Microwave Weewr
Microwave Weewr
Microwave Weewr
ar t ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Cognitive Radio (CR) networks enable unlicensed or Secondary Users (SUs) to sense for and operate in the
Received 16 August 2013 underutilized spectrum (or white spaces) owned by licensed or Primary Users (PUs) without causing
Received in revised form unacceptable interference to the PUs' activities. Clustering, which is a topology management mechanism,
17 June 2014
organizes nodes into logical groups in order to provide network-wide performance enhancement. Clustering
Accepted 21 July 2014
aims to achieve network scalability and stability, as well as to support cooperative tasks, such as channel
Available online 1 August 2014
sensing and channel access, which are essential to CR operations. While clustering has been well investigated
Keywords: in traditional networks such as mobile ad hoc networks, similar investigations in CR networks remain in the
Cognitive Radio infancy stage. New clustering algorithms must be designed to address new challenges associated with the
Software defined radio
intrinsic characteristics of CR, namely the dynamicity of channel availability that changes with time and
Topology management
location. This article reviews clustering algorithms, and they are characterized by clustering objectives,
Routing metrics and the number of hops in each cluster. We also present complexity analysis, performance
enhancements achieved by the clustering algorithms, as well as open issues, in order to establish a
foundation for further research and to spark new research interests in this area.
& 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
1.1. Cognitive radio: an overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
1.2. Clustering: an overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
1.3. Clustering in cognitive radio networks: advantages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
1.4. Clustering: challenges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
2. Taxonomy of clustering attributes in cognitive radio networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
2.1. Clustering objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
2.2. Clustering characteristics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
3. Clustering algorithms in cognitive radio networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
3.1. Establishment of common control channel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
3.1.1. Li's node ranking approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
3.2. Enhancement on cluster stability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
3.2.1. Huang's node importance degree approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
3.2.2. Baddour's affinity propagation message-passing approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
3.2.3. Connectivity degree approach. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
3.2.4. Bipartite graphs approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
3.3. Enhancement on energy efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
3.3.1. Zhang's group-wise constrained approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
3.3.2. Ozger's event-driven approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
3.4. Enhancement on cooperative tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
3.4.1. Wei's contribution decision approach. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Correspondence author. Tel.: þ 60 3 7491 8622x3216.
E-mail addresses: koklimy@sunway.edu.my (K.-L. Yau),
nordin.ramli@mimos.my (N. Ramli), wahidah.hashim@mimos.my (W. Hashim),
hafizal.mohamad@mimos.my (H. Mohamad).
1084-8045/& 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
80 K.-L.A. Yau et al. / Journal of Network and Computer Applications 45 (2014) 79–95
challenge of CR is to establish a “friendly” environment, in which (Rayment et al., 2009) and Korea (Kim et al., 2010), respectively. CR
the PUs and SUs coexist without causing interference with each has become more and more prevalent since the digital television
other as shown in Fig. 1. In Fig. 1, a SU switches its operating switchover has completed in year 2009 in US and 2012 in UK
channel across various channels from time to time in order to (Nekovee, 2008) with some CR products (e.g. xG technology
utilize white spaces in the licensed channels. Note that, each SU (2013)) emerging in the market.
may observe different white spaces, which are time and location Recently, there has been growing research interest in Cognitive
dependent. For a successful communication, a particular white Radio Sensor Network (CRSN). CRSN incorporates CR capability
space must be available at both SUs in a communication node pair. into the traditional Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) so that each
Opportunistic spectrum access, which can be realized using CR, sensor node can sense radio spectrum and use white spaces (Ozger
has been approved in 2004 in US through Notice of Proposed Rule and Akan, 2013) while detecting and monitoring physical and
Making (NPRM) by Federal Communications Commission (FCC) environmental events. Generally speaking, in CRSNs, each sensor
(2006), and in 2007 in UK through Digital Dividend Review (DDR) node inherits important characteristics of WSNs, particularly
by Office of Communications (Ofcom) (2007). Upon completion of the limitation of hardware and energy resources. Hence, one of
the digital television switchover, which replaces the analog the main objectives of CRSNs is to reduce energy consumption.
terrestrial TV services with the digital terrestrial TV services called The main difference between CRSNs and the traditional CR net-
Digital Video Broadcasting – Terrestrial (DVB-T), there will be works is that, data packets are generated by nodes that have
vacant spectrum called digital dividend. In UK, opportunistic detected event(s) and are sent to a sink node; while in the
spectrum access has been proposed in the award of digital traditional CR networks, data packets may be generated by any
dividend, and no digital dividend will be awarded exclusively to nodes and are sent to a base station.
licensed users (Office of Communications (Ofcom), 2007), which
has strengthened the essential role of CR in the near future. There 1.2. Clustering: an overview
are approximately 128 MHz and 90 MHz of digital dividend in UK
Clustering, which is a topology management mechanism,
organizes nodes into logical groups (or clusters) in order to
provide network-wide performance enhancement. Figure 2 shows
an example of a cluster structure in which nodes in a CR network
are grouped to form clusters. Note that, the formed cluster
structure depends on the underlying network, such as the location
and channel availability (or white spaces) of the nodes. The SUs
form three clusters (i.e. C1, C2, C3). Each cluster comprises three
kinds of nodes, namely clusterhead, member node and gateway
node. A clusterhead (i.e. CH1, CH2, CH3) serves as a local point of
process for various applications such as channel sensing, which is
essential to CR operation, and routing. A member node associates
itself with a clusterhead. For instance, member nodes M1,1, M1,2,
M1,3, M1,4, M1,5 are associated with clusterhead CH1. Clusterhead
Fig. 1. A SU exploits white spaces across various channels. and member nodes communicate regularly among themselves,
and these are called intra-cluster communications. The gateway so it forms a cluster itself and becomes a clusterhead. Secondly, the
nodes, which are the member nodes located at the fringe of a node receives beacon only, and so it becomes a member node of
cluster, can hear from neighboring clusters, and so they provide the respective clusterhead. Thirdly, the node receives message
inter-cluster communications. For instance, gateway node M1,2 is only, and so it is located two hops away from the clusterhead;
associated with clusterhead CH1, and it provides inter-cluster subsequently, it switches to another channel in search of a single-
communications for clusterheads CH1 and CH2. Since the neigh- hop clusterhead, and if it still fails to join any clusters, it may
boring clusters may use distinctive channels, which is common- become a clusterhead itself. A clusterhead discovers its neighbor
place in CR networks, a gateway node may need to switch its clusters, which may be a single, two or three hops away, and
operating channel regularly. The clusterheads and gateway nodes subsequently selects gateway nodes to form inter-cluster commu-
form a backbone to the base station. For instance, in Fig. 2, nodes nications. Nodes in a cluster switch from channel to channel in
M1,5–CH1–M1,2–CH2–M3,3–CH3–SU BS form a backbone. The num- order to discover neighboring clusters, and exchange information
ber of hops between member nodes and clusterhead in a cluster with them. Generally speaking, the clusterhead assumes several
(or cluster size) may be a single, two (Huang et al., 2011) or more. roles, including coordinating the member nodes and serving as
The main difference among the clustering algorithms is the a local point of process for essential applications including channel
cluster formation procedure, which generally comprises cluster- sensing, channel access and routing (Talay and Altilar, 2013; Liming
head selection and member node joining. A node initiates the cluster et al., 2012). Hence, the clusterhead incurs higher energy consump-
formation procedure whenever it fails to find any clusters nearby. tion compared to member nodes, and so the clusterhead role may be
Local information, such as a list of available channels, is exchanged rotated among nodes in a cluster. A considerable amount of literature
among neighboring nodes to form clusters in line with some has been published on coordination mechanisms for clustering
global objectives, such as higher number of common channels in a algorithms in the context of mobile and static ad hoc (or mesh)
cluster and higher network-wide throughput (Badoi et al., 2011). networks. The rest of this article focuses on clustering algorithms,
During the clusterhead selection procedure, a clusterhead is such as the use of clustering metrics in clusterhead selection and
elected from nodes in a cluster based on certain clustering metrics, member node joining, in the context of CR networks.
