CPIC Instruction
CPIC Instruction
CPIC Instruction
Supplemental Forms
This form is used when requesting Canadian National Criminal Record, referred to as a CPIC (Canadian Police Information Centre)
search. The search is also referred to as a “name-based criminal records check”.
This form is also used to record the Witness confirmation of the identification documents provided by the Applicant.
This form is in English. For the form in French, please contact Customer Service.
• The form must be signed and dated by the candidate in the presence of a “witness”
• Two forms of ID need to be provided from the CPIC approved document list (see “Photo Identification Standard” list on
page 3)
• “Witness” is defined as a representative of the client, or a Notary
• The witness must conduct a visual verification between the photo and the candidate of both the ID documents and sign the
• The witness cannot sign the form prior to candidate’s portion being completed
• The witness must also compare the signature on the form to the signatures on the candidates ID's to ensure they match
This search may only be conducted on individuals who have resided in Canada, who are able to provide a Canadian address, and must
provide two (2) pieces of ID.
3. Canadian address history is required. Provide the most recent Canadian address and previous Canadian addresses, if any,
within last five (5) years.
4. Consent Form Section B, Reason for the Criminal Record Verification - Complete the reason for request as employment.
Provide the potential employer and employer’s contact details. Please note contact name and number are mandatory.
5. Consent Form Section C, Informed Consent – The box for CPIC Investigative Data Bank will be prefilled, there is no need to change
this information. The employer name must be filled in the Company Name field and the City and Country must be provided.
6. Sign, date and provide the city/province/territory where signature took place in the section for “Signature for Applicant.”
Signatures must be mouse or pen signed. E-signatures are not acceptable.
a. The verification should be conducted by a representative from the company who is doing the hiring. A notary can be
used as an alternative but the hiring company must still be listed on the Consent to Disclosure.
b. The individual who conducted the ID verification should sign this witness section. The witness should verify that the
Applicant accurately completes the Consent Form and clearly understands the Consent criteria.
c. Identification Verified: Enter ‘Yes’ to state the documents have been viewed to confirm they meet the ID criteria.
d. Type of Photo ID viewed: list the type if ID documents that were reviewed.
2. Print and sign name under Witnessing Agent Name and Signature.
Identity Verification
All Applicants must provide a clear copy of two pieces of ID, one of them being a government-issued photo ID.
The ID documents must be valid and not expired.
The two clear copies of the identification documents must be included with the CPIC Consent Form in the search request.
The Witness must conduct a visual verification of the ID documents and sign the Form.
The signed and Witnessed CPIC Consent Form must accompany all search requests.
ID Document Requirements
An Applicant must provide clear copies of two pieces of ID. The primary ID must be government-issued and must include the
Applicant’s name, date of birth, signature and photo. The ID documents cannot be expired.
Photo Identification Standards
The “primary” ID document must be government issued. The “secondary” ID document can be any document from the list below.
• Driver’s License (Foreign or Canadian) • Nexus/ Free and Secure Trade (FAST) Trusted Traveler Program Card
• Passport (Foreign or Canadian) • Record of Landing–Form IMM 1000 (issued by Citizenship & Immigration )
• Permanent Resident (PR) Card (with photo)
• Certificate of Indian Status/First Nations status • Student Identity Card from a foreign institute
• Firearms Acquisition Certificate (FAC) • Federal, Provincial or Municipal Identification Card
• Military Family Identification Card (MFID) • Provincial Identification Card
• Student Visa (issued by Citizenship & Immigration Canada) • International Identity Cards
• Municipal Library Card (requires full name) • Student ID
• Baptismal Certificate • Health Card
• Provincially issued hunting/fishing/boating license/outdoors card
• ID issued by provincial governments for the purpose of buying alcohol (i.e BYID card, Age of Majority card, BCID)
• Report Pursuant of the Immigration and Refugees Protection act (IMM1442) with photo
• Government issued Birth Certificate (Canada or Foreign
• Canadian Blood Donor card.
• Canadian Citizenship Card (with or without photo) – NOTE this can only be used a secondary form of ID.