Vailatti Palatal Veneers
Vailatti Palatal Veneers
Vailatti Palatal Veneers
Private practice, Senior Lecturer, Department of fixed prosthodontics and occlusion, School of dental medicine,
University of Geneva, Switzerland
Conservative approach, Dental Aim In this case report a conservative approach for the management of dental erosion is
erosion, Veneers. described. The restorations are based only on adhesive techniques.
Case report A 46 years-old patient presented at the Geneva Erosion Study at Geneva University
for diffused dental erosion of intrinsic etiology. The treatment plan was based only on adhesive
technique and six palatal veneers were necessary to restore the very compromised front
teeth. Moreover, the palatal veneers restorations did not require any tooth preparation, and
the teeth kept their vitality. The clinical results at the five year follow-up, confirmed esthetic,
biological and mechanical success.
Conclusion The adhesive technique described proved to be the most appropriate therapy.
and also the overall treatment was more affordable for the patient.
Figure 2a, 2b Initial status. The patient was very uncomfortable about showing his teeth, and only after several attempts,
a forced smile was obtained. Note the accentuated translucency at the level of the two central incisors, indicating the
severe thinning of the incisal edges
facial veneers (Sandwich approach) were considered to first consultation, the patient was very uncomfortable
restore his maxillary anterior teeth and to preserve to a to show his teeth, since he felt very guilty about the
maximum the remaining tooth structure. However, the status of his dentition. He was not fully aware that he
final treatment became even more conservative than was also affected by dental erosion and he thought
expected, since only six palatal veneers were necessary that the degradation of his dentition was related only
to restore the very compromised teeth. The clinical to poor oral hygiene (Figures 2a-2b). During the
results (esthetic, biological and mechanical success) investigation for parafunctional habits, grinding teeth
at the five year follow-up, confirmed that the adhesive was excluded, but clenching was confirmed, not only
approach chosen was the most appropriate therapy. by the patient himself, but also by the size of his very
Not only the palatal veneers restorations did not require developed masseters. The patient presented with a
any tooth preparation, and the teeth kept their vitality, deep bite, which, most probably, was aggravated by
but also the overall treatment was more affordable for the loss of contact on the palatal surfaces, damaged
the patient. by the dental erosion, and the supereruption of the
teeth. Despite the severe tooth structure loss, all the
Case presentation maxillary anterior teeth were still vital, indicating a
A 46 year old patient presented to the University very slow acid attack, most probably with an intrinsic
of Geneva, school of Dental Medicine, with the chief etiology (Figures 3a-3b). Since he also denied any
complaint that “his teeth were deteriorating at a high excessive consumption of acidic food or beverages, he
speed and he finally wanted to do something about was referred to a gastroenterologist to investigate the
it”. At the anamnesis, the patient remembered that status of the digestive system. Even though the patient
his dentist proposed to restore his dentition by means did not complain to this request, his dental treatment
of crowns and that he was not convinced by this started without knowing if the erosion was still active
treatment plan. Since then, he had sought dental in his mouth. Considering the maxillary anterior teeth,
treatment on an irregular basis. After several years the patient was an ACE Class III, because, even though
of neglecting his mouth, he was finally addressed to the incisal edges were extremely thin, the length of the
the Geneva Erosion Study, to investigate if other types clinical crowns was only reduced of a small amount
of treatments than crowns were available. During the (less than 2 mm) (23). Since at the time of the first
Figure 4a, 4c Analyzing the lingualized position of the two central incisors, an additive mock-up was considered possible.