such as channel availability. For instance, a clusterhead has the
highest number of single-hop neighbor nodes (or node degree 1.3. Clustering in cognitive radio networks: advantages
level) in Jeng and Jan (2007) and Badoi et al. (2011), and the lowest
node ID in Ephremides et al. (1987). In Huang et al. (2011), a There are three main advantages associated with clustering in
clusterhead has higher node degree level, as well as lower number CR networks: scalability, stability and cooperative tasks support.
of hops and number of channel switches from member nodes to the Firstly, clustering improves scalability through the reduction of
clusterhead. During the member node joining procedure, a node communication overhead and parallelism. Traditionally, in non-
chooses a cluster to join based on some criteria, such as the number clustered networks, nodes exchange information with all other
of common channels between a node and a cluster (Badoi et al., nodes in the networks. However, in clustered networks, clusterheads
2011). Higher number of common channels in a cluster prevents re- and gateway nodes form a backbone to the base station and
clustering due to the lack of a common channel as a result of the re- exchange information, such as routing messages, among themselves;
appearance of PU activities. Note that, a node may reduce the and member nodes exchange information with their respective
number of common channels in a cluster upon joining the cluster clusterheads only, and so the communication overhead can be
causing instability, and so careful consideration must be made. reduced. Parallelism is important to CR networks. Firstly, in clustered
We present an example of cluster formation using Fig. 2. networks, clusterheads serve as local points of process for coopera-
Denote a set of available channels, which are not occupied by tive tasks, such as channel sensing in which each member node
PUs, by K. Suppose, the available channels at each node in cluster senses for white spaces, and subsequently sends the sensing out-
C1 is K CH1 ¼ f1; 2; 3g; K M1;1 ¼ f1; 2; 3g; K M1;2 ¼ f2; 3; 4g; K M1;3 ¼ comes to their respective clusterheads for final decisions in the
f2; 3; 4g; K M1;4 ¼ f2; 3; 5g and K M1;5 ¼ f2; 3; 6g; while the node presence of PU activities. Secondly, nodes in a cluster can select a
degree level is DCH1 ¼ 5; DM1;1 ¼ 1; DM1;2 ¼ 2; DM1;3 ¼ 1; DM1;4 ¼ 1 local common control channel, rather than a global common control
and DM1;5 ¼ 1. The local information (i.e. a set of available channels channel, which may not exist, for intra-cluster communications.
and node degree level) is exchanged among neighboring nodes to Secondly, clustering improves stability through the reduction
form clusters in line with some global objectives such as improv- of global effects on network-wide performance as a result of any
ing the network stability. To address the dynamicity of channel changes to network dynamics, such as channel availability and
availability and network topology, network stability can be network topology. This means that, any changes on network
achieved by increasing the number of common channels among dynamics cause local updates among member nodes and their
nodes in a cluster, and the node degree level of clusterhead and respective clusterheads only. This is because only the member
gateway nodes, respectively. Hence, clusterhead CH1 is selected nodes and their respective clusterheads are reconfigured in
because it provides the highest number of common channels (i.e. response to the changes. Since global update is not necessary,
channels 2 and 3), and it has the highest node degree level more white spaces are available to SUs for data transmission.
DCH1 ¼ 5 among nodes in its neighborhood. Additionally, gateway Thirdly, clustered networks support cooperative tasks, such as
node M1,2 is selected because it can hear from clusterheads CH1 channel switch, channel sensing, and routing, in order to improve
and CH2. network performance. For instance, in the aforementioned exam-
We present an example of the steps involved in the coordina- ple of channel sensing, clusterheads and member nodes cooperate
tion mechanism for cluster formation in which single-hop clusters to minimize miss detections and false alarms leading to lower SUs'
are constructed (Chen et al., 2007). Consider a new and indepen- interference levels to PUs. The clustered networks have also been
dent node. Being unassociated with any clusters, the node aims to chosen as a framework to implement game theoretic-based
become a member node through associating itself with a cluster or approach, which is a popular technique to achieve the optimal
become a clusterhead itself. It switches from channel to channel in network performance in CR networks (Zou and Chigan, 2009).
order to wait for and receive beacons from clusterheads or any In Zou and Chigan (2009), a geographical clustering approach is
messages from its neighbor nodes. There are three cases in regards proposed to form single-hop clusters with minimal overlapping in
to the reception of clusterhead's beacons and neighbor node's which member nodes in a cluster play a single game, which is
messages. Firstly, the node receives both beacon and message, and initiated and terminated by the respective clusterheads. Nodes
K.-L.A. Yau et al. / Journal of Network and Computer Applications 45 (2014) 79–95 83
that are physically close to each other join a cluster, and this helps control channel. A global common control channel may not
to reduce clustering overhead and delay associated with the game exist due to the dynamicity of channel availability; however, a
process. group of geographically adjacent SUs tend to share a similar
set of available channels. Hence, nodes form clusters, and
1.4. Clustering: challenges select a local common control channel, which is available to all
nodes in a cluster (Chen et al., 2007; Li and Gross, 2011;
The main challenge associated with clustering is the dynami- Baddour et al., 2011; Gong et al., 2008; Bradonjic and Lazos,
city of channel availability, which is an intrinsic characteristic of 2012; Li et al., 2012; Liu et al., 2012). Before the establishment
CR networks. Traditionally, the cluster structure changes with of a common control channel in a cluster, nodes may hop into
network topology; however, in CR networks, the channel avail- various channels in the hope of receiving information from
ability of each node changes with time and location. This has neighbor nodes and gathering information for clustering
brought about new challenges to clustering in CR networks in purpose (Li et al., 2012). It shall be noted that, this clustering
which the lack of common channels among nodes in a cluster may objective focuses on clustering algorithms whose main objec-
cause loss of connectivity among clusterheads, as well as the tive is to establish common control channels to form clustered
connectivity among clusterheads and their respective member networks, and the literature on the establishment of common
nodes. As a consequence, cluster maintenance and re-clustering control channels in non-clustered networks can be found in
may need to be performed more often than that in the traditional (Kim, 2009; Liu, 2010).
ad hoc networks in order to optimize network performance of B.2 Enhancement on Cluster Stability. Cluster stability (or robust-
clusters at most of the times. Most clustering algorithms in the ness) improves intra-cluster and inter-cluster connectivity in
literature have been proposed to address this challenge. For the presence of the dynamicity of channel availability. Greater
instance, in Li and Gross (2011), the clustering algorithm increases cluster stability minimizes the occurrence of re-clustering
the number of common channels among nodes in a cluster, because re-clustering may result in sub-optimal network
particularly the gateway nodes, in order to prevent re-clustering performance due to the increment of clustering overhead.
as a result of the lack of a common channel. Increasing the number of common channels in a cluster
increases bandwidth availability for intra-cluster communica-
tions (Huang et al., 2011); while increasing the number of
2. Taxonomy of clustering attributes in cognitive radio common channels with neighboring clusters increases band-
networks width availability for inter-cluster communications and con-
nectivity with neighboring clusters (Ozger and Akan, 2013).
