Unit Special Types of Foundations: Structure
Unit Special Types of Foundations: Structure
Unit Special Types of Foundations: Structure
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Type of Special Foundations
8.3 Foundations for Vibratory Machine
8.3.1 Elements of Vibration Theory
8.3.2 Natural Frequencies of Coupled Rocking and Sliding
8.3.3 Types of Machines and Unbalanced Forces
8.3.4 T y of Machine Foundations
8.3.5 Design Criteria
8.3.6 Block Foundations for Reciprocating and Rotary Machines
8.3.7 Block Foundations for I m p w Machines
8.3.8 Dynamic Soil Properties
8.4 Foundations on Expansive Soils
8.4.1 identification of Swelling Soils
8.4.2 Methods of Elimination/Reduction of Swelling
8.4.3 Types of Foundationson Expansive Soils
8.4.4 Design and Construction of Under-Teamed Piles
8.5 WellFoundations
8.5.1 Elements of Well Foundations
8.5.2 Design Procedure for a Well Foundation
8.5.3 Design of Depth of Well Foundations
8.5.4 Bearing Capacity and Settlement Considerations
8.5.5 Loading Condition
8.5.6 Lateral Stability of Wall
8.5.7 Constructional Aspects of Well Foundations
8.6 Summary
8.7 Answer to SAQs
In the previous units you have already seen, how ordinary foundations subjected to simple
static loads can be analysed and designed. You also understood how the soil conditions
play an important role in the design, analysis and construction of foundations. In this unit
we shall consider some special types of foundations subjected to complicated loading
conditions, both static and dynamic. We will also understand how difficult soil conditions
exists, such as expansive soils and how to ensure a distress-free life of the structures
founded on these soils. This being an advanced topic in the area of Foundation
Engineering, you are not expected to solve numerical problems and design exercises.
However, you should be able to understand typical solutions pertaining to the analysis and
design of any of these special type of foundations. Advanced level text books are listed at
the end of this Unit for your reference and study.
After studying this unit you will be able to appreciate the principles involved in the
analysis and design of
. machine foundations subjected to different types of vibratoryldynamic loads,
. special type of foundations particularly applicable to construct distress-free
structures on expansive soils, and
. caissons or well foundations to safely cany large loads coming from
structures such as bridges etc.
Also, you will appreciate the
. importance of correctly evaluating the various dynamic soil properties,
For the same anaffifv: it shall be assumed that the block is placed at ground level (Figure
8.3), that is D,= 0.
If thel&dlre of gravity of the foundation and machine and the centroid of the base area of
the toundation in contact with the soil lie on a vertical line that coincides with the line of
action of the existing force P,, then the foundation will undergo only vertical vibration.
Since the foundatton is assumed to be an absolutely rigid body, its displacement is
determined by the displacement of its centre of gravity, and vibrating mass therefore be
considered to be a concentrated polnt mass. As mentioned above, weightless springs serve
Foundation Engineering -11
as a model for the soil. Thus, the machine-foundation-soilsystem now becomes the
equivalent spring-mass system shown in Figure 8.4.
If the displacement of the foundation computed with respect to the equilibrium position
equals z, then the reaction of the spring will be equal to
W = Weight of the foundation,
k, = Equivalent spring constant of the soil in vertical direction for base areaA of
the foundation, C, A and
C,= Barkan's coefficient of elastic uniform compression.
The equation of motion of this system using de Alembert's principle may be written as
-m,+w+P,(t)-R, = 0 . . . (8.3)
or, using Eq. (8.2),we obtain
m, + k, = P, sin ol
m = Mass of the foundation and machine = w/g,
g = Acceleration due to gravity, and
o = Frequency of operation of the machine.
Therefore, the natural frequency of a vertically vibrating system is g i v e q p :~,,! , , ,,.
where, Special Types of Foundations
b) Sliding Vibrations
In practice, rocking and sliding occur simultaneously. But if the resistance of soil to
compression is large in comparison with resistance to shear, then sliding will occur,
mairily in the direction of the action of horizontal exciting force.
Consider horizontal unbalanced force, Px ( t ) = P, sin of, to act on a block foundation
(Figure 8.5).
P~ s ~ n c * t P,Sin st
Figure 8.5: Block Foundationthat Slides only and its Equivalent Model
'nie expression for frequency and amplitude in sliding are thus similar to the expression
for vertical vibrations.
c) Rocking Vibrations
Rocking vibrations occur mostly in machines that are mounted on high pedestals and have
unbalanced horii..ontal forces and exciting momenta
FoudPtion Enni-ring -11 Let us assume that an externally exciting moment My( t ) acts on the foundation block.
Here, My( I ) = Mysin wt in which My denotes the moment acting In the X Y plane
(Figure 8.4). The footing is symmetrical about the Y axis, and the centre of mass of thc
foundation and the machine and the centroid of the base area lie on a vertical line and in
the plane of moment. The displaced position of the foundation is shown in Figure 8.6 and
its rotation is $.
M v S I Jt
a) Block under Excitation due to an Applied Moment. b) Soil Readion Below the Base
Figure 8.6: Rocking Vibrations of a Rigid Block
The equation of motion may be obtained by applying Newton's second law o f motion as
explained below.
I) Moment MI occasioned by the inertia of the foundation
MI = - M,,, $ . . (8.12)
M,, = thc moment OFinertia of the mass of the foundation and machine with
respect to the axis of rotation.
ii) Moment M, occasioned by the displaced position of tlie centre of gravtly ol
the foundation.
M, = WL tan $I = WL . . . (8.13)
L = The distrulce between the centre of gravity and the axis o f rotation, and
W = Weight of the foundation.
iii) Moment MRoccasioned by the soil reaction.
M, = - C , I $ ... (8.14)
C , = The coefficient of elastic non-uniform compression,
I = The mnoment of inertia of the foundation area in contact with the soil
with respect to the axis of rotation.
iv) The exciting moment My( t ) = M,, sin or.
The equation of motion may therefore be written as
.- - ... .,.
- - -
in which '(1' is the dimension of the footing perpendicular to the axis of rotation. Similarly,
the contribution of rocking, towards the horizontal amplitudes is given by
A,, = h A, . . . (8.19b)
It may be noted that for a footing that rocks about Y axis and has dimensions. a and h
along the X and Y axis, respectively, I is given by
Thc response of the footing to rocking is thus affected by the dimension of the footing
perpendicular to the axis of rotation and this principal may be used to an advantage in
proportioning the foundations undergoing roclung vibration.
1" / "'$,
Initial position.
5 ( t a i s p t a c d position
Using this two Eqs. (8.26) and (8.27), Barkan developed the following frequency equation:
on='Circular natural frequency of the coupled rocking and sliding vibration ,
n, = Circular natural frequency for purely sliding vibiation.
ng = Circular natural frequency for purely rocking vibration,
M , , = Mass moment of inertia of the foundation and machine about an axis that
passes through the centroid of the base contact area and perpendicular to
the plane of vibration = M,, + m ~ ' .
