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Annex B. Form 1d Ldis Rapids

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CDP Preparation Template Form 1d

Local Development Indicator System/RaPIDS

Local Development Indicator Table

1 2 3 ...n
Demography Population Size  Population size (all census
years available including latest)
Population Growth  Growth rate, urban and rural,
Rate short-term medium term, long
term (formula used)
Population Distribution  Gross population density, 2
reference years
 Net population density, 2
reference years
 Percent of urban population, 2
reference years
 Urban population density, 2
reference years
Level of Well- Access to education  Proportion of 6-12 year old
Being children who are not in
elementary school, by sex,
 Proportion of 13-16 year olds
who are not in secondary
school, by sex, latest
Access to health  Percent of households without
services sanitary toilets, latest
 Proportion of children 0-5 years
old who are below normal
weight for their age
 Proportion of children under 5
years old who died of illness, 2
reference years

Local Planning Illustrative Guide: Preparing and Updating the Comprehensive Development Plan
CDP Preparation Template Form 1d
Local Development Indicator System/RaPIDS

 Proportion of women who died

due to pregnancy, 2 reference
 Proportion of 2 births attended
by skilled health personnel to
total deliveries, latest
 Prevalence rates of HIV/AIDS,
malaria, tuberculosis, and other
diseases, latest
 Death rates of HIV/AIDS,
malaria, tuberculosis and other
diseases latest
Social Justice Poverty  Proportion of households whose
members eat less than 3 full
meals a day, 2 reference years
 Proportion of population with
incomes below poverty line
(consult data for region)
Security  Proportion of households who
are informal settlers, 2
reference years
 Proportion of households with
dwelling structures unable to
protect them from the elements,
2 reference years (focus on
roofing and outer walls)
 Proportion of households with
members victimized by crime to
total households, 2 reference
 Proportion of households
without access to level II and
level III water supply system, 2
reference years
Gender Equality  Ratio of girls to boys in
elementary, secondary and
tertiary school, latest

Local Planning Illustrative Guide: Preparing and Updating the Comprehensive Development Plan
CDP Preparation Template Form 1d
Local Development Indicator System/RaPIDS

 Share of women in non-

agricultural wage employment
General Labor and  Percent labor force employed
employment by sex, 2 reference years
 Dependency ratio, 2 reference
years (youth and old age)
 Percent of workers in non-
agricultural occupation, 2
reference years
 Proportion of persons 15 years
old and above who are not
working but actively seeking
 Proportion of children below 15
years old who are employed to
the total number of employed
Agriculture Agricultural Production  Volume/value of agricultural
crop production by major crop, 2
reference years
 Volume/value of fish production
inland & marine, 2 reference
 Fishing HH/Total HH
Food self-sufficiency  Food self-sufficiency index by
food groups, latest
Forestry  Per capita value of production
 Employment contribution of
forestry in percent of total
Fishery  Per capita fish consumption
 Ratio of commercial fishing
production versus municipal
fishing production

Local Planning Illustrative Guide: Preparing and Updating the Comprehensive Development Plan
CDP Preparation Template Form 1d
Local Development Indicator System/RaPIDS

Industry 
Ratio of electrical energy
consumption in industry &
commerce to total consumption
 Volume/value or
mining/quarrying production, 2
reference years
Industry and Household Income  Percentage of households with
Services secondary/ tertiary source of
 Percentage of households
engaged in main source of
income only to total number of
Services  Total number of commercial
establishments, in EEU, 2
reference years
 Tourism receipts per year
Forest Resource Base and  Change in stock of forestry
Ecosystem Land Use resources: dipterocarp, tree
plantation, mangroves, pine,
rattan (ha/year)
 Soil erosion in upland areas
 Forest land classification ratios
(in %)
 Ratio of population to certified
A&D areas (in percent)
 Percentage of timberland
proclaimed as forest reserve
Tenure Arrangement  Area covered by leases and
permits per lessee/permittee
Tenure Arrangement  Area covered by CBFMA as
percent of total forest area
 Number of families benefitting
from community-based projects
as percent of total number of