This section presents the taxonomy of attributes (see Fig. 3) Higher bandwidth availability is important to applications that
relevant to clustering in CR networks. Generally speaking, cluster- require constant message exchange such as channel sensing
ing algorithms have been designed for static and mobile networks. and routing.
Both static and mobile networks must address the dynamicity of B.3 Enhancement on Energy Efficiency. Nodes form clusters with
channel availability; while mobile networks must address topol- the objective of reducing energy consumption in order to
ogy changes caused by nodal mobility. The rest of this section prolong network lifetime and improve intra-cluster and inter-
presents clustering objectives and clustering characteristics. cluster connectivity. This can be achieved by minimizing
transmission power, intra-cluster distance, and the Euclidean
2.1. Clustering objectives distance between member nodes and their respective cluster-
heads (Zhang et al., 2011). Additionally, since a clusterhead
Nodes form clusters with the objective of network performance depletes energy faster compared to member nodes because of
enhancement. In general, there are five clustering objectives as its role as a local point of process for cooperative tasks, such as
follows: channel sensing, channel access and routing, the role of
clusterhead is rotated among nodes in a cluster in order to
B.1 Establishment of Common Control Channel. The common con- achieve load balancing and a well-balanced energy consump-
trol channel is used by SUs to exchange essential control tion among nodes throughout the entire network Xu et al.
messages, such as channel sensing, channel access and routing (2010).
messages. The unlicensed channels, such as Industrial, Scien- B.4 Enhancement on Cooperative Tasks. In channel sensing, each
tific and Medical (ISM), may be highly utilized and so an member node senses for white spaces, and subsequently
available licensed channel may be selected as a common sends the sensing outcomes to its clusterhead, which makes
the final decisions on the presence of PU activities. Hence, a performance of the application. In (Ozger and Akan,
cluster, which is comprised of a clusterhead and its member 2013), shorter Euclidean distance between a clusterhead
nodes, provides a suitable model for cooperative tasks. and a sink node is preferred in CRSNs. This metric has
Generally speaking, clustering enhances channel sensing para- been applied in Ozger and Akan (2013), Zhang et al.
meters (e.g. bandwidth availability and probability of false (2010, 2011) and Wei and Zhang (2010).
alarm), as well as the associated performance metrics (e.g. C.1.3 Signal strength and channel quality. SUs select their
energy consumption). The application of clustering to enhance respective clusterheads based on Received Signal
network performances of channel sensing has been found in Strength Indicator (RSSI) (Ramli and Grace, 2010;
Wei and Zhang (2010). Alsarhan and Agarwal, 2009). In Ramli and Grace
B.5 Minimizing Number of Clusters. With reduced number of (2010), SUs form clusters with reduced average distance
clusters (or increased number of member nodes in a cluster), between member nodes and their respective cluster-
clustering provides efficient coverage and minimizes over- heads, as well as minimum level of overlap among
lapping among clusters, while maintaining the original net- clusters. This helps to reduce the inter-cluster and
work connectivity of non-clustered networks. Lower number intra-cluster contentions, as well as the number of
of clusters (or higher number of member nodes in a cluster) clusters in the network. In Ramli and Grace (2010),
reduces inter-cluster communication overheads, particularly nodes with higher RSSI indicate higher node degree
routing messages, leaving more white spaces for data trans- levels, and so they are selected as clusterheads; while
mission (Chen et al., 2007; Baddour et al., 2011). Lower member nodes connect to a single clusterhead with the
number of clusters has been achieved in most clustering strongest RSSI. Higher signal strength may also indicate
algorithms (Huang et al., 2011; Chen et al., 2007; Li and higher channel quality (Li et al., 2012). This metric has
Gross, 2011; Baddour et al., 2011; Liu et al., 2012; Zhang et been applied in Li et al. (2012) and Ramli and Grace
al., 2011, 2010; Ramli and Grace, 2010). (2010).
C.1.4 Node degree. Higher level of node degree, which repre-
sents the number of neighbor nodes, reduces intra-
2.2. Clustering characteristics cluster distance; and subsequently reduces the amount
of overhead associated with intra-cluster communica-
There are two types of clustering characteristics, namely tions. This metric has been applied in Ozger and Akan
clustering metrics and intra-cluster distance. Clustering metrics (2013), Huang et al. (2011), Li and Gross (2011), Baddour
have been applied to perform cluster formation and cluster et al. (2011) and Asterjadhi et al. (2010).
maintenance, such as clusterhead selection and member node C.2 Intra-cluster distance:
joining. There are four kinds of clustering metrics, namely, channel C.2.1 Single hop. SUs form single-hop clusters in which each
availability, geographical location, signal strength and channel member node communicates with its clusterhead in a
quality, as well as node degree. Intra-cluster distance defines the single hop (Ozger and Akan, 2013; Chen et al., 2007; Li
number of hops between member nodes and their respective and Gross, 2011; Baddour et al., 2011; Bradonjic and
clusterheads. Nodes may form clusters with single or multiple Lazos, 2012; Li et al., 2012; Liu et al., 2012; Zhang et al.,
hops, and both larger and smaller clusters have their pros and cons 2011; Wei and Zhang, 2010; Ramli and Grace, 2010).
(see Section 5.6 for further descriptions). Generally speaking, single-hop clusters enhance net-
work stability, parallelism and inter-cluster communica-
C.1 Clustering metrics: tion delays.
