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Intensive Training Course | Limited Group Size | So Book Early!

Save With Our Group

Discount Plan!

Agri Commodity
Trade and Price

Risk Management
23-24 June 2011 | Intercontinental Grand Stanford, Hong Kong
27-28 June 2011 | M Hotel, Singapore

Key Learning Outcomes Who Should Attend

• Build a solid understanding of the economics of key agri- • Agri commodity firms and trading houses (those
commodities working in operations, risk management,
• Appreciate what drives the price of these commodities in finance, and shipping)
international markets • Finance/banking professionals who work with
• Analyse the international trade finance environment and manage the agri commodities industry
risks in trade finance transactions • Traders / brokers, importers and exporters
• Understand chartering risks and the use of FFAs to manage • Analysts, Funds and Investors
risks • Government and regulatory bodies
• Know buyer and seller perspectives in trading and pricing
• Appreciate the key functions of commodity exchanges where
these commodities are traded
• Gain insight into the use of commodity derivatives
• Explore the various instruments available for hedging and
managing price risk

International Course Director

Professor Michael Tamvakis
Cass Business School, London
Michael has over 20 years experience in commodities,
Save up to Multiple Booking All participants derivatives, shipping, trade, and finance. He has lectured
40% with Inhouse Discount Price + receive a Course on international commodity trade, commodity derivatives
Training 4th Delegate Free Certificate and shipping economics. He is the Director of MSc in
Energy, Trade & Finance, and Professor of Commodity
Economics and Finance at the Cass Business School, City
Book and Pay Early and University London. He is also a Visiting Professor at the
HEC (Département des HautesÉtudesCommerciales) at

SAVE SGD200! the University of Geneva, where he teaches at the MA in

International Trading, Commodity Finance and Shipping.
Or register a team of 3 or more delegates and take
advantage of our Special Group Rate, PLUS – the Customer Service Hotline:
4th delegate attends for free! +65 6508 2401
What our Delegates Like
About Our Other Commodity
Agri Commodity Trade and
Courses Price Risk Management
“The knowledge gained is very useful and
will help me in my daily work.”
~ Guangxi
About the Course
“The course provided a lot of commodity Increasing global free trade, changes in agricultural and trade policies,
trading insights.” weather, and other market forces are increasing the price and production
~ Pepsico risks of agricultural commodities. As their variability increases, buyers,
sellers, and those in between are realizing the importance of risk management
“The course was enjoyable as I learned as an important component of their business strategies.
fundamental trading strategies. The topics
covered were areas I am involved in.” Agri Commodity Trade and Price Risk Management is an introductory
~ Mitr Phol course that provides a good understanding of the factors influencing agri
commodity demand, production, trade, and prices. The course will focus
“Topics are relevant to our company. The on the economics and commercial aspects including the risks faced by
speaker has a vast experience on the topics
players in the agri commodity value chain.
~ Philex
The course will also focus on agri-commodity derivatives and how they
can be used to mitigate risks. Reference will also be made to the worldwide
seaborne transportation of agri commodities and how some of the freight
About the Course Director risks can be managed. The focus of the course will be on practical aspects
of derivative trading, simple hedging strategies (long, short, spreads) and
their uses by different market participants.
Michael Tamvakis
Through combination of lecture, discussion, group exercises, and case
studies, the course will provide a better appreciation of agri commodity
Professor, Commodity Economics & Finance trading and risk management strategies that can be used to improve your
Director, MSc in Energy, Trade & Finance
company’s bottom line.
Cass Business School, City University London

Visiting Professor
HEC, University of Geneva

Michael trained as an economist at the Athens

University of Economics and Business in Greece.
IBC Training Academy
He then joined the International Centre for Upcoming Training Courses!
Shipping, Trade and Finance at the (then) City
University Business School; first as a student on • Coal Pricing
its MSc programme, and then as a member of 13-15 April 2011, Singapore
its academic staff, when he also received his
PhD. Between April 2003 and March 2009 he • Marine Insurance
was the Associate Dean for undergraduate 16-17 May 2011, Hong Kong
programmes at Cass. He lectures in international 19-20 May 2011, Singapore
commodity trade, commodity risk management
and shipping economics. His research interests • Iron Ore & Steel Trade Fundamentals
29-30 June 2011, Singapore
are in the areas of commodity economics, energy
derivatives and shipping economics. Finally, he
• Coal Market Fundamentals
has also been invited to give his opinion an
28-29 June 2011, Singapore
analysis on commodity and shipping topics on
BBC World, BBC Radio 4 and CNBC.

