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1. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................... 1-1

2. SERIAL LINE CONNECTION ( J1 CONNECTOR) ................................................................................ 2-1

3. TABLES OF PARAMETERS AND DISPLAYS...................................................................................... 3-1

3.1. TYPES OF PARAMETERS.............................................................................................................. 3-1
3.2. MEANING OF THE TABLE FIELDS ................................................................................................ 3-1
3.3. PARAMETERS ................................................................................................................................ 3-2
3.4. CONNECTIONS............................................................................................................................... 3-3
3.5. DISPLAYS........................................................................................................................................ 3-5
3.5.1. ALARMS WORD....................................................................................................................... 3-5
3.5.2. DIGITAL INPUT OUTPUT ........................................................................................................ 3-6
4. MODBUS RTU SERIAL PROTOCOL .................................................................................................... 4-1
4.1. INTERNAL REGISTER ADDRESS ................................................................................................. 4-1
4.2. FUNCTION CODES (FN FIELD): .................................................................................................... 4-1
4.3. FUNCTION DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................. 4-1
4.3.1. FUNCTION 03H : READ HOLDING REGISTERS ................................................................... 4-1
4.3.2. FUNCTION 10H : PRESET MULTIPLE REGISTERS.............................................................. 4-2
4.3.3. FUNCTION 01H: READ COIL STATUS ................................................................................... 4-3
4.3.4. EXCEPTION CODES ............................................................................................................... 4-3
5. TDEMACNO COMMUNICATION PROTOCOL...................................................................................... 5-1
5.1. FUNCTION TABLE .......................................................................................................................... 5-1
5.2. FUNCTION DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................. 5-2
5.2.1. MACHINE STATE..................................................................................................................... 5-2
5.2.2. “D” DISPLAYS .......................................................................................................................... 5-3
5.2.3. ALARM DISPLAYS ................................................................................................................... 5-3
5.2.4. “P” PARAMETERS ................................................................................................................... 5-4
5.2.5. “C” PARAMETERS ................................................................................................................... 5-4
5.2.6. DIRECT COMMANDS .............................................................................................................. 5-5

serial line manual 1-1 DMBL Series

The DMBL drives supports two different serial protocols:
1) TDEMACNO proprietary communication protocol
2) MODBUS RTU communication protocol

It is possible to select one of these two protocols by setting c57:

c57 = 0 TDEMACNO
c57 = 1 MODBUS RTU

In the following sections these two protocol are explained: users that want to realize his own supervision
system can find the parameter tables, the addresses, the functions and the byte frames to communicate
through serial line between the drive and a Master device (PC, PLC, terminal,...).

TDE MACNO supplies on request a "serial package" composed of demo supervision software and
RS232/RS485 adapter with cable.

serial line manual 1-1 DMBL Series



PC serial
2 TX port
3 RX RS485 RX 2
4 TX 3
6 /TX
7 /RX
8 COMn

Conn. J1 9 -TERM

The serial line communicates in half duplex with four wires: RX+ and RX- are receiving wires for the drive
while TX+ and TX- are the transmission wires. Connection can be made with only two wires connecting
RX+ and TX+ and RX- and TX- on J1 connector.
The common mode voltage between adapter and drive must not exceed –7V +12V (RS485 standard).
Inside the converter are provided impedance to 'terminate' (120Ω) and to polarise the line, like in the figure.
To use this termination connect 5 with 3 and 9 with 7.

5 +TERM to RX (3)
120 Ω

9 -TERM to /RX (7)


The communication wires must be twisted and shielded. The shield can be connected to the metal of the
connector, because this part is connected to earth.
The transmission line is normally left in three-state. When the Master sends its request, it must enable the
adapter line drivers (type 75176) and hold the line. After the transmission the line must be released, to allow
the drive answer:




Three-state Master request Drive answer

serial line manual 2-1 DMBL Series



Type Description Read/Write
P Parameters Numerical values R/W
c Connections Logic switches with 2 or more contacts. R/W
They are used to select among more possibilities.
d Displays Internal drive values (voltage, current, speed,…) R
A Alarms Diagnostics of the drive R
i Inputs State of logic inputs and of logic functions R
o Outputs State of logic outputs and of logic functions R