C.1.1 Channel availability. Higher number of common channels C.2.2 Multiple hops. SUs form multiple-hop clusters in which
in a cluster increases cluster stability, and so it minimizes each member node communicates with its clusterhead
the occurrence of re-clustering, which is caused by the in multiple hops (e.g. two hops) (Huang et al., 2011;
lack of a common channel. Due to the dynamicity of Zhang et al., 2010; Asterjadhi et al., 2010). Generally
channel availability, PU activities may reappear, and this speaking, multiple-hop clusters reduce the number of
causes the member nodes to switch the common control clusters in the network and hence, it provides lower
channel; however, if there is lack of a single channel inter-cluster communication overhead, such as routing
commonly available to all nodes in a cluster, migration of messages.
clusterhead, or re-clustering may be triggered and this
increases the clustering overhead. Hence, nodes form 3. Clustering algorithms in cognitive radio networks
clusters and select clusterheads while ensuring higher
number of common channels among nodes in a cluster. This section presents existing work on clustering algorithms in
This metric has been applied in Ozger and Akan (2013), CR networks, and they are presented in accordance to the cluster-
Huang et al. (2011), Chen et al. (2007), Li and Gross ing objectives (see Section 2.1). Generally speaking, the clustering
(2011), Baddour et al. (2011), Bradonjic and Lazos (2012), algorithms aim to achieve lower number of clusters (see Section
Li et al. (2012), Liu et al. (2012), Zhang et al. (2011, 2010), 2.1, B.5) (Huang et al., 2011; Chen et al., 2007; Li and Gross, 2011;
and Asterjadhi et al. (2010). Baddour et al., 2011; Li et al., 2012; Liu et al., 2012; Zhang et al.,
C.1.2 Geographical location. SUs determine their respective 2011, 2010; Ramli and Grace, 2010; Asterjadhi et al., 2010), in
geographical locations (e.g. through Global Positioning addition to the other clustering objectives.
System (GPS)), and use this information in cluster
formation and maintenance. Physically close nodes may
share the same amount and characteristics of white 3.1. Establishment of common control channel
spaces; and so these nodes form a cluster to increase
the number of common channels among nodes in a While there has been some literature on the establishment
cluster. Additionally, physically close nodes may coop- of common control channel in non-clustered networks (Kim,
eratively perform similar tasks, such as channel sensing, 2009; Liu, 2010); there is lack of clustering algorithm that helps
and so these nodes form a cluster to enhance network to achieve this goal in clustered networks, and this section
K.-L.A. Yau et al. / Journal of Network and Computer Applications 45 (2014) 79–95 85
presents a clustering algorithm whose main objective is to estab- Firstly, nodes exchange the local cluster formation information,
lish a common control channel (see Section 2.1, B.1) in a cluster. such as a list of their respective available channels, with neighbor
nodes. Subsequently, each node computes a metric called reserved
value for each link connecting to each of its neighbor nodes using
the cluster formation information. The reserved value is computed
3.1.1. Li's node ranking approach using the rank values; for instance, node i estimates the capacity of
Li et al. (2012) proposed a cluster formation procedure for static link (i,n) based on Shannon's formula, and ranks the capacity of
(or quasi-stationary) networks with the objective of establishing each link (i,n AN) connecting to each neighbor node. Hence, if a
common control channels in single-hop clusters (see Section 2.2, link (i,n) has the lowest rank of capacity or C(i,n)¼1, it represents
C.2.1). The clustering metrics are channel availability (see Section that link (i,n) is the most favorable one with the highest capacity.
2.2, C.1.1) as well as signal strength and channel quality (see The reserved value of the link of node i connecting to one of its
Section 2.2, C.1.3). The steps of the clustering algorithm for a node i neighbor node n A N is the weighted sum of the rank values as
are shown in Fig. 4. Generally speaking, each node i ranks its follows:
neighbor nodes nA N based on the link characteristics, namely,
number of common channels, as well as the capacity and quality of Rði; n A NÞ ¼ w1 Cði; nÞ þ w2 Sði; nÞ þ w3 Q ði; nÞ ð1Þ
the link. Lower rank value is favorable, and so node i associates where w1, w2 and w3 represent weights (e.g. w1 ¼ w2 ¼w3 ¼1/3).
itself with the lowest ranked neighbor node. Note that, for Value S(i,n) represents the rank of the stability level. Lower value
simplicity, the nodal representations (or the labels of the nodes), of S(i,n) indicates higher number of common channels in link (i,n),
which may indicate the roles of the nodes in Fig. 5, remain the and so it provides greater stability, thereby reducing the occur-
same before and after the clustering procedure although the roles rence of re-clustering. Value Q(i,n) represents the rank of the
of clusterhead and member node are assigned upon completion of channel quality, which is estimated based on the available dura-
the procedure. tion of the link for data transmission. Lower value of Q(i,n)
indicates higher probability of two nodes i and n belonging to
the same cluster. For instance, in Fig. 5(a), the reserved values of
the links of node M1,2 connecting to its neighbor nodes CH1 and
CH1 are R(M1,2,CH1) ¼1 and R(M1,2,CH2)¼ 3, respectively. Note that,
each link has two ends, and so it has two reserved values: R(i,n)
and R(n,i); for instance, R(M1,2,CH1) ¼1 and R(CH1,M1,2) ¼2.
Secondly, the reserved values are exchanged among neighbor
nodes, and each of them adds the reserved values of each link to
provide an aggregated reserved value as follows:
R0 ði; nÞ ¼ R0 ðn; iÞ ¼ Rði; nÞ þ Rðn; iÞ ð2Þ
0 0
For instance, in Fig. 5(b), R ðM 1;2 ; CH 1 Þ ¼ R ðCH 1 ; M 1;2 Þ ¼ RðM 1;2 ;
CH 1 Þ þ RðCH 1 ; M 1;2 Þ ¼ 1 þ 2 ¼ 3. A node becomes a clusterhead if it
has either the highest node degree level or the lowest node ID
among neighboring nodes or both.
Thirdly, nodes form clusters, and this is accomplished through
nodes associating themselves with clusterheads that provide links
with the least aggregated reserved value R0 (i,n) (or R0 (n,i)). For
instance, in Fig. 5(c), M1,2 is associated with CH1 because
Fig. 4. Steps of the Li's node ranking approach at node i. R0 ðM 1;2 ; CH 1 Þ oR0 ðM 1;2 ; CH 2 Þ. In other words, CH 1 ¼ argminn A N R0
Fig. 5. The Li's node ranking approach. (a) Nodes calculate reserved values. (b) Nodes calculate aggregated reserved values. (c) Nodes form clusters.
86 K.-L.A. Yau et al. / Journal of Network and Computer Applications 45 (2014) 79–95
highest node degree level among its single-hop neighborhood degree level (see Section 2.2, C.1.4). The steps of the clustering
become clusterheads. algorithm for a node i are shown in Fig. 8.
Baddour's affinity propagation message-passing approach has Firstly, nodes exchange the local cluster formation information,
been shown to provide lower number of clusters (see Section 4.1, such as a list of their respective available channels for each
P.1). neighbor node, with neighbor nodes. Each node i keeps track of
connectivity vector comprises two-tuple metrics 〈Pi,Gi〉 pertinent
to cluster stability, where Pi represents spectrum connectivity
3.2.3. Connectivity degree approach
degree and Gi represents local connectivity degree. The spectrum
Li and Gross (2011) proposed a cluster formation procedure
connectivity degree Pi is the total number of common channels
to form single-hop clusters (see Section 2.2, C.2.1) in order to
between node i and each of its neighbor nodes, and so it indicates
increase the number of common channels among nodes in a
the adhesiveness of node i to the network. For instance, node i has
cluster in static (or quasi-stationary) networks. The objective is
two neighbor nodes j and k, and the set of the available channels at
to prevent loss of connectivity among clusterheads, as well as the
each node is Ki ¼{1,2,3,4,5}, Kj ¼{1,2,3} and Kk ¼ {2,4}; the spectrum
clusterheads and their respective member nodes. The clustering
connectivity degree is computed as Pi ¼ Pi,j þ Pi,k ¼3 þ 2¼ 5. The
metrics are channel availability (see Section 2.2, C.1.1) and node
local connectivity degree Gi is the number of common channels
among node i and all of its neighbor nodes, and it indicates the
suitability of node i to form a robust cluster with its neighboring
nodes. For instance, using the aforementioned example, Gi ¼1
because there is a single common channel among nodes i, j and
k, specifically, channel 2. Figure 9(a) shows an original non-
clustered network. The two-tuple metrics 〈Pi,Gi〉 are shown at each
node, and the number of pairwise common channels for each node
pair Pi,n A N is shown at each link.
