c57 = 0 TDEMACNO
c57 = 1 MODBUS RTU
In the following sections these two protocol are explained: users that want to realize his own supervision
system can find the parameter tables, the addresses, the functions and the byte frames to communicate
through serial line between the drive and a Master device (PC, PLC, terminal,...).
TDE MACNO supplies on request a "serial package" composed of demo supervision software and
RS232/RS485 adapter with cable.
PC serial
2 TX port
3 RX RS485 RX 2
4 TX 3
6 /TX
7 /RX
8 COMn
Conn. J1 9 -TERM
The serial line communicates in half duplex with four wires: RX+ and RX- are receiving wires for the drive
while TX+ and TX- are the transmission wires. Connection can be made with only two wires connecting
RX+ and TX+ and RX- and TX- on J1 connector.
The common mode voltage between adapter and drive must not exceed –7V +12V (RS485 standard).
Inside the converter are provided impedance to 'terminate' (120Ω) and to polarise the line, like in the figure.
To use this termination connect 5 with 3 and 9 with 7.
5 +TERM to RX (3)
120 Ω
The communication wires must be twisted and shielded. The shield can be connected to the metal of the
connector, because this part is connected to earth.
The transmission line is normally left in three-state. When the Master sends its request, it must enable the
adapter line drivers (type 75176) and hold the line. After the transmission the line must be released, to allow
the drive answer:
• A letter means that the internal value is a number "x" in percent of a base scale number.
from internal value to percent value from percent value to internal value
percent value = 100 * x / base scale x = percent value * base scale /100
• A number means that the internal value is a number "x" scaled by a power of 10 :
from internal value to real value from real value to internal value
n n
real value = x/ 10 x = real value * 10
Column "Note" contains the informations about the writing protections of parameters:
• n = parameter value can be changed only if drive is off-line
• r = parameter value can be changed only if the customer code number is set in P50
• t = parameter value can be changed only if the TDE MACNO code number is set in P80
Parameter P99 contains the customer code number (P50). On demand this code can be customized.
c01 Logic input 1 meaning 1÷21 200 r
c02 Logic input 2 meaning 0 201 r
c03 Logic input 3 meaning 1÷21 202 r
c04 Logic input 4 meaning 1÷21 203 r
c05 Logic input 5 meaning 1÷21 204 r
c06 Logic input 6 meaning 1÷21 205 r
c07 Logic output 1 meaning 0÷16 206 r
c08 Logic output 2 meaning 0÷16 207 r
c09 External speed ref. Inversion 0 not inverted 208 r
1 inverted
c10 Simulated encoder channel B inversion 0 not inverted 209 r
1 inverted
c11 Choice pulse/rev. Resolver for simulated encoder 0÷7 20A r
c12 Choice of zero simulated encoder phase 0÷3 20B r
c13 A.P.O. 1 meaning 0÷19 20C
c14 Choice external reference 0 (analog) 20D r
1 (freq. 2 channels)
2 (freq. and up / down)
c15 Meaning logic input 7 1÷21 20E r
c16 Meaning logic input 8 1÷21 20F r
c17 Meaning A.P.O. 2 0÷19 210 r
c18 Meaning logic output 3 0÷16 211 r
address = 500H
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
A16 A15 A14 A13 A12 A11 A10 A9 A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1
Bit description:
A2 RAM, EEPROM alarm L-H
A3 Power failure L-H
A4 Radiator thermal switch L-H
A5 Motor thermal switch L-H
A6 Motor thermal protection L-H
A7 Resolver failure L-H
A8 External alarm L-H
A9 Overspeed L-H
A10 DC bus minimum voltage L-H
A11 DC bus overvoltage L-H
A12 Inputs configuration error L-H
A13 Pole setting error L-H
A14 Motor connections error L-H
A15 Mains supply failure L-H
Baud rate
P79 = 0 9600
P79 = 1 19200
P79 = 2 38400
The master (PC or term.) initiates every query sending a message to the slave; transmitted data are placed
into a frame with following format, and every message consists on one complete frame.
4 1 1 1 Lo Hi 4
It is possible to program in P70 a delay before the slave response, in case the master is slower.
If P70 = 0 the minimum delay is 4 byte time;
ES: P70 = 10 the delay time is 4 byte + 10ms
n. (hex) description
01 Read coil status
03 Read holding registers
10 Preset multiple registers
Drive answer:
At the address 100H are the “P” parameters
P1 = 0010H
P2 = 0302H
field example (hex)
SA 11
FN 03
BC 04
P1 (Hi) 00
P1 (Lo) 10
P2 (Hi) 03
P2 (Lo) 02
CRC (Lo) xx
CRC (Hi) xx
WARNING: the maximum number of registers that can be written in the same request is 17
Drive answer:
field example (hex)
SA 11
FN 10
start address (Hi) 01
start address (Lo) 00
register number (Hi) 00
register number (Lo) 02
CRC (Lo) xx
CRC (Hi) xx
WARNING: the maximum number of P, T and C parameters that can be written in the same request is 15.
