1. What is the time complexity of this solution? [Hint : size of tree + finding
leaf nodes]
2. Can we store leaf nodes at the time of tree creation so that no need to run
loop again for leaf node fetching?
3. How can we reduce extra space?
This article is compiled by Varun Jain. Please write comments if you find
anything incorrect, or you want to share more information about the topic
discussed above
Category: Trees Tags: Facebook
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Chapter 78
Find the distance between two keys in a binary tree, no parent pointers are given.
Distance between two nodes is the minimum number of edges to be traversed
to reach one node from other.
'n1' and 'n2' are the two given keys
'root' is root of given Binary Tree.
'lca' is lowest common ancestor of n1 and n2
Dist(n1, n2) is the distance between n1 and n2.
// This function returns pointer to LCA of two given values n1 and n2.
// It also sets d1, d2 and dist if one key is not ancestor of other
// d1 --> To store distance of n1 from root
// d2 --> To store distance of n2 from root
// lvl --> Level (or distance from root) of current node
// dist --> To store distance between n1 and n2
Node *findDistUtil(Node* root, int n1, int n2, int &d1, int &d2,
int &dist, int lvl)
// Base case
if (root == NULL) return NULL;
// This function returns -1 if either n1 or n2 is not present in
// Binary Tree.
int findDistance(Node *root, int n1, int n2)
// Initialize d1 (distance of n1 from root), d2 (distance of n2
// from root) and dist(distance between n1 and n2)
int d1 = -1, d2 = -1, dist;
Node *lca = findDistUtil(root, n1, n2, d1, d2, dist, 1);
return -1;
cout << "\nDist(3, 4) = " << findDistance(root, 3, 4);
cout << "\nDist(2, 4) = " << findDistance(root, 2, 4);
cout << "\nDist(8, 5) = " << findDistance(root, 8, 5);
return 0;
Dist(4, 5) = 2
Dist(4, 6) = 4
Dist(3, 4) = 3
Dist(2, 4) = 1
Dist(8, 5) = 5
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Chapter 79
Given a Binary tree and a key in the binary tree, find the node right to the
given key. If there is no node on right side, then return NULL. Expected time
complexity is O(n) where n is the number of nodes in the given binary tree.
For example, consider the following Binary Tree. Output for 2 is 6, output for
4 is 5. Output for 10, 6 and 5 is NULL.
/ \
2 6
/ \ \
8 4 5
// A Binary Tree Node
struct node
struct node *left, *right;
int key;
// Standard BFS steps: enqueue children of this node
if (node->left != NULL)
if (node->right != NULL)
root->left->right = newNode(4);
test(root, 10);
test(root, 2);
test(root, 6);
test(root, 5);
test(root, 8);
test(root, 4);
return 0;
Time Complexity: The above code is a simple BFS traversal code which
visits every enqueue and dequeues a node at most once. Therefore, the time
complexity is O(n) where n is the number of nodes in the given binary tree.
Exercise: Write a function to find left node of a given node. If there is no node
on the left side, then return NULL.
Please write comments if you find anything incorrect, or you want to share more
information about the topic discussed above
Category: Trees
Chapter 80
Given a Binary Tree, find sum of all left leaves in it. For example, sum of all
left leaves in below Binary Tree is 5+23+50 = 78.
// A C++ program to find sum of all left leaves
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
res += root->left->key;
else // Else recur for left child of root
res += leftLeavesSum(root->left);
// return result
return res;
// A C++ program to find sum of all left leaves
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
return sum;
/* Driver program to test above functions*/
int main()
// Let us construct the Binary Tree shown in the
// above figure
int sum = 0;
struct Node *root = newNode(20);
root->left = newNode(9);
root->right = newNode(49);
root->right->left = newNode(23);
root->right->right = newNode(52);
root->right->right->left = newNode(50);
root->left->left = newNode(5);
root->left->right = newNode(12);
root->left->right->right = newNode(12);
cout << "Sum of left leaves is " << leftLeavesSum(root) << endl;
return 0;
This article is contributed by Manish. Please write comments if you find any-
thing incorrect, or you want to share more information about the topic discussed
Category: Trees
Chapter 81
Given a binary tree in which each node element contains a number. Find the
maximum possible sum from one leaf node to another.
The maximum sum path may or may not go through root. For example, in
the following binary tree, the maximum sum is 27(3 + 6 + 9 + 0 – 1 + 10).
Expected time complexity is O(n).
If one side of root is empty, then function should return minus infinite
(INT_MIN in case of C/C++)
A simple solution is to traverse the tree and do following for every traversed
node X.
1) Find maximum sum from leaf to root in left subtree of X (we can use this
post for this and next steps)
2) Find maximum sum from leaf to root in right subtree of X.
3) Add the above two calculated values and X->data and compare the sum with
the maximum value obtained so far and update the maximum value.
4) Return the maximum value.
The time complexity of above solution is O(n2 )
We can find the maximum sum using single traversal of binary tree.
The idea is to maintain two values in recursive calls
1) Maximum root to leaf path sum for the subtree rooted under current node.
2) The maximum path sum between leaves (desired output).
For every visited node X, we find the maximum root to leaf sum in left and
right subtrees of X. We add the two values with X->data, and compare the sum
with maximum path sum found so far.
Following is C++ implementation of the above O(n) solution.
using namespace std;
// Return maxium possible value for root being
// on one side
return max(ls, rs) + root->data;
Max pathSum of the given binary tree is 27.
Category: Trees
Chapter 82
Question: Given a binary tree, find out if the tree can be folded or not.
A tree can be folded if left and right subtrees of the tree are structure wise
mirror image of each other. An empty tree is considered as foldable.
/ \
7 15
\ /
9 11
/ \
7 15
/ \
9 11
/ \
7 15
/ /
5 11
/ \
7 15
/ \ /
9 10 12
int data;
struct node* left;
struct node* right;
/* base case */
if(root == NULL)
return true;
return res;
return false;
/* Change a tree so that the roles of the left and
right pointers are swapped at every node.
See for details */
void mirror(struct node* node)
if (node==NULL)
struct node* temp;
/* do the subtrees */
\ /
4 5
struct node *root = newNode(1);
root->left = newNode(2);
root->right = newNode(3);
root->right->left = newNode(4);
root->left->right = newNode(5);
if(isFoldable(root) == 1)
{ printf("\n tree is foldable"); }
{ printf("\n tree is not foldable"); }
return 0;
1) If tree is empty then return true
2) Else check if left and right subtrees are structure wise mirrors of
each other. Use utility function IsFoldableUtil(root->left,
root->right) for this.
IsFoldableUtil(n1, n2)
1) If both trees are empty then return true.
2) If one of them is empty and other is not then return false.
3) Return true if following conditions are met
a) n1->left is mirror of n2->right
b) n1->right is mirror of n2->left
/* Otherwise check if left and right subtrees are mirrors of
their counterparts */
return IsFoldableUtil(n1->left, n2->right) &&
IsFoldableUtil(n1->right, n2->left);
/* Helper function that allocates a new node with the
given data and NULL left and right pointers. */
struct node* newNode(int data)
struct node* node = (struct node*)
malloc(sizeof(struct node));
node->data = data;
node->left = NULL;
node->right = NULL;
if(IsFoldable(root) == true)
{ printf("\n tree is foldable"); }
{ printf("\n tree is not foldable"); }
return 0;
Thanks to Dzmitry Huba for suggesting this approach.