Column "PAR" contains the parameter number as it is displayed on the keypad.
Column "DESCRIPTION" contains a brief description of the parameter.
Column "RANGE" contains maximum and minimum limits, and the units of the parameter.
Column “addr” contains Modbus address.
Column "BS" contains a letter or a number to explain how parameter values are stored inside the converter:

• A letter means that the internal value is a number "x" in percent of a base scale number.
from internal value to percent value from percent value to internal value
percent value = 100 * x / base scale x = percent value * base scale /100

base scale table

letter description
A Base scale = 16383
B Base scale = 4095

• A number means that the internal value is a number "x" scaled by a power of 10 :
from internal value to real value from real value to internal value
n n
real value = x/ 10 x = real value * 10

conversion ratio table, where x = internal number

number description
0 n = 0 par=x
1 n = 1 par=x/10
2 n = 2 par=x/100

Column "Note" contains the informations about the writing protections of parameters:
• n = parameter value can be changed only if drive is off-line
• r = parameter value can be changed only if the customer code number is set in P50
• t = parameter value can be changed only if the TDE MACNO code number is set in P80
Parameter P99 contains the customer code number (P50). On demand this code can be customized.

WARNING: The default customer code number is P50 = 95

serial line manual 3-1 DMBL Series

P01 JOG 1 speed ±100.0% 100 A
P02 JOG 2 speed ±100.0% 101 A
P03 JOG 3 speed ±100.0% 102 A
P04 Analog speed reference offset, 1/100000 parts of speed reference ±19999 103 0
P05 Max CW speed limit 0÷105.0% 104 A
P06 Max CCW speed limit 0÷105.0% 105 A
P07 Position for curve 1 ( encoder pulses ) ±19999 106 0
P08 Position for curve 2 ( encoder pulses ) ±19999 107 0
P09 Offset (encoder pulses) with respect to resolver zero ±19999 108 0
P10 Gain for positioning (kv) 0÷100 109 0
P11 CW acceleration time 50÷19999 ms 10A 0
P12 CW deceleration time 50÷19999 ms 10B 0
P13 CCW acceleration time 50÷19999 ms 10C 0
P14 CCW deceleration time 50÷19999 ms 10D 0
P15 Displ. for curve 1 with external sensor (encoder pulses) ±19999 10E 0
P16 Displ. for curve 2 with external sensor (encoder pulses) ±19999 10F 0
P17 Position for curve 1 (in turns number) ±19999 110 0
P18 Position for curve 2 (in turns number) ±19999 111 0
P19 Time for emergency switch off ramp 0÷2000 ms 0 0
P20 Level for enabling P23, P24 0÷200.0 % 113 B
P21 Speed loop proportional gain when |speed|+|REF| < P20 0.5÷100.0 114 1
P22 Speed loop lead time constant when |speed|+|REF| < P20 4.0÷150.0 ms 115 1
P23 Speed loop proportional gain |speed|+|REF|>P20 0.5-100.0 116 1
P24 Speed loop lead time constant when |speed|+|REF|>P20 4.0-150.0 ms 117 1
P25 Speed loop filter constant time 0.4÷20 ms 118 1
P26 119
P27 Starting value of speed regulator integral ±100.0% 11A B n
P28 11B
P29 11C
P30 Time for the inertia compensation 0÷19999 11D 0
P31 Torque signal offset (T.REF) ±100.0% 11E B
P32 Torque signal correction coefficient (T.REF) ±400.0% 11F B
P33 Current limit signal offset (I.LIM) ±100.0% 120 B
P34 Limit signal correction coefficient (I.LIM) ±400.0% 121 B
P35 Max CW current limit 0÷100.0% 122 B
P36 Max CCW current limit 0÷100.0% 123 B
P37 124
P38 125
P39 126
P40 127
P41 Minimum speed level 0÷100.0% 128 B
P42 Maximum allowed speed level 0÷120.0% 129 B
P43 Lower speed value for speed relay ±100.0% 12A B n
P44 Upper speed value for speed relay ±100.0% 12B B n
P45 Lower current value for current relay ±100.0% 12C B n
P46 Upper current value for current relay ±100.0% 12D B n
P47 12E
P48 12F
P49 Sample time (scope function) 1÷1000 ms 130 0
P50 Customer code number for reserved parameters (r) 0÷9999 131 0 n
P51 Drive identification number for the serial line 1÷255 132 0 r
P52 Maximum motor speed (rpm) 375÷19000 133 0 r
P53 Number of motor poles 2÷12 134 0 r
P54 Number of resolver poles 2÷12 135 0 r
P55 Resolver phase ±180.0° 136 1 r
P56 Motor rated current in % of drive rated current 10.0%÷100.0% 137 B r
P57 Motor thermal time constant 1.0÷600.0 sec. 138 1 r
P58 Motor inductance in mH x motor rated current / motor voltage 0.0-100.0% 139 B r
P59 Ti=Lff/Rff 1-100 ms 13A 0 r
P60 External voltage reference corresponding to the maximum motor 2500÷10000 13B 0 r
speed mV