The roots of equation (8.28) are two principle natural frequencies (w,, and wn2)for the Special Types o€Foundations
coupled vibr:~tion.
Amplitudes of Vibration
Considering forced vibrations, the amplitudes may be expressed in terms of the exciting
torces and moments. With the amplitudes of the exciting force and moment given by P, (t)
and My(t) respectively, the vibration amplitude horizontally (A,) and rotationally (A+)at
any frequency may be expressed as
6 (w2) = 111 MI,, (4,- w2) (mi, - w2)
The total anlplitude of the vertical and horizontal vibrations may be computed by using
Eqs. (8.1%) and (8.19b) respectively.
in which h = height of the top of the foundation above the combined C.G.
Figure 8.8: Reciprocating Motion
The crank rotates with an angular frequency, which moves the piston P through the
connecting rod CP. The rotary motion of the crank is converted to the translatory motion
ot the piston. A similar mechanism can also be used to convert a translatory motion into a
rotary motion. The force-time or displacement-time response curve is sinusoidal as shown
in Figure 8.9.
2) Rotary Machines
Centrifugal pumps, generators or turbines are examples of rotary machines, where the
moving parts are theoretically balanced. However, in practice, unbalanced forces always
exist, owing to holes, defects of manufacture, installations or attachments, thereby causing
eccentricity of rotating parts and producing oscillating force, as shown in Figure 8.10.
The rimc rcsponsc is a sinusoidal curve (Figure 8.1 1).
I 1 one cycle L
3) Pulsating Machines
Impulsive loads produced by operation of forge hammer, punch presses, or stamping
machines cause shocks on the foundation, which are released instantaneously. The
response is a pulsating curve. The motion is nearly before the next pulse reappears.
4) Random Forces
Earthquake, nuclear blast, mine explosion, wind action etc. produce motions in which
displacement-time relationship is irregular and random.
In all such loadings, unbalanced (dynamic) forces are developed which Gause vibration
motions, as explained earlier.
Tdrsion (yawnlny I
shear G d against rotation (about the y axis). Let 8, denotes the mass moment of inertia of
the foundation about the y axis. Then x, z and 8, are respectively the displacements along
x and z axes and rotation about the y axis.
The equations of motion of the foundation for the undamped case can be written as
a) Vertical
mz + k, z = P, (t) . . . (8.34)
b) Horizontal
m.x + k, (X - S 8,) = P, ( I ) . . . (8.35)
b) Rocking
$,eY - kJx + (k, - WS + K,s~) 8, = My (t) . . . (8.36)
It may be seen that Eq. (8.34) representing the translatory motion along the z axis is
independent of the other two coordinates x and 8 while Eqs. (8.35) and (8.36) which
represent the horizontal sliding and rocking motions respectively, contain both x and 8.
Eqs. (8.35) and (8.36) thus form a coupled set while Eq. (8.34) can be solved
independently as a separate single-degree system.
To obtain the equations of motion in the yz plane, the suffixes x and y should be
interchanged in Eqs. (8.35) and (8.36). The equation of motion for torsion (rotation about
the z axis) under the influence of an oscillating torsional moment To sin a t is given by
$, u + k, u + Tq sin a t . . . (8.37)
where, $, is the mass moment of inertia about the z axis, u is the angle of twist and K, is
the stiffness of the elastic support for rotation about vertical axis.
Eq. (8.37), similar to Eq. (8.34) is independent of the motion of the foundation in other
modes and may be solved as a separate single-degree system. The solution of the
equations of motion (8.34) and (8.37) leads the following expressions for natural
frequencies and amplitudes for the various modes.
a) Vertical Translation
i) The circular natural frequency (a,) for uncoupled vertical translation along
the z axis is given by
w , = v . . . (8.38)
For foundations resting directly on soils
ii) The vertical amplitude (a,) under the action of an exciting forces p, sin omt, Special Types of Foundations
ombeing the circular operating frequency is given by
b) Sliding and Rocking Motion in xz Plane
i) Natural Frequencies
The two natural frequencies on,, on,which represent the coupled motion
(sliding along x axis and rocking about y axis) in the xz plane are given by
the roots of the following quadratic equation in on
oey+ o2
02n + w 8 y 2 0 2 x $ = . . . (8.41)
On- yay aY
where, ay is the ratio of the mass of inertia ($,) about the y axis passing
through centre of gravity to the mass moment of inertia ($ey ) about a parallel
axis through the centre of gravity of the base support.
a y= $#by . . . (8.42)
o2ey= (ko WS) 0y- . . . (8.43)
The terms oxand oqy are called the limiting frequencies of the coupled
motion, oxrepresents the natural circular frequency for "pure sliding" along
the x axis when the foundation is assumed to possess infinite resistance to
rocking (about the y axis) and oh denotes the natural circular frequency for
'pure rocking' (about the y axis) when the foundation is assumed to possess
infinite resistance to sliding (along the x axis).
The two roots on,and on,of Eq. (8.41) are given by
-- 1
[ogY+ w: + 4( o h + 4)'
- 49. miy 21 . . . (8.47)
The foundation vibrates with circular natural frequencies w,, and on,( where
on,> on,) about two centres of rotation) 0, and 8, (Figure 8.14) - which are
situated at distances a, and a;? respectively from the common centre of
ii) Amplitudes
The horizontal amplitude (a,) and rotational amplitudes (a,) of the
foundation subjected to the simultaneous action of an exciting force Po sin
w,t and an exciting moment Mysin oi mare given by
aey = (k& P, + (k, - m %m) My7 ...
flu:) = m$y ( 4 2 - mi) ( 4 2 - mi) . . . (8.54)
The net horizontal displacement (along the x-axis) of the upper edge of the
foundation is equal to
a,+(H-S) w . . . (8.55)
where H is height of foundation.
c) SWmg and Rocking Motion in yz Plane
The natural frequencies of the coupled sliding (along the y axis) aand rocking (about the x
axis) motion of the foundation and rocking are given by an equation similar to Eq. (8.4 1)
obtained with the suffixes x and y interchanged in it.
The amplitude 4, und aeX may likewise be obtained from Eqs. (8.52) and (8.53) with the
suffixes x and y interchanged. The net horizontal amplitudes (along the y axis) of the
upper edge of foundation is then
If the combined centre of gravity of the machine and foundation and the centroid of the
foundation base do not lie in the same vertical line, the vertical vibration is not
independent of horizontal vibration and rocking. In this case, vertical, horizontal and
rocking vibration in xz (or yz) planes are intercoupled and the three coupled natural Special Typa of Foundatiom
frequencies. o,,o, and o, (three in each plane xz and yz) are given by the roots of the
following expression:
a(w: - mi) (mi, - on;) (wn; - n2)
= . . . (8.60)
o;(w; - 0,')
where w,, o n , ,on,are given by Eqs. (8.38) and (8.43), ex is the eccentricity of the centroid
of base area of foundation measured along the x axis from the centre of gravity of machine
Soundation and
The principal design criteria for the foundations subjected to periodical forces are as
Foundation Engineering -11 a) The natural frequency should be at least 50 percent away from the operating speed of
the machine.
b) The amplitude of the foundation should not normally exceed 0.2 mm.
c) The stress on soil (or other elastic layers such as cork, springs, etc. where used) under
the combined influence of static and dynamic loads should be within the respective
permissible values. For preliminary designs, the bearing pressure on soil due to static
loads alone may be taken as 0.4 times the corresponding safe bearing capacity.
