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Seven DCTMJobs

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Seven Jobs Every Documentum Developer

Should Know and Use

M. Scott Roth / Flatirons Solutions Corp.

June 28, 2007

Development environments often become corrupted and unusable due to the abuse they endure
as temporary and experimental spaces. Documentum provides housekeeping jobs with the
Content Server1 that—if properly used—can prevent development environments from becoming
dysfunctional. There are seven jobs that every developer should know and run regularly in their
development environment. These jobs ensure your development Docbases stay clean, lean and
referentially intact. They can also provide invaluable insight to the content in the Docbase. This
paper discusses these seven jobs, makes recommendations regarding their schedule and use, and
discusses the value of their capabilities.

The information in this paper is based upon Documentum 5.3 SP3.

© 2007, M. Scott Roth / Flatirons Solutions Corp. 1

If you’re like me, you’re pretty rough on your development environment. Regardless of whether
your development environment is physical or virtual, it takes a beating during development. It is
often subjected to mass imports and deletes, abandoned workflows, types and DocApps that are
altered and re-altered, failed logic and logic unsuccessfully reversed. All these activities build up
over time to produce a messy, inconsistent, fragmented, slow and sometimes dysfunctional
Docbase. Fortunately, there are some pretty simple things you can do to make sure your
development environment stays healthy. The simplest is to run the housekeeping jobs
Documentum provides. Most developers probably consider jobs to fall in the Documentum
administrator realm, but in a development environment, that responsibility could very well be
yours. And even it isn’t, it can’t hurt to know a little something about housekeeping.

This paper introduces seven jobs that every developer should know about, and provides
recommendations on how often they should be run. The seven jobs are:

Job Description
1. DMClean The DMClean job removes deleted and orphaned objects from the
2. DMFilescan The DMFileScan job removes deleted and orphaned content files from
the file system.
3. LogPurge The Log Purge job removes server and session logs from the Docbase
and file system.
4. ConsistencyChecker The Consistency Checker job runs 77 referential integrity checks on
the Docbase.
5 UpdateStats The Update Stats job updates database table statistics and repairs
fragmented tables
6. QueueMgt The QueueMgt job deletes dequeued Inbox items from the Docbase.
7. StateOfDocbase The State of the Docbase job produces a report of the repository
environment and statistics about object types.

There are two reasons why you should not only know about these jobs, but also how to configure
and run them:

1. Some of these jobs are not configured to automatically run in the out-of-the-box
configuration. Out of the box, Documentum has not enabled any jobs that delete objects
or require user customized parameters.

2. The jobs that are configured to automatically run may execute at a time when your
development environment is not online (especially if you develop in a virtual

The remainder of this paper will discuss these seven important jobs, what they do, how to run
them, and why they are important to you.

© 2007, M. Scott Roth / Flatirons Solutions Corp. 2

All About Jobs
Jobs are programs, or scripts, that run automatically on the Content Server without any user
intervention or initiation. These programs are usually diagnostic or housekeeping in nature.
Jobs do everything from reporting on free disk space, to synchronizing users and groups with an
LDAP server, and from removing orphaned files, to replicating content. In general, a job is
scheduled by prescribing the desired day, time and frequency (daily, weekly, monthly, etc.) you
would like it to run using the Documentum Administrator (DA) client. A special part of the
Content Server, the agent_exec process, continually checks the Docbase for jobs that are
ready to run (i.e., they are active and their scheduled execution time has arrived).

Jobs on the Content Server are implemented as two objects: the job (dm_job) and the job
method (dm_method). The job object holds the scheduling information and job method
arguments. The method object holds reference to the actual code that implements the
functionality of the job.

When the agent_exec process launches a job, it passes four standard arguments to the job’s

Standard Argument Description

docbase_name Name of the Docbase
user_name Name of the user executing the job (usually the Docbase owner)
job_id ID of the job object
method_trace_level Trace level (default is 0, no trace)

In addition, the method can access additional arguments defined in the job object’s
method_arguments attribute. When the method runs, it uses the job_id to retrieve these
arguments from the job object. Two common arguments passed using this technique are:

Method Argument Description

queueperson The user name who should receive email and notifications from the
job. If the argument is blank, the job uses the user name defined in
the operator_name attribute of the server config object (usually
the Docbase owner).

© 2007, M. Scott Roth / Flatirons Solutions Corp. 3

Method Argument Description
window_interval Defines (in minutes) a window on either side of a job’s scheduled
execution time in which it can run. If the Content Server is down
during the scheduled execution time of a job, the agent_exec
will try to run the job when the Content Server restarts. If the
current time is within the window defined by window_interval,
the job will run. If it is not, it will be rescheduled to run at the
scheduled time on the following day/week/month.