serial line manual 3-2 DMBL Series

P61 Encoder frequency reference coefficient 0÷16383 13C 0
P62 Vnmot/Vnaz 0.0%-100.0% 13D B r
P63 Kq1 e Kd1 correction coefficient 0.0%-400.0% 13E B r
P64 13F
P65 140
P66 141
P67 142
P68 143
P69 144
P70 145
P71 Enc. pulse ratio numerator 19999 146 0
P72 Enc. pulse ratio denominator 19999 147 0
P73 148
P74 149
P75 o22 advance (enc. pulses) 0÷19999 14A 0 r
P76 o23 advance (enc. pulses) 0÷19999 14B 0 r
P77 Final speed for curve 1 1.0%÷100.0% 14C A
P78 Final speed for curve 2 1.0%÷100.0% 14D A
P79 Serial line Baud Rate 0÷2 14E 0
P80 code number for TDEMACNO reserved parameter (t) 0÷9999 14F 0 n
P81 Analogue ref. correction coefficient 50.0%÷199.0% 150 A t
P82 Current correction coefficient 100.0%÷200.0% 151 B t
P83 Drive rated current in % of the current limit 20.0%÷100.0% 152 B t
P84 Drive limit reenter time constant 1.0÷10 sec. 153 1 t
P85 DC bus voltage measurement coeff. 50.0%÷200.0% 154 B t
P86 DC bus minimum voltage 60.0%÷130.0% 155 B t
P87 DC bus maximum voltage (% P92) 50.0%-120.0% 156 B t
P88 157
P89 158
P90 159
P91 15A
P92 Clamping Voltage (% DC BUS rated voltage) 65.0%÷150.0% 15B B t
P93 15C
P94 Choice 0=Vel/ 1=Corr 0-1 15D 0 t
P95 Torque current (P64=1) 0.0%-100.0% 15E B t
P96 15F
P97 160
P98 161
P99 Customer code number for reserved parameters (r) 0÷9999 162 0 t

c01 Logic input 1 meaning 1÷21 200 r
c02 Logic input 2 meaning 0 201 r
c03 Logic input 3 meaning 1÷21 202 r
c04 Logic input 4 meaning 1÷21 203 r
c05 Logic input 5 meaning 1÷21 204 r
c06 Logic input 6 meaning 1÷21 205 r
c07 Logic output 1 meaning 0÷16 206 r
c08 Logic output 2 meaning 0÷16 207 r
c09 External speed ref. Inversion 0 not inverted 208 r
1 inverted
c10 Simulated encoder channel B inversion 0 not inverted 209 r
1 inverted
c11 Choice pulse/rev. Resolver for simulated encoder 0÷7 20A r
c12 Choice of zero simulated encoder phase 0÷3 20B r
c13 A.P.O. 1 meaning 0÷19 20C
c14 Choice external reference 0 (analog) 20D r
1 (freq. 2 channels)
2 (freq. and up / down)
c15 Meaning logic input 7 1÷21 20E r
c16 Meaning logic input 8 1÷21 20F r
c17 Meaning A.P.O. 2 0÷19 210 r
c18 Meaning logic output 3 0÷16 211 r

