Generalized Linear Targeting and Guidance
Generalized Linear Targeting and Guidance
Generalized Linear Targeting and Guidance
This memo describes the mathematical background and practical implementation of an explicit
generalized linear targeting and guidance (GLTG) algorithm. The GLTG algorithm uses a
combination of modern control theory and linear mathematical techniques to formulate and solve a
variety of orbital transfer problems. The targeting and guidance solutions are formulated using
generalized mission constraints which relate the classical orbital elements to the state vector predicted
by the GLTG scheme. In the closed-loop guidance mode, this iterative algorithm resolves the orbital
boundary value problem during the actual finite-burn maneuvers. A key assumption for this
algorithm is that each propulsive maneuver is treated as a single impulsive delta-velocity during
targeting and as a series of fixed-attitude, finite-burn maneuvers during closed-loop guidance.
The robustness and computational speed of the generalized linear scheme make it ideal for on-board
targeting and guidance flight software. The proper combination of numerical methods makes it
possible to carry a three-degree-of-freedom (3 DOF) simulation on-board and solve the trajectory
targeting and guidance problems as the vehicle performs the mission.
In the following discussion, bold letters and symbols indicate vectors and matrices.
Equations of motion
x f x, λ
The inertial, Cartesian equations of motion of a spacecraft subject to gravitational and thrust forces
can be written as
r v
v g a t uT
where r is the position vector, v the velocity vector, g is the acceleration due to gravity, a t is the
magnitude of the thrust acceleration and uT is the unit thrust vector given by
cos cos
uT sin cos
In this equation, is the in-plane steering angle and is the out-of-plane steering angle.
The control variables used to solve the trajectory problem consist of the impulse time and three
components of each delta-v maneuver. The steering angles provided to the control system are
determined from the components of the delta-v vector.
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The inertial components of a J 2 perturbed Earth gravity model are as follows;
rx 3 J 2 req 5rz2
g x 3 1 1 2
r 2 r 2 r
ry 3 J 2 req2 5rz2
g y 3 1 1 2
r 2 r 2 r
rz 3 J 2 req 5rz2
g z 1 3 2
r 3 2 r 2 r
However, the equations of motion used to predict the spacecraft trajectory can include a higher order
gravity model as well as other perturbations such as aerodynamic drag, solar radiation pressure, third-
body effects and so forth.
x F t x G t λ
x x
x λ
x 0 I
x F 0
g I rrT
F 3 3 5
x r r
where F is the variation of the gravity vector due to position and can be formulated by ignoring
second order terms in the gravity vector. I is the 3 by 3 identity matrix.
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Note that the F and G partial derivative matrices are functions of time and are evaluated on the
reference trajectory.
x t Φ t , t0 x t0 Γ x t , t0 λ
where Φ is the two-body state transition matrix and Γ x is the control matrix which satisfies
Γ x FΓ x G
and Γ x t0 0 . Note that the use of velocity impulses in the GLTG algorithm permits a closed-form
solution for the Γ x matrix.
The state transition matrix Φ consists of the 36 partial derivatives of the final state vector defined by
the six components x, y , z, x , y and z with respect to the six components of the initial state vector
defined by x0 , y0 , z0 , x0 , y 0 and z0 . This matrix can be written as
t , t0 11
21 22
x / x0 x / y0 x / z0
11 y / x0 y / y0 y / z0
r0 z / x z / y0
z / z0
and Φ t , t0 I .
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Since a velocity impulse v is a discontinuity in velocity only, the state vector immediately
following an impulse time t I is simply
x tI
v v
and the partial derivatives of the state vector with respect to this impulse are
x 0
v I
The partial derivatives of the state vector with respect to the impulse time are found from the first
order variation according to
t I t I v t I t I v v v t I
x g dt tI g dt 0
x v i
t Ii 0
h rv
y f xF
e F v h rˆ F
y H x
The equations for the elements of this matrix can be found in Appendix A.
y H x F HΦ x 0 HΓ x λ
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We can define a fundamental constraint-control matrix as
Γ H Γx
y Γ λ
x0 0
The condition that x0 is zero implies that a reference trajectory can be created at each targeting or
guidance update. The Γ x matrix is propagated during coast arcs using the state transition matrix.
The control variable vector at successive targeting or guidance updates can be determined from
λ i 1 λ i λ
λ Γ 1 y
The linear system defined by this last equation is solved using the Householder Orthogonal
Decomposition method. A key characteristic of this numerical method is that it can be used to solve
overdetermined, exact or underdetermined linear systems which may be encountered during different
flight phases of a complex space mission.
