Affymetrix Prices
Affymetrix Prices
Affymetrix Prices
- Confidential Information
Academic Tier 4
Effective: Feb 2014
US Dollar
Prices subject to change without notice. Prices do not include value added tax or other sales taxes. By placing an order you hereby accept Affymetrix Terms and Conditions,
unless you have a signed agreement in affect with Affymetrix.
Mouse Arrays
Part Product Name Contents Per Array Total Price
902118 GeneChip® Mouse Gene 2.0 ST Array contains 6 arrays $175 $1,050
902119 GeneChip® Mouse Gene 2.0 ST Array contains 30 arrays $175 $5,250
902120 Affymetrix® Mouse Gene 2.1 ST Array Strip contains 1 array strip (4 arrays) $780
902139 GeneChip® Mouse Gene 2.1 ST 16-Array Plate contains 1 array plate (16 arrays) $190 $3,040
902140 GeneChip® Mouse Gene 2.1 ST 24-Array Plate contains 1 array plate (24 arrays) $180 $4,320
902141 GeneChip® Mouse Gene 2.1 ST 96-Array Plate contains 1 array plate (96 arrays) $170 $16,320
901168 GeneChip® Mouse Gene 1.0 ST Array contains 2 arrays $175 $350
901169 GeneChip® Mouse Gene 1.0 ST Array contains 6 arrays $175 $1,050
901171 GeneChip® Mouse Gene 1.0 ST Array contains 30 arrays $175 $5,250
901628 Affymetrix® Mouse Gene 1.1 ST Array Strip Kit contains 1 array strip (4 arrays) $780
901420 GeneChip® Mouse Gene 1.1 ST 16-Array Plate 1 x 16 Well Plate w/out Reagents $190 $3,040
901419 GeneChip® Mouse Gene 1.1 ST 24-Array Plate 1 x 24 Well Plate w/out Reagents $180 $4,320
901418 GeneChip® Mouse Gene 1.1 ST 96-Array Plate 1 x 96 Well Plate w/out Reagents $170 $16,320
900495 GeneChip® Mouse Genome 430 2.0 contains 2 arrays $400 $800
900496 GeneChip® Mouse Genome 430 2.0 contains 6 arrays $400 $2,400
900497 GeneChip® Mouse Genome 430 2.0 contains 30 arrays $400 $12,000
900498 GeneChip® Mouse Genome 430A 2.0 contains 2 arrays $250 $500
900499 GeneChip® Mouse Genome 430A 2.0 contains 6 arrays $250 $1,500
900500 GeneChip® Mouse Genome 430A 2.0 contains 30 arrays $250 $7,500
900817 GeneChip® Mouse Exon 1.0 ST Array contains 2 arrays $400 $800
900818 GeneChip® Mouse Exon 1.0 ST Array contains 6 arrays $400 $2,400
900819 GeneChip® Mouse Exon 1.0 ST Array contains 30 arrays $400 $12,000
900854 GeneChip® Mouse Exon 1.0 ST Array Training Kit each $7,700
900831 GeneChip® Mouse Exon 1.0 ST Array Starter Pack each $23,300
901434 GeneChip® HT MG-430 PM 16-Array Plate 1 x 16 Well Plate w/out Reagents $239 $3,824
901257 GeneChip® HT MG-430 PM 24-Array Plate 1 x 24 Well Plate w/out Reagents $229 $5,496
901258 GeneChip® HT MG-430 PM 96-Array Plate 1 x 96 Well Plate w/out Reagents $214 $20,544
901266 GeneChip® HT MG-430 PM & HT 3' IVT Express Bundle 1 x 96 Well Plate with Reagents $26,784
901560 GeneChip® HT MG-430 PM & HT 3' IVT Express Bundle 4 x 24 Well Plate with Reagents $28,224
901570 Affymetrix® MG-430 PM Array Strip Kit contains 1 array strip (4 arrays) $1,300
901580 Affymetrix® MG-430 PM Array Strip Kit and 3' IVT Express Kit Bundle sufficient for 20 reactions $7,450
Prices subject to change without notice. Prices do not include value added tax or other sales taxes. By placing an order you hereby accept Affymetrix Terms and Conditions,
unless you have a signed agreement in affect with Affymetrix.