This variable can be frustrating and confusing because if you

manually try to run a job outside of its window_interval, the
server will not let it run. Because we are discussing a development
environment, and running these jobs is more important than
performance, I recommend setting this value to 1440 (24 hours).
This value guarantees the job will run.

There are three easy ways to manually run jobs:

1. Documentum Administrator (DA)

• Click Job Management | Jobs.
• Select a job to run by clicking its selection check box.
• Choose Tools | Run from the menu.

2. API Editor
• apply,c,NULL,DO_METHOD,METHOD,S,<job name>, ARGUMENTS,S,'<list of

3. DQL Editor
• EXECUTE do_method WITH method = '<method name>', arguments =
'<list of arguments>'

Tools and Tips

Finally, here are a few DQL statements and other things you can use to status and manipulate

• To change the trace level of a job, use DQL:

o update dm_job object set method_trace_level = <trace level> where

object_name = '<job name>'

• To determine which jobs are currently running, use this DQL:

o select object_name, r_object_id, a_last_invocation from dm_job

where a_special_app = 'agentexec'

© 2007, M. Scott Roth / Flatirons Solutions Corp. 4

• To stop a currently executing job, terminate its process in the Windows Task Manager2.
o First, determine the job’s process id (PID) with DQL:

ƒ select object_name, r_object_id, a_last_invocation,

a_last_completion, a_last_process_id, a_current_status from
dm_job where a_special_app = 'agentexec' order by

o Then, terminate the job’s PID in the Window’s Task Manager.

o After you terminate the job, you will need to manually reset the status attribute of
the dm_job object. Use DQL like this:

ƒ update dm_job object set a_special_app = '', set

a_current_status = 'ABORTED', set a_last_completion =
DATE(TODAY) where object_name = '<job name>'

• If you find that the DMClean and DMFilescan jobs are running very slowly, one remedy
to try is deleting outdated registry keys (This can also speed up UCF downloads if you
are experiencing delays with data transfers). The keys to delete are:

o HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Documentum\Common\LocalFiles
o HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Documentum\Common\ViewFiles
o HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Documentum\Common\WorkingFiles

Documentum will automatically recreate these keys when it needs them.

The Seven Jobs

The following sections introduce the seven jobs of interest. Of the seven, four (DMClean,
DMFilescan, Log Purge and QueueMgmt) delete obsolete objects from the Docbase and clean
up. One runs a battery of integrity checks to ensure your Docbase is referentially healthy
(Consistency Checker). Another (Update Stats) updates the statistics associated with each
database table and repairs fragmented tables. The last job, State of the Docbase, produces a
snapshot report that highlights the configuration and content of the Docbase.

1. DMClean
The first job, DMClean (dm_DMClean), is the workhorse of the housekeeping jobs. It looks for
and deletes orphaned content objects (dm_sysobject), ACLs (dm_acl), annotations
(dm_note) and SendToDistributionList workflow templates. Orphaned objects are objects not
referenced by or do not hold reference to any other objects in the Docbase and are just cluttering
things up.

I suppose you can use the same methodology with the ps and kill commands on a UNIX system, though I have
not tested it.

© 2007, M. Scott Roth / Flatirons Solutions Corp. 5

By default, the DMClean job is Inactive and therefore never runs. In a development
environment that is subject to a high degree of volatility, it is critical to run this job to keep the
Docbase clean and uncluttered. Therefore, I recommend enabling this job and running it on a
weekly basis. In addition to cleaning up the Docbase, running this job will preserve disk space,
which can be at a premium in a development or virtualized environment.

When the DMClean job runs, it generates an API script in %DOCUMENTUM%/dba/log/

<docbase ID>/sysadmin named <job object ID>.bat and then executes the script
to delete the objects. The deletion of content objects from the Docbase also removes their
associated content files on the files system. The job can be configured to generate the script but
not run it if you prefer.

Job Name: dm_DMClean

Recommended Schedule: Weekly
Method Name: dm_DMClean
Method Body: %DM_HOME%/install/admin/mthd1.ebs
Method Entry Point DMClean
DA Method Arguments:

Argument Recommended Remarks

queueperson The person to receive notification when the
job runs
clean_content TRUE Include content objects.
clean_note TRUE Include note objects
clean_acl TRUE Include ACLs.
clean_wf_template TRUE Include SendToDistributionList workflow
clean_now TRUE TRUE executes the generated API script,
FALSE does not.
clean_castore FALSE Clean orphaned objects from Content
Addressed (CA) storage.
window_interval 1440 The window on either side of the scheduled
time that the job can run.
clean_aborted_wf TRUE Include aborted workflow templates.