The laboratory technician slightly bulked the vestibular aspects of the maxillary teeth to reduce the need of tooth
preparation, while delivering the facial veneers
Figure 5a, 5b Following the classic three step technique, a maxillary vestibular mock-up was done, which extended up to
the first molars (I clinical step). The incisal edges and the occlusal plane were slightly lengthened. The esthetic outcome
was of course improved, but the tooth preparation for placing the facial veneers and the veneer/ onlays for the posterior
teeth would have been conspicuous, since the vestibular surfaces were almost intact
consultation in the Geneva Erosion Study, however, the and expensive, not only for the additional six facial
ACE classification had not been developed jet, it was veneers, but also for the veneer/onlays considered to
planned to restore his maxillary anterior teeth not only restore all the maxillary and mandibular premolars.
with palatal, but also with facial veneers (Sandwich This plan was, however, simplified, while the treatment
approach). As a result, the initial treatment plan for his was progressing. The case started following a classic
full-mouth adhesive rehabilitation was more invasive three step technique approach (24-26). Two alginate
Figure 9a, 9c Initial status and after the II step with the
improvement of the vertical overlap and the creation of the
open bite in the anterior quadrants for the presence of the
provisional posterior composite restorations
Figure 11a, 11b Six composite palatal veneers on the cast (III laboratory step). The cervical margins did not need to extend
behind the cervical enamel, and thanks to their supragingival margins, the bonding procedures were facilitated
Figure 12a, 12b Try-in of the palatal veneer before rubber dam placement. For ACE Class III patients, where the facial
veneers are not previewed, essential is the color match between the remaining facial surface and the incisal edges added
with the palatal veneers. Note that all the non supported enamel was left intact and no effort was made to make a chamfer
on the facial surface. This conservative attitude saved the original length of the tooth, but made it more difficult to blend the
joint with the palatal veneers
Switzerland) (III laboratory step) (Figures 11a-11b). The Surprisingly, the extremely transparent color was
patient was scheduled for a 2-hour appointment. No very nicely masked by the palatal veneers without
anesthesia was needed. Before the placement of the giving an opaque or too translucent aspect to the new
rubber dam, the palatal veneers were tried in the mouth, incisal edges (Figures 12a-12b). The palatal veneers
to verify the color match at the level of the facial junction. were bonded, one at a time, using the rubber dam.
Figure 17a, 17b 3-year follow-up, the restorations were aging very nicely. The patient did not want to do the bleaching to
better match the color at the level of the canines, and he was very satisfied with the overall treatment. The only negative
comment on the aging of the restored teeth was the opening of a diastema between the two central incisors. Most
probably the initial contact point was not strong, since facial veneers were also previewed. Nevertheless no food impaction
or esthetic problem were reported by the patient
composite onlays, instead of ceramic veneer/onlays. At the 3 and 5 year follow-ups the palatal veneers
This new treatment plan was related to the decision not were aging very well. Not only all the restorations did
to deliver the facial veneers on the anterior teeth, which not present discolorations or sign of mechanical failure,
would have bulked these teeth, allowing also to bulk but also all the teeth maintained their vitality (Figures
the facial aspect of the posterior teeth. Keeping the 17a-18b). The clinical unexpected success of the
facial surfaces of the patient as they were, more tooth palatal veneers to restore these very compromised teeth
preparation would have been necessary to deliver the confirms the tennis racket’s theory. According to this
facial/onlays on the posterior teeth. In agreement with theory, the maxillary anterior teeth affected by dental
the patient, it was preferred to restore his posterior erosion present a framework of enamel which make
teeth with composite than ceramic onlays, since the them still very strong. This framework, composed by the
occlusal thickness was limited (less then 1.5 mm), cervical, mesial and distal and all vestibular enamel of
being a double arch distribution, and tooth preparation the remaining tooth structure, is responsible for a tooth
to obtain thicker restorations was not considered as an rigidity where even very undermined and unsupported
option. enamel could be preserved and strengthened by a
The new treatment plan was very welcome by the very thin composite palatal veneer. Finally, in case of
patient, also because the cost was reduced. At the end these compromised teeth, the potential for a vitality
of the treatment an occlusal guard was delivered to loss could be anticipated. The endodontic access
the patient, who entered in the Geneva Erosion Study could be easily made through the palatal veneer and
follow-up program. closed afterwards with a direct composite.