Rat Arrays
Part Product Name Contents Per Array Total Price
902124 GeneChip® Rat Gene 2.0 ST Array contains 6 arrays $175 $1,050
902125 GeneChip® Rat Gene 2.0 ST Array contains 30 arrays $175 $5,250
902126 Affymetrix® Rat Gene 2.1 ST Array Strip contains 1 array strip (4 arrays) $780
902142 GeneChip® Rat Gene 2.1 ST 16-Array Plate contains 1 array plate (16 arrays) $190 $3,040
902143 GeneChip® Rat Gene 2.1 ST 24-Array Plate contains 1 array plate (24 arrays) $180 $4,320
902144 GeneChip® Rat Gene 2.1 ST 96-Array Plate contains 1 array plate (96 arrays) $170 $16,320
901172 GeneChip® Rat Gene 1.0 ST Array contains 2 arrays $175 $350
901173 GeneChip® Rat Gene 1.0 ST Array contains 6 arrays $175 $1,050
901175 GeneChip® Rat Gene 1.0 ST Array contains 30 arrays $175 $5,250
901627 Affymetrix® Rat Gene 1.1 ST Array Strip Kit contains 1 array strip (4 arrays) $780
901423 GeneChip® Rat Gene 1.1 ST 16-Array Plate 1 x 16 Well Plate w/out Reagents $190 $3,040
901422 GeneChip® Rat Gene 1.1 ST 24-Array Plate 1 x 24 Well Plate w/out Reagents $180 $4,320
901421 GeneChip® Rat Gene 1.1 ST 96-Array Plate 1 x 96 Well Plate w/out Reagents $170 $16,320
900505 GeneChip® Rat Genome 230 2.0 Array contains 2 arrays $375 $750
900506 GeneChip® Rat Genome 230 2.0 Array contains 6 arrays $375 $2,250
900507 GeneChip® Rat Genome 230 2.0 Array contains 30 arrays $375 $11,250
900820 GeneChip® Rat Exon 1.0 ST Array contains 2 arrays $375 $750
900821 GeneChip® Rat Exon 1.0 ST Array contains 6 arrays $375 $2,250
900822 GeneChip® Rat Exon 1.0 ST Array contains 30 arrays $375 $11,250
900855 GeneChip® Rat Exon 1.0 ST Array Training Kit each $7,450
900848 GeneChip® Rat Exon 1.0 ST Array Starter Pack each $22,300
901435 GeneChip® HT RG-230 PM 16-Array Plate 1 x 16 Well Plate w/out Reagents $239 $3,824
901259 GeneChip® HT RG-230 PM 24-Array Plate 1 x 24 Well Plate w/out Reagents $229 $5,496
901260 GeneChip® HT RG-230 PM 96-Array Plate 1 x 96 Well Plate w/out Reagents $214 $20,544
901264 GeneChip® HT RG-230 PM & HT 3' IVT Express Bundle 1 x 96 Well Plate with Reagents $26,784
901559 GeneChip® HT RG-230 PM & HT 3' IVT Express Bundle 4 x 24 Well Plate with Reagents $28,224
901571 Affymetrix® RG-230 PM Array Strip Kit contains 1 array strip (4 arrays) $1,300
901581 Affymetrix® RG-230 PM Array Strip Kit and 3' IVT Express Kit Bundle sufficient for 20 reactions $7,450
CHO Arrays
902130 GeneChip® CHO Gene 2.0 ST Array contains 6 arrays $175 $1,050
902131 GeneChip® CHO Gene 2.0 ST Array contains 30 arrays $175 $5,250
902132 Affymetrix® CHO Gene 2.1 ST Array Strip contains 1 array strip (4 arrays) $780
902146 GeneChip® CHO Gene 2.1 ST 24-Array Plate contains 1 array plate (24 arrays) $180 $4,320
902147 GeneChip® CHO Gene 2.1 ST 96-Array Plate contains 1 array plate (96 arrays) $170 $16,320
Arabidopsis Arrays
Part Product Name Contents Per Array Total Price
901916 Affymetrix® Arabidopsis Gene 1.0 ST Array contains 6 arrays $225 $1,350
901915 Affymetrix® Arabidopsis Gene 1.0 ST Array contains 30 arrays $225 $6,750
901793 Affymetrix® Arabidopsis Gene 1.1 ST Array Strip contains 1 array strip (4 arrays) $780
550322 Affymetrix® Arabidopsis Gene 1.1 ST 16-Array Plate 1 X 16-Array Plate (minimum order quantity 3 $190 $3,040
901913 Affymetrix® Arabidopsis Gene 1.1 ST 24-Array Plate 1 X 24-Array Plate $180 $4,320
550324 Affymetrix® Arabidopsis Gene 1.1 ST 96-Array Plate 1 X 96-Array Plate $170 $16,320
900385 GeneChip® Arabidopsis ATH1 Genome Array contains 5 arrays $275 $1,375
900386 GeneChip® Arabidopsis ATH1 Genome Array contains 30 arrays $275 $8,250
Bovine Arrays
Part Product Name Contents Per Array Total Price
901921 Affymetrix® Bovine Gene 1.0 ST Array contains 6 arrays $225 $1,350
901920 Affymetrix® Bovine Gene 1.0 ST Array contains 30 arrays $225 $6,750
901794 Affymetrix® Bovine Gene 1.1 ST Array Strip contains 1 array strip (4 arrays) $780
550337 Affymetrix® Bovine Gene 1.1 ST 16-Array Plate 1 X 16-Array Plate (minimum order quantity 3 $190 $3,040
901918 Affymetrix® Bovine Gene 1.1 ST 24-Array Plate 1 X 24-Array Plate $180 $4,320
550339 Affymetrix® Bovine Gene 1.1 ST 96-Array Plate 1 X 96-Array Plate $170 $16,320
900561 GeneChip® Bovine Genome Array contains 2 arrays $250 $500
900562 GeneChip® Bovine Genome Array contains 6 arrays $250 $1,500
900563 GeneChip® Bovine Genome Array contains 30 arrays $250 $7,500
Prices subject to change without notice. Prices do not include value added tax or other sales taxes. By placing an order you hereby accept Affymetrix Terms and Conditions,
unless you have a signed agreement in affect with Affymetrix.