serial line manual 3-3 DMBL Series

c19 Excl. alarms A3-A4-A5-A7-A9 0÷31 212 r
c20 Integral excl. in the speed regulator 0 not excluded 213 n
1 excluded
c21 Run command 0 stop 214
1 run
c22 Parallel bit to REF1 0 OFF 215
c23 Parallel bit to REF2 1 ON 216
c24 Parallel bit to LS1 0 open 217
c25 Parallel bit to LS2 1 closed 218
c26 Ramp inclusion 0 excluded 219
1 included
c27 Stop with or without min. speed 0 disabled 21A
1 enabled
c28 Stop on limit switches with or without ramp 0 without 21B
1 with
c29 Software drive consent 0 alarm 21C
1 no alarm
c30 Reset alarms 0→1 reset 21D
c31 External current limit enable 0 disabled 21E
1 enabled
c32 Enable torque input 0 disabled 21F
1 enabled
c33 relative or absolute speed data 0 relative 220
1 absolute
c34 Motor thermal devices causes drive block 0 no block 221
1 block
c35 Position / Speed 0 Speed 222 r
1 Positioner
c36 Start Pos.1 0→1 start 223
c37 Start Pos.2 0→1 start 224
c38 Zero search direction 0 CCW, LS2 225 n
1 CW, LS1
c39 Incremental/absolute positioning 0 incremental 226
1 Absolute
c40 SW Zero search command 0→1 start 227
c41 Reset to default values 0→1 reset to default 228 n
c42 Reset to EEPROM values 0→1 reset to eeprom 229 n
c43 save RAM into EEPROM 0→1 save 22A n
c44 Resolver phase auto-tuning command 0→1 start 22B r
c45 Current regulator auto-tuning command 0→1 start 22C r
c46 22D
c47 22E
c48 22F
c49 230
c50 231
c51 Value displayed in run state 1÷19 232
c52 Sensor 0→1 active 233
c53 Mains supply failure managing switch 0÷2 234 r
c54 Double speed positioning 0÷2 235 n
c55 Zero search starting mode 0÷1 236 n
c56 Zero search mode 0÷2 237 n
c57 Serial protocol 0 TDEMACNO 238 n

serial line manual 3-4 DMBL Series

d00 Sofware version 2 300
d01 External speed reference % ±100.0% A 301
d02 Speed ref. before the ramp % ±100.0% A 302
d03 Speed ref. after the ramp % ±100.0% A 303
d04 Speed feedback % ±100.0% B 304
d05 Motor speed in r.p.m. % 0÷19000 0 305
d06 Integral part of the speed regulator % ±100.0% B 306
d07 Value of the external torque signal % ±100.0% B 307
d08 External current limit % 0÷100.0% B 308
d09 Current limit CW % 0÷100.0% B 309
d10 Current limit CCW % 0÷(-100.0)% B 30A
d11 Actual current % ±100.0% B 30B
d12 DC BUS Voltage (V) 0÷999 0 30C
d13 Actual position (encoder pulse) 0 30D
d14 Resolver position (encoder pulse) ± ½ revolution (c11 e.p.) 0 30E
d15 Torque current Iq ±100.0% B 30F
d16 Direct current Id ±100.0% B 310
d17 Torque voltage Vq ±100.0% B 311
d18 Direct voltage Vd ±100.0% B 312
d19 Motor voltage Vm 0÷100.0% B 313
d20 Actual position (High word) 0 314
d21 Actual position expressed by ratio P71/P72 0 315


address = 500H
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
A16 A15 A14 A13 A12 A11 A10 A9 A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1

Bit description:
A2 RAM, EEPROM alarm L-H
A3 Power failure L-H
A4 Radiator thermal switch L-H
A5 Motor thermal switch L-H
A6 Motor thermal protection L-H
A7 Resolver failure L-H
A8 External alarm L-H
A9 Overspeed L-H
A10 DC bus minimum voltage L-H
A11 DC bus overvoltage L-H
A12 Inputs configuration error L-H
A13 Pole setting error L-H
A14 Motor connections error L-H
A15 Mains supply failure L-H