REGISTER TODAY! +65 6508 2401 +65 6508 2407 www.ibc-asia.com/agritrade

Two Day Course Outline
Course Registration: 8:00am Explanation of Timings: These times act as a guide and may modify slightly depending on the
depth of class discussion and whether assessments are being conducted.
Course Commencement: 9:00am
Course Programme: This program is a guide and may alter to better address participant
Course Conclusion: 5:00pm requirements on a consensus basis.

Agri-commodity market economics Group exercise: Managing fishhooks in trade finance transactions
• Supply / demand markets
• International trade flows Shipping and freight markets influence on the trading
• Market structure, and role of traders strategy
• Freight rates across the main trade routes
Factors influencing agri commodity prices • Understanding chartering risk
• Traditional Demand / Supply drivers • Use of Freight Forwarding Agreements
• Agricultural and trade policies
• Impact of Government to Government agreements Key elements of a trade risk management strategy
• Energy markets • Price volatility
• Role of speculators / funds • Counter party risk and defaults
• Buyer and seller perspectives in trading and pricing strategies
Understanding the international trade finance environment
• Transactional flow diagram of a typical transaction Group Exercise: Developing a risk management check-list
• Credit and payment flows Recap of day 1 and close
• Non documentary vs documentary settlements
• Letters of credit
• Incoterms

Agri-commodity exchanges Case Study: Transacting through Asian / European exchanges

• Using commodity exchange as a market place
• Key functions of exchanges Alternative scenarios for dealing with options
~ Price discovery, hedging, seller of last resort • Strategies available
~ Hedging, arbitrage and speculation • What works for importers vis a vis exporters
• Relationship with over-the-counter (OTC) markets • Do different strategies apply for different commodities?
• Main agri-commodity exchanges in US, Europe, and Asia Hedging strategies
~ Contracts traded • Long and short hedge
~ Sample specs and their meanings ~ Practical examples for a variety of commodities
Derivative instruments • Spreads (calendar, inter-commodity, crush, corn, dead)
• Definition ~ Definitions, functions, who uses them
• Function ~ Practical examples for a variety of commodities
• Uses • Options and futures combinations
• Risks involved and how to minimize them ~ Covered calls and puts
~ Caps, floors and collars
How the derivatives instruments and markets work
Case study: Sample strategies for Sugar, Coffee and Grains
• Forwards
• Swaps
• Futures Commodity trading software selection
• Options • Understanding the softwareís ability to assist your trading
Agri-commodity futures
• Applications available
• Futures trade and price movements
• What features to look for?
• Working with a futures contract
• Important reporting tools required
• Strategies for exporters, importers and traders

IBC Training Academy IBC Training Academy In-House Training Solutions

IBC Training Academy is the Asian training division of IBC Asia, part of the Informa Make use of IBC Training Academy’s expertise in the training industry
Group and a public listed company in the UK. Informa’s main business is in the and have this course customised for your organisation – at a venue of
specialist information providing for global markets. We operate in 70 countries, 150 your choice – at a time convenient to you – at a cost attractive to you.
offices worldwide with over 7000 employees. We have over 25 years experience in Savings can be significant! For more information on IBC Training Academy
providing innovative, focused and high quality business information and training in-house training solutions please call Miki Kong at +65-6508 2477 or
products designed to help you improve the way your business is managed. email: inhousetraining@ibcasia.com.sg

REGISTER TODAY! +65 6508 2401 +65 6508 2407 www.ibc-asia.com/agritrade

If undelivered, please return to:
SAVE SGD200 with the
1 Grange Road,
#08-02 Orchard Building, Singapore 239693
Early Bird Rate!
Tel: +65 6508 2400 Fax: +65 6508 2407 Book by 13 May 2011

Agri Commodity Trade and Price Risk Management

When 3 or more book into this course.
See pricing table for full details


MAIL the attached registration form with your cheque to
IBC Asia (S) Pte Ltd
1 Grange Road, #08-02, Orchard Building, Singapore 239693

Customer Service Hotline Fax

+65 6508 2401 +65 6508 2407

This label contains your priority booking code. To expedite registration, please do not remove label. If you have Email Web
already received a copy of this brochure, we apologise. For reasons of confidentiality, your full particulars were not register@ibcasia.com.sg www.ibc-asia.com/agritrade
available to IBC Asia (S) Pte Ltd for deduplication prior to mail drop.

