IB Diploma Programme Physics Standard Level Internal Assessment
IB Diploma Programme Physics Standard Level Internal Assessment
IB Diploma Programme Physics Standard Level Internal Assessment
Internal Assessment
Research Question :
How to determine the specific heat capacity of different liquid using volume expansion formula?
When heats up the water in the pot into reach the top of the surface and close them in the
time of the water has boiled and cause the lid of the pot fall down and much water to spill. some
cases when replacing the fluid with oil for a very long time, oil to to shed need high heat. The
event physically can be explained as a result of the fact that every liquid substance has a specific
heat capacity is different which means that to increase the temperature of 10 in 1 g requires a
number of specific energy, which for each of the different fluid. Similarly, liquid substance also
has special characteristics which are able to experience the changes of size when heated. Each
matter when heated will experience expansion because the molecule receives additional energy
from the outside so that the kinetic energy changes. Changes in kinetic energy cause the distance
between molecules to change, so this phenomenon that causes the matter will change size.
Most fluids take after a genuinely unsurprising example of continuous volume increase, as a
reaction to an expansion in temperature, and volume decrease because of a lessening in
temperature. For sure, the coefficient of volume extension for a fluid is the most having a
tendency to be higher than for a solid and for this experiment will be testing liquid such as
And by seeing the phenomenon parameters it was very interesting to be learned. Whether
there is a relationship between the specific heat capacity and expansion. In physics lessons, two
this studied separately to get the basic concept moreover for the experiment also will done
separately. In this research a sense of want to know whether there is a relation to both and able to
be done by scoring setup. Because previously I tried to relate the mathematically to the
commonalities, and there is a correlation between the two.
How to perform the setup of experiment in determining the specific heat capacity of
different liquid using volume expansion formula?
Heat is energy that moves due to temperature difference heat move from low temperature to
high temperature regions. And each object has an inner energy associated with random motion of
atoms or its constituent molecules. The inner energy is directly proportional to an object, where
two object with different temperature go hand in hand they will exchange internal energy until
the temperature of both objects is balanced. The difference is that heat is associated with the
exchange of internal energy and work done by the temperature changes and different.
When the temperature of the object releases heat around it (Q<O). When the object absorbs heat
from its surroundings (Q>0). The amount of heat, and the speed distribution. The heat are all
symbolized by the different permutations of the letter O. The sum of heat is denoted as Q and is
measured in joules in SI units
Specific heat capacity determines the heat supplied to the body that causes heating of 1 kg of
substance by 1 K; it is not a characteristic of a particular subject, but the material itself. Using the
specific heat capacity, the heat supplied (removed) can be enumerated by:
Q=c⋅m⋅Δt (1)
c (2)
Where P is the power rate from a kettle, t is time taken, m is the mass of the liquid and c
is the specific heat capacity of material, ∆T is change of temperature.
Heating or cooling affects all the dimensions of a body of material, with a resultant Commented [u4]: Cited from
change in volume. Volume changes determined from:
V Vi . .T (3)
where ∆V and Vi are the volume change and original volume, respectively, and represents the
volume coefficient of thermal expansion. Using equ.3 in form initial volume Vi which is
subtitude in density equation, so can be express as
m (4)
Subtitution equ.(4) into (1), thus specific heat capacity can be determine.
c (5)
2.1. Material
2. Diameter and Volume choose the glass tubes with choosing the size of the glass tubes
of Glass Tube a small diameter and is very important, if the volume of
volume and try from the the glass tubes small then increase
variation of liquid which is the volume to be read quickly.
used if the response
changes its volume can be
seen directly
3. Distance of the tube Make sure the tube are not let’s assume if the heat from the
touching the electric heater heater are given evenly to the water,
and also use the same glass so that the heat will be transfer to
tube that will be used and the liquid equally,
the water for each
measurement are made to
be similar
4. choosing liquid that are Hoping for a big value of the heat
having a big value of expansion coefficient so when it’s
expansion coefficient heated, the liquid will having a
volume of bigger heat faster expansion so the increase of
expansion volume can be read easily
Water Boiler
Volumetric Pipette (1mL)
Ethanol : 0.00109
Retort Stand and Clamp
Temperature Sensor
Paper Box
2.2 Methodology:
Figure 1 :
Table 1:
Alcohol Vi± Vt ± 0.005 dV t ± 0.01(s) Ti ± 1 (oC) Tt± ∆T ±
0.005(ml) (ml) (ml) 1(oC) 0.1oC
Trial 1 0.40 0.45 0.05 145 43.2 ˚C 51.9 ˚C 8.7
Trial 2 0.41 0.46 0.05 150 45.1 ˚C 54.3 ˚C 9.2
Trial 3 0.40 0.45 0.05 143 47.3 ˚C 55.8 ˚C 8.5
Average 146.00 8.8
Table 5. Data literature yang diperlukan untuk perhitungan specific heat capacity c
Type of (g/cm3) ( o ) c (J/g oC)
Liquid C
0 0.1 0.2 0.3
Change of Volume(ml)
As the result of the experiment have been performed, can be seen in the graph bahwa
semakin meningkat perubahan volume alcohol, juga membutuhkan waktu yang lebih banyak.