serial line manual 3-5 DMBL Series



i1Logic input LI1 state L-H 30
i2Logic input LI2 state L-H 31
i3Logic input LI3 state L-H 32
i4Logic input LI4 state L-H 33
i5Logic input LI5 state L-H 34
i6Logic input LI6 state L-H 35
i7Logic input LI7 state L-H 36
i8Logic input LI8 state L-H 37
i9On-line signal state L-H 38
i10 Torque enable signal state L-H 39
i11 External enable signal state L-H 3a
i12 Ref 1 enable signal state L-H 3b
i13 Ref 2 enable signal state L-H 3c
i14 Limit switch 1 signal state L-H 3d
i15 Limit switch 2 signal state L-H 3e
i16 External current limit enable signal state L-H 3f
i17 Alarm reset signal state L-H 40
i18 Start pos. 1 signal state L-H 41
i19 Start pos. 2 signal state L-H 42
i20 Pos./Speed signal state L-H 43
i21 Reference direction from volt./freq. conv. signal state L-H 44
i22 Enable ramp signal state L-H 45
i23 Alternative Start Pos.1 / Pos.2 L-H 46
i24 Main supply state L-H 47
i25 External reference selection 0= analog, 1= frequency L-H 48
i26 State of external sensor for positioning L-H 49
i27 External sensor for double speed positioning state L-H 4a
i28 Digital potentiometer "+" button state L-H 4b
i29 Digital potentiometer "-" button state L-H 4c
i30 Absolute position counter reset state L-H 4d
o1 Logic output LO1 state L-H 60
o2 Logic output LO2 state L-H 61
o3 Logic output LO3 state L-H 62
o4 63
o5 64
o6 65
o7 66
o8 67
o9 Drive ready signal state L-H 68
o10 Motor thermal protection signal state L-H 69
o11 Speed over minimum signal state L-H 6a
o12 Drive on line signal state L-H 6b
o13 CW rotation signal state L-H 6c
o14 Saturation of speed regulator signal state L-H 6d
o15 Ramp end signal state L-H 6e
o16 Speed in range signal state L-H 6f
o17 Current in range signal state L-H 70
o18 Motor blocked signal state L-H 71
o19 Stop in position signal state L-H 72
o20 Ramp signal state L-H 73
o21 Deceleration area L-H 74
o22 Stop in Pos.1 L-H 75
o23 Stop in Pos.2 L-H 76
o24 Power relay state L-H 77
o25 End of movement L-H 78

serial line manual 3-6 DMBL Series


To select “standard ModBus RTU” protocol set c57 = 1.

The UART must be set as follows:
data 8 bit
parity no
stop bit 1
hand shake no

For the baud rate setting see following table:

Baud rate
P79 = 0 9600
P79 = 1 19200
P79 = 2 38400

The master (PC or term.) initiates every query sending a message to the slave; transmitted data are placed
into a frame with following format, and every message consists on one complete frame.

4 1 1 1 Lo Hi 4

H = header : wait for at least 4 byte

SA = slave address (1 byte) (1÷247).
FN = function code (1 byte)
BC = Byte count : n. of data bytes
CRC = CRC (Cyclical Redundancy Check) (2 byte)
E = end : wait at least 4 byte

It is possible to program in P70 a delay before the slave response, in case the master is slower.
If P70 = 0 the minimum delay is 4 byte time;
ES: P70 = 10 the delay time is 4 byte + 10ms


Refer to the “User Manual” for the meaning of the parameters

address (hex) standard address parameter type Functioncode R/W

100 40257 P1 - P120 03H/10H
200 40513 c1 - c100 03H/10H
300 40769 d1 - d20 03H/no
500 41281 A1 - A15 03H/no
030 00049 i1 - i24 01H/no
060 00097 o1 -o25 01H/no


n. (hex) description
01 Read coil status
03 Read holding registers
10 Preset multiple registers

serial line manual 4-1 DMBL Series



This function is used to read parameters od type P, C, D, A.

Master request:
field example (hex)
SA 11
FN 03
start address (Hi) 01
start address (Lo) 00
register number (Hi) 00
register number (Lo) 02
CRC (Lo) xx
CRC (Hi) xx

Drive answer:
At the address 100H are the “P” parameters
P1 = 0010H
P2 = 0302H
field example (hex)
SA 11
FN 03
BC 04
P1 (Hi) 00
P1 (Lo) 10
P2 (Hi) 03
P2 (Lo) 02
CRC (Lo) xx
CRC (Hi) xx

WARNING: the maximum number of registers that can be written in the same request is 17

serial line manual 4-1 DMBL Series


This function is used to write parameters of type P, C.