Secondly, nodes compute and further exchange the local cluster
formation information, including spectrum connectivity degree Pi
and local connectivity degree Gi. Node i becomes a clusterhead if
node I's spectrum connectivity degree is less than those of its
neighbor nodes, specifically, Pi oPn A N\CH, where N represents node
i's set of neighbor nodes and CH represents node i's set of
clusterheads among its neighbor nodes. The purpose of choosing
nodes with lower spectrum connectivity degree as clusterheads is
that, it increases the number of common channels with neighbor-
ing clusters, and so it increases connectivity among clusters.
However, if node i's spectrum connectivity degree is similar to
any of its neighboring nodes, specifically, Pi ¼Pn A N\CH, then the
node with higher local connectivity degree value, or Gi 4Gn A N\CH,
becomes clusterhead. Non-clusterheads associate themselves with
clusterheads and become member nodes. Note that, smaller
Fig. 8. Steps of the Li and Gross's connectivity degree approach at node i. cluster size increases the number of common channels among
Fig. 9. The Li and Gross's connectivity degree approach. (a) Nodes calculate two-tuple metrics 〈Pi,Gi〉. (b) Nodes form clusters. (c) Debatable nodes associate themselves with
88 K.-L.A. Yau et al. / Journal of Network and Computer Applications 45 (2014) 79–95
nodes in a cluster, and so nodes may be eliminated from their Firstly, nodes exchange the local cluster formation information,
respective clusters until there is at least a single common channel such as a list of their respective available channels, with neighbor
in the cluster. Figure 9(b) shows the updated values of two-tuple nodes. Each node i represents its local network topology, which
metrics 〈Pi,Gi〉 and the newly formed clusters. For instance, since consists of neighboring nodes and the available channels for each
P CH1 ¼ 2 o P M1;1 ¼ 11, node CH1 becomes a clusterhead. neighbor node, using a bipartite graph. The bipartite graph GðA [
Thirdly, nodes that are physically located in more than a single B; EÞ comprises two disjoint sets of vertices A [ B, and all edges in
cluster, which are also called debatable nodes, choose to associate E connect vertices from A to B. For instance, Fig. 11(b) shows a
themselves with a single cluster respectively. The debatable nodes bipartite graph constructed by node CH1 in (a), where vertices A
choose to associate themselves with clusterheads that can max- (or the upper row) represent node CH1 and its neighboring nodes,
imize the number of common channels in a cluster in order to vertices B (or the lower row) represent the available channels at
increase cluster stability. For instance, in Fig. 9(c), node M1,1 is a node CH1, and each edge eAE indicates that node a A A has an
debatable node, which may associate itself with either CH1, CH2, available channel b AB. The objective of the approach is to achieve
CH3 or CH5, and it chooses to associate itself with CH1. a balanced tradeoff between cluster size and the number of
Li and Gross's connectivity degree approach has been shown to common channels among nodes in a cluster (see Section 5.3).
provide lower number of clusters (see Section 4.1, P.1), higher Higher number of common channels among nodes in a cluster
number of common channels in a cluster (see Section 4.1, P.2), and helps to increase the amount of bandwidth availability for intra-
higher number of common channels with neighboring clusters cluster communications and reduce the occurrence of re-cluster-
(see Section 4.1, P.9). ing; however, the cluster size tends to be smaller and so the main
A similar clustering algorithm that applies the local connectiv- drawback is that there would be higher amount of bandwidth
ity degree parameter has been proposed in Asterjadhi et al. (2010) consumption on inter-cluster communications. Three clustering
for cluster formation to form multiple-hop clusters (see Section criteria are proposed to achieve different levels of the aforemen-
2.2, C.2.2) in order to increase the number of common channels tioned tradeoff as follows:
among nodes in a cluster in static networks. The clustering metrics
are channel availability (see Section 2.2, C.1.1) and node degree Maximum Node Biclique (MNB). MNB maximizes Q nMNB ðA; BÞ,
level (see Section 2.2, C.1.4). Nodes exchange the local cluster which is the sum of the number of member nodes |A| and the
formation information, including a list of the available channels for number of common channels in the cluster |B|, as follows:
each neighbor node n AN (see Sections 2.2, C.1.1) and node degree
Q nMNB ðA; BÞ ¼ argmaxQ jAj þ jBj ð6Þ
level (see Section 2.2, C.1.4) with k-hop neighbor nodes where N is
a set of node i's neighbor nodes. Node i calculates the local
connectivity degree Gi, which is the minimum number of common Higher Q nMNB ðA; BÞ indicates that member nodes share a higher
channels among node i and all of its neighbor nodes, or number of common channels in a cluster, or there is at least a
Gi ¼ minn A N jK i \ K n j, where Ki is a set of available channels at single common channel in a cluster with higher number of
node i. Nodes with the largest f(Gi) value, which is computed using member nodes in a cluster. For instance, Fig. 11(c) shows the
Gi, among their respective k-hop neighborhood become cluster- bipartite graph constructed by node CH1 using MNB in which
heads. Suppose, node i is a clusterhead. Neighbor node n A N that Q nMNB ðA; BÞ ¼ 7 þ1 ¼ 8.
receives higher f(Gi), specifically f(Gn)of(Gi), associates itself with Maximum Edge Biclique (MEB). MEB maximizes Q nMEB ðA; BÞ,
cluster i and becomes its member node. Asterjadhi's connectivity which is the product of the number of member nodes |A| and
degree approach has been shown to provide lower number of the number of common channels in the cluster |B|, as follows:
clusters (see Section 4.1, P.1), and higher number of common Q nMEB ðA; BÞ ¼ argmaxQ jAj UjBj ð7Þ
channels in a cluster (see Section 4.1, P.2).
Fig. 11. Bipartite graphs approach. (a) Original network topology. (b) A bipartite graph constructed by node CH1. (c) A bipartite graph constructed by node CH1 using MNB.
(d) A bipartite graph constructed by node CH1 using MEB.