Hasil ini sebanding pula dengan perubahan suhu,dimana perubahan suhu yang terjadi juga
meningkat. Peningkatan jumlah ini dikarenakan power rate dari elektric kettle selalu sama, dan
semakin lama waktu pemanasan, dapat berarti total energy panas yang diberikan dari heater
semakin banyak, sehingga dengan semakin besar waktunya (energy yang diberikan semakin
besar) sangat reasonable jika perubahan suhunya akan semakin besar pula. Perubahan volume
terkait dengan waktu yang diperlukan alcohol untuk memuai. Ketika linearitas terjadi maka
dapat dikaitkan antara perubahan volume terhadap perubahan suhu yang terjadi. Dimana
perubahan suhu ini berkaitan pula dengan spesifik heat capacity dari alcohol. Hal ini berarti
ketika zat cair mengalami perubahan volume yang diakibatkan terjadinya perubahan
temperature, maka dengan mengkaitkan hubungan tersebut, spesifik heat capacity dari alcohol
dapat ditentukan.
As shown from the table above, Given an example of the calculation of the specific heat capacity
for alcohol. In this research use an electric kettle which have power rate 350 J s-1.
Sample calculation uncertainty of Specific Heat Capacity of Alcohol when it’s heated.
Uncertainty muncul pada pengukuran time t dan change of volume dV sehingga pada
perhitungan specific heat capacitynya adalah.
dV t
c c
dV t
0.001 0.01
c 100% 10.08%
0.05 145
Uncertainty of mean c =
c trial 1 c trial 2 c trial 3
c 100%
c trial 1 c trial 2 c trial 3
10.07 10.07 10.07
c 100%
1492.56 1544.04 1471.98
c 10.07%
Hasil pengukuran SHC ini diasumsikan jika panas yang dihasilkan dari energy listrik diterima
oleh liquid yang berada di dalam glass tube. Pada kenyataan bahwa terdapat perhitungan energy
yang hilang akibat diserap oleh electric kettle dan glass tube untuk menampung liquid. Hal ini
dikarenakan kettle yang dipakai terbuat dari material plastic campuran/alloy. Selain itu glass tube
tempat menampung liquid kontak langsung terhadap udara di sekitar, sehingga ada energy yang
hilang ke udara.
Tidak semua liquid memiliki line aritas hubungan antara suhu terhadap perubahan volumenya
yang mana artinya ketika suatu liquid mengalami kenaikan temperature yang sama, akan linear
terhadap perubahan volumenya.
IV. Conclusion
Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk menghitung specific heat capacity suatu liquid dengan
menggunakan formula heat expansion.
1. Semakin besar zat cair mengalami pemuaian, maka membutuhkan waktu yang semakin
besar. Artinya Heat energy yang diberikan semakin besar pula. Energi yang diberikan
apabila semakin besar, maka kenaikan tempertaurnya semakin besar pula. Sehingga dapat
ditarik kesimpulan semakin besar kenaikan volumenya, maka semakin besar change of
2. Specific heat capacity yang didapat dari penelitian ini tidak sama dengan sumber literature,
dikarenakan beberapa hal seperti energy yang hilang akibat diabsorb oleh electric kettle,
glass tube tempat zat cair dan akibat terkena oleh udara.
Systematic error Improvement of experiment
Parallax error due to not viewing the instrument Look it at the eye level properly
at eye level
Thermal energy lost from the system to the Use a good insulator to keep the heat energy
environment from heat loss
Zero error due to not calibrating the weighing Before doing the experiment check if the
scale properly apparatus already calibrate or not
Improper isolation may led to the result to attain Use a good isolation of heat. For example
equilibrium with the atmosphere Styrofoam.
[] Density of alcohol:
[] SHC alcohol: http://www.celsius-process.com/pdf/ethanol.pdf
[] Cverna, F. 2002. ASM Ready References: Thermal Properties of Metal. United States of