C. elegans Arrays
Part Product Name Contents Per Array Total Price
902160 GeneChip® C. elegans Gene 1.0 ST Arrray contains 6 arrays $225 $1,350
902161 GeneChip® C. elegans Gene 1.0 ST Arrray contains 30 arrays $225 $6,750
902157 Affymetrix® C. elegans Gene 1.1 ST Array Strip contains 1 array strip (4 arrays) $780
550428 Affymetrix® C. elegans Gene 1.1 ST 16 - Array Plate 1 X 16-Array Plate (minimum order quantity 3 $190 $3,040
902159 Affymetrix® C. elegans Gene 1.1 ST 24-Array Plate 1 X 24-Array Plate $180 $4,320
550430 Affymetrix® C. elegans Gene 1.1 ST 96-Array Plate 1 X 96-Array Plate $170 $16,320
900935 GeneChip® C. elegans Tiling 1.0R Array contains 6 arrays $400 $2,400
900383 GeneChip® C. elegans Genome Array contains 5 arrays $275 $1,375
900384 GeneChip® C. elegans Genome Array contains 30 arrays $275 $8,250
Canine Arrays
Part Product Name Contents Per Array Total Price
901926 Affymetrix® Canine Gene 1.0 ST Array contains 6 arrays $225 $1,350
901925 Affymetrix® Canine Gene 1.0 ST Array contains 30 arrays $225 $6,750
901795 Affymetrix® Canine Gene 1.1 ST Array Strip contains 1 array strip (4 arrays) $780
550362 Affymetrix® Canine Gene 1.1 ST 16-Array Plate 1 X 16-Array Plate (minimum order quantity 3 $190 $3,040
901923 Affymetrix® Canine Gene 1.1 ST 24-Array Plate 1 X 24-Array Plate $180 $4,320
550364 Affymetrix® Canine Gene 1.1 ST 96-Array Plate 1 X 96-Array Plate $170 $16,320
900725 GeneChip® Canine Genome 2.0 Array contains 2 arrays $375 $750
900726 GeneChip® Canine Genome 2.0 Array contains 6 arrays $375 $2,250
900727 GeneChip® Canine Genome 2.0 Array contains 30 arrays $375 $11,250
Chicken Arrays
Part Product Name Contents Per Array Total Price
901931 Affymetrix® Chicken Gene 1.0 ST Array contains 6 arrays $225 $1,350
901930 Affymetrix® Chicken Gene 1.0 ST Array contains 30 arrays $225 $6,750
901855 Affymetrix® Chicken Gene 1.1 ST Array Strip contains 1 array strip (4 arrays) $780
550352 Affymetrix® Chicken Gene 1.1 ST 16-Array Plate 1 X 16-Array Plate (minimum order quantity 3 $190 $3,040
901928 Affymetrix® Chicken Gene 1.1 ST 24-Array Plate 1 X 24-Array Plate $180 $4,320
550354 Affymetrix® Chicken Gene 1.1 ST 96-Array Plate 1 X 96-Array Plate $170 $16,320
900590 GeneChip® Chicken Genome Array contains 2 arrays $375 $750
900591 GeneChip® Chicken Genome Array contains 6 arrays $375 $2,250
900592 GeneChip® Chicken Genome Array contains 30 arrays $375 $11,250
Citrus Arrays
Part Product Name Contents Per Array Total Price
900731 GeneChip® Citrus Genome Array contains 2 arrays $375 $750
900732 GeneChip® Citrus Genome Array contains 6 arrays $375 $2,250
900733 GeneChip® Citrus Genome Array contains 30 arrays $375 $11,250
Cotton Arrays
Part Product Name Contents Per Array Total Price
901000 GeneChip® Cotton Genome Array contains 2 arrays $250 $500
901001 GeneChip® Cotton Genome Array contains 6 arrays $250 $1,500
901002 GeneChip® Cotton Genome Array contains 30 arrays $250 $7,500
Prices subject to change without notice. Prices do not include value added tax or other sales taxes. By placing an order you hereby accept Affymetrix Terms and Conditions,
unless you have a signed agreement in affect with Affymetrix.