(network) into biclique graphs (clusters). Each node i computes communications, member nodes exchange information among
wi ¼Q*(A,B). themselves and their respective clusterheads; for instance, mem-
Secondly, nodes exchange wi among themselves, and nodes with ber nodes exchange the local cluster formation information (i.e.
the maximum wi among its neighbor nodes become clusterheads. node location, the current cluster size and a list of common
Thirdly, non-clusterhead nodes associate themselves with clus- channels in the cluster) with neighbor nodes and clusterhead.
terheads. Each non-clusterhead node selects clusterhead with the During inter-cluster communications, clusterheads send data to
maximum wi among its single-hop neighbor clusterheads and upstream clusterheads using the maximum transmission power in
becomes its member node. order to improve network connectivity.
As part of the cluster maintenance, re-clustering may be There are two main steps in the group-wise constrained
necessary when the number of common channels in a cluster approach for cluster formation. Firstly, all nodes form disjoint
with node i being clusterhead is less than a threshold, or |Bi| oBT. clusters, and each cluster is comprised of a single node itself.
In this case, all nodes in the cluster switch into “undecided” state, Secondly, the clusters merge among themselves with adjacent
and a new clusterhead j with |Bj| 4BT is selected. clusters if they share at least a single common channel; and this
Bradonjić's bipartite graphs approach has been shown to proceeds until the number of clusters reduces to the optimal
provide lower number of clusters (see Section 4.1, P.1), and higher number, which is dependent on the number of nodes in the
number of common channels in a cluster (see Sections 4.1, P.2). network, node density and the maximum transmission range.
The investigation on achieving a balanced tradeoff between cluster In other words, physically closest nodes with common channel
size and the number of common channels among nodes in a (s) form clusters that grow in cluster size as more nodes join a
cluster is also presented. Similar approach has been applied in Liu particular cluster one after another through cluster merging.
et al. (2012) and Nafees et al. (2013). Since the clusterheads incur higher energy consumption com-
pared to member nodes, the clusterhead role is rotated among all
nodes with equal probability. Zhang's group-wise constrained
3.3. Enhancement on energy efficiency
approach has been shown to provide lower number of clusters (see
Section 4.1, P.1), and lower energy consumption (see Section 4.1, P.8).
This section presents clustering algorithms whose main objec-
tive is to enhance energy efficiency.
clusterheads. Note that, achieving lower error probability in cluster, and subsequently reduces the number of channel
sensing outcomes (see Section 4.1, P.10) requires higher number switches due to distinctive channels being selected by mem-
of local sensing outcomes from more nodes, and so this incurs ber nodes in a cluster. Note that, if there must be at least a
higher energy consumption. Hence, further research could be single common channel in a cluster, then either rotation of
pursued to investigate approaches to achieve a balanced tradeoff clusterhead or re-clustering is necessary to achieve this.
between these two network performances. P.5 Lower number of re-clustering reduces clustering overhead
(see Section 4.1, P.3) and energy consumption (see Section 4.1,
P.8) associated with re-clustering, and so it increases network
4. Performance enhancements and complexity analysis of lifetime. Re-clustering is necessary whenever a common
clustering algorithms channel cannot be found in a cluster, and it may be avoided
by the rotation of clusterhead.
This section presents performance enhancements and com- P.6 Shorter intra-cluster distance reduces the number of hops or
plexity analysis of various clustering algorithms. the Euclidean distance (Ramli and Grace, 2010) between
member nodes and their respective clusterheads in a cluster.
4.1. Performance enhancements This helps to reduce the intra-cluster delay and energy
consumption due to lower transmission power.
Table 1 compares various aspects of clustering algorithms, includ- P.7 Lower level of overlap among clusters reduces channel conten-
ing clustering objectives, clustering attributes and performance tion among nodes in different clusters, and so it provides
enhancements in comparison with conventional and traditional network performance enhancement such as throughput and
approaches in CR networks. The comparison presents the advantages end-to-end delay.
brought about by various clustering algorithms; for instance, single- P.8 Lower energy consumption increases network lifetime. In Wei
hop clusters (see Section 2.2, C.2.1) enhances stability, parallelism and Zhang (2010), a threshold is chosen against the reliability
and inter-cluster communication delays while multiple-hop clusters of information in which member nodes do not send unreli-
(see Section 2.2, C.2.2) reduces the number of clusters in the network. able sensing outcomes to their respective clusterheads in
On the other hand, open issues (see Section 5) presents the short- channel sensing in order to reduce energy consumption.
comings of existing clustering algorithms and proposes mechanisms Higher threshold values reduce energy consumption.
to address them. Additionally, Table 1 also presents simulation tools P.9 Higher number of common channels with neighboring clusters
applied to investigate the clustering algorithms. indicates higher probability of connectivity among clusters. This
Simulation has been adopted to evaluate network performance prevents loss of connectivity with neighboring clusters, and
achieved by the clustering algorithms. There are various simula- reduces the number of channel switches due to distinctive
tion tools including self-developed tool (S.1), and network simu- channels being selected by a cluster and its neighboring clusters.
lators such as NS-2 or NS-3 (Network Simulator 3 (NS-3), 2013) P.10 Lower error probability in sensing outcomes helps to improve
(S.2), OMNeTþ þ (OMNeTþ þ, 2013) (S.3) and Qualnet (Qualnet, accuracy in the detection of PU activities and white spaces in a
2013) (S.4). Generally speaking, the self-developed tool is devel- channel sensing scheme, which is one of the main functions of
oped by the authors of the literature themselves using program- CR networks. Note that, the enhancement of network perfor-
ming languages, such as C/C þ þ in Li and Gross (2011), and the mance in other kinds of applications is possible, although channel
tool may run on computer applications, such as MatLab in Ramli sensing has seemed to fit in well with clustered networks.
and Grace (2010). Most simulations in the literature use self-
developed tool (S.1) (see Table 1).
The performance enhancements may be relevant to each other, 4.2. Complexity analysis
and they are shown as follows:
This section investigates the clustering algorithms with respect to
P.1 Lower number of clusters provides efficient coverage by time and message complexities associated with cluster formation
increasing cluster size or the number of member nodes in a starting from initial networks comprised of non-clustered nodes. The
cluster. Lower number of clusters reduces the high amount of complexity analysis conducted in this section is inspired by similar
inter-cluster communications, particularly routing, and so it investigation in Bettstetter and Konig (2013). This analysis is highly
leaves more white spaces for control and data transmissions relevant to clustering, and so the exchanges of clustering information
(Chen et al., 2007; Baddour et al., 2011). Additionally, it (e.g. a set of available channels) using Hello messages are not counted
minimizes overlaps among clusters (see Section 4.1, P.7), as these messages are incurred even in non-clustered networks. The
and so it reduces channel contention among clusters. time complexity is the number of time steps to form clusters in a
P.2 Higher number of common channels in a cluster increases the network; and each time step involves a packet transmission from each
availability of at least a single common channel in a cluster, while node. The message complexity is the number of clustering messages
leaving some common channels as backups. Hence, higher exchanged among non-clustered nodes to form clusters in a network.
