Ready To Serve Beverages
Ready To Serve Beverages
Ready To Serve Beverages
A variety of soft drinks are presently available in the market but majority of them are
synthetic carbonated drinks. But gradually there is a distinct shift towards fruit juice based
beverages and many brands like Frooty, Maaza, Treetop, Volfruit etc. are available in the
market. These established brands have created awareness in the mind of consumers and a
new unit can encash on this trend.
2.1 Applications
Beverages are very popular across the country and people from all age groups drink either
hot or cold beverages regularly. Aerated soft drinks, still beverages made from fruit juice/pulp
and soda water are the cold drinks. Fruit juice based beverages can be manufactured in
many preferred locations like HP, Uttaranchal, UP, the North-East region, Karnataka,
Maharashtra and so on.
3.2 Marketing Strategy
Established brands would need quite some time to penetrate the vast and scattered market.
This activity can be started in towns and small cities on a small scale so that products
become price competitive. During winter, the demand would go down but otherwise, rest of
the 8-9 months would witness steady demand.
5.2 Machinery
Annual rated capacity of 2.5 lac ltrs with around 10-12 hours working everyday and 300
working days world require following machines:
(Rs. in lacs)
Particulars Qty Amount
Homogeniser (200 kgs Cap) 1 0.75
SS Steam-jacketted Kettle 1 0.65
Bottle Washing & Filling Machine 1 0.60
Retort 1 0.75
Crown Corking Machine 2 0.30
Mixing Tanks 4 0.40
Baby Boiler (100 kgs Cap) 1 0.80
Total 4.25
5.4 Utilities
Power requirement shall be 15 kW whereas LDO shall be needed for boiler. Water required
for washing of fruits and potable and sanitation purposes shall be around 15,000 ltrs. every
5.5 Raw and Packing Materials
The all-important raw material shall be good quality preserved fruit pulp of different fruits
for which prior arrangements are advisable. Other items like sugar, citric acid, preservatives,
colours, flavours etc. shall be available locally. Good quality food grade plastic bottles and
crates shall be the packing materials.
8.2 Machinery
Total cost of machinery is estimated to be Rs.4.25 lacs, as explained earlier.
8.5 Working Capital Requirement
At 60% capacity utilisation in the first year, the working capital needs would be as under:
(Rs. in lacs)
Particulars Period Margin Total Bank Promoters
Stock of Raw and ½ Month 30% 1.40 1.00 0.40
Packing Materials
Stock of Finished Goods ½ Month 25% 2.00 1.50 0.50
Receivables ½ Month 25% 2.50 1.90 0.60
Working Expenses 1 Month 100% 0.45 -- 0.45
Total 6.35 4.40 1.95
Financial assistance in the form of grant is available from the Ministry of Food Processing
Industries, Govt. of India, towards expenditure on technical civil works and plant and
machinery for eligible projects subject to certain terms and conditions.
9.3 Raw and Packing Materials Required at 100%
(Rs. in lacs)
Product Qty Rate/Ton Value
(Tonnes) (Rs.)
Assorted Fruit Pulp 70 40,000 28.00
Sugar, preservatives,
flavours, colours etc. -- -- 12.00
Packing Material @ Rs.7/Ltr. -- -- 17.50
Total 57.50
9.4 Utilities
Annual cost of utilities at 100% capacity utilisation would be Rs.4.50 lacs .
9.6 Interest
Interest on term loan of Rs.11.90 lacs is calculated @ 12% per annum assuming complete
repayment in 4 years including a moratorium period of 1 year whereas on working capital
from bank, it is calculated @ 14% per annum.
9.7 Depreciation
It is calculated on WDV basis @ 10% on building and 20% on machinery and miscellaneous
(Rs. in lacs)
No Particulars 1st Year 2nd Year
A Installed Capacity ---- 2.5 lac ltrs ----
Capacity Utilisation 60% 75%
Sales Realisation 60.00 75.00
B. Cost of Production
Raw and Packing Materials 34.50 43.10
Utilities 2.70 3.40
Salaries 2.01 2.35
Stores and Spares 0.36 0.48
Repairs and Maintenance 0.42 0.54
Selling Expenses @ 22.5% 13.50 15.90
Administrative Expenses 0.72 0.90
Total 54.21 66.67
C. Profit Before Interest & Depreciation 5.73 8.33
Interest on Term Loan 1.44 1.07
Interest on Working Capital 0.62 0.77
Depreciation 1.30 1.07
Profit Before Tax 2.37 5.42
Income-tax @ 20% 0.47 1.08
Profit After Tax 1.90 4.34
Cash Accrual 3.20 5.41
Repayment of Term Loan -- 4.00
Financial leverage:
= 7.25 ÷ 5.42
= 1.34
Operating Leverage
= Contribution/EBT
= 15.88 ÷ 5.42
= 2.92
[C] Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
Cost of the project is Rs. 11.90 lacs.
(Rs. in lacs)
Year Cash 16% 18% 20% 24% 28% 32%
1 3.20 2.76 2.71 2.67 2.58 2.50 2.43
2 5.41 4.02 3.88 3.75 3.52 3.30 3.11
3 5.79 3.71 3.53 3.35 3.03 2.76 2.52
4 6.17 3.41 3.18 2.97 2.61 2.30 2.03
5 6.54 3.11 2.86 2.63 2.23 1.90 1.64
27.11 17.01 16.16 15.37 13.97 12.76 11.73