Pipe line size criteria are based on following fluid velocities through the pipe:
i. Pump Discharge : 2.0 m/sec (maximum)
ii. Pump Suction : 1.2 m/sec (maximum)
iii. Gravity Lines : 0.8 m/sec (maximum)
Head requirements of all pumps are derived tentatively.
Subject to change during Design Detailed Engineering.
Quantity: 2 No.
Tag No. For Tank 0 – 7150-SC-1 / 2
Location: each at the upstream of each mixing Channel
Type: Rectangular
Actual Flow: (Per stream) 95 m 3/hr
Design Flow: (Per Stream) 100* m 3/hr
Retention Time: 30** min
Required Tank Volume: (One Streams) 47.5 m 3
Designed Tank Volume: (One Streams) 50 m 3
Required Tank Volume: (Two Streams) 95 m 3
Height on Straight: 3.2 m
Area of the Tank: 15.625 m 2
Sides of the Tank: 3.95 m
Tank Dimension: 4.0m x 4.0m x 3.2m + FB: 0.3m
Material Of Construction:
Tank RCC
*Marked values are taken from tender document (PC-E-546-R0) which has been verified by
Shivsu to satisfy and to obtain the desired output required by NPCIL.
** Buffer tank to control turbulence and Based on our past experience in similar kind of
The mixing channel consists of a tank with a vertical shaft rapid mixer. The mixer has been
sized to provide effective rapid mixing for the designed volume. The mixer tank has been
designed for the retention time of 2 minute (Ref. Note1) at the design flow rate.
The impeller assembly consists of three blades bolted to a shaft assembly. The mixer shall
be of high shear mixer to accomplish rapid dispersion of the coagulant. Vertical shafted
mixer has been considered with 75% length of the mix chamber height, gear reducer and
The mixer has an intermediate guide support and all seals and bearings will be placed
above the water surface. The shaft and its bearing have been selected to have the
capability of withstanding the entire static and dynamic thrust load and radial load with a
factor of safety 2.0.
Water from mixing channel will pass over a “V” Notch weir (for flow measurement) to
flocculator chamber. Chemicals such as Coagulant will be added in Mixing Channel where
the rapid mixing will not allow the formation of flocs.
Lime dosing is not considered in the PTP as there is an alternate coagulant aid
(polyelectrolyte) which will itself enhance with coagulant to give better settling of sludge.
Lime also increases pH value which in turn affects the water chemistry and also increases
TDS value of water.
Quantity: 2 No.
Tag No. For Tank 0-7150-MC-1 / 2
Tag No. For Mixer 0-7150-MX-1/2
Location: Each at the upstream of each Flocculator
Type: Rectangular
Actual Flow: (Per stream) 95 m 3/hr
Design Flow: (Per Stream) 100* m 3/hr
Retention Time: 2 min
Required Tank Volume: 3.17 m 3
Designed Tank Volume: 3.3 m 3
Height on Straight: 2.4 m
Area of the Tank: 1.39 m 2
Sides of the Tank: 1.178 m
Tank Dimension: 1.2m x 1.2m x 2.4m + FB: 0.3m
No. Of Mixer 2 No. (1 no. for Each Tank)
Speed of Mixer 100 RPM
Motor Power 1 HP
Material Of Construction:
Tank RCC
Mixer SS 316
The flocculation tank of the clarifier consists of a propeller type mixer to enable a gentle mixing
action. Flocculation Chamber has been designed with minimum retention time of 15 minute (Ref.
Note2) at the design capacity. Flocculator will comprise of mixer paddles, variable gear reducer
and motor. The mixer paddle will be designed with a maximum peripheral speed of maximum 0.6
The mixer shaft and its bearing have been selected to have the capability of withstanding the
entire static and dynamic thrust load and radial load with a factor of safety 2.0. The mixer shaft
will be provided with rigidity mounted intermediate supports and all seals and bearings will be
above the water surface. Poly Electrolyte shall be added in flocculator chamber where the easy
flocculation can occur in the thoroughly mixed water from mixing channel with chemicals like
Quantity: 2 No.
Tag No. : 0-7150-LC-1 / 2
No. of Channel Per Clarifier: 1 No.
Actual m 3/hr
(Per Stream) 95
Design Flow: (Per Stream) 100* m 3/hr
Flow Direction Cross Flow
Type of plates Corrugated
Settling Velocity: 1 m/hr
Effective surface area required 95 m 2
Installed Area Required 195.02 m 2
Installed Area Provided 198 m 2
No. of Plates / Pack Variable m 2
Angle of inclination of packs: 55°
Plate spacing: 50 mm
Tank Dimension: 3.7 m x 3.2 m x 3.6 m
Material Of Construction: MS FRP
Clear Water Chamber:
Quantity 1 No.
Retention Time 1 hr
Capacity: 184 m 3
Tag No. 0-7150-TK-9
0-7150-DP-4, DP-5,DP-6,
Tag No. DP-29
Quantity: 2* No.
Holding Capacity: 8* days
Maximum Sludge Flow considered: 6 m 3/hr
Manual scrapping of dry sludge ( Standard
Type Practice)
Capacity: 828 m3
Dimension: 18.2m x 18.2m x 2.5m + FB:0.3m
Tag No. 0-7160-SDB-1/2