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10| City Press Careers / Rapport Loopbane 03.02.


The Social Housing Regulatory Authority (the “SHRA") was established in August 2010 by The Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services is
the Minister of Human Settlements in terms of the Social Housing Act, No. 16 of 2008. The inviting applications from persons who are suitably qualified to join
SHRA is classified as a public entity in terms of Schedule 3A of the Public Finance the Department as it strives to be the employer of choice in the Public
Management Act (Act 1 of 1999). MPHELA & ASSOCIATES are looking for a young, dynamic & vibrant Personal Assistant for their Service and the preferred place in the ICT sector for intellectual
stimulation, leadership growth and national contribution.
Groblersdal Office. The incumbent will provide personal administra ve support to the Senior
Partner and perform general clerical & project-based work. She/he must project a professional INTERNSHIP PROGRAMME: 2019-2021
STRATEGY, RESEARCH AND POLICY MANAGER company image through in-person and phone interac on & must have 3-5 years' experience & The Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services is offering seven (7) Internships to graduates between the ages of 18 and 35 for a period
possess a degree or diploma or an equivalent qualifica on in business, management or of twenty four (24) months. The positions are based in Pretoria. A stipend of R8045.75 per month is applicable.
(Reporting to the CEO) administra on. Knowledge of Sepedi/Setswana or Zulu will be an added advantage. Please note this is not a student Internship and no students who require practical work experience will be considered.
Parktown, Gauteng Salary- Nego able. The following Internships are available:
Salary Negotiable Email your applica on & CV to mphela@mphela.co.za.
The main purpose of the Strategy, Research and Policy Manager is to facilitate and lead in crafting the five-year
Closing Date: 15th February 2019
strategic plan with annual updates, develop the APP in line with the strategic plan and manage that organisational 35GDFG4G-TD030219 BRANCH: ICT POLICY AND STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT
performance information is collected, collated, accurate and reported on in alignment with the National Treasury
Economic Analysis and Scenario Construction B Degree in Economics, Econometrics, Public 1
reporting framework. In addition, the Strategy, Research and Policy Manager is responsible for managing that
sector specific research is conducted, specifically research into policy and legislation, and to disseminate (Ref. DTPS 01) Policy and/or Statistics.
research findings to support sector progress. BRANCH: ICT INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT
Key responsibilities
· Strategy and Annual Performance Plan · Organisational Performance and Evaluation · Research Management Radio Frequency Spectrum B Degree/National Diploma in Telecommunication 1
and Dissemination · Policy Research and Advice · Staff Management. (Ref. DTPS 02) Engineering, Electrical Engineering or equivalent
· Masters (NQF 9) or similar in Public Administration, Monitoring and Evaluation, Development Planning, LLB or BRANCH: ICT INFORMATION SOCIETY DEVELOPMENT
similar · Published research outputs AND RESEARCH
· 7 years Strategy Development and Performance Monitoring experience, preferably in a public entity · 4 years Forecasting and Modelling B Degree/National Diploma in Statistics, Economics, 1
Research Management · 5 years leadership experience · 5 years human settlements experience · 3 years Public (Ref. DTPS 03) Public Administration/Public Management
Sector experience.
Leadership, technical and behavioural competencies
· Organisational-Health View · Strategic Leadership · Strategic Planning and Annual Performance Planning · DEVELOPMENT
Resource Management · Data Analysis · Data Interpretation · Management Information Reporting · Research SOE Governance and Support B Degree in Accounting, Economics, Law, Finance or 1
(analysis, design, implementation and output) · Evaluation · Legislative Awareness and Expertise · Accuracy, (Ref. DTPS 04) Business Management
Precision and Attention to Detail · Communication -Written · Conflict Resolution and Resilience.
Note: SHRA reserves the right not to make an appointment or withdraw the advertisement. Appointment will be
made in line with the SHRA's Employment Equity Plan. Communications will be with short-listed applicants only. ICT International Affairs B Degree/National Diploma in International 1
To apply for the above position, please forward a relevant CV to recruitment@shra.org.za. The closing date is 17 (Ref. DTPS 05) Relations, Politics, Public Administration,
February 2019. International Economics or International Law
Security and Facilities Management National Diploma/B Degree in Security 1
(Ref. DTPS 06) Management, Safety Management, Project
Management and/or Public Administration
Supply Chain Management National Diploma/B Degree in Supply Chain 1
(Ref. DTPS 07) Management