Please write comments if you find the above code/algorithm incorrect, or find
other ways to solve the same problem.
Category: Trees
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Chapter 83
Given a Binary Tree and a key, write a function that returns level of the key.
For example, consider the following tree. If the input key is 3, then your function
should return 1. If the input key is 4, then your function should return 3. And
for key which is not present in key, then your function should return 0.
/* A tree node structure */
struct node
int data;
struct node *left;
struct node *right;
if (node->data == data)
return level;
return temp;
struct node *root = new struct node;
int x;
return 0;
Level of 1 is 3
Level of 2 is 2
Level of 3 is 1
Level of 4 is 3
Level of 5 is 2
Time Complexity: O(n) where n is the number of nodes in the given Binary
Please write comments if you find anything incorrect, or you want to share more
information about the topic discussed above.
Category: Trees
Chapter 84
Given A binary Tree, how do you remove all the half nodes (which has only one
child)? Note leaves should not be touched as they have both children as NULL.
Nodes 7, 5 and 9 are half nodes as one of their child is Null. We need to remove
all such half nodes and return the root pointer of following new tree.
We strongly recommend to minimize your browser and try this your-
self first.
The idea is to use post-order traversal to solve this problem efficiently. We first
process the left children, then right children, and finally the node itself. So we
form the new tree bottom up, starting from the leaves towards the root. By the
time we process the current node, both its left and right subtrees were already
processed. Below is C implementation of this idea.
struct node
int data;
struct node* left, *right;
root->left = RemoveHalfNodes(root->left);
root->right = RemoveHalfNodes(root->right);
return root;
// Driver program
int main(void)
struct node*NewRoot=NULL;
struct node *root = newNode(2);
root->left = newNode(7);
root->right = newNode(5);
root->left->right = newNode(6);
NewRoot = RemoveHalfNodes(root);
Category: Trees
Chapter 85
Dynamic Programming |
Set 26 (Largest
Independent Set Problem)
Given a Binary Tree, find size of the Largest Independent Set(LIS) in it. A
subset of all tree nodes is an independent set if there is no edge between any
two nodes of the subset.
For example, consider the following binary tree. The largest independent
set(LIS) is {10, 40, 60, 70, 80} and size of the LIS is 5.
A Dynamic Programming solution solves a given problem using solutions of
subproblems in bottom up manner. Can the given problem be solved using
solutions to subproblems? If yes, then what are the subproblems? Can we
find largest independent set size (LISS) for a node X if we know LISS for all
descendants of X? If a node is considered as part of LIS, then its children cannot
be part of LIS, but its grandchildren can be. Following is optimal substructure
1) Optimal Substructure:
Let LISS(X) indicates size of largest independent set of a tree with root X.
The idea is simple, there are two possibilities for every node X, either X is a
member of the set or not a member. If X is a member, then the value of LISS(X)
is 1 plus LISS of all grandchildren. If X is not a member, then the value is sum
of LISS of all children.
2) Overlapping Subproblems
Following is recursive implementation that simply follows the recursive structure
mentioned above.
// A naive recursive implementation of Largest Independent Set problem
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
/* A binary tree node has data, pointer to left child and a pointer to
right child */
struct node
int data;
struct node *left, *right;
// Driver program to test above functions
int main()
// Let us construct the tree given in the above diagram
struct node *root = newNode(20);
root->left = newNode(8);
root->left->left = newNode(4);
root->left->right = newNode(12);
root->left->right->left = newNode(10);
root->left->right->right = newNode(14);
root->right = newNode(22);
root->right->right = newNode(25);
return 0;
// A utility function to find max of two integers
int max(int x, int y) { return (x > y)? x: y; }
/* A binary tree node has data, pointer to left child and a pointer to
right child */
struct node
int data;
int liss;
struct node *left, *right;
if (root->liss)
return root->liss;
return root->liss;
temp->data = data;
temp->left = temp->right = NULL;
temp->liss = 0;
return temp;
return 0;
Time Complexity: O(n) where n is the number of nodes in given Binary tree.
Following extensions to above solution can be tried as an exercise.
1) Extend the above solution for n-ary tree.
2) The above solution modifies the given tree structure by adding an additional
field ‘liss’ to tree nodes. Extend the solution so that it doesn’t modify the tree
3) The above solution only returns size of LIS, it doesn’t print elements of LIS.
Extend the solution to print all nodes that are part of LIS.
Please write comments if you find anything incorrect, or you want to share more
information about the topic discussed above.
Chapter 86
A complete binary tree is a binary tree where each level ‘l’ except the last has
2ˆl nodes and the nodes at the last level are all left aligned. Complete binary
trees are mainly used in heap based data structures.
The nodes in the complete binary tree are inserted from left to right in one level
at a time. If a level is full, the node is inserted in a new level.
Below are some of the complete binary trees.
/ \
2 3
/ \
2 3
/ \ /
4 5 6
/ \
2 3
/ /
4 5
/ \
2 3
/ \ /
4 5 6
Complete binary trees are generally represented using arrays. The array rep-
resentation is better because it doesn’t contain any empty slot. Given parent
index i, its left child is given by 2 * i + 1 and its right child is given by 2 * i + 2.
So no extra space is wasted and space to store left and right pointers is saved.
However, it may be an interesting programming question to created a Complete
Binary Tree using linked representation. Here Linked mean a non-array repre-
sentation where left and right pointers(or references) are used to refer left and
right children respectively. How to write an insert function that always adds a
new node in the last level and at the leftmost available position?
To create a linked complete binary tree, we need to keep track of the nodes in
a level order fashion such that the next node to be inserted lies in the leftmost
position. A queue data structure can be used to keep track of the inserted nodes.
Following are steps to insert a new node in Complete Binary Tree.
1. If the tree is empty, initialize the root with new node.
2. Else, get the front node of the queue.
…….If the left child of this front node doesn’t exist, set the left child as the new
…….else if the right child of this front node doesn’t exist, set the right child as
the new node.
3. If the front node has both the left child and right child, Dequeue() it.
4. Enqueue() the new node.
Below is the implementation:
// A tree node
struct node
int data;
struct node *right,*left;
// A queue node
struct Queue
int front, rear;
int size;
struct node* *array;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < size; ++i)
queue->array[i] = NULL;
return queue;
queue->array[++queue->rear] = root;
if (isEmpty(queue))
if (hasOnlyOneItem(queue))
queue->front = queue->rear = -1;
return temp;
// A utility function to check if a tree node has both left and right children
int hasBothChild(struct node* temp)
return temp && temp->left && temp->right;
// Create a new node for given data
struct node *temp = newNode(data);
// get the front node of the queue.
struct node* front = getFront(queue);
// If the left child of this front node doesn’t exist, set the
// left child as the new node
if (!front->left)
front->left = temp;
// If the right child of this front node doesn’t exist, set the
// right child as the new node
else if (!front->right)
front->right = temp;
// If the front node has both the left child and right child,
// Dequeue() it.
if (hasBothChild(front))
Enqueue(root, queue);
while (!isEmpty(queue))
struct node* temp = Dequeue(queue);
if (temp->left)
Enqueue(temp->left, queue);
if (temp->right)
Enqueue(temp->right, queue);
return 0;
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Chapter 87
Given a binary tree (not a binary search tree) and two values say n1 and n2,
write a program to find the least common ancestor.