Drosophila Arrays
Part Product Name Contents Per Array Total Price
902155 GeneChip® Drosophila Gene 1.0 ST Arrray contains 6 arrays $225 $1,350
902156 GeneChip® Drosophila Gene 1.0 ST Arrray contains 30 arrays $225 $6,750
902152 Affymetrix® Drosophila Gene 1.1 ST Array Strip contains 1 array strip (4 arrays) $780
550418 Affymetrix® Drosophila Gene 1.1 ST 16-Array Plate 1 X 16-Array Plate (minimum order quantity 3 $190 $3,040
902154 Affymetrix® Drosophila Gene 1.1 ST 24-Array Plate 1 X 24-Array Plate $180 $4,320
550420 Affymetrix® Drosophila Gene 1.1 ST 96-Array Plate 1 X 96-Array Plate $170 $16,320
901021 GeneChip® Drosophila Tiling 2.0R Array contains 6 arrays $400 $2,400
900531 GeneChip® Drosophila Genome 2.0 Array contains 2 arrays $250 $500
900532 GeneChip® Drosophila Genome 2.0 Array contains 6 arrays $250 $1,500
900533 GeneChip® Drosophila Genome 2.0 Array contains 30 arrays $250 $7,500
E. coli Arrays
Part Product Name Contents Per Array Total Price
900550 GeneChip® E. coli Genome 2.0 Array contains 2 arrays $175 $350
900551 GeneChip® E. coli Genome 2.0 Array contains 6 arrays $175 $1,050
900552 GeneChip® E. coli Genome 2.0 Array contains 30 arrays $175 $5,250
Equine Arrays
Part Product Name Contents Per Array Total Price
901947 Affymetrix® Equine Gene 1.0 ST Array contains 6 arrays $225 $1,350
901946 Affymetrix® Equine Gene 1.0 ST Array contains 30 arrays $225 $6,750
901796 Affymetrix® Equine Gene 1.1 ST Array Strip contains 1 array strip (4 arrays) $780
550340 Affymetrix® Equine Gene 1.1 ST 16-Array Plate 1 X 16-Array Plate (minimum order quantity 3 $190 $3,040
901944 Affymetrix® Equine Gene 1.1 ST 24-Array Plate 1 X 24-Array Plate $180 $4,320
550342 Affymetrix® Equine Gene 1.1 ST 96-Array Plate 1 X 96-Array Plate $170 $16,320
Feline Arrays
Part Product Name Contents Per Array Total Price
901952 Affymetrix® Feline Gene 1.0 ST Array contains 6 arrays $225 $1,350
901951 Affymetrix® Feline Gene 1.0 ST Array contains 30 arrays $225 $6,750
901830 Affymetrix® Feline Gene 1.1 ST Array Strip contains 1 array strip (4 arrays) $780
550365 Affymetrix® Feline Gene 1.1 ST 16-Array Plate 1 X 16-Array Plate (minimum order quantity 3 $190 $3,040
901949 Affymetrix® Feline Gene 1.1 ST 24-Array Plate 1 X 24-Array Plate $180 $4,320
550367 Affymetrix® Feline Gene 1.1 ST 96-Array Plate 1 X 96-Array Plate $170 $16,320
Prices subject to change without notice. Prices do not include value added tax or other sales taxes. By placing an order you hereby accept Affymetrix Terms and Conditions,
unless you have a signed agreement in affect with Affymetrix.
Maize Arrays
Part Product Name Contents Per Array Total Price
900614 GeneChip® Maize Genome Array contains 2 arrays $250 $500
900615 GeneChip® Maize Genome Array contains 6 arrays $250 $1,500
900616 GeneChip® Maize Genome Array contains 30 arrays $250 $7,500
Marmoset Arrays
Part Product Name Contents Per Array Total Price
901962 Affymetrix® Marmoset Gene 1.0 ST Array contains 6 arrays $225 $1,350
901961 Affymetrix® Marmoset Gene 1.0 ST Array contains 30 arrays $225 $6,750
901831 Affymetrix® Marmoset Gene 1.1 ST Array Strip contains 1 array strip (4 arrays) $780
550334 Affymetrix® Marmoset Gene 1.1 ST 16-Array Plate 1 X 16-Array Plate (minimum order quantity 3 $190 $3,040
901959 Affymetrix® Marmoset Gene 1.1 ST 24-Array Plate 1 X 24-Array Plate $180 $4,320
550336 Affymetrix® Marmoset Gene 1.1 ST 96-Array Plate 1 X 96-Array Plate $170 $16,320
Medicago Arrays
Part Product Name Contents Per Array Total Price
901967 Affymetrix® Medicago Gene 1.0 ST Array contains 6 arrays $225 $1,350
901966 Affymetrix® Medicago Gene 1.0 ST Array contains 30 arrays $225 $6,750
901797 Affymetrix® Medicago Gene 1.1 ST Array Strip contains 1 array strip (4 arrays) $780
550328 Affymetrix® Medicago Gene 1.1 ST 16-Array Plate 1 X 16-Array Plate (minimum order quantity 3 $190 $3,040
901964 Affymetrix® Medicago Gene 1.1 ST 24-Array Plate 1 X 24-Array Plate $180 $4,320
550330 Affymetrix® Medicago Gene 1.1 ST 96-Array Plate 1 X 96-Array Plate $170 $16,320
900734 GeneChip® Medicago Genome Array contains 2 arrays $400 $800
900735 GeneChip® Medicago Genome Array contains 6 arrays $400 $2,400
900736 GeneChip® Medicago Genome Array contains 30 arrays $400 $12,000
microRNA Arrays
Part Product Name Contents Per Array Total Price
901753 GeneChip® miRNA 2.0 Array contains 2 arrays $265 $530
901754 GeneChip® miRNA 2.0 Array contains 6 arrays $265 $1,590
901755 GeneChip® miRNA 2.0 Array contains 30 arrays $265 $7,950
902017 GeneChip® miRNA 3.0 Array contains 2 arrays $265 $530
902018 GeneChip® miRNA 3.0 Array contains 6 arrays $265 $1,590
902019 GeneChip® miRNA 3.0 Array contains 30 arrays $265 $7,950