Jozini Municipality situated in uMkhanyakude District, KZN province, an equal opportunity s Applicants must be unemployed graduates who are in possession of the relevant tertiary qualifications as indicated above and are South
employer, wishes to appoint a suitably quali ed candidate to ll the hereunder-mentioned African citizens.
position on a permanent basis. s Applicants should have no previous work experience related to their qualifications, including no previous Internships.
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: s Successful applicants will sign an Internship agreement.
Please indicate clearly the relevant reference number and the Internship area as indicated above for which you are applying. If you qualify for and are
PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SERVICES applying in more than one area, please submit separate applications for each area.
Applications must be submitted on form Z.83, obtainable from any Public Service Department and must be accompanied by a detailed CV together
Salary (Category 1 Municipality): R781 460 minimum point; R868 290 mid-point; with certified copies of qualifications and ID document. Should you be in possession of a foreign qualification it must be accompanied by an evaluation
R955 116 maximum point per annum certificate from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA). Failure to submit the requested documents will result in your application not being
Requirements: • Bachelor’s degree in Building Sciences/degree in Architecture/degree in Town and Regional Planning or considered. Please take note that applications received after the closing date of the said advertisement will not be considered. Please take note that
Development Studies • Minimum of 5 years’ experience at a middle management level in the Public Sector preferably in a Local all qualifications are subject to verification. Correspondence will be limited to short-listed candidates only. If you have not been contacted within two
Government environment backed by a sound knowledge of strategic planning and related communications experience • Must meet (2) months of the closing date of this advertisement, please accept that your application was unsuccessful.
the minimum competency levels for senior managers • Compliance with the MFMA: Minimum Competency Levels in unit standards
People with disabilities and from historically disadvantaged groups are encouraged to apply.
as per Government Notice No R493 of Gazette No 29967 of June 2007 (Municipal Finance Management Programme/CertiÀcate
Please forward your application to: Department of Telecommunications, iParioli Office Park, 1166 Park Street, Hatfield, Pretoria, Block E,
Programme in Municipal Development and Finance) • A person who does not meet minimum competency levels in unit standards
Ground Floor (Cnr Park and Grosvenor Street or Park and Jan Shoba Street)
will be given an opportunity to attain the minimum competency levels within a period of 18 months from date of appointment as
determined by the National Treasury • Valid driver’s licence • Computer literacy (MS OfÀce) • Project Management CertiÀcate or Enquiries regarding the Internships can be directed to: Ms Ellah (Elsie) Kekana, tel. (012) 421 7045 and Ms Tebogo Matlou, tel. (012) 427 8291
Diploma • Registration as a Professional Planner in accordance with the Planning Professions Act, 2002. Closing date for applications: 15 February 2019
Competencies: • Good knowledge and understanding of relevant policy and legislation • Good knowledge and understanding
of institutional governance systems and performance management • Good knowledge of Supply Chain Management 30271
Regulations and Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act, 2000 (Act No 5 of 2000) • Knowledge of Geographical
Information Systems •Knowledge of Spatial, Town and Development Planning.
Responsibilities: Reporting to the Municipal Manager, the incumbent will: • Be responsible for town planning and economic
development • Develop and maintain GIS • Manage the Municipality’s land uses management and development planning
• Manage the implementation of LED and Development Planning projects • Leverage private and public funds to support IDP
and sector plans • Manage marketing, tourism and transport corridors as well as agricultural projects • Advise the Municipal
Manager and Council on emerging and existing economic development issues • Prepare and submit reports to the Municipal
Manager and relevant potential structures • Provide strategic leadership in relation to the development, implementation,
monitoring, and reporting on the Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plan of the Directorate.
Appointment will be subject to the conclusion of an employment contract.
Direction to candidates: The application must be on the application form, downloadable form the municipal website
(www.jozini.gov.za), and must be accompanied by a comprehensive Curriculum Vitae (with contactable references) with certiÀed
copies of certiÀcates including driver’s licence and enclosed in an envelope clearly marked with the title of the position.
Applications must be submitted on or before 18 February 2019 at 16:30 to the Acting Municipal Manager, Mr MB Mnguni,
Jozini Local Municipality, Private Bag X028, Jozini 3969. Hand-delivered applications must be submitted at the Records
Of ce in Jozini Municipality, Circle Street, Bottom Town Jozini 3969.
Proof of canvassing and other unacceptable conducts will automatically disqualify an applicant.
NB: Preference will be given to women and people with disabilities are encouraged to apply and state the nature of their disability
in the application.
No faxed or e-mailed applications will be accepted.
Enquiries should be directed to the HR Manager, Mrs N Gumede at (035) 572-1292 during of ce hours.
Human Communications D145288

