System Requirment Specification Document
System Requirment Specification Document
System Requirment Specification Document
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1. Introduction
The purpose of developing this system is to provide blood to the people who are in need
of blood. The number persons who are in need of blood are increasing in large number day by day.
Using this system user can search blood group available in the city and he can also get contact
number of the donor who has the same blood. Using this blood bank management system people
can register himself or herself who want to donate blood and if some want need blood, he or she
can get blood by contacting the donors.
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2. Scope of the project
The user and admin can proceed his business avoiding cons in the general market and wide-up
the own business from this web site.
Admin gets the capability of adding new merchandises or remove the added item.
At the end of the project, the customer can do business online, and focus on customer
Increase in the profit of the business so that business can continue doing business 24
hours a day.
The ability of the consumer to have a good knowledge of the mobile phone.
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2.3 Under which conditions the project will be executed
In this website only the registered users are allowed to buy commodities.
User must register in the web site entering his e-mail and password as to get a verified
User can search any computer parts by typing name and brand of product.
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3. Functional Description
Here we identify the functional requirements of our online bridal frock and accessories
ordering website. So this is illustrated through the following diagrams. So this section
outlines the use cases for each of the active user separately.
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01. Use case: Search Items
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02. Use case: create an account.
Actor/s Customer
Post condition User can be logged as new user then user can get
computer parts
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03. Use case: Order Product
Actor/s Customer
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04. Use case: Manage Product
Actor/s Admin
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05. Use case: Makes payments
Use case number
Use case name Making payment with credit card
Actor/s User
Post condition Customer can be Making payment then customer can get
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06. Use case: Change admin details
Use case number
Use case name Making payment with credit card
Actor/s Admin
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4. Non-Functional Description
User should be registered in the web site entering his e-mail and password as to
get a verified membership.
Secure access to consumer’s confidential data.
Passwords should never be viewable at the point of entry or at any other time.
Never should be displayed wrong information of the computers on the web site.
This web site should be displayed only computers or parts for sale.
This web Site should be displayed in any display size.
Maintainability Requirement
The admin should be able to insert products and remove products at any time
from the database.
The admin should be able to changed details of the computer parts at any time of
the day.
Usability Requirement
All of the users not have computer based knowledge so that this web site should
be displayed always user friendly environment to user.
All the user should be able to login or create a new account through this website.
Always should be displayed correct details about the products.
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