Following is definition of LCA from Wikipedia:
Let T be a rooted tree. The lowest common ancestor between two nodes n1 and
n2 is defined as the lowest node in T that has both n1 and n2 as descendants
(where we allow a node to be a descendant of itself).
The LCA of n1 and n2 in T is the shared ancestor of n1 and n2 that is located
farthest from the root. Computation of lowest common ancestors may be useful,
for instance, as part of a procedure for determining the distance between pairs
of nodes in a tree: the distance from n1 to n2 can be computed as the distance
from the root to n1, plus the distance from the root to n2, minus twice the
distance from the root to their lowest common ancestor. (Source Wiki)
Binary Search Tree, using BST properties, we can find LCA in O(h) time where
h is height of tree. Such an implementation is not possible in Binary Tree as keys
Binary Tree nodes don’t follow any order. Following are different approaches to
find LCA in Binary Tree.
Method 1 (By Storing root to n1 and root to n2 paths):
Following is simple O(n) algorithm to find LCA of n1 and n2.
1) Find path from root to n1 and store it in a vector or array.
2) Find path from root to n2 and store it in another vector or array.
3) Traverse both paths till the values in arrays are same. Return the common
element just before the mismatch.
Following is C++ implementation of above algorithm.
// Utility function creates a new binary tree node with given key
Node * newNode(int k)
Node *temp = new Node;
temp->key = k;
temp->left = temp->right = NULL;
return temp;
// Finds the path from root node to given root of the tree, Stores the
// path in a vector path[], returns true if path exists otherwise false
bool findPath(Node *root, vector<int> &path, int k)
// base case
if (root == NULL) return false;
// See if the k is same as root's key
if (root->key == k)
return true;
// Returns LCA if node n1, n2 are present in the given binary tree,
// otherwise return -1
int findLCA(Node *root, int n1, int n2)
// to store paths to n1 and n2 from the root
vector<int> path1, path2;
cout << "LCA(4, 5) = " << findLCA(root, 4, 5);
cout << "\nLCA(4, 6) = " << findLCA(root, 4, 6);
cout << "\nLCA(3, 4) = " << findLCA(root, 3, 4);
cout << "\nLCA(2, 4) = " << findLCA(root, 2, 4);
return 0;
LCA(4, 5) = 2
LCA(4, 6) = 1
LCA(3, 4) = 1
LCA(2, 4) = 2
Time Complexity: Time complexity of the above solution is O(n). The tree
is traversed twice, and then path arrays are compared.
Thanks to Ravi Chandra Enaganti for suggesting the initial solution based on
this method.
Method 2 (Using Single Traversal)
The method 1 finds LCA in O(n) time, but requires three tree traversals plus
extra spaces for path arrays. If we assume that the keys n1 and n2 are present in
Binary Tree, we can find LCA using single traversal of Binary Tree and without
extra storage for path arrays.
The idea is to traverse the tree starting from root. If any of the given keys
(n1 and n2) matches with root, then root is LCA (assuming that both keys are
present). If root doesn’t match with any of the keys, we recur for left and right
subtree. The node which has one key present in its left subtree and the other
key present in right subtree is the LCA. If both keys lie in left subtree, then left
subtree has LCA also, otherwise LCA lies in right subtree.
// Utility function to create a new tree Node
Node* newNode(int key)
Node *temp = new Node;
temp->key = key;
temp->left = temp->right = NULL;
return temp;
// This function returns pointer to LCA of two given values n1 and n2.
// This function assumes that n1 and n2 are present in Binary Tree
struct Node *findLCA(struct Node* root, int n1, int n2)
// Base case
if (root == NULL) return NULL;
root->right->right = newNode(7);
cout << "LCA(4, 5) = " << findLCA(root, 4, 5)->key;
cout << "\nLCA(4, 6) = " << findLCA(root, 4, 6)->key;
cout << "\nLCA(3, 4) = " << findLCA(root, 3, 4)->key;
cout << "\nLCA(2, 4) = " << findLCA(root, 2, 4)->key;
return 0;
LCA(4, 5) = 2
LCA(4, 6) = 1
LCA(3, 4) = 1
LCA(2, 4) = 2
temp->key = key;
temp->left = temp->right = NULL;
return temp;
// This function returns pointer to LCA of two given values n1 and n2.
// v1 is set as true by this function if n1 is found
// v2 is set as true by this function if n2 is found
struct Node *findLCAUtil(struct Node* root, int n1, int n2, bool &v1, bool &v2)
// Base case
if (root == NULL) return NULL;
// If key is present at root, or in left subtree or right subtree,
// return true;
if (root->key == k || find(root->left, k) || find(root->right, k))
return true;
// This function returns LCA of n1 and n2 only if both n1 and n2 are present
// in tree, otherwise returns NULL;
Node *findLCA(Node *root, int n1, int n2)
// Initialize n1 and n2 as not visited
bool v1 = false, v2 = false;
if (lca != NULL)
cout << "\nLCA(4, 10) = " << lca->key;
cout << "\nKeys are not present ";
return 0;
LCA(4, 5) = 2
Keys are not present
Category: Trees
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Chapter 88
Given a Binary Tree and a key, write a function that prints all the ancestors of
the key in the given binary tree.
For example, if the given tree is following Binary Tree and key is 7, then your
function should print 4, 2 and 1.
/ \
2 3
/ \
4 5
/* A binary tree node has data, pointer to left child
and a pointer to right child */
struct node
int data;
struct node* left;
struct node* right;
if (root->data == target)
return true;
/* Driver program to test above functions*/
int main()
printAncestors(root, 7);
return 0;
Time Complexity: O(n) where n is the number of nodes in the given Binary
Please write comments if you find anything incorrect, or you want to share more
information about the topic discussed above.
Category: Trees
Chapter 89
Given a Binary Tree and a key, write a function that prints all the ancestors of
the key in the given binary tree.
For example, consider the following Binary Tree
/ \
2 3
/ \ / \
4 5 6 7
/ \ /
8 9 10
Following are different input keys and their ancestors in the above tree
5 2 1
6 3 1
7 3 1
8 4 2 1
9 5 2 1
10 7 3 1
struct Node* node = (struct Node*) malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
node->data = data;
node->left = node->right = NULL;
return node;
void printAncestors(struct Node *root, int key)
if (root == NULL) return;
// Traverse the complete tree in postorder way till we find the key
while (1)
// Traverse the left side. While traversing, push the nodes into
// the stack so that their right subtrees can be traversed later
while (root && root->data != key)
push(stack, root); // push current node
root = root->left; // move to next node
// If the popped node is right child of top, then remove the top
// as well. Left child of the top must have processed before.