The minimum possible dimensions of the foundation should be selected satisfying the
above design criteria.
8.3.7 Block Foundations for Impact Machines
The dynamic analysis of hammer foundation is based on a two-degree system undergoing
free vibration.
Figure 8.15 show a two-degree freedom system consisting of masses m, and r? and
springs having stiffness k, and k,.
sin o n l t
4 2- 4 1
Usually the amplitudes associated with the higher or the two frequencies on,and o, w Q
be small. If on,. on,neglecting the part contributed by the higher natural frequency, the
amplitudes a , and a , can be written as
Consideration in Planning
i) The centre line of anvil and the centroid of the base area should lie on the
vertical line passing through the common centre of gravity of the machine
and its foundation.
ii) Where elastic underlayers are used under the anvil and the base, care should
be taken to ensure uniform distribution of loading and protection of these
materials against progressive deterioration. 'The foundation may be laid in a
reinforced concrete trough with an air gap between the foundation and the
side walls.
iii) Timber when used as elastic material should be laid in the form of a grillage
and should be impregnated with preservatives.
iv) 'The thickness of the elastic layers is based on the permissible stresses in the
respective materials. Table 8.1 gives the guidance for the thickness of pads
under the anvil.
Table 8.1: Guidance for the Pad Thickness Under the Anvil
v) When two neighboring foundations are laid at different depths, the straight
line connecting the adjacent edges should form an angle not exceeding 25' to
the horizontal. For close foundations, they may be laid at the same depth
with a common mat as the base.
Foundation Engineering -11 1) The amplitude of the foundation should not exceed 1 . O m . In the case of foundations
on sand below ground water table, the amplitude should be restricted below 0.8 mm.
2) The permissible amplitude of the anvil which depends on. the weight of falling tup are
as follows.
Weight of tup upto 1 t 2t 3t
Permissible Amplitude 1mm 2mm 3-4mm
3) The maximum stresses on the soil and other elastic layers shall be less than the
permissible limits for the respective materials.
Foundations Resting on Soil- Principal Stages in Design Calculations
a) Minimum Weight of Foundation and Base Area Required.
The minimum weight (w,) of the foundation is based on the requirement that the
amplitude of vibration is less than the permissible value. This gives the expression.
k = coefficient of impact,
(k = 0.5 for stamping hammer, k = 0.25 for forging hammers)
v = initial velocity of hammer head (dsec.)
The minimum base area is based on the requirement that the stress on the soil is within the
permissible value (0,). This gives the expression.
Wm,,=20(1 + k ) v . - . . . (8.75)
Table 8.2 gives the minimum thickness of the foundation below the anvil base for different
weights of hammer head.
Table 8.2 : Minimum Thickness of the Foundation Below Anvil
2.0 1.25
4.0 1.75
Mass of tup(1)
iii) Limiting Frequencies (o,, o,)
The square of the limiting frequency (61,) defined as the freyuency of natural vibration of
the anvil assuming the soil to be rigid (k, = w) is given by
The square of the other limiting freyuency (o:) of the entire system assuming k, = w is
given by
Foundation Engineering 11
- -@ Source
iazF I
L 4m
13:OY 1
Figure 8.17: Sketch Showing Cross-boreholeTechnique for Memurement of Velocity of Wave Propagation
b) Down hole
Figure 818: (a) Up-Hole and (b)Down-Hde Techniques for Measurement of Velocity of Wave Propagation
In the up-hole method, the receiver is placed at the surface, and the shear waves are
generated at different depths within the bore hole, whiIe in the down-hole method, the
excitation is applied at the surface, and one or more receivers are placed at different depths
within the hole (Figure 8.19). Both the Up-hole and the down-hole methods give average
1) Basic Soil Properties Special Types of Foundations
From the analysis of a two-degree system (Figure 8.15) subjected to free vibrations, the
two circular natural frequencies w,, and on,shall be determined as roots of the following
quadratic equation in 4.
P = pressure of piston,
A = area of piston, and
L = length of stroke
= 0.5 to 0.8.
vi) Velocity after Impact (v )
For a cemtra blow, the velocity (v) after impact is given by
-b i m i e C P T
A Cmrrholc
oscillator should be mounted on the block so that the block is subjected to purely s~usoidal
vertical vibration. Two geophones of identical characteristics, are connected to Uie vextical
plates and the other horizontal plates of an oscilloscope are so positioned along a ray do=
from the block in the longitudinal direction so that the Lissajous figure on the oseilloscope
screen becomes a circle. The nearest geophone may be at a distance of 30 cm from the
block and the further are varied in position till this condition is achieved. Figure 8.23
shows the block diagram for the testing arrangement. The distance D between the two positions
of geophones is then measured. The wave length R of the propagating waves is given by
LR = 40 . . . (8.89)
The velocity of the Rayleigh waves V , is then given by
VR = LRf Vs
in whichf is the frequency of vibration of oscillator at which the wavelength has been
The elastic modulus E and the modulus G of the soil medium are calculated as follows:
. . (8.91) Special Types of Foundations
Concrete block
Osci [la tor
- - - - - - - - - - - - -lTPSt
1 pit
ll ' I
Figure 8.23: Typical Experimental Setup for in SITU Dynamic Soil Testing
in which Cl is the mass density of the soil and p, the Poisson's ratio of the soil. The
representative values of Poisson's ratio is given in Table 8.3
I Table 8.3 :Values of Poisson's Ratio For Soils
This method cannot produce the accurate and detailed (layer - layer) information of the
bore hole methods. However, it can provide:
i) the near surface wave velocity V, (0), which controls the radiation damping
of high-frequency machine foundation, as well as the response in rocking
and torsion at all frequencies, and
ii) with high power equipment operating at low frequencies, the velocity of
deeper strata that could not be reached inexpensively with a bore hole.
V) Footing(B1ock) Resonance Test
This test is used for determining stiffness of soil by exciting a concrete block foundation
r (1.5 m x 0.75 m x 0.7 m) at sultable depth (Figure 8.24) and is excited in vertical
Concrete tor V test /
/ IH 1%) Accelcfdion
5 De to br
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / ///I////
(a) (b)
Figure 8.24 :Set up for a Block-ResonanceTest
Foundntion Endmering 11 vibrations. Two acceleration or displacement transducers are mounted on the top of the
block (Figure 8. 25) such that they sense vertical motion of the block. A mechanical
oscillator, that works on the principal of eccentric masses mounted on two shafts rotating
in opposite directions is mounted on the block so that it generates purely vertical vibration.