Local Planning Illustrative Guide: Preparing and Updating the Comprehensive Development Plan
CDP Preparation Template Form 1d
Local Development Indicator System/RaPIDS

 Growth rate of upland

population (per annum)
Lowland/ Land Use and Land  Extent of area devoted to
Agricultural Productivity agriculture in percent of A&D
Ecosystem  Land Use changes (ha/year)
 Land productivity (m.t./ha)
 Ratio of upland devoted to
agriculture over total upland
area (in percent)
 Areas under IPM relative to total
cropland (in percent)
Other Agricultural  Cropland per agricultural worker
Areas (ha)
 Extent of agricultural area under
mechanized cultivation (in %)
 Ratio of agricultural workers to
the number of
harvesters/threshers servicing
the area
 Extent of irrigable, irrigated,
rainfed, non-irrigated and prime
lands converted to non-
agricultural uses (ha/year)
Soil degradation  Extent of problem soils
(hectarage) as percent of total
land area
 Erosion rates by land use
 Area distribution of
erosion/degradation classes as
percent of total land area
 Extent of soil conservation (area
coverage) as percent of
eroded/degraded soils
Fertilizer and  Nitrogen use per unit of
Pesticides Use agricultural output (kg/m.t.)
 Pesticide use per unit of
agricultural output (kg/m.t.)

Local Planning Illustrative Guide: Preparing and Updating the Comprehensive Development Plan
CDP Preparation Template Form 1d
Local Development Indicator System/RaPIDS

 Inorganic fertilizer used per unit

area (kg/ha)
Fertilizer and  Organic fertilizer used per unit
Pesticides Use area (kg/ha)
 Ratio of organic to inorganic
fertilizer used
Tenure  Area by tenure of farm per
household, 2 reference years
Urban Air Quality  Concentration of air pollutants
Ecosystem at selected sites: number of
violations of standards in a year
per site
 Incidence in a year per site per
1000 inhabitants
 Emission levels of different
pollutants per source
Solid Waste  Solid waste per capita in m.t. or
Management cu.m.
 Non-biodegradable waste per
capita (m.t. or cu,m.)
Water Quality  Waste generated per capita per
year (in m.t. or cu.m.)
 Effluents by source (various
 Concentration of water
pollutants in selected water
bodies (various units)
Land Use  Informal settler density (informal
settlers/total population)
 % of total land area occupied by
 Rate of change in industrial land
use (ha/year)
Coastal Marine Resource Base  Mangrove area: annual rate of
Ecosystem depletion (ha/year)
 Seagrass beds: number of
species, 2 reference year

Local Planning Illustrative Guide: Preparing and Updating the Comprehensive Development Plan
CDP Preparation Template Form 1d
Local Development Indicator System/RaPIDS

 Seagrass beds: status or

condition, 2 reference year
 Coral reef and coral cover:
status or condition, 2 reference
 Area of fishing ground relative
to fishing population (ha/1,000
Resource Base  Marine protected areas as
percent of total area of
municipal waters
 Presence of indicator fish
species, 2 reference years
Threats  Concentration of key pollutants
in selected sites, 2 reference
 Concentration of coliform in
selected beaches (in ppm)
 Oil spills: number and
 Rate of sedimentation on
selected bays (mm/year)
Freshwater Surface and Ground  Physical quality indicators, 2
Ecosystem Water Quality reference years
 Chemical quality indicators, 2
reference years
 Biological quality indicators, 2
reference years
 Nitrate content of selected
rivers, 2 reference years
Quality of Major  Rating of the general condition
Freshwater Bodies of freshwater body, latest
 Number of licensed abstractors
and volume of abstraction in
mcm per annum
 Area of fishpens as percent of
area of freshwater bodies

Local Planning Illustrative Guide: Preparing and Updating the Comprehensive Development Plan
CDP Preparation Template Form 1d
Local Development Indicator System/RaPIDS