// Consider the following tree for example and key = 3. If we
// remove the following loop, the program will go in an
// infinite loop after reaching 5.
// 1
// / \
// 2 3
// \
// 4
// \
// 5
while (!isEmpty(stack) && peek(stack)->right == root)
root = pop(stack);
// if stack is not empty then simply set the root as right child
// of top and start traversing right sub-tree.
root = isEmpty(stack)? NULL: peek(stack)->right;
return 0;
3: 1
4: 2 1
5: 2 1
6: 3 1
7: 3 1
8: 4 2 1
9: 5 2 1
10: 7 3 1
Note that the above solution assumes that the given key is present in the given
Binary Tree. It may go in infinite loop if key is not present. Extend the above
solution to work even when the key is not present in tree.
This article is contrubuted byChandra Prakash. Please write comments if
you find anything incorrect, or you want to share more information about the
topic discussed above.
Category: Trees Tags: stack, StackAndQueue
Chapter 90
Given a very large n-ary tree. Where the root node has some information which
it wants to pass to all of its children down to the leaves with the constraint that
it can only pass the information to one of its children at a time (take it as one
Now in the next iteration the child node can transfer that information to only
one of its children and at the same time instance the child’s parent i.e. root
can pass the info to one of its remaining children. Continuing in this way we
have to find the minimum no of iterations required to pass the information to
all nodes in the tree.
Minimum no of iterations for tree below is 6. The root A first passes information
to B. In next iteration, A passes information to E and B passes information to
H and so on.
We strongly recommend to minimize the browser and try this yourself
This can be done using Post Order Traversal. The idea is to consider height
and children count on each and every node.
If a child node i takes ci iterations to pass info below its subtree, then its parent
will take (ci + 1) iterations to pass info to subtree rooted at that child i.
If parent has more children, it will pass info to them in subsequent iterations.
Let’s say children of a parent takes c1, c2, c3, c4, …, cn iterations to pass info in
their own subtree, Now parent has to pass info to these n children one by one
in n iterations. If parent picks child i in ith iteration, then parent will take (i +
ci) iterations to pass info to child i and all it’s subtree.
In any iteration, when parent passes info a child i+1, children (1 to i) which got
info from parent already in previous iterations, will pass info to further down in
subsequent iterations, if any child (1 to i) has its own child further down.
To pass info to whole tree in minimum iterations, it needs to be made sure that
bandwidth is utilized as efficiently as possible (i.e. maximum passable no of
nodes should pass info further down in any iteration)
The best possible scenario would be that in nth iteration, n different nodes pass
info to their child.
Nodes with height = 0: (Trivial case) Leaf node has no children (no infor-
mation passing needed), so no of iterations would be ZERO.
Nodes with height = 1: Here node has to pass info to all the children one by
one (all children are leaf node, so no more information passing further down).
Since all children are leaf, node can pass info to any child in any order (pick
any child who didn’t receive the info yet). One iteration needed for each child
and so no of iterations would be no of children.So node with height 1 with n
children will take n iterations.
Take a counter initialized with ZERO, loop through all children and keep incre-
menting counter.
Nodes with height > 1: Let’s assume that there are n children (1 to n) of a
node and minimum no iterations for all n children are c1, c2, …., cn.
To make sure maximum no of nodes participate in info passing in any iteration,
parent should 1st pass info to that child who will take maximum iteration to pass
info further down in subsequent iterations. i.e. in any iteration, parent should
choose the child who takes maximum iteration later on. It can be thought of as
a greedy approach where parent choose that child 1st, who needs maximum no
of iterations so that all subsequent iterations can be utilized efficiently.
If parent goes in any other fashion, then in the end, there could be some nodes
which are done quite early, sitting idle and so bandwidth is not utilized effi-
ciently in further iterations.
If there are two children i and j with minimum iterations ci and cj where ci >
cj, then If parent picks child j 1st then no of iterations needed by parent to pass
info to both children and their subtree would be:max (1 + cj, 2 + ci) = 2 + ci
If parent picks child i 1st then no of iterations needed by parent to pass info
to both children and their subtree would be: max(1 + ci, 2 + cj) = 1 + ci (So
picking ci gives better result than picking cj)
This tells that parent should always choose child i with max ci value in any
SO here greedy approach is:
sort all ci values decreasing order,
let’s say after sorting, values are c1 > c2 > c3 > …. > cn
take a counter c, set c = 1 + c1 (for child with maximum no of iterations)
for all children i from 2 to n, c = c + 1 + ci
then total no of iterations needed by parent is max(n, c)
Let minItr(A) be the minimum iteration needed to pass info from node A to
it’s all the sub-tree. Let child(A) be the count of all children for node A. So
recursive relation would be:
Following is C++ implementation of above idea.
NAryTree::NAryTree(int N)
this->N = N;
adj = new list<int>[N];
// To add a child w to v
void NAryTree::addChild(int v, int w)
adj[v].push_back(w); // Add w to v’s list.
int *minItr = new int[N];
int res = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
minItr[i] = 0;
tree1.addChild(1, 7);
tree1.addChild(1, 8);
tree1.addChild(1, 9);
tree1.addChild(4, 10);
tree1.addChild(4, 11);
tree1.addChild(6, 12);
tree1.addChild(7, 13);
tree1.addChild(7, 14);
tree1.addChild(10, 15);
tree1.addChild(11, 16);
// TestCase 2
NAryTree tree2(3);
tree2.addChild(0, 1);
tree2.addChild(0, 2);
cout << "TestCase 2 - Minimum Iteration: "
<< tree2.getMinIter() << endl;
// TestCase 3
NAryTree tree3(1);
cout << "TestCase 3 - Minimum Iteration: "
<< tree3.getMinIter() << endl;
// TestCase 4
NAryTree tree4(6);
tree4.addChild(0, 1);
tree4.addChild(1, 2);
tree4.addChild(2, 3);
tree4.addChild(3, 4);
tree4.addChild(4, 5);
cout << "TestCase 4 - Minimum Iteration: "
<< tree4.getMinIter() << endl;
// TestCase 5
NAryTree tree5(6);
tree5.addChild(0, 1);
tree5.addChild(0, 2);
tree5.addChild(2, 3);
tree5.addChild(2, 4);
tree5.addChild(2, 5);
cout << "TestCase 5 - Minimum Iteration: "
<< tree5.getMinIter() << endl;
// TestCase 6
NAryTree tree6(6);
tree6.addChild(0, 1);
tree6.addChild(0, 2);
tree6.addChild(2, 3);
tree6.addChild(2, 4);
tree6.addChild(3, 5);
cout << "TestCase 6 - Minimum Iteration: "
<< tree6.getMinIter() << endl;
// TestCase 7
NAryTree tree7(14);
tree7.addChild(0, 1);
tree7.addChild(0, 2);
tree7.addChild(0, 3);
tree7.addChild(1, 4);
tree7.addChild(2, 5);
tree7.addChild(2, 6);
tree7.addChild(4, 7);
tree7.addChild(5, 8);
tree7.addChild(5, 9);
tree7.addChild(7, 10);
tree7.addChild(8, 11);
tree7.addChild(8, 12);
tree7.addChild(10, 13);
cout << "TestCase 7 - Minimum Iteration: "
<< tree7.getMinIter() << endl;
// TestCase 8
NAryTree tree8(14);
tree8.addChild(0, 1);
tree8.addChild(0, 2);
tree8.addChild(0, 3);
tree8.addChild(0, 4);
tree8.addChild(0, 5);
tree8.addChild(1, 6);
tree8.addChild(2, 7);
tree8.addChild(3, 8);
tree8.addChild(4, 9);
tree8.addChild(6, 10);
tree8.addChild(7, 11);
tree8.addChild(8, 12);
tree8.addChild(9, 13);
cout << "TestCase 8 - Minimum Iteration: "
<< tree8.getMinIter() << endl;
// TestCase 9
NAryTree tree9(25);
tree9.addChild(0, 1);
tree9.addChild(0, 2);
tree9.addChild(0, 3);
tree9.addChild(0, 4);
tree9.addChild(0, 5);
tree9.addChild(0, 6);
tree9.addChild(1, 7);
tree9.addChild(2, 8);
tree9.addChild(3, 9);
tree9.addChild(4, 10);
tree9.addChild(5, 11);
tree9.addChild(6, 12);
tree9.addChild(7, 13);
tree9.addChild(8, 14);
tree9.addChild(9, 15);
tree9.addChild(10, 16);
tree9.addChild(11, 17);
tree9.addChild(12, 18);
tree9.addChild(13, 19);
tree9.addChild(14, 20);
tree9.addChild(15, 21);
tree9.addChild(16, 22);
tree9.addChild(17, 23);
tree9.addChild(19, 24);
return 0;
Category: Trees
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Chapter 91
Given a Tree where every node contains variable number of children, convert
the tree to its mirror. Below diagram shows an example.