902151 Affymetrix® miRNA 3.1 Array Strip contains 1 array strip (4 arrays) $500
902283 Affymetrix® miRNA 3.1 16-Array Plate Kit contains 1 array plate (16 arrays) $1,920
902285 Affymetrix® miRNA 3.1 24-Array Plate Kit contains 1 array plate (24 arrays) $2,760
902287 Affymetrix® miRNA 3.1 96-Array Plate Kit contains 1 array plate (96 arrays) $10,560
902411 Affymetrix® miRNA 4.0 Array contains 2 arrays $225 $450
902412 Affymetrix® miRNA 4.0 Array contains 6 Array $225 $1,350
902413 Affymetrix® miRNA 4.0 Array contains 30 arrays $225 $6,750
902404 Affymetrix® miRNA 4.1 Array Strip contains 1 array strip (4 arrays) $500
902408 Affymetrix® miRNA 4.1 16-Array Plate Kit contains 1 array plate (16 arrays) $1,920
902409 Affymetrix® miRNA 4.1 24-Array Plate Kit contains 1 array plate (24 arrays) $2,760
902410 Affymetrix® miRNA 4.1 96-Array Plate Kit contains 1 array plate (96 arrays) $10,560
902445 miRNA 4 and FlashTag Kit sufficient for 10 reactions $2,600
902446 miRNA 4 and FlashTag Kit sufficient for 30 reactions $7,795
Ovine Arrays
Part Product Name Contents Per Array Total Price
901972 Affymetrix® Ovine Gene 1.0 ST Array contains 6 arrays $225 $1,350
901971 Affymetrix® Ovine Gene 1.0 ST Array contains 30 arrays $225 $6,750
901829 Affymetrix® Ovine Gene 1.1 ST Array Strip contains 1 array strip (4 arrays) $780
550343 Affymetrix® Ovine Gene 1.1 ST 16-Array Plate 1 X 16-Array Plate (minimum order quantity 3 $190 $3,040
901969 Affymetrix® Ovine Gene 1.1 ST 24-Array Plate 1 X 24-Array Plate $180 $4,320
550345 Affymetrix® Ovine Gene 1.1 ST 96-Array Plate 1 X 96-Array Plate $170 $16,320
Prices subject to change without notice. Prices do not include value added tax or other sales taxes. By placing an order you hereby accept Affymetrix Terms and Conditions,
unless you have a signed agreement in affect with Affymetrix.
P. aeruginosa Arrays
Part Product Name Contents Per Array Total Price
900339 GeneChip® P. aeruginosa Genome Array contains 5 arrays $275 $1,375
900340 GeneChip® P. aeruginosa Genome Array contains 30 arrays $275 $8,250
Plasmodium/Anopheles Arrays
Part Product Name Contents Per Array Total Price
900511 GeneChip® Plasmodium/Anopheles Genome Array contains 2 arrays $275 $550
900512 GeneChip® Plasmodium/Anopheles Genome Array contains 6 arrays $275 $1,650
Poplar Arrays
Part Product Name Contents Per Array Total Price
900728 GeneChip® Poplar Genome Array contains 2 arrays $400 $800
900729 GeneChip® Poplar Genome Array contains 6 arrays $400 $2,400
900730 GeneChip® Poplar Genome Array contains 30 arrays $400 $12,000
Porcine Arrays
Part Product Name Contents Per Array Total Price
901977 Affymetrix® Porcine Gene 1.0 ST Array contains 6 arrays $225 $1,350
901976 Affymetrix® Porcine Gene 1.0 ST Array contains 30 arrays $225 $6,750
901798 Affymetrix® Porcine Gene 1.1 ST Array Strip contains 1 array strip (4 arrays) $780
550349 Affymetrix® Porcine Gene 1.1 ST 16-Array Plate 1 X 16-Array Plate (minimum order quantity 3 $190 $3,040
901974 Affymetrix® Porcine Gene 1.1 ST 24-Array Plate 1 X 24-Array Plate $180 $4,320
550351 Affymetrix® Porcine Gene 1.1 ST 96-Array Plate 1 X 96-Array Plate $170 $16,320
900623 GeneChip® Porcine Genome Array contains 2 arrays $250 $500
900624 GeneChip® Porcine Genome Array contains 6 arrays $250 $1,500
900625 GeneChip® Porcine Genome Array contains 30 arrays $250 $7,500
Rabbit Arrays
902238 Affymetrix® Rabbit Gene 1.0 ST Array contains 6 arrays $225 $1,350
902239 Affymetrix® Rabbit Gene 1.0 ST Array contains 30 arrays $225 $6,750
902235 Affymetrix® Rabbit Gene 1.1 ST Array Strip contains 1 array strip (4 arrays) $780
550444 Affymetrix® Rabbit Gene 1.1 ST 16-Array Plate 1 X 16-Array Plate (minimum order quantity 3 $190 $3,040
902237 Affymetrix® Rabbit Gene 1.1 ST 24-Array Plate 1 X 24-Array Plate $180 $4,320
550446 Affymetrix® Rabbit Gene 1.1 ST 96-Array Plate 1 X 96-Array Plate $170 $16,320
Rice Arrays
Part Product Name Contents Per Array Total Price
901992 Affymetrix® Rice (US) Gene 1.0 ST Array contains 6 arrays $225 $1,350
901997 Affymetrix® Rice (Jp) Gene 1.0 ST Array contains 6 arrays $225 $1,350
901982 Affymetrix® Rice (Cn) Gene 1.0 ST Array contains 6 arrays $225 $1,350
901991 Affymetrix® Rice (US) Gene 1.0 ST Array contains 30 arrays $225 $6,750
901996 Affymetrix® Rice (Jp) Gene 1.0 ST Array contains 30 arrays $225 $6,750
901981 Affymetrix® Rice (Cn) Gene 1.0 ST Array contains 30 arrays $225 $6,750
901800 Affymetrix® Rice (US) Gene 1.1 ST Array Strip contains 1 array strip (4 arrays) $780
901856 Affymetrix® Rice (Jp) Gene 1.1 ST Array Strip contains 1 array strip (4 arrays) $780
901857 Affymetrix® Rice (Cn) Gene 1.1 ST Array Strip contains 1 array strip (4 arrays) $780
550371 Affymetrix® Rice (US) Gene 1.1 ST 16-Array Plate 1 X 16-Array Plate (minimum order quantity 3 $190 $3,040