DMClean’s method (dm_DMClean) code is located in %DM_HOME%/install/
admin/mthd1.ebs. Yes, this is a Docbasic file. This code will probably be ported to a Java
class in the near future, but until then, browse through it. You will discover that DMClean and
DMFilescan actually call the same method code. Upon further inspection, you will discover that
each of these methods call a built-in utility via the APPLY API command. The utility called by
DMClean is %DM_HOME%/bin/dmclean.exe.

You can manually execute the DMClean job using the API or DQL like this:

© 2007, M. Scott Roth / Flatirons Solutions Corp. 6

API '-clean_aborted_wf -clean_now'

EXECUTE do_method WITH method = 'dmclean', arguments =

DQL '-clean_aborted_wf -clean_now'

Note that jobs are still constrained by the window_interval argument set on the dm_job
object when run manually.

In addition to the API script, the DMClean job generates a report of its activity and saves it to
/System/Sysadmin/Reports/DMClean in the Docbase. The report is not versioned.

2. DMFilescan
The DMFilescan job (dm_DMFilescan) scans the file stores looking for content files that have
no associated objects in the Docbase (i.e., the files have been orphaned). It sort of takes the
opposite approach from DMClean to achieve a similar result. Like DMClean, when the
DMFilescan job runs, it generates a script in %DOCUMENTUM%/dba/log/<docbase
ID>/sysadmin named <job object ID> and executes the script to delete the files. The
job can be configured to generate the script but not run it if you prefer.

By default, the DMFilescan job is Inactive and therefore never runs. In a development
environment that is subject to a high degree of volatility, it is important to run this job to keep the
file system clean and reclaim space. If the DMClean job runs regularly, this job does not need to
run very often, since DMClean should keep orphaned files under control. That being so, this is a
development environment subject to frequent abuse and uncertainty; I therefore recommend
enabling this job and running it once a month.

Job Name: dm_DMFilescan

Recommended Schedule: Monthly
Method Name: dm_DMFilescan
Method Body: %DM_HOME%/install/admin/mthd1.ebs
Method Entry Point Filescan
DA Method Arguments:

Argument Recommended Purpose

queueperson The person to receive notification when the
job runs
s Storage area to scan (no value indicates scan
from Subdirectory from which to start scan.
to Subdirectory in which to end scan.
scan_now TRUE TRUE executes the generated script, FALSE
does not.

© 2007, M. Scott Roth / Flatirons Solutions Corp. 7

Argument Recommended Purpose
force_delete TRUE Delete orphaned files younger than 24 hours
window_interval 1440 The window on either side of the scheduled
time that the job can run.

DMFilescan’s method (dm_DMFilescan) code is located in %DM_HOME%/install/
admin/mthd1.ebs. This is the same file that contains the DMClean method code. In fact,
you will discover that DMClean and DMFilescan call the same method code. Upon further
inspection, you will discover that each of these methods call a built-in utility via the APPLY API
command. The utility called by DMFilescan is %DM_HOME%/ bin/dmfilescan.exe.

You can manually execute the DMFilescan job using the API or DQL like this:

API '-scan_now -force_delete'

EXECUTE do_method WITH method = 'dmfilescan', arguments =

DQL '-scan_now -force_delete'

Note that jobs are still constrained by the window_interval argument set on the dm_job
object when run manually.

In addition to the API script, the DMFilescan job generates a report of its activity and saves it to
/System/Sysadmin/Reports/DMFilescan in the Docbase. The report is versioned.

3. Log Purge
The Log Purge job (dm_LogPurge) deletes system generated log files on the file system and in
the Docbase that are older than a user specified age. Specifically, the following eight types of
log files are deleted:

Log File Remark

Server log files Log files maintained by the Content Server on the file system
Connection broker log files Log files maintained by the Connection Broker on the file
system (%DOCUMENTUM%/dba/log).
Agent Exec log files Logs the activity of the process responsible for executing jobs
on the Content Server (%DOCUMENTUM%/dba/log/
<Docbase ID>/agentexec).
Session log files Log files that record the start and end of every session
(%DOCUMENTUM%/dba/log/<Docbase ID>/<user

© 2007, M. Scott Roth / Flatirons Solutions Corp. 8

Log File Remark
Result log files Log files generated by methods when their SAVE_RESULT
parameter is set to TRUE. These files are saved in the Docbase
at /Temp/Result.<method name>.
Job log files Log files generated by jobs. They are saved in the Docbase at
/Temp/Jobs/<job name>.
Job reports Reports generated by jobs run by the Content Server. These
reports are saved in the Docbase at /System/Sysadmin/
Lifecycle log files Log files generated by lifecycle operations (e.g., promote,
demote). These files are stored on the file system at
%DOCUMENTUM%/dba/log/<Docbase ID>/bp and
named bp_*.log, depending upon the operation.

