Chapter - Iv Credit Management in Commercial Banks
Chapter - Iv Credit Management in Commercial Banks
Chapter - Iv Credit Management in Commercial Banks
commercial bank.
given below:-
period of less than one year because of the high liquidity of such
needs of the businessmen for increasing the current assets and for
expanding production.
so. The less profitable concerns need b a n k support which can help
such firms.
at the same time, it is highly risky. Loans are always accompanied by the
credit risk arising out of the borrower's default in repaying the money.
take all necessary precautions to minimize the risk associated with the
4.2.1 Safety
They should ensure that the lending out fund is safe. Every care should
4 . 2 . 2 Liquidity
Liquidity signifies the readiness with which the b a n k can convert its
notice, the banker should ensure the liquidity of loans. Loans should be
into cash.
4 . 2 . 3 Diversification of Risks
of diversification because banker may get certain a m o u n t of loans
4 . 2 . 4 Profitability
liquidity a n d safety of his capital. Within the limits of liquidity and safety,
and the national policies as laid down by the government and the Central
4.2.5 Purpose
It is well supposed that the purpose for the loan proposed is itself a
purpose of its use, therefore, the banker should inquire properly into the
purpose for which the loan is taken. The loan utilized for productive
purpose would generate additional income for the borrower to enable him
to repay it.
known fact that loan borrowed for a productive purpose h a s often been
should take follow-up steps to see that the e n d - u s e of loan is not for a
make-up of the loan portfolio, and influences the credit decisions of the
bank. The banker will find it easy to reach the goals of the b a n k a n d
serve the public concurrently with a systematic loan policy. A loan policy
is, therefore, a necessity for a bank. In deciding the loan policies, the
the b a n k affects both the b a n k and public at large. They should consider
all the factors which are likely to influence the loan policies, a n d work
losses for depositors and guarantees funds for the creditors. A b a n k with
a strong capital position can a s s u m e more credit risks thaji one with a
4.4.2 Earning Requirement
whose deposits have shown a rising tendency in the past, and which
expect the rising trend to persist in future, can also be liberal in their
loan policy.
prevail in the area served by the bank, before formulating the lending
future can ill afford to adopt a liberal policy because that would entail
their lending policies and accommodate those borrowers who were
competence of its loan officers while laying down a loan policy because
loan officers of a bank can play a significant role in the execution of its
loan policies.
influence its loan policy. A bank is supposed to meet the loan demands
of all the local borrowers and if this cannot be done, there will be
4.5 Contents of Credit Policy
credit officers may not face any problem in evaluating the credit
4.5.3 Composition of Loan Portfolio
bank loan, the government policy as well a s the credit policy of the RBI
should also be kept in view and the management should see to it that the
is to make a loan for a period after which it may be called back in times
could invest short-term or temporary s u r p l u s of borrowers in money
market i n s t r u m e n t s .
in the bank.
bank. This will save the time and efforts of the credit department which
4.5.10 Consortium Lending
remaining tenure for the rest of the liability. The consortiurn could
necessarily be based. Two important factors, i.e., cost and time, should
financial statements made by the applicant. The lending officer may also
get information about the customer's repaying habits from the bank's
journals, periodicals, newspapers, income-tax statements, sales-tax
a customer to determine the degree of risk associated with the loan. The
repay the debt in accordance with the terms of the loan agreement m u s t
funds-flow statement, and credit scoring have been developed with which
conditions of an applicant.
against the credit s t a n d a r d s se<^ out in the loan policy. If the applicant is
found above or upto the standards, the loan should be made to him and
asked to approach other existing financial institutions of the area for
keep track of the loans outstanding. It should keep in touch with the
borrowers during the life of the loan. The supervision of the loan is the
keeping track of the deposit balance, checking with other creditors and
intelligent banker can plan a sort of economic retreat which, in the long
commercial bank.
and its implementation is carried out by the loan committee and loan
The credit department of a bank performs the following functions:-
their accounts.
magnitude of the loan portfolio and its composition, and attitude of the
two or three officers perform all the necessary credit functions, and the
function is responsible for securing the credit information that is
necessary a n d for nniaintaining his own credit files. In the larger banks,
cannot be expected to wait for a long time for credit decisions. Moreover,