Master request to set P1 = 0100H and P2 = 0203H
field example (hex)
SA 11
FN 10
start address (Hi) 01
start address (Lo) 00
register number (Hi) 00
register number (Lo) 02
BC 04
P1 (Hi) 01
P1 (Lo) 00
P2 (Hi) 02
P2 (Lo) 03
CRC (Lo) xx
CRC (Hi) xx

Drive answer:
field example (hex)
SA 11
FN 10
start address (Hi) 01
start address (Lo) 00
register number (Hi) 00
register number (Lo) 02
CRC (Lo) xx
CRC (Hi) xx

WARNING: the maximum number of P, T and C parameters that can be written in the same request is 15.

serial line manual 4-2 DMBL Series


This function is used to read parameters of type I, O.

Master request:
field example (hex)
SA 11
FN 01
start address (Hi) 00
start address (Lo) 30
register number (Hi) 00
register number (Lo) 02
CRC (Lo) xx
CRC (Hi) xx

Drive answer:
At the address 30H are the “I” parameters
i1 = 1
i2 = 0
field example (hex)
SA 11
FN 01
BC 01
Data 1 01
CRC (Lo) xx
CRC (Hi) xx


If the master request causes an error, the drive answers with an exception rsponse:
field example (hex)
SA 11
FN zz
EC yy
CRC (Lo) xx
CRC (Hi) xx
• In the FN field bit 80H is set
• The field EC (Exception Code) assumes one of the following values:
• 01 = Illegal Function: FN field contains a not supported function code.
• 02 = Illegal Data Address: the Master request refers to unknown parameters.
• 03 = Illegal Data Value: the Master request contains invalid data (out-of-range values,
too many registers in the same request, …).

• Notes

1. For more details on parameters and working of the drive refers to "DMBL User Manual”
2. The “SCOPE” function is not supported

serial line manual 4-3 DMBL Series

To select TDEMACNO serial protocol set c57 = 0. Set the UART as follows:
data 8 bit
parity no
stop bit 1
hand shake no

For the baud rate setting see following table:

Baud rate
P79 = 0 9600
P79 = 1 19200
P79 = 2 38400

Many drives (up to 32) can be connected on the same serial line. In this case a slave number can be
assigned to the drives by setting P51. The default value is P51 = 255 (broadcast): if more than one drive on
the same line have P51=255 the communication can not work correctly.
The master (PC or term.) initiates every query sending a message to the slave; transmitted data are placed
into a frame with following format, and every message consists on one complete frame:

1 1 1 1 4 1 1

Meaning Length description

H = header 1 byte "(" = 28H
NS1 = slave number 1 byte 1÷0FFH = 1÷255
TR = record type 1 byte
LD = data length 1 byte maximum 250=0FAH
XR = XOR of all previous byte 1 byte
E = end 1 byte ")" = 29H


n. record type read write
1 machine state 01H /
2 n.u. 02H /
3 Displays 03H /
4 Alarm displays 04H /
5 Working parameters 05H 25H
6 n.u. 06H /
7 Internal connections (c01÷c56) 07H 27H
8 n.u. 08H /
9 n.u. 09H /
10 direct commands (c41÷c56) 0AH 2AH

1 If NS=255 (default) the data are received and handled from all the slaves connected with the serial line.
If NS=254 the data are received and handled from all the slaves, with answer only from the slave having
serial line manual 5-1 DMBL Series


In the following table is described the composition of the DATA field:
read write answer
X000 / AIOY
every letter (or number) is a byte

In the following tables is explained the meaning of the bytes in the DATA field:

X= 0 ⇒ input state + output state

X= 1 ⇒ n.u.
X= 2 ⇒ logic functions output state ( o9 ÷ o24 )
X= 3 ⇒ logic functions output state ( o25 ÷ o40)
X= 4 ⇒ logic functions input state ( i9 ÷ i24 )
X= 5 ⇒ logic functions input state ( i25 ÷ i40 )

AI = input word status (valid inputs i1-:-i8)
O= output status byte (valid output o1-:-o3)
Y= 80H = alarms on
40H = generic error
41H = request out of range
42H = parameter not enabled
43H = not allowed on line
44H = autotuning running

A= X
I= function bit o9 -:- o16 (o9 = lsb)
O= function bit o17 -:- o24 (o17 = lsb)
Y= see X=0

A= X
I= function bit o25 -:- o32 (o25 = lsb)
O= function bit o33 -:- o40 (o33 = lsb)
Y= see X=0

A= X
I= function bit i9 -:- i16 (i9 = lsb)
O= function bit i17 -:- i24 (i17 = lsb)
Y= see X=0