Minerals and  Ratio of mining incidents and
Mines accidents to total no. of mining
industry workers
 Incidence of illness due to
mining operations per year
 Hectarage disturbed by mining
as percent of total mineralized
 Estimates of mineral deposits,
by type of minerals in metric
Biodiversity Ecosystem Diversity  Proportion of ecosystem area
highly threatened species over
total number of known species
Ecosystem Diversity  Number of sites identified for
migratory birds per 100
 Number of exotic species
introduced over total number of
 Species diversity index
Conservation Efforts  Proportion of protected areas
with illegal settlements to total
protected areas
 Level of ex situ conservation in
 Critical habitat/areas restored in
 Number of conservation
programs implemented per five
 Habitat size
restored/rehabilitated per year
 Number of visitors in protected
areas per year

Local Planning Illustrative Guide: Preparing and Updating the Comprehensive Development Plan
CDP Preparation Template Form 1d
Local Development Indicator System/RaPIDS

 Percent of protected areas

converted to other uses
 Number of households per
square km. of protected area
Social Support Utilities  Percent of HH served by electric
 Ratio of HH served by piped
water supply to total urban HH
Health  No. of hospital beds per 1000
Education  Classroom-to-pupil ratio in
elementary schools; in
secondary schools
Telecommunications  No. of telephones/1000 urban
 Ratio of postal employees to
total HH population
Economic Public Roads  Road density (area covered by
Support roads to total land area)
Public Roads  Total length of roads in km/total
land area of A&D land
 Kilometer of road per 100
 Density of farm to market roads
(km/100 ha of farmland)
 Percent of permanent bridges
Administrative Office Space  Total office floor space per
Support municipal employee (in sq. m)
Public Safety  No. of fire trucks per capita
 No. of police outposts/1000
 No. of prisoners/detention cell
Municipal Cemetery  Percent occupancy of municipal
Open Space  Total area of public open space
per 1000 inhabitants

Local Planning Illustrative Guide: Preparing and Updating the Comprehensive Development Plan
CDP Preparation Template Form 1d
Local Development Indicator System/RaPIDS

 Total number of covered

courts/number of barangays
Local Fiscal Revenue Performance  Total revenue per capita, 2
Management reference yrs
 Self-reliance index, 2 reference
 Proportion of delinquencies to
total RPT collected, 2 reference
 Proportion of delinquent RPT
payers to total listed taxpayers
 Ratio of proceeds from special
levies to total revenues, 2
reference years in previous and
present administrations
 Ratio of financial grants or
donations to total LGU income,
2 reference years in previous
and present administrations
Expenditure  Total public expenditure on
capital outlay per capita, 2
reference years
 Ratio of municipal government
employees to total no. of local
RPT  No. of big taxpayers who
account for 80% of tax revenues
 Total revenue collected as
percent of annual collection
target, 2 reference years
 Percent RPT collected to total
potentially collectible
 Amount of tax arrears recovered
over total tax arrears at the
beginning of budget year

Local Planning Illustrative Guide: Preparing and Updating the Comprehensive Development Plan
CDP Preparation Template Form 1d
Local Development Indicator System/RaPIDS

Municipal Enterprises  Proportion of receipts from

municipal enterprises to total
local revenues
Organization and  Proportion of vacancies to total
Management plantilla positions, previous and
present administrations
 Ratio of casual employees,
previous and present
 Ratio of employees to total no.
of personnel by type, 2
reference years
 Managerial
 Technical
 Administrative
 Ratio of confidential positions to
total plantilla positions, previous
and present administrations
Public  Ratio of LDC member NGOs
Participation and POs per capita, previous
and present administrations
Development Legislative Output  Proportion of “development”
Administration legislation to total sanggunian
output, last and current
Credit Financing  Total public debt incurred by the
LGU per capita, past and
present administrations

Local Planning Illustrative Guide: Preparing and Updating the Comprehensive Development Plan

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