The frequency is gradually increased in steps till the resonant stage is passed through. The
frequency corresponding to the peak amplitude is the resonant frequencyf,. Barkan's
coefficient of elastic uniform compression c, is obtained from the formula
m = the mass of the test blockplus mounted mechanical equipment,
f, = the resonant frequency (hertz), and
A, = the contact area of the test block with soil.
0 Ampl i tude
Barkan's recommended values of the coefficient a in above equation are listed in Table
8.4 for various values of the aspect ratio U B of rectangular model block used in the test.
Table 8.4 :Barkan's Value of Factor a for Rectangular Footings (Barkan, 1%2)
The coefficient of elastic shear C, can be determined in a similar manner by arranging the Special T y p of F o o n ~ t i o n s
oscillator to vibrate in a horizontal direction. This induces coupled rocking and sliding
vibration. Three vibration transducers are located at different heights on the footing .
(Figure 8.26). Horizontal amplitude versus frequency curves plotted for each of thethree
transducers.show two peaks, which corresponds to the two resonant frequencies of the
coupled system (sliding and rocking).
To determine the mode of vibration, the resonant amplitude at either resonant frequency is
plotted against height of the location of the pick-up above the base of the block.
Figure 8.26: Decay Curve Under Forced Vibration is Plotted Against Height of the Location of the Pick-up
Above the Bacie of the Block
Damping factor O = e f
Figure 8.27: Response Curve Under Forced Vibration
If the plot obtained corresponds to Figure 8.27, then the particular resonant frequency (f,,)
corresponds to the first (or fundamental) mode of the coupled motion. However, if it
corresponds to that shown in Figure 8.27, then the resonant frequency corresponds to the
second mode (f,).
The coefficient of elastic uniform shear C, is then obtained from
P = A,lm
a = MdM,,
Q = .3.46 (Ilm,,)
M, = Mass moment of inertia about a horizontal axis passing through the C.G. of
the block and perpendicular to the direction of vibration,
Foundation Engineering I1 M,, = Mass moment of inertia about a horizontal axis passing through the centroid
of the contact area between the block and the soil and the normal to the
direction of vibration,
I = Second moment of area of the contact area about a horizontal axis passing
through the centroid of the areas and normal to the direction of vibration,
A, = Base area of the foundation, and
rn = Mass of the foundation block and machinery.
The positive sign shall be taken when fxis the second natural frequency (f,,) of the coupled
motion and negative sign when f, is the first natural frequency (f,,).
The soil constants C,, C, for use in actual machine foundation design are obtained from
the following relationships (IS: 5249 - 1969):
C, (Machine foundation) = Cc, ( A ~ A ) ' " . . . (8.97)
C (Machine foundation) = C, (Ab/A)ln . . . (8.98)
A, = base area of the concrete block used in the test, and
A = base area of the actual machine foundation.
The effective damping available in the soil can be determined either from the shape of the
response curve or the decay in the vibration amplitude of a block subjected to free
vibrations. The damping ratio D is obtained from the decay curve of the free vibration test
(Figure 8.26) by using the following equation:.
1 A1
D = - log - ...
2 A,
where, A, and A, are the vibration amplitudes at successive peaks of the decay curve. It is
important to recognise that the damping ratio determined in the test comprises both
geometrical and material damping.
Figure 8.27 illustrates a typical graph of displacement versus frequency from forced
vibration test. f is defined as the width of this response curve at an amplitude equal to
times the maximum amplitude at the resonant frequency fr.The damping ratio D is
biven'by the following equation when a constant force oscillator is used.
c, = Uniform Compression @)
Elastic Settlement (Sd
Load intensity
Elastic rcbcund-SP
(a 1 (b)
Figure 8.28 :(a) Load intemities Vs Settlement in a Cyclic-plate-loadTest
(b) Load Intensity Vs Elastic Rebound from Cyclic Plate-Load Testr
vii) Standard Penetration Test
A correlation exists between (uncorrected) N values and shear wave velocity, V, (mls),
given by the following relationship:
Prakash and Puri (1988) successfully applied the above relationship in predicting dynamic
soil properties at different depths.
Factors Affecting Dynamic Modulus
Based on the study of dynamic elastic constants, the factors on which these depend are:
1) Type of soil and its properties (e.g., water content and pd)and state of disturbance
level or confining stress.
ii) Initial (sustained) static stress level or c o n f i i g stress.
iii) Strain level.
iv) Time effects.
v) Degree of saturation.
vi) Frequency and number of cycles of dynamic load.
vii) Magnitude of dynamic stress.
viii) Dynamic prestrain.
i) Types of Soil, Properties and Initial Static Stress Level
Since the soil modulus is strain dependent, more than one method is needed to determine
the variation of modulus with strain.
On the basis of analysis of the various soil constants for the large amount of data collected,
the maximum value of the shear modulus, G, (at low shear strain of is expressed by
the following equation.
K (2.973 - e)2
G,, = 1230 OCR ( 00)0.5 ...
(1 + e)
which OCR is the overconsolidationratio, e the void ratio, and K a factor that depends
., the plasticity index of clays (Table 8.5) and 0,the mean effective confining stress in
psi, equals.
0, = (CJl+o2+o3)/3
(3, = (0z+by+(3z)/3
Plasticity Index PI K
0 0
20 0.18
60 0.30
80 0.41
100 0.50
If the shear modulus is determined at a mean confining pressure of (oo),,its value at any
other mean confining (oo), can be determined from Eq. (76).
Mec hanlcal
Elastic Elaatic plastlc Failure
Angle of inlorna 1
Constants Shear mOdulus, Poisson's ratio,&mping ratio frict iofyohrsion
-2 i ,.
met hod
a in
a Re,matod
loading test L-
Wave p r o m t i o n
n test
E ,locrdlng l e s t I
Figure 8.29: Strain Level Associated with Dierent In-SITU and Laboratory Test
levels associated with different phenomenon in the field and corresponding field and
laboratory tests. Typical variations of G versus shear strain amplitude for various in-situ
tests are shown in Figure 8.30 (Prakash and Puri, 1988). The soil modulus may vary by a
factor of 10, depending upon the strain level.
It is customary to plot a graph between normalized modulus (defined as G values at a
particular strain, divided by Gm,,at a strain of lo4) and shear strain (Figure 8.31).
Spesial Types of Foundations
0 : Forced v~brahontest
A : Free vibration test
2m,- .