Fourth Round Advertisement

Stellenbosch Municipality strives towards dynamic and effective service delivery to the communities within its area of jurisdiction.
As an equal employment employer, we currently have the undermentioned vacancy for a suitably qualified and experienced
Mopani South East Technical and Vocational Education and Training College has
challenging permanent vacancies for dynamic results driven, innovative and sound
communicative individuals to join Phalaborwa Campus in Phalaborwa Town and Sir
Val Duncan Campus in Namakgale Township. (Performance-based term contract of up ten (10) years)

Remuneration package: As determined by the appropriate Government Notice for the Upper Limits of the Total Remuneration
PERMANENT POSTS Packages for Municipal Managers and Managers that are directly accountable to the Municipal Manager. The total cost of
employment ranges from the Minimum R973 759/Midpoint R1 145 598 and Maximum R1 317 437 (as amended from time to time
by Government Regulations) The appointment will be made in accordance with the provisions of Sections 56 and 57 of the Local
POST: English Lecturer X 1 Government: Municipal SystemsAct (Act No 32 of 2000).
REF: SVD1/01/2019
SALARY NOTCH: R198 774 – R589 398 per annum The successful candidate will be responsible for the effective management of the Stellenbosch Municipality’s financial services
(budget, income, expenditure, activity-based costing, supply chain management and asset management) with the
establishment, implementation and maintenance of a financial management strategy that achieves the goals of the Integrated
POST: Mathematics Lecturer x 1 Development Plan (IDP) of the Stellenbosch Municipality.
REF: SVD2/01/2019
SALARY NOTCH: R198 774 – R589 398 per annum Work station: Stellenbosch Municipal Area