Drive answer:
At the address 30H are the “I” parameters
i1 = 1
i2 = 0
field example (hex)
SA 11
FN 01
BC 01
Data 1 01
CRC (Lo) xx
CRC (Hi) xx
If the master request causes an error, the drive answers with an exception rsponse:
field example (hex)
SA 11
FN zz
EC yy
CRC (Lo) xx
CRC (Hi) xx
• In the FN field bit 80H is set
• The field EC (Exception Code) assumes one of the following values:
• 01 = Illegal Function: FN field contains a not supported function code.
• 02 = Illegal Data Address: the Master request refers to unknown parameters.
• 03 = Illegal Data Value: the Master request contains invalid data (out-of-range values,
too many registers in the same request, …).
• Notes
1. For more details on parameters and working of the drive refers to "DMBL User Manual”
2. The “SCOPE” function is not supported
Baud rate
P79 = 0 9600
P79 = 1 19200
P79 = 2 38400
Many drives (up to 32) can be connected on the same serial line. In this case a slave number can be
assigned to the drives by setting P51. The default value is P51 = 255 (broadcast): if more than one drive on
the same line have P51=255 the communication can not work correctly.
The master (PC or term.) initiates every query sending a message to the slave; transmitted data are placed
into a frame with following format, and every message consists on one complete frame:
1 1 1 1 4 1 1
1 If NS=255 (default) the data are received and handled from all the slaves connected with the serial line.
If NS=254 the data are received and handled from all the slaves, with answer only from the slave having
serial line manual 5-1 DMBL Series
In the following tables is explained the meaning of the bytes in the DATA field:
AI = input word status (valid inputs i1-:-i8)
O= output status byte (valid output o1-:-o3)
Y= 80H = alarms on
40H = generic error
41H = request out of range
42H = parameter not enabled
43H = not allowed on line
44H = autotuning running
A= X
I= function bit o9 -:- o16 (o9 = lsb)
O= function bit o17 -:- o24 (o17 = lsb)
Y= see X=0
A= X
I= function bit o25 -:- o32 (o25 = lsb)
O= function bit o33 -:- o40 (o33 = lsb)
Y= see X=0
A= X
I= function bit i9 -:- i16 (i9 = lsb)
O= function bit i17 -:- i24 (i17 = lsb)
Y= see X=0
A= X
I= function bit i25 -:- i32 (i25 = lsb)
O= function bit i33 -:- i40 (i33 = lsb) function bit
Y= see X=0
Ex. : request of "logic function output state ( o9 ÷ o24 )" (X=2) to slave 1
28 01 00 04 02 00 00 00 2F 29
The drive answers:
28 01 00 04 02 01 00 80 AE 29 -> o9 active, alarms on
In the following tables is explained the meaning of the bytes in the DATA field:
BYTE description
N = number of requested “d” parameter
AB = value (A = LSB)
Y= 80H = alarms on
40H = generic error
41H = request out of range
42H = parameter not enabled
43H = not allowed on line
44H = autotuning running
28 01 03 04 01 00 00 00 2F 29
The drive answers:
28 01 03 04 01 84 00 80 2A 29
In the following tables is explained the meaning of the bytes in the DATA field:
AB = alarm word:
0002H = ram, eeprom error
0004H = power alarm
0008H = radiator thermal switch
0010H = motor thermal switch
0020H = motor in thermal overload
0040H = resolver failure
0080H = external alarm
0100H = overspeed
0200H = minimum voltage in the DC bus
0400H = overvoltage in the DC bus
0800H = logic inputs configuration error
1000H = poles setting error
2000H = mains connections error
4000H = mains supply not present
In the following tables is explained the meaning of the bytes in the DATA field:
N= parameter number
AB = value (A = LSB)
K= 0 = RAM value
1 = EEPROM value
Y= 80H = alarms on
40H = generic error
41H = request out of range
42H = parameter not enabled
43H = not allowed on line
44H = autotuning running
28 02 25 04 07 E8 03 00 E7 29
The drive answers:
28 02 25 04 07 E8 03 00 E7 29
In the following tables is explained the meaning of the bytes in the DATA field:
N= switch number
X= value
K= 0 = RAM value
1 = EEPROM value
Y= 80H = alarms on
40H = generic error
41H = request out of range
42H = parameter not enabled
43H = not allowed on line
44H = autotuning running
28 05 27 04 23 01 00 00 2C 29
The drive answers:
28 05 27 04 23 00 00 43 6E 29 (parameter not allowed on line)
In the following tables is explained the meaning of the bytes in the DATA field:
N= command number
1 (c41) default values recovering
2 (c42) eeprom values recovering
3 (c43) eeprom writing
4 (c44) resolver phase selftuning
5 (c45) current controller selftuining
Y= 80H = alarms on
40H = generic error
41H = request out of range
42H = parameter not enabled
43H = not allowed on line
44H = autotuning running
Without explicit writing authorisation from TDE MACNO is forbidden duplicate or memorise in any information
system, any parts of this manuals.
TDE MACNO reserved itself the power of change in any moment the contents of this manual
without particular warning
TDE MACNO declines any liability for errors in this manual and for the possible consequences.