By default, the Log Purge job is Inactive and therefore never runs. In a development
environment, log files can quickly chew up disk space, especially if you run heavily
instrumented code or traces for debugging. I recommend you run this job at least monthly to
recover disk space.

Job Name: dm_LogPurge

Recommended Schedule: Monthly
Method Name: dm_LogPurge
Method Body: %DM_HOME%/install/admin/mthd2.ebs
Method Entry Point LogPurge
DA Method Arguments:

Argument Recommended Purpose

queueperson The person to receive notification when the
job runs
cutoff_days 30 Log age (delete logs older than this value).
window_interval 1440 The window on either side of the scheduled
time that the job can run.

Log Purge’s method (dm_LogPurge) code is located in %DM_HOME%/install/
admin/mthd2.ebs. This method is also written in Docbasic. Unlike the previous two
methods, this method does not create an API file to do its deleting; it does all the work itself in
real time. This method is largely undocumented and not terribly interesting, but it is worth
browsing to get a feel for how limiting Docbasic can be.

You can manually execute the Log Purge job using the API or DQL like this:

API '-cutoff_days 30'

EXECUTE do_method WITH method = 'dm_LogPurge', arguments =

DQL '-cutoff_days 30'

© 2007, M. Scott Roth / Flatirons Solutions Corp. 9

Note that jobs are still constrained by the window_interval argument set on the dm_job
object when run manually.

The Log Purge job generates a report of its activity and saves it to /System/Sysadmin/
Reports/LogPurge in the Docbase. The report is versioned.

4. Consistency Checker
The Consistency Checker job (dm_ConsistencyChecker) runs a battery of 77 separate
checks on the repository looking for inconsistencies, corruptions and data integrity problems.
The job does not fix the problems it finds, but does report the problems using a unique number
for each type of error it discovers. The job’s report indicates the error number, provides a brief
description of each problem, and indicates its severity (Error or Warning).

The specific areas checked and the number of tests run are:

Consistency Checks Number of Tests

Users and Groups 9
ACLs 14
SysObject 8
Folder and Cabinet 9
Document 3
Content Object 3
Workflow 7
Object Type 4
Data Dictionary 7
Lifecycle 6
Full Text Index 2
Object Type Index 4
Method Object Consistency 1

The Consistency Checker job is configured, out-of-the-box, to run automatically every night at
9:40pm. This is a good thing, provided your Content Server is up and running every night at
9:40pm. If your development environment is virtualized on your local workstation or laptop, and
your turn your computer off at night, the Consistency Checker may never get a chance to run.
Therefore, adjust the execution time accordingly.

Job Name: dm_ConsistencyChecker

Recommended Schedule: Daily
Method Name: dm_ConsistencyChecker
Method Body: %DM_HOME%/install/admin/
Method Entry Point ConsistencyChecker
DA Method Arguments: None

© 2007, M. Scott Roth / Flatirons Solutions Corp. 10

The Consistency Checker’s method (dm_ConsistencyChecker) code is located in
%DM_HOME%/install/admin/consistency_checker.ebs. Yes, this is a Docbasic
file also. I suspect this code will be ported to a Java class in the near future, but until then,
browse through it. The file contains detailed instructions for adding your own tests to the battery
of tests, as well as instructions for running the script manually. I also suggest browsing through
the code; it holds a good collection of interesting and useful DQL statements.

You can manually execute the Consistency Checker job using the API or DQL like this:

API apply,c,NULL,DO_METHOD,METHOD,S,dm_ConsistencyChecker

DQL EXECUTE do_method WITH method = 'dm_ConsistencyChecker'

Note that jobs are still constrained by the window_interval argument set on the dm_job
object when run manually.

The Consistency Checker method can also be run manually and independent of the job. The
syntax is:

dmbasic -f%DM_HOME%/install/admin/ consistency_checker.ebs

Cmd -e Entry_Point -- <repository name> <superuser ID>
<superuser password>

The output is written to standard out (stdout) when the method is run from the command line.