The following table illustrates the relationship between classical orbital elements and the
corresponding mission constraint subsets. In this table, a is semimajor axis, e is orbital eccentricity, i
is orbital inclination, is argument of periapsis, and is the right ascension of the ascending node
element h, r , h, r , h, hz , r, h, hz , C3 h, hz , C3 , ez h,C3 h, e
a constrained constrained constrained constrained constrained constrained constrained
e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
i 0 0 0 0 0 constrained constrained
undefined undefined undefined free constrained free constrained
undefined constrained free free free constrained* constrained*
undefined if i 0
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h angular momentum vector
e orbital eccentricity vector
r geocentric radius
flight path angle
C3 specific orbital energy
h angular momentum magnitude
hz z-component of angular momentum vector
ez z-component of eccentricity vector
This next table illustrates example constraint subsets for each classical orbital element. Constraints
for special cases such as circular or equatorial orbits are also noted.
h and hz or h i 0 i
h, hz , ez and C3
hx and hy
For lunar and interplanetary missions, the “target specs” are usually specified by the specific orbital
energy C3 , and the right ascension (RLA) and declination (DLA) of the outgoing asymptote of the
launch or departure hyperbola. This section describes the computation of an “energy-scaled” mission
constraint useful for these types of missions.
cos cos
sˆ cos sin
right ascension of departure asymptote
declination of departure asymptote
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The specific orbital energy is computed from the following expression
C3 v 2
1 C3 1 C3
sˆ h e e
h e e
h 2 1 C3 p
1 C3 2
Finally, the targeting or constraint vector consists of the “energy-scaled” unit asymptote vector given
s C3 sˆ
which is usually evaluated at the end of the final finite-burn orbit transfer maneuver or perhaps at a
trajectory interface point (TIP) some time after final stage burnout.
This section summarizes the equations used to compute the complete set of mission constraint
components from the inertial state vector. In the equations that follow, a “hat” symbol indicates a
unit vector.
The angular momentum vector is normal to the orbit plane and is given by the following right-handed
cross product
h rv
h r v hx2 h y2 hz2 a 1 e 2
r v
sin 1 sin rˆ vˆ
r v
Flight path angle is positive above the local horizon and negative below. The sine of the flight path
angle is often used as a mission constraint.
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Twice the specific (per unit mass) orbital energy can be determined from
C3 v 2
r a
vh 1 2
e r v r r v v
This section describes the equations used to compute the classical angular or orientation orbital
elements from the state vector. In the equations to follow, the correct quadrant for each angular
orbital element can be determined from the corresponding sine and cosine equations using a four
quadrant inverse tangent evaluation.
r h2 r
2 rv
2 2
2 r v C3
The sine and cosine of orbital inclination can be determined from the following two expressions:
sin i kˆ hˆ
cos i hˆ kˆ z hˆz
where k̂ is a geocentric unit vector in the direction of the planet’s spin axis and is given by 0 0 1 .
An orbital inclination constraint can be enforced using the z-component and magnitude of the angular
momentum vector according to the second equation.
A unit vector in the direction of the ascending node is given by the following cross product
nˆ kˆ hˆ
The sine and cosine of the right ascension of the ascending node (RAAN) can be determined from
sin ˆi nˆ kˆ
cos nˆ ˆi
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where î is a geocentric unit vector in the direction of the x-axis of the planet-centered-inertial (PCI)
coordinate system and is given by 1 0 0 . A RAAN constraint can be enforced using the x and y
The sine and cosine of the argument of periapsis for elliptical and hyperbolic orbits can be
determined from the next two expressions
sin nˆ eˆ hˆ
cos hˆ eˆ
Finally, an expression for the scalar orbital eccentricity in terms of specific orbital energy and angular
momentum is given by
h C3 2 h 2
e rˆ
The GLTG algorithm has been used to solve the following orbital transfer problems;
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References and Bibliography
“Two-body Linear Guidance Matrices”, L. P. Abrahamson and R. G. Stern, NASA CR 70465, June
“An Analysis and Evaluation of Guidance Modes”, C. G. Pfeiffer, NASA CR 113902, May 1970.
“Gamma Guidance for the Inertial Upper Stage”, J. W. Hardtla, AIAA 78-1292, August 1978.
“Linear Guidance Laws for Space Missions”, W. Tempelman, AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control
and Dynamics, Vol. 9, No. 4, July-August 1986.
“Linear and Nonlinear Perturbation Analysis Applied to the Two-body Problem”, W. Tempelman,
AIAA-1988-4216, AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Conference, August 15-17, 1988.
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Appendix A
Elements of the H Matrix
This appendix summarizes the elements of the H matrix which represent the partial derivatives of the
mission orbit constraint vector y with respect to the state vector x.
position vector
rT r 0
velocity vector
0 vT v
hT I v h hT r I h
eccentricity vector
v 2 1 r I rrT r 3 vvT 2rvT vr I vrT
2 rT r 3 2 vT
vˆ T I r rrT r 3 rˆ T I v vvT v3
s sˆ C
C3 sˆ 3
x x x
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