550374 Affymetrix® Rice (Jp) Gene 1.1 ST 16-Array Plate 1 X 16-Array Plate (minimum order quantity 3 $190 $3,040
550377 Affymetrix® Rice (Cn) Gene 1.1 ST 16-Array Plate 1 X 16-Array Plate (minimum order quantity 3 $190 $3,040
901989 Affymetrix® Rice (US) Gene 1.1 ST 24-Array Plate 1 X 24-Array Plate $180 $4,320
901994 Affymetrix® Rice (Jp) Gene 1.1 ST 24-Array Plate 1 X 24-Array Plate $180 $4,320
901979 Affymetrix® Rice (Cn) Gene 1.1 ST 24-Array Plate 1 X 24-Array Plate $180 $4,320
550373 Affymetrix® Rice (US) Gene 1.1 ST 96-Array Plate 1 X 96-Array Plate $170 $16,320
550376 Affymetrix® Rice (Jp) Gene 1.1 ST 96-Array Plate 1 X 96-Array Plate $170 $16,320
550379 Affymetrix® Rice (Cn) Gene 1.1 ST 96-Array Plate 1 X 96-Array Plate $170 $16,320
900599 GeneChip® Rice Genome Array contains 2 arrays $400 $800
900600 GeneChip® Rice Genome Array contains 6 arrays $400 $2,400
900601 GeneChip® Rice Genome Array contains 30 arrays $400 $12,000
Prices subject to change without notice. Prices do not include value added tax or other sales taxes. By placing an order you hereby accept Affymetrix Terms and Conditions,
unless you have a signed agreement in affect with Affymetrix.
Soy Arrays
Part Product Name Contents Per Array Total Price
902002 Affymetrix® Soybean Gene 1.0 ST Array contains 6 arrays $225 $1,350
902001 Affymetrix® Soybean Gene 1.0 ST Array contains 30 arrays $225 $6,750
901801 Affymetrix® Soybean Gene 1.1ST Array Strip contains 1 array strip (4 arrays) $780
550314 Affymetrix® Soybean Gene 1.1 ST 16-Array Plate 1 X 16-Array Plate (minimum order quantity 3 $190 $3,040
901999 Affymetrix® Soybean Gene 1.1 ST 24-Array Plate 1 X 24-Array Plate $180 $4,320
550316 Affymetrix® Soybean Gene 1.1 ST 96-Array Plate 1 X 96-Array Plate $170 $16,320
900525 GeneChip® Soy Genome Array contains 2 arrays $400 $800
900526 GeneChip® Soy Genome Array contains 6 arrays $400 $2,400
Test Arrays
Part Product Name Contents Per Array Total Price
900341 GeneChip® Test3 Array contains 5 arrays $100 $500
900342 GeneChip® Test3 Array contains 30 arrays $100 $3,000
Tomato Arrays
Part Product Name Contents Per Array Total Price
900737 GeneChip® Tomato Genome Array contains 2 arrays $175 $350
900738 GeneChip® Tomato Genome Array contains 6 arrays $175 $1,050
900739 GeneChip® Tomato Genome Array contains 30 arrays $175 $5,250
902299 Affymetrix® Tomato Gene 1.0 ST Array contains 6 arrays $225 $1,350
902300 Affymetrix® Tomato Gene 1.0 ST Array contains 30 arrays $225 $6,750
902296 Affymetrix® Tomato Gene 1.1 ST Array Strip contains 1 array strip (4 arrays) $780
550478 Affymetrix® Tomato Gene 1.1 ST 16-Array Plate 1 X 16-Array Plate (min. order quantity 3 plates) $190 $3,040
902298 Affymetrix® Tomato Gene 1.1 ST 24-Array Plate 1 X 24-Array Plate $180 $4,320
550480 Affymetrix® Tomato Gene 1.1 ST 96-Array Plate 1 X 96-Array Plate $170 $16,320
V. vinifera Arrays
Part Product Name Contents Per Array Total Price
900509 GeneChip® V. vinifera Genome Array contains 2 arrays $250 $500
900510 GeneChip® V. vinifera Genome Array contains 6 arrays $250 $1,500
Wheat Arrays
Part Product Name Contents Per Array Total Price
900558 GeneChip® Wheat Genome Array contains 2 arrays $400 $800
900559 GeneChip® Wheat Genome Array contains 6 arrays $400 $2,400
900560 GeneChip® Wheat Genome Array contains 30 arrays $400 $12,000
Xenopus Arrays
Part Product Name Contents Per Array Total Price
901214 GeneChip® Xenopus laevis 2.0 Genome Array contains 2 arrays $375 $750
901215 GeneChip® Xenopus laevis 2.0 Genome Array contains 6 arrays $375 $2,250
901216 GeneChip® Xenopus laevis 2.0 Genome Array contains 30 arrays $375 $11,250
901100 GeneChip® Xenopus Tropicalis Genome Array contains 2 arrays $400 $800
901101 GeneChip® Xenopus Tropicalis Genome Array contains 6 arrays $400 $2,400
901102 GeneChip® Xenopus Tropicalis Genome Array contains 30 arrays $400 $12,000
900491 GeneChip® Xenopus Genome Array contains 5 arrays $275 $1,375
900492 GeneChip® Xenopus Genome Array contains 30 arrays $275 $8,250
Yeast Arrays
Part Product Name Contents Per Array Total Price
900553 GeneChip® Yeast Genome 2.0 Array contains 2 arrays $175 $350
900554 GeneChip® Yeast Genome 2.0 Array contains 6 arrays $175 $1,050
900555 GeneChip® Yeast Genome 2.0 Array contains 30 arrays $175 $5,250
900645 GeneChip® S. cerevisiae Tiling 1.0R Array contains 6 arrays $400 $2,400
900647 GeneChip® S. pombe Tiling 1.0FR Array contains 6 arrays $250 $1,500
Prices subject to change without notice. Prices do not include value added tax or other sales taxes. By placing an order you hereby accept Affymetrix Terms and Conditions,
unless you have a signed agreement in affect with Affymetrix.