The Consistency Checker job outputs a report to /System/Sysadmin/Reports/
ConsistencyChecker in the Docbase. If the job runs successfully, meaning there are no
Errors (sever inconsistencies), the report is overwritten. If the job finds Errors (sever
inconsistencies) the report is versioned.

5. Update Statistics
The Update Statistics job (dm_UpdateStats) scans all the database tables used by the
repository and updates the statistics for each table. It will also reorganize tables to optimize
performance if it determines that they are fragmented. If you are running Documentum on
Oracle or Sybase, the Update Statistics job uses an external file to tweak the query optimizer.
The file is %DOCUMENTUM%/dba/config/<docbase name>/custom_<database
name>_stat.sql. You can add additional commands to this file if you know what you are
doing, if you don’t know what you are doing, you can negatively affect query performance.

© 2007, M. Scott Roth / Flatirons Solutions Corp. 11

The Update Statistics job is configured, out-of-the-box, to run automatically once a week at
8:30pm. This is a good thing, provided your Content Server is up and running when the job is
scheduled to run. If your development environment is virtualized on your local workstation or
laptop, and your turn your computer off at night, the Update Statistics may never get a chance to
run. Note that this job is CPU and disk-intensive; adjust the execution time accordingly.

Though the job is configured to run out-of-the-box, it is configured in READ mode, meaning the
job generates a report, but the statistics are not actually updated and the tables are not
reorganized. To take full benefit of this job, it should be run in FIX mode.

Job Name: dm_UpdateStats

Recommended Schedule: Weekly
Method Name: dm_UpdateStats
Method Body: %DM_HOME%/install/admin/mthd4.ebs
Method Entry Point UpdateStats
DA Method Arguments:

Argument Recommended Purpose

queueperson The person to receive notification when the
job runs
server_name The name of the database server. The
documentation says this is a required
parameter for SQL Server and Sybase
installations. However, reviewing the code
does not obviously reveal where this
parameter is ever used.
dbreindex FIX Setting this parameter to FIX will cause the
job method to update statistics and
reorganize fragmented tables. Setting it to
READ will only produce a report.
window_interval 1440 The window on either side of the scheduled
time that the job can run.

The Update Statistics’ method (dm_UpdateStatistics) code is located in %DM_HOME%/
install/admin/mthd4.ebs. This method is a really interesting method that contains
some pretty cool SQL statements. It is sufficiently documented, so I encourage you to browse
through it to understand how the statistics are updated.

You can manually execute the Update Statistics job using the API or DQL like this:

API S, '-dbreindex FIX'

EXECUTE do_method WITH method = 'dm_UpdateStats',

DQL arguments = '-dbreindex FIX'

© 2007, M. Scott Roth / Flatirons Solutions Corp. 12

Note that jobs are still constrained by the window_interval argument set on the dm_job
object when run manually.

The Update Statistics job generates a report of its activity and saves it to
/System/Sysadmin/Reports/UpdateStats in the Docbase. The report is versioned.

6. Queue Management
The Queue Management job (dm_QueueMgt) deletes dequeued Inbox items
(dmi_queue_item). Tasks in a user’s Inbox are marked for deletion and dequeued whenever
they are forwarded, completed or deleted from the Inbox. However, the underlying objects in the
Docbase are not really deleted. In a development environment--that may include the testing of
workflows and other activities that generate Inbox items--the build up of undeleted objects can
impact performance.

The Queue Management job deletes queue items based upon age of the objects and a custom
DQL predicate passed to it. The job automatically creates a base predicate of delete_flag
= TRUE AND dequeued_date = value(<cutoff_days>). Any custom predicate
provide is ANDed to the base predicate.

By default, the Queue Management job is Inactive and therefore never runs. I recommend
you run this job at least weekly (perhaps daily depending upon your application and use of queue
objects). Running this job will help keep your Inbox performing well.

Job Name: dm_QueueMgt

Recommended Schedule: Weekly
Method Name: dm_QueueMgt
Method Body: %DM_HOME%/install/admin/mthd2.ebs
Method Entry Point QueueMgt
DA Method Arguments:

Argument Recommended Purpose

queueperson The person to receive notification when the
job runs
cutoff_days 30 Queue item age—delete objects older than
this value.
custom_predicate Additional qualifiers ANDed to the base
window_interval 1440 The window on either side of the scheduled
time that the job can run.