Minimum requirements: • At least a postgraduate qualification (NQF 08) in the area of Accounting, Finance or Economy or
POST: Education Specialist for English x 1 Chartered Accountant (SA) • At least 7 years’ appropriate experience at senior and middle management level, of which at least 2
REF: SVD3/01/2019 years (preferably 5 years) must have been at senior management level• The incumbent must be in possession of the required
SALARY NOTCH: R328 953 -818 508 per annum unit standards as prescribed by the Minimum Competency Regulations (CPMF/MFMP) in the Government Gazette No 40593, if
the employee is not competent as prescribed, he/she must obtain competency within a period of 18 months from date of
appointment • Valid Code B driver’s licence.
POST: Boiler- Making Lecturer x 1
REF: SVD4/01/2019 Other requirements: Sound knowledge of and exposure to local government operations and municipal financial management •
SALARY NOTCH: R198 774 – R589 398 per annum Strong visionary and leadership abilities with strategic thinking and decision-making skills • In-depth knowledge of local
POST: Fitting and Turning Lecturer x 2 government legislation and the statutory requirements relating to the post • Core skills as set out in the Local Government:
REF: SVD5/01/2019 Regulations on Appointment and Conditions of Service of Senior Managers, 17 January 2014 • Excellent facilitation and
communication skills in at least two of the three official languages of the Western Cape
SALARY NOTCH: R198 774 – R589 398 per annum
Key performance areas: • Develop, implement and manage strategic goals, policy and procedures in accordance with the
POST: Automotive Lecturer x 3 strategic goals of the Municipality • Effectively manage financial services (budget, income, expenditure, activity-based costing,
REF: SVD6/01/2019 supply chain management and mScoa implementation) with the establishment, implementation and maintenance of a financial
management strategy • Be responsible for the effective and efficient management of the Directorate • Advise the accounting
SALARY NOTCH: R198 774 – R589 398 per annum officer and co-/senior managers regarding the execution of powers and duties as assigned to them in compliance with the
Municipal Financial Management Act • Liaise and interact with individuals, role-players and agencies at senior level at all three
POST: Information Processing x 1 levels of government • Assist and support the accounting officer with the roles and responsibilities as delegated by the Chief
REF: PHL1/01/2019 Financial Officer • Ensure municipal financial viability with the management and monitoring of all income and expenditure of the
SALARY NOTCH: R198 774 – R589 398 per annum Stellenbosch Municipality, safeguarding of all assets, discharge of municipal obligations and the proper and committed
compliance with the Financial ManagementAct and other prescripts.
For a detailed advertisement, please visit www.mopanicollege.edu.za
NB: Short-listed candidates will be subjected to competency assessments and security vetting. It will be expected of the
REQUIRED DOCUMENTS: Fully completed Z83 indicating the correct reference successful candidate to enter into a service agreement with the Stellenbosch Municipality (for a period up 10 years) and be
number, detailed CV, certied copies of qualications, SACE and ID document. NB: subject to performance evaluation by means of a signed annual performance agreement and to declare his/her financial
Foreign applicants should attach the following documents: SAQA EVALUATION interests.
D i r e c t e n q u i r i e s t o t h e M u n i c i p a l M a n a g e r, M s G e r a l d i n e M e t t l e r, t e l . ( 0 2 1 ) 8 0 8 - 8 0 2 5 o r
municipal.manager@stellenbosch.gov.za . Interested persons must please complete the official application form on the
SUBMIT APPLICATIONS TO: The Principal, Mopani South East TVET College, webpage at www.stellenbosch.gov.za
Private Bag X01024, Phalaborwa, 1390, or hand deliver the applications to Cnr
Combretum and Harlem Street, Phalaborwa, 1390. Preference will be given to candidates that fall under the designated groups indicated in the EE legislation and have the
necessary minimum requirements.
Should you not receive a correspondence from us within two months after closing
date, consider your application as unsuccessful. Female applicants with relevant A comprehensive CV must be attached to the application form, accompanied by originally certified, true copies of qualification
certificates, including a certified declaration of Unit Standards obtained with regard to the Municipal Minimum Competency
qualications /requirements will be given preference. The College reserves the right Qualification, Identity Document and driver’s licence and must be handed in at the Stellenbosch Municipality (for attention of the
to withdraw any advertised post at anytime as well as the right to verify the Municipal Manager) or posted to the Municipal Manager, Ms Geraldine Mettler, Stellenbosch Municipality, PO Box 17,
qualications of the recommended candidates prior to issuing of the offer of Stellenbosch 7599.
employment. Applicants are discouraged from sending applications through
registered mail as the College will not be responsible for the non-collection of the Note: Late or incomplete applications or applications received via fax and/or electronically will not be taken into consideration.
applications sent through registered mail.
Closing date Monday, 18th February 2019 at 12h00
CLOSING DATE: 15 February 2019 AT 11:00
By applying, the candidate agrees to being subjected to verification checks in respect of qualifications, credit and criminal
records. If you have not been contacted within 3 months of the closing date of the advertisement, please accept that your
Enquiries: Mr Mhlongo FA on 015 781 5721/5. application was unsuccessful. The Council reserves the right not to make an appointment.

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