Zebrafish Arrays
Part Product Name Contents Per Array Total Price
902007 Affymetrix® Zebrafish Gene 1.0 ST Array contains 6 arrays $225 $1,350
902006 Affymetrix® Zebrafish Gene 1.0 ST Array contains 30 arrays $225 $6,750
901802 Affymetrix® Zebrafish Gene 1.1 ST Array Strip contains 1 array strip (4 arrays) $780
550325 Affymetrix® Zebrafish Gene 1.1 ST 16-Array Plate 1 X 16-Array Plate (minimum order quantity 3 $190 $3,040
902004 Affymetrix® Zebrafish Gene 1.1 ST 24-Array Plate 1 X 24-Array Plate $180 $4,320
550327 Affymetrix® Zebrafish Gene 1.1 ST 96-Array Plate 1 X 96-Array Plate $170 $16,320
900487 GeneChip® Zebrafish Genome Array contains 5 arrays $275 $1,375
900488 GeneChip® Zebrafish Genome Array contains 30 arrays $275 $8,250
Prices subject to change without notice. Prices do not include value added tax or other sales taxes. By placing an order you hereby accept Affymetrix Terms and Conditions,
unless you have a signed agreement in affect with Affymetrix.
Prices subject to change without notice. Prices do not include value added tax or other sales taxes. By placing an order you hereby accept Affymetrix Terms and Conditions,
unless you have a signed agreement in affect with Affymetrix.
Prices subject to change without notice. Prices do not include value added tax or other sales taxes. By placing an order you hereby accept Affymetrix Terms and Conditions,
unless you have a signed agreement in affect with Affymetrix.
Prices subject to change without notice. Prices do not include value added tax or other sales taxes. By placing an order you hereby accept Affymetrix Terms and Conditions,
unless you have a signed agreement in affect with Affymetrix.
Part Product Name Contents Per Array Total Price
901833 CytoScan™ HD Array Kit contains 6 arrays $286 $1,716
901808 CytoScan™ Reagent Kit sufficient for 24 reactions $3,564
901835 CytoScan™ HD Array and Reagent Kit Bundle sufficient for 24 reactions $9,480
901834 CytoScan™ HD Training Kit 24 reaction reagent and array kit bundle with $9,780
training materials
902167 CytoScan™ Automation Starter Kit for NIMBUS® Non-disposable robotics deck hardware required $2,000
for CytoScan Assay
902168 CytoScan™ Automation Consumable Kit for NIMBUS® Microplates and consumables sufficient for 50 $600
902169 CytoScan™ Automation Training Kit for NIMBUS® Arrays and reagents plus training and materials $9,780
902293 OncoScan™ FFPE Assay Kit Array and Reagent Kit Bundle sufficient for 24 reactions and contains 48 $15,600
OncoScan™ Arrays
902305 OncoScan™ Training Kit Array and Reagent Kit Bundle sufficient for 18 reactions and contains 36 $11,700
OncoScan™ Arrays
000878 OncoScan™ FAS On-site Training $6,250
Prices subject to change without notice. Prices do not include value added tax or other sales taxes. By placing an order you hereby accept Affymetrix Terms and Conditions,
unless you have a signed agreement in affect with Affymetrix.