0 Cyclic plotc load test
1 0 . Shear modulus test
I 1 1 1 1
1 o4
I , [ -
1 v w , , ,I@ 10'
S t r a i n amplitude
-- I I
'10-6 10- 5 10-4 10-3 0 2 101
Oynam~cshear s t r n i n y
Figure 8.31 :Normalized Shear Modulus (G I C M ~ $vs Shear Strain
The shear strain induced in soil may not be precisely known. The shear strain induced in
soil depends on superimposed loads, the foundation contact area, and the soil
characteristics. The measured values of amplitudes, or settlement take care of the factors
affecting them. In vertical vibrations, the shear strain amplitudes, p9,is equal to the ratio
of the amplitude or settlement to width of the oscillating footing for all practical purposes,
but at low and high strains. For values of 0 and p, in the range of interest, it is reasonable
to assume and berefore, that p 0 = E (Prakash and Puri, 1988).
Time Effects
The effect of duration of confinement at constant presqure on the magnitude of shear
moduli is well established both in natural and prepared soils. The time dependent
behaviour at low strains are shown in Figure 8.32.
Figure 8.32 :Phase of Modulus time Response in Soils
1 Foundation Engineering - At the initial phase modulus changes rapidly with time but at the second phase, the
modulus increases almost linearly with the logarithm of time. The second phase effects
may be described by
1) Coefficient of shear modulus increase with time, I,
I, = 6 G/log,, (t2/tl)
in which t, and t2 are the time after primary consolidation and G is the change in
low-amplitude shear modulus f r h t , q d t2. Numerically, I, equals the value of G for one
logarithmic cycle of time.
2) Normalized shear modulus increases with time, NG
in which G,,, is the shear modulus measured after 1000 minutes of constant confining
pressure (after completion of the primary consolidation).
v) Frequency and Number of Cycles on Dynamic h a d
Hardin and Black (1969) found that for number of cycles between 1 and 100, the dynamic
shear modulus of dry sands increased slightly with number of cycles whereas for cohesive
soils the modulus decreased. Low strain shear modulus was found to be practically
unaffected by the frequency of loading.
vi) Dynamic Prestrain
The effect of strain history on the dynamic shear modulus on sands was investigated using
torsional-vibration-type resonant column equipment (Prakash and Puri, 1988). The soil
samples were first subjected to high-amplitude vibrations (dynamic prestrain) for a
predetermined number of cycles and then the low-amplitude-vibration modulus are
determined. The value of the dynamic shear modulus generally increased with the number
of prestrain cycles.
Selection of Design Parameters
The modulus of a given soil particularly varies with strain and the confining pressure. It is
therefore to make a plot o i G v,shear strain. G values are determined at a near effective
confining pressure corresponding to the depth of soil and at a shear strain that may be
induced in the'soil when the foundation is subjected to dynamic load. Prakash and Puri
(1988) used a mean confining pressure oO1 of 1 kg/cm2or (1000 k ~ l mto~ reduce
) the data
from different tests to a common confining pressure for compaction purpose only using
the following equations.
i) What is meant by coefficient of restitution ?
ii) What is the difference between free and forced vibration ?
Special Types of Foundations
Soils which undergo volume changes upon wetting and drying and exert swelling pressure
are termed expansive soils (swelling soils). Soils exhibiting this behaviour to a marked
degree are usually montmorrillonitic clays or combination of montmorillonite and illite
clays with high plasticity indices (Black cotton soils in India).
8.4.1 Identification of Swelling Soils
A distinction must be made between soils that have the capacity to swell and those
actually exhibit the swelling characteristics in the field.
The behaviour of soils exhibiting high swelling potential depends on
i) the physical condition of the material at the beginning of the construction,
ii) the changes in stress and moisture content to which they are subjected.
The swelling and swelling pressure characteristicsof expansive soils depends on the
following factors:
1) Type and amount of clay minerals present.
2) Specific surface area of the clay.
3) Structure of the soil.
4) Pore-water salt concentration.
5) Valence of exchangeable ions.
The swelling potential of a soil is related in a general way to the plasticity index
(Table 8.6).
Table 8.6 :Relation Between Swelling Potential of Soils and Plasticity Index
Swelling Potential Plasticity Index
Low 0-15
I Medium 1 10-35 I
High 1 20-55
Very high 55
Whether a soil with high swelling potential will actually exhibit swelling characteristics
depends on the following factors:
1) The difference between the field moisture content at the time the
construction is undertaken and the equilibrium moisture content that will
finally be achieved under the conditions associated with the completed
If the equilibrium moisture content is considerably greater than the field
moisture content, vigorous swelling may occur, as evidenced by upward
heaving of the soil or structure or by the development of large swelling
pressures. If the equilibrium moisture content is less than the field moisture
the soil will not swell but, on the contrary, shrink.
2) The degree of compaction of the soil if in a fill, or the degree of
overconsolidation if an undisturbed natural material. Relatively high
compaction or high previous overburden pressure favour swelling as
moisture becomes available.
3) The stress to which the material will be subjected after construction is
completed. The less the imposed load, the greater the swelling.
Swelling Tests
Swelling tests conducted under conditions duplicating as closely as possible the
anticipated field conditions also provide useful information.
When it is practicable to obtain virtually identical pairs of undisturbed samples at the
moisture content expected to prevail at the time construction is undertaken, the most
Foundation Engineering I1 reliable estimates of heave due to swelling can be obtained by means of the double
oedometer test. The practical difficulties in obtaining identical samples for double
oedometer tests have led to the use of simpler tests giving results that can be interpreted
only in qualitative than quantitative fashion.
The following types of tests are commonly performed to identify the swelling soils:
i) Unrestrained swelling test, and
ii) Swelling-pressure test.
i) Unrestrained Swelling Test
A sample at the moisture content expected to prevail at the time of construction is fitted
tightly as possible into consolidation ring and subjected to a small vertical pressure such as
1 lb/in2 (6.9 k ~ / m ~The
) . porous disks placed above and below the sample must be air-dry
at the beginning of the test. Water is admitted then through the porous disks. The vertical
expansion of the sample is measured as a function of time until the expansion practically
ceases. The swell, in percentage, is determined as below:
Increase in thickness
Swell =
Original thickness
This is a measure of the rnax. percentage increase in volume that the material could be
expected to experience as a consequence of increase of moisture content. The degree of
expansion of soils can be classified based on the percentage of volume change (Table 8.7)
and the original thickness.
Table 8.7 :Percentage of Volume Change
1.5-5 % medium
5-25% high .
> 25 % very high
2) 200 0.09
3) 500 0.06
4) 750 0.03
5) 1000 0.02
Thermal stabilization for improving partially saturated loessial soils are widely used
in the former U.S.S.R. The most advanced technique is the injection of a controlled
mixture of liquid fuel and air at a pressure of approximately 0.3 atm into the ground
through a network of pipes (at a typical spacing of 8 m). The fuel-air mixture is
fired for a period of 10 to 12 days and produces a cylinder of solidified soil at about
2.5 - 3 m in diameter. The maximum depth to which stabilization has been affected
is about 3.5 m.