// Represents a node of an n-ary tree
struct Node
int key;
vector<Node *>child;
// Create a queue and enqueue root to it
queue<Node *>q;
// Driver program
int main()
/* Let us create below tree
* 10
* / / \ \
* 2 34 56 100
* | / | \
* 1 7 8 9
Node *root = newNode(10);
cout << "Level order traversal Before Mirroring\n";
return 0;
Category: Trees
Chapter 92
Given a Binary Tree where each node has following structure, write a function
to populate next pointer for all nodes. The next pointer for every node should
be set to point to inorder successor.
struct node
int data;
struct node* left;
struct node* right;
struct node* next;
Initially, all next pointers have NULL values. Your function should fill these
next pointers so that they point to inorder successor.
Solution (Use Reverse Inorder Traversal)
Traverse the given tree in reverse inorder traversal and keep track of previously
visited node. When a node is being visited, assign previously visited node as
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct node
int data;
struct node *left;
struct node *right;
struct node *next;
if (p)
// First set the next pointer in right subtree
/* Helper function that allocates a new node with the
given data and NULL left and right pointers. */
struct node* newnode(int data)
struct node* node = (struct node*)
malloc(sizeof(struct node));
node->data = data;
node->left = NULL;
node->right = NULL;
node->next = NULL;
/* Driver program to test above functions*/
int main()
return 0;
We can avoid the use of static variable by passing reference to next as paramater.
populateNextRecur(root, &next);
Category: Trees
Chapter 93
Given a binary tree, a target node in the binary tree, and an integer value k,
print all the nodes that are at distance k from the given target node. No parent
pointers are available.
Consider the tree shown in diagram
is 8 and k is 2, then such nodes are 10 and 14.
2) Other nodes, may be an ancestor of target, or a node in some other subtree.
For target node 8 and k is 2, the node 22 comes in this category.
Finding the first type of nodes is easy to implement. Just traverse subtrees
rooted with the target node and decrement k in recursive call. When the k
becomes 0, print the node currently being traversed (See thisfor more details).
Here we call the function as printkdistanceNodeDown().
How to find nodes of second type? For the output nodes not lying in the subtree
with the target node as the root, we must go through all ancestors. For every
ancestor, we find its distance from target node, let the distance be d, now we
go to other subtree (if target was found in left subtree, then we go to right
subtree and vice versa) of the ancestor and find all nodes at k-d distance from
the ancestor.
Following is C++ implementation of the above approach.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// Prints all nodes at distance k from a given target node.
// The k distant nodes may be upward or downward. This function
// Returns distance of root from target node, it returns -1 if target
// node is not present in tree rooted with root.
int printkdistanceNode(node* root, node* target , int k)
// Base Case 1: If tree is empty, return -1
if (root == NULL) return -1;
printkdistanceNodeDown(root->left, k-dr-2);
return 1 + dr;
Time Complexity: At first look the time complexity looks more than O(n), but
if we take a closer look, we can observe that no node is traversed more than
twice. Therefore the time complexity is O(n).
This article is contributed by Prasant Kumar. Please write comments if you
find anything incorrect, or you want to share more information about the topic
discussed above
Chapter 94
Given a Binary Tree and a positive integer k, print all nodes that are distance
k from a leaf node.
Here the meaning of distance is different from previous post. Here k distance
from a leaf means k levels higher than a leaf node. For example if k is more
than height of Binary Tree, then nothing should be printed. Expected time
complexity is O(n) where n is the number nodes in the given Binary Tree.
to keep track of nodes that are already printed as output. For that we use a
boolean array visited[].
struct Node
int key;
Node *left, *right;
/* This function prints all nodes that are distance k from a leaf node
path[] --> Store ancestors of a node
visited[] --> Stores true if a node is printed as output. A node may be k
distance away from many leaves, we want to print it once */
void kDistantFromLeafUtil(Node* node, int path[], bool visited[],
int pathLen, int k)
// Base case
if (node==NULL) return;
/* Given a binary tree and a nuber k, print all nodes that are k
distant from a leaf*/
void printKDistantfromLeaf(Node* node, int k)
int path[MAX_HEIGHT];
bool visited[MAX_HEIGHT] = {false};
kDistantFromLeafUtil(node, path, visited, 0, k);
return 0;
Time Complexity: Time Complexity of above code is O(n) as the code does a
simple tree traversal.
Please write comments if you find anything incorrect, or you want to share more
information about the topic discussed above
Category: Trees
Chapter 95
Given a Binary Tree, print all nodes that don’t have a sibling (a sibling is a
node that has same parent. In a Binary Tree, there can be at most one sibling).
Root should not be printed as root cannot have a sibling.
For example, the output should be “4 5 6� for the following tree.
both children, then recur for both the children.
// If right child is NULL and left is not, print left child
// and recur for left child
else if (root->left != NULL)
cout << root->left->key << " ";
4 5 6
Time Complexity of above code is O(n) as the code does a simple tree traversal.
This article is compiled by Aman Gupta. Please write comments if you find
anything incorrect, or you want to share more information about the topic
discussed above
Category: Trees
Chapter 96
Given a root of a tree, and an integer k. Print all the nodes which are at k
distance from root.
For example, in the below tree, 4, 5 & 8 are at distance 2 from root.