Part Product Name Contents Total Price
901495 DMET™ Plus Starter Pack sufficient for 8 reactions (7 samples + 1 control) $2,450
901268 DMET™ Plus Premier Pack sufficient for 48 reactions (45 samples + 3 controls) $14,700
901327 DMET™ Accuracy Training Kit sufficient for 48 reactions $7,000
901267 DMET™ Plus Reagent Only Kit sufficient for 48 reactions $6,015
511715 DMET™ Plus Wash A sufficient for 48 reactions $160
511716 DMET™ Plus Wash B sufficient for 48 reactions $130
901491 DMET™ Plus Training Module contains 2 training kits $14,000
901251 DMET™ Precision Plate sufficient for 48 reactions $840
Genotyping Services
Part Product Name Contents Total Price
000785 Axiom™ Genomic Database Screening Services 1 array plate (92 samples) $78,200
000815 Axiom™ TG myDesign 1peg Services priced per sample, minimum 1000 samples $325
000810 Axiom™ GW myDesign 1peg Services priced per sample, minimum 1000 samples $400
000811 Axiom™ GW myDesign 2peg Services priced per sample, minimum 1000 samples $475
000812 Axiom™ GW myDesign 3peg Services priced per sample, minimum 1000 samples $550
000813 Axiom™ GW myDesign 4peg Services priced per sample, minimum 3001 samples $600
000740 Axiom™ Catalog 1peg Services priced per sample, minimum 92 samples $350
000808 Axiom™ Catalog 2peg Services priced per sample, minimum 92 samples $425
000809 Axiom™ Catalog 3peg Services priced per sample, minimum 92 samples $475
000593 Genome-Wide Human SNP 6.0 Genotyping Services each $625
000798 OncoScan™ FFPE Express 2.0 Services priced per sample, minimum 24 samples $650
600719 OncoScan™ FFPE Express 2.0 Services including Nexus Copy $745
Number™ software license & BioDiscovery data analysis support
600720 OncoScan™ FFPE Express 2.0 Services including BioDiscovery data $730
analysis support
Prices subject to change without notice. Prices do not include value added tax or other sales taxes. By placing an order you hereby accept Affymetrix Terms and Conditions,
unless you have a signed agreement in affect with Affymetrix.
Clinical/Diagnostic Tools
Clinical/Diagnostic Tools
GeneAtlas System
Part Product Name Contents Total Price
00-0393 GeneAtlas™ System, Academic (230v) $48,500
00-0394 GeneAtlas™ System, Academic (115v) $48,500
QC Toolbox
Part Product Name Total Price
00-0225 QC Toolbox Software Kit, Version 2 $2,500
Node System
Part Product Name Total Price
00-0105 GCS 3000 Node, WorldWide $69,000
Prices subject to change without notice. Prices do not include value added tax or other sales taxes. By placing an order you hereby accept Affymetrix Terms and Conditions,
unless you have a signed agreement in affect with Affymetrix.
Hybridization Oven
Part Product Name Total Price
00-0331 Hybridization Oven 645 (110/220V) $7,500
Part Product Name Total Price
00-0179 2D Handheld Barcode Reader $975
00-0093 External Barcode Reader Holder $600
00-0094 AutoLoader Carousel $975
00-0129 AutoLoader Upgrade with EBR-GCS 3000 S/N 502 $25,000
00-0090 AutoLoader Upgrade with EBR & Holder $25,000
Instrument Service
Part Product Name Description Total Price
000782 GeneAtlas™ Install and Training 2 days $6,000
901823 GeneTitan® Installation each $13,500
901824 GCS3000 Installation each $6,500
901825 GCS3000Dx Installation each $8,000
703123 Preventative Maintenance System Visit Scanner, Hyb Oven, F\Stn, A/L $4,800
703124 Preventative Maintenance, add 1 Fluidics Station Requires 703123, (7 max) $1,100
703125 Preventative Maintenance, add 1 Hyb Oven Requires 703123, (3 max) $700
703126 Installation Qualification (IQ) Requires 703123, order once $2,200
Consulting Service
Part Product Name Description Total Price
000398 Field Based Training 1 day $2,500
Prices subject to change without notice. Prices do not include value added tax or other sales taxes. By placing an order you hereby accept Affymetrix Terms and Conditions,
unless you have a signed agreement in affect with Affymetrix.
FAS Training
000871 CytoScan™ FAS On-Site Automation Training each $9,950
000802 CytoScan™ FAS On-Site Training each $9,950
000803 CytoScan™ FAS Assisted Training each $2,950
000804 Axiom™ FAS On-Site Training each $11,950
000823 SNP6 Training (GCS3000) up to 5 days $11,300
000824 3'IVT HT Training (GCS3000) up to 4 days $9,300
000825 3'IVT Express Training (GCS3000) up to 2 days $4,900
000826 WT Express Training (GCS3000) up to 2 days $4,900
000827 WT HT Auto Training (GCS3000) up to 4 days $9,300
000828 DMET Plus Training (GCS3000) up to 3 days $7,000
000829 miRNA Training (GCS3000) up to 2 days $4,900
000830 SNP6 Training (Dx2) up to 5 days $11,300
000831 3'IVT Express Training (Dx2) up to 2 days $4,900
000832 WT Express Training (Dx2) up to 2 days $4,900
000833 DMET Plus Training (Dx2) up to 3 days $7,000
000834 3'IVT HT Training (GeneTitan) up to 4 days $9,900
000835 WT HT Auto Training (GeneTitan) up to 4 days $9,900
000836 3'IVT Express Training (GeneTitan) up to 2 days $5,000
000837 WT Express Training (GeneTitan) up to 2 days $5,000
Prices subject to change without notice. Prices do not include value added tax or other sales taxes. By placing an order you hereby accept Affymetrix Terms and Conditions,
unless you have a signed agreement in affect with Affymetrix.