8.4.3 Types of Foundations on Expansive Soils
Like other soils, expansive soils must fulfil two basic requirements of foundation design,
viz. bearing capacity and settlement. In the past the traditional type of foundation have
tried to meet these requirements with the following measures :
i) Footings with low safe bearing value of 50 to 75 k ~ / m ~ .
ii) Minimum depth of foundation as 2 m to 3 m.
iii) Cushioning layer of CNS (Figure 8.34).
0.30m thick C.N.S.
l m , 72
1.0m thick \r.,..a. -
Footings on expansive soil show distress in the form of tilting or progressive sinking,
leading to structural cracks in various structural components. With high values of tolerable
settlement, safety against shear failure becomes the governing criterion in determining
allowable soil pressures. Building codes allow pressures of 150 k ~ l m for ~dry soils (less
than 50% saturation) and 50 to 100 kN/m2 for wet soils. Some building codes have
recommended bearing values as small as 25 kNlm2.
Design Principles
The following principles are used for safe design of foundation on soils.
1) Use of Low Values of Allowable Soil Pressures
This will prevent failure in case the soil is subsequently saturated.
2) Prevention of Wetting of Foundations
This is done by providing an impervious blanket of concrete or asphalt, concrete
curtain or interceptor and surface drains.
3) Maintaining Water Content Level of Foundation Soil
This keeps the volume changes to a minimum. This is achieved by stabilizations
with bitumen or resin or by prevention of surface evaporation through vegetation,
or water proofing with asphalt.
4) Anchoring of Foundation at Depth of Little Volume Change
In black cotton soils, volume changes below about 2 m depth are negligible. Hence,
foundation is established at depths greater than 2 m and anchors to prevent lifting,
by forming a spread.
5) Crack Preventive Design
Cracks due to differential movement may be minimized either by making the
structure rigid enough to resist large bending moments or differential movement.
Counteracting Swelling Pressures
Swelling pressures are counteracted if loading intensity exceeds the swelling
pressures. This is possible for multistoreyed buildings. ?he heavy loads must,
Foundation Engineering 11 however, match the low bearing capacity of the saturated soil. The allowable soil
pressure should exceed b e swelling pressure, but in no case it should be more than
safe bearing capacity in the saturated state.
Construction Techniques in Expahsive Soils
Traditionally, the following techniques have been adopted in construction practice to solve
the problems in expansive soils.
1) Complete or Partial Replacement of Expansive Soil
If the layer thickness is small, removal of expansive soil either completely or
partially and replacing it by a more stable material, can solve the problems of
detrimental movement. However, this method is very expansive and in many cascs
impracticable, because it involves disposal of a large quantity of excavated soil.
2) Location of Foundation below the Depth of no Volume Change
This solves the problems of severe movement. But it involves costly excavation and
additional cost on account of masonry and concrete. Besides, problems of
movement of concrete ground floors remain unresolved.
3) Aprons, Blankets and Drainage Meausures
Prevention of wetting by prevision of aprons and blankets and draining by surface
and subsurface drains, keeps the soil beneath the structure at more or less constant
moisture content, thus minimizing volume changes.
4) Stiffening of Structural Components
Provision of R.C.C. bands at various levels, reinforced brickwork, or R.C.C.
framework ensures crack proof design.
5) Rigid Design
Provision of R.C.C. framework,both for foundation and superstructure in the form
of raft, grade beams or column-beam-slabsystem increases the structural resistance
to cracking.
6) Flexible Design
Use of lime mortar or mud mortar for walls makes the structure flexible and pennits
large movements without damage. Brick construction can tolerate much higher
differential settlement compared to concrete members.
Use of Stabilized Backfill
Use of lime (6 %) or cement (5 %) or a mixture of lime and cement to stabilize expansive
soils has been successfully made. Such stabilized mixtures can be used as back-fills or
filling for flooring and as cushioning layer for foundations. Lime can be injected under
pressure as a slurry of slaked lime or can be introduced in bore holes in the form of quick
lime, for an in-situ application. Recent researches have shown that a thin layer of 0.3 to 1
m of cohesive-non-swelling (CNS) soil controls the expansion and shrinkage of expansive
soils (Figure 8.35).
R C C Column
Figure 8.35 :C o n s t ~ d o n
of Single Storey Buildmg in Expamive Soid Area using Cohesive
Non-swelling Soil (CNS) Layer of 1 m Thickness in Foundation System
., ?*
8.4.4 Design and Construction of Under-reamed Piles Special Types of Foundations
A broad-in-situ pile shaft provided with one or more spreads or bulbs, along its length
made during the boring operation, is known as an under-reamed pile. Under-reamed is a
device used to make the spread at the desired depth. In expansive soils, such piles are one
of the satisfactory solutions to make crack-free constructions for light structures. They
cnsure safety and economy. In expansive soils it is necessary to rest the foundation below
rhe Lone 01' no-volume-change. Traditional footings become costly due to deep excavation,
masonry m d concrete construction and backfilling. With a bulb, established below depth
of nnn-volu~ricchange, the foundation is anchored to prevent vertical movement.
Increased bearing area ensured large bearing load. Load tests have shown that even for a
group of underreamed piles, the settlement is less than 25 mrn even under very heavy
The contribution to the pile load comes both from the bearing on the area of the bulb and
from the shaft resistance aIong the length between the extreme bulbs.
Under-reamed piles are employed to support waIl and column foundations at suitable
spacing (1.5 m to 2.5 m depending on shaft diameter) with one at the junction. The piles
are topped by R.C.C. cap beams or footings and may need lateral bracings at the plinth
level. Beams should rest with a gap of 75 mm over ground level in expansive soils, while
they may rest on the ground surface or may be cast in trenches in non-cohesive soils. The
! length of piles ranges from 3 to 4 m but the length may be increased for higher loads.
EQuipment, commonly available permits the use of 250 mm to 450 mm dia piles, reaching
upto 4 m with double under reams. 7he first bulb should not be located too close to the
ground [minimum should be (1 $5to 2) D,] (Figure 8.36). Minimum spacing of piles
should be 2 D, (reduced to 1.5 D,, with load decreased by 10 %).
C w
kjgure 8.36 :Typical Details of Bored Cast in Situ Under-reamed Pile Foundation I
This type of pile is particularly useful in swelling soils like expansive soils. More than 3
bulbs are not found to increase the bearing capacity appreciably.
Most of the traditional methods of design of foundation systems for expansive soils have
been found to be either unsatisfactory or too costly. The present trend is to provide short
bored piles or under-reamed pile foundations, or use of CNS layer. CNS means cohesive
non-swelling soil, either natural or stabilized. CNS soil can be used as a back-fill, as a
cushioning layer or as filling for flooring.
1) Floor Design
I A satisfactory design of foundation leaves the design of floor untouched. The
t swelling o f expansive soil below the floor causes the concrete flooring to crack
Foundation Engineering - 11 Excessive heaving may even interfere in the nonnal use of the floor. The following
measures may be employed.
a) Partial or complete removal and replacement of underlying expansive soil.