/ \
2 3
/ \ /
4 5 8
The problem can be solved using recursion. Thanks to eldho for suggesting the
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct node* right;
root->left->left = newNode(4);
root->left->right = newNode(5);
root->right->left = newNode(8);
printKDistant(root, 2);
return 0;
Category: Trees
Chapter 97
Given a binary tree and two level numbers ‘low’ and ‘high’, print nodes from
level low to level high.
8 22
4 12
10 14
A Simple Method is to first write a recursive function that prints nodes of
a given level number. Then call recursive function in a loop from low to high.
Time complexity of this method is O(n2 )
We can print nodes in O(n) time using queue based iterative level order traver-
sal. The idea is to do simple queue based level order traversal. While doing
inorder traversal, add a marker node at the end. Whenever we see a marker
node, we increase level number. If level number is between low and high, then
print nodes.
The following is C++ implementation of above idea.
// A C++ program to print Nodes level by level berween given two levels.
#include <iostream>
#include <queue>
using namespace std;
/* A binary tree Node has key, pointer to left and right children */
struct Node
int key;
struct Node* left, *right;
/* Given a binary tree, print nodes from level number 'low' to level
number 'high'*/
void printLevels(Node* root, int low, int high)
queue <Node *> Q;
// Enqueue the only first level node and marker node for end of level
cout << "Level Order traversal between given two levels is";
printLevels(root, 2, 3);
return 0;
Time complexity of above method is O(n) as it does a simple level order traver-
This article is contributed by Frank. Please write comments if you find anything
incorrect, or you want to share more information about the topic discussed above
Category: Trees
Chapter 98
Given a binary tree, a complete path is defined as a path from root to a leaf.
The sum of all nodes on that path is defined as the sum of that path. Given a
number K, you have to remove (prune the tree) all nodes which don’t lie in any
path with sum>=k.
Note: A node can be part of multiple paths. So we have to delete it only in case
when all paths from it have sum less than K.
/ \
2 3
/ \ \
4 5 7
\ / /
9 12 10
/ \ \
13 14 11
We strongly recommend you to minimize the browser and try this yourself first.
The idea is to traverse the tree and delete nodes in bottom up manner. While
traversing the tree, recursively calculate the sum of nodes from root to leaf node
of each path. For each visited node, checks the total calculated sum against
given sum “k”. If sum is less than k, then free(delete) that node (leaf node) and
return the sum back to the previous node. Since the path is from root to leaf
and nodes are deleted in bottom up manner, a node is deleted only when all of
its descendants are deleted. Therefore, when a node is deleted, it must be a leaf
in the current Binary Tree.
Following is C implementation of the above approach.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int max(int l, int r) { return (l > r ? l : r); }
// A utility function to create a new Binary Tree node with given data
struct Node* newNode(int data)
struct Node* node = (struct Node*) malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
node->data = data;
node->left = node->right = NULL;
return node;
// If maximum is smaller than k, then this node
// must be deleted
if (*sum < k)
root = NULL;
return root;
return 0;
Time Complexity: O(n), the solution does a single traversal of given Binary
A Simpler Solution:
The above code can be simplified using the fact that nodes are deleted in bottom
up manner. The idea is to keep reducing the sum when traversing down. When
we reach a leaf and sum is greater than the leaf’s data, then we delete the leaf.
Note that deleting nodes may convert a non-leaf node to a leaf node and if the
data for the converted leaf node is less than the current sum, then the converted
leaf should also be deleted.
Thanks to vicky for suggesting this solution in below comments.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
node->left = node->right = NULL;
return node;
return root;
root->left = newNode(2);
root->right = newNode(3);
root->left->left = newNode(4);
root->left->right = newNode(5);
root->right->left = newNode(6);
root->right->right = newNode(7);
root->left->left->left = newNode(8);
root->left->left->right = newNode(9);
root->left->right->left = newNode(12);
root->right->right->left = newNode(10);
root->right->right->left->right = newNode(11);
root->left->left->right->left = newNode(13);
root->left->left->right->right = newNode(14);
root->left->left->right->right->left = newNode(15);
return 0;
Category: Trees
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Chapter 99
Given a Binary Tree and a number k, remove all nodes that lie only on root to
leaf path(s) of length smaller than k. If a node X lies on multiple root-to-leaf
paths and if any of the paths has path length >= k, then X is not deleted from
Binary Tree. In other words a node is deleted if all paths going through it have
lengths smaller than k.
Consider the following example Binary Tree
/ \
2 3
/ \\
4 6 5
/ /
7 8
Input: Root of above Binary Tree
k = 4
There are 3 paths
i) 1->2->4->7 path length = 4
ii) 1->2->5 path length = 3
iii) 1->3->6->8 path length = 4
There is only one path " 1->2->5 " of length smaller than 4.
The node 5 is the only node that lies only on this path, so
node 5 is removed.
Nodes 2 and 1 are not removed as they are parts of other paths
of length 4 as well.
struct Node
int data;
Node *left, *right;
// Utility method that actually removes the nodes which are not
// on the pathLen >= k. This method can change the root as well.
Node *removeShortPathNodesUtil(Node *root, int level, int k)
//Base condition
if (root == NULL)
return NULL;
// Return root;
return root;
// Method which calls the utitlity method to remove the short path
// nodes.
Node *removeShortPathNodes(Node *root, int k)
int pathLen = 0;
return removeShortPathNodesUtil(root, 1, k);
cout << root->data << " ";
// Driver method.
int main()
int k = 4;
Node *root = newNode(1);
root->left = newNode(2);
root->right = newNode(3);
root->left->left = newNode(4);
root->left->right = newNode(5);
root->left->left->left = newNode(7);
root->right->right = newNode(6);
root->right->right->left = newNode(8);
cout << "Inorder Traversal of Original tree" << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "Inorder Traversal of Modified tree" << endl;
Node *res = removeShortPathNodes(root, k);
return 0;
Category: Trees Tags: tree-traversal
Chapter 100
Given a Perfect Binary Tree, reverse the alternate level nodes of the binary tree.
Given tree:
/ \
b c
/ \ / \
d e f g
/ \ / \ / \ / \
h i j k l m n o
Modified tree:
/ \
c b
/ \ / \
d e f g
/ \ / \ / \ / \
o n m l k j i h
2) If current level is odd, then store nodes of this level in an array.
3) Reverse the array and store elements back in tree.
A tricky solution is to do two inorder traversals. Following are steps to be
1) Traverse the given tree in inorder fashion and store all odd level nodes in an
auxiliary array. For the above example given tree, contents of array become {h,
i, b, j, k, l, m, c, n, o}
2) Reverse the array. The array now becomes {o, n, c, m, l, k, j, b, i, h}
3) Traverse the tree again inorder fashion. While traversing the tree, one by
one take elements from array and store elements from array to every odd level
traversed node.
For the above example, we traverse ‘h’ first in above array and replace ‘h’ with
‘o’. Then we traverse ‘i’ and replace it with n.
Following is C++ implementation of the above algorithm.
storeAlternate(root->left, arr, index, l+1);
root->right->right->left = newNode('n');
root->right->right->right = newNode('o');
return 0;
Time complexity of the above solution is O(n) as it does two inorder traversals
of binary tree.
This article is contributed by Kripal Gaurav. Please write comments if you
find anything incorrect, or you want to share more information about the topic
discussed above.