number of common channels in a cluster prevents re-clustering Note that, Wei and Zhang' (2010) contribution decision approach is
(see Section 4.1, P.5) as a result of the re-appearance of PU not analyzed as it is associated with a cooperative task in which nodes
activities, and subsequently improves cluster stability. with the highest channel sensing capability are selected to become
P.3 Lower clustering overhead reduces unnecessary exchanges of clusterheads which can be rotated; while Zhang et al.'s (2010)
clustering overhead. This may reduce energy consumption (see approach is also not analyzed as it incorporates neighbor discovery
Section 4.1, P.8) and increase the amount of white spaces for mechanism in clusterhead selection. Denote the number of nodes in a
control and data transmissions. For instance, in Bradonjic and CR networks by M. Table 2 compares the time and message complex-
Lazos (2012), nodes broadcast clustering messages to their ities of the clustering algorithms.
respective single-hop neighborhood, rather than multiple-hop The time and message complexities of several clustering algo-
neighborhood in order to reduce clustering overhead. rithms are explained. In the Li et al.'s (2012) node ranking approach
P.4 Lower number of unconnected nodes reduces the number of (see Section 3.1.1), each node broadcasts a reserved value, and its
member nodes that do not share any common channels in its choice of being a clusterhead or a member node, so time complex-
cluster. This improves connectivity among member nodes in a ity is at most 2 time steps. The message complexity is at most 2M
Table 1
Comparison of clustering algorithms in CR networks.
B.1 Establishment of c B.2 Enhancement on B.3 Enhancement on B.4 Enhancement on B.5 Minimizing C.1.1 C.1.2 C.1.3 Signal strength C.1.4 Node C.2.1 C.2.2
ommon control cluster stability energy efficiency cooperative tasks number of clusters Channel Geographical and channel quality degree Single hop Multiple
channel availability location hops
Li et al. (2012)
Huang et al. (2011)
Baddour et al. (2011)
Li and Gross (2011)
Ramli and Grace (2010)
Asterjadhi et al. (2010)
K.-L.A. Yau et al. / Journal of Network and Computer Applications 45 (2014) 79–95
Bradonjic and Lazos (2012)
Liu et al. (2012)
Zhang et al. (2011)
Ozger and Akan (2013)
Wei and Zhang (2010)
Chen et al. (2007)
Zhang et al. (2010)
P.1 Lower P.2 Higher P.3 Lower P.4 Lower P.5 Lower P.6 Shorter P.7 Lower P.8 Lower P.9 Higher number of P.10 Lower error S.1 Self- S.2 S.3 S.4
number of number clustering number of number of intra- level of energy common channels with probability in developed NS- OMNeT þ þ Qualnet
clusters of common overhead unconnected re-clustering cluster overlap consump- neighboring clusters sensing outcomes tool 2 or
channels in a nodes distance among tion NS-3
cluster clusters
Li et al. (2012)
Huang et al.
Baddour et al.
Li and Gross
Ramli and
et al. (2010)
Bradonjic and
Liu et al.
Zhang et al.
Ozger and
Akan (2013)
Wei and
Chen et al.
Zhang et al.
K.-L.A. Yau et al. / Journal of Network and Computer Applications 45 (2014) 79–95 93
Table 2 has been limited literature on cluster maintenance, and the motivation
Comparison of time and message complexities among clustering algorithms. of this investigation stems from the fact that the dynamicity of
channel availability caused by PUs has introduced new open issues,
References Time complexity Message complexity
leading to the dynamic amount of available bandwidth at clusterheads
Li et al. (2012) r2 r 2M and member nodes. Additionally, there are traditional factors that
Huang et al. (2011) r2 r 2M affect the amount of available bandwidth at clusterheads, such as the
Baddour et al. (2011) r3 r 3M traffic amount and the effects of nodal mobility on the interference to
Li and Gross (2011) r2 r 2M
Ramli and Grace (2010) r2 r 2M
clusterheads. Due to the important role of clusterheads and gateways
Asterjadhi et al. (2010) r2k r kM as backbone nodes, channel availability at the clusterheads should be
Bradonjic and Lazos (2012) r2 r 2M well managed because insufficient amount of bandwidth may cause
Liu et al. (2012) r2 r 2M packet loss and this affects Quality of Service (QoS) of the entire
Zhang et al. (2011) r2 r 2M
cluster. In the context of CR, cluster maintenance affects the number of
Ozger and Akan (2013) r2 r 2M
Chen et al. (2007) r2 r 2M common channels and the traffic amount in an existing or a new
Zhang et al. (2010) r2 r 2M cluster. Therefore, cluster maintenance must take into consideration
the number of common channels in a cluster (and other performance
metrics of interest) to ensure successful and smooth cluster main-
in which each node in a network, which comprises M nodes, tenance in order to minimize the occurrence of re-clustering. In
exchanges at most 2 messages. In Huang et al.'s (2011) node Sharma and Abrol (2013), an initial study on the migration of cluster-
importance degree approach (see Section 3.2.1), 2-hop clusters head in a cluster using thresholds based on miss detection, false alarm
are formed. Each node calculates its own node importance degree and the traditional signal-to-noise ratio is presented for channel
using information which can be exchanged using Hello messages, sensing. Further research could be pursued to investigate cluster
and broadcasts its choice of being a clusterhead or a member node maintenance while providing optimal network performance.
within its two-hop neighborhood. Since a node may be two hops
away from a clusterhead, it takes at most 2 time steps for a 5.2. Common assumptions in cognitive radio networks
clusterhead to announce its role, as well as member nodes to
announce their respective choice of clusterheads, so time complex- Future research could be pursued to relax the following
ity is at most 2 time steps. The message complexity is at common assumptions applicable to the investigation of clustering
most 2M messages. In Baddour et al.'s 2011 affinity propagation algorithms in CR networks:
message-passing approach (see Section 3.2.2), each node broad- The links are considered bi-directional (or symmetric) (Zou and
casts responsibilities, availabilities, and its choice of being a Chigan, 2009; Baddour et al., 2011; Gong et al., 2008). However, in
clusterhead or a member node, so time complexity is at most CR networks, links may be asymmetric because each node may
3 time steps. The message complexity is at most 3M. In Asterjadhi have different sets of available channels. For instance, node i may
et al.'s (2010) approach (see Section 3.2.3), k-hop clusters are communicate with node j using channel k; while node j can only
formed. Each node calculates its own local connectivity degree communicate with node i using channel m.
and broadcasts this information, as well as its choice of being a
clusterhead or a member node, within its k-hop neighborhood; and Network dynamics, such as nodal mobility, channel availability and
a non-clustered node takes at most k time steps to inform a traffic amount, change at a relatively slow rate or even static
clusterhead, which is k hops away to join the cluster. Hence, time throughout the duration of cluster formation (Chen et al., 2007;
complexity is at most 2k time steps, and message complexity is at Baddour et al., 2011). This means that most clustering algorithms
most kM messages. assume near-static scenarios so that clusters are formed using
In short, the time and message complexities increase with the static and the latest information. However, in real scenarios,
number of hops between member nodes and their clusterhead in a clusters are formed in the presence of network dynamics.