Gravel, sand, murum or stabilized soil may be used as replacement material.
b) Suspended R.C.C. flooring on R.C.C. grade-beam system. This becomes
very expansive.
c) Partially reinforced flooring also supported on underlying soil. Design
assumes 50 O/n taken by the soil. The slab should be so constructed as to have
free vertical movement.
d) R.C.C. raft, as inverted thick slab or ribbed mat.
e) Preconstruction wetting of underlying soil and murum or sand filling
between plinth and ground level. ?his rninimises swelling in wet season, but
shrinking during dry spells may be detrimental. Excessive wetting may
soften the foundation soils.
The safe loads on single and double under-reamed piles for sands and clays are shown in
Table 8.10.
Table 8.10 :Safe Loads on 3.5 m Under-reamed Piles Sands and Clays
* The bearing loads are based on pile load test, for S = 12.5 mm.
In the absence of any test data, the value of cohesion may be taken as c = 80 kN/m2.
The tabulated values of safe loads are empirical and apply to medium sands and clays. For
dense sands and stiff clays the safe loads may be increased by 25 %. The table loads are
generally on the conservative side. An overload of 10 % may be allowed if falls short of
the required load. If the pile bears on a hard layer (murum or rock) the safe load will be
governed by the properties of bearing layer. Pile load test is essential. For details refer
IS : 291 1 (Part - 111).
a) Components
i) Pile Shaft
This is a short pile with one, two or three reams or bulbs. Addition of a bulb
increase the bearing load by about 50 %. However, more than 3 bulbs may
not increase the pile load in the same proportion. The pile shaft is 200 mm to
500 mm in diameter and the under-ream is two to three times the diameter of
shaft. Patented equipment are available for boring, under-reaming and
concreting. The bulbs are spaced at 1.5 to 2 times the dia. of under-ream, the
centre of the first under-ream being at a minimum depth of 1.75 m. Spacing Special Types of Foundations
of pile should not exceed 3 m, with a minimum of two under-ream diameters
(Figure 8.36).
ii) Capping Beams or Pile Caps -
Piles may be used either to carry strip loads or column loads. Capping beams
are used to transfer the strip loads to the piles and footing caps are used
under columns.
In deep deposits the length of the under-reamed piles may exceed 3.5 m. In
shallow deposits, it is carried down into noncohesive layer to a depth of at
least 0.6 m. The boring in hard layer, should go as far as possible. The
spacing of piles may vary from 1.5 m to 3 m. The bulbs are spaced at 1.5
times the bulb diameter and the first bulb not less than 1.75 m below the g.s.
iii) Reinforcement
The pile reinforcement consists of a vertical cage of 4 or 6 bars of 10 to 16
mm dia. with 6 mm stirmps. The steel reinforcement does not exceed 0.8 %.
Longitudinal bars should be provided for full length of the pile. The cage is
to be inserted in the finished bore hole before concreting.
b) Pile Construction
i) Boring
Boring is usually done by manual earthquake, handled by a tripod hoist and
winch. Three men can easily advance 3.5 m of a hole of diameter up to 300
mm in about 6 hrs in normal conditions.
The verticality of the hole is ensured by a guide frame. If the soil is dry and
stiff, it is loosened by a cutting tool and removed with the auger. Casing pipe
may be used in loose top soil. Extension rods are available for deep boring.
Obstructions to boring are broken down with a cutting tool. In case the
obstructions cannot be handled, pile location needs to be shifted. For boring
in non-cohesive soils drilling mud is used to keep the sides stable. It consists
of bentonite clay mixed with water to form a slurry (5 % mix). A bag of 50
kg will be sufficient for two 3.5 m long piles. A major problem is to form a
bulb in under-water condition.
ii) Under-reaming t
After reaching the desired depth, the bore is enlarged with a special
under-reaming tool. It consists of two collapsible cross-blades with a bucket
at the bottom to collect the scraped soil. The under-reamer is lowered in the
bored hole and rotated with progressively increasing diameter. The scraped
soil callected in the bucket is lifted up and disposed off from time to time.
The depth of bore hole should be checked before inserting the under-reamer,
otherwise the position and size of the bulb will change. Correct
under-reaming is an important requirement. The spread should be checked
before concreting. If anchoring is not required (as for piles in non-expansive
soils) only bottom spread may provide the required bearing capacity.
iii) Concreting
Piles should be concreted soon after boring, under the supervision of a
qualified person. Prefabricated reinforcement cage is inserted in the hole and
concrete M - 15 of suitable workability (slump 100 to 150 mm), is poured
down through a chute funnel. For under-water construction, concrete of
higher slump should be placed by displacement method using tremie pipe
and drilling mud (Figure 8.50). For tremie concreting 10 % extra cement
should be used. Prodding is normally sufficient to compact the tremie
concrete. A suitable mould is used for concreting the position above ground
level. Tremie can also be used for dry placement if segregation of aggregates
is to be avoided.
Group Action
For a group of N, under-reamed piles the safe load is obtained as N times the safe load of a
single pile. Settlement of a group of piles under the same unit load, is somewhat greater
Foundation Engineering 11 than that of an individual pile. Consolidation settlement may be determined considering
rigid raft at the lower most bulb level, as for, bearing piles.
Applications of Under-reamed Piles
It has been established that under-reamed piles combine safety, economy and speed for
construction, especially in expansive soils. These piles are finding wide usage for a variety
of structures, transmission line towers, TV towers, overhead tanks, machine foundations
etc., both in expansive clays as well as in loose to medium non-expansive soils. In India,
where manual labour is cheap, use of manually operated boring and concreting makes
under-reamed piles up to 40 mm diameter particularly suitable in foundation engineering.
Following are some of the structures for which under-reamed pile foundations can be used:
1) Residential buildings,
2) Industrial sheds, workshops, godowns, '
3) Machine foundations,
4) Retaining walls, boundary walls, fences,
5) Anchors, reaction frames,
6) Transmission line towers and pole footings,
7) Water tanks, silos and bins, cooling towers, and
8) Bench marks, international boundary posts.
The pile should generally satisfy the requirement in the I.S. 291 1 (Part 111). One pile out of
20 should be load tested. The test load is applied through a hydraulic jack, in increments
equal to one-fifth of the design load, reacting against a knowledge or anchor piles. The
routine test is terminated at 1.5 times the design load or at the load showing a total
settlement of 12.5 mm, whichever is smaller. Sometimes a group of piles may also be
required to be tested.
Limitations of Under-reamed Piles
Under-reamed piles in expansive soils is one of the widely used solutions, but it cannot bc
considered the best. Failures of structures supported on under-reamed piles have also been
reported. As such, it cannot be treated as a 'fool proof' method, in black cotton soils.
i) What is meant by resonance ?
ii) Will sand exest swelling pressure ?
iii) Under .what situations can use of well foundation is warranted ?