© 2007, M. Scott Roth / Flatirons Solutions Corp. 13

QueueMgt’s method (dm_QueueMgt) code is located in %DM_HOME%/install/
admin/mthd2.ebs. This method is also written in Docbasic and largely undocumented.
This method is straightforward in its construction and execution and therefore not particularly
interesting as far as examining the code for tips and tricks.

You can manually execute the LogPurge job using the API or DQL like this:

API '-cutoff_days 30'

EXECUTE do_method WITH method = 'dm_QueueMgt', arguments =

DQL '-cutoff_days 30'

Note that jobs are still constrained by the window_interval argument set on the dm_job
object when run manually.

The Queue Management job outputs a report to /System/Sysadmin/Reports/
QueueMgt in the Docbase. The report is versioned.

7. State of the Docbase

The final job, State of the Docbase (dm_StateOfDocbase), generates a report covering ten
essential areas of a Docbase’s configuration and state. This report comes in very handy when
troubleshooting problems, preparing for migrations or if you just want to review the status of the
Docbase. The ten areas covered by this report are:

1. Docbase configuration (from the docbase config object)

2. Server configuration (from the server.ini file)
3. OS, RDBMS, and environment info
4. Registered tables
5. Types
6. Formats
7. Storage info
8. Rendition info
9. Users and groups
10. ACLs

The State of the Docbase job is configured, out-of-the-box, to run automatically every night at
8:45pm. This is a good thing, provided your Documentum Content Server is up and running
every night at 8:45pm. If your development environment is virtualized on your local workstation
or laptop, and your turn your computer off at night, the State of the Docbase may never get a
chance to run. Adjust the execution time accordingly.

© 2007, M. Scott Roth / Flatirons Solutions Corp. 14

Job Name: dm_StateOfDocbase
Recommended Schedule: Nightly
Method Name: dm_StateOfDocbase
Method Body: %DM_HOME%/install/admin/mthd4.ebs
Method Entry Point StateOfDocbase
DA Method Arguments:

Argument Recommended Purpose

window_interval 1440 The window on either side of the scheduled
time that the job can run.

The State of the Docbase’s method (dm_StateOfDocbase) code is located in
%DM_HOME%\install\admin\mthd4.ebs. This is a Docbasic file that contains a
collection of methods used by the Content Server. Though most of this code is undocumented,
browsing through it can be enlightening.

You can manually execute the LogPurge job using the API or DQL like this:

API apply,c,NULL,DO_METHOD,METHOD,S,dm_StateOfDocbase

DQL EXECUTE do_method WITH method = 'dm_StateOfDocbase'

Note that jobs are still constrained by the window_interval argument set on the dm_job
object when run manually.

The State of the Docbase job outputs a report to /System/Sysadmin/Reports/
StateOfDocbase in the Docbase. The report is always versioned.

To recap, there are seven important jobs that you, as a developer, should have configured and
running in your development environment. These jobs work to keep your Docbase lean and
clean, and can alert you to any developing problems before they get out of control.

Four of these jobs (DMClean, DMFilescan, LogPurge and QueueMgt) delete obsolete objects
from the Docbase and clean up. The Consistency Checker runs a battery of integrity checks to
ensure your Docbase is referentially healthy. The last job, State of the Docbase, produces a
snapshot report that highlights the configuration and content of the Docbase.

© 2007, M. Scott Roth / Flatirons Solutions Corp. 15

I bring these jobs to your attention for two reasons:
• First, I’ve been there. I have trashed my development environment in the middle of an
iteration and had to rebuild it. This activity can set you back a day or two and frustrate
you to no end. Often these situations can be avoided by keeping your environment
healthy by running the housekeeping and maintenance jobs discussed here.
• Second, four of these jobs are not configured to run in the out-of-the-box configuration,
so to benefit from their capabilities you must enable them. Additionally, enabling them is
not enough. You need to configure their parameters, and most importantly, schedule
them to run when your development environment is up and running.

For more information about these and other jobs, I encourage you to read the Content Server
Administrator’s Guide and visit the Documentum Developer Forums on the EMC Developer
Network (EDN).

About the Author

M. Scott Roth is the technical lead for the Washington, DC office of Flatirons Solutions Corp.
He is also the author of the book, A Beginners Guide to Developing Documentum Desktop
Applications, and the open source Documentum command line client, DOCS.

Thanks to all the FSC engineers who knowingly and unknowingly have contributed to this


© 2007, M. Scott Roth / Flatirons Solutions Corp. 16

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