A= X
I= function bit i25 -:- i32 (i25 = lsb)
O= function bit i33 -:- i40 (i33 = lsb) function bit
Y= see X=0

Ex. : request of "logic function output state ( o9 ÷ o24 )" (X=2) to slave 1
28 01 00 04 02 00 00 00 2F 29
The drive answers:
28 01 00 04 02 01 00 80 AE 29 -> o9 active, alarms on

serial line manual 5-2 DMBL Series

5.2.2. “D” DISPLAYS
In the following table is described the composition of the DATA field:

read write answer

N000 / NABY
every letter (or number) is a byte

In the following tables is explained the meaning of the bytes in the DATA field:

BYTE description
N = number of requested “d” parameter
AB = value (A = LSB)
Y= 80H = alarms on
40H = generic error
41H = request out of range
42H = parameter not enabled
43H = not allowed on line
44H = autotuning running

Ex. : request of "external speed reference" (d1)

28 01 03 04 01 00 00 00 2F 29
The drive answers:
28 01 03 04 01 84 00 80 2A 29

(84H = 3.2% with range 4096, 80H = alarm presence)


In the following table is described the composition of the DATA field:

read write answer

0000 / 0ABZ
every letter (or number) is a byte

In the following tables is explained the meaning of the bytes in the DATA field:

AB = alarm word:
0002H = ram, eeprom error
0004H = power alarm
0008H = radiator thermal switch
0010H = motor thermal switch
0020H = motor in thermal overload
0040H = resolver failure
0080H = external alarm
0100H = overspeed
0200H = minimum voltage in the DC bus
0400H = overvoltage in the DC bus
0800H = logic inputs configuration error
1000H = poles setting error
2000H = mains connections error
4000H = mains supply not present

Z= first alarm occurred

serial line manual 5-3 DMBL Series

In the following table is described the composition of the DATA field:

read write answer

every letter (or number) is a byte

In the following tables is explained the meaning of the bytes in the DATA field:

N= parameter number
AB = value (A = LSB)
K= 0 = RAM value
1 = EEPROM value
Y= 80H = alarms on
40H = generic error
41H = request out of range
42H = parameter not enabled
43H = not allowed on line
44H = autotuning running

Ex. : setting P07 = 1000 = 3E8H in the slave 2

28 02 25 04 07 E8 03 00 E7 29
The drive answers:
28 02 25 04 07 E8 03 00 E7 29


In the following table is described the composition of the DATA field:

read write answer

N00K NX00 NX0Y
every letter (or number) is a byte

In the following tables is explained the meaning of the bytes in the DATA field:

N= switch number
X= value
K= 0 = RAM value
1 = EEPROM value
Y= 80H = alarms on
40H = generic error
41H = request out of range
42H = parameter not enabled
43H = not allowed on line
44H = autotuning running

Ex. : setting c35 = 1 in the slave 5

28 05 27 04 23 01 00 00 2C 29
The drive answers:
28 05 27 04 23 00 00 43 6E 29 (parameter not allowed on line)

serial line manual 5-4 DMBL Series

In the following table is described the composition of the DATA field:

read write answer

/ N000 000Y
every letter (or number) is a byte

In the following tables is explained the meaning of the bytes in the DATA field:

N= command number
1 (c41) default values recovering
2 (c42) eeprom values recovering
3 (c43) eeprom writing
4 (c44) resolver phase selftuning
5 (c45) current controller selftuining

Y= 80H = alarms on
40H = generic error
41H = request out of range
42H = parameter not enabled
43H = not allowed on line
44H = autotuning running


1. Negative values are represented in two‘s complement

serial line manual 5-5 DMBL Series


If you have any questions about equipment installation or working,

do not hesitate to contact us:


via dell'oreficeria, 41 36100 Vicenza tel.0444/343555

store: via dell'oreficeria, 27/B
Internet.address: http://www.tdemacno.com
Internet E-Mail: info@tdemacno.it
telefax 0444/343509

Without explicit writing authorisation from TDE MACNO is forbidden duplicate or memorise in any information
system, any parts of this manuals.

TDE MACNO reserved itself the power of change in any moment the contents of this manual
without particular warning

TDE MACNO declines any liability for errors in this manual and for the possible consequences.

serial line manual 5-6 DMBL Series

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