,Air locks
Air shafts
\ rlb
Dredged b ~ d
Figure 8.38
8.5.7 Constructional Aspects of Well Foundations Special Types of Foundations
There are several aspects which require careful consideration during sinkiig of well
foundations. They are
i) preparations for constructions in dry river bed,
ii) sand island method for small water depths,
iii) well foundation-type construction for large water depths,
iv) tilting of wells during sinking, and
v) seating of wells in rock.
Construction of a well foundation is a large engineering operation which requires heavy
equipment. In each well foundation construction, a variety of usual and unusual problems
will be encountered which taps the ingenuity of the construction engineer. The general
procedure of well foundation construction is discussed before a brief description of some
of the usual problems and difficulties.
a) General Construction Procedure
Well foundations may be constructed in slipways on barges, or on sand islands. The ones
constructed in slipways are launched and towed to their final location by floating. False
bottoms made of wood are necessary for open or pneumatic well foundations floated to
position. Guide piles are commonly used for sinking the first few lifts of well foundations.
Well foundations are sunk by their own weight while the soil is being excavated from the
dredging wells. As sinking operation progresses, additional sections (lifts) are successively
installed. Upon reaching its final depth, the bottom of the well foundation is plugged by a
concrete seal. In open well foundations, this plug is placed in water. The procedure of
placing concrete in pneumatic well foundations is discussed in Sec. 8.5.1.
When hard, cemented material is encountered, underwater blasting may be necessary. The
charges of explosives are placed by divers. Divers may also be required to remove
boulders, logs, or other obstructions.
The excavation of soil in open well foundations is done by dredging with grab buckets or
similar equipment. The volume of excavated soil always exceeds the volume of the
embedded portion of the well foundation, because the soil outside the cutting edge tends to
flow into the excavation. In granular soils, the excess may be 100 per cent of the volume
displaced. Grab buckets do not reach the area near and below the cutting edge; therefore,
divers may be required to remove the soil under the cutting edge by hand if the soil does
not flow into the excavation.
The sinking operation for concrete well foundations must be stopped during the time of
casting and curing.
After the concrete seal is matured, the water in the wells is pumped out (open well
foundations) or the air pressure is released and the equipment removed (pneumatic well
foundations). The top of the concrete seal should be cleaned and made free of laitance or
soils before placing concrete above it. A progress report should be kept to include the
location, the elevation of the cutting edge, the amount of tilting or misalignment, and all
other unusual events occurring during the construction period.
b) Jetting and Lubrication
To facilitate the sinking, the exterior surface of well foundation is sometimes applied with
a film of grease, andor the jetting is used. Jet pipes 1.5 inch to 2 inch. diameter with
nozzles are cast in the concrete, usually one series of jet pipes is provided on the sloping
surface immediately above the cutting edge, and one or two series on the periphery of the
well foundation at several feet above the bottom of the cutting edge. All jets are arranged
symmetrically to induce straight sinking. Since fixed jet pipes can readily become
plugged, movable jets have been found more efficient. Eight inch diameter wells may be
cast in the concrete for inserting movable jet pipes for inside jetting.
c) Tilting
Well foundations are never sunk perfectly straight and true to position. A certain amount
of deviation from the planned location should be permitted. For a deep well foundation,
the actual centre may be 12 inch from the required location. It is important to keep the well
FouadotionEngineering 11 foundation in the vertical position during the entire process of sinking. As soon as it is 2
inch or 3 inch off centre, corrective measures should be taken:
1) Excavating the high side ahead of the low side, but not stopping excavation
on the low side,
2) Dredging on the outside of the high side,
3) Jetting on the outside and inside of the high side,
4) Pulling the well foundation, attached cables to a deadman or dolphin and
apply tension as the sinking proceeds, and
5) Blocking under the cutting edge on the low side, this can be done readily in
pneumatic well foundations.
It should be noted that it is impossible to plumb a well foundation without lowering it as a
d) Placing Concrete Underwater
Concreting underwater should be carefully conducted to prevent honeycomb structure, and
segregation between aggregates and cement paste. Underwater concrete is usually placed
by the following methods.
1) Tremie Pipes
A tremie is a watertight pipe with a diameter of 6 to 10 inch. The pipes are made in
detachable lengths about 6 ft. long. It extends from above the water level to slightly below
the surface of the fresh concrete on the well foundation bottom. The concrete is fed into
the pipe by a hopper. A full column of fresh concrete is maintained in the pipe as the
concrete is flowing out from the bottom. Sometimes a valve is equipped at the lower end
of the tremie. In the absence of a valve, the lower end is plugged with cloth or burlap
sacks. When the pipe is lowered into position and concrete fills the pipe, the plug is forced
out by the weight of the concrete.
2) Buckets
A bucket is a large pipe with a bottomdump door or doors. It is filled with concrete which
is covered with a canvas or a lid and is lowered into the well foundation. Upon reaching
the bottom, the door opens and the concrete flows out.
3) Grouted Aggregates . .
Coarse aggregate is first placed m the space where concrete are desired. Cement grout is
then pumped into the voids through pipes extending to the bottom of well foundation. The
well foundations for the Mackinac Bridge Piers are concreted by this method.
Soil Moduli under dynamic loads depends on soil characteristics, such as void ratio,
relative density, stress history, preconsolidation pressure, confining pressure, and strain
level. There is no universal and unique relationship between soil moduli and strain.
However, a normalized plot of moduli versus strain is an adequate guide for deciphering
values from one site to another in similar type of soil conditions.
A wide variety of laboratory tests and field tests can be used to define the dynamc
properties of soils. All of the testing methods are brought with possible errors and a great
deal of care is necessary to obtain reliable results. Results from several methods of testing
should be compared to obtain the best estimates of the soil properties. None of the tests
discussed are simple and inexpensive so that for less important projects reliance may have
to be placed on empirical correlations and these could be supplemented with down-hole
wave propagation tests or possible cyclic plate load tests or resonant footiong tests on
more important projects.
In this Unit we understood the need for providing special type of foundations such as
foundations to support vibrating machinery, foundations to effectively encounter
expansive soils and the foundations to be built on river beds to suppcrtthighway and
railway bridges. In all the above mentioned cases you have appreeiaredhow the twding,
conditions are different from those imposed on ordinw fOumhtbns under nwmal
circumstances. Now you have understood how machine foundations should be adequate to
support the dynamic loads coming from vibrating machinery at various operating Special ~ y p e d
s FO~E&&(H~S
trequencies. Similarly the foundations on expansive soils should adequately resist swelling
pressures. You have also understood how the well foundations for bridges across rivers
should take into considerations the depth of scour in river beds experiencing floods. Also
the concept of grip length in the design of well foundations is something which yu did not
encounter in the design of ordinary foundations which you studied in the previous units.
This belng an advanced topic in the area of foundation engineering, you are not expected
to solve numerical problems and design exercises. That is way SAQs and answer to SAQs
have not been included in this unit. However you should be able to understand typical
solutions pertaining to analysis and design of any of these special type of foundations,
described in advanced level text books listed at the end of this unit.
If you feel like reading more than what we have given in our course, you may consult the
following techinical papers and books.