cluster (or cluster size), and the amount of clustering messages The common channels in a cluster are homogeneous in terms of
associated with a clustering algorithm. channel quality, and this can be seen in the widely use of the
number of common channels in a cluster (see Section 4.1, P.2) as a
performance metric. However, in real scenarios, clustering algo-
5. Open issues rithms should consider the channel quality of the common
This section discusses open issues that can be pursued in this Performance metrics such as the number of clusters, the
research area in order to address the shortcomings of existing number of common channels in a cluster, and the number of
clustering algorithms. re-clustering (see Section 4.1), are commonplace to measure
the performance of clustering algorithms, rather than the
5.1. Cluster maintenance: migration of clusterhead, cluster merging, overall network-wide QoS performance, including throughput,
cluster splitting, node joining and node leaving end-to-end delay, jitter and packet loss rate. Hence, the
investigation on achieving satisfactory QoS performance in
The objective of cluster maintenance is to provide smooth various clustering algorithms is necessary.
procedures of the migration of clusterhead in a cluster, cluster
merging, cluster splitting, node joining and node leaving. Migration
of clusterhead is initiated to change the clusterhead node in a cluster 5.3. Tradeoff between various network performance metrics
so that a more suitable member node is selected to better serve as a
clusterhead for the cluster. Cluster merging combines adjacent Various network performance metrics (see Section 4.1) have
clusters; while cluster splitting separates a single cluster into more been applied in the investigation of clustering algorithms in CR
than ones. Both cluster merging and splitting require re-clustering, networks. Examples of the tradeoffs are as follows:
and the clusterhead should be maintained, re-elected or withdrawn
to ensure that there is only a single clusterhead in a cluster. Node Cluster size (see Section 4.1, P.1) and number of common channels in a
joining and leaving affects the traffic amount. In CR networks, there cluster (see Section 4.1, P.2). Larger cluster size increases the number
94 K.-L.A. Yau et al. / Journal of Network and Computer Applications 45 (2014) 79–95
of member nodes in a cluster; and it has been shown to reduce the regards to the operation of CR as a whole, rather than the effects of
overall network overhead (e.g. resource management and routing). clustering on some particular objectives or applications (Guo et al.,
However, larger cluster size reduces the number of common 2009).
channels in a cluster (Kim, 2009), and so it affects cluster stability
and may increase the occurrence of re-clustering.
5.6. Optimal cluster size
Number of common channels in a cluster (see Section 4.1, P.2) and
number of common channels with neighboring clusters (see
There are pros and cons with larger and smaller cluster sizes.
Section 4.1, P.9). While higher number of common channels in
Clustering algorithms may determine the optimal cluster size,
a cluster and with neighboring clusters are both favorable,
although it may change with network scenarios. For instance,
achieving a balanced number of channels for both intra-cluster
cluster size may reduce with higher nodal mobility (Huang et al.,
and inter-cluster communications are both important to ensure
connectivity throughout the entire networks. However, higher
There are three main advantages of smaller cluster size (or
number of common channels in a cluster may cause lower
larger number of clusters). Firstly, it reduces energy consumption
number of common channels with neighboring clusters.
associated with the exchanges of local clustering information, such
as the contribution values (Wei and Zhang, 2010) (see Section
Future research could be pursued to investigate approaches to
3.4.1). Secondly, it increases parallelism and so it reduces proces-
achieve a balanced tradeoff among the network performance metrics.
sing delay. Thirdly, it increases cluster stability because it increases
the number of common channels for intra-cluster communication,
5.4. Gateway's schedule for intra-cluster and inter-cluster
and reduces the occurrence of re-clustering.
The main advantage of larger cluster size is that, it reduces
overhead associated with inter-cluster communication, particu-
Gateway nodes, which are the member nodes located at the
larly resource management and routing overheads.
fringe of a cluster, can hear from neighboring clusters, and so they
Future research could be pursued to achieve an optimal cluster
provide both intra-cluster and inter-cluster communications. Since
size in order to achieve a balanced tradeoff.
adjacent clusters may use distinctive common channels, regular
channel switches may be necessary at gateway nodes. An optimal
schedule for channel switches is necessary so that a gateway node 5.7. Other open Issues
listens to the right channel, and this ensures successful transmis-
sions while minimizing packet collisions in both clusters. More in-depth research could be pursued in most clustering
algorithms in order to further understand and enhance various
5.5. Effects of clustering to cognitive radio schemes aspects of the new and existing algorithms. The following inves-
tigations can be performed to enhance clustering algorithms:
Clustered networks support cooperative tasks, such as channel
sensing, dynamic channel selection and routing; however, the Generally speaking, Table 1 shows a wide range of potential
effects of clustering on the QoS of a wide range of applications are open issues and enhancements that could be further investi-
yet to be explored. Examples of the different applications are as gated. For instance, there has been lack of research efforts in
follows: the investigation of providing shorter intra-cluster distance
(see Section 4.1, P.6), lower level of overlap among clusters (see
In channel sensing, the SU member nodes sense for white Section 4.1, P.7), and lower error probability in sensing out-
spaces and send the sensing outcomes to their respective comes (see Section 4.1, P.10).
clusterheads for final decisions on channel availability. The Cluster size tends to change with the number of common
accuracy of the final decisions on sensing outcomes may be channels in a cluster, and so it varies with PU activities. Hence,
affected by the number of member nodes in a cluster (or cluster a highly dynamic operating environment may affect cluster
size), with larger cluster size being favorable. stability. This may cause high occurrence of re-clustering with
In dynamic channel selection, nodes in a cluster choose a constant migration of clusterhead, cluster merging, cluster
common channel for control and data transmissions. Channel splitting, node joining and node leaving. Future research could
contention may be affected by cluster size, with smaller cluster be pursued to investigate clustering in highly dynamic operat-
size being favorable. This means that smaller cluster size ing environment.
reduces channel contention with neighboring clusters, All connected nodes must be clustered, or associated with at
although larger cluster size has been shown to reduce the least a single cluster, within a certain amount of time during
overall overhead (e.g. resource management and routing). cluster formation. Further research could be pursued to ensure
In routing, larger cluster size reduces routing overheads, which that cluster formation in most clustering algorithms forms
are broadcast among the clusterheads, although it may incur connected and clustered networks if the equivalent flat net-
higher amount of clustering and control overheads between works (or non-clustered networks) are connected.
clusterhead and member nodes. Cluster stability may be Mathematical models of the clustering algorithms for CR net-
jeopardized due to the lack of a common channel because works can be developed so that the algorithms can be analyzed
larger cluster size reduces the number of common channels in mathematically. Various analytical results, such as the mean,
a cluster (Asterjadhi et al., 2010). upper and lower bounds of network performances, achieved by
the algorithms can be derived. Additionally, the clustering
Future research could be pursued to investigate approaches to algorithms can be analyzed with respect to various network
achieve a balanced tradeoff among the clustering metrics (e.g. scenarios, such as single-hop or multiple-hop clusters.
number of clusters, and number of common channels in a cluster)
and application metrics (e.g. accuracy of the sensing outcomes and 6. Conclusions
channel contention level). Further research could also be pursued
to investigate a clustering framework in which the effects of In this article, we have presented a review on clustering
clustering on network performance and QoS are investigated in algorithms to establish single-hop or multiple-hop clusters in
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