InterContinental Grand Standford, Hong Kong
Yes! I/We Will Attend Agri Commodity Trade and Price Risk Management 70 Mody Road, Tsimshatsui East
❑ 23 – 24 June 2011, InterContinental Grand Stanford, Hong Kong ❑ 27 – 28 June 2011, M Hotel, Singapore Kowloon, Hong Kong, P. R. China
❑ I cannot attend this event but ❑ please include me in your mailing list. Tel: +852 2721 5161 | Fax: +852 2732 2233
Contact person: Joelle Chan
EARLY BIRD RATE NORMAL RATE Email: j.chan@grandstanford.com
Register and Pay on or before 13 May 2011 Register and Pay after 13 May 2011
Individuals SGD 2,795 (SAVE SGD 200) SGD 2,995 M Hotel, Singapore
81 Anson Road, Singapore 079908
Book a group of 3 or more delegates and pay per delegate
Multiple Bookings Discount Tel: +65 6224 1133 | Fax: +65 6226 3781
Contact Person: Angeline Ng
In addition to the Multiple Bookings Discount Price, when you register 3 delegates you can send a 4th delegate for FREE! Email: angeline.ng@m-hotel.com
• Multiple Bookings Discount pricing is applicable to groups of 3 or more delegates from the same organisation registering for the same workshop, at the same time. Fee stated is
the discounted price PER DELEGATE. Only one discount price applies – either the early bird rate OR multiple bookings discount which includes 4th delegate free.
• All fees stated include luncheons, refreshments and complete set of documentation. It does not include the cost of accommodation and travel. A 7% Goods & Services Tax (GST)
is applicable to all Singapore based companies for Singapore venue. Payment must be received 10 business days prior to the event. To
take advantage of discounts with an expiry cut-off date, registration
and payment must be received by the cut off date. All payments
Delegate 1 Details Delegate 2 Details should be made in Singapore dollars
• Payments by S$ bank draft or cheque should be made in favour
Name: Dr/Mr/Ms Name: Dr/Mr/Ms of “IBC Asia (S) Pte Ltd” payable in Singapore.
Job Title: Job Title: • Payment by telegraphic transfer in S$ must be made to:
IBC Asia (S) Pte Ltd
Department Department A/C No.: 147-059513-001 (SGD)
Tel: Tel: The Hongkong and Shanghai
Banking Corporation Limited
Mobile No.: Mobile No.: 21 Collyer Quay, HSBC Building,
Singapore 049320
Email: Email: Bank Swift Code: HSBCSGSG
Bank Code: 7232
Delegate 3 Details Delegate 4 Details • Payments by S$ bank draft or cheque should be made in favour
of “IBC Asia (S) Pte Ltd” and mailed to:
Name: Dr/Mr/Ms Name: Dr/Mr/Ms IBC Asia (S) Pte Ltd
c/o Informa Regional Business Services

Job Title: Job Title:


111 Somerset Road, TripleOne Somerset #10-06


Department Department Singapore 238164


Attn: The Accounts Receivable Team


Tel: Tel:

• Payment by Credit Card (AMEX, VISA or MASTERCARD).

Mobile No.: Mobile No.: Please provide your Card Number, Name of Cardholder, Expiry
Date and your Signature and send it by fax to +65 6508 2407.
Email: Email:
Please photocopy for additional delegates CANCELLATIONS / SUBSTITUTION
Who is Head of your Department? Should you be unable to attend, a substitute delegate is welcome
at no extra charge. Cancellations must be received in writing at
Who is Head of Training? least 10 business days before the start of the event, to receive a
refund less 10% processing fee per registration. The company
Company Information regrets that no refund will be made available for cancellation
notifications received less than 10 business days before the event.
Company Name: Main Business/Activity:
Address: Postal Code: IMPORTANT NOTE
Please quote the name of the delegate, event title and invoice
P50016/P50017WEB number on the advice when remitting payment. Bank charges are
to be deducted from participating organisations own accounts.
Please fax your payment details (copy of remittance advice, cheque
Payment Method (Please tick:) ❑ I enclose my Cheque/Draft payable to IBC Asia (S) Pte Ltd or draft to +65 6508 2407.
❑ I am paying by bank transfer (copy attached) Attendance will only be permitted upon receipt of full payment.
❑ Payment by Credit Card: ❑ Visa ❑ Mastercard ❑ Amex Participants wishing to register at the door are responsible to ensure
all details are as published. IBC Asia will not be responsible for
any event re-scheduled or cancelled.

REG NO. 200108203N

Card Holder’s Name: Signature: The personal information entered during your registration/order,
or provided by you, will be held on a database and may be shared
with companies in the Informa Group in the UK and internationally.
Card Number: Expiry Date: (mm/yy) Sometimes your details may be obtained from or shared with
(Please provide photocopy of front & back of your Credit Card)
external companies for marketing purposes. If you do not wish
your details to be used for this purpose, please contact Winnie
Seah (Database) on winnie.seah@ibcasia.com.sg Tel: +65
REGISTER NOW! FAX BACK TO +65 6508 2407 6508 2468 or Fax: +65 6508 2408.

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