Category: Trees
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Chapter 101
parent is at .
Construction of Segment Tree from given array
We start with a segment arr[0 . . . n-1]. and every time we divide the current
segment into two halves(if it has not yet become a segment of length 1), and
then call the same procedure on both halves, and for each such segment we store
the sum in corresponding node.
All levels of the constructed segment tree will be completely filled except the
last level. Also, the tree will be a Full Binary Tree because we always divide
segments in two halves at every level. Since the constructed tree is always full
binary tree with n leaves, there will be n-1 internal nodes. So total number of
nodes will be 2*n – 1.
int getSum(node, l, r)
if range of node is within l and r
return value in node
else if range of node is completely outside l and r
return 0
return getSum(node's left child, l, r) +
getSum(node's right child, l, r)
Update a value
Like tree construction and query operations, update can also be done recursively.
We are given an index which needs to updated. Let diff be the value to be added.
We start from root of the segment tree, and add diff to all nodes which have
given index in their range. If a node doesn’t have given index in its range, we
don’t make any changes to that node.
Following is implementation of segment tree. The program implements con-
struction of segment tree for any given array. It also implements query and
update operations.
// If segment of this node is outside the given range
if (se < qs || ss > qe)
return 0;
int diff = new_val - arr[i];
// If there are more than one elements, then recur for left and
// right subtrees and store the sum of values in this node
int mid = getMid(ss, se);
st[si] = constructSTUtil(arr, ss, mid, st, si*2+1) +
constructSTUtil(arr, mid+1, se, st, si*2+2);
return st[si];
int *constructST(int arr[], int n)
// Allocate memory for segment tree
// Allocate memory
int *st = new int[max_size];
// Java Program to show segment tree operations like construction,
// query and update
class SegmentTree
int st[]; // The array that stores segment tree nodes
constructSTUtil(arr, 0, n - 1, 0);
if (se < qs || ss > qe)
return 0;
arr[i] = new_val;
// If there are more than one elements, then recur for left and
// right subtrees and store the sum of values in this node
int mid = getMid(ss, se);
st[si] = constructSTUtil(arr, ss, mid, si * 2 + 1) +
constructSTUtil(arr, mid + 1, se, si * 2 + 2);
return st[si];
// Print sum of values in array from index 1 to 3
System.out.println("Sum of values in given range = " +
tree.getSum(n, 1, 3));
Time Complexity:
Time Complexity for tree construction is O(n). There are total 2n-1 nodes, and
value of every node is calculated only once in tree construction.
Time complexity to query is O(Logn). To query a sum, we process at most four
nodes at every level and number of levels is O(Logn).
The time complexity of update is also O(Logn). To update a leaf value, we
process one node at every level and number of levels is O(Logn).
Chapter 102
Let the marker for NULL pointers be '-1'
Output: 12 13 -1 -1
/ \
8 22
Output: 20 8 -1 -1 22 -1 -1
/ \
4 12
/ \
10 14
Output: 20 8 4 -1 -1 12 10 -1 -1 14 -1 -1 -1
Output: 20 8 10 5 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
Output: 20 -1 8 -1 10 -1 5 -1 -1
Deserialization can be done by simply reading data from file one by one.
Following is C++ implementation of the above idea.
/* A binary tree Node has key, pointer to left and right children */
struct Node
int key;
struct Node* left, *right;
int val;
if ( !fscanf(fp, "%d ", &val) || val == MARKER)
// Else create node with this item and recur for children
root = newNode(val);
deSerialize(root->left, fp);
deSerialize(root->right, fp);
// Let us open a file and serialize the tree into the file
FILE *fp = fopen("tree.txt", "w");
if (fp == NULL)
puts("Could not open file");
return 0;
serialize(root, fp);
deSerialize(root1, fp);
return 0;
Please note that there are always more leaf nodes than internal nodes in a
Binary Tree (Number of leaf nodes is number of internal nodes plus 1, so this
optimization makes sense.
How to serialize n-ary tree?
In an n-ary tree, there is no designated left or right child. We can store
an ‘end of children’ marker with every node. The following diagram shows
serialization where ‘)’ is used as end of children marker. We will soon be
covering implementation for n-ary tree. The diagram is taken from here.
This article is contributed by Shivam Gupta, Please write comments if you
find anything incorrect, or you want to share more information about the topic
discussed above
Chapter 103
Given an N-ary tree where every node has at-most N children. How to serialize
and deserialze it? Serialization is to store tree in a file so that it can be later
restored. The structure of tree must be maintained. Deserialization is reading
tree back from file.
This post is mainly an extension of below post.
Serialize and Deserialize a Binary Tree
In an N-ary tree, there are no designated left and right children. An N-ary tree
is represented by storing an array or list of child pointers with every node.
The idea is to store an ‘end of children’ marker with every node. The following
diagram shows serialization where ‘)’ is used as end of children marker. The
diagram is taken from here.
Following is C++ implementation of above idea.
if (root == NULL) return;
// Else create node with this item and recur for children
root = newNode(val);
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
if (deSerialize(root->child[i], fp))
return root;
// Let us open a file and serialize the tree into the file
FILE *fp = fopen("tree.txt", "w");
if (fp == NULL)
puts("Could not open file");
return 0;
serialize(root, fp);
return 0;
The above implementation can be optimized in many ways for example by using
a vector in place of array of pointers. We have kept it this way to keep it simple
to read and understand.
This article is contributed by varun. Please write comments if you find anything
incorrect, or you want to share more information about the topic discussed
Category: Trees
Chapter 104
Succinct Encoding of
Binary Tree
A succinct encoding of Binary Tree takes close to minimum possible space. The
number of structurally different binary trees on n nodes is n’th Catalan number.
For large n, this is about 4n ; thus we need at least about log2 4 n = 2n bits to
encode it. A succinct binary tree therefore would occupy 2n+o(n) bits.
One simple representation which meets this bound is to visit the nodes of the
tree in preorder, outputting “1” for an internal node and “0” for a leaf. If the
tree contains data, we can simply simultaneously store it in a consecutive array
in preorder.
Below is algorithm for encoding:
function DecodeSuccinct(bitstring structure, array data) {
remove first bit of structure and put it in b
if b = 1 then
create a new node n
remove first element of data and put it in
n.left = DecodeSuccinct(structure, data)
n.right = DecodeSuccinct(structure, data)
return n
return nil
/ \
20 30
/ \ \
40 50 70
Structure Array
1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0
1 indicates data and 0 indicates NULL
int key;
struct Node* left, *right;
// If removed bit is 1,
if (b == 1)
// remove an item from data list
int key = data.front();
return NULL;
// Driver program
int main()
// Let us construct the Tree shown in the above figure
Node *root = newNode(10);
root->left = newNode(20);
root->right = newNode(30);
root->left->left = newNode(40);
root->left->right = newNode(50);
root->right->right = newNode(70);
EncodeSuccinct(root, struc, data);
return 0;
Given Tree
key: 10 | left child: 20 | right child: 30
key: 20 | left child: 40 | right child: 50
key: 40
key: 50
key: 30 | right child: 70
key: 70
Encoded Tree
Structure List
1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0
Data List
10 20 40 50 30 70
key: 50
key: 30 | right child: 70
key: 70
This article is contribute by Shivam. Please write comments if you find any-
thing incorrect, or you want to share more information about the topic discussed
Category: Trees
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Chapter 105
/ \
2 2
/ \ / \
3 4 4 3
/ \
2 2
\ \
3 3
The isMirror() function recursively checks two roots and subtrees under the
Below is C++ implementation of above algorithm.
// Returns true if trees with roots as root1 and root2 are mirror
bool isMirror(struct Node *root1, struct Node *root2)
// If both trees are emptu, then they are mirror images
if (root1 == NULL && root2 == NULL)
return true;
return false;
// Driver program
int main()
// Let us construct the Tree shown in the above figure
Node *root = newNode(1);
root->left = newNode(2);
root->right = newNode(2);
root->left->left = newNode(3);
root->left->right = newNode(4);
root->right->left = newNode(4);
root->right->right = newNode(3);
Category: Trees
Chapter 106
A ternary search tree is a special trie data structure where the child nodes of a
standard trie are ordered as a binary search tree.
Representation of ternary search trees:
Unlike trie(standard) data structure where each node contains 26 pointers for
its children, each node in a ternary search tree contains only 3 pointers:
1. The left pointer points to the node whose value is less than the value in the
current node.
2. The equal pointer points to the node whose value is equal to the value in the
current node.
3. The right pointer points to the node whose value is greater than the value in
the current node.
Apart from above three pointers, each node has a field to indicate data(character
in case of dictionary) and another field to mark end of a string.
So, more or less it is similar to BST which stores data based on some order.
However, data in a ternary search tree is distributed over the nodes. e.g. It
needs 4 nodes to store the word “Geek”.
Below figure shows how exactly the words in a ternary search tree are stored?
One of the advantage of using ternary search trees over tries is that ternary
search trees are a more space efficient (involve only three pointers per node as
compared to 26 in standard tries). Further, ternary search trees can be used
any time a hashtable would be used to store strings.
Tries are suitable when there is a proper distribution of words over the alphabets
so that spaces are utilized most efficiently. Otherwise ternary search trees are
better. Ternary search trees are efficient to use(in terms of space) when the
strings to be stored share a common prefix.
Applications of ternary search trees:
1. Ternary search trees are efficient for queries like “Given a word, find the
next word in dictionary(near-neighbor lookups)” or “Find all telephone numbers
starting with 9342 or “typing few starting characters in a web browser displays
all website names with this prefix”(Auto complete feature)”.
2. Used in spell checks: Ternary search trees can be used as a dictionary to store
all the words. Once the word is typed in an editor, the word can be parallely
searched in the ternary search tree to check for correct spelling.
Following is C implementation of ternary search tree. The operations imple-
mented are, search, insert and traversal.
struct Node
char data;
if (*(word+1) == '\0')
return root->isEndOfString;
insert(&root, "cat");
insert(&root, "cats");
insert(&root, "up");
insert(&root, "bug");
return 0;
Time Complexity: The time complexity of the ternary search tree operations
is similar to that of binary search tree. i.e. the insertion, deletion and search
operations take time proportional to the height of the ternary search tree. The
space is proportional to the length of the string to be stored.
This article is compiled by Aashish Barnwaland reviewed by GeeksforGeeks
team. Please write comments if you find anything incorrect, or you want to
share more information about the topic discussed above.
Category: Trees Tags: Advance Data Structures, Advanced Data Structures
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Chapter 107
Category: Linked Lists Trees
Chapter 108
Write a function to detect if two trees are isomorphic. Two trees are called
isomorphic if one of them can be obtained from other by a series of flips, i.e. by
swapping left and right children of a number of nodes. Any number of nodes at
any level can have their children swapped. Two empty trees are isomorphic.
For example, following two trees are isomorphic with following sub-trees flipped:
2 and 3, NULL and 6, 7 and 8.
We simultaneously traverse both trees. Let the current internal nodes of two
trees being traversed be n1 and n2 respectively. There are following two con-
ditions for subtrees rooted with n1 and n2 to be isomorphic.
1) Data of n1 and n2 is same.
2) One of the following two is true for children of n1 and n2
……a) Left child of n1 is isomorphic to left child of n2 and right child of n1 is
isomorphic to right child of n2.
……b) Left child of n1 is isomorphic to right child of n2 and right child of n1 is
isomorphic to left child of n2.
// A C++ program to check if two given trees are isomorphic
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
/* A binary tree node has data, pointer to left and right children */
struct node
int data;
struct node* left;
struct node* right;
if (n1->data != n2->data)
return false;
return (temp);
return 0;
Time Complexity: The above solution does a traversal of both trees. So time
complexity is O(m + n) where m and n are number of nodes in given trees.
This article is contributed by Ciphe. Please write comments if you find anything
incorrect, or you want to share more information about the topic discussed
If you like GeeksforGeeks and would like to contribute, you can also write an
article and mail your article to See your article
appearing on the GeeksforGeeks main page and help other Geeks.
Category: Trees
Chapter 109
A vertex cover of an undirected graph is a subset of its vertices such that for
every edge (u, v) of the graph, either ‘u’ or ‘v’ is in vertex cover. Although the
name is Vertex Cover, the set covers all edges of the given graph.
The problem to find minimum size vertex cover of a graph is NP complete. But
it can be solved in polynomial time for trees. In this post a solution for Binary
Tree is discussed. The same solution can be extended for n-ary trees.
For example, consider the following binary tree. The smallest vertex cover is
{20, 50, 30} and size of the vertex cover is 3.
The idea is to consider following two possibilities for root and recursively for all
nodes down the root.
1) Root is part of vertex cover: In this case root covers all children edges.
We recursively calculate size of vertex covers for left and right subtrees and add
1 to the result (for root).
2) Root is not part of vertex cover: In this case, both children of root must
be included in vertex cover to cover all root to children edges. We recursively
calculate size of vertex covers of all grandchildren and number of children to the
result (for two children of root).
Below is C implementation of above idea.
/* A binary tree node has data, pointer to left child and a pointer to
right child */
struct node
int data;
struct node *left, *right;
root->left->right->right = newNode(14);
root->right = newNode(22);
root->right->right = newNode(25);
return 0;
/* A binary tree node has data, pointer to left child and a pointer to
right child */
struct node
int data;
int vc;
struct node *left, *right;
// A memoization based function that returns size of the minimum vertex cover.
int vCover(struct node *root)
// The size of minimum vertex cover is zero if tree is empty or there
// is only one node
if (root == NULL)
return 0;
if (root->left == NULL && root->right == NULL)
return 0;
return root->vc;
int main()
// Let us construct the tree given in the above diagram
struct node *root = newNode(20);
root->left = newNode(8);
root->left->left = newNode(4);
root->left->right = newNode(12);
root->left->right->left = newNode(10);
root->left->right->right = newNode(14);
root->right = newNode(22);
root->right->right = newNode(25);
return 0;
Extend the above solution for n-ary trees.
This article is contributed by Udit Gupta. Please write comments if you
find anything incorrect, or you